Exercise On Creation of Text Files Using Notepad, Wordpad

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Exercise on creation of Text Files using Notepad, WordPad

Notepad is a generic text editor included with all versions of Microsoft Windows that allows
us to create, open, and read plaintext files. If the file contains special formatting or is not a
plaintext file, it will not be able to be read in Microsoft Notepad. The image to the right is a
small example of what the Microsoft Notepad may look like while running.
Note: If we need built-in features such as a spell checker, grammar checker, font sizes,
multimedia (e.g. pictures), etc. we should be using a word processor and not an editor.
How to open Windows Notepad
Users who are using Microsoft Windows can run Microsoft Notepad (notepad.exe) by
following the steps below.
Windows 7 and earlier
1. Click Start
2. In the Run box, type notepad and press Enter.
1. Click the Start.
2. In the Start Menu, click Programs or All Programs, then click the Accessories
3. Click the Notepad icon.
How to create a text file using Notepad
Open Notepad and type the text we want in the file. Once done, save the file by clicking File
and then Save. When saving the file, make sure the file is saved with a .txt extension.
On the Windows Desktop or in any folder, right-click an empty spot. In the pop-up menu,
select New and then Text Document. After this has been done, a file should appear named
"New Text Document". Double-click this file to open the text document, or rename the file to
the name of the choice and then open the file.

How to select, Cut, Copy, Paste, & Save text or data.

Selecting Text
Keeping the left mouse button pressed, drag the mouse down to the bottom. Notice
the Text was ‘selected’ you can release the left mouse button and the text will selected.
Using Hot Keys to cut, copy paste, and undo
Once we have ‘selected’ the Text we can use the hot keys to cut, copy and paste the
selected text or we can perform these operation by using Edit menu or Right-Click of the
Windows Hot Keys
CRTL-V Paste

Microsoft WordPad is a free rich text editor included with Microsoft Windows. Although
capable of doing more than Notepad, WordPad is not as advanced as Microsoft Word.
However, does give us additional features such as the capability of inserting pictures and text
formatting. The picture below shows an example of Microsoft WordPad.

Microsoft WordPad is capable of editing and saving plain-text file (.txt), Rich Text Format
(.rtf), and Word for Windows 6.0 (.doc or .docx), and Open Document Text (.odt) format files.
Note: Not all versions of WordPad support all above formats. Windows 95, Windows 98,
Windows ME, and Windows XP does not support .doc. Windows 7 introduced the support
of .odt files, so early versions of Windows do not support this format.
How to open Microsoft WordPad
Users who are using a version of Microsoft Windows that supports WordPad can run
Microsoft WordPad (wordpad.exe) by following the steps below.
1. Click Start
2. Click Run
3. Type "wordpad" or "write" press Enter.
1. Click Start
2. Click Programs and then Accessories
3. Click the "Wordpad" icon

Exercise on creation of .jpeg, .bmp Files using MS-Paint

MS Paint
MS Paint is an image editing program that comes with Windows operating systems. To open
the MS Paint program click Start > All Programs > Accessories > Paint.

Copying the image

1. Press the Print Screen <Prt Scr> key on wer keyboard to make an image copy of the
entire computer screen.

2. Right-click on an image and select Copy or Copy Image.

Pasting and Cropping the image into MS Paint

1. Once the image is in MS Paint, select the Crop option from the selection menu.

We can also Right click on the image and click Crop from the menu or use keyboard
shortcut (<ctrl>+<shift>+x).
2. Click and drag the cursor around the area we wish to crop.
3. Click on the Crop button again.
4. Select File > Save to save the new image.
Note: For Save as type, choose .JPEG, .PNG, or .GIF.

5. Open the MS Paint program.

Click Start > All Programs > Accessories > Paint.
6. Click on the Paste button at the top left corner.

DOS Operating System

DOS (Disk operating system) was developed by Micro-Soft for personal computer to
operate the computer from Disk.
To operate the computer DOS has two types of commands those are Internal and
External commands.
Internal Command:
The DOS internal commands are so-called because their instructions are a part of
COMMAND.COM, the DOS command processor.
Recall that COMMAND.COM is placed into memory (ram) each time the DOS OS is booted.
Therefore, the internal commands are always in memory and can always be executed from
any command line prompt.

General purpose commands File related commands Directory related commands

1. CLS 7. COPY CON 12. MD
2. DIR 8. TYPE 13. CD
3. VER 9. COPY 14. RD
4. VOL 10. REN
5. DATE 11. DEL

General Purpose commands

1. CLS (clear the screen): This command is used to clear the screen.
Syntax: D:\>CLS
2. DIR (Directory): Dir command is used to listing (display) files and
directories present in the current disk.
Syntax: C:\>DIR [/switches](the commands in the square brackets are
EX: D:\> DIR /P
/P Page wise
/W Width wise
/S List all files and directories of subdirectories
3. VER (Version): Version numbers indicates that which edition of DOS we
are working.
Syntax: D:\> VER
4. The vol command is a Command Prompt command used to display a
drive's volume label and volume serial number
Syntax: D:\> Vol
Volume in drive D is 01-07-2019
Volume Serial Number is D8A7-C728

5. DATE Displays current date and allows it to be changed.

Syntax: D:\> Date
The current date is: Fri 08/30/2019
Enter the new date: (mm-dd-yy)

6. TIME Displays current time and allows it to be changed.

Syntax: D :\> Date

File related commands

1. Copy con is an MS-DOS and Windows command line command that
allows the creation of a file through the command line
Syntax: Copy con <<File_name>>

Ex: copy con Proverbs.txt

A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step.
Always put your best foot forward.
An idle brain is the devil’s workshop
Be slow in choosing, bit slower in changing.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
^z (cntrl+z save and exit)

2. Type: this command is used display the contents or text of any file to
the display device.
Syntax: type <<File_Name>>
Ex: D :\> type Proverbs.txt
A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step.
Always put your best foot forward.
An idle brain is the devil’s workshop
Be slow in choosing, bit slower in changing.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

3. Copy command: this command is used to copy the content of one file into
another file

Syntax: copy <<Source-File>> << Target-File>>

Ex: copy Proverbs.txt Eng_Proverbs.txt

If the Target-File (Eng_Proverbs.txt) doesn’t exit then the copy command

cerate’s the file and copies the content into that file. If the Target-File already
existed then the content will be over written.

4. REN command is used to change the name of any file.

Syntax: REN <<Source-File>> <<Target-File>>
Ex: D :\> REN Proverbs Eng_Proverbs
This command changes the File-Name Proverbs.txt to Eng_Proverbs.txt

5. DEL command is used to erase(delete) any file from Disk

Syntax: Del <<File-Name>>
Ex: D :\> REN English_Proverbs
This command deletes the file from Disk
Directory Commands:

1. MD / MKDIR(Make Directory): command is used to create a new
Syntax: MD <<Directory-Name>>
Ex: D :\> MD SBIT
This command creates the SBIT folder now we can keep various files and sub-
folders in SBIT folder

2. CD(Change Directory) command is used to enter or exit from the directory

or folder.
Syntax: CD <<Directory-Name>>
Ex: D :\> CD SBIT

Prompt will change with the directory name.

If we keep two dots after CD command then we will exit from the
Ex: D:\SBIT>CD ..
3. RMDIR(remove Directory) this command is used to remove
the directory.
Syntax: RMDIR <<Directory-Name>>
This is in contrast to the disk-bound external commands, which reside in secondary memory
up until the moment they are needed, at which time the OS must find them and load them
into primary memory.



1. MORE: Using TYPE command we can see the content of

any file. But if length of file is greater than 25 lines then remaining lines will
scroll up. To overcome through this problem we use MORE command. Using
this command we can pause the display after each 25 lines.

Syntax: TYPE <<File Name>> | More

Ex: D :\>TYPE English_Proverbs

2. MOVE command is used to move the file from one location to another


In the above example SBIT Folder is moved from D-Drive to E-Drive

3. FIND command allows you to search for text within a file.
Syntax: FIND "string" <<file name>>
Ex: FIND “journey” Eng_Provers.txt

A journey of thousand miles begins with a single step.

4. SORT is a simple and very useful command which will rearrange the lines
in a text file so that they are sorted, numerically and alphabetically.
Syntax: sort <<File-Name>>
Ex: D:\> SORT Fruits.txt
Pine-Apple (Alphabetical Order)
5. XCOPY This command is used to copy the file from one location to another
location. This command is much faster than copy command.
Ex: XCOPY D:\English-Proverbs.txt E:\Enlish\Eng-Provbs.txt

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