The Miracle of Love - Catherine Ponder

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The Miracle of Love – Catherine Ponder

The Miracle of Love

Catherine Ponder

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The Miracle of Love – Catherine Ponder


This article, The Miracle of Love, is the first chapter from the book The
Prospering Power of Love.

See the contents of the entire book below.

Introduction – the Multi-faceted power of love, a special message

from the author

PART I - The Resurrecting Power of Love

The Miracle of Love

Love Your Way to Success
Love Activates a Healing Power
The Resurrecting Power of Love

PART II – Special Methods of Love

Special Methods of Love Stage I

Special Methods of Love Stage II
How Love Prospers

PART III – Special Lessons in Love

My First Mother – The “Martha”

My Second Mother – The “Mary”
My Third Mother – The “Critical Motivator”

Conclusion – Lessons in Love

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The Miracle of Love – Catherine Ponder

The Miracle of Love

Several years ago a businessman pointed out to me the success power of love.
At the time, I was writing a series of prosperity articles for Good Business.
Hearing of my project, this stockbroker asked, "What do you have in your
series about love?" Startled, I replied: "About love? This series is on
prosperity." "I know," he said. "But it won't be complete without an article on
the prosperity law of love and good will. Love is the greatest success power
there is."
Then he told me how he had developed his own private success formula for
"straightening out" troublesome people. He stated that when he became quiet
and blessed them with an affirmation on love, it was as though an electric
force was generated, to which they became attuned. Usually they responded
quickly with harmonious attitudes and behavior. If not, further affirmations on
love invariably produced harmonious results.
In recent times, we have heard much about the success power of love. Dr.
Smiley Blanton has stated in his book "Love or Perish" that the greatest human
need is the need for love, and that none of us can survive without it. Man must
have love in his life in some form or he will perish. Love is the greatest power
on earth, he states.
There is nothing new about these ideas on the power of love. It was the Master
Psychologist of the ages who informed the lawyer that love was the greatest of
all the commandments. Paul, one of the world's great intellectuals and a
builder of early Christianity, also ascribed all power to love.
We are familiar with Henry Drummond's famous essay on love, in which he
writes about Paul's epistle to the Corinthians. In his essay, Drummond
describes love as "the supreme gift," "the supreme good." He says, "The final
test of religion . . . is not religiousness, but love. . . . You will find as you look
back upon your life that the moments that stand out, the moments when you
have really lived, are the moments when you have done things in a spirit of
Drummond then describes the various aspects of love in Paul's epistle as
patience, kindness, generosity, humility, courtesy, unselfishness, good temper,
guilelessness, and sincerity. He tells of how a man read Paul's writings on love
once a week for three months, and how this changed his whole life.
You and I might think of love in the terms Paul uses to describe it. We can
express these qualities both as personal love and as impersonal love. Personal
love could be expressed as kindness, tenderness, courtesy, affection, approval,
consideration, appreciation, devotion to those in our family groups. Impersonal
love is basically the ability to get along with people, without personal
attachment or emotional involvement. "I love all people and all people love
me, without attachment" is a fine statement to use often in developing a
consciousness of impersonal love and good will toward our business associates
and those in our workaday world.

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The Miracle of Love – Catherine Ponder

