Gustilo's Holistic Essay Scoring Guide (2011)

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Appendix A: Idea Generation Process

What thought processes did you engage in while Not at Very Somewhat To a great
forming/generating ideas for this essay? all (1) Little (2) (3) extent (4)
1. I generated ideas based on my goal.
2. I recalled my prior knowledge regarding the
structure of essays that are similar to this essay that I
just wrote.
3. I recalled what I have read about the topic in order
to generate ideas.
4. I recalled the news and conversations I had heard
about the topic.
5. I stopped to read the previous sentences I had
6. I recalled what I had experienced about the topic.
7. I created a mental picture of the ideas I wanted to
8. My ideas seem to unfold as I tried to get the whole
organization of my essay.
9. I visualized the reaction of my audience to my
10 I kept in mind the topic of my essay when
retrieving ideas.
11 I got more ideas when I generated ideas using my
First language (Bisaya, Ilonggo, Tagalog, etc).
12. I got more ideas when I generated ideas in
Appendix B: Writing Background

Instructions: This part of the survey will ask about your background in writing prior to
your college education. Please give an honest and careful answer that describes who
you really are and not ideally you should be. Encircle the number representing your

How likely or true are the following statements Not at Very Somewhat To a great
regarding writing situations that you do in school? all (1) Little (2) (3) extent (4)

1 I outline before I write my essays. 1 2 3 4

2 I develop thesis statements in my essays. 1 2 3 4
3 I develop topic sentences in each paragraph. 1 2 3 4
4 I develop my paragraph around a main idea. 1 2 3 4
I organize a paragraph that is easily
5 1 2 3 4
understood with enough supporting details.
I write different types of essays such as
6 1 2 3 4
persuasive, narrative, etc.
How familiar and trained were you for extra-
1 2 3 4
curricular activities?
I write journalistic articles such as news,
7 editorial, feature articles, etc. because of my 1 2 3 4
involvement in our school paper.
I am trained to compete in writing
8 1 2 3 4
How likely or true are the following statements
regarding writing situations that you do on your 1 2 3 4
I write regularly using online forum such as
9 1 2 3 4
blog or online journal.
10 I write a lot in my diary. 1 2 3 4
11 I write emails and letters in English regularly. 1 2 3 4
Writing English literary works such as poems,
12 1 2 3 4
short stories, or novel is one my hobbies.
How do you assess your ability and confidence in
writing school-related writing tasks?
I believe that I am equipped to handle college
13 1 2 3 4
writing because of my training in high school.
14 I was a good writer when I was in high school. 1 2 3 4
15 I am confident in writing academic essays. 1 2 3 4

Appendix C: Sample Grammar Test

1. Verb forms: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.
Add the necessary helping verbs.
1. Some of the students (speak, never)________________ English before they came
here in the Philippines.
2. I wish I (come, not) ______________ here last year.
3. It is essential that you (be) ___________________ here tomorrow.
4. Had I known Dan wouldn’t be here, I (come , not)________________.
5. My passport (stamp)_________ at the airport when I arrived.

Appendix D. Sample Vocabulary Test

1. cultured (adj)
a. well educated
b. cumbersome
c. well understood
2 recklessness (n)
a. fearlessness
b. carelessness
c. bravery
3. remorse (n)
a. thankfulness
b. repentance
c. holiness
4. replicate (v)
a. gratify
b. repent
c. duplicate
5. repressed (adj)
a. expressed
b. suppressed
c. depressed

Appendix E. Sample Spelling Test

Encircle the word that has a correct spelling.

1 absence absince absens

2 abundans abundanse abundance
3 acessible accessible acesible
4 accidentally acidentally accidentaly
5 acclaim aclaim acclame

Appendix F: Holistic Scoring Guide (Modified from Gustilo, 2011)

SCORE OF 6: A writer in this level shows highly-advanced proficiency, producing excellent quality in
both content, organization, and surface-level items. The essay
1. addresses the prompt specifically and effectively, resulting in an outstandingly well-
argued/elaborated message content
2. provides appropriate and sufficient details to support a thesis or illustrate points in all parts of
the task (shows a great deal of prior knowledge about the topic)
3. displays consistently efficient use of language—using effective and varied syntactic structures
(e.g. subordination and coordination; simple and complex sentences; etc) and appropriate word
choice/word form (nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs are appropriately used).
4. exhibits clear organization and skilfully arranged ideas--(intro, body, and conclusion are
effectively developed; no irrelevant ideas/deviations from the topic, use of transitions)
5. contains no errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and mechanics.

SCORE OF 5: A writer in this level shows reasonably advanced proficiency, producing an output with
good message content and organization but may contain minor lapses in surface-level items. The essay
1. addresses the prompt specifically, resulting in a reasonably argued/elaborated message
2. provides appropriate and sufficient details to support a thesis or illustrate points in all parts
of the task (shows a great deal of knowledge about the topic).
3. displays facility in the use of language: using varied syntactic structures and appropriate word
choice/word form
4. exhibits clear organization and smooth flow of ideas--( fully developed paragraphs, no
irrelevant ideas/deviations from the topic)
5. contains very minimal lapses in grammar, punctuation, spelling and mechanics.
SCORE OF 4: A writer in this level shows adequate proficiency in spite of minor lapses in organization
and surface-level items; some points of the message may appear weak and unconvincing. The essay
1. addresses the prompt adequately but fails to fully develop some parts of the prompt (some
points are not fully explained or elaborated).
2. provides adequate details to support or illustrate its claims (shows considerable amount of
prior knowledge about the topic)
3. shows inconsistent skill in the use of language in sentence structure and word choice.
4. exhibits adequate organization and some degree of coherence.
5. contains some grammar, punctuation, spelling and mechanics errors.

SCORE OF 3: A writer in this level shows a developing proficiency and produces an output with
problems in content, organization, and surface-level items. The output has one or more of the following
problematic items:
1. inadequate details (due to little prior knowledge about the topic)
2. obviously weak vocabulary or inappropriate word choice/word form
3. monotonous or problematic sentence structures
4. limited organization and development of ideas (paragraphs are not fully developed)
5. contains quite a number of grammar, punctuation, spelling and mechanics errors ; but the
message/content is still comprehensible

Score of 2: A writer in this level shows little proficiency and produces an output with one or more of the
following serious problems:
1. inappropriate or insufficient details; shows very little topic familiarity (the essay is very short).
2. limited vocabulary or inaccurate word forms
3. ineffective sentence structures
4. poor organization and serious problems in the development of ideas
5. somewhat unclear message due to serious problems in grammar, punctuation, spelling and

Score of 1: A writer in this level shows very little proficiency and produces an output with one of more
of the following severe problems:
1. little or no point of view on the task
2. grave errors in vocabulary/word usage
3. persistent errors in sentence structures
4. incomprehensible due to persistent errors in grammar, punctuations, or mechanics
5. highly disorganized and incoherent
Score of 0: no response, off topic, written in other languages except in English.

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