Advanced Financial Accounting and Reporting (Partnership)
Advanced Financial Accounting and Reporting (Partnership)
Advanced Financial Accounting and Reporting (Partnership)
Partnership Accounting
The following additional notes are provided: On December 31, 2017, Renz and Mon made withdrawals of
P500,000 and P1MM, respectively. The statement of financial
a. Alvin and Mark will contribute all its assets and liabilities position of the partnership shows that Mon’s capital on
to the newly formed partnership. December 31, 2017 is P6.5MM.
b. The parties agree to provide 10% and 20% allowance for
bad debts to the accounts receivable of Alvin and Mark, What is the capital balance of Renz on December 31,
respectively. 2017?
c. The inventories of Alvin and Mark are reported at
historical cost and have net realizable value of P60MM a. P3,260,000
and P45MM, respectively. b. P2,100,000
d. The PPE of Alvin and Mark have not been depreciated c. P2,360,000
and should be depreciated by 40% and 30%, d. P2,860,000
e. The interest payable on both notes payable were 23. On January 1, 2017, Robert and Rodel formed Aguhon
unrecorded and unpaid since the date of contract. Alvin’s Partnership organized to train prospective professional
notes payable is dated April 1, 2016 while Mark’s notes mountaineers. The articles of co-partnership provides that the
payable is dated June 30, 2016. profit or loss shall be distributed accordingly:
f. Kris shall have 20% interest in the partnership upon
contribution of sufficient cash. 10% interest on average capital balance
P50,000 and P100,000 quarterly salary for Robert and
What is the amount of cash to be contributed by Kris on Rodel, respectively.
January 1, 2017? The remainder shall be distributed in the ratio of 3:2 for
Robert and Rodel, respectively.
a. P16,375,000
The following transactions regarding the capital balance
b. P17,625,000
of the balance of the partners for year 2017 are provided:
c. P15,825,000
d. P18,475,000
Robert Rodel
21. On January 1, 2017, Aby, Basti and Renz formed a 01.01.17 Investment P1,000,000 P500,000
partnership with original capital contribution ratio of 4:5:1 for 03.31.17 Investment 100,000
total agreed capitalization of P5MM. The profit or loss ratio 07.01.17 Withdrawal (200,000)
agreement provides that profits shall be distributed in the ratio 09.30.17 Withdrawal (200,000)
of 3:2:5, while losses shall be distributed in the ratio of 6:1:3. 10.01.17 Investment 700,000
26. On December 31, 2017, the Statement of Financial Position Total Assets P100MM Total Liabilities P40MM
of CAR Partnership shows the following data with profit or loss Umber 10MM
sharing of 1:3:6 Fritz 20MM
Carol 30MM
Cash P 5MM Total Liabilities P10MM
Noncash Asset 15MM Carla 5MM On December 31, 2016 Umber decided to retire from the
Ara 3MM partnership. However, before the distribution of cash to
Renz 2MM Umber, the following data errors were discovered during the
preretirement audit:
On January 1, 2018, Ellen is admitted to the new partnership
name CARE by purchasing 20% capital interest of Carla in the During 2016, the property, plant and equipment has not
amount of P1,200,000. Which of the following statements been subject to revaluation surplus by P15MM.
is correct?
The 2016 net income is overstated by P5MM.
After the adjustment, Umber received retirement pay of final settlement is made among partners on February 10,
P15MM for his capital interest. What is the capital balance 2016. In the final settlement:
of Fritz after the retirement of Umber?
a. NN should pay OO and PP, P1,400 each
a. P23,000,000 b. OO and PP should pay NN, P2,800 each
b. P21,000,000 c. OO should pay NN and PP, P2,800 each
c. P18,875,000 d. NN should pay OO, P1,400.
d. P21,875,000
34. JNA Partnership is entering into liquidation and as a liquidator
30. Before the retirement of Ana from ABC Partnership, Ana, Bea you are given the following account balances:
and Cara have capital balance of P1MM, P3MM and P6MM,
respectively. The pre-retirement capital profit or loss ratio of Cash P775K Liabilities P1.1MM
the partnership is 5:1:4, respectively. If the capital balance of Non Cash 6.75MM A, Loan 150K
Bea after Ana’s retirement becomes P3,120,000 and Assets
J, Cap 20% 1.275MM
particular partnership asset is undervalued.
N, Cap 20% 1.625MM
A, Cap 60% 3.375MM
How much did Ana receive at the time of her retirement? Total P7.525M Total P7.525M
a. P1,600,000 a. P30,000
b. P400,000 b. P50,000
c. P880,000 c. P40,000
d. P520,000 d. P60,000
32. On June 11, 2016, Moly, Nora and Olga form a partnership 35. What is J’s share in the maximum possible loss?
investing cash of P15,000, P13,500 and P4,200, respectively.
The partners share profits 3:2:2 and on August 30, 2016, they a. P995,000
have cash of P1,000, and other assets of P47,500; liabilities b. P985,000
are P25,600. On this date they decide to go out of business c. P965,000
and sell all the assets for P30,000. Olga has personal assets d. P975,000
of P1,500 that may, if necessary, be used to meet partnership
obligations. How much should be distributed to Nora upon
liquidation of the partnership?
a. P4,000
b. P2,040
c. P4,860
d. P0