Flash Lamp Design

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Baghdad Science Journal Vol.


Design and Construction Optical Pumping System

Nahla.A. Al Jabar* Kamal.H.Latif * Bushra R.Mhdi*

Huda A. Al Jabar Basher R.Mhdi*
Received 26, May, 2011
Accepted 26, June, 2012

In this work the design and construction of optical pumping system was
presented. The parameters of the pumping source to obtain discharge current density
sufficient to shift the flash lamp spectrum towards uv portion of spectrum were
measured.The current density was supplied to the flash lamp must be greater than
4000Amp./cm2 to obtain the spectral range wavelength lies between 0.2 and 0.35m.
The current density was obtained by a capacitor 50F, at 7KV discharge voltage. The
applied electrical energy to the flash lamp was more than 1200 J, and the current
density was around 5000 Amp./cm2.The electrical parameters of the flash lamp were
calculated. The impedance parameters(K0) from the voltage and the peak current
pulse was measured in range equal to 57, while the damping factor() was 1.3. The
energy of the flash lamp was around 75% from the input electrical energy. The
external trigger circuit was limited the increase the applied voltage, which is
responsible for the damping factor.

Key words :Optical pumping system, flash lamp

Introduction: radiation in the (0.2-1) m regions. It

The optical pumping for the laser can be increased by increasing the
active media can be achieved through a current density. In other words, the
band width in the UV portion of the pumping efficiency of Xenon increases
spectrum (285-288 nm), which lies in as the pressure increased in the range
the spectrum range of the xenon flash (450-3000) torr. The effect of an
lamp. To have an optical power increase in gas fill pressure, is to
enough to generate H2 dissociation reduce the mean free path of the
needed for producing population electrons and atoms in the discharge,
inversion in the active medium, it is and thus to increase their collision
important to use a flash lamp filled frequency.The flash lamp which is
with xenon gas. Xenon gas is shown in fig.( 1), was employed to
considered as the best inert gas produce light spectrum suitable for
utilized. It is generally chosen as the pumping molecules in the active
gas fill for flash lamps regarding its medium to dissociate at (285-288)
efficiency that converts (40%-60%) of nm[1].
the electrical input energy into

*Ministry of Science and Technology.

** University of Baghdad/College of Science for Women.
Baghdad Science Journal Vol.10(2)2013

Fig.( 1) The Xenon flash lamp[1]

The spectral output of Xenon IR. The output spectral range of the
flashlamp depends on current density, XFL which is dependent on current
as the current density increases from density is shown in Fig.(2). Moreover,
few tens to few thousands of high current density shifts the spectral
Amp./cm2. The intensity in the portion output toward the shorter wavelengths
of the blue and UV increases much side [2].
more rapidly than that in the red and

Fig.(2) The spectral emission from Xenon flash lamp operated in high current
densities [2].

The intensity of the lamp relationship between the UV

output spectra depends on the transmit wavelengths of different
material envelope of the lamp. The materials. Pure quartz glass was
transmission properties of the flash chosen for the flash lamp Xenon
lamp envelope will influence the envelope designate by line B of the
spectral output. Usually, the figure, which gives a high
envelope is fused natural silica, transmition for active pumping
which transmits light between 0.2 beam [3].
and 4m. Fig.( 3) illustrate the

Baghdad Science Journal Vol.10(2)2013

Fig.( 3) Materials transmission curves for various envelope

of flash lamps [2]

The Theoretical analysis of The impedance characteristics of

Electrical Design the flash lamp determines the
This study was done to specify efficiency with which energy is
the design basics of the power supply transferred from the capacitor bank to
for highly efficient operation necessary the lamp, the lamp impedance
for achieving the required pumping. parameter Ko can be calculated from
The following equation governs the (I- eq.(2) [4].
V) current-voltage characteristics for a 0.2
 P  at
flash lamp operates at high current K  1.27 
 450 torr 
range [3,4]:-
P = 450 torr
V  Koi1 2 Respectively Ko or K is
essentially the only parameter which is
……. (1)
needed to describe the high-current
electrical characteristics of a given
V : is the voltage between two
flash lamp.
electrode for flash lamp (Volt)
The resistance of the flashlamp
i : discharge current (Amp)
for high-current region with the plasma
Ko : impedance parameter ( . filling the bore of the tube is obtained
Amp ½) from the relation [5]:
Ko  K / d i 
V  RL i i  i …… (3)
…….(2) A
K : is a constant which where i is the specific resistivity of
depends on the gas type the xenon plasma, which is a function
and on the gas pressure of the current density. A: is the cross-
only. sectional area of the lamp, with relative
 ; d: are the length and to the voltage drop at the electrodes.
diameter of the flash The values of () for several values of
lamp bore respectively. () are shown in table (1)[6].

