STAAD Pro - Lesson 08 - Plate Elements - Basics

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Plate Elements

1. Plate types

3 Noded plates 4 Noded plates

2. Shape of Elements

In general the width to length ratio should be not more than 2. A ratio of 10 is not good.

3. Size of Elements

In general, the boundary structural unit, ( say a slab panel, or wall) should be divided into
about 10 x 10 elements for normal accuracy. But element size equal to half of the
boundary element thickness (e.g. For a cantilevered 200 mm thick wall, an element size
of 100 mm x 100 mm) will give reasonably good results. In general, for better PC
stability, the total number of elements in the model may be limited to about 20000
elements (for 4Gb RAM)

4. Local Axis

The local axis is useful when applying loads and as well as for interpretation of stresses.
Therefore it is better to make sure the local axes of plates are consistent. The local X axis
is parallel to the nodes 1 and 2. The Y axis is towards node 3 and perpendicular to X axis.
You can use Shift + T to see the local axis orientation.


Lx Ly

1 3
1 2

Prepared and Lectured by : Erwin Barthelot Page |1


1. To add a single plate element

1.1 Using the Plate grid system
Load the plate grid by going to
Geometry > Snap/Grid Node > Plate > Quad
On the "Snap Node/ Plate" palette click on "Snap
Node/Plate" button and click on 4 points on the grid

1.2 To add a plate between existing nodes

Go to Geometry > Add plate > Quad and click on 4 existing node points

2. To subdivide existing plates into smaller plates

Using the Plate Cursor, select the plate and right click > Generate Mesh
Select the type of plate required (say quadrilateral )

*3. To add plates between existing nodes and subdivide it using the “Generate Surface
Meshing” tool.
This tool can be used to add plates between many nodes. If the overall shape is
rectangular it may propose Quadrilateral and Triangular mesh types. If not it will directly
use the Triangular mesh type.
Go to Geometry > Generate surface meshing

4. To generate Plates Parametrically (Parametric Mesh)

This is a very powerful tool that enables the following features:
* To change the mesh density at any time
* To create mesh concentration points or lines
* Auto detect intermediate beams and relocate plate nodes so that the plates and
beams and connected properly.
* STAAD pro 2007 onwards enables mesh modification even after analysis is done.

This method of modeling will be discussed in later lessons.

Prepared and Lectured by : Erwin Barthelot Page |2


To Model a Wall of a Rectangular Open Channel and Interpret Results

Start with a “Space” type model.

Use the “Add plate” option. Then STAAD will load the Plate grid so that we can use it to add a
single plate.

To model the geometry:

Change the View direction to an elevation view.
Click “Snap Node/Plate” and Click on 4 points on the grid to model the overall shape of the wall.
(the points should be clicked in ABCD order)

Prepared and Lectured by : Erwin Barthelot Page |3


Next use the plate cursor and select the plate > right click > generate mesh.

Se the division so that each sub plate element is about 0.5m x 0.5m and click Apply.

Prepared and Lectured by : Erwin Barthelot Page |4


Then it looks like the following:

To assign property:
Go to General > property

Using the Plates cursor select the plates and click on “Thickness” enter 0.2m and click “assign”

Support Assignment:
Go to General > Support
Using the Nodes Cursor select all nodes at the bottom of the wall and click on “Create”

Prepared and Lectured by : Erwin Barthelot Page |5


And assign fixed supports.

Load Assignment:
Go to General > Loads and Create a
load case.
Under the load case click “add” and
go to
Plate Loads > hydrostatic

Click “Select Plates”

In the model, select the plates and

click on “Done”
Set the load values and click add.

Analyze the model

Setup the model for analysis and run
the analysis

Post Processing the Results

In the Plates Tab go to Contour and
under Stress type select “My” and click

Prepared and Lectured by : Erwin Barthelot Page |6

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