Case 1
Case 1
Case 1
Heirs of Maramag v. Maramag Whether or not illegitimate children can be beneficiaries in an insurance contract.
G.R. No. 181132 , June 5, 2009 RULING:
FACTS: Yes. Section 53 of the Insurance Code states that the insurance proceeds shall be
The case stems from a petition filed against respondents with the RTC for revocation applied exclusively to the proper interest of the person in whose name or for
and/or reduction of insurance proceeds for being void and/or inofficious. The petition whose benefit it is made unless otherwise specified in the policy. Pursuant thereto, it is
alleged that: (1) petitioners were the legitimate wife and children of Loreto Maramag obvious that the only persons entitled to claim the insurance proceeds are either the
(Loreto), while respondents were Loreto’s illegitimate family; (2) Eva de Guzman insured, if still alive; or the beneficiary, if the insured is already deceased, upon the
Maramag (Eva) was a concubine of Loreto and a suspect in the killing of the latter, thus, maturation of the policy.The exception to this rule is a situation where the insurance
she is disqualified to receive any proceeds from his insurance policies from Insular Life contract was intended to benefit third persons who are not parties to the same in the
Assurance Company, Ltd. (Insular) and Great Pacific Life Assurance Corporation form of favorable stipulations or indemnity. In such a case, third parties may directly
(Grepalife) (3) the illegitimate children of Loreto—Odessa, Karl Brian, and Trisha sue and claim from the insurer.
Angelie—were entitled only to one-half of the legitime of the legitimate children, thus, Petitioners are third parties to the insurance contracts with Insular and Grepalife and,
the proceeds released to Odessa and those to be released to Karl Brian and Trisha thus, are not entitled to the proceeds thereof. Accordingly, respondents Insular
Angelie were inofficious and should be reduced; and (4) petitioners could not and Grepalife have no legal obligation to turn over the insurance proceeds to
be deprived of their legitimes, which should be satisfied first. Insular admitted that petitioners. The revocation of Eva as a beneficiary in one policy and
Loreto misrepresented Eva as his legitimate wife and Odessa, Karl Brian, and Trisha her disqualification as such in another are of no moment considering that
Angelie as his legitimate children, and that they filed their claims for the insurance the designation of the illegitimate children as beneficiaries in Loreto’s insurance
proceeds of the insurance policies; that when it ascertained that Eva was not policies remains valid. Because no legal proscription exists in naming as beneficiaries
the legal wife of Loreto, it disqualified her as a beneficiary and divided the proceeds the children of illicit relationships by the insured, the shares of Eva in the insurance
among Odessa, Karl Brian, and Trisha Angelie, as the remaining designated proceeds, whether forfeited by the court in view of the prohibition on donations under
beneficiaries; and that it released Odessa’s share as she was of age, but withheld the Article 739 of the Civil Code or by the insurers themselves for reasons based on the
release of the shares of minors Karl Brian and Trisha Angelie pending submission of insurance contracts, must be awarded to the said illegitimate children, the designated
letters of guardianship. Insular alleged that the complaint or petition failed to state a beneficiaries, to the exclusion of petitioners. It is only in cases where the insured has
cause of action insofar as it sought to declare as void the designation of Eva not designated any beneficiary, or when the designated beneficiary is disqualified by
as beneficiary, because Loreto revoked her designation as such in Policy No. law to receive the proceeds, that the insurance policy proceeds shall redound to the
A001544070 and it disqualified her in Policy No. A001693029; and insofar as it sought benefit of the estate of the insured.
to declare as inofficious the shares of Odessa, Karl Brian, and Trisha Angelie,
considering that no settlement of Loreto’s estate had been filed nor had the respective
shares of the heirs been determined. Insular further claimed that it was bound to Case 2
honor the insurance policies designating the children of Loreto with Eva as beneficiaries
pursuant to Section 53 of the Insurance Code. Grepalife alleged that Eva was not
designated as an insurance policy beneficiary; that the claims filed by Odessa, Karl DOCTRINE:
Brian, and Trisha Angelie were denied because Loreto was ineligible for insurance due
to a misrepresentation in his application form that he was born on December 10, 1936 "The stipulation in a life insurance policy giving the insured the privilege to reinstate it
and, thus, not more than 65 years old when he signed it in September 2001; that the upon written application does not give the insured absolute right to such reinstatement
case was premature, there being no claim filed by the legitimate family of Loreto; and by the mere filing of an application. The insurer has the right to deny the reinstatement
that the law on succession does not apply where the designation of insurance if it is not satisfied as to the insurability of the insured and if the latter does not pay all
beneficiaries is clear. overdue premium and all other indebtedness to the insurer. After the death of the
insured the insurance Company cannot be compelled to entertain an application for 1999 Insular Life responded a demand letter of the plaintiff by agreeing to conduct a
reinstatement of the policy because the conditions precedent to reinstatement can no re-evaluation of Violeta’s claim.
longer be determined and satisfied."
