Newtec MDM5010 Satellite Modem Datasheet

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MDM5010 High Throughput Modem on the packet loss or additional jitter. This
allows services with continuously The MDM5010
Newtec Dialog® Platform
changing rates (from a few kbps up offers cost-effective
The Newtec MDM5010 Satellite modem is the very high to 70 Mbps) as with MF-TDMA, but
satellite connectivity
throughput modem capable of handling more than 500 at SCPC efficiency. Mx-DMA allows
Mbps of traffic. With a symbol rate ranging from 1 up to network operators to deploy anything for a wide variety
500 Mbaud and coding from QPSK to 256APSK in the forward between dedicated to low-to-medium of professional
channel, it enables network operators to set-up almost any type overbooked services at any given time
applications on
and size of network on any available type of satellite – for example, at minimum space capacity cost.
traditional FSS, next generation High Performance Satellites, HTS. Having the choice between these
the Newtec Dialog
three return technologies in a network platform.
The Newtec MDM5010 Satellite Modem supports a wide range of within a single modem guarantees
IP Services including internet/intranet access, Voice over IP (VoIP), network operators a business model with maximum flexibility in
backbones for mobile backhauling and trunking, fibre restoral/ supported applications, responsiveness to new market opportunities
backup services, contribution and multicasting services. and Service Level Agreement (SLA) schemes that fit customers’
The high spectral efficiency, high packet and bit rate capability makes
the MDM5010 a perfect fit for very bandwidth-intensive services in High Service Satisfaction
the enterprise, backhauling, offshore and maritime markets.
For a true broadband experience at minimal bandwidth

Return Link Technology Flexibility for consumption, the Newtec MDM5010 modem incorporates IP traffic

Tailored Services enhancement software for TCP acceleration, GTP optimization/

acceleration, compression, packet aggregation and encryption.
For the return channel, a choice can be made between three different Traffic can be classified in seven different QoS classes based on IP
return technologies depending on the type of application. traffic characteristics. This allows the network operator to provide a
flexible hierarchical QoS model depending on any application’s SLA.
The modem supports S2 Extensions SCPC in the return, which allows
for highly efficient, medium to high rate dedicated return bandwidth,
ranging from 1 to 133 Mbaud for applications such as high speed
Main Advantages
IP backbones, cellular backhauling, trunking, maritime, mobility
• High throughput upstream and downstream capabilities
and file/video contribution. MF-TDMA mode enables low rate
overbooked and bursty traffic profiles for inactive sites in business • DVB-S2X forward and MF-TDMA, S2 Extensions SCPC
and Newtec patented Mx-DMA return link capabilities
continuity networks, small cell backhaul networks or for always-on
connectivity in occasional use networks. The third mode, Mx-DMA®, • The most optimal modulation and bandwidth allocation
while guaranteeing the highest efficiency and availability
combines the best of both worlds and fills in the gap between MF-
TDMA and SCPC. • Bolstered with Newtec’s technologies FlexACM®,
Point&Play®, HRCTM

With Newtec’s Mx-DMA, satellite bandwidth is allocated dynamically • Easy to use multilingual web GUI for installation,
diagnostics and troubleshooting
in real-time depending on traffic demand, Quality of Service (QoS)
profiles and link conditions. Changes are seamless without any

