A Service-Oriented Deployment Policy of End-to-End Network Slicing Based On Complex Network Theory
A Service-Oriented Deployment Policy of End-to-End Network Slicing Based On Complex Network Theory
A Service-Oriented Deployment Policy of End-to-End Network Slicing Based On Complex Network Theory
ABSTRACT For fifth-generation wireless communication systems, network slicing has emerged as a key
concept to meet the diverse requirements of various use cases. By slicing an infrastructure network into
multiple dedicated logical networks, wireless networks can support a wide range of services. However, how
to fast deploy the end-to-end slices is the main issue in a multi-domain wireless network infrastructure. In this
paper, a mathematical model is used to construct network slice requests and map them to the infrastructure
network. The mapping process consists of two steps: the placement of virtual network functions and the
selection of link paths chaining them. To efficiently utilize the limited physical resources, we pay attention
to the service-oriented deployment by offering different deployment policies for three typical slices: eMBB
slices, mMTC slices, and uRLLC slices. Furthermore, we adopt complex network theory to obtain the
topological information of slices and infrastructure network. With the topological information, we define
a node importance metric to rank the nodes in node mapping. To evaluate the performance of deployment
policy we proposed, extensive simulations have been conducted. The results have shown that our algorithm
performed better in terms of resource efficiency and acceptance ratio. In addition, the average execute time
of our algorithm is in a linear growth with the increase of infrastructure network size.
INDEX TERMS 5G, network slicing, complex network theory, service-oriented deployment, end-to-end
2018 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only.
VOLUME 6, 2018 Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. 19691
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W. Guan et al.: Service-Oriented Deployment Policy of E2E NS Based on Complex Network Theory
NR represents nodes of network slice, ER represents links, of GI , µnBS ,nBS = 1; Otherwise, µnBS ,nBS = 0;
CR denotes capacity, BR denotes bandwidth and TR is the • µnOS ,nOS : Binary variable, if nOS OS
R of GR is mapped to nI
duration of the NSR remaining in the infrastructure network. of GI , µnOS ,nOS = 1; Otherwise, µnOS ,nOS = 0;
Thus, GRe = NRe , ERe , CRe , BRe , TRe is for request Re , and
• µnCN ,nCN : Binary variable, if nCN
R of GR is mapped to
similarly GRm and GRu is for requests Rm and Ru respectively. R I
I of GI , µnCN ,nCN = 1; Otherwise, µnCN ,nCN = 0;
• νewl ,ewl : Binary variable, if a virtual link ewlI of GR
traverse the physical wireless link eI , νewl ,ewl = 1;
Otherwise, ewl I , νewl wl = 0;
R ,eI
• νeol ,eol : Binary variable, if a virtual link eolI of GR tra-
verse the physical optical link eol I , ν e ,e = 1; Other-
ol ol
wise, eolI , νeol ol = 0;
R ,eI
• ξnBS ,ewl Binary variable, if nBS wl
R of GR is served by eI ∈
EIwl nBS R , ξnBS ,ewl = 1; Otherwise, ξnBS ,ewl = 0;
FIGURE 2. The schematic diagram of deploying NSRs.
The main objective of deployment process is minimizing
the deployment cost on the premise of meeting NS require-
ments. In addition to the main objective, three types of slices
Slice deployment is a process in which nodes of slice requests have their peculiar objectives because of different service
are mapped onto substrate nodes and links are mapped onto demands. Besides, we propose an VNFs placement algorithm
substrate paths on the premise of meeting service demands of based on CN theory which was used to analyze the topologi-
slices. The mapping process consists of two stages, the node cal properties of nodes in the underlying network.