Without waiting for the re-evaluation the plaintiff filed a complaint in the RTC for death
FACTS: claim benefit. The court however ruled in favor of respondent on the ground that the
Policy had indeed lapsed and Eulogio needed to have the same reinstated
Eulogio the husband of plaintiff applied for an insurance policy with respondent
through malaluan its agent, which contained a 20-Year Endowment Variable Income
Package Flexi Plan worth P500,000.00 with two riders valued at P500,000.00 each, ISSUE:
wherein, the plaintiff is named as the primary beneficiary of the said policy. Under the
terms, Eulogio is required to pay the premiums on a quarterly basis in the amount of WON EULOGIO WAS ABLE TO REINSTATE THE LAPSED INSURANCE POLICY BEFORE HIS
8,062 of each year until the end of the 20-year period of the policy. Included in the DEATH
terms is a grace period of 31 days for the payment of each premium subsequent to the
first. If any premium was not paid on or before the due date, the policy would be in HELD:
default, and if the premium remained unpaid until the end of the grace period, the
policy would automatically lapse and become void. No, The Policy had already lapsed is a fact beyond dispute. Eulogio’s filing of his
Application for Reinstatement with Insular Life constitutes an admission that Policy
Eulogio failed to pay the 3rd premium which was due on January even after the lapse had lapsed.
of the grace period. Hence, it became void. Eulogio as a remedy he filed an Application
for Reinstatement together with the amount of P8,062.00 to pay for the premium due To reinstate a policy means to restore the same to premium-paying status after it has
on 24 January 1998. However, this was not processed since he left unpaid the overdue been permitted to lapse. Both the Policy Contract and the Application for
interest thereon amounting to P322.48. Thus, Insular Life instructed Eulogio to pay the Reinstatement provide for specific conditions for the reinstatement of a lapsed policy.
amount of interest and to file another application for reinstatement and Eulogio was
likewise advised by Malaluan to pay the premiums that subsequently became due on The Policy Contract between Eulogio and Insular Life identified the following conditions
24 April 1998 and 24 July 1998, plus interest. On 17 September 1998, eulogio for reinstatement should the policy lapse:
submitted his 2nd application for reinstatement in the amount of 17,500 which was
instead received by the husband of malaluan since she was on a business errand, A The policy may be reinstated at any time within three years after it lapsed if the
receipt was issued for the amount deposited by eulogio. following conditions are met:
On sept 17, 1998 eulogio died of cardio-respiratory arrest. Without knowing of (1) the policy has not been surrendered for its cash value or the period of extension as
Eulogio’s death, Malaluan forwarded to the Insular Life the 2nd application of a term insurance has not expired;
reinstatement and the amount of 17,500. This application was not acted upon anymore (2) evidence of insurability satisfactory to [Insular Life] is furnished;
since insular life was already informed by the death on sept 21, 1998. (3) overdue premiums are paid with compound interest at a rate not exceeding that
which would have been applicable to said premium and indebtedness in the policy
Plaintiff filed with Insular Life a claim for payment of the full proceeds of the Policy of years prior to reinstatement; and
his husband. The respondent denied the claim on the ground that the policy has (4) indebtedness which existed at the time of lapsation is paid or renewed.
already lapsed and there was failure to reinstate. Plaintiff requested for a
reconsideration of the disallowance over the claim. This was also denied. On august 11, Additional conditions for reinstatement of a lapsed policy were stated in the
Application for Reinstatement which Eulogio signed and submitted, to wit:
Eulogio’s death, just hours after filing his Application for Reinstatement and depositing
I/We agree that said Policy shall not be considered reinstated until this application is his payment for overdue premiums and interests with Malaluan, does not constitute a
approved by the Company during my/our lifetime and good health and until all other special circumstance that can persuade this Court to already consider Policy No.
Company requirements for the reinstatement of said Policy are fully satisfied. 9011992 reinstated. Said circumstance cannot override the clear and express
provisions of the Policy Contract and Application for Reinstatement, and operate to
In the instant case, Eulogio’s death rendered impossible full compliance with the remove the prerogative of Insular Life thereunder to approve or disapprove the
conditions for reinstatement of the Policy. True, Eulogio, before his death, managed to Application for Reinstatement. Even though the Court commiserates with Violeta, as
file his Application for Reinstatement and deposit the amount for payment of his the tragic and fateful turn of events leaves her practically empty-handed, the Court
overdue premiums and interests thereon with Malaluan; but it could only be cannot arbitrarily burden Insular Life with the payment of proceeds on a lapsed
considered reinstated after the Application for Reinstatement had been processed and insurance policy. Justice and fairness must equally apply to all parties to a case. Courts
approved by Insular Life during Eulogio’s lifetime and good health. are not permitted to make contracts for the parties. The function and duty of the
courts consist simply in enforcing and carrying out the contracts actually made.
