Liu - Ijos 2017
Liu - Ijos 2017
Liu - Ijos 2017
Throughout the twenty-first century, robotic surgery has been used in multiple oral surgical procedures for the treatment of head
and neck tumors and non-malignant diseases. With the assistance of robotic surgical systems, maxillofacial surgery is performed
with less blood loss, fewer complications, shorter hospitalization and better cosmetic results than standard open surgery.
However, the application of robotic surgery techniques to the treatment of head and neck diseases remains in an experimental
stage, and the long-lasting effects on surgical morbidity, oncologic control and quality of life are yet to be established. More
well-designed studies are needed before this approach can be recommended as a standard treatment paradigm. Nonetheless,
robotic surgical systems will inevitably be extended to maxillofacial surgery. This article reviews the current clinical applications
of robotic surgery in the head and neck region and highlights the benefits and limitations of current robotic surgical systems.
International Journal of Oral Science (2017) 9, 63–73; doi:10.1038/ijos.2017.24
Keywords: head and neck; maxillofacial surgery; oral surgical procedures; robotic surgery
INTRODUCTION in popularity. Taking inspiration from its use in other surgical fields,
Maxillofacial surgeries have conventionally been performed with large the benefits to surgeons include a three-dimensional magnified view,
incisions, either via a transmandibular or a transpharyngeal approach, precise movements, bimanual operation with articulated arms and
because of the complicated anatomy and limited surgical space. These suppression of tremor, which enhances the surgeon's physical capabil-
procedures typically result in significant surgical morbidity, speech ities. Thus, procedures with robotic assistance can be performed with
dysfunction and dyspepsia from the dissection of large amounts of less blood loss, fewer complications, shorter hospital stays and better
normal tissue. However, minimally invasive surgical technologies have cosmetic results than standard open techniques.4
evolved dramatically over the past two decades since Mouret1 completed Hence, robotic surgery may hold promise in the treatment of
the first laparoscopic cholecystectomy in 1987. This technique allows craniofacial conditions, such as head and neck neoplasms, cleft palate
surgeons to access tissue through a few small incisions instead of a large and craniofacial asymmetry, among others. In this review, we summar-
incision. The focus of these procedures is now on preserving function, ize the current applications of robot-assisted maxillofacial surgery.
reducing postoperative morbidity and improving quality of life.
Nevertheless, the use of minimally invasive surgery (MIS) in HISTORY OF ROBOTIC SURGICAL SYSTEMS
maxillofacial surgery has posed challenges related to neurovascular For decades, robots and surgery have been developing along two
control, illumination of the surgical field and protection of the independent paths. During the late 1980s and early 1990s, endoscopic
surrounding structures. In 2000, Steinier2 advocated transoral laser techniques were booming, and limitations were being reached as well.
microsurgery, which demonstrated superior results. Unfortunately, this Subsequently, the potential capability of telerobotics in MIS was well
approach obstructs the line of sight, as visualization is provided by recognized. However, robots and surgery only reached a safe enough
merely a microscope. With this approach, sufficient exposure of the stage for their combination via telemanipulation for surgical innovation
surgical field cannot be obtained, and resection is not possible in the in the last few years. The robotic surgical system is truly an information
cranial and axial axes. To overcome these limitations, robotic surgical system rather than a machine, and it can be simply divided into input,
systems were innovated and introduced into surgical practice. Transoral analysis and output. A human is interposed between the input and
robotic surgery (TORS) was proposed and first applied clinically in output instead of a computer in case there are any unexpected events or
maxillofacial surgery by McLeod and Melder3 to excise a vallecular cyst. anatomy during surgery, and these components serve as a teleoperation
This procedure was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration system.5 The input side consists of several chemical and biologic
(FDA) in 2009 for use in stage T1 and T2 oropharyngeal cancer. Since sensors and imagers, and there are various devices on the output side,
that time, robot-assisted maxillofacial surgery has been growing steadily such as manipulators and lasers, to contact organs and tissues. The
State Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases, National Clinical Research Center for Oral Diseases, West China Hospital of Stomatology, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China
Correspondence: Professor En Luo, State Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases, National Clinical Research Center for Oral Diseases, West China Hospital of Stomatology, Sichuan
University, No. 14, Section 3, Renmin South Road, Chengdu 610041, China
E-mail: [email protected]
Accepted 16 May 2017
Review of robotic surgery in head and neck
HH Liu et al
robotic surgical system was manufactured to overcome the limitations settings. However, it was no longer technically supported once the da
of laparoscopic surgery, including tremor, fatigue, 2D imaging and a Vinci surgical system began being used worldwide. Generation III: da
limited range of freedom. Additionally, robotic surgery can also be Vinci surgical system. Comparatively, the da Vinci system aimed at
described as an ability to enable surgical interventions via the recreating the feeling of open surgery and was preferred by the open
application of telecommunications and robotic systems, where the surgeon, while the Zeus system was primarily adopted by the
patient and surgeon are separated. Since Puma 560,6 the first robotic laparoscopic surgeon. The initial da Vinci robot was invented in
surgical system was introduced in the mid-1980s to orient a needle for 1999 by Intuitive Surgical, and it consists of three major parts:
brain biopsy, three generations of systems have followed. Generation I: a surgeon’s console, a robotic cart on the patient’s side and a high-
CMI’s Automated Endoscopic System for Optimal Positioning definition 3-dimensional vision tower.8 The surgeon’s console enables
(AESOP). AESOP, a voice-controlled robot, was developed to serve management of the corresponding instruments with master controls,
as a stable camera platform and not multi-arm units. AESOP eliminates and it was derived from part of the M7 system developed by Stanford
the need for an extra surgical assistant, and AESOP 1000 was approved Research Institute (SRI)—a surgical robot for open surgery.5 The