Baghdad Science Journal Vol.10(2)2013

Table (1) The values of () for several values of ()

 (.cm)  (sec)
0.015   100
0.02 100 <  1000
0.25  > 1000

In the operating regions of interest, the t2 t 2p

flash lamp resistivity for Xenon at 450 L  ……. (10)
torr is related to the current density by C 9C
(j), where [7]:
1.13 where:
 i   1 / 2 (.cm) ……. (4) L: total inductance in
C: capacitance in Farad.
The relationship is valid for The total flash lamp pulse
current densities of approximately 400 duration (t)is:
to 10000 Amp/cm2. The lamp
resistance RL is obtained by t  tp
introducing eq.( 4) into eq.( 3): 3 ……. (11)
R ……. (5)
A t : 1 the desired pulse half
width in second.
RL i   1.27 i 1 / 2 ……. (6)
The energy initially stored in the
d  capacitor is
E  CVo2 ……. (12)
Comparing (3) with (1), we can 2
obtain an expression for the flashlamp
parameters Ko: where:
 E: storage energy in Joule.
K o  1.27 ( Amp.1/2) ……. (7) VO : initial voltage on
capacitor band in Volt.
The constant value (1.27) in : damping parameter for
equation (2) holds for 450 torr Xenon critically damped pulse.
lamp. For other pressure values: The damping constant  can be
 P 
 calculated as follow:-
K o  1.27  ……. (8)
 450  Ko
 ……. (13)
Vo Z o
The value of the capacitor is:[5]
2 Eo 4t 2  should be 0.8 for critically
C 3
……. (9) damping pulse. The circuit impedance
K o4
Zo is given by:
E0=storage energy
α =damping parameter.
Z o  L C  2 ()
t =pulse duration. ……. (14)
The inductance L can be calculated
from the following relation: The peak current, for a critically
damped current pulse at  = 0.8, is :-

Baghdad Science Journal Vol.10(2)2013

Vo 1. External trigger.
I max  ……. (15) 2. Series (internal) trigger
2Z o
3. Simmer ( over volt
The current density (Ј) is:
I ……. (16)
operation) trigger.
J We used an external triggering
since it seems suitable at the beginning
The capacitor voltage decays for our research. The circuit was used
exponentially from (Vo) to zero. The in this research to operate four flash
rise time (tr) can be defined as the time lamps, each is connected to flash
required for the voltage or current to trigger by single trigger transformer
rise from zero to its maximum value. This is to reduce the delay and the jitter
The rise time can be calculated by: time between the flashes. High voltage
trigger (30 KV) supply to the flash
tr  CL 2
……. (17) lamps through the tungsten wire was
The rise time which is measured wrapped around the flash lamps.
between the 10% and 90% points of Many advantages have arisen out
the voltage is 0.5 tr [8]. Vo must satisfy of using external trigger, namely: the
the relationship Vo  2Zo Ipk. reliability, simplicity and
stability for long time of operation.
The Trigger Circuit
In most of the flash lamps, the Results and Discussion:
charged capacitors voltage is less than The Xenon flash lamp emission
the required threshold voltage for the covers a wide range of the electro-
initiation of spontaneous flash lamp magnetic spectrum (0.2-2)m. The
operation. pumping spectral range of our active
The discharges of the stored medium lies between 0.2 and 0.35m.
energy into the flash lamp are Consequently, to obtain the desired
generally initiated by a high-voltage wavelength range, the discharge
trigger pulse. The function of the current density which is supplied to the
trigger signal is to create an ionized flash lamp must be greater than
spark streamer between the two 4000Amp./cm2 [11]. To obtain such
electrodes, so that the main discharge values for current density a capacitor
can occur. The initial spark streamer is was chosen of around 50F, at 7KV
formed by the creation of a voltage discharge voltage. Therefore, the input
gradient of sufficient magnitude to electrical energy to the flash lamp was
ionize the gas column. The trigger more than 1000 J, and the current
voltages of flash tubes are between 5 density was around 5000 Amp./cm2.
and 30 KV for short duration such as An optical multichannel analyzer
few microseconds. The outside wall of (type OMA-3) was used to get the
the flash lamp tube is wrapped with a relative intensity of the flash lamp as a
tungsten wire. function to the emitted wavelength
There are three basic methods of which is drawn in Fig(4 ). This chart
triggering the flash lamps. Each of shows the increase in intensity in the
them achieve the same purpose. range (280-288)m which covers the
However, they are different in some absorption range of the active
characteristics according to the type of medium. The relative intensity of the
the employed lamp and to the flash
application needed. These methods of lamp in the range (280-288)m as a
triggering areas follows[9,10]: function of the applied voltage is

Baghdad Science Journal Vol.10(2)2013

shown in Fig.( 5). It is seen obvious F was used. The UV pulse shape of
that at 7KV, the output intensity of the the flash lamp using a photomultiplier
desired wavelength reaches a is shown in Fig.(6).
saturation value when a capacitor of 50

Fig. (4) Emission spectrum of the flash lamp at different voltages.