mapping and the link mapping. The schematic diagram of
deploying NSRs is demonstrated in Fig. 2. As shown in Fig. 2, A. MAPPING ALGORITHM
VNFs of eMBB slice are mapped in nodes B1 , C1 , D3 and
the links chaining VNFs are mapped in path B1 → B2 →
Placing VNFs means to select the physical nodes of substrate
C1 → C3 → D3 . Similarly, VNFs of uRLLC slice are
network as host for the virtual nodes of NSRs under the
mapped in nodes A3 , C2 , D2 and the links chaining VNFs are
condition of satisfying the capacity requirements. According
mapped in path A3 → A4 → C2 → C4 → D2 . A node
to the literatures of VNE problem, the local resources for
of NSR can only be mapped on a node of infrastructure
nodes are measured by
network, and a node of infrastructure network can only host
a node from the same of NSR. Below, there is a summary of
NR (i) = C (i) · BW (l) (4)
parameters and variables that are used for the formulation of l∈s(i)
the mathematical model and the introduction of the decision
variables: where C (i) represents the capacity of node i, s (i) represents
the set of links that directly connected to the node i, BW (l)
1) PARAMETERS represents the current available bandwidth of link l. The main
shortcoming of this measurement is ignoring the topological
CICN nCN : Computing resource of core node nCN
• I I , characteristics of nodes. Hence, we combine the degree and
nI ∈ NI , I = CI betweenness centrality of nodes to measure node importance
I ∈NI in the step of placing VNFs.
R : Computing resource requirement of the vir-
First, the degree and betweenness centrality of nodes are
tual core node nCN CN
R ∈ NR ; normalized. Considering that the degree of node is not exceed
• wl wl
BR eR : Bandwidth requirement of the virtual wireless N − 1 when the total number of nodes is N , the normalization
link ewl
R ∈ ER ;
of the degree can be expressed by
• Bol ol
R eR : Bandwidth requirement of the virtual optical di
link eR ∈ ERol .
ol di0 = . (5)
N −1
19694 VOLUME 6, 2018
W. Guan et al.: Service-Oriented Deployment Policy of E2E NS Based on Complex Network Theory
Similarly, the betweenness centrality of node can be normal- Algorithm 2 The Node Mapping Algorithm Based on BFS
ized by using Input: RNS : the arrived NSR
2bi Output: Mnode : the results of node mapping
b0i = (6) 1: Sort virtual nodes with Algorithm 1.
(N − 1) (N − 2)
2: Sort physical nodes according to their NI values in non-
because the maximum of bi is (N − 1) (N − 2)/2. In the increasing order.
case of reaching maximum, each node pair of the network 3: for each virtual node do
has at least one shortest path that travel through the node. 4: if it is root R then
Based on these normalized metrics of nodes, the weighting 5: it is mapped into the physical node with the great-
0 0
parameters of node i can be given by d i +b i
2 . Therefore, est value of NI .
combining the local resource and weighting of each node, 6: else
the node importance of i can be given by 7: find the parent node P of it.
d i +b0 i find the mapped physical node I for P.
NI (i) = NR (i) × . (7) 9: find the neighbor nodes of I as the candidate
physical nodes C.
According to the node importance, we use graphical 10: choose one of C which owns the greatest value of
breadth-first-search (BFS) algorithm to sort nodes, and map NI in the premise of satisfying the capacity requirements.
the virtual nodes to physical nodes based on BFS. The sorting 11: end if
algorithm of virtual nodes are listed in Algorithm 1. Based on 12: return Mnode .
the sorting algorithm, the node mapping algorithm is intro- 13: end for
duced in Algorithm 2. The node degree describes the number
of its neighborhood nodes and node betweenness centrality
describes the importance of a node with respect to the shortest Algorithm 3 The Link Mapping Algorithm Based on KSP
path. Nodes with higher degree and betweenness centrality Input: RNS : the arrived NSR
mean that they are frequently used and many shortest paths Output: Mlink : the results of link mapping
pass through them. Hence, with BFS algorithm, giving prior- 1: Sort the virtual links according to bandwidth in non-
ity to the nodes with higher node importance will reduce link increasing order.
resources usage in the infrastructure network. 2: for each virtual link l. do
3: calculate the bandwidth requirement BW (l).
4: remove the physical links that can not meet the band-
Algorithm 1 The Sorting Algorithm for Virtual Nodes
width requirement.
in NSRs
Input: NR : the set of virtual nodes in NSR 5: according to Mnode , find the mapped physical nodes
Output: NR0 : the sequence of sorted virtual nodes of l.
1: Calculating NI value of each virtual node.