by the FDA for use in surgery in 1995. Even though AESOP was widely surgeon can operate from a comfortably seated position while having a
applied in various surgical settings, including cardiology, urology and high-definition real-time view inside the patient. The patient-side
gynecology, until 1999,7 there were several deficiencies. In addition, the surgical cart consists of three or four arms that were originally
robotic system required a few alterations to cooperate with surgeon’s developed from the Black Falcon system: one arm handles the
style of operation. Generation II: Telerobot Zeus. Zeus was a kind of endoscopic camera (passes through a 12-mm trocar), while the other
master-slave teleoperator between the surgeon and the patient-side two or three arms hold the EndoWrist instruments (pass through 8-
manipulator. Zeus was introduced in 1995 to provide improved mm trocars), which provide enhanced degrees of freedom and excellent
precision for the laparoscopic surgeon, and it was approved by the 3D imaging. This permits large-scale movement in surgery, such as the
FDA in 2000. Zeus consists of an AESOP robotic scope and two movements needed for dissecting and suturing. Moreover, the camera
additional manipulators to hold the operating instruments, and the used in the system provides a true-to-life stereoscopic image of the
three arms are mounted to an operating table. It had the advantages of patient’s anatomy, which is transmitted to both the surgeon’s console
remote control, three-dimensional visualization and tremor suppres- and the vision tower beside the surgical assistant.8 The vision tower
sion. In addition, this telemanipulator allowed a surgeon to perform provides a broad perspective and visualization of the procedure to the
surgical procedures from a remote region, such as hospital-to-hospital surgical assistant at the patient’s side (Figure 1). Recently, several
developments have been made. First, the da Vinci Si system was Online, were also searched. Manual searches were also conducted in
manufactured to support two consoles operating in concert with one relevant Chinese journals, and reference lists of relevant articles were
patient-side robot; thus, an instrument “give-and-take” was made reviewed. To find ongoing clinical trials, the World Health Organiza-
available. Second, 5-mm-diameter instruments are now available. tion International Clinical Trials Registry Platform was searched.
Third, in the da Vinci Xi robot, the laser targeting system can simply MeSH heading words and free text words were combined. They
point the scope at the target anatomy, and a smaller robotic arm and included “Robotics,” “Operation, Remote,” “Oral Surgical Procedures,”
footprint along with improved articulation provide increased flexibility “Oral Surgery” and “Head and Neck Neoplasms.” Language was
and decreased arm collisions. Fourth, a single port robotic technique, restricted to Chinese and English. As a result, a total of 503 studies
which is less invasive than procedures with several access ports, has were identified; of these, 119 that were associated with the application
already been launched and is on the market, but it has unfortunately of robotic surgery in the head and neck region were included in this
not been applied in maxillofacial surgery. Apart from those mentioned review (Figure 2).
above, there are several other robotic surgical systems, including
ROBODOC, Computer-Assisted Surgical Planning and Robotics (CAS- Clinical applications
PAR), Robotic Arm Interactive Orthopedic System (MAKO Surgical The development of a robotic surgical system for maxillofacial surgery
Corp RIO) and so forth, that have been generally applied in orthopedic has been relatively delayed because of the limited surgical field and
surgery, such as arthroplasty.5 compact surrounding anatomy. The first application of a robotic
Overall, the da Vinci surgical system is currently considered the surgical system in maxillofacial tumors was reported by Haus et al.10
most successful robotic surgery system; it has been widely utilized in for resection of the submandibular gland in animal models. Since that
time, the use of robotic surgery for head and neck diseases has been
multiple anatomic regions since Pasticier et al.9 first utilized it in
gradually increasing. Currently, the chief indications for robotic
radical prostatectomy. This system was first used in maxillofacial
surgery in the head and neck region are (1) removal of head
surgery in 2005, and it was approved by the FDA in 2009. Currently,
and neck neoplasms or cysts that can be sufficiently exposed via a
the da Vinci robot is used for almost all surgical procedures performed
robotic approach; (2) therapeutic and selective neck dissection; and
in the head and neck region.3
(3) obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). Meanwhile, tumors
with jaw or internal carotid artery invasion are not currently suitable
for robot-assisted resection.10
Search methods Head and neck neoplasms. Head and neck neoplasm is a group of
The literature search was performed using the Cochrane Central neoplasms that arise from the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, sinuses or
Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL; 2016), MEDLINE (via salivary glands, among others. Head and neck cancers are regarded as
PubMed, 1948 to September 2016), Embase (1974 to September the sixth most common malignancy and ninth most frequent cause of
2016), the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI; 1979 to death worldwide; ~ 529 500 new patients are diagnosed annually, and
September 2016) and China Biology Medicine (CBM; 1978 to head and neck cancers are responsible for 3.6% of cancer-specific
September 2016). Gray databases, such as OpenGrey and Sciencepaper deaths.11 In high-risk countries (that is, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh
and Pakistan), oral cavity cancer has the highest incidence of the head associated with preoperative T stage, tumor location, tumor size, status
and neck cancers and is increasing in incidence.12 The average 5-year of tumor (primary or recurrent) and pretreatment M.D. Anderson
survival rate of head and neck cancer following diagnosis in the Dysphagia Inventory (MDADI) score.19 Robotic surgery allows
developed world is 42–64%, and the 1-year survival rate of advanced surgical instruments to be mounted on the robotic arms; some studies
oral cavity cancer is o50%.13 Currently, surgery is frequently applied showed that dissection with a laser may provide better surgical
as a treatment in most head and neck cancers. However, surgery can outcomes in terms of hemorrhage, intraoperative pharyngotomy,
be particularly difficult if the tumor is near the larynx, which might postoperative pain and operation time compared to
result in dysphasia. Of these surgeries, robotic surgery allows the electrocautery.34,49 Abel et al.34 proposed that this difference might
surgeon to remove tumors with minimal damage to normal tissues, be related to decreased collateral thermal damage using the laser.
