Question Bank Ec8501 - Digital Communication Part B & C Questons Unit I Information Theory

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1. Discuss Source coding theorem, give the advantage and disadvantage of channel coding in detail,
and discuss the data compaction

2.(i) Explain in detail Huffman coding algorithm and compare this with the other types of coding .(12)
(ii)Write short note on S/N trade off. (4)

3. Explain the properties of entropy and with suitable example, explain the entropy of binary memory
less source

4.(i) What is Entropy? Explain the important properties of entropy.(8)

(ii)Prove how you use the source coding to increase average information per bit. (8)

5. (i)Explain how channel capacity could be improved . Explain the S/N trade off in detail. (8)
(ii)Explain the need for source coding and channel coding. (8)

6. Write short notes on Differential entropy, derive the channel capacity theorem and discuss the
implications of the information capacity theorem.

7. What do you mean by binary symmetric channel? Derive channel capacity formula for symmetric

8. Construct binary optical code for the following probability symbols using Huffman procedure and
calculate entropy of the source, average code Length, efficiency, redundancy and variance
0.2, 0.18, 0.12, 0.1, 0.1, 0.08, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06, 0.04.

9. Derive the expression for channel capacity of a continuous channel. Find also the expression for
channel capacity of continuous channel of a infinite bandwidth. Comment on the results.

10.(i) Briefly discuss about the lossy source coding schemes.(8)

(ii) Source emits one of the four symbols A, B, C and D with probabilities 1/3, 1/6, 1/4
respectively the emissions of symbols by the source are statistically independent.
Design a Shannon Fano code for the source. Determine the average code length and

1) What is DM? Explain the transmitter and receiver of DM system. (16)

2) Explain a DPCM system with theexpressions and block diagram.
Show that SNR of DPCM is better than that of PCM. (16)
3) Explain the noises in delta modulation systems. How to overcome this effect in Delta
modulation? (16)
4) Describe temporal and spectral waveform encoding methods. (16)
5) With necessary diagrams, explain ADPCM system. (16)
6) Write short notes on
(i) Adaptive quantization schemes
(ii) Adaptive prediction schemes.
7) What is low bit rate speech coding? Draw the block diagram of adaptive sub-band coding
scheme for speech signal and explain. (16)
8) Discuss about the structure of linear predictor. Also explain the process of prediction error.
9) Explain the principle of LPC model with diagrams. (16)
10) Compare the various types of speech encoding techniques. (16)


1) Derive the power spectral density of polar RZ code and explain. (16)
2) Derive the expression for power spectral density of unipolar NRZ line code. Hence discuss its
characteristics. (16)
3) (i) List and explain the properties of line codes. (8)
(ii) Derive the power spectral density of Manchester code. (8)
4) Explain modified duo-binary signaling scheme with & without procedure. (16)
5) Explain how ISI occurs in base-band binary data transmission system. (16)
6) Describe the Nyquist criterion method for distortion less transmission. (16)
7) The Fourier transform P(f) of the basis pulse p(t) employed in a certain binary communication
system is given by
10−6 (1 − | |) 10−6 ≤ ( ) ≤ 106
( )={ 106
0 ℎ
(a) From the shape of P(f), explain whether this pulse satisfies the Nyquist criterion for ISI free
(b) Determine p(t) and verify your result in part a.
(c) If the pulse does satisfy the Nyquist criterion. What is the transmission rate (in bits/sec.) and
what is the roll-off factor?
8) Explain the pulse shaping method to minimize ISI. (16)
9) Draw and explain the block diagram of duo-binary signaling scheme for controlled ISI. (16)
10) Briefly discuss about
(i) Eye pattern. (8)
(ii) Adaptive equalization. (8)

1. Describe with diagrams the generation and detection of coherent BFSK. Explain the
probability of error for this scheme. (16)

2. Explain non coherent detection methods of binary frequency shift keying scheme. (16)

3. Explain the generation and detection of binary PSK. Also derive the probability of error for
PSK. (16)

4. Compare the performance of various coherent and non-coherent digital detection systems.

5. Discuss about coherent detection of QPSK and derive its power spectral density. (16)

6. With constellation diagram, explain the QAM transmitter. Also derive its power spectral
density. (16)

7. A set of binary data is sent at the rate of Rb = 100 Kbps over a channel with 60 dB
transmission loss and power spectral density = 10-12 W/Hz at the receiver. Determine the
transmitted power for a bit error probability Pe = 10-3 for the following modulation schemes.
(i) FSK (iii) PSK
(ii) DPSK (iv) 16 QAM

8. Explain the carrier synchronization methods with block diagrams. (16)

9. Briefly discuss about the Non-coherent detection of PSK and QPSK. (16)
10. Briefly discuss about the principle of DPSK system. (16)


1. Construct a single error correcting (7, 4) linear block code and the
corresponding decoding table.
2. (i) Explain the generation of (n, k) blocks codes and how block codes
can be used for error control.
(ii) Explain the syndrome decoder for cyclic codes. (6)
3. Consider a (7, 4) linear block code whose parity check matrix isgiven by

1 1 1 0 1 0 0
H= 1 1 0 1 0 1 0
1 0 1 1 0 0 1

(i) Find the generator matrix.

(ii) How many errors this code candetect?
(iii) How many errors can this code becorrected?
(iv) Draw circuit for encoder and syndrome computation. (16)
4. The generator polynomial of a (7, 4) Hamming code is defined by
g(D) = 1 + D2 + D3
Develop the encoder and syndrome calculator for this code. (16)
5. (i) Find a generator polynomial for a (7, 4) cyclic code and hence find
the code word for [1 1 0 0].
(ii) Construct the encoder for (7, 4) cyclic codes. (8)
6. Explain how encoding is done by convolutional codes with an example.
7. For (6, 3) systematic linear block code, the code word comprises I1,
I2, I3 and P1, P2, P3 where the three parity check bits are formed from
the information bits as follows:
P1 = I1 I2
P2 = I1 I3
P3 = I2 I3
Find: (i) Parity check matrix and generator matrix (3)
(ii) All possible code words. (3)
(iii) Minimum weight and minimum distance. (3)
(iv) Error detecting and correcting capability of the code. (3)
(v) If
the received sequence is 101010, calculate the syndrome and
decode the received sequence. (4)
8. Describe the steps involved in the generation of linear block codes.
Define and explain properties of syndrome.
9. Explain Viterbi algorithm to decode a convolutionally codedmessage.(16)
10. Design a convolutional coder of constraint length 6 and rate efficiency
1/2. Draw its tree diagram and trellis diagram.

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