My Topic Is Different Clinical Approaches by DR SUNIRMAL SARKAR

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My topic is different clinical approaches by DR SUNIRMAL SARKAR...

dr sarkar use many approaches in their practise and their

approach to homoeopathy is overall very simple – the aim is to find out the most characteristic symptoms in the case and prescribe
on these symptoms. These symptoms can come in the form of keynote, rubrics, themes, pathologies or even a sensation. When this
characteristic symptom is established and is sure, the remedy is prescribed based on this.
Some approaches of dr sarkar :
1. based on modalities
2. based on combination of organs
3. based on two pathologies
4. based on small remedy,big symptom
5. based on organ specific remedies
6. based on concomitants
(1) Modalities: In cases where Dr Sarkar cannot directly find a remedy for the patient, he looks intently at the modalities. When
looking at the main complaints, it is important to note the exact modalities of that complaint. Dr sarkar looks at the TIME MODALITY,
LIFE SITUATION AND LIFE CIRCUMSTANCES etc. the complaint must be understood in relation to the time period in the patients
life For example if we look at the case of young girl who has a foul smelling breath this makes the search for the remedy much
easier. Dr sarkar sees the time period of girls life and associates that with the smptom. Then he tries to confirm weather that
symptom is covered by the remedy choosen for the patient. when we look at the symptom of foul breath in its own we can sees
more than 300 remedies If we look at AURUM METALLICUM from allens key note we see the symptom foul breath in girls in
i will give more examples of this approach like in 1. China officinalis: One of the rare clinical conditions for it is that CHILDREN
SNORE AND THE INTENSITY IS HIGH. Even in their fevers,it is high intensity symptom.
Drowsiness. Unrefreshing or constant stupor. Wakes early. Protracted sleeplessness. Anxious frightful dreams with confused
consciousness on waking,so that dream cannot be rid and fear of dream remains. Snoring, especially in children Alternate day agg.
is one of the peculair indication on china.
2. Crataegeus: It is the only remedy in our materia medica which has DIABETES IN CHILDREN. It is also well known for heart
conditions. Diabetes especially in children. Cardiac problems in people who cannot digest meat.
Ferrum metallicum: It is the only remedy which have prolaps and itching in anus in children. Undigested at night while eating and
drinking,painless. Ineffectual urging; hard stool,followed by backache or cramping pain in rectum;prolapse recti;itching in
anus;especially in young children
Hydrastis: It is well known cancer remedy. One of the clinical symptoms is hyperthyroidism and goitre, and is widely used in
practise. The key modality of this symptom is that it has started in puberty or during pregnancy. Cancer and cancerous state before
ulcerations when pain is the principal symptom. Goitre of puberty and pregnancy.
Natrum arsenicosum: Natrum ars has a very specific modailty where the bronchitis especially on children just above 7 years
old,terminates cold and conserves strength and appetite. Very often this remedy is used in complementary remedy after arsenicum
album in cases of bronchitis. Pain in abdomen >by passing flatus is another indication. A remedy for nasal catarrh witg headache,
pain at root of nose,dry and painful eyes. Psoriasis. Bronchitis of children over seven years.
Zingiber officinale: Lumbar pain<standing and is > by sitting erect also >by leaning back against chair.
by understanding and applying this approach in practise we can get good results... where we have no proper and clear cut
symptoms... just pay attention to the modalities... and look for patient's life situation, time and circumstances... if you sure with
patient's modality and you have no more information about the case pick that particular and characteristic modality.. and make it the
base of prescription.
now comes to next approach that is (2)Combination of Organs : When a patient has a complaint that has a combination of TWO OR
MORE ORGANS INVOLVED (ex. Lungs and liver or heart and liver),this combination is too peculiar. Remedies which has exact
combination of organs must be investigated and studied further. Some examples of this type of approach: 1. Cimcifuga : UTERO-
RHEUMATIC DIATHESIS is the main indication to give the remedy CIMCIFUGA. In cases where the uterus and joints are affected
together we should think of it. Irregular , changeful and alternating synptn groups,uterorheumatic. Joint pains<menstruation.
