USAF Style Guide (2014)

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Air Force

Style Guide for
Public Releases

This supplement to the Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law is a
guide to help Air Force news editors with Air Force-unique words and phrases that the
AP Stylebook does not address.
Webster's New World College Dictionary shall be used for punctuation, spelling,
style and usage not covered in the AP Stylebook.
This supplement shall be used only after the above sources have been referenced.

March 2014

Academy Uppercase on second reference education, held for second lieutenants and
when referring to U.S. Air Force Academy. civilians at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala.
ASBC is acceptable on second reference.
AFSO21 Air Force Smart Operations for
the 21st Century – AFSO21 acceptable on air and space expeditionary force
second reference (no space in AFSO21). AEF is the correct abbreviation and is
acceptable on second reference.
acronyms Limit use of acronyms based
on ease of communication, readability and air and space force Preferred term vs.
common sense as well as those uses aerospace force.
approved for first or subsequent reference by
the AP Stylebook and this style guide. air base Capitalize when used in
conjunction with a base: Misawa Air Base.
Generally introduce the acronym no more AB is acceptable in conjunction with a
than two sentences from the first spelling second reference to a base: Misawa AB. Do
out. not abbreviate in biographies.

Do not automatically use an acronym on airborne laser

second reference when a usage such as “the
unit”, “the command” or “the office” can be Air Command and Staff College
used. ACSC is acceptable on second reference.

If the author includes an acronym in aircraft battle damage repair ABDR

parentheses after it’s spelled out on first is acceptable on second reference.
reference, leave the parenthetical in the text,
but don’t add parenthetical acronyms. Don’t aircrew
use parenthetical acronyms after major
command or unit names; delete them if
they’re included. (Ex. "He graduated from
the School of Water Immersion Mechanics
(SWIM)" is OK. "She is commander of Air
Force Space Command (AFSPC)" is not
OK; delete (AFSPC). Air Force May be abbreviated to AF in
headlines. Do not abbreviate to AF within a
story unless it is part of an approved
active duty (n.), active-duty (adj.) He
acronym: They are all Air Force members.
has sworn to serve three years on active
Not: They are all AF members.
duty. Active-duty service members will
See the air force entry in the Associated
receive a 3 percent raise.
Press Stylebook for capitalization practices.
active-duty service commitment
ADSC is acceptable on second reference.
Air Force Aid Society AFAS is
acceptable on second reference.
AGM air-to-ground missile
Air Force Association AFA is
acceptable on second reference.
AIM air intercept (or air-to-air) missile
Air Force base Capitalize when used in
Air and Space Basic Course The conjunction with a base: Randolph Air
first level of officer professional military

Force Base. AFB is acceptable in
conjunction with a second reference to a Air Force Institute of Technology
base: Randolph AFB. A postgraduate school with headquarters at
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. The
Air Force capabilities Made possible school offers degrees in aeronautical,
by the Air Force core competencies. The astronautical and electrical engineering,
Air Force capabilities are: among others. AFIT is acceptable on second
 air and space superiority. reference.
 information superiority.
 global attack. Air Force instruction With a specific
 precision engagement. instruction: Air Force Instruction 35-101,
 rapid global mobility. “Public Affairs Policies and Procedures.”
 agile combat support. AFI is acceptable on second reference.
Ensure complete title is included on first
Air Force Center for Engineering reference.
and the Environment AFCEE is
acceptable on second reference. Air Force Junior ROTC Acceptable in
all references for Air Force Junior Reserve
Officer Training Corps. Junior ROTC is
Air Force chief of staff unless before a acceptable on second reference.
name Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A.
Welsh III. CSAF is acceptable on second Air Force Link The obsolete name for
reference and in headlines. the official Air Force website
( It is now referred to as
Air Force Communications AF (dot) mil or
Agency obsolete name of the new Air
Force Network Integration Center. Air Force Museum Former (and
obsolete) name of the National Museum of
Air Force core competencies The the U.S. Air Force.
Air Force core competencies are:
 Developing Airmen. Air Force Network Integration
 Technology-to-warfighting. Center AFNIC is acceptable on second
 Integrating operations. reference. It is the former Air Force
Communications Agency.
Air Force core values The Air Force
core values are: Air Force News Agency Obsolete
 integrity first. name for the Defense Media Activity.
 service before self. AFNEWS was merged with other service's
 excellence in all we do. news agencies in the 2005 BRAC. The
agency moved to Fort Meade, Md., in 2011.
Air Force Doctrine Center Obsolete
name for the LeMay Center for Doctrine Air Force Office of Special
Development and Education. Investigations AFOSI is acceptable on
second reference.
Air Force General Officer Matters
Office The military counterpart to the Air Air Force One An Air Force aircraft
Force Senior Executive Management carrying the president of the United States.
Office. AFGOMO is acceptable on second See the VC-25A Air Force One entry.
Air Force Organizational
Air Force Inspection Agency AFIA Excellence Award AFOEA is
is acceptable on second reference. acceptable on second reference.

Air Force Senior NCO Academy Do
Air Force Outstanding Unit Award not abbreviate. Preferred use is the academy
AFOUA is acceptable on second reference. on second reference. Use Air Force Senior
NCO Academy when distinguishing among
Air Force Personnel Center AFPC other academies in a story.
is acceptable on second reference.
Air Force Sergeants Association
Air Force Priorities AFSA is acceptable on second reference.
-- Continue to strengthen the Air Force
nuclear enterprise Air Force Space Command AFSPC
-- Partner with the joint and coalition team is acceptable on second reference.
to win today's fight
-- Develop and care for Airmen and their Air Force Special Operations
families Command AFSOC is acceptable on
-- Modernize air, space inventories, second reference.
organizations and training
-- Recapture acquisition excellence Air Force specialty code With a
specific code: Air Force Specialty Code
Air Force Recruiting Service AFRS 3NOX1, public affairs. AFSC or AFSC
is acceptable on second reference. 3NOX1 is acceptable on second reference.

Air Force Reserve There is no s after Air Force Weather Agency AFWA is
Reserve. Use reservist when referring to a acceptable on second reference.
member of the Air Force Reserve: She is an
Air Force reservist. He is in the Reserve. Air Force-wide
Note: If the discussion includes the Air
National Guard, then reserve is lowercase, Airman, Airmen Capitalized in all uses
as in air reserve components… except when used as part of a generic
reference to a rank or person or when U.S.
Air Force Reserve Command AFRC forces are mixed in with airmen of other
is acceptable on second reference. When countries: high year of tenure for senior
identifying a Reserve unit in a story or airmen or An airman 1st class was arrested.
caption, use “Air Force Reserve Command’s U.S. Air Force and South Korean airmen…
302nd Airlift Wing.”
Airman battle uniform ABU is
Air Force ROTC Acceptable in all acceptable on second reference.
references for Air Force Reserve Officer’s
Training Corps. Senior ROTC is not Airman leadership school Lowercase
acceptable. See also Air Force Junior unless preceded by the name of the
ROTC. installation: Lackland Air Force Base
Airman Leadership School or Lackland
Air Force Safety Center Do not use Airman Leadership School. ALS is
AFSC as an acronym for Air Force Safety acceptable on second reference.
Center. Preferred use is Air Force Safety
Center or the safety center on second
Airman magazine The correct name is
Airman, not Airman Magazine. It is Airman
Air Force Senior Executive
Management Office The civilian
counterpart to the Air Force General Officer Air National Guard A reserve
Matters Office. component of the Air Force. ANG or Air

Guard is acceptable on second reference. apprehension Military legal term for
Lower-case guardsmen. taking someone into custody and placing
him under observation until proper
air show authorities arrive.

airpower area defense counsel ADC is

acceptable on second reference.
armed forces, armed services
airstrike armed forces and armed services are
synonymous and refer to the military
air station Capitalize when used in services and the U.S. Coast Guard.
conjunction with a base: Izmir Air Station,
Turkey. AS is acceptable on second Army and Air Force Exchange
reference in conjunction with a base: Izmir Service AAFES is acceptable on second
AS. reference.