I know of a group of persons who once experimented with the power of love in
a prayer group and found it to be the greatest thing in the world to solve both
personal and business problems. Once a week these persons met for an hour
and affirmed statements of divine love. They brought to these meetings their
private prayer lists of people and situations they wished to bless with the
success power of love. No one else saw their prayer lists, nor did they talk
about the people and problems their prayer lists represented.
Instead, they quietly placed their hands on their individual prayer lists while
they affirmed together various statements on divine love. "Divine love is doing
its perfect work in me and through me now" they affirmed for themselves, for
their own health, wealth, and happiness;"Divine love is doing its perfect work
in you and through you now" they affirmed for those on their prayer lists.
For a number of weeks they met and affirmed statements of love over and
over. In a quiet way, amazing things began to happen to the various members
of that group and to the people for whom they prayed. One business woman
was out of harmony with a number of her friends. As she began dwelling on
affirmations of love, her friends began appearing unexpectedly at the prayer
group meetings, and reconciliation quickly took place.
Another business woman had been troubled for some time because of a
misunderstanding that had arisen months previously between her and some
friends. She had made every effort to apologize and bring about harmony and
understanding again, but she had been coldly rebuffed in spite of her letters,
telephone calls, and personal contacts.
One night during the regular prayer time as the group was affirming divine
love for the names on the prayer lists, this woman and one other woman in the
group both heard a popping noise in the air. The other woman discounted it,
thinking it to be only her imagination. But after the meeting had concluded,
the business woman came to her and confidentially said: "Did you hear that
popping sound in the air? That wasn't your imagination; it really happened!
That was the hard thoughts that have existed between me and my friends. I'm
convinced that tonight, through our spoken words, divine love dissolved the
hard thoughts and the inharmony that has existed between us. That was the
dissolving power of love that you heard healing that situation!''
From that night on she had a completely different feeling about the situation.
She felt peaceful and harmonious. She quietly gave thanks that divine
understanding had been established and that divine love had healed the
previous misunderstanding and hostility.
Some weeks later, though no outer changes had come, she felt led to contact
her friends again. This time, instead of rebuffing her, they reacted as though
nothing had ever been wrong between them. The previous cordiality,
understanding, and friendship were re-established and continue even now.
Perhaps you do not have access to such a prayer group. But you can still
experience the success power of love. You have all the love you need for

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The Miracle of Love – Catherine Ponder

healing, prosperity, and happy human relationships right within yourself. Divine
love is one of your mental and spiritual faculties. You do not have to search
outside yourself for love. You can begin releasing it from within outward,
through your thoughts, words, actions, and affirmative prayers. As you do, you
will experience the success power of love in all its fullness as it works through
people, situations, and conditions that concern you.
A world-renowned sociologist, Sorokin, has conducted research studies at
Harvard University on the power of love. Under his direction, a staff of
scientists studied the subject of love. Their findings were that love, like other
good things, can be produced deliberately by human beings. They stated that
there is no reason why we cannot learn to generate love as we do other
natural forces.
Thus there is no reason for you to feel disillusioned or disappointed if love has
seemingly let you down or passed you by. Those who bitterly declare that their
lives are without love are mistakenly looking to someone or something outside
themselves for love. Begin realizing now that love is first within you and can be
released through your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. As you begin
developing love from within outward, you are truly proving your method to be
spiritual, scientific, and satisfying. You no longer feel at the mercy of people,
situations, and conditions. You become master of your world and free from
hurt, fear, disappointment, and disillusionment.
As the stockbroker said, it is like developing an electric force. Love will begin to
radiate outwardly into every part of your world, to attract to you the right
people, situations, and conditions that will add to your success and happiness.
You will soon realize that instead of your being at the mercy of the world, the
world responds to your own thoughts and feelings; and that when your
thoughts and feelings generate love, the world about you will happily respond
in a most wonderful way! This is the success power of love.
Many people are discovering this Power in all departments of life. In the realm
of human relationships it is all-powerful. A housewife told of having quarreled
with her husband, after which he stormed out of the house. Having learned
that she could generate love from within outward, she decided to try it in this
marital crisis. Quietly she began to say over and over: "I call on divine love to
heal our marriage now. I call on divine love to straighten out and adjust this
In a little while a sense of peace overwhelmed her, and she busily began
preparing dinner for her husband in the faith that he would return to enjoy it.
(After previous guarrels, it had not always been so.) Soon she heard the door
open, and her husband entered, in a happy frame of mind, carrying a box of
candy for her. Their quarrels became fewer and less severe, and in due time
their marriage was entirely healed of inharmony.
A businesswoman related a similar experience concerning the power of love in
her marriage, which had been unhappy for some time. There had been many

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The Miracle of Love – Catherine Ponder