and it gives patients as much speech and swallowing function as Parapharyngeal space. The parapharyngeal space is a potentially deep
possible postoperatively. Specific clinical applications of robotic and anatomically compact space in the head and neck that contains
surgery in head and neck neoplasms are presented below. important structures, including the internal carotid artery and cranial
Oral cavity, oropharynx, nasopharynx and laryngopharynx. On the nerves IX, X and XI. Traditionally, the extended facial recess approach,
basis of preclinical experiments, robot-assisted surgery for the excision transcochlear approach and transtemporal–infratemporal fossa
of a vallecular cyst was first performed by McLeod and Melder3 in 2005, approach were associated with tumors in this area.71 However, these
with no complications experienced. Later, O’Malley and colleagues14 approaches seemed to be associated with significant degrees of
reported the technical feasibility of robot-assisted surgery for base of morbidity as well as visible scars. O’Malley and Weinstein72 first
tongue (BOT) neoplasm resection; Weinstein and colleagues15 success- performed robot-assisted resection of a benign neoplasm in the
fully performed a robot-assisted radical tonsillectomy in 2007 after parapharyngeal space based on cadaveric and animal robotic surgery.
cadaveric robotic surgery. With this much groundwork completed, Several subsequent reports showed favorable results, such as short
several studies subsequently focused on the application of TORS in hospital stays, quick functional recovery and a lack of significant
various types of neoplasms, including squamous cell carcinoma,16–59 complications, when parapharyngeal neoplasms (squamous cell carci-
mucoepidermoid carcinoma,16,35,43,50,60–61 malignant melanoma,62 noma, lipoma, pleomorphic adenoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma,
synoviosarcoma,33,63 adenoid cystic carcinoma,33,35,43,50,60,64 pleo- cartilaginous tumor and neurilemmoma) were removed using the
morphic adenoma,32,35,47,65 lipoma33 and neurilemmoma.64 robot.36,61,73–75 Chan et al.76 reported that 24% of patients with
Several studies have demonstrated that robotic surgery for primary pleomorphic adenoma experienced unexpected capsule breakage or
or recurrent neoplasms in the oral cavity, oropharynx, nasopharynx neoplasm fracture during surgery, potentially resulting from an
and laryngopharynx has superior functional recovery; higher rates of inability to safely grasp the tumor, sharp instruments and a lack of
negative margin, recurrence-free survival, disease-free survival and tactile and haptic feedback.
overall survival; and a lower risk of hemorrhage, gastrostomy tube and Thyroid gland and mediastinal parathyroid. Bodner et al.77 described
tracheostomy tube dependence, and other intraoperative or post- the first use of a robotic surgical system for mediastinal parathyroid
operative complications than conventional open surgery or radio- resection via a transaxillary incision in 2004 and showed that
chemical therapy.38,52,66–68 However, it is also worth noting that transaxillary robotic surgery is a minimally invasive, effective and safe
Blanco et al.47 reported an application of TORS in the treatment of procedure. Later, Lewis et al.78 and Miyano et al.79 demonstrated the
recurrent oropharynx squamous cell carcinoma, in which three of four feasibility of transaxillary robotic thyroidectomy. No significant
patients experienced postoperative regional or distal transference. bleeding or edema occurred intraoperatively or postoperatively.
Furthermore, TORS appeared to be more effective in the detection Recently, Byeon et al.80 performed robotic retroauricular thyroidect-
and diagnosis of unknown primary tumors than conventional omy for clinically suspicious papillary thyroid carcinoma. Other
methods, including computed tomography, positron-emission tomo- previous studies found that robotic thyroidectomy via a retroauricular
graphy and directed biopsies, especially for human papillomavirus incision is a safe, technically feasible approach with satisfactory
(HPV)-positive patients.51,55–59 cosmetic results.81–86 However, their results indicated that this
In addition to the factors mentioned above, other aspects of robotic approach required a longer operative time, longer hospitalization
surgery were assessed. For instance, HPV is one of the most important and longer postoperative drainage than endoscopic surgery and open
known risk factors for oropharynx cancer. It is widely accepted that surgery because of the remote access.