Air University AU is acceptable on arrest Military legal term that does not
second reference. mean the actual taking of a person into
custody. Arrest directs the person to remain
Air War College AWC is acceptable on within certain specified limits and is
second reference. enforced by virtue of the person's moral and
legal obligation to obey the order.
all call
Article 15, Articles 15
American Battle Monuments
Commission Established in 1923 in AWACS Acceptable in all references for
Washington, D.C., the commission airborne warning and control system. See E-
maintains all U.S. military cemeteries, 3 Sentry for aircraft description.
including those on foreign soil. Do not use
ABMC. Note: For all aircraft, upon first reference,
always use the letter-number designation
American Forces Radio and AND the official name of the aircraft, e.g.
Television Service Provides radio and B-52 Stratofortress. You will need to add it
television news, sports, information and parenthetically in quotes if not included by
entertainment programming to Department the speaker.
of Defense personnel and their family
members overseas or at sea where English-
language broadcast service is unavailable or
inadequate. AFRTS is acceptable on second

anti-ballistic missile ABM is

acceptable on second reference.

apostrophe (’) Do not use an apostrophe

when referring to Air Force aircraft in a
plural context: There are seven F-15Es on
base. See the apostrophe (’) entry in the
punctuation portion of the Associated Press
Stylebook for other usage practices.

byline Tells the reader that the person
barracks An outdated term used only in a credited with the story has gathered most of
historical sense. Use dormitory. the information, heard the quotes unless they
are credited to a third listener and been
basic military training largely responsible for the form the story has
taken. A byline on a datelined story also
base exchange The Exchange is the tells the reader that the author gathered the
new official title of an Army and Air Force information at the location indicated. Note,
Exchange Service outlet. the exchange is only ONE person is listed in the byline box.
acceptable on second reference. Use The Additional reporters "contributed to this
Exchange at Lackland Air Force Base. story." Also, an entire office CANNOT be
the author. If an office or organization is
basic allowance for housing BAH is listed in the byline, move it to the end of the
acceptable on second reference. story as (Courtesy of the 60 Airlift Wing
Public Affairs Office)
basic allowance for subsistence
BAS is acceptable on second reference.

battle dress uniform BDU is the

obsolete woodland pattern uniform. BDU is
acceptable on second reference.

battlelab, battlelabs Do not capitalize

unless the formal name is used.

battle staff

beddown - noun
bed down - verb

below-the-zone promotion BTZ is

acceptable on second reference.

billeting An outdated term for temporary

accommodations. Use lodging.

BRAC Acceptable on second reference for

Defense Base Closure and Realignment
Commission, sometimes mistakenly referred
to as the Base Realignment and Closure

building Abbreviate and capitalize when

used with numbers to designate a particular
structure, such as Bldg. 610. See gate,
hangar and room entries.

close of business Do not abbreviate. A
cadet See courtesy and military titles specific time of closure is preferred.
coalition (it’s not a proper noun)
change of command ceremony -
don't hyphenate compound adjective Colombia - the country

chaplain See courtesy and military titles Columbia - the university, the former
entry. space shuttle, several cities and private-
sector organizations
chief master sgt. of the Air Force
Combined Federal Campaign CFC
child care (n.), child-care (adj.) I is acceptable on second reference.
know a parent who is seeking child care.
She is a child-care provider. combined task force CTF is
acceptable on second reference.
child-care giver, child-care
provider A person trained and certified to combined joint task force CJTF is
take care of children. acceptable on second reference.

chow hall Outdated term; use only in commander in chief Do not hyphenate.
historical sense. Correct term is dining There is only one commander in chief of the
facility. See mess hall entry. armed forces, the president. Do not use the
term when referring to commanders of
Civil Air Patrol By federal law, the Civil unified commands.
Air Patrol is an official Air Force auxiliary.
CAP is acceptable on second reference. commissary Lowercase unless preceded
by the name of the installation: base
civilian Airmen, civilian Airman To commissary, Langley Commissary.
avoid confusion, only use when referring to
Air Force civilian employees. Do NOT use Community College of the Air
the term Civilian Airman when referring to Force CCAF is acceptable on second
reservists. reference.

civilian personnel office CPO is Common Access Card Capitalize as a

acceptable on second reference. Lowercase proper noun. CAC is acceptable on second
unless preceded by the name of the reference. Do not use CAC card.
installation: Barksdale Civilian Personnel
Office. company grade officer An officer
below the rank of major. CGO is acceptable
Class A accident A military accident on second reference.
that causes loss of life or at least $1 million
of damage. company grade officers
association Term is plural, not
CLEP test Acceptable in all references for possessive — no apostrophe. Lowercase
College Level Examination Program. unless preceded by the name of the
installation: Offutt Company Grade Officers
close air support Association. CGOA acceptable on 2nd

Chaplain (Maj.) Sam Smith. On second and
Congressional (erroneous) Medal subsequent reference, use last name only.
of Honor See Medal of Honor Do
NOT use Congressional!!!!! headlines Military titles are not required in
consecutive overseas tour COT is
acceptable on second reference. judges Refer to a judge as judge, not as
Mr., Mrs., or Ms.
CONUS Acceptable on second reference
for continental United States. Note: This pilot nicknames Pilot call signs or
term in most military uses actually refers to nicknames will not be used in news stories.
the 48 contiguous states; the term’s origin Some may be deemed unsuitable for AF.Mil
predates the admission of Alaska as a state. so use none. If a full name cannot be used
because of security reasons, the rank and
first name can be used instead.
core competencies See Air Force
core competencies.
retirees retired Brig. Gen. John Doe,
retired Master Sgt. Richard Roe. Not Brig.
core values See Air Force core values.
Gen (Ret). Also, in accordance with AFI
36-3106, Air Force Retiree Activities,
cost-of-living allowance COLA is retirees will be addressed by their retired
acceptable on second reference. grade (not Mr., Miss, or Ms.) except for
those retirees who are currently employed
counternarcotics by Civil Service while on duty. On second
and subsequent reference, use last name
courtesy and military titles On first only.
reference, use the appropriate courtesy or
military title before the full name (see “Select” is not a rank – do not use Col. (Sel)
notes). On second and subsequent reference, John Smith. The correct title is Lt. Col. John
use last name only. Smith.

cadets Academy or ROTC cadets are court-martial, courts-martial

identified as Cadet Thomas Gaines on first
reference. On second and subsequent CPR Acceptable in all references for
reference, use last name only. cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
children First names are acceptable for
crew chief
children ages 17 and younger.

civilians Refer to men and women by first

and last name on first reference: Mark
Haston, Elizabeth Gaines. Do not use Mr., cyber-, cyberspace Mostly, cyber is a
Ms., etc., in front of a civilian name. Do not prefix so use general rule for prefixes; do
use Honorable in front of a civilian's title. not use a hyphen before a word starting with
On second and subsequent reference, use a consonant: cybersecurity, cybercafé;
last name only. cyberworld. The word, cyber, is becoming
used more and more as a noun, as in cyber
doctors and chaplains Air Force strategies or cyber capabilities. The
physicians are identified as Capt. (Dr.) John command is U.S. Cyber Command.
Jones on first reference. Chaplains are

Dedicated crew chief ”dedicated” can
be misunderstood by civilians (of course DEROS Acceptable on second reference
they’re dedicated) so drop it and just go with for date of estimated return from overseas.
crew chief.
Desert combat uniform – DCU
Defense Base Closure and acceptable on second reference.
Realignment Commission – BRAC
acceptable on second reference. dining-in, dinings-in A formal dinner
for military members of a wing, unit or
Defense Commissary Agency organization held to promote unit cohesion
DeCA is acceptable on second reference. and morale. Capitalize when used with the
name of the base: The Randolph AFB
Defense Enrollment Eligibility Dining-In is today.
Reporting System DEERS is
acceptable on second reference. dining-out, dinings-out The
difference between a dining-in and a dining-
Defense Finance and Accounting out is that nonmilitary spouses, friends, and
Service DFAS is acceptable on second civilians may attend a dining-out. Capitalize
reference. when used with the name of the base: The
Randolph AFB Dining-Out is today.
Defense Intelligence Agency DIA is
acceptable on second reference. doctor See courtesy and military titles.