It does not matter that when he died, Eulogio’s Application for Reinstatement and
deposits for the overdue premiums and interests were already with Malaluan. Insular THEREFORE, Policy No. 9011992 remained lapsed and void
Life, through the Policy Contract, expressly limits the power or authority of its
insurance agents, thus: Case 3
Our agents have no authority to make or modify this contract, to extend the time limit Facts:
for payment of premiums, to waive any lapsation, forfeiture or any of our rights or IMC and Levi Strauss (Phils.) Inc. (LSPI) separately obtained from respondent fire
requirements, such powers being limited to our president, vice-president or persons insurance policies with book debt endorsements. The insurance policies provide for
authorized by the Board of Trustees and only in writing. Malaluan did not have the coverage on "book debts in connection with ready-made clothing materials which have
authority to approve Eulogio’s Application for Reinstatement. Malaluan still had to turn been sold or delivered to various customers and dealers of the Insured anywhere in the
over to Insular Life Eulogio’s Application for Reinstatement and accompanying deposits, Philippines."
for processing and approval by the latter. The policies defined book debts as the "unpaid account still appearing in the Book of
Account of the Insured 45 days after the time of the loss covered under this Policy."
Eulogio’s death, just hours after filing his Application for Reinstatement and depositing The policies also provide for the following conditions:
his payment for overdue premiums and interests with Malaluan, does not constitute a 1. Warranted that the Company shall not be liable for any unpaid account in respect of
special circumstance that can persuade this Court to already consider Policy No. the merchandise sold and delivered by the Insured which are outstanding at the date of
9011992 reinstated. Said circumstance cannot override the clear and express loss for a period in excess of six (6) months from the date of the covering invoice or
provisions of the Policy Contract and Application for Reinstatement, and operate to actual delivery of the merchandise whichever shall first occur.
remove the prerogative of Insular Life thereunder to approve or disapprove the 2. Warranted that the Insured shall submit to the Company within twelve (12) days
Application for Reinstatement. Even though the Court commiserates with Violeta, as after the close of every calendar month all amount shown in their books of accounts as
the tragic and fateful turn of events leaves her practically empty-handed, the Court unpaid and thus become receivable item from their customers and dealers.
cannot arbitrarily burden Insular Life with the payment of proceeds on a lapsed Gaisano is a customer and dealer of the products of IMC and LSPI. On February 25,
insurance policy. Justice and fairness must equally apply to all parties to a case. Courts 1991, the Gaisano Superstore Complex in Cagayan de Oro City, owned by petitioner,
are not permitted to make contracts for the parties. The function and duty of the was consumed by fire. Included in the items lost or destroyed in the fire were stocks of
courts consist simply in enforcing and carrying out the contracts actually made. ready-made clothing materials sold and delivered by IMC and LSPI.
Insurance of America filed a complaint for damages against Gaisano. It alleges that IMC
and LSPI were paid for their claims and that the unpaid accounts of petitioner on the
sale and delivery of ready-made clothing materials with IMC was P2,119,205.00 while by the seller merely to secure performance by the buyer of his obligations under the
with LSPI it was P535,613.00. contract, the goods are at the buyer's risk from the time of such delivery
The RTC rendered its decision dismissing Insurance's complaint. It held that the fire was Thus, when the seller retains ownership only to insure that the buyer will pay its debt,
purely accidental; that the cause of the fire was not attributable to the negligence of the risk of loss is borne by the buyer. Petitioner bears the risk of loss of the goods
the petitioner. Also, it said that IMC and LSPI retained ownership of the delivered goods delivered.
and must bear the loss. IMC and LSPI had an insurable interest until full payment of the value of the delivered
The CA rendered its decision and set aside the decision of the RTC. It ordered Gaisano goods. Unlike the civil law concept of res perit domino, where ownership is the basis
to pay Insurance the P 2 million and the P 500,000 the latter paid to IMC and Levi for consideration of who bears the risk of loss, in property insurance, one's interest is
Strauss. not determined by concept of title, but whether insured has substantial economic
Hence this petition. interest in the property.
Section 13 of our Insurance Code defines insurable interest as "every interest in
Issues: property, whether real or personal, or any relation thereto, or liability in respect
1. WON the CA erred in construing a fire insurance policy on book debts as one thereof, of such nature that a contemplated peril might directly damnify the insured."
covering the unpaid accounts of IMC and LSPI since such insurance applies to loss of Parenthetically, under Section 14 of the same Code, an insurable interest in property
the ready-made clothing materials sold and delivered to petitioner may consist in: (a) an existing interest; (b) an inchoate interest founded on existing
2. WON IMC bears the risk of loss because it expressly reserved ownership of the goods interest; or (c) an expectancy, coupled with an existing interest in that out of which the
by stipulating in the sales invoices that "[i]t is further agreed that merely for purpose of expectancy arises.
securing the payment of the purchase price the above described merchandise remains Anyone has an insurable interest in property who derives a benefit from its existence or
the property of the vendor until the purchase price thereof is fully paid." would suffer loss from its destruction. Indeed, a vendor or seller retains an insurable
3. WON petitioner is liable for the unpaid accounts interest in the property sold so long as he has any interest therein, in other words, so
4. WON it has been established that petitioner has outstanding accounts with IMC and long as he would suffer by its destruction, as where he has a vendor's lien. In this case,
LSPI. the insurable interest of IMC and LSPI pertain to the unpaid accounts appearing in their
Books of Account 45 days after the time of the loss covered by the policies.