HPV-positive patients with head and neck cancers may have a better In addition, a lingual thyroglossal duct cyst was also excised using a
prognosis than patients who are HPV-negative. Cohen et al.69 found robotic surgery system via a transoral approach or a retroauricular
that TORS may provide similar surgical and oncologic outcomes to approach without complications or recurrence.87–89 A lingual thyr-
HPV-negative patients, such as negative resection margin; local, oglossal duct cyst is a congenital fibrous cyst that forms from a
regional and distant disease recurrence rates; and disease-free persistent thyroglossal duct, which was conventionally dissected via a
and overall survival rates that are comparable to those of HPV- transcervical approach. However, the traditional surgery was always
positive patients; however, other surgeons24,42–43 held different associated with an undesirable scar in the neck and a high relapse rate.
opinions. Blanco et al.47 and Olsen et al.28 determined that the In Kim et al.89 opinion, the 3-dimensional, magnified visualization of
2-year disease-free survival rate of HPV-positive patients was higher the robot resulted in less damage to the surrounding normal tissues,
than that of HPV-negative patients, and Quon et al.46 study showed reduced intraoperative bleeding and infection, and the ability to ligate
that HPV-positive patients have a higher positive margin rate. the tract after carefully tracing it.
Regarding postoperative quality of life, swallowing and speech func- Salivary glands. Submandibular gland tumors were traditionally
tions decreased significantly 3–6 months after TORS and recovered to excised via a transcervical approach, which always left a visible scar,
the preoperative state 1 year later.23,70 Furthermore, the study by Park and possibly even hypertrophic scarring in the neck. In comparison,
et al.38 showed that robotic surgery resulted in significantly decreased on the basis of its guaranteed curative effect, robotic resection of the
postoperative pain and anxiety and a better appetite compared to open submandibular gland through a retroauricular approach or modified
surgery. Moreover, the time to functional recovery seemed to be face-lift approach can produce an invisible scar, making it more
acceptable to patients.90–93 The study by Yang et al.93 showed that year, Nadjmi111 demonstrated the technical feasibility and safety of
gland-preserving robotic surgery has a potentially lower risk of robot-assisted soft palate muscle reconstruction in 10 consecutive
intraoperative hemorrhage, positive margins and postoperative func- patients (mean age: 9.5 months) with palatal clefts after cadaveric
tional nerve deficit than conventional transcervical surgery. However, TORS. The results showed that the surgical duration of TORS is much
it is worth noting that postoperative hospitalization and the duration longer than conventional surgery; however, the hospital stays and
of drainage are much longer in robotic surgery than open surgery functional recovery for the robotic approach were significantly shorter
because of the extent of the flap. Moreover, the use of TORS for than for the manual approach. Nadjmi111 believed that this was
oropharyngeal minor salivary gland tumors, parotid gland tumors and because of the precise dissection provided by the robotic surgical
sublingual gland ranulas was also reported by several surgeons, and the system, which might reduce damage to the vascularization and related
results showed favorable oncologic, surgical and functional outcomes, innervation of surrounding muscles.
including no apparent neurovascular damage, a low positive margin
rate and quick functional recovery, with excellent cosmetic Maxillofacial fracture. The management of bone fracture, similar to
results.35–36,94–95 the robotic surgical system for fracture treatment, mainly consists
Neck dissection. Neck dissection followed by head and neck tumor of two procedures: reduction and fixation. However, the development
removal is always necessary to reduce locoregional recurrence. Kang of robotics for the treatment of fractures is much more difficult than
et al.96 first applied a robotic surgical system in a radical neck in other regions for two main reasons. First, the position of fracture
dissection via a transaxillary track for the staged treatment of thyroid segments changes before and after reduction, making it difficult to
carcinoma to avoid a long visible incision scar and muscle deformities provide precise navigation. Second, it is impossible to provide
in the neck area as well as to strengthen deep and corner dissections. appropriate resistance during the fixation period because of the lack
However, the region of level I is hard to completely dissect via this of tactile and haptic feedback. Therefore, improvements in the
approach. Therefore, to overcome the limitations mentioned above, identification capability and mechanical properties of the surgical
robot-assisted radical or selective neck dissections via a retroauricular robot are anxiously awaited. Currently, several robotic surgical systems
approach or a modified face-lift approach have been reported.97–106 with an integrated force sensor were applied for arthroplasty, such as
The results suggested that the robot-assisted surgery lasted longer than ROBODOC, Active Constraint Robot (ACROBOT) and Bone Resec-
conventional surgery, but the intraoperative bleeding, lymph node tion Instrument Guidance by Intelligent Telemanipulator (BRIGIT).
retrieval, volume of drainage, hospitalization and related complications However, robotic fracture reduction and fixation are only used for
of robot-assisted neck dissection (RAND) were similar to those of long bone and pelvic fractures.112–113 The clinical application of
open neck dissection. Furthermore, the patients who underwent robotic surgical systems in maxillofacial fractures has not been
robotic surgery were much more satisfied with the postsurgical reported.