Defense Language Institute DLI is DSN Acceptable in all references for

acceptable on second reference. Defense Switched Network when used with a
telephone number: For more information,
call DSN 487-7213. In stories about the
Defense Logistics Agency DLA is
system, spell out on first reference: Defense
acceptable on second reference.
Switched Network connections are being
Defense Reutilization and
Marketing Office DRMO is acceptable
on second reference.

Department of Defense DOD is

acceptable on second and subsequent
references. It is preferable to use Defense
Department. Note uppercase O (not DoD).

Department of Defense
Dependents Schools DODDS is
acceptable on second reference.

dependent Family member(s) is preferred

unless writing about compensation or legal
issues that require the use of dependent in
the narrow or legal sense. When referring to
a specific person or people, use husband,
wife, son, daughter or children.

executive officer Commander's key
electronic countermeasures ECM is staff member. Avoid using XO or exec.
acceptable on second reference.
exercises Capitalize the names of
enlisted club Also known as the NCO exercises: Red Flag; Cope Thunder 04-02.
club. Note: The designated titles of clubs Capitalize "Exercise" only if it is part of the
differ across the Air Force. Use the official title.
appropriate title at the base being featured.

Capitalize when prefaced with the name of

the base: Tyndall Enlisted Club

See NCO club entry.

enlisted performance report EPR is

acceptable on second reference.

enlisted spouses club Formerly

known as the NCO wives club. Note: The
designated titles of clubs differ across the
Air Force. Use the appropriate title at the
base being featured.

Do not abbreviate. Capitalize when prefaced

with the name of the base: Tyndall Enlisted
Spouses Club. Preferred use is without the

See NCO wives club entry.

EQUAL Acceptable on second reference

for Enlisted Quarterly Assignment Listing; a
system that advertises upcoming assignment
requirements and gives people a chance to
volunteer for vacancies.

EQUAL-Plus Enlisted Quarterly

Assignment Listing-Plus. A system that
advertises upcoming special-duty-
assignment requirements. If referring to
EQUAL-Plus after EQUAL has already been
referred to, EQUAL-Plus is acceptable on all
references. If not, spell out on first

-ever first-ever, second-ever, best-ever is

redundant (like completely destroyed).
Avoid using unless in a quote.

official. Frocking is usually restricted to
family member referring generically to a senior officers.
service member’s spouse or child. When
referring to a specific person or people, use
husband, wife, son, daughter or children.
Avoid using dependent unless writing about
compensation or legal issues that require the
use of dependent.

field grade officer A major, lieutenant

colonel or colonel.


fiscal year The military fiscal year is

from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30. Do not abbreviate as
FY in stories. The program’s budget is
going up in the next fiscal year. It's fiscal
year 2015 on first reference, then fiscal 2015
on follow-ups because the period usually
differs from calendar year.



flight Capitalize when used to designate a

particular unit: He works in the 47th Mission
Support Group Military Personnel Flight (or
... Group’s Military Personnel Flight). He
works in the military personnel flight.
See group, squadron and wing entries.


force protection condition Capitalize

when referring to a specific threat condition:
The base is in Force Protection Condition
Charlie. The base increased the force
protection condition.

foreign-object damage FOD is

acceptable on second reference, and is often
used as a shorthand for the debris itself.

frock Allowing a service member who has

been selected for promotion to wear the
grade insignia before the promotion is

gate Capitalize when used with a number Gulf War Persian Gulf War is preferred
in reference to a specific entrance to the when referring to coalition military activities
base: They are at Gate 7. I will meet you at for Operation Desert Storm.
the Post Road gate.
See building, hangar and room entries. gunship A generic term for a type of
combat aircraft, like fighter or bomber. See
GBU guided bomb unit AC-130 entry.

Global Positioning System GPS is GWOT Do not use Global War on Terror
acceptable on second reference. or GWOT unless in a quote. The correct
phrase is war on terrorism
Gore-Tex A registered trademark of W.L. See war on terrorism
Gore & Associates, who make water-
resistant jackets for wear with the Airman
battle uniform.

government-owned vehicle
Preferred use is Air Force vehicle or
government vehicle in all references. The
acronym GOV should not be used.

graphic credit lines Graphic credits

should be treated the same as photo credits.
Style and placement may vary, but proper
credit must be given: (U.S. Air Force
graphic/Joe Jones). Artists can put their
personal signatures on their work, but
standard credits should still be used. When
graphic treatments are applied to a photo the
credit line should reflect the graphic artist
and photographer. : (U.S. Air Force
photo/Joe Jones, U.S. Air Force graphic/Jim

ground breaking (n.),

ground-breaking (adj.)

Ground Zero – refers to the site of the

World Trade Center as opposed to “ground
zero” which is where an ICBM lands.

group Capitalize when used with numbers

to designate a particular unit: He works at
the 47th Operations Group. He works at the
operations group.
See flight, squadron and wing entries.

hail and farewell A social event that Gen. Jane Jones or Brig. Gen. Jane Jones,
welcomes new members of a military unit Air Force Material Command inspector
and honors departing ones. general.

hangar (not hanger!) Capitalize when instruction Capitalize and include the full
used with numbers to designate a particular title on first reference: Air Force Instruction
structure, such as Hangar 509. 36-2903, “Dress and Personal Appearance
See building, gate and room entries. of Air Force Personnel,” AFI is acceptable
on second reference when used with the
hazardous materials HAZMAT is number: AFI 36-2903. Preferred use is
acceptable on second reference. instruction in all other cases.
See manual and pamphlet entries.
headquarters Do not abbreviate except
when referring to a mailing address in the ISR Intelligence, surveillance and
body of a story. Do not turn into a verb as in reconnaissance. ISR is acceptable on
headquartered at. second reference.

here Do not use as a reference to a location jail The Air Force does not have jails. There
when the datelined location is Southwest are local and regional Air Force confinement
Asia or another region rather than a specific facilities; Department of Defense regional
location. See the entry in the AP Stylebook confinement facilities, and the U.S.
for more on minimizing the use of here. Disciplinary Barracks at the DOD level
located at Fort Leavenworth, Kan.
Humvee Acceptable in all references for
high-mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle. JDAM Acceptable on second reference for
joint direct attack munition.
ID card Acceptable in all references for
identification card. joint bases Spell out on first reference
(Joint Base Langley-Eustis). On second
identification Use articles (a, the) in reference use the Air Force base's name
identifying people to improve readability: alone. (Ex. Dr. Jack Sheppard visited Joint
Staff Sgt. John Smith, a loadmaster with the Base Langley-Eustis, Va. He was at Langley
99th Airlift Squadron; Col. Marvin Meeks, to promote good health.) Avoid using the
the commander of the 99th Bomb Wing; Air Force reference alone if possible by
Senior Airman Dan Dare of the 99th using the base, the installation, etc.
Maintenance Squadron. Do not use a style Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort
similar to signature blocks: Staff Sgt. John Worth, on second reference, will be Fort
Smith, loadmaster, 99th Airlift Squadron. Worth. AFRC's 10th AF and 301st Fighter
Wing are stationed there as well as the
IED Acceptable on second reference for Texas Air National Guard's 136th Airlift
improvised explosive device, but preferred to Wing.
this jargon when applicable is roadside
bomb. Joint Commands Even though they're
not acronyms, upper-case joint commands
inprocessing, outprocessing (PACOM, EUCOM, STRATCOM,
CENTCOM, etc.)
inspector general Lowercase unless
used as a proper military title: Air Force
Materiel Command Inspector General Brig. joint task force JTF is acceptable on
second reference. Lowercase unless used

with specific group, e.g. Joint Task Force -
Horn of Africa.

joint terminal attack controller

JTAC is permissible on second reference.
This title is frequently incorrect. A JTAC is
a Tactical Air Control Party, but not all
TAC-Ps are JTACs. See TAC-P

junior officer A lieutenant or captain.

Junior ROTC Acceptable in all

references for Junior Reserve Officer
Training Corps, which offers character and
citizenship education to high school
students. See Air Force Junior ROTC.

