AVK Product Programme PDF
AVK Product Programme PDF
AVK Product Programme PDF
Product programme
AV K ' s p ro d u c t p ro g r a m m e
m e e t s Yo u r r e q u i r e m e n t s
AVK's four main segments: AVK of the market and constant adaption and
Water supply
AVK is one of the leading valve development of the product programme to
Gate valves and acces- manufacturers for the water, gas and meet with market requirements. This takes
sories, air valves, swing sewage industries as well as fire protection place in our development department in
check valves, butterfly
worldwide. Denmark, an advanced technology centre,
valves etc.
where ideas and suggestions from many
Our product programme comprises a large different countries are gathered and where
Sewage treatment range of valves, hydrants, pipe fittings and existing products are continually adapted
Gate valves, knife valves, accessories, each complying with the and tested. In co-operation with the end
air valves, check valves,
highest standards of safety and durability. user, the products are field tested before
butterfly valves etc.
the final market launch, thus achieving the
Today, we are the only producer offering best result in the individual markets.
gate valves to most of the common
Fire protection national and international standards such
Gate valves, fire hydrants
and post indicators etc.
UL listed & FM approved.
SABS, AS and GOST. Our global position
ensures that we are able to give you, your
AVK is certified
partners and your customers the quality according to ISO 9001
products you require.
Gas supply
Gate valves and acces-
Product development
sories, fittings, plug val-
ves, flow limitors etc. Market proximity has always been at the
core of AVK's strategy; close contact with
the end-user ensures close monitoring
- supplier of supreme products
Production Quality
Production takes place in Denmark, the UK, AVK's products are marked by high,
the Netherlands, France, Poland, the USA, consistent quality, competitive prices and
Australia, Germany, China and Saudi Arabia. durability in line with market requirements.
AVK's products are also produced under This calls for strict quality control of the
licence in several other countries. production processes from beginning to
end and therefore AVK has been certified
Stock control and distribution to end users according to ISO 9001.
are handled through a wide network of
sales companies, agents and dealers in When it comes to quality at AVK, nothing
more than 85 countries. These service the is left to chance.
end-user, allowing AVK to monitor market
changes and keep abreast of customer
G a t e va l ve s
fo r wa t e r s u p p l y
G a t e va l ve s , f l oa t va l ve s ,
sw i n g c h e c k va l ve s a n d
b u t t e r f l y va l ve s fo r wa t e r s u p p l y
Options: Options:
• resilient or metal • lever and weight
seated • lever and spring
S e r v i c e c o n n e c t i o n va l ve s
fo r wa t e r s u p p l y
A i r va l ve s fo r
wa t e r s u p p l y
G a t e va l ve s a n d hyd r a n t s
fo r wa t e r & f i r e p r ot e c t i o n
Options: Options:
• Belgium type (35/40) • manual or automatic
• Dutch type (35/50) drainage
• aluminium body
• screw down type B
• gate valve operated
Options: Options:
• flanged, push-on • grooved ends or
or mechanical joint grooved/flanged ends
H yd r a n t s fo r wa t e r
and sprinkling
Series 78 Series 78
Vega Phenix
Frostproof fire hydrant Frostproof fire hydrant
Breakable Breakable
To NF S 61-213 To NF S 61-213
PN 16 PN 16
DN 80-100-150 DN 100
Ductile cast iron Grey cast iron
• Non-breakable
• Vega-Stop DN 80-100
• Vega-REC DN 80-100
G a t e va l ve s
a n d b u t t e r f l y va l ve s
fo r s ewa g e t r e a t m e n t
• AVK PowerSaver™
for torque reduction
C h e c k va l ve s ,
k n i fe g a t e va l ve s a n d a i r va l ve s
fo r s ewa g e t r e a t m e n t
Gate valves,
service connection valves,
butterfly valves and fittings for
gas supply
Options: Options: • foundation
• foundation • foundation • external
• external • external polyurethane coating
polyurethane coating polyurethane coating
Series 70/310
Excess flow limitor/
safety valve
Automatic resetting
PE-pipe d.ex. 25 mm
and 32 mm
PN 4/PN 7 (PE)
PN 30 (steel)
Flange adaptors
and couplings
Options: Options:
• stepped execution • stepped execution
Ta p p i n g s a d d l e s ,
repair clamps and
pipeline fittings
Options: Options:
• with integral valve • drilled and tapped
2" BSP
Va l v e a c c e s s o r i e s
Series 04
Stem caps for gate
valves and service
connection valves
DN 25-500
G e o g r a p h i c a l re g i o n s c o v e re d b y t h e AV K G ro u p
Continental Europe, Russia, Northern and Austral Asia - AVK Australia Pty Ltd
Central Africa, South Eastern Europe -
AVK International A/S The Arabian Peninsula - Saudi Valves
Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
AVK Sales AVK Norge AS
Companies: AVK Mittelmann Armaturen GmbH
AVK Nederland BV Central America and Caribbean -
AVK Belgium NV
AVK Overseas
AVK Armadan Sp. z o.o.
AVK Válvulas, S.A. South America -
AVK Sverige AB
AVK Italia S.r.l.
AVK Valvulas do Brasil Ltda.
AVK Finland Asia - AVK Overseas
AVK International A/S Rep. office - Romania
AVK International A/S Rep. office - Bulgaria
China and Hong Kong - AVK China
UK & Ireland AVK UK Ltd.
Southern Africa - AVK Valves Southern
North America and Mexico - Africa (Pty) Ltd.
American AVK Company
Copyright©AVK Group A/S 2011