aesthetics than those who underwent open surgery. Additionally, the Craniofacial asymmetry. The theoretical feasibility of robot-assisted
study of Kim et al.100 and Tae et al.105 demonstrated that RAND may orthognathic surgery was proposed in 2010 by Chen et al.,114 who
have a lower risk of lymphedema and lymph node recurrence than suggested a method using the six degrees of freedom robot MOTO-
conventional neck dissection. MAN to perform bone cutting and drilling based on the navigation
Post-ablative defect reconstruction. An extensive mucosal defect and, system that they programmed. Later, Peking University developed
in some cases, direct orocervical fistula or pharyngocervical commu- a robotic surgical system for the design of orthognathic surgery, bone
nication and exposure of the great vessels can result from en bloc reconstruction and intraoperative navigation. However, the clinical
resection of a head and neck neoplasm and subsequent or simulta- application of robotic orthognathic surgery has not been reported, and
neous neck dissection. Consequently, it is important to achieve the robotic surgical system mentioned above remains in an
a reliable reconstruction for these patients. The first use of a robotic experimental stage.
surgical system in post-ablative defect reconstruction was reported
by Genden et al.,17 in which a mucosal advancement flap, two OSAS. OSAS is the most common type of sleep apnea, resulting
pyriform mucosal flaps and three posterior pharyngeal wall flaps from complete or partial obstruction of the upper airway. It can be
were performed. Since then, the robotic surgical system has been caused by decreased muscle tone, thickened soft tissue around the
increasingly employed in head and neck defect reconstruction. airway, such as nasal polyps or adenoid hypertrophy, and
Various flaps, including a mucosal muscle flap, radial forearm structural features, such as nasal septum deviation, which result in a
flap and free anterolateral femoral skin flap, were applied for narrowed airway. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) was
reconstruction.40,60,62,107–108 All flaps survived, except for four muco- often used as a standard treatment for OSAS.115 For those
sal muscle flaps in Genden et al.107 study. Moreover, the studies OSAS sufferers unwilling or unable to comply with CPAP, a properly
mentioned above also showed that robotic reconstruction surgery has selected surgical treatment would be an alternative option, based on
a shorter operative time, better functional recovery and more the patient’s-specific anatomy.116 Such treatments include tonsillect-
satisfactory aesthetics than conventional surgery. Kim109 performed omy, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), reduction of the tongue
a mandibular reconstruction with a fibular flap using a robotic surgical base, maxillomandibular advancement and hyoid suspension. How-
system combined with simultaneous virtual surgical planning (VSP). ever, the BOT has important physiologic functions and has close
His results indicated that robotic surgery with VSP may have a higher contacts to surrounding muscles, vessels and nerves, and the conven-
flap survival rate than conventional surgery, with less time and effort. tional reduction of the BOT usually results in severe adverse post-
operative reactions. Therefore, the robotic surgical system has emerged
Cleft lip and palate. Currently, the use of robotic surgical systems in as a potential solution to this dilemma.
the treatment of cleft lip and palate is still in an early stage of Vicini et al.117 reported the first application of TORS in the resection
development. Khan et al.110 first reported the theoretical feasibility of the BOT, combined with conventional septoplasty, UPPP or
of robotic intra-oral cleft surgery and Hynes pharyngoplasty in a supraglottoplasty, for OSAS patients in 2010 without any intraoperative
pediatric airway manikin and human cadaver in 2015. In the same and postoperative complications. The result showed a similar surgical
duration to open surgery. No tracheotomy was required during surgery, removal using TORS in 22 patients. Procedural success was 100%, and
and all patients had an excellent functional recovery. The postoperative no symptoms of recurrence or lingual nerve damage were recorded at
Apnea–Hypopnea Index (AHI) and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) follow-up. Meanwhile, they studied 135 patients who underwent
were significantly decreased from their preoperative values, and 90% of TORS for removal of submandibular gland stones and showed that
patients were satisfied with the results. Subsequently, TORS became procedural success was reported in 75% of these patients; the lingual
widely applied for OSA sufferers for tonsillectomy, supraglottoplasty nerve damage rate was 2%.
and glossectomy.118–128 Most of the studies demonstrated that TORS Vascular lesions. Recently, the excision of BOT vascular lesions via a
has a similar therapeutic efficacy and decreased postoperative pain, robotic surgical approach was described by Dziegielewski et al.,136 who
hospital stay and incidence of dysphagia compared with conventional found that it could be used in a safe manner to dissect BOT vascular
surgery. Although almost all of the studies showed that the post- lesions with maximum preservation of the surrounding vessels, nerves
operative AHI, EES and snoring intensity are significantly improved by and muscles. Consequently, the postoperative damage to swallowing
TORS, the cure rate still varies from 45 to 90%. Hoff et al.122 found that and speech function is minimal.
preoperative body mass index (BMI) may help the clinician predict the
success of TORS; specifically, the cure rate is significantly higher in DISCUSSION
patients with BMIo30 than those with BMI430. Moreover, when Superiority and limitations
compared to submucosal minimally invasive lingual excision and Robot-assisted surgery has been increasingly applied in the head and
radiofrequency BOT reduction, Friedman et al.120–121 study indicated neck region and has ushered in a new era of MIS. Compared with
that robot-assisted partial glossectomy resulted in a greater AHI conventional or endoscopic surgery, robotic surgery has several
reduction, but longer functional recovery.
distinctive advantages and limitations (Table 1 and 2).
However, there are some specific adverse events that have been
reported with TORS. A 12.5% transient dysgeusia rate was reported by Superiority of robotic surgery.
Lee et al.124 in robotic lingual tonsillectomy; 3 of 12 patients Magnified 3-dimensional visualization. The surgical space can be
complained of taste disturbance after robotic BOT resection in the stereoscopic and 10–15 times magnified via two or more integrated
study by Lin et al.,125 while 18.3% of patients experienced transient cameras that are used in the system, which can enhance the surgeon’s
hypogeusia in Crawford et al.126 study after robot-assisted BOT capability to distinguish normal tissues from tumors and to preserve
resection. Toh et al.127 study showed that all patients experienced normal tissues to the highest extent. Thus, the tumor can be removed
temporary anterior tongue numbness and temporary tongue soreness, en bloc, with minimal morbidity and accelerated functional recovery.
while 35% of patients reported a temporary postoperative change in Breaking the limit of human hands. The robotic arms are equipped
taste. Muderris et al.128 reported six cases of robotic lingual tonsil- with articulating surgical instruments, which provide increased degrees
lectomy, all of which had lingual edema. Lin and Crawford proposed of freedom and extend the range of motion. As a result, the stability
that these complications might have resulted from the pressure of the and accuracy of surgical procedures are improved.
tongue blade or mouth gag. Minimally invasive. A transcervical approach is often applied for the
Others resection of head and neck neoplasms with or without mandibulotomy
Laryngeal clefts and laryngocele. Rahbar et al.129 described the or a lip-splitting incision to obtain sufficient surgical space; this is
application of TORS in five pediatric patients with laryngeal cleft accompanied by high morbidity and poor postoperative swallowing and
after cadaver experiments. As a result, one patient with a type I speech functions. In contrast, robotic surgery could remove tumors via a
laryngeal cleft and one with a type II cleft who underwent TORS for minimally invasive approach, such as a transoral and a retroauricular
closure of the laryngeal cleft achieved great success without any approach, to decrease surgical complications and functional damage to a
intraoperative or postoperative complications. However, the surgical large extent. The average blood loss was minimal, and no patient
duration was much longer than conventional surgery because of the required blood transfusions intra- or postoperatively.
restriction of the surgical space; the surgical procedure failed to be Excellent manipulability. Remote operation and real-time shared
completed in three patients because of limited transoral access. surgery can be available via Internet and satellite technology.
Ciabatti et al.130 used TORS for the excision of a large mixed Economizing medical staff. The robotic surgical system is highly
laryngocele with short operative time and satisfactory aesthetics. No automated; thus, only one surgeon, one anesthesiologist and one or
complications were observed, and an oral diet was started 1 day two nurses are required, even for a difficult surgical operation.
postoperatively and the patient was discharged 2 days after TORS. This could overcome the restrictions of operating room capacity and
Ectopic lingual thyroid. In May 2011, robot-assisted dissection of a the shortage of medical resources.
lingual thyroid gland in three patients with minimal morbidity and
excellent functional outcomes was successfully performed.131 Recently, Limitations of robotic surgery.
an increasing number of ectopic lingual thyroids have been excised via Lack of tactile perception and proprioception. It is impossible,
a robotic surgical system.43,132–133 The results showed that patients through a robotic surgical system, to feel the strength and resiliency
undergoing TORS could start oral feeding on the first postoperative of tissues or the radial pulse. Therefore, it is difficult to control
day, and no recurrence was observed within 2 months of follow-up. In bleeding in a timely fashion once exsanguinating hemorrhage occurs.
Prisman et al.133 opinion, TORS should be regarded as a valid option Lack of haptic feedback. For some fine motions, such as
for the treatment of ectopic lingual thyroid. tying, suture breakage can occur as a result of excess tension.