Korea -- use South Korea unless

specifically referencing North Korea. Use
South Korea instead of Republic of Korea in
reference to air base locations.

Congress,” it is often erroneously called the
LANTIRN Acceptable on first use for low- Congressional Medal of Honor. Don’t use
altitude navigation and targeting infrared “Congressional.” The official title is Medal
for night, but it should be spelled out of Honor. The MOH is never “won.”
somewhere in the story.
medical evacuation Avoid medevac
LGM-30 Minuteman III An except in direct quotes.
intercontinental ballistic missile. Minuteman
III missile is acceptable in all references. mess dress uniform Military uniform
for formal occasions.
load, unload Use instead of upload and
offload when referring to aircraft cargo ops. mess hall Outdated term; preferred term
is dining facility. See chow hall entry.
MIA Acceptable on second reference for
lodging Use in place of billeting. missing in action. Do not use as slang for
low-crawl Usually redundant; use crawl
alone unless a distinction with another kind See prisoner(s) of war entry in the
of crawling is needed. Associated Press Stylebook.

major command Preferred use on MILES Acceptable on second reference for

second reference is the command, or use a Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement
specific reference: ACC, AMC, AFMC, etc. System, but preferred use is laser system or
engagement system.
manual Capitalize and spell out the proper
name on first reference: Air Force Manual mine-resistant, ambush-protected
10-100 “Airman’s Manual” contains step- vehicle an armored vehicle designed to
by-step instructions on tent construction. survive roadside bomb attacks, ambushes.
MRAP is acceptable on second reference.
AFM is acceptable on second reference
when used with the number: AFM 10-100. mine-resistant, ambush-protected
Preferred use is manual in all other cases. all-terrain vehicle a smaller version of
the MRAP ideal for off-road work and
See instruction and pamphlet entries. narrow trails or paths. M-ATV can be used
on second reference.
Meals, Ready to Eat Freeze-dried
foods packaged for field troops. MRE is Minuteman III missile Acceptable in
acceptable on second reference. Meal, all references to the LGM-30 Minuteman III.
Ready to Eat is the singular form.

medals Do not capitalize unless used as MWR morale, welfare and recreation.
part of a proper noun. For example Air Outdated term; services is the preferred
Force Commendation Medal, Purple Heart, term.
Air Force Cross, Distinguished Service
Medal. 9/11 don't use a dash as in 9-11

Medal of Honor Because the citation National Museum of the U.S. Air
includes the phrase “in the name of Force Do not use Air Force Museum.

National Security Agency NSA is
acceptable on second reference.

Navy rating Not a rank. Do not include in

a rank before a name; instead, convert to the
actual rank. For example, MC1 John Smith
(Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class
John Smith) is Petty Officer 1st Class John
Smith in Air Force publications.

NCO Acceptable in all references to

noncommissioned officer.

NCO academy Lowercase unless

preceded by the name of the installation or
the name of the school: Barksdale Air Force
Base NCO Academy, Barksdale NCO
Academy, Airey NCO Academy. NCOA is
acceptable on second reference.

NCO club May be called the enlisted club

at some installations. The designated title of
clubs differ across the Air Force. Use the
appropriate title at the base being featured.
Capitalize when used with the name of the
base: Tyndall Air Force Base NCO Club.

See enlisted club entry.

NCO in charge NCOIC is acceptable on

second reference.

NCO wives club Most clubs use the

name enlisted spouses club. Use the
appropriate title for the base being featured.

See enlisted spouses club entry.

no-fly zone

Non Commissioned Officers

Association Nonprofit organization
concerned with issues that affect NCOs of
the military services. NCOA is acceptable on
second reference.

Numbered Air Forces Spell out Air

Force; not 12th AF, but 12th Air Force

first reference. Agent is acceptable on
office Lowercase except when used in the second reference.
proper name: public affairs office; TSgt.
Dick Smith, the NCO in charge of the public operation Use on first reference only and
affairs office; 37th Training Wing Public capitalize when used with a specific
Affairs Office. operation: Operation Desert Storm,
Operation Southern Watch. Lowercase
officer in charge OIC is acceptable on when naming more than one. The aircraft
second reference. was used in operations Allied Force and
Desert Storm.
officer performance report OPR is
acceptable on second reference. See war entry.

officers club Should be capitalized when Operation Enduring Freedom The

a specific club is named: Lackland Air combat operation in Afghanistan. OEF is
Force Base Officers Club. Preferred use is acceptable on second reference.
without the apostrophe.
Operation Iraqi Freedom The combat
officers spouses club Formerly operation in Iraq. OIF is acceptable on
known as the officers wives club and also second reference.
known as the officers and civilians spouses
club. The title of this organization differs operations Iraqi Freedom and
across the Air Force. Use the appropriate Enduring Freedom When citing both
title for the base being featured. together in one sentence, operations is
lowercase and Freedom must appear for
Capitalize when prefaced with the name of both.
the base: Tyndall AFB Officers Spouses
Club. Preferred use is without the operational readiness inspection
apostrophe. ORI is acceptable on second reference.

See officers wives club entry. operational readiness exercise

ORE is acceptable on second reference.
officers wives club Most clubs have
been renamed officers spouses club or on-the-job training
officers and civilians spouses club. The title
of this organization differs across the Air operations tempo opstempo is
Force. Use the appropriate title for the base acceptable on second reference.
being featured.
outprocessing, inprocessing
Capitalize when prefaced with the name of
the base: Lackland Air Force Base Officers
Wives Club. Preferred use is without the overwatch What close-air-support
apostrophe. aircraft provide ground troops.

See officers spouses club entry.

Office of Special Investigations

(OSI) personnel Use special agent on

pamphlet Capitalize and spell out the All photos must carry credit lines or the
proper name on first reference: Air Force disclaimer must state that all photos are U.S.
Pamphlet 166-27”Air Force Dietary Air Force photos unless otherwise noted.
Guidelines” was designed to improve a Placement may vary, but proper credit must
person’s eating habits. be given. Use a forward slash instead of the
word “by” between the agency and
AFP is acceptable on second reference when photographer’s name. Ex. (U.S. Air Force
used with the number: AFP 166-27. photo/Staff Sgt. Flash Gordon) All photos
Preferred use is pamphlet in all other cases. should have one of the following types of
credits: U.S. Air Force photo; Courtesy
See instruction and manual entries. photo; U.S. Air

people Preferred when referring to primary care manager Do not

members of a unit or base residents. abbreviate.
Personnel should be avoided. See
personnel entry. Prime BEEF Acceptable in all references
to Prime Base Engineer Emergency Forces.
permanent change of station PCS is Prime BEEF are civil engineer forces
acceptable on second reference. organized for direct combat support or
emergency recovery from natural disasters.
Persian Gulf War Preferred when If possible, explain the acronym in the story
referring to coalition military activities as a secondary fact: Prime BEEF stands for
conducted as part of Operation Desert Prime Base…
privately owned vehicle Preferred use
personnel Avoid using when referring to is private or personal car in all references.
members of a unit or base residents. The acronym POV should not be used.
Preferred use is people. See people entry.
professional military education
Personnel Support for PME is acceptable on second reference.
Contingency Operations PERSCO is
acceptable on second reference. provincial reconstruction team Do
not capitalize unless used as part of a proper
personnel tempo perstempo is noun. Members of the Paktya Provincial
acceptable on second reference. Reconstruction Team met with village
leaders. PRT is acceptable on second
photo caption/credit line See the AP reference.
Stylebook for captioning guidelines. Follow
the example of the standard AP caption. Air
Force News Service does not use days of the
week in photo captions. Democratic
presidential hopeful U.S. Sen. Barack
Obama, D-Ill., delivers his policy on Iraq
speech Sept.24, 2007, in Clinton, Iowa.
Obama called for the immediate withdrawal
of all U.S. combat brigades from Iraq, with
the pullout being completed by the end of
next year.

self-aid and buddy care Note that this
QDR Acceptable on second reference for phrase describes two types of care: that
Quadrennial Defense Review. applied to yourself and that given to another.

rank “Select” is not a rank. Use Brig. Gen. self-help (n., adj.) Self-help is open 8 to
Joe Jones, not Maj. Gen (Sel) Joe Jones. 10 a.m. Fridays. The self-help project ended
RED HORSE Acceptable in all references
for Rapid Engineer Deployable Heavy Senior NCO Academy See the Air
Operations Repair Squadron Engineers. If Force Senior NCO Academy entry.
possible, explain the acronym in the story as
a secondary fact: RED HORSE stands for SERE Acceptable on second reference for
Rapid… survival, evasion, resistance and escape.
Airmen assigned to this career field are
re-enlist, re-enlistment specialists, not instructors.