quarrels -- much bickering, tension, inharmony. One night when there had
been a prolonged and bitter quarrel, the woman thought: "We cannot go on.
This inharmony is affecting our health, our business success, and our
marriage. There must be a way out."
She began looking for something to read that might give her a sense of peace
and hope, and she found these words: "Love melts situations that seem
impossible." Over and over she said: "Yes, it is true. Love melts situations that
seem impossible."
Formerly, reconciliation had come slowly and painstakingly after each quarrel.
But as she continued dwelling on this statement of love, the inharmony and
misunderstanding faded almost at once. That proved to be this couple's last
bitter quarrel. Since that time whenever inharmony has seemed near, she has
quickly affirmed, "Love melts situations that seem impossible"; always this has
cleared the air and harmony has been re-established.
Do you doubt that your thoughts and words of divine love can have equal
power in your own life and affairs? Several years ago, I had a simple family
experience that convinced me that our thoughts of love do reach others more
quickly and completely than we sometimes realise. One warm spring day I was
in my study, trying to finish an article on love, when my teenage son came in.
He had been playing golf all day, and was hungry and anxious to get home.
When I explained that I was trying to complete an article and would finish in a
few minutes, he quietly left my study. Soon I thought I heard the study door
open again, but since things at once became quiet again, I did not turn from
my work to investigate. Some minutes later, when I had completed my work, I
realized that my son had quietly returned and placed two red roses on my desk
from the nearby rose garden. Without a word he had then left, to wait
patiently for me. He had not known I was working on an article on love. Never
before had he brought me flowers, but at that moment he seemed attuned to
the very ideas I was dwelling on in the article, and he lovingly responded.
On still another occasion, he demonstrated to me the success power of love.
One morning he left for school in an unhappy mood. All day I remembered it
and felt badly that he had begun the day in such a state of mind. I felt that
there was something I should have done or said to turn the tide of his thinking
in the morning. All day as I remembered this incident I kept affirming, "Divine
love is doing its perfect work in this situation now."
That afternoon when he arrived home from school, he came into the house,
put aside his books, and greeted me with the words, "Hi, beautiful!" I cannot
remember when he had greeted me in such a manner before, but truly, love
had done its perfect work that day.
When you are inclined to wonder how thoughts and words of love can do much
good in resolving various problems, remind yourself that loving words and
loving thoughts seem supercharged with power to produce good. Indeed, it is
the mission of love, both personally and impersonally, to produce eternal good

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The Miracle of Love – Catherine Ponder

in your life. Your part is not to wonder how love works, but just to dare to
begin releasing it, from within yourself. When you do, you will always witness
interesting and satisfying results.
Several years ago a doctor showed me a medical book on psychosomatic
illness. In this book a group of doctors had compiled their analyses of various
illnesses, and of the mental and emotional attitudes they felt caused these
illnesses. I was amazed to see that in every analysis the need for love was
For instance, in the case of stomach disorders of all types, one of the
psychosomatic reasons given for such illness was "love needed." In the case of
heart disorders, one of the reasons listed was "love needed." In the case of
skin disorders, one of the reasons listed was "need for approval," which is a
form of love. (A bookkeeper stated that while experiencing a skin disorder she
began a daily practice of placing her hands on her face and affirming, "Divine
love is healing you now," and the skin disorder soon faded.)
In the case of female disorders, one of the reasons listed was "need for love."
In the case of chronic fatigue, one of the psychosomatic reasons listed was
"depression, insecurity, and need for love."
In the case of the common headache and migraine, one of the reasons listed
was "insecurity and need for love." In the case of excessive weight and
overeating, one of the reasons listed was "a feeling of dissatisfaction with life
and a need for love." In the case of alcoholism and other excesses, one of the
reasons listed was "feelings of inferiority and need for love."
The wonderful thing to remember is that when there is a need for love, we can
begin supplying it from within ourselves. A businessman told me that he was
healed of a painful condition of long standing after he began releasing love
from within himself, by speaking words of love to his body. He had tried
various treatments to no avail, and then he heard of the healing power of love.
He began placing his hand on the painful area of his body, saying over and
over, "I love you." The pain subsided, and gradually faded away.
Cancer has been described as an "anxiety disease." The emotional histories of
a large percentage of those who have cancer show that in some period of their
lives they felt anxious, insecure, or unloved, and that they subconsciously
retained that feeling, which had often turned to bitterness, a critical state of
mind, and may have even generated hostility and hate.
One authority has stated that sixty-two percent of his cancer patients told
stories of loss, intense grief, depression, and despair that led up to their
physical condition. As long ago as 1925, an analyst declared that after
studying hundreds of cancer patients, she found most of them had suffered
some important emotional crisis prior to the development of the disease, and
that they had been unable to find effective outlets for their deep feelings and
In the field of prosperity, love as impersonal good will is all-powerful too, it has