Ptyalolithiasis. Walvekar et al.134 first reported the successful Additionally, several studies found that the postoperative rate
removal of a 20-mm submandibular megalith and the subsequent of lingual edema is significantly higher with robotic surgery than
repair of the salivary duct using a robotic surgical system. The total with the conventional approach, as mentioned above, which may
time involved was 120 min, and no complications were noted. be due to long-term excess pressure. However, Hans et al.32 and
Recently, Razavi et al.135 facilitated large submandibular gland stone several other researchers found that 3D visualization would
Table 1 Current application and future development of robotic surgery in head and neck neoplasms
Table 2 Current application and future development of robotic surgery in head and neck non-malignant diseases
Lip and palate cleft110 –111 Low damage to the vascularization and Long surgical duration More high-quality clinical investigation
related innervation of surrounding mus-
cles, quick function recovery
Maxillofacail fracture Insufficient data Insufficient data Specific design of related robotic surgical
Craniofacial asymmetry114 –115 Insufficient data Insufficient data Transition from theoretical feasibility to
clinical application
OSAS117–128 Low intropetative bleeding and tracheot- Unstable cure rate varies from 45% to Combination of robotic resection of BOT and
omy, decreased postoperative pain, hos- 90%, significant postoperative lingual conventional surgery like uvulopalatopharyn-
pital stay as well as incidence of oedema and transient hypogeusia goplasty or sphincter pharyngoplasty
Laryngeal clefts129 In common; minimal damage to sur- Laryngeal lefts: unsatisfactory cure rate Laryngeal lefts: application of specific minia-
rounding normal tissues as well as speech turized instruments to obtain enough surgical
and swallow function; excellent space
Laryngocele130 Laryngocele: short operative time
Ectopic lingual thyroid131–133 Ectopic lingual thyroid: short operative
time and low recurrence
Ptyalolithiasis134–135 Ptyalolithiasis: high cure rate and low
lingual nerve damage rate
Vascular lesion136
compensate for the lack of haptic feedback, to some extent, with annual maintenance and ~ $200 in disposable instruments per patient,
increased experience. which results in increased costs of surgery.9 In the short term, the
Complicated. The robotic surgical procedure is complicated and the robotic surgical system will not have a positive impact on cost because
operative duration is much longer than with open surgery. This is of several costs associated with systems, telecommunication, training
because the robot needs to be docked in an appropriate position personnel and infrastructure.5 However, several studies found that the
before surgery, which requires additional time, especially in this early reduction of related morbidity and hospitalization, and the decreased
stage. With additional robotic surgery experience, the operative need for tracheotomy partially offset the additional cost engendered by
duration would be similar to open surgery. robotic surgical systems.33,50,52
Expensive. Cost is a major problem that limits its wide application. Large size. Robotic surgical systems are unwieldy and require
The primary expense of a single robotic surgical system, including considerable space. The bulky size of the instruments limits its
installation, is ~ 1.5 million dollars, in addition to ~ $100 000 for application in the treatment of laryngeal carcinoma patients, who
have limited mouth opening or mandibular retraction, and in significantly shorter hospital stays and better functional recovery than
transnasal surgeries or otology. conventional surgery because of the precise dissection and reconstruc-
Lack of specific instruments for maxillofacial surgery. For instance, tion in robotic surgery, further studies with larger samples are still of
electric bone saws and drills. This problem will need to be resolved in paramount importance to ensure the safety and feasibility of robot-
the near future. assisted surgery for cleft lip and palate patients. Similarly, the long-
term effectiveness and safety of robotic surgery applied in other
Prospective of robotics in the head and neck region conditions, such as ectopic lingual thyroid and ptyalolithiasis, also
The robotic surgical system is a novel, minimally invasive procedure require further study. Furthermore, selection of surgical procedures
with promising impact, and the development of robotic surgery is still appropriate for the system is a challenge as well, except for the
in an early stage. There are several challenges and barriers to broader requirement of more well-designed studies. Standard surgical proce-
application and adoption of this technique. Further refinements are dures permit the application of surgical robots. The diversity of
necessary before its wide application in maxillofacial surgery for head maxillofacial surgery (that is, cleft lip surgery) set the development of
and neck neoplasms and in non-malignant diseases. robotic surgery back to a certain extent, and these procedures should
From a clinical perspective, the widespread use of robotic surgical be standardized before surgical robots are widely applied. In addition,
systems in head and neck surgery is an inevitable development. The although oscillating and surgical drills were applied in robotic
available research indicated excellent outcomes in terms of surgical arthroplasty, a similar application suitable for maxillofacial surgery
morbidity, oncologic control and functional recovery for head and has not been pursued. To summarize, instrument specialization, the
neck tumor patients treated by robotic surgical systems. However, realization of more precise intraoperative navigation, and further
there are several problems and uncertainties associated with robotic applications with large samples in various maxillofacial surgeries will
surgery. The incidence of capsule breakage or neoplasm fracture all further the development of robotic surgery in the treatment of non-
during robotic surgery is relatively high. Robotic surgery typically malignant craniofacial conditions (Table 2).
requires a long surgical duration or large storage of drainage, especially From a technical perspective, the considerable operative duration is
via a retroauricular approach or a modified face-lift approach, because currently one of the main deficiencies of robotic surgery because of
of the extended flap. It remains unclear whether robotic surgery would extended times for robot docking, changing tools and inserting
improve the prognosis of HPV-negative patients. The regional or supplies. To address this deficiency, two technical projects were
distant metastasis rate for robot-assisted resection of recurrent tumors recently proposed.5 One is “Robotic systems,” which integrates multi-
is quite variable. However, because the robotic surgical system has ple surgical robots into a single “robotic cell.” A robotic tool changer
been used for a relatively short time in the treatment of head and neck or a robotic supply dispenser may perform the function instead of
neoplasms, the problems mentioned above as well as the long-term nurses when a different tool is needed during an operation in the
effects and cost-effect analysis of this approach will require further future. The other is “automatic or autonomous surgery.” To perform a
study prior to it becoming a standard treatment paradigm. Particu- pre-programmed task under an unstructured environment in a living
larly, specialization of robotic instruments for head and neck therapy, system is difficult because of the greater variability, but it is
progressive miniaturization of its components, realization of haptic theoretically realizable by collecting large amounts of previously
feedback, multisurgeon capability and flexible multiport access devices “rehearsed” and “saved” surgical procedures. In addition, a lack of
are anticipated for the future development of robotic surgery. tactile and haptic feedback is an important deficiency of a robotic
Furthermore, VSP was reported to provide good guidance for robotic surgical system as well. Haptic feedback provides an operator with
surgery, which will potentially enhance the accuracy and efficiency of both sense and interaction with an interface. Haptic feedback can help
robotic surgical systems. Therefore, a shorter surgical duration and prevent inadvertent damage to normal tissues and distinguish specific
superior reconstruction might be achieved when combining robotic tissues features, such as cardiac arteries. Today’s operating instruments
surgery and VSP; this approach is another anticipated trend in robotic in robotic systems are all simple mechanical devices; the surgeon could
surgery in the future (Table 1). only proceed to dissect depending on the subjective sense of touch via
Regarding other applications in the head and neck, robotic surgery visualization. There is no suitable haptic sensor that is incorporated
has been widely used in OSAS patients, and it is undoubtedly a with current robotic surgical system, although several related mechan-
promising approach for those who cannot tolerate CPAP. However, ical sensors have been investigated. Tsang137 determined that Verro-
the success rate remains unsatisfactory, possibly because of the nature Touch, an early add-on, including a sensor placed on the robotic
of the multiple risk factors for OSAS. Therefore, robotic surgery for instrument and a vibration actuator fixed on the handle to provide
OSAS should only be used after careful patient selection regarding haptic feedback, is capable of solving this problem, but none found it
severity, age, BMI and related soft tissue structures. Furthermore, the essential. In orthopedic surgery, several robotic systems, such as
combination of robotic resection of the BOT and conventional UPPP ACROBOT and MAKO RIO, were reported to have the ability to
or sphincter pharyngoplasty might be a rational operation in the realize haptic feedback during the execution phase of arthroplasty by
future. Moreover, it is almost impossible to use a robotic surgical constraining the surgeon to operate within a predefined safe region.
system in the treatment of maxillofacial fractures and craniofacial Once the surgeon attempts to operate outside the boundary, the
asymmetry owing to the current lack of tactile and haptic feedback. control systems and drive systems inside the manipulator apply
Specifically, an appropriate resistance is not provided by current resistance to the motion to keep the effector within the predefined
robotic surgical technology to prevent additional damage when surgical plan.5 With the development of Computer-Aided Manufac-
performing a fracture reduction or an osteotomy. More work needs turing/Computer-Aided Design in maxillofacial surgery, a similar
to be done, from theoretical feasibility to the clinical application of technique to MAKO RIO could be applied for head and neck disease
robotic surgical systems, in the management of maxillofacial fractures soon. Additionally, there are a number of other engineering barriers
and craniofacial asymmetry. Additionally, the available studies that have to overcome, including: (1) ease of use: the current robotic
used robotic surgery in the treatment of lip and palate patients are surgical systems always have a high level of complexity and require
quite limited. Although the only clinical research demonstrated advanced training, which may cause some highly specialized surgeons
to shy away from these procedures; (2) reliability of telecommunica- 23 Leonhardt FD, Quon H, Abrahão M et al. Transoral robotic surgery for oropharyngeal
carcinoma and its impact on patient‐reported quality of life and function. Head Neck
tion: low packet loss and limited latency are of great importance for
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26 Sinclair CF, Mccolloch NL, Carroll WR et al. Patient-perceived and objective functional
demonstrate good disease control, quick postoperative functional outcomes following transoral robotic surgery for early oropharyngeal carcinoma. Arch
recovery and low surgical morbidity. However, definitive recommen- Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2011; 137(11): 1112–1116.
27 Aubry K, Yachine M, Perez AF et al. Transoral robotic surgery for head and neck cancer:
dations for the application of robotic surgical systems in the treatment a series of 17 cases. Eur Ann Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Dis 2011; 128(6): 290–296.
of head and neck tumors, cleft lip and palate, OSAS and other 28 Olsen SM, Moore EJ, Koch CA et al. Transoral robotic surgery for supraglottic
squamous cell carcinoma. Am J Otolaryngol 2012; 33(4): 379–384.
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modifications in current surgical robots and in the future. transoral robotic surgery. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2012; 147(3): 475–481.
30 Moore EJ, Olsen SM, Laborde RR et al. Long-term functional and oncologic results of
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 2012; 87(87): 219–225.
31 Hurtuk AM, Marcinow A, Agrawal A et al. Quality-of-life outcomes in transoral robotic
This work is supported by grants from the NSFC 81621062. This clinical report
surgery. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2012; 146(1): 68–73.
was supported by grants from the NSFC 81621062. 32 Hans S, Badoual C, Gorphe P et al. Transoral robotic surgery for head and neck
carcinomas. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2012; 269(8): 1979–1984.
33 Aubry K, Yachine M, Lerat J et al. Transoral robotic surgery for the treatment of head
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34 Van Abel KM, Moore EJ, Carlson ML et al. Transoral robotic surgery using the thulium:
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