Held: No. Yes. Yes. Yes but account with LSPI unsubstantiated. Petition partly granted. 3. Petitioner's argument that it is not liable because the fire is a fortuitous event under
Article 117432 of the Civil Code is misplaced. As held earlier, petitioner bears the loss
Ratio: under Article 1504 (1) of the Civil Code.
1. Nowhere is it provided in the questioned insurance policies that the subject of the Moreover, it must be stressed that the insurance in this case is not for loss of goods by
insurance is the goods sold and delivered to the customers and dealers of the insured. fire but for petitioner's accounts with IMC and LSPI that remained unpaid 45 days after
Thus, what were insured against were the accounts of IMC and LSPI with petitioner the fire. Accordingly, petitioner's obligation is for the payment of money. As correctly
which remained unpaid 45 days after the loss through fire, and not the loss or stated by the CA, where the obligation consists in the payment of money, the failure of
destruction of the goods delivered. the debtor to make the payment even by reason of a fortuitous event shall not relieve
2. The present case clearly falls under paragraph (1), Article 1504 of the Civil Code: him of his liability. The rationale for this is that the rule that an obligor should be held
ART. 1504. Unless otherwise agreed, the goods remain at the seller's risk until the exempt from liability when the loss occurs thru a fortuitous event only holds true when
ownership therein is transferred to the buyer, but when the ownership therein is the obligation consists in the delivery of a determinate thing and there is no stipulation
transferred to the buyer the goods are at the buyer's risk whether actual delivery has holding him liable even in case of fortuitous event. It does not apply when the
been made or not, except that: obligation is pecuniary in nature.
(1) Where delivery of the goods has been made to the buyer or to a bailee for the Under Article 1263 of the Civil Code, "[i]n an obligation to deliver a generic thing, the
buyer, in pursuance of the contract and the ownership in the goods has been retained loss or destruction of anything of the same kind does not extinguish the obligation."
This rule is based on the principle that the genus of a thing can never perish. An
obligation to pay money is generic; therefore, it is not excused by fortuitous loss of any
specific property of the debtor.
4. With respect to IMC, the respondent has adequately established its claim. The P 3 m Held:
claim has been proven. The subrogation receipt, by itself, is sufficient to establish not NO.
only the relationship of respondent as insurer and IMC as the insured, but also the
amount paid to settle the insurance claim. The right of subrogation accrues simply The civil code prohibitions on donations made between persons guilty of adulterous
upon payment by the insurance company of the insurance claim Respondent's action concubinage applies to insurance contracts. On matters not specifically provided for by
against petitioner is squarely sanctioned by Article 2207 of the Civil Code which the Insurance Law, the general rules on Civil law shall apply. A life insurance policy is
provides: no different from a civil donation as far as the beneficiary is concerned, since both are
Art. 2207. If the plaintiff's property has been insured, and he has received indemnity founded on liberality.
from the insurance company for the injury or loss arising out of the wrong or breach of
contract complained of, the insurance company shall be subrogated to the rights of the Case 5
insured against the wrongdoer or the person who has violated the contract. FACTS:
As to LSPI, respondent failed to present sufficient evidence to prove its cause of action.
There was no evidence that respondent has been subrogated to any right which LSPI FEB Leasing and Finance Corporation (FEB) leased equipment and motor vehicles to JVL
may have against petitioner. Failure to substantiate the claim of subrogation is fatal to Food Products with a monthly rental of P170,494
petitioner's case for recovery of P535,613.00. At the same date, Vicente Ong Lim Sing, Jr. (Lim) an executed an Individual Guaranty
Agreement with FEB to guarantee the prompt and faithful performance of the terms
Case 4 and conditions of the lease agreement
Insular Life vs. Ebrado JVL defaulted in the payment of the monthly rentals resulting to arrears of
P3,414,468.75 and refused to pay despite demands
Facts: FEB filed a complaint for damages and replevin against JVL, Lim and John Doe
> Buenaventura Ebrado was issued al life plan by Insular Company. He designated JVL and Lim admitted the existence of the lease agreement but asserted that it is in
Capriona as his beneficiary, referring to her as his wife. reality a sale of equipment on installment basis, with FEB acting as the financier
RTC: Sale on installment and the FEB elected full payment of the obligation so for the
> The insured then died and Carponia tried to claim the proceeds of the said plan. unreturned units and machineries the JVL and Lim are jointly and severally liable to pay
CA: granted FEB appeal that it is a financial lease agreement under Republic Act (R.A.)