Rev.5 05/2019



Key Features • MF-TDMA mode
Modulation Scheme 4CPM
• High concurrent rates up to 400/200 Mbps (Quaternary Continuous Phase Modulation) LAYER 3 - UNICAST TRAFFIC
• Embedded TCP acceleration and encryption Channel bandwidth 128, 192, 256, • Max TCP receive: 400 Mbps
384, 512, 768, 1024, 1536, 2048, 2560, • Max TCP transmit: 250 Mbps
• GTP acceleration and header compression 3072, 3584, 4096 kHz • Concurrent TCP: 400/200 Mbps
• Multilevel QoS with seven QoS Classes MODCODs 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 • Max UDP receive: 400 Mbps
• Low jitter for real time applications • Mx-DMA mode • Max UDP transmit: 250 Mbps
Modulation Scheme HRC • Number of TCP connections: 75.000
• DNS Cache/Relay Modulation QPSK up-to 32APSK
• Versatile IP routing and addressing with 40 MODCODs
• Max receive: 400 Mbps
• Support of IPv4 and IPv6 Roll-off 5%
• Max transmit: 300 Mbps
Symbol rate 32 kbaud - 20 Mbaud
• Multiple virtual networks behind the modem VL-SNR spreading 2 -12 on 10 MODCODS
• Max concurrent receive multicasts: 10
• OpenAMIP and GXT file support for maritime • Max concurrent transmit multicasts: 4
• SCPC mode
applications Modulation scheme DVB-S2, S2 Extensions PPS
Modulation QPSK, 8PSK, • Rx + Tx: 250 kPPS
• DVB-S2X forward 16APSK, 32APSK
• MF-TDMA 4CPM with Adaptive Return Link FEC 1/4, 1/3, 2/5, 1/2,3/5, Diagnostics & Configuration
• Mx-DMA HRC return with AUPC and ACM 2/3,3/4,4/5, 5/6, 8/9, 9/10
Roll-off 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 35 % • Self-test on management GUI for end-user and
• SCPC S2 Extensions return with ACM Symbol rate 1-133 Mbaud operator troubleshooting including diagnostics
for support case reporting.
Markets Modem Interfaces • Software upgradeable via satellite
• Enterprise/SME Mechanical & Environment
• Trunking TX INTERFACE – TX1
• Cellular backhaul • Frequency 950 - 2400 MHz • Housing Height:1RU, width: 19”, depth 44,5 cm
• Government and defense • Connector F-Type - 75 Ohm/N-Type - • Weight: 8 kg
50 Ohm (hardware option) • Operational Temperature: 0° to 50°C
• Broadcast • TX level -55 dBm to +5 dBm • Humidity: 5% - 95% non-condensing
• Offshore and maritime • BUC power supply none • Storage: -10° to 60°C
• BUC reference 10 MHz
• BUC reference level +3 dBm (+/- 2 dB) Power Supply
• Internet/Intranet access RX INTERFACE – RX 1 • Power supply: AC, 50Hz\220-260 V and
• Frequency 950 – 2150 MHz 60 Hz\100-130 V
• VoIP telephony (SIP, H.323, …) • Connector F-Type - 75 Ohm/N-Type - DC, 36-76 V
• 2G/3G/4G cellular backhauling 50 Ohm (hardware options) or - 48 Vdc (hardware option)
• Backbone connections, fiber restoration • RX level -65 to -25 dBm • Modem power consumption: 60 W maximum
• LNB power supply 13/18VDC, 500mA
• SNG live and file contribution • Polarization selection power supply voltage Standards and Protocols
• LNB LO selection 22 kHz on/off
• LNB Reference 10 MHz
10 MHZ BUC REFERENCE INPUT Satellite Interface
Satellite Link Interface • Connector BNC • EN 302307-1 DVB-S2
• EN 302307-2 DVB-S2X
MANAGEMENT/DATA INTERFACE: • ETSI EN 301 489-1 V1.6.1 (2005-09)
• 4/8 x RJ45 100/1000 Tx, auto MDI/MDIX • ETSI EN 301 489-12 V1.2.1 (2003-05)
FORWARD CARRIER (RX) • ICES-003 Issue 4 (2004)
• Standard DVB-S2/DVB-S2X • FCC: title 47 of the CFR: 2008 part 15(b)
• Modulation QPSK, 8PSK, 16APSK, Certification
• USB (future use) USB 2.0
32APSK, 64APSK, 256 APSK • Safety EN 60950-1 second edition
• Mass storage option (future use) MicroSD cards
• FEC BCH/LDPC • RoHS 2002/95/EG directive compliant
53 MODCODs (normal frames):
QPSK: from 1/4 to 9/10
Management • WEEE
• CE
2002/96/EG directive compliant
CE compliant and marked
8PSK: from 3/5 to 9/10 • UL UL compliant
16APSK: from 26/45 to 9/10 LAN Interface
32APSK: from 32/45 to 9/10 • IEEE 802.3 10T Ethernet
• Web-based multilingual GUI: no installation of
64APSK: from 11/15 to 5/6 • IEEE 802.3u 100TX Ethernet
client software required
128APSK: 3/4; 7/9 • IEEE 802.2ab 1000TX Ethernet
• Supported web browsers: Internet Explorer,
256APSK: 32/45; 3/4 • IEEE 802.1q VLANs
Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari
13 linear MODCODs (normal frames): GTP
• Management web GUI accessible via configurable
8APSK-L: 5/9; 26/45 • GTP-U ETSI 3GPP TS 29.281
management IP address
16APSK-L: from 1/2 to 2/3
64APSK-L: 32/45 • Terminal Authentication, UDP, IP, IPv6, ICMP,
• OpenAMIP support
256APSK-L: 29/45 to 11/15 TCP, ARP, FTP, DHCP, IP forwarding, Diffserv,
41 MODCODs (short frames): DNS, IGMPv1/2
QPSK: from 11/45 to 8/9
• The modem support SNMPv2 for modem
8PSK: from 7/15 to 8/9
16APSK: from 7/15 to 8/9 performance management
32APSK: from 2/3 to 8/9
• Roll-off 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 35 %
• Symbol rate 1 Mbaud to 500 Mbaud
This brochure is provided for information purposes only.
The details contained in this document, including product and feature specifications, are subject to change without notice and shall not bind Newtec in any way.


Europe North America South America Asia-Pacific China MENA

Tel: +32 3 780 65 00 Tel: +1 203 323-0042 Tel: +55 11 2092 6220 Tel: +65 6911 49 20 Tel: +86 10-823 18 730 Tel: +971 4 443 60 58
Fax: +32 3 780 65 49 Fax: +1 203 323-8406 Fax: +55 11 2093 3756 Fax: +65 6911 49 39 Fax: +86 10-823 18 731 Fax: +971 4 368 67 68

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