6: find the physical shortest path between these two
2: Sorting the virtual nodes by NI value in non-increasing
physical nodes by using Floyd algorithm.
order. 7: return Mlink .
8: end for
3: Selecting the virtual node with highest NI value as R.
4: Using R as the root node, traverse the graph of NSR using
BFS algorithm, and get the BFS tree T .
5: Sorting the virtual nodes in each layer of T according to the ultimate goal is to take advantage of infrastructure
NI value in non-increasing order. resources efficiently. Hence, the main objective can be
6: Return NR0 . expressed by
2) CHAINING VNFS min CR (nR ) · µnR ,nI + BR (eR ) · νeR ,eI . (8)
nR ∈NR eR ∈ER
The procedure of creating paths that interconnect the VNFs
placed nodes would be achieved on the basis of k-shortest Furthermore, the objectives of different kinds of slices are
paths (KSP) algorithm. KSP algorithm is used to select suit- also determined by their service demands. These objectives
able physical paths in the premise of satisfying the bandwidth are listed below.
resource requirements. After removing the link paths that do
not satisfy the requirements, Floyd algorithm is used to calcu- 1) EMBB SLICE
late the shortest path. More details are shown in Algorithm 3. The eMBB usage scenario covers a range of cases, including
wide-area coverage and hotspot. For the hotspot case, i.e. for
B. OBJECTIVES OF THREE TYPES OF SLICES an area with high user density, very high traffic capacity is
In this section, we introduce the objectives of NSRs deploy- needed, while the requirement for mobility is low and user
ment problem. No matter which kind of slice is required, data rate is higher. This kind of slice does not require strict
delay and plentiful resources. Hence, the deployment objec- µnBS ,nBS · ξnBS ,ewl ·CIwl ewl
tive of eMBB slices should be maximizing the remaining nBS BS wl wl BS
I ∈NI eI ∈EI nI
These objectives are subject to Eq. 20 ensures that each virtual CN only should be mapped to
X a physical CN. Eq. 21 ensures that each physical CN only can
µnBS ,nBS = 1, ∀nBS BS
I ∈ NI (12) undertake a virtual CN for each NSR. Eq. 22 ensures that the
R ∈NR computing resource of each physical CN can satisfy the total
requirement of all virtual CNs mapped in it. Eq. 23 ensures
µnBS ,nBS ≤ 1, ∀nBS BS
R ∈ NR (13) that the computing resource of selected CN should not be less
nBS BS than the computing resource requirement of virtual CNs.
Eq. 12 ensures that each virtual BS only should be mapped C. DEPLOYMENT STRATEGIES OF THREE TYPES OF SLICES
to a physical BS. Eq. 13 ensures that each physical BS only As a functional block in the management framework of 5G
should undertake a virtual BS for each NSR. network slicing [36], the deployment strategies we proposed
are conducted under the assumption that the arrived NSR has
I ewl
I ≤ Bwl
I (14)
been identified as one of those three types. In our proposed
ewl wl
X deployment policy of NS, we give three different strate-
CIwl ewl
I ≤ CI
I , ∀nBS BS
R ∈ NR (15) gies to three types of slices. After the arriving of NSRs,
ewl wl
these requests are classified, then implemented by different
X mapping algorithms respectively. Meanwhile, the resource
µnBS ,nBS · CRBS nBS
I , ∀nBS BS
I ∈ NI efficiency (RE) and acceptance ratio (AR) of NSRs are cal-
R ∈NR culated. Resource efficiency is defined as the revenues and
(16) cost ratio. The achieved revenues of accepting a NSR by the
infrastructure network can be defined as the sum of nodes 1) ALGORITHM A FOR EMBB SLICE
capacity and link bandwidth requirements of a NSR. And the In the deployment algorithm for eMBB slice, the virtual BSs
cost can be defined as the sum of nodes capacity and link are first sorted and mapped according to the node mapping
bandwidth resources of the infrastructure network. Hence, algorithm (Algorithm 2). After mapping the virtual BSs,
the resource efficiency can be formulated as follows: the virtual CNs are mapped similarly considering the com-
CR (n) +
BR (l) puting resource requirements. Then, the mapping of virtual
n∈NR l∈ER OSs are finished when searching the shortest paths between
RE = P (24) each BS-CN pair. Finally, the virtual links are mapped with
CR (n) + BR (l) × hop (l)
n∈NR l∈ER the link mapping algorithm (Algorithm 3). Details are shown
in Algorithm 5.
Where CR (n) represents the capacity of node n and BR (l)
represents the bandwidth of link l, hop (l) represents the map-
ping path length of link l. Furthermore, acceptance ratio is the Algorithm 5 Deployment Algorithm A for eMBB Slice
ratio of the number of NSRs which have been successfully Input: GI and Re
mapped and the total number. Hence, it can be formulated as Output: Mnode and Mlink
PT 1: sort the virtual nodes by Algorithm 1.
NU Macc 2: do node mapping of BSs by Algorithm 2.
AR = Pt=0 T
3: do node mapping of CNs by Algorithm 2.
t=0 NU Marr
4: do link mapping by Algorithm 3.
In the above formula, NU Macc represents the number of 5: do node mapping of OSs according to the link mapping.
NSRs that have been accepted while NU Marr denotes the 6: return the mapping results.
number of NSRs that have been arrived. Details are presented
in Algorithm 4. For the deployment of NSRs, we consider
two conditions which are the static deployment and dynamic
deployment. The former means that slices are permanent
In the deployment algorithm for mMTC slice, the virtual CNs
once they are deployed successfully. However, in the latter
are mapped firstly. Next, take these CNs as the source end-
condition, NSRs have life time and the resource allocated to
points and find out the candidate BSs as the target endpoints.
NSRs will be recycled at the end of life time. For dynamic
Then, we select the shortest path from the set of candidate
deployment, step 2 in Algorithm 4 will check if there are any
paths between CN and candidate BSs to map the virtual link.
NSRs which need to be recycled and calculate the resources
Details are shown in Algorithm 6.
after the recycle of NSRs. However, for static deployment,
there are no any NSRs which need to be recycled during the
deployment of the sequence of NSRs. Algorithm 6 Deployment Algorithm B for mMTC Slice
Input: GI and Rm
Output: Mnode and Mlink
Algorithm 4 The NSRs Implementation Algorithm 1: sort the virtual nodes by Algorithm 1.
Input: GI = (NI , EI , CI , BI ) and RNS = Re ∪ Rm ∪ Ru 2: do node mapping of CNs by Algorithm 2.
Output: AR, RE, Mnode and Mlink 3: select available BSs as candidate BSs.
1: while RNS 6 = ∅ do 4: search the set of candidate paths between CN and candi-
2: Calculating the resources of infrastructure net- date BSs.
work GI . 5: do link mapping based on candidate paths by
3: if NSR is eMBB slice Re then Algorithm 3.
4: deploy it using Algorithm 5. 6: do node mapping of OSs according to the link mapping.
5: else if NSR is mMTC slice Rm then 7: do node mapping of BSs.
6: deploy it using Algorithm 6. 8: return the mapping results.
7: else
8: deploy it using Algorithm 7.
10: if Mnode and Mlink are not null then
In the deployment algorithm for uRLLC slice, we first find
11: update the resources of infrastructure
out the set of candidate BS-CN pairs and search all the
network GI .
possible routing paths between these candidate pairs as the
12: calculating resource efficiency RE.
candidate path set. According to the number of virtual links
13: else if Mnode and Mlink are null then
of NSR, we select the shortest paths from the set of candidate
14: calculating acceptance ratio AR.
paths to map the virtual links. Then we map the virtual BSs
15: end if
and CNs into the physical endpoints of the selected paths.
16: end while
Details are shown in Algorithm 7.
A. EXPERIMENTAL ENVIRONMENT SETTINGS time duration of slice is ranged from 15 units to 45 units and
In the growth of communication network, a forthcoming node the arrive time of each NSR is between 1 and 50.
has the tendency to connect itself to the nodes with large
degrees, and the node-degree distribution follows a power- B. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND ANALYSIS
law form. Hence, we apply the algorithms of BarabÃąsi- We use the resource efficiency and accptance ratio which
Albert (BA) scale-free networks [37] to generate the topology were introduced in the previous section to evaluate the per-
of NSRs and infrastructure network. The generating principle formance of the NSRs implementation algorithm. As only
is as follows: a few deployment algorithm of E2E slices can be found
in current literatures, our deployment algorithms are com-
• Growth: Starting from a connected network of small
pared with a simulated annealing (SA) [38] based approach,
size with n0 ≥ 1 nodes, introduce one new node to the
the VNE algorithm LAVA [39] and the VNF placement algo-
existing network each time, and this incoming new node
rithm GLL [40]. The SA-based approach here is similar with
is connected to n existing nodes, where 1 ≤ n ≤ no .
SA-based middel box placement algorithm in [27]. LAVA
• Preferential Attachment: The incoming new node is con-
is a service-oriented substrate resource slicing strategy, and
nected to each of the n Qexisting nodes, according to the
GLL is a greedy algorithm which is based on functions
following probability: i = PNkci , where Nc denotes
j=1 kj being mapped to the node with highest available capacity.
the total number of current existing nodes and ki is the Moreover, we analyze the execution time of three different
degree of node i. deployment strategies while the number of NSRs increases.
Obviously, after t steps of adding new nodes, the BA network To eliminate the randomicity and improve the accuracy,
will have N = n0 + t nodes. Fig. 3 illustrates the growing the simulations have been operated 50 times independently
process of a BA scale-free network. and took the average.
The specific parameter settings are shown in Table.1.
We assume that the total number of physical nodes in infras- 1) RESOURCE EFFICIENCY
tructure network can be N = 100, 200, 300. These nodes In Fig. 4, we compare the RE results of eMBB slice,
are divided into three sets: BS nodes, OS nodes and CN mMTC slice, and uRLLC slice sequences respectively. Each
nodes. For the static deployment, the sequences of NSRs sequence of NSRs contains a single type of slices under the
consist of three different types of slices and the numbers of condition of static deployment. We calculate the results at
eMBB slices, mMTC slices and uRLLC slices are randomly N = 300 to guarantee sufficient physical resource. It can be
decided. For dynamic deployment, the difference is that the seen that RE gradually decreases along with the increasing of
FIGURE 4. Resource efficiency of different types of slices. (a) eMBB slices. (b) mMTC slices. (c) uRLLC slices.
FIGURE 5. Acceptance ratio of different deployment algorithms. (a) Static deployment. (b) Dynamic deployment.
the number of NSRs. The main reason is that the bigger the two conditions are plotted respectively in Fig. 5. As illustrated
number of NSRs, the longer the average mapping path length in Fig. 5(a), the AR of four algorithms decrease gradually
and the more link bandwidth resources are consumed. The with the increasing number of NSRs and time duration of
results show that NSRs implementation algorithm and LAVA each NSR. And the AR of our algorithm is higher than others
perform better than two heuristic algorithms, SA-based and when the number of NSRs is lower than 28 approximately.
GLL. Thus, it can be concluded that service-oriented resource However the AR of our algorithm is lower than SA-based
slicing approach can improve the efficiency of resource using. algorithm when the number of NSRs is more than 28. That is
Since we have improved the node’s ranking method with the because, our algorithm focuses on increasing the RE and pro-
topological characteristics based on CN theory, our algorithm vide different objectives for three types of slices. This more
performs even better than LAVA. In addition, we can see that strict deployment policy leads to lower AR when the number
the RE of uRLLC slices is highest compared to mMTC slices of NSRs is higher. It also can be observed that the AR of GLL
and eMBB slices. This is due to the fact that the average is higher than LAVA. The reason is that LAVA allocates the
mapping path length of links in the sequence of uRLLC slices substrate resources according to the service class, which is
is lowest, which is the result of the deployment objective of more strict than GLL. In Fig. 5(b), the infrastructure network
uRLLC slices. recycles resources with the ending of slices, which causes
more available resources. Hence, the number of NSRs that are
accepted successfully is higher than static deployment. When
2) ACCEPTANCE RATIO the time duration is long, the resources are not frequently
According to equation Eq. 22, the AR is proportional to updated and it causes the decreasing of AR.