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The Miracle of Love – Catherine Ponder

been estimated that only fifteen percent of a person's financial success is due
to his technical ability, while eighty-five percent is due to his ability to get
along with people. Personnel managers agree that more than two thirds of the
people who lose their jobs do so not because of incompetence, but because
they cannot get along with others. Approximately ten percent are discharged
because of inadequate preparation for the skills needed, whereas the other
ninety percent are fired because of "personality problems."
A secretary once realized that in order to keep her job, which was interesting
and well-paying, she would have to learn how to cope with her employer's
unpleasant "morning disposition." She learned of the success power of love
and began using one of Emmet Fox's statements:"All men expressions of
divine love; therefore, I can meet with nothing but the expressions of divine
Beginning her day with this statement helped to establish a peaceful
atmosphere in the office for her employer's arrival. By the time he called her in
for dictation, divine love had done its perfect work on his disposition. In time,
his morning grouchiness and moodiness were replaced with a consistent
pleasant disposition. The secretary felt her work in this regard was highly
worthwhile, since her boss' disposition had been the only unfavorable and
worrisome aspect of her job.
Financially, an attitude of love is worthwhile, too. A traveling salesman who
was heavily in debt attempted to get a loan from a bank to pay off his debts.
Because he lacked collateral, he was not able to get the loan. He began to
affirm, "God prospers me now." Within a few days he made a large sale and
was able to pay off all his debts, with ample money left over.
A number of years ago during a financial recession, and in bitter cold weather,
the firm for which I was working experienced financial difficulties. Members of
the board of directors had become depressed because of the weather, which
seemed to be delaying the firm's prosperity. They were also depressed about
general economic conditions. It seemed a hopeless situation until several
persons working for the firm agreed to begin affirming together, at specific
times, statements on the prospering power of love. Each individual affirmed for
himself and his own inspiration: "I am the love of God in expression. I let
God's love guide, direct, and inspire me." The statement used for the firm's
prosperity was: "God's love in us is drawing to us new ideas, new courage, and
visible daily supply. God's love in you is drawing to you new ideas, new
courage, and visible daily supply."
The atmosphere of depression and hopelessness concerning the business
situation seemed to lift. Continued use of the prayers caused all those involved
to experience an uplifted state of mind. New ideas and new courage attracted
visible daily supply. Within a few weeks the financial crisis had passed, and
that year proved to be one of the most prosperous the firm has ever known!
A chiropractor who was having similar financial challenges asked how this firm

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The Miracle of Love – Catherine Ponder

managed to make a financial comeback in the midst of bad weather and

economic recession. The prayers were shared with him, and his financial
results were so satisfying that he obtained a thousand printed copies of the
prayers, which he distributed to his patients whenever they mentioned their
own financial challenges. Thus the power of love proved its prospering power
to many people that winter in our area alone.
Many years ago, Emma Curtis Hopkins gave some financial advice along this
line when she wrote, "Take your business as it is, and praise divine love that
there is a strong, wise way out of your dilemma." When there is such a need,
affirm, "I praise divine love that there is a strong, wise way out of this
In all phases of life, love is a success power. Many persons who are seeking a
balanced life have found this prayer helpful: "Divine love expressing through
me, now draws to me all that is needed to make me happy and my life
Whatever your need in life may be, love is the answer. You do not have to look
outside yourself for love. Begin releasing it from within your own thoughts and
feelings, and you will attract to you whatever people, situations, and conditions
are for your highest good. Truly, "You walk in the charmed circle of God's love,
and you are divinely irresistible to your highest good now." This is the
prospering power of love.

I hope you enjoyed reading The Miracle of Love by Catherine Ponder

You Can Also Read Open Your Mind to Receive by Catherine Ponder

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The Miracle of Love – Catherine Ponder

Following are more books by Catherine Ponder

Books on Prosperity

Dare to Prosper How to Live a Prosperous Life

Open Your Mind to Prosperity Pray & Grow Rich

The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity The Millionaire Joshua

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The Miracle of Love – Catherine Ponder

Books on Prosperity

The Millionaire Moses The Millionaire from Nazareth

The Millionaires of Genesis The Prosperity Secrets of the Ages

The Secret of Unlimited Prosperity

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The Miracle of Love – Catherine Ponder

Books on Love

The Prospering Power of Love A Prosperity Love Story

Books on Healing

The Dynamic Laws of Healing The Healing Secrets of the Ages

Books on Prayer

The Dynamic Laws of Prayer The Prospering Power of Prayer

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