Reserve It is singular and uppercased Service member, serviceman,

when referring to someone in that servicewoman Use service member
component. A person is not in the Reserves when either a man or woman could be
It is lowercased when you're talking about affected or included. Note: per update to
reserve forces that include the ANG and AP Style Guide, service member is now two
Reserve together. words, the other two are single words.

reservist (lowercase) shoppette Capitalize when prefaced with

the name of the base: The Vance AFB
room Capitalize when used with numbers Shoppette is open until midnight. The
to designate a particular room in a structure, shoppette closes at midnight.
such as Bldg. 52, Room 1201.
South Korea -- not Republic of Korea
See building, gate and hangar entries.
space-available Space-A is acceptable
Royal Air Force Name of the British air on second reference.
force and used to denote air bases in
England: Royal Air Force Lakenheath, special agent Office of Special
England. RAF is acceptable on second Investigations (OSI) personnel. Agent is
reference. Do not add the word base after acceptable on second reference
Air Force.
spouse Use husband or wife if referring to
secretary of the Air Force Capitalize a specific person; otherwise use spouse.
when used before a name. SecAF is
acceptable on second reference. the States Capitalize "States" when it
means the U.S. as a whole. Lowercase
secretary of Defense Capitalize when when referring to individual states
used before a name. Refrain from using collectively (e.g. "Each of the states elects
SecDEF or SECDEF in headlines or on two senators" vs "I'm going back to the
second reference. Instead, use defense States.")
secretary or the secretary’s last name.
squadron Capitalized when used with a
number to designate a particular squadron:

He works at the 37th Mission Support
Squadron. He works at the mission support

See flight, group and wing entries.

Squadron Officer School SOS is

acceptable on second reference.

SSN Acceptable on second reference for

Social Security number.

Stripes for Exceptional

Performers STEP is acceptable on
second reference.

surgeon general, surgeons


TRICARE A military health care program
tactical air control party Abbreviated with three options: TRICARE Prime,
TAC-P. See JTAC TRICARE Extra and TRICARE Standard.
For retirees on Medicare, there is TRICARE
TDY Acceptable in all references for for Life. Despite the fact that it is not an
temporary duty. acronym, officials filed the word with the
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office which has
Threatcon Outmoded term replaced by allowed them to require the word be used in
force protection condition.
the upper-case format (“without variation”).
3-volley rifle salute is what is seen at a It will always appear as TRICARE.
traditional military funeral. The rifle party,
often seven people, typically fire three 21-gun salute 21-gun salutes are
volleys in unison (this may be where the reserved for heads of state and almost
confusion with 21 comes from). 21-gun always involve artillery. What is seen at a
salutes are reserved for heads of state and traditional military funeral is a 3-volley rifle
almost always involve artillery. salute. The rifle party, often seven people,
typically fire three volleys in unison (this
may be where the confusion with 21 comes
Thunderbirds The Air Force precision- from).
flying demonstration team that flies red,
white and blue F-16s. Members of the
Thunderbirds make up the U.S. Air Force
Air Demonstration Squadron.

time-in-grade, time-in-service

Tops in Blue The all-Air Force

entertainment group that annually tours Air
Force bases worldwide.

total force Integration of Guard, Reserve

and active-duty components.

touch-and-go (n., adj.) The pilot

performed a touch and go. Student pilots
practice touch-and-go landings.

traffic management office Office that

helps people who are being reassigned to
ship household goods and vehicles. TMO is
acceptable on second reference.

triad The three legs of the nuclear deterrent

force: manned bombers, ICBMs and
submarine-launched ballistic missiles. Triad
is not an acronym.

UCMJ Acceptable on second reference for
Uniform Code of Military Justice.

undersecretary of the Air Force

Undersecretary is one word. Capitalize when
used before a name. USecAF is acceptable
on second reference.

unit designations Lowercase references

to agencies unless the entire title is used:
public affairs office; Tech. Sgt. Dick Smith,
the NCO in charge of the public affairs
office; 37th Training Wing Public Affairs
Office. On second reference to a unit, use the
numerical designation alone if it is the only
unit with that designation in the story: the
18th Aggressor Squadron on first reference,
the 18th AS thereafter.

U.S. Air Force Academy A direct

reporting unit. Academy is acceptable on
second reference. Like Airman, upper-case
Academy in all uses.

Valor Uppercase when used with a medal,

as in Bronze Star with Valor

vMPF Acceptable on second reference for

the Virtual Military Personnel Flight.

Washington, D.C. Datelines will just
war Capitalize when used as part of the use Washington.
name for a specific war: the Civil War, the
Cold War, the War of 1812, World War II, Web words: World Wide Web, Web
the Korean War, the Vietnam War, etc. page, but webcast, webcam, webmaster and
See operation entry.
wing Capitalized when used with a number
warfighter (n.), warfighting (adj.) to designate a particular wing: She works at
the 314th Airlift Wing. She works at the
war game (n.), war-game (v.) wing.

war on terrorism GWOT or Global War See flight, group and squadron entries.
on Terror should not be used.
Zulu Communications code word for the
Warsaw Pact No longer exists. There letter Z. Used by aviators in reference to
were seven Warsaw Pact nations: the Soviet Greenwich Mean Time — mean solar time
Union, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East of the Greenwich meridian used as the basis
Germany, Hungary, Poland and Romania. of standard time throughout the world.
Sometimes referred to as universal time.

Combatant and major commands
Note: For all aircraft, upon first reference, C-37A No official name, it is the military
always use the letter-number designation version of the Gulfstream V.
AND the official name of the aircraft, e.g.
B-52 Stratofortress. You will need to add it C-40B/C No official name, it is the
parenthetically in quotes if not included by military version of the Boeing 737-700.
the speaker.
C-5 Galaxy C-5 or Galaxy is acceptable
A-10 Thunderbolt II Do not use on second reference. The new C-5M is the
informal “warthog.” A-10 and Thunderbolt Super Galaxy.
are both acceptable on second reference
CV-22 Osprey CV-22 or Osprey is
AC-130H Spectre, AC-130U AC-130 acceptable on second reference.
Gunship is incorrect: gunship is a generic
term used like fighter and bomber. E-3 Sentry A modified Boeing 707-320
used as an airborne warning and control
B-1B Lancer B-1B or Lancer is system (AWACS) See airborne warning
acceptable on second reference. and control system.

B-2 Spirit B-2 or Spirit is acceptable on E-4B A military version of the Boeing 747-
second reference. 200, the aircraft serves as the National
Airborne Operations Center for national
B-52 Stratofortress B-52 or leaders in case of a national emergency or
Stratofortress is acceptable on second the destruction of ground command centers.
reference. BUFF or other nicknames will
not be used. E-8C Joint STARS A modified Boeing
707 with an air-to-ground surveillance
C-130 Hercules The latest model is the system designed to track ground targets in
C-130J Super Hercules; E and H models all weather conditions. E-8C Joint STARS is
remain in the inventory. C-130 or Hercules acceptable on first reference, but explain
is acceptable on second reference. See also later that STARS stands for Surveillance
AC-130, EC-130, HC-130, MC-130 and WC- Target Attack Radar System.
EA-6B Prowler A Navy electronic-attack
C-17 Globemaster III C-17 or aircraft that jams enemy radar, electronic
Globemaster is acceptable on second data links and communications. It is flown
reference. by Navy and Air Force pilots in Navy
C-20 No official name, it is the military
version of the Gulfstream III. EC-130H Compass Call A modified
C-130 used to jam enemy command-and-
C-21 No official name, it is the military control networks and suppress enemy air
version of the Lear Jet 35A. defenses.