Fig.(5) The relation between the intensity (A.U) of the flash lamp as a function of the
applied voltage.

Baghdad Science Journal Vol.10(2)2013

Fig.(6) the UV flash intensity of the flash lamp. The upper trace at voltage of 8.5KV.
The lower trace at 10KV

The electrical parameters damping factor. This is because the

calculations of the flash lamp increase in the applied voltage will
(NL4781/2), which was used in this reduce the damping factor to its
research are illustrated in table (2). The optimum value (0.8). The relation
measured value of (K0) from the between the electrical energy which is
voltage and the peak current pulse was supplied to each flash lamp verses the
equal to 57, while the damping factor input voltage for C =50µF is shown in
was 1.3. The value of (K0) and () figure (7). The energy reaches 1200J
declares that the flash lamp is operated for v =7KV.
in the over damping case. This means The current shape and the break
that the delivered energy of the flash down voltage profile, using current
lamp is around 75% from the input transformer (current prop AM 503
electrical energy table (2) shows the current prop amplifier) with
damping factor() verses the input oscilloscope (TS - 8123 storage scope)
voltage. The use of external trigger to record the pulses, is shown in
circuit limitation increases the applied Fig.(8)
voltage which is responsible for the

Table ( 2) The optimum electrical parameters of the flash lamp.

Energy Current Damping
Peak current Intensity
Vo input E input Density Factors
Ipk=(0.5)(Vo/Zo) (A.U.)
(volt) =(0.5)CV2 J= Ipk/A α= ko/( Vo
(Amp.) λ288nm
(J) (Amp./cm2) Zo)1/2
3500 306.25 5147 291 1.89 2242
4000 400 5882 3329 1.76 2960
4500 506.25 6617 3745 1.66 4080
5000 625 7352 4161 1.56 4932
5500 756 8080 4577 1.5 5822
6000 900 8823 4993 1.44 7741
6500 1056.25 9558 5409 1.38 8843
7000 1225 10294 5825 1.33 9316

Baghdad Science Journal Vol.10(2)2013

Fig(7) The relation between the input energy of the flash lamp and applied voltage

Fig. (8) The current pulse shape (1000 Amp./Div, 50 sec/Div)

Baghdad Science Journal Vol.10(2)2013

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‫‪Baghdad Science Journal‬‬ ‫‪Vol.10(2)2013‬‬

‫تصميم وبناء منظومة ضخ ضوئي‬

‫‪.‬بشرى رزوقي مهدي*‬ ‫كمال حسين لطيف *‬ ‫نهلة عبد الجبار*‬

‫بشير رزوقي مهدي*‬ ‫هدى عبد الجبار**‬

‫*وزارة العلوم والتكنولوجيا‬

‫** جامعة بغداد‪/‬كلية العلوم للبنات‬

‫في هذا البحث تم تصميم وبناء منظومة ضخ ضوئي ‪ .‬حسبت معلمات مصدر الضخ إلزاحة منطقة‬
‫الطيف الضوئي إلى المنطق ة فوق البنفسجية ‪ .‬كثافة تيار التفريغ الكهربائي للمصباح الوميضي والذي يجب أن‬
‫يكون قيمته اعلى من ‪ 2444‬أمبير‪/‬سم‪ 4‬ومنطقة الطيف واقعة ضمن مجال األطوال الموجية‪4.44-4.4‬‬
‫مايكروميتر‪ .‬للحصول على تلك القيم من كثافة التيار تم استعمال متسعة ذات قيمة ‪44‬مايكرفاراد وفولتية تفريغ‬
‫‪4‬كيلوفولت‪ .‬الطاقة الكهربائية المعطاة للمصباح الوميضي هي أعلى من ‪4444‬جول‪,‬وكثافة تيار ‪4444‬‬
‫أمبير‪/‬سنتميتر‪ .4‬تم حساب المعلمات الكهربائية للمصباح الوميضي ‪.‬معامل الممانعة من قمة نبضة التيار‬
‫والفولتية هي ‪.44‬بينما قيمة ثابت االنحالل هي ‪ 4.4‬ان الطاقة المستلمة من المصباح الوميضي هي بحدود ‪%44‬‬
‫من الطاقة الكهربائية المعطاة‪ .‬ذلك التحديد الناتج من دائرة القدح الخارجية زاد من قيمة الفولتية المسلطة‬
‫والمسؤول عن معامل االضمحالل‪.‬‬


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