the number of successfully deployed slices. We analyze the
relationship between the number of NSRs and the AR in the
condition of static deployment. Furthermore, we calculate the 3) EXECUTION TIME
AR when the time duration of each NSR is changed in the To evaluate the execution time, we use the proposed algo-
condition of dynamic deployment. The AR results of these rithms and SA-based approach to deploy three types of slices
FIGURE 6. Execution time performance of different deployment algorithms. (a) Algorithm A for eMBB slices. (b) Algorithm B for mMTC slices.
(c) Algorithm C for uRLLC slices.
seperately in the condition of static deployment. In Fig. 6, simulations have shown that our proposed algorithm achieve
with the increasing number of slices, both average execution higher resource efficiency and acceptance ratio. Analysis of
time of our algorithms and SA-based algorithm increase. execution time prove that E2E network slices can be deployed
And the SA-based algorithm takes much more time than rapidly with our proposed service-oriented deployment
the proposed algorithm for three types of slices. It can also policy.
be noticed that average execution time of our algorithm is
different for three types of slices. For eMBB slices, it requires REFERENCES
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[23] R. Mijumbi et al., ‘‘Network function virtualization: State-of-the-art fessor with the Communication Network Center
and research challenges,’’ IEEE Commun. Surveys Tuts., vol. 18, no. 1, and the Director of the Beijing Key Laboratory of
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[24] LinuxFoundation. Opnfv. Accessed: Jun. 7, 2017. [Online]. Available: He is the Vice Director of the Organization Com-
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[25] Telefonica. Openmano. Accessed: Jun. 7, 2017. [Online]. Available: ation. In the last five years, he has been the author of over 100 papers
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[26] FraunhoferFOKUS. Openbaton. Accessed: Jun. 7, 2017. [Online]. Avail- the National Key Project of Hi-Tech Research and Development Program of
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[28] L. Wang, Z. Lu, X. Wen, R. Knopp, and R. Gupta, ‘‘Joint opti-
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[29] S. Clayman, E. Maini, A. Galis, A. Manzalini, and N. Mazzocca, ‘‘The sity, Jinan, China, and the Ph.D. degree from the
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[30] M. Ghaznavi, A. Khan, N. Shahriar, K. Alsubhi, R. Ahmed, and and Communication Engineering, Beijing Univer-
R. Boutaba, ‘‘Elastic virtual network function placement,’’ in Proc. IEEE sity of Posts and Telecommunications, in 2017.
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[33] N. M. M. K. Chowdhury, M. R. Rahman, and R. Boutaba, ‘‘Virtual network munications in 2012. He joined the School of
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[34] M. Chowdhury, M. R. Rahman, and R. Boutaba, ‘‘ViNEYard: Virtual tions, in 2012. His research interests include open
network embedding algorithms with coordinated node and link mapping,’’ wireless networks, QoE management in wireless
IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw., vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 206–219, Feb. 2012. networks, software-defined wireless networks, and
[35] M. Chowdhury, F. Samuel, and R. Boutaba, ‘‘PolyViNE: Policy-based cross-layer design for mobile video applications.
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pp. 49–56.
[36] W. Guan, X. Wen, L. Wang, and Z. Lu, ‘‘Network slicing management of YIDI SHEN received the B.S. degree in com-
5G ultra-dense networks based on complex network theory,’’ in Proc. IEEE
munication engineering from Jilin University,
Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), Dec. 2017, pp. 1–6.
Changchun, China. She is currently pursuing the
[37] A.-L. Barabási and R. Albert, ‘‘Emergence of scaling in random net-
works,’’ Science, vol. 286, no. 5439, pp. 509–512, 1999. M.S. degree in communications engineering at the
[38] E. Aarts and J. Korst, ‘‘Simulated annealing and boltz- Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunica-
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https://www.osti.gov/biblio/5311236 network slicing and complex network theory.
[39] C. Yu, W. Hou, Y. Guan, Y. Zong, and P. Guo, ‘‘Virtual 5G network
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