C-32 No official name, it is a specially EC-130J Commando Solo A

configured version of the Boeing 757-200 modified C-130 that conducts information
airliner. operations, psychological operations and

civil affairs broadcasts in AM, FM, HF, TV MC-130E Combat Talon I, MC-130H
and military communications bands. Combat Talon II Versions of the C-130
Hercules. The difference between the two
F-15 Eagle F-15 or Eagle is acceptable on types is computers and avionics.
second and subsequent references.
Acceptable for use with F-15C. MC-130P Combat Shadow A version
of the C-130 Hercules.
F-15E Strike Eagle Not the same as the
F-15. F-15E or Strike Eagle is acceptable MH-53J Pave Low III, MH-53M Pave
on second ref. Low IV A twin-turbine, heavy-lift
helicopter used for special operations and
F-16 Fighting Falcon Do not use combat rescue. The MH-53M Pave Low IV
informal “Viper.” F-16 or Fighting Falcon has advanced communications and avionics
is acceptable on second reference.
MQ-1 Predator Predator alone is
F-16CJ Fighting Falcon A version of acceptable in all uses. It is part of a RPAS
the F-16 dedicated to the suppression of (remotely piloted aircraft system) which
enemy air defenses. F-16 or Fighting Falcon technically means a system including the
is acceptable on second reference. aircraft, the ground-control system, the
satellite link and personnel. For a quick
F-117A Nighthawk F-117 or reference to avoid confusion, MQ-1
Nighthawk is acceptable on second horizontal stabilizers point down. Predator is
reference. No longer in the inventory. acceptable in all references.

F-22 Raptor Don’t include “A” as in F- MQ-9 Reaper Reaper alone is

22A. F-22 or Raptor is acceptable on acceptable in all uses. It is part of a RPAS
second reference. (remotely piloted aircraft system) which
technically means a system including the
F-35 Lightning II F-35, Lightning II, JSF aircraft, the ground-control system, the
acceptable on second reference. Don’t satellite link and personnel. For a quick
uppercase joint strike fighter. reference to avoid confusion, MQ-9
horizontal stabilizers point upward.
Global Hawk (The RQ-4) Can be
referred to as an unmanned aircraft (UA) or OC-135B Open Skies An observation
a remotely piloted aircraft (RPA). aircraft that supports the Open Skies Treaty.
The aircraft flies unarmed observation
HC-130P/N King A combat search and flights over participating parties of the
rescue version of the C-130 Hercules. treaty.

HH-60G Pave Hawk A highly RC-135U Combat Sent Provides

modified version of the Army Black Hawk strategic electronic reconnaissance
helicopter. HH-60G or Pave Hawk is information to the president, secretary of
acceptable on second reference. Also, it’s defense, Defense Department of Defense
two words. and theater commanders.

KC-10 Extender KC-10 or Extender is RC-135V/W Rivet Joint Provides on-

acceptable on second reference. scene intelligence collection, analysis and
dissemination capabilities.
KC-135 Stratotanker KC-135 or
Stratotanker is acceptable on second Reaper Acceptable in all references to
reference. MQ-9 Reaper.

RPA Remotely Piloted Aircraft. WC-130 Hercules Flown by the
Generally refers to the MQ-1 Predator, MQ- Hurricane Hungers flying weather
9 Reaper and RQ-4 Global Hawk. UAS also reconnaissance missions. A derivative of the
is acceptable term when referring to the C-130 Hercules, it is flown exclusively by
unmanned aircraft AND associated systems. the 53rd Weather Recon Sq from Keesler
Do not use UAV. Don't use "operator;" the AFB, Miss. The 53rd WRS is known as the
aircraft is flown by an RPA pilot, but avoid Hurricane Hunters.
"remotely piloted aircraft pilot" -- that's

RQ-4 Global Hawk Can be referred to

as an unmanned aircraft (UA) or a remotely
piloted aircraft (RPA).

T-1 Jayhawk T-1 or Jayhawk is

acceptable on second reference.

T-6 Texan II T-6 or Texan II is

acceptable on second reference.

T-37 Tweet T-37 or Tweet is acceptable

on second reference. No longer in the Air
Force inventory as July 31, 2009.

T-38 Talon T-38 or Talon is acceptable

on second reference.

T-43A A military version of the Boeing

737 twin-engine jet used to train navigators.
No longer in the AF inventory.

U-2 A single-seat, single-engine, high-

altitude reconnaissance aircraft. Do not use
Dragon Lady. Dragon Lady refers to a
specific U-2 program.

UAS Unmanned aircraft system; use

unmanned aircraft when referring to just the
aircraft. UA acceptable on second ref. Used
interchangeably with RPA. (See RPA)

UAV Outdated term, no longer used.

UH-1N Huey A light-lift utility

helicopter used to support AFSPC missile
wings and groups.

VC-25A Air Force One A modified

version of the Boeing 747 that transports the
president of the United States.

U.S. Air Forces in Europe USAFE is people for the aerospace force and the
acceptable on second reference. nation. Provides basic military training,
initial and advanced technical training,
U.S. Africa Command AFRICOM is flying training, and professional military and
acceptable on second reference. degree-granting professional education.
Conduct joint, medical service, readiness
U.S. Central Command CENTCOM is and Air Force security assistance training.
acceptable on second reference.
Air Force Global Strike Command
U.S. European Command EUCOM is AFGSC is acceptable on second reference.
acceptable on second reference. AFGSC’s mission is nuclear and
conventional global strike, a key component
U.S. Joint Forces Command of strategic deterrence. AFGSC aligns
JFCOM is acceptable on second reference. Intercontinental Ballistic Missile and dual-
mission capable bomber forces under a
single command, responsible for organizing,
U.S. Northern Command
training and equipping ICBM forces, B-2
NORTHCOM is acceptable on second
and B-52 bomber forces, and other
deterrence capabilities to conduct operations
in support of combatant commanders.
U.S. Pacific Command PACOM is
acceptable on second reference.
Air Force Materiel Command
AFMC is acceptable on second reference.
U.S. Southern Command
AFMC develops, acquires and sustains
SOUTHCOM is acceptable on second
aerospace power needed to defend the
United States and its interests -- today and
tomorrow. This is accomplished through
U.S. Special Operations Command management, research, acquisition,
SOCOM is acceptable on second reference.
development, testing and maintenance of
existing and future weapons systems and
U.S. Strategic Command their components.
STRATCOM is acceptable on second
Air Force Reserve Command
AFRC is acceptable on second reference.
U.S. Transportation Command AFRC provides citizen airmen to defend the
TRANSCOM is acceptable on second
United States and protect its interests
through aerospace power.
Air Combat Command
Air Force Space Command
ACC is acceptable on second reference.
AFSPC is acceptable on second reference.
ACC’s mission is to support global
AFSPC makes space reliable for the
implementation of national security strategy.
warfighter by continuously improving the
ACC operates fighter, bomber,
command's ability to provide and support
reconnaissance, battle-management, and
combat forces. AFSPC is comprised of more
electronic-combat aircraft. It also provides
than 42,000 professionals assigned to 134
command, control, communications and
locations worldwide.
intelligence systems, and conducts global
information operations.
Air Force Special Operations
Air Education and Training Command
Command AFSOC is acceptable on second reference.
AETC is acceptable on second reference. AFSOC is America's specialized air power.
AETC recruits, trains and educates quality The command provides combat search and
rescue, agile combat support, information

warfare, precision aerospace fires,  183rd Fighter Wing
psychological operations, specialized Air National Guard Base, Ky.
aerospace mobility and refueling to unified  123rd Airlift Wing, Kentucky Air
commands and delivers special operations National Guard
power anytime, anywhere. Al Udeid Air Base
 U.S. Air Forces Central
Air Mobility Command Command
AMC is acceptable on second reference. Al Udeid, Qatar
ACC provides airlift, air refueling, special  US Air Forces Central Command
air mission and aeromedical evacuation for Band
U.S. forces. Supplies forces to theater Altus Air Force Base, Okla.
commands to support wartime tasking.  Altus Air Force Base
 Secrets Declassified
Air National Guard Arnold Air Force Base, Tenn.
ANG is acceptable on second reference.  Arnold Air Force Base & Arnold
ANG enforces federal authority, suppresses Engineering Development
insurrection and defends the nation when Complex
mobilized by the president, Congress, or Atlantic City International Airport, N.J.
both. Units augment the Air Force by  177th Fighter Wing, New Jersey
participating in operations and exercises Air National Guard
worldwide by direction of the Air Staff, Aviano Air Base, Italy
major commands or joint/unified  Aviano Air Base
commands. Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan
 Bagram Airfield
Bangor Air National Guard Base, Maine
Pacific Air Forces
 Maine Air National Guard
PACAF is acceptable on second reference.
Barksdale Air Force Base, La.
PACAF provides ready air and space power
 Barksdale Air Force Base
to promote U.S. interests in the Asia-Pacific
 Air Force Global Strike
during peacetime, crisis and in war.
 307th Bomb Wing
U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air  8th Air Force
Forces Africa Barnes Air National Guard Base, Mass.
USAFE - AFAFRICA is acceptable on  104th Fighter Wing,
second reference. USAFE - AFAFRICA Massachusetts Air National
provides responsive forward presence and Guard
decisive air and space power. Plans, Battle Creek, Mich.
conducts, controls, coordinates and supports  110th Airlift Wing
air and space operations to achieve U.S. and Beale Air Force Base, Calif.
NATO objectives based on taskings  940th Wing
assigned by the commander in chief, U.S.  Beale Air Force Base
European Command. Beightler Armory, Ohio
 Ohio Air National Guard
Air Force bases and units Berry Field, Tenn.
158th Fighter Wing, Vt.  118th Wing, Tennessee Air
 158th Fighter Wing, Vermont Air National Guard
National Guard Birmingham, Ala.
187th Fighter Wing, Ala.  117th Air Refueling Wing
 187th Fighter Wing Bradley Air National Guard Base, Conn.
501st Combat Support Wing, United  103rd Airlift Wing
Kingdom Buckley Air Force Base, Colo.
 501st Combat Support Wing  Buckley Air Force Base
Abraham Lincoln Captital Airport, Ill.  140th Wing

 Air Reserve Personnel Center F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyo.
Cannon Air Force Base, N.M.  20th Air Force
 Cannon Air Force Base  F.E. Warren Air Force Base
Channel Islands Air National Guard Fairchild Air Force Base, Wash.
Station, Calif.  Fairchild Air Force Base
 146th Airlift Wing, California Air Forbes Field Air National Guard Base,
National Guard Kansas
 Air National Guard Band of the  190th Air Refueling Wing
Southwest Fort Belvoir, Va.
Charlotte Douglas International Airport,  Air Force Petroleum Agency
N.C. Fort Indiantown Gap, Penn.
 145th Airlift Wing  Air National Guard Band of the
Cheyenne Regional Airport, Wyo. Mid-Atlantic
 153rd Airlift Wing, Wyoming Air Fort Smith, Ark.
National Guard  Ebbing Air National Guard Base
Columbus Air Force Base, Miss. Fort Wayne, Ind.
 Columbus Air Force Base  122nd Fighter Wing, Indiana Air
Dannelly Field Air National Guard Base, National Guard
Ala. Fresno Air National Guard Base,
 187th Fighter Wing, Alabama Air California
National Guard  144th Fighter Wing, California
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz. Air National Guard
 12th Air Force (Air Forces General Mitchell Air National Guard
Southern) Base, Wis.
 Davis-Monthan Air Force Base  128th Air Refueling Wing
Defense Health Headquarters, Falls Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas
Church, Va.  Goodfellow Air Force Base
 Air Force Medical Service Gowen Field Air National Guard Base,
Des Moines, Iowa Idaho
 132nd Fighter Wing  124th Fighter Wing, Idaho Air
Dobbins Air Reserve Base, Ga. National Guard
 Dobbins Air Reserve Base Grand Forks Air Force Base, N.D.
Dover Air Force Base, Del.  Grand Forks Air Force Base
 512th Airlift Wing Great Falls, Mont.
 Dover Air Force Base home  120th Fighter Wing
page Grissom Air Reserve Base, Ind.
 Air Force Mortuary Affairs  Grissom Air Reserve Base
Operations Hancock Field Air National Guard Base,
Duluth Air National Guard Base, Minn. N.Y.
 148th Fighter Wing  Hancock Field Air National
Dyess Air Force Base, Texas Guard Base
 Dyess Air Force Base Hanscom Air Force Base, Mass.
Edwards Air Force Base, Calif.  Hanscom Air Force Base
 Edwards Air Force Base Hector Field, N.D.
Eglin Air Force Base, Fla.  119th Wing
 Eglin Air Force Base Hill Air Force Base, Utah
Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska  388th Fighter Wing
 Eielson Air Force Base  Hill Air Force Base
Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base,  419th Fighter Wing
Texas Holloman Air Force Base, N.M.
 147th Reconnaissance Wing,  Holloman Air Force Base
Texas Air National Guard Homestead Air Reserve Base, Fla.
Ellsworth Air Force Base, S.D.  Homestead Air Reserve Base
 28th Bomb Wing Horsham Air Guard Station, Penn.

 111th Fighter Wing,  U.S. Air Force Band of the
Pennsylvania Air National Guard Pacific-Hawaii
Hurlburt Field, Fla.  624th Regional Support Group
 Air Force Special Operations  Pacific Air Forces
Command  15th Wing
 Hurlburt Field  154th Wing
Incirlik Air Base, Turkey Joint Base San Antonio, Texas
 Incirlik Air Base  Air Force Recruiting Service
Jacksonville, Fla. Website
 Florida Air National Guard  Air Force ISR Agency
Joe Foss Field, S.D.  Air Force Trademark and
 114th Fighter Wing Licensing
Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, District of  Air Force Personnel Center
Columbia  U.S. Air Force Recordings
 USAF Honor Guard  Air Force Recruiting Service
 The United States Air Force  Air Education and Training
Band Command
 Air Force Historical Studies  Headquarters Air Force Security
Office Forces Center
Joint Base Andrews, Md.  24th Air Force
 Air Force Audit Agency  Air Force Public Affairs Agency
 145th Airlift Wing  149th Fighter Wing, Texas Air
 459th Air Refueling Wing National Guard
 79th Medical Wing  Joint Base San Antonio
 Joint Base Andrews  59th Medical Wing
 Air Force District of Washington  Torch Magazine
Joint Base Charleston, S.C.  Air Force Wounded Warrior
 315th Airlift Wing  USAF Basic Military Training
 Joint Base Charleston Flight Photograph Project
Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson,  Air Force Basic Military Training
Alaska  37th Training Wing
 176th Wing  U.S. Air Force Band of the West
 Joint Base Elmendorf-  Air Force Civil Engineer Center
Richardson Joint Forces Headquarters, Calif.
Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Va.  California Air National Guard
 Joint Base Langley Eustis Kadena Air Base, Japan
 U.S. Air Force Heritage of  353rd Special Operations Group
America Band  Kadena Air Base
 192nd Fighter Wing Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan
Joint Base Langley–Eustis, Va.  Kandahar Airfield
 Air Combat Command Keesler Air Force Base, Miss.
Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash.  Keesler Medical Center
 446th Airlift Wing  Keesler Air Force Base
 62nd Airlift Wing Key Field Air National Guard Base,
 62nd Airlift Wing Miss.
Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, N.J.  186th Air Refueling Wing,
 108th Wing Mississippi Air National Guard
 Joint Base McGuire-Dix- Kingsley Field, Ore.
Lakehurst  173rd Fighter Wing, Oregon Air
 U.S. Air Force Expeditionary National Guard
Center Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M.
 514th Air Mobility Wing  Air Force Inspection Agency
Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii  377th Air Base Wing

 150th Fighter Wing  164th Airlift Wing
 Air Force Safety Center Minneapolis-St. Paul International
 Air Force Research Laboratory Airport Air Reserve Station, Minn.
 Air Force Operational Test and  Minneapolis-St. Paul Air Reserve
Evaluation Center Station
Kunsan Air Base, South Korea Minot Air Force Base, N.D.
 Kunsan Air Base  Minot Air Force Base
Lajes Field, Azores, Portugual Misawa Air Base, Japan
 Lajes Link  Misawa Air Base
Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas Moffett Federal Airfield, Calif.
 Laughlin Air Force Base  129th Rescue Wing, California
Lincoln Municiple Airport, Neb. Air National Guard
 155th Air Refueling Wing Moody Air Force Base, Ga.
Little Rock Air Force Base, Ark.  Moody Air Force Base
 189th Airlift Wing Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho
Los Angeles Air Force Base, Calif.  Mountain Home Air Force Base
 Los Angeles Air Force Base National Guard Bureau, Va.
Luke Air Force Base, Ariz.  National Guard Counterdrug
 Luke Air Force Base Program
 944th Fighter Wing Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint
MacDill Air Force Base Reserve Base, Texas
 MacDill  Air National Guard Band of the
MacDill Air Force Base, Florida Gulf Coast
 927th Air Refueling Wing  136th Airlift Wing
Malmstrom Air Force Base, Mont.  301st Fighter Wing
 Malmstrom Air Force Base  Tenth Air Force - Power &
Mansfield, Ohio Vigilance
 179th Airlift Wing, Ohio Air Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada
National Guard  Nellis Air Force Base
March Air Reserve Base, Calif.  926th Group
 163rd Reconnaissance Wing  Creech Air Force Base
Official Website New Castle Air National Guard Base,
Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala. Del.
 Maxwell Air Force Base  166th Airlift Wing, Delaware Air
 Air Force Historical Research National Guard
Agency Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station, N.Y.
 Air Force NetCents  Niagara Falls Air Reserve
 908th Airlift Wing Station
McConnell Air Force Base, Kansas  107th Airlift Wing
 931st Air Refueling Group North Highlands Air National Guard
 McConnell Air Force Base Station, Calif.
McEntire Joint National Guard Base,  162d Combat Communications
S.C. Group
 South Carolina Air National Offutt Air Force Base, Neb.
Guard  Offutt Air Force Base
McGhee Tyson Air National Guard  U.S. Air Force Heartland of
Base, Tenn. America Band
 134th Air Refueling Wing  Air Force Weather Observer
 U.S. Air Force Band of the Orlando, Florida
Smoky Mountains  Air Force Agency for Modeling
 The I.G. Brown Training and and Simulation
Education Center Osan Air Base, South Korea
Memphis Air National Guard Base,  7th Air Force
Tenn. Otis Air National Guard Base, Mass.

 102nd Intelligence Wing  Eastern Air Defense Sector
Papago Military Reservation, Ariz. Rosecrans Air National Guard Base,
 Arizona Air National Guard Miss.
Patrick Air Force Base, Fla.  139th Airlift Wing, Missouri Air
 Patrick Air Force Base National Guard
 920th Rescue Wing Royal Air Force Station Lakenheath,
Pease Air National Guard Base, N.H. United Kingdom
 157th Air Refueling Wing  Royal Air Force Station
Peoria, Ill. Lakenheath
 Air National Guard Band of the Royal Air Force Station Mildenhall,
Midwest United Kingdom
 182nd Airlift Wing  Royal Air Force Mildenhall
Peterson Air Force Base, Colo. Savannah Air National Guard Base, Ga.
 U.S. Northern Command  165th Airlift Wing, Georgia Air
 U.S. Air Force Academy Band National Guard
 Peterson Air Force Base Schriever Air Force Base, Colo.
 North American Aerospace  Schriever Air Force Base
Defense Command  310th Space Wing
 302nd Airlift Wing Scott Air Force Base, Ill.
 Air Force Space Command  Scott Air Force Base
Phoenix Sky Harbor Air National Guard  Air Force Network Integration
Base, Ariz. Center
 161st Air Refueling Wing  U.S. Air Force Band of Mid-
Pittsburgh International Airport Air America
Reserve Station, Penn.  Air Mobility Command
 Pittsburgh IAP Air Reserve  932nd Airlift Wing
Station  618th Air and Space Operations
 171st Air Refueling Wing Center (Tanker Airlift Control
Pope Army Airfield, N.C. Center)
 Pope Field  126th Air Refueling Wing
Portland Air National Guard Base, Ore. Selfridge Air National Guard Base,
 142nd Fighter Wing Michigan
Quantico, Va.  127th Wing
 Air Force Office of Special Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, North
Investigations Carolina
Quonset Air National Guard Base, R.I.  Seymour Johnson Air Force
 143rd Airlift Wing, Rhode Island Base
Air National Guard  916th Air Refueling Wing
Ramstein Air Base, Germany Shaw Air Force Base, S.C.
 U.S. Air Forces in Europe Band  9th Air Force
 U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Shepherd Field, W.V.
Air Forces Africa  167th Airlift Wing
 Ramstein Air Base, Germany Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas
Reno Air National Guard Base, Nev.  Sheppard Air Force Base
 152nd Airlift Wing  Sheppard Air Force Base Force
Rickenbacker International Airport, Ohio Support Squadron
 121st Air Refueling Wing Sioux City Air National Guard Base,
Robins Air Force Base, Ga. Iowa
 Robins Air Force Base  185th Air Refueling Wing
 116th Air Control Wing Southwest Asia
 Citizen Airman Magazine  379th Air Expeditionary Wing
 Air Force Reserve Command  380th Air Expeditionary Wing
Rome, N.Y. Southwest Asia

 386th Air Expeditionary Wing  Travis Air Force Base
Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany Truax Field, Wis.
 Spangdahlem Air Base  115th Fighter Wing
Stewart Air National Guard Base, N.Y. Tucson International Airport, Ariz.
 105th Airlift Wing, New York Air  162nd Fighter Wing
National Guard Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla.
Stout Field, Ind.  Tyndall Air Force Base
 Indiana National Guard  Air Force Be Ready
Stratton Air National Guard Base, N.Y.  1st Air Force
 109th Airlift Wing U.S. Air Force Academy, Colo.
Swanton Air National Guard Base, Ohio  U.S. Air Force Academy
 180th Fighter Wing Vance Air Force Base, Okla.
The Pentagon, Va.  Vance Air Force Base
 Air Force Bands Program Volk Field Air National Guard Base, Wis.
 Air Force General Counsel  Volk Field Air National Guard
 AF Installations, Environment Base
and Logistics Warfield Air National Guard Base, Md.
 Air Force Housing  Maryland Air National Guard
 Air Force Financial Management Westover Air Reserve Base, Mass.
& Comptroller  Westover Air Reserve Base
 Air National Guard Whiteman Air Force Base, Miss.
 Secretary of the Air Force -  Whiteman Air Force Base
Acquisition  131st Bomb Wing, Missouri Air
 AF CIO A6 Information National Guard
Dominance Will Rogers Air National Guard Base,
 Air Force Judge Advocate Okla.
General  137th Air Refueling Wing
 U.S. Air Force Scientific Advisory Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio
Board  Medical Flight Standards Branch
 Air Force Contracting Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio
 Air Force Freedom of  Air Force Refractory Surgery
Information Act Program
The Pentagon,Va.  Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
 SAF/SP - DoD Executive Agent Medical Group
for Space Staff  U.S. Air Force Band of Flight
Thompson Field, Miss.  National Museum of the U.S. Air
 172d Airlift Wing Force
Tinker Air Force Base, Okla.  Materials & Manufacturing
 552nd Air Control Wing Directorate
 507th Air Refueling Wing Site  Air Force Materiel Command
 507th Air Refueling Wing  Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
 Air Force Sustainment Center  445th Airlift Wing
 Tinker Air Force Base Yokota Air Base, Japan
Transit Center at Manas, Kyrgyzstan  U.S. Air Force Band of the
 Transit Center at Manas Pacific-Asia
Travis Air Force Base, Calif.  Yokota Air Base
 U.S. Air Force Band of the Youngstown Air Reserve Station, Ohio
Golden West  Youngstown Air Reserve Station
 349th Air Mobility Wing


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