2. Digitalis: When the LIVER AND HEART ARE BOTH AFFECTED ,strong remedy to consider would be DIGITALIS. Also when
there is a past history of any fever or infectious disease followed by cardiac or renal complaints or both together, especially with
dropsy,is a strong indication for digitalis. This remedy is used for dropsy after scarlatina. Intermittent pulse every 3rd,5th, and 7th
3. Ephedra vulgaris: Rare remedy in clinical practice. Used in THYROID DISORDERS WITH CARDIAC COMPLAINTS LIKE HIGH
BP. Used in exopthalmic goitre with tumultuous action of the heart.
4. Indigo : It is a dye. The main sphere of action that is affected is the SENSORIUM AND THERE ARE LOTS OF SPASMODIC
AFFECTIONS. There is epilepsy with great sadness. Aura from a painful spot between the shoulder.
5. Lycopodium: It is used where there are LUNG AND HEPATIC AFFECTIONS. For persons intellectually keen but physically
weak;upper part of the body emaciated,lower part semi-dropsical;predisposed to lung and hepatic affections;especially the extremes
of life,children and old people.
6. Lithium carbonicum: It is well indicated in cases where all the three of the following areas are affected: JOINTS,HEART AND
EYES. Rheumatism is connected with heart or eye lesions.
7. Magnesium muriaticum: Used in liver pathologies. One if its primary indications and site of the action is on LIVER ALONG WITH
UTERINE PATHOLOGY. It is a liver remedy along with constipation.
like these examples, remedies which have this exact combination of organs must be investigated and studied further. study of
remedies in this manner make our prescription too quick and easy.
: next approach is (3)Two pathologies: When there is combination of TWO OR MORE PATHOLOGIES which have nothing in
common,this CAN BE TAKEN AS THE PECULIAR CHARACTERISTIC OF THE CASE and lead us to the appropriate
homoeopathic remedy. Some examples of this approach : 1. Formica rufa has a combination of POLYPS + ARTHRITIS 2. Kali
nitricum has a combination of DROPSY + ASTHMA 3. Curare has both DIABETES+ DEBILITY 4. Conium has both TUMOURS +
PARALYSIS 5. Convallaria majus has a combination of PALPITATION + PAINS IN UTERUS 6. Diphtherinum has a combination of
3 pathologies PARALYSIS + TUMOUR + GANGRENE 7. Uranium nitricum has DEBILITY + DROPSY+ DIABETES 8. Carbo
animalis has TUMOURS + DEBILITY+ SLOWNESS 9. Coccus cacti has a combination of DROPSY + CALCULI + SPASMS 10.
Lycopus virginicus has a combination of BLOOD PRESSURE AND THYROID COMPLAINTS. 11. Kali bichromicum has
Suppose we have a patient whose main complaint is cough which is aggravated by lying down,when we investigate the repertory,we
see hundreds of remedies including the COMMON POLYCHREST like sulphur and arsenic album. If we look at THE SMALLER
,MORE PECULIAR REMEDIES, the remedy that has this symptom the strongest is ARALIA RACEMOSA. This is Burnett's favourite
remedy for cough.
1. Adrenalinum : Keynote : CONSTRICTION OF CHEST +HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE are the main keynotes of remedy Adrenalin.
2. Ammonium benzoicum Keynotes: Indicated remedy for GOUT WITH URINARY INCONTINENCE is Ammonium benzoicum
3. Aralia racemosa Keynotes: COUGH < LYING DOWN is the main keynote of the remedy.
4. Damiana aphrodisiaca Keynotes: It is the main remedy for LOW SEXUAL DESIRE IN FEMALES in its highest intensity. Aids the
5. Daphne indica: Keynotes: It has the main indication for CRAVING FOR TOBACCO.
6. Guaiacum officinale: Keynotes: JOINTS PAINS THAT ARE BETTER WITH COLD APPLICATIONS is a keynote of the remedy.
Better by external pressure.
7. Gun powder: Keynotes: When there are BONE INFECTIONS WITH TOTAL DESTRUCTION and if silica and hepar sulph fail ,try
gun powder.
8. Hoang nan: The keynote of it is LEPROSY+ THE IGNITIA LIKE MIND.
9. Lamium album: It is the remedy which has the main clinical indication of PILES WITH HARD STOOLS.
10. Sabal serrulata: UNDEVELOPED MAMMARY GLANDS is one of the main indications.
11. Sabina: In female troubles with HEMORRHAGES, WHERE BLOOD IS FLUID like and many clots come, Sabina is well
(5) ORGAN SPECIFIC REMEDIES: Famous French Homoeopath BERNOVILLE investigated many organ specific
remedies. He would specifically call these remedies DRAINAGE REMEDIES, where the remedy is specifically indicated for that
organ. The keynotes of medicines are given below:
1. Ceanothus: when SPLEEN is affected the main remedy is ceanothus americanus.
2. Fel tauri: The main site of action is on GALL BLADDER AND INTESTINES SLEEPINESS AFTER EATING.
3. Ferrum iodatum: It has main action on GLANDS. Exopthalmic goitre after suppression of menses.
4. Ferrum magneticum: Main action is on PALMS OF THE HANDS. Sