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Product programme

AV K ' s p ro d u c t p ro g r a m m e
m e e t s Yo u r r e q u i r e m e n t s

AVK's four main segments: AVK of the market and constant adaption and

Water supply
AVK is one of the leading valve development of the product programme to

Gate valves and acces- manufacturers for the water, gas and meet with market requirements. This takes
sories, air valves, swing sewage industries as well as fire protection place in our development department in
check valves, butterfly
worldwide. Denmark, an advanced technology centre,
valves etc.
where ideas and suggestions from many
Our product programme comprises a large different countries are gathered and where
Sewage treatment range of valves, hydrants, pipe fittings and existing products are continually adapted
Gate valves, knife valves, accessories, each complying with the and tested. In co-operation with the end
air valves, check valves,
highest standards of safety and durability. user, the products are field tested before
butterfly valves etc.
the final market launch, thus achieving the
Today, we are the only producer offering best result in the individual markets.
gate valves to most of the common
Fire protection national and international standards such
Gate valves, fire hydrants
and post indicators etc.
UL listed & FM approved.
SABS, AS and GOST. Our global position
ensures that we are able to give you, your
AVK is certified
partners and your customers the quality according to ISO 9001
products you require.
Gas supply
Gate valves and acces-
Product development
sories, fittings, plug val-
ves, flow limitors etc. Market proximity has always been at the
core of AVK's strategy; close contact with
the end-user ensures close monitoring

- supplier of supreme products

Production Quality
Production takes place in Denmark, the UK, AVK's products are marked by high,
the Netherlands, France, Poland, the USA, consistent quality, competitive prices and
Australia, Germany, China and Saudi Arabia. durability in line with market requirements.
AVK's products are also produced under This calls for strict quality control of the
licence in several other countries. production processes from beginning to
end and therefore AVK has been certified
Stock control and distribution to end users according to ISO 9001.
are handled through a wide network of
sales companies, agents and dealers in When it comes to quality at AVK, nothing
more than 85 countries. These service the is left to chance.
end-user, allowing AVK to monitor market
changes and keep abreast of customer

AVK focuses on the environment

The products of AVK form part of
infrastructures, which play an important
role for the local environment the world
over. This for example, applies to the
supply of pure drinking water and the
draining of wastewater to treatment
plants. In all its internal processes, AVK
focuses on the environment as a natural
consequence of this.

G a t e va l ve s
fo r wa t e r s u p p l y

Series 02 and 20 Series 06 and 26 Seies 06

Flanged gate valve Flanged gate valve Flanged gate valve
DN 40-500 DN 40-400 DN 450-600
PN 10 or 16 PN 10 or 16 PN 10 or 16
GJS-500-7 GJS-500-7 GJS-500-7
Resilient seated
Options: Options: Full bore
• replaceable stem • replaceable stem Replaceable stem
sealing sealing sealing
• internal enamel • internal enamel DN 80 By-pass
• PN 25

Series 55 Series 21 Series 15

Flanged gate valve Flanged gate valve Flanged gate valve
DN 450-500-600 DN 50-400 prepared for electric
PN 10 or 16 PN 10 or 16 actuator
GJS-500-7 GJL-250 DN 40-500
Resilient seated PN 10 or 16
Full bore Options: GJS-500-7
Replaceable stem • PN 25
sealing • GJS-500-7 Options:
DN 80 By-pass • face to face
dimension DIN F5
Options: or BS
• AVK PowerSaver™ • hydraulic/pneumatic
for torque reduction actuator

Series 01/80 Series 01/70 Series 32

Gate valve with socket Gate valve with Gate valve with
end with "Euro" socket Supa Plus™ coupling spigot end
ends for uPVC-pipes for uPVC-pipes DN 80-300
DN 40-400 DN 40-300 PN 16
PN 16 PN 16 GJS-500-7
GJS-500-7 GJS-400-15
• spigot ends for D.I.
pipes or AC pipes
• long spigot ends with
replaceable stem

Series 33/50 Serie 06/38 Series 33/00

Gate valve with Gate valve with Gate valve with
BLS® socket end / grooved ends socket ends for cast iron
BLS® spigot end DN 50-300 pipes
DN 80-300 PN 16 DN 80-200
PN 10 or 16 GJS-500-7 PN 16
GJS-500-7 GJS-500-7

G a t e va l ve s , f l oa t va l ve s ,
sw i n g c h e c k va l ve s a n d
b u t t e r f l y va l ve s fo r wa t e r s u p p l y

Series 18 Series 36 Series 38

Combi-cross Gate valve with PE-ends, Gate valve with
DN 100-300 DN 65-300 PE-end /flange
PN 10 or 16 PN 10 or 16 DN 50-200
GJS-500-7 GJS-500-7 PN 10 or 16
PE100 GJS-500-7
Options: PE100
• 3 or 4 outlets
• replaceable
stem sealing Options:
• Combi-Tee with • replaceable stem
flange ends sealing Options:
• replaceable stem

Series 78/8110 Series 41 Series 41

Balanced float valve Swing check valve Swing check valve
PN 10 Hinge and disc or Free shaft
DN 40-250 solid rubber disc Hinge and disc
Grey cast iron DN 50-200 DN 50-300
PN 10 or 16 PN 10 or 16
GJS-500-7 GJS-500-7

Options: Options:
• resilient or metal • lever and weight
seated • lever and spring

Series 78/7520 Series 75 Series 75

Garden fountain Double flanged Semi lug butterfly
Non frostproof butterfly valve valve
Connection by a DN 40-2200 DN 50-300
complete fitting PN 10 or 16 PN 10 or 16
for HDPE GJL-250 GJL-250
DN 25, D.ext. 32
PN 10 Options: Options:
• various materials • various materials
Options: • various actuators • various actuators
• frostproof

Series 76 Series 756 Series 756

Lug type butterfly Butterfly valve Butterfly valve
valve, Euronomic Double eccentric Double eccentric
DN 50-300 double flanged Integral seat design
PN 10 or 16 DN 200-600 DN 700-1200
GJL-250 PN 10 or 16 PN 10 or 16
Long length to GJS-500-7
Options: BS EN 558
• wafer type GJS-400-15 Options:
• replaceable gunmetal
seat design
• replaceable stainless
steel seat design
• DN 1300-2200

S e r v i c e c o n n e c t i o n va l ve s
fo r wa t e r s u p p l y

Series 03/00 Series 03/30 Series 03/65

Service connection Service connection Service connection
valve with internal BSP valve with socket ends valve with screw
thread DN 20-50 couplings for
DN 25-50 PN 10 PE-pipes
PN 16 DN 25-50
Options: PN 10
Options: • GJL-250 or GJS-400-15
• GJL-250 or GJS-500-7
GJS-500-7 • external BSP thread
• internal enamel • couplings for PE
• water meter valve pipes

Series 03/85 Series 16/05 Series 16/25

Service connection Service connection Service connection
valve - one end with valve with tensile valve with PRK
couplings for PE-pipes, resistant screw couplings for PE-pipes
one end with external couplings DN 25-50
thread DN 25-50 PN 10
DN 25-32 PN 10 Brass
PN 10 Brass
GJS-400-15 Options:
Options: • T-type bonnet
• T-type bonnet

Series 36/8X Series 16/50 Series 16/80

Service connection Service connection Service connection
valve with PE-ends valve with tensile valve for fusion welded
DN 25-50 resistant socket joints installation in PE-pipes
PN 10 for PE-pipes
GJS-500-7 DN 25-50
PN 10 or 16
POM DN 25-50
(Polyoxymethylene) PN 10 or 16

Series 16/90 Series 11/00 Series 11/30

Service connection Service connection Service connection
valve with angle valve with angle valve with
PRK-couplings external thread on inlet external thread on inlet
DN 25-50 and internal thread on and tensile resistant
PN 10 or 16 outlet socket joints for
POM DN 25-50 PE-pipes on outlet
(Polyoxymethylene) PN 16 DN 25-50
GJS-400-15 PN 16
Options: GJS-400-15
• PRK-coupling /
external conical pipe
• outside conical pipe
• thread / tensile
resistant socket joints

A i r va l ve s fo r
wa t e r s u p p l y

Series 701/10 Series 701/20 Series 701/30

Automatic air valve Automatic air valve Kinetic air valve
Single acting Single acting Single acting
Threaded BSP 1" Threaded BSP 1/2", 3/4", Inlet flange
DN 25 1" male adaptor DN 50-200
PN 16 DN 15, DN 20 or DN 25 PN 16
Reinforced nylon PN 16 Grey cast iron
Grey cast iron

Series 701/40 Series 701/50 Series 701/60

Combination air valve Combination air valve Combination air valve
Double acting Double acting Double acting
Threaded BSP Inlet flange Inlet flange
3/4", 1" or 2" DN 50-200 DN 50-200
DN 20, DN 25 or DN 50 PN 16 PN 16
PN 10: 3/4" and 1" Grey cast iron/ Grey cast iron
PN 16: 2" Reinforced nylon
Reinforced nylon

Series 701/84 Series 851/40 Series 851/40

Underground air valve Double acting- Single acting
installation system double orifice air valve
PN 0,1-10 air valve DN 25
DN 50-100 DN 50-200 PN 16
Ductile iron PN 16 GJS-500-7

G a t e va l ve s a n d hyd r a n t s
fo r wa t e r & f i r e p r ot e c t i o n

Series 35/60 Series 35/30 Series 09

Underground fire Underground fire Above ground fire
hydrant for water hydrant for water hydrant for water
PN 16 PN 16 Screw down type B
DN 80 DN 80 DN 80 / PN 10
800-1500 mm 750-1500 mm GJS-500-7

Options: Options:
• Belgium type (35/40) • manual or automatic
• Dutch type (35/50) drainage
• aluminium body
• screw down type B
• gate valve operated

Series 34/00 Series 34/80 Series 24

Post indicator, Wall post indicator, Wet barrel fire hydrant
telescopic DN 100-300 P.I. gate for fire protection
for DN 100-300 P.I. valves 200 PSI, GJS-500-7
gate valves Stem length UL listed, FM
Bury depth: 250-1250 mm approved
483-2210 mm GJS-500-7
GJS-500-7 UL/ULC listed, Options:
UL/ULC listed, FM approved • 1 x pumper
FM approved 2 x hose
• 1 x pumper
1 x hose

Series 27 Series 27 Series 06/37

Dry barrel fire hydrant Dry barrel fire hydrant Gate valve with
for fire protection for fire protection grooved ends with
Modern style Nostalgic style pin indicator and
Bury depth 2 1/2' - 10' Bury depth 2 1/2' - 10' handwheel for fire
250 PSI, GJS-500-7 250 PSI, GJS-500-7 protection
UL/ULC listed, UL/ULC listed, PN 10 or 16
FM approved FM approved DN 50-300
Inlet options: Inlet options:
• 4"-6" flanged • 4"-6" flanged
• 4"-6" mechanical • 4"-6" mechanical
joint joint
• 6" push-on • 6" push-on

Series 06/35 Series 25 Series 25

Flanged gate valve with Gate valve with Gate valve with rising
position indicator for indicator post for fire stem for fire
fire protection protection protection
DN 50-300 DN 100-300 DN 65-250: GJL-250
PN 10 or 16 200 PSI DN 300: GJS-500-7
GJS-500-7 GJL-250 200 PSI
VdS approved UL/ULC listed, UL/ULC listed,
(DN 50-200 only) FM approved FM approved

Options: Options:
• flanged, push-on • grooved ends or
or mechanical joint grooved/flanged ends

H yd r a n t s fo r wa t e r
and sprinkling

Series 84/00 Series 84/70 Series 84/40

Post hydrant in break- Above ground fire Post hydrant,
away design w/ add. hydrant, Model P6 Model P5,
ball shut-off DN 80 "NOSTALGIA"
Model P5 PN 16 DN 80
DN 80 or DN 100 Stainless steel PN 16
Pipe cover:
1000-1500 mm

Series 29/40 Series 30 Series 78

Underground fire Underground fire Dauphine
hydrant with bayonet hydrant Frostproof fire
coupling DN 100 hydrant
DN 100 PN 16 To NF S 61-211
PN 16 GJL-250 PN 16
GJS-500-7 DN 80-100
Grey cast iron
• with 3" stortz oupling Options:
• with 3" NOR coupling • DN 40 for sprinkling
• with 4" stortz

Series 78/7310 Series 78 Series 78

Delphine PEGASE Orion
Non frostproof fire Non breakable pillar Frostproof fire hydrant
hydrant hydrant Non breakable
To NF S 61-213 DN 100 Automatic drain plug
PN 16 Symmetrical Outlets Rotable 360°
DN 80-100 100 mm and 2 x 65 mm To NF S 61-213
Grey cast iron Automatic drain plug PN 16
Rotable 360° DN 80-100
Options: Agrement – NF Ductile cast iron
• DN 40 for sprinkling Marking - CE
• PEGASE STOP • Orion - Stop
DN 80-100, breakable

Series 78 Series 78
Vega Phenix
Frostproof fire hydrant Frostproof fire hydrant
Breakable Breakable
To NF S 61-213 To NF S 61-213
PN 16 PN 16
DN 80-100-150 DN 100
Ductile cast iron Grey cast iron

• Non-breakable
• Vega-Stop DN 80-100
• Vega-REC DN 80-100

G a t e va l ve s
a n d b u t t e r f l y va l ve s
fo r s ewa g e t r e a t m e n t

Series 02 and 20 Series 06 and 26 Series 15

Flanged gate valve Flanged gate valve Flanged gate valve
DN 40-500 DN 40-600 prepared for electric
PN 10 or 16 PN 10 or 16 actuator
GJS-500-7 GJS-500-7 DN 40-500
PN 10 or 16
Options: Options: GJS-500-7
• replaceable stem • replaceable stem
sealing sealing Options:
• internal enamel • internal enamel • face to face
• PN 25 dimension DIN F5
or BS
• hydraulic/pneumatic

Series 715 Series 06 Series 55

Flanged gate valve Flanged gate valve Flanged gate valve
with hydraulic actuator with position indicator DN 450-500-600
DN 65-400 DN 50-300 PN 10 or 16
PN 10 or PN 16 PN 10 or 16 GJS-500-7
GJS-500-7 GJS-500-7 Resilient seated
Full bore
Replaceable stem
DN 80 By-pass

• AVK PowerSaver™
for torque reduction

Serie 06/89 Series 54 Series 75

Flanged gate valve Flanged gate valve Wafer butterfly valve
with rising stem DN 700-1200 DN 40-1000
DN 50-400 PN 10 or 16 PN 10 or 16
PN 10 to 16 GJL-250 GJL-250
GJS-500-7 Metal faced
Replaceable stem Options:
sealing • various materials
• various actuators
• gearing
• by-pass

Series 75 Series 75 Series 76

Double flanged Semi lug butterfly Lug type butterfly
butterfly valve valve with pneumatic valve, Euronomic
DN 40-2200 actuator DN 50-300
PN 10 or 16 DN 50-300 PN 10 or 16
GJL-250 PN 10 or 16 GJL-250
Options: Options:
• various materials Options: • wafer type
• various actuators • various materials
• various actuators

C h e c k va l ve s ,
k n i fe g a t e va l ve s a n d a i r va l ve s
fo r s ewa g e t r e a t m e n t

Series 41/61 Series 41/60 Series 53

Swing check valve Swing check valve Ball check valve
Hinge and disc or Free shaft DN 32-50:
solid rubber disc Hinge and disc with internal thread
DN 50-200 DN 50-300 DN 50-600
PN 10 or 16 PN 10 or 16 wit flanged ends
GJS-500-7 GJS-500-7 PN 10
Options: Options:
• resilient seated or • lever and weight Options:
metal seated • lever and spring • with internal thread
DN 32-50 in AISI 316

Series 701/70 Series 701/33 Serie 772

Combination air valve Kinetic air valve AVK Penstocks
DN 50-200 DN 80-100 3 side sealing AP3 to
PN 10 or 16 PN 10 or 16 4 side sealing AP4
DN 150-1500
Options: Options: AISI 304 to AISI 316 Ti
• steel, cast iron or • steel or aluminium
aluminium Options:
• Other materials
and dimensions on

Series 701/75 Series 701/78 Danish environmental control is the toughest

Combination air valve Large combination air in Europe. Even more stringent than the
DN 50-100 valve, double acting – requirements of the EU.
PN 10 or 16 double orifice
Reinforced nylon DN 80–100 AVK has a great wealth of knowledge in the
supply of products for Danish sewage treatment
Options: plants. All in all, this means AVK produces some
• stainless steel or of the most environmentally friendly products
ductile iron and product packages available on the market,
thus protecting the environment for the future.

Series 701/79 Series 702

Underground air valve Knife gate valve
system DN 50-1200
DN 50-100 PN 10
Connection flange
DN 80 or DN 100 or Options:
3" BSP thread • various materials
PN 10 • handwheel
• chainwheel
• electric or pneumatic
• quick operation lever

Gate valves,
service connection valves,
butterfly valves and fittings for
gas supply

Series 02 Series 06 Series 46

Flanged gate valve Flanged gate valve Gate valve with spigot
DN 40-500 DN 40-400 ends
PN 10 or 16 PN 10 or 16 DN 50-300
GJS-500-7 GJS-500-7 PN 16
With replaceable With replaceable GS-C 25 N
stem sealing stem sealing With replaceable
stem sealing
Options: Options:
• external • external Options:
polyurethane coating polyurethane coating • external
polyurethane coating

Series 36 Series 38 Series 36

Gate valve with Gate valve Service connection
PE-ends PE-end/flange valve
DN 80-300 DN 50-2­0 0 DN 25-5o
PN 4 or 10 PN 4 or 10 PN 4
GJS-500-7 GJS-500-7 GJS-500-7
With replaceable With replaceable With replaceable
stem sealing stem sealing stem sealing

Options: Options: • foundation
• foundation • foundation • external
• external • external polyurethane coating
polyurethane coating polyurethane coating

Series 03 Series 70/52 Series 75

Service connection Service isolating plug Wafer butterfly valve
valve valve DN 40-1000
DN 25-50 One piece body of PN 10 or 16
PN 16 PE/glass filled nylon GJL-250
With replaceable Options:
stem sealing • various materials
PE-pipe d.ex. 32 mm • various actuators
and 63 mm
PN 4

Series 70/310
Excess flow limitor/
safety valve
Automatic resetting
PE-pipe d.ex. 25 mm
and 32 mm
PN 4/PN 7 (PE)
PN 30 (steel)

Flange adaptors

and couplings

Series 05 Series 05 Series 05

Combi-flange for PE, Combi-flange Support bush for
PVC and Bi-PVC pipes for D.I. pipes PE-pipes
DN 50-300 DN 50-600 DN 50-300
PN 10 or 16 PN 10 or 16 PN 6.3, 10, 12.5 or 16
Stainless steel AISI
Options: Options: 304
• tensile for PE, PVC • non-tensile resistant
and Bi-PVC pipes DN 50-600
• non-tensile for PE, • tensile resistant
PVC and Bi-PVC DN 50-300

Series 631 Series 635 Series 633

Supa Maxi™ universal Supa Maxi™ universal Supa Maxi™ flange
tensile coupling tensile transition adaptor universal
DN 50-300 coupling with factory tensile
Water: PN 16 mounted PE pipe DN 40-300
Gas: PN 10 DN 50-300 Water: PN 16
Water: PN 10 or 16 Gas: PN 10
Options: Gas: PN 4 or 10
• straight and step
• end cap

Series 601 Series 621/10 Series 623/10

Supa coupling Supa Plus™ coupling Supa Plus™ flange
DN 40-400 with tensile resistant adaptor with tensile
Gas: PN 7 sealing ring for PE- resistant sealing ring
Water: PN 16 and uPVC-pipes for PE- and uPVC-
GJS-400-15 DN 32-300 pipes
Min. GJS-400-15 DN 40-300
Options: Min. GJS-400-15
• stepped execution Options:
• flanged execution • end cap

Series 52 Series 711/60 Series 711/50

Fabricated coupling / Flange adaptor ORION Coupling ORION
adaptor DN 50-300 DN 50-300
DN 350-1200 PN 16 PN 16
Water: PN 8 to 16 Ductile iron Ductile iron
Steel 37.0 For all pipe materials For all pipe materials

Options: Options:
• stepped execution • stepped execution

Ta p p i n g s a d d l e s ,
repair clamps and
pipeline fittings

Series 10 Series 257 Series 253

Tapping saddle for Universal Supacollar Universal Supacollar
uPVC and PE-pipes Repair System Repair System
DN 50-300 DN 100-300 DN 80-300
GJS-500-7 Gas: PN 7 Gas: PN 7
Lower part in stainless Water: PN 16 Water: PN16
steel from DN 250 GJS-400-15 GJS-400-15

Options: Options:
• with integral valve • drilled and tapped
2" BSP

Series 729 Series 729 Series 729

Internal/external repair Repair clamps Repair clamps
clamps single/double/triple single/double band
400-3000 mm band 48-560 mm 48-360 mm
Stainless steel AISI Stainless steel AISI 1/2"-3" BSP thread
304 304 Stainless steel AISI
Options: Options:
• AISI 316 • AISI 316 Options:
• width 200 to 400 mm • width 200 to 600 mm • AISI 316
• width 200 to 600 mm
• flanged/threaded

Series 729 Series 730/2 Series 712

Repair clamps Universal tapping Socket fitting
double/triple band saddle DN 50-500
88-798 mm Ductile iron/stainless PN 10 or 16
DN 50-200 steel
Stainless steel AISI PN 16/PSI 250 Options:
304 DN 80-300 • GJL-250 or
Sealing range: GJS-500-7
Options: 88-365 mm • various types
• AISI 316 BSP 1/2"-3"
• width 200 to
800 mm

Series 712 Series 265 Series 78/8210

Flanged fitting Dismantling joint for Connection sheat with
DN 50-500 all types of pipes with puddle flange for
PN 10 or 16 flanged connections crossing tank wall
GJS-500-7 DN 300-1200 DN 50-400
PN 10 or 16 ISO PN 10
Options: Steel to EN 10025 PFA 16 bar
• various types GJL-250

Va l v e a c c e s s o r i e s

Series 04 Series 04 Series 80

Fixed street cover Universal street cover Surface box
GJL-250 GJS-400-15 Body in PA+
Lid in grey cast iron
Floating street cover Options:
GJS-400-15 • Floating or fixed Options:
• square
Distance ring/square • height adjustable
for fixed street cover • high temperature
GJS-400-15 resistant
• hydrant surface box

Series 04/007 Series 04 Series 04

Composite street Extension spindle for Extension spindle for
cover for AVK service connection gate valves
telescopic extension valves DN 40-400
spindle DN 25-50
Body in PE Options:
Lid in GGG Options: • telescopic or fixed
• telescopic or fixed length
Options: length
• round - black
• round - blue epoxy
• square - black
• square - blue epoxy

Series 04/008 Series 08 Series 36

Street cover for AVK Handwheel for gate Valve foundation of hot
telescopic extension valves galvanised steel grade
spindle DN 50-500 37 for gate valves with
Round or square GJL-250 PE-ends
surface plate
Round or square lid

Series 04
Stem caps for gate
valves and service
connection valves
DN 25-500

G e o g r a p h i c a l re g i o n s c o v e re d b y t h e AV K   G ro u p

Continental Europe, Russia, Northern and Austral Asia - AVK Australia Pty Ltd
Central Africa, South Eastern Europe -
AVK International A/S The Arabian Peninsula - Saudi Valves
Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
AVK Sales AVK Norge AS
Companies: AVK Mittelmann Armaturen GmbH
AVK Nederland BV Central America and Caribbean -
AVK Belgium NV
AVK Overseas
AVK Armadan Sp. z o.o.
AVK Válvulas, S.A. South America -
AVK Sverige AB
AVK Italia S.r.l.
AVK Valvulas do Brasil Ltda.
AVK Finland Asia - AVK Overseas
AVK International A/S Rep. office - Romania
AVK International A/S Rep. office - Bulgaria
China and Hong Kong - AVK China
UK & Ireland AVK UK Ltd.
Southern Africa - AVK Valves Southern
North America and Mexico - Africa (Pty) Ltd.
American AVK Company

Copyright©AVK Group A/S 2011

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