> She admitted to being only the common law wife of the insured. No. 8556 and ordered JVL and Lim jointly and severally to pay P3,414,468.75
ISSUE: W/N JVL and Lim should jointly and severally be liable for the insured financial
> Pascuala, the legal wife, also filed a claim asserting her right as the legal wife. The lease
company then filed an action for interpleader.
HELD: YES. CA affirmed.
> Canilang consulted Dr. Claudio and was diagnosed as suffering from "sinus The information which Canilang failed to disclose was material to the ability of
tachycardia." Mr. Canilang consulted the same doctor again on 3 August 1982 and this Grepalife to estimate the probable risk he presented as a subject of life insurance. Had
time was found to have "acute bronchitis." Canilang disclosed his visits to his doctor, the diagnosis made and the medicines
prescribed by such doctor, in the insurance application, it may be reasonably assumed
> On the next day, 4 August 1982, Canilang applied for a "non-medical" insurance that Grepalife would have made further inquiries and would have probably refused to
policy with Grepalife naming his wife, as his beneficiary. Canilang was issued ordinary issue a non-medical insurance policy or, at the very least, required a higher premium
life insurance with the face value of P19,700. for the same coverage.
> On 5 August 1983, Canilang died of "congestive heart failure," "anemia," and
"chronic anemia." The wife as beneficiary, filed a claim with Grepalife which the
insurer denied on the ground that the insured had concealed material information The materiality of the information withheld by Canilang from Grepalife did not depend
from it. upon the state of mind of Jaime Canilang. A man's state of mind or subjective belief is
not capable of proof in our judicial process, except through proof of external acts or
> Vda Canilang filed a complaint with the Insurance Commissioner against Grepalife failure to act from which inferences as to his subjective belief may be reasonably
contending that as far as she knows her husband was not suffering from any disorder drawn. Neither does materiality depend upon the actual or physical events which
and that he died of kidney disorder. ensue. Materiality relates rather to the "probable and reasonable influence of the
facts" upon the party to whom the communication should have been made, in > Bernarda and her husband, filed an action for specific performance against Sun Life.
assessing the risk involved in making or omitting to make further inquiries and in RTC ruled for Bernarda holding that the facts concealed by the insured were made in
accepting the application for insurance; that "probable and reasonable influence of the good faith and under the belief that they need not be disclosed. Moreover, it held that
facts" concealed must, of course, be determined objectively, by the judge ultimately. the health history of the insured was immaterial since the insurance policy was "non-
medical." CA affirmed.
SC found it difficult to take seriously the argument that Grepalife had waived inquiry Issue:
into the concealment by issuing the insurance policy notwithstanding Canilang's failure Whether or not the beneficiary can claim despite the concealment.
to set out answers to some of the questions in the insurance application. Such failure
precisely constituted concealment on the part of Canilang. Petitioner's argument, if
accepted, would obviously erase Section 27 from the Insurance Code of 1978.
Case 7
Section 26 of the Insurance Code is explicit in requiring a party to a contract of
Sun Life v. CA - Concealment in Insurance insurance to communicate to the other, in good faith, all facts within his knowledge
which are material to the contract and as to which he makes no warranty, and which
the other has no means of ascertaining.
> On April 15, 1986, Bacani procured a life insurance contract for himself from Sun Life.
He was issued a life insurance policy with double indemnity in case of accidental death.
The designated beneficiary was his mother, Bernarda. Materiality is to be determined not by the event, but solely by the probable and
reasonable influence of the facts upon the party to whom communication is due, in
> On June 26, 1987, the insured died in a plane crash. Bernarda Bacani filed a claim forming his estimate of the disadvantages of the proposed contract or in making his
with Sun Life, seeking the benefits of the insurance. Sun Life conducted an investigation inquiries (The Insurance Code, Sec 31)
and its findings prompted it to reject the claim.
> Sun Life discovered that 2 weeks prior to his application, Bacani was examined and
confined at the Lung Center of the Philippines, where he was diagnosed for renal The terms of the contract are clear. The insured is specifically required to disclose to
failure. During his confinement, the deceased was subjected to urinalysis, ultra- the insurer matters relating to his health. The information which the insured failed to
sonography and hematology tests. He did not reveal such fact in his application. disclose were material and relevant to the approval and the issuance of the insurance
policy. The matters concealed would have definitely affected petitioner's action on his
> In its letter, Sun Life informed Berarda, that the insured did not disclosed material application, either by approving it with the corresponding adjustment for a higher
facts relevant to the issuance of the policy, thus rendering the contract of insurance premium or rejecting the same. Moreover, a disclosure may have warranted a medical
voidable. A check representing the total premiums paid in the amount of P10,172.00 examination of the insured by petitioner in order for it to reasonably assess the risk
was attached to said letter. involved in accepting the application.
