EF3e Adv Quicktest 09

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9  Quick Test Advanced

GRAMMAR 16 She thinks she’s really clever, but she         . She
makes a lot of mistakes.
Tick (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences. A isn’t    B doesn’t    C can’t 
Example: He felt better after          had a shower. A Will you be working on Friday?
A (–)    B he  ✓   C his  B I hope         . I need the money.
1 My husband and I met while          were travelling A so    B work    C not 
in Asia. 18 I haven’t been to China, but I hope         . I’ve been
A they    B (–)    C we  saving up.
2 I didn’t try the sushi but Stuart         . A not    B so    C to 
A was    B did    C has  19 We should call him or          him a text to see if he
3 The kids wanted to play with your new laptop, but I told wants to join us.
them         . A  to send    B send    C sending 
A can’t    B not    C  not to  20 We should check out the sales while          in town
4 I know you don’t enjoy dancing, but at the party last on Saturday.
night you really          tried it. A we’re    B  we’re not    C are 
A  should have    B should    C have  20
5 A Will you be going on holiday this summer?
B I         , unless I can’t afford it. VOCABULARY
A  suppose so    B hope    C  suppose it 
a Tick (✓) the correct word or phrase A, B, or C.
6 A Does Barry like his new job?
Example: the place where bees live
B I         .
A  a stable    B  a hive  ✓ 
A don’t    B  don’t think so   
C  a kennel 
C  think doesn’t 
7 I went to a party at          last night. 1 the sound a mouse makes
A Mick    B Mick’s    C Micks  A  a twitter    B  a squeak    C  a meow 
8 My          business is a bakery in the centre of town. 2 a baby hen
A families    B families’    C family’s  A  a canary    B  a calf    C  a chick 
9 We painted the          room yellow. It’s really 3 the noise a dog makes
cheerful. A  a roar    B  a bark    C  a grunt 
A children’s    B childrens’    C childrens  4 the place where fish are kept
10 Can you remember the          the book Charlie A  a tank    B  a cage    C  a nest 
recommended? 5 produced in a small space
A  name of    B name    C name’s  A  bred in captivity    B  living in the wild   
11 Shelly is a friend of my         . C  hunted for sport 
A mothers’s    B mother    C mother’s  6 the hard outer part of a bird’s mouth
12 Can you open the          for me, please? I’m A claws    B horns    C beak 
carrying a stack of plates. 7 with the outer layer taken off
A  door of kitchen    B  kitchen door    A stuffed    B peeled    C grilled 
C  kitchen’s door  8 a round metal pot with a lid and handles
13 My aunt Lily is a         . A  a saucepan    B  a baking tray   
A  teach maths    B  math’s teacher    C  a bowl 
C  maths teacher  9 a kitchen utensil that you beat an egg with
14 They cooked dinner and          cleaned up A  a colander    B  a sieve    C  a whisk 
A their    B (–)    C us 
15 My mother thinks I live alone, but I         . I have a
A isn’t    B  am not    C don’t 

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9  Quick Test Advanced

b Tick (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences. PRONUNCIATION

Example: I need to buy some          for our a Which word has a different sound? Tick (✓) A, B,
spaghetti bolognese this evening. or C.
A  poached eggs    B  minced beef  ✓ 
Example: A rat  alike  ✓  C 
 B  animal 
C  mashed potato 
1 A captivity    B hatch    C stable 
10 The bird flew down and scratched my arm with
its         . 2 A care   B content  cynic 
A claws    B shell    C fins  3 A attitude    B grunt    C stuffed 
11 In my country,          protest when animals are 4 A kitten    B wild    C grilled 
treated cruelly. 5 A polish    B protect    C politically 
A  endangered species    B  veal calves   
C  animal rights activists  b Which is the correctly stressed syllable? Tick (✓)
12 There are probably fewer than 3,000 A, B, or C.
tigers         . Example: A em|ba|rrassed   
A  hunting for sport    B  living in the wild    B em|ba|rrassed  ✓ 
C  protecting the environment  C em|ba|rrassed 
13 Mashed          are often served with roast meat. 6 A in|gre|di|ents    B in|gre|di|ents   
A potatoes    B eggs    C  onion rings  C  in|gre|di|ents 
14 I thought Mark made          of himself when he 7 A de|fi|nite|ly   B de|fi|nite|ly   
ordered three desserts. C de|fi|nite|ly 
A  an absolute pig    B  absolutely pig    8 A cha|ri|ties    B cha|ri|ties   
C  the pig  C  cha|ri|ties 
15 My three favourite vegetables are avocados, peppers, 9 A cap|ti|vi|ty    B cap|ti|vi|ty   
and         . C cap|ti|vi|ty 
A raspberries    B aubergine    10 A scep|ti|cal    B scep|ti|cal   
C noodles  C scep|ti|cal 
c Tick (✓) A, B, or C to complete the sentences 10
about food.
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50
Example: Curry has a strong flavour because of the
         used to make it.
A cheese    B spices  ✓   C rice 
16 Could you hand me the         , please? I need to
cut up these vegetables.
A  chopping board    B  frying pan   
C  chopped onions 
17 Steamed mussels are my favourite kind of         .
A vegetable    B shellfish    C dressing 
18 Leave the sauce for about 20 minutes until it’s thick
and         .
A watery    B creamy    C fruity 
19 A What’s for dessert?
B We’re having vanilla ice cream with         
chocolate on top.
A scrambled    B stuffed    C melted 
20 I recommend adding          plums to the
A stewed    B grated    C whipped 


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