Thus, "good faith" is no defense in concealment. The insured's failure to disclose the Section 27 of the Insurance Law:
fact that he was hospitalized for two weeks prior to filing his application for insurance, Sec. 27. Such party a contract of insurance must communicate to the other, in good
raises grave doubts about his bonafides. It appears that such concealment was faith, all facts within his knowledge which are material to the contract, and which the
deliberate on his part. other has not the means of ascertaining, and as to which he makes no warranty.
"Concealment exists where the assured had knowledge of a fact material to the risk,
Case 8 and honesty, good faith, and fair dealing requires that he should communicate it to the
assurer, but he designedly and intentionally withholds the same."
Facts: It has also been held "that the concealment must, in the absence of inquiries, be not
Kwong Nam applied for a 20-year endowment insurance on his life for the sum of only material, but fraudulent, or the fact must have been intentionally withheld."
P20,000.00, with his wife, appellee Ng Gan Zee as beneficiary. On the same date, Asian Fraudulent intent on the part of the insured must be established to entitle the insurer
Crusader, upon receipt of the required premium from the insured, approved the to rescind the contract. And as correctly observed by the lower court,
application and issued the corresponding policy. Kwong Nam died of cancer of the liver "misrepresentation as a defense of the insurer to avoid liability is an 'affirmative'
with metastasis. All premiums had been paid at the time of his death. defense. The duty to establish such a defense by satisfactory and convincing evidence
Ng Gan Zee presented a claim for payment of the face value of the policy. On the same rests upon the defendant. The evidence before the Court does not clearly and
date, she submitted the required proof of death of the insured. Appellant denied the satisfactorily establish that defense."
claim on the ground that the answers given by the insured to the questions in his It bears emphasis that Kwong Nam had informed the appellant's medical examiner of
application for life insurance were untrue. the tumor. His statement that said tumor was "associated with ulcer of the stomach"
Appellee brought the matter to the attention of the Insurance Commissioner. The should be construed as an expression made in good faith of his belief as to the nature
latter, after conducting an investigation, wrote the appellant that he had found no of his ailment and operation.
material concealment on the part of the insured and that, therefore, appellee should While the information communicated was imperfect, the same was sufficient to have
be paid the full face value of the policy. The company refused to settle its obligation. induced appellant to make further inquiries about the ailment and operation of the
Appellant alleged that the insured was guilty of misrepresentation when he answered insured.
"No" to the following question appearing in the application for life insurance- Section 32 of Insurance Law:
Has any life insurance company ever refused your application for insurance or for Section 32. The right to information of material facts maybe waived either by the terms
reinstatement of a lapsed policy or offered you a policy different from that applied for? of insurance or by neglect to make inquiries as to such facts where they are distinctly
If, so, name company and date. implied in other facts of which information is communicated.
The lower court ruled against the company on lack of evidence. Where a question appears to be not answered at all or to be imperfectly answered, and
Appellant further maintains that when the insured was examined in connection with the insurers issue a policy without any further inquiry, they waive the imperfection of
his application for life insurance, he gave the appellant's medical examiner false and the answer and render the omission to answer more fully immaterial.
misleading information as to his ailment and previous operation. The company The company or its medical examiner did not make any further inquiries on such
contended that he was operated on for peptic ulcer 2 years before the policy was matters from the hospital before acting on the application for insurance. The fact of the
applied for and that he never disclosed such an operation. matter is that the defendant was too eager to accept the application and receive the
insured's premium. It would be inequitable now to allow the defendant to avoid
Issue: WON Asian Crusader was deceived into entering the contract or in accepting the liability under the circumstances
risk at the rate of premium agreed upon because of insured's representation?
> Notwithstanding the fact of her operation, Saturnino did not make a disclosure
thereof in her application for insurance.
The contention of appellants is that the facts subject of the representation were not
> She stated therein that she did not have, nor had she ever had, among others listed material in view of the non-medical nature of the insurance applied for, which does
in the application, cancer or other tumors; that she had not consulted any physician, away with the usual requirement of medical examination before the policy is issued.
undergone any operation or suffered any injury within the preceding 5 years. The contention is without merit. If anything, the waiver of medical examination
renders even more material the information required of the applicant concerning
> She also stated that she had never been treated for, nor did she ever have any illness previous condition of health and diseases suffered, for such information necessarily
or disease peculiar to her sex, particularly of the breast, ovaries, uterus and menstrual constitutes an important factor which the insurer takes into consideration in deciding
disorders. whether to issue the policy or not.
> The application also recited that the declarations of Saturnino constituted a further
basis for the issuance of the policy.
Appellants also contend that there was no fraudulent concealment of the truth
inasmuch as the insured herself did not know, since her doctor never told her, that the
disease for which she had been operated on was cancer. In the first place,
Issue: concealment of the fact of the operation itself was fraudulent, as there could not have
been any mistake about it, no matter what the ailment.
Whether or not the insured made such false representation of material facts as to
avoid the policy.
Secondly, in order to avoid a policy, it is not necessary to show actual fraud on the part
of the insured. In this jurisdiction, concealment, whether intentional or unintentional
entitled the insurer to rescind the contract of insurance, concealment being defined as
Held: “negligence to communicate that which a party knows and ought to communicate.”
YES. The basis of the rule vitiating the contract in cases of concealment is that it misleads or
deceives the insurer into accepting the risk, or accepting it at a rate of premium agreed
There can be no dispute that the information given by her in the application for upon. The insurer, relying upon the belief that the insured will disclose every material
insurance was false, namely, that she never had cancer or tumors or consulted any fact within his actual or presumed knowledge, is misled into a belief that the
physician or undergone any operation within the preceding period of 5 years. circumstances withheld does not exist, and he is thereby induced to estimate the risk
upon a false basis that it does not exist.
Case 10 Under the circumstances, the insurance corporation is already deemed in estoppel. It
inaction to revoke the policy despite a departure from the exclusionary condition
Edilon case contained in the said policy constituted a waiver of such condition, similar to Que
Carmen O, Lapuz applied with Manila Bankers for insurance coverage against accident Chee Gan vs. Law Union Insurance.
and injuries. She gave the date of her birth as July 11, 1904. She paid the sum of P20.00 The insurance company was aware, even before the policies were issued, that in the
representing the premium for which she was issued the corresponding receipt. The premises insured there were only two fire hydrants contrary to the requirements of
policy was to be effective for 90 days. the warranty in question.
During the effectivity, Carmen O. Lapuz died in a vehicular accident in the North It is usually held that where the insurer, at the time of the issuance of a policy of
Diversion Road. insurance, has knowledge of existing facts which, if insisted on, would invalidate the
Petitioner Regina L. Edillon, a sister of the insured and the beneficiary in the policy, contract from its very inception, such knowledge constitutes a waiver of conditions in
filed her claim for the proceeds of the insurance. Her claim having been denied, Regina the contract inconsistent with the known facts, and the insurer is stopped thereafter
L. Edillon instituted this action in the trial court. from asserting the breach of such conditions.
The insurance corporation relies on a provision contained in the contract excluding its To allow a company to accept one's money for a policy of insurance which it then
liability to pay claims under the policy in behalf of "persons who are under the age of knows to be void and of no effect, though it knows as it must, that the assured
sixteen (16) years of age or over the age of sixty (60) years" They pointed out that the believes it to be valid and binding, is so contrary to the dictates of honesty and fair
insured was over sixty (60) years of age when she applied for the insurance coverage, dealing.
hence the policy became void. Capital Insurance & Surety Co., Inc. vs. - involved a violation of the provision of the
The trial court dismissed the complaint and ordered edillon to pay P1000. The reason policy requiring the payment of premiums before the insurance shall become
was that a policy of insurance being a contract of adhesion, it was the duty of the effective. The company issued the policy upon the execution of a promissory note for
insured to know the terms of the contract he or she is entering into. the payment of the premium. A check given subsequent by the insured as partial
The insured could not have been qualified under the conditions stated in said contract payment of the premium was dishonored for lack of funds. Despite such deviation
and should have asked for a refund of the premium. from the terms of the policy, the insurer was held liable.
“... is that although one of conditions of an insurance policy is that "it shall not be
Issue: valid or binding until the first premium is paid", if it is silent as to the mode of
Whether or not the acceptance by the insurance corporation of the premium and the payment, promissory notes received by the company must be deemed to have been
issuance of the corresponding certificate of insurance should be deemed a waiver of accepted in payment of the premium. In other words, a requirement for the payment
the exclusionary condition of coverage stated in the policy. of the first or initial premium in advance or actual cash may be waived by acceptance
of a promissory note...”
Held: Yes. Petition granted.
Ratio: Case 11
The age of Lapuz was not concealed to the insurance company. Her application clearly
indicated her age of the time of filing the same to be almost 65 years of age. Despite Philamcare Health Systems, Inc. v. Court of Appeals
such information which could hardly be overlooked, the insurance corporation received G.R. No. 125678, 18 March 2002, 379 SCRA 356
her payment of premium and issued the corresponding certificate of insurance without
question. FACTS:
There was sufficient time for the private respondent to process the application and to
notice that the applicant was over 60 years of age and cancel the policy. In 1988, Ernani Trinos applied for a health care insurance under the Philamcare Health
Systems, Inc. He was asked if he was ever treated for high blood, heart trouble,
diabetes, cancer, liver disease, asthma, or peptic ulcer; he answered no. His application Manuel Florendo filed an application for comprehensive pension plan with respondent
was approved and it was effective for one year. His coverage was subsequently Philam Plans, Inc. (Philam Plans) Manuel signed the application and left to Perla the
renewed twice for one year each. While the coverage was still in force in 1990, Ernani task of supplying the information needed in the application. Respondent Ma. Celeste
suffered a heart attack for which he was hospitalized. The cost of the hospitalization Abcede, Perla’s daughter, signed the application as sales counselor. Philam Plans issued
amounted to P76,000.00. Julita Trinos, wife of Ernani, filed a claim before Philamcare Pension Plan Agreement to Manuel, with petitioner Ma. Lourdes S. Florendo, his wife,
for the latter to pay the hospitalization cost. Philamcare refused to pay as it alleged as beneficiary. In time, Manuel paid his quarterly premiums. Eleven months later,
that Ernani failed to disclose the fact that he was diabetic, hypertensive, and asthmatic. Manuel died of blood poisoning. Subsequently, Lourdes filed a claim with Philam Plans
Julita ended up paying the hospital expenses. Ernani eventually died. In July 1990, Julita for the payment of the benefits under her husband’s plan but Philam Plans declined her
sued Philamcare for damages. Philamcare alleged that the health coverage is not an claim prompting her to file the present action against the pension plan company before
insurance contract; that the concealment made by Ernani voided the agreement. the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Quezon City and ruled in favor of Ma. Lourdes.
However, the Court of Appeals then reversed the RTC decision. Hence this appeal.
Whether or not Ma. Lourdes could claim benefits as the beneficiary of her husband
Whether or not Philamcare can avoid the health coverage agreement. under the insurance plan despite consideration that her husband Manuel concealed
the true condition of his health.
The Supreme Court answers this to the negative and the AFFIRMED in its entirety the
No. decision of the Court of Appeals.
The health coverage agreement (health care agreement) entered upon by Ernani with The comprehensive pension plan that Philam Plans issued contains a one-year
Philamcare is a non-life insurance contract and is covered by the Insurance Law. It is incontestability period. It states:
primarily a contract of indemnity. Once the member incurs hospital, medical or any VIII. INCONTESTABILITY
other expense arising from sickness, injury or other stipulated contingent, the health After this Agreement has remained in force for one (1) year, we can no longer contest
care provider must pay for the same to the extent agreed upon under the contract. for health reasons any claim for insurance under this Agreement, except for the reason
There is no concealment on the part of Ernani. He answered the question with good that installment has not been paid (lapsed), or that you are not insurable at the time
faith. He was not a medical doctor hence his statement in answering the question you bought this pension program by reason of age. If this Agreement lapses but is
asked of him when he was applying is an opinion rather than a fact. Answers made in reinstated afterwards, the one (1) year contestability period shall start again on the
good faith will not void the policy. date of approval of your request for reinstatement.
Further, Philamcare, in believing there was concealment, should have taken the The above incontestability clause precludes the insurer from disowning liability under
necessary steps to void the health coverage agreement prior to the filing of the suit by the policy it issued on the ground of concealment or misrepresentation regarding the
Julita. Philamcare never gave notice to Julita of the fact that they are voiding the health of the insured after a year of its issuance.
agreement. Therefore, Philamcare should pay the expenses paid by Julita. Since Manuel died on the eleventh month following the issuance of his plan, the one
year incontestability period has not yet set in. Consequently, Philam Plans was not
barred from questioning Lourdes’ entitlement to the benefits of her husband’s pension
Case 12 plan.
Case 13 who drafted and accepted the policy and consummated the contract. It seems
reasonable that as between the two of them, the one who employed and gave
Insular Life v. Feliciano - Concealment character to the third person as its agent should be the one to bear the loss. Hence,
Insular is liable to the beneficiaries.
> Evaristo Feliciano filed an application with Insular Life upon the solicitation of one of
its agents.
> It appears that during that time, Evaristo was already suffering from tuberculosis.
Such fact appeared during the medical exam, but the examiner and the company’s
agent ignored it.
> After that, Evaristo was made to sign an application form and thereafter the blank
spaces were filled by the medical examiner and the agent making it appear that
Evaristo was a fit subject of insurance. (Evaristo could not read and understand English)
> When Evaristo died, Insular life refused to pay the proceeds because of concealment.
Whether or not Insular Life was bound by their agent’s acts.
The insurance business has grown so vast and lucrative within the past century.
Nowadays, even people of modest means enter into insurance contracts. Agents who
solicit contracts are paid large commissions on the policies secured by them. They act
as general representatives of insurance companies.
IN the case at bar, the true state of health of the insured was concealed by the agents
of the insurer. The insurer’s medical examiner approved the application knowing
fully well that the applicant was sick. The situation is one in which of two innocent
parties must bear a loss for his reliance upon a third person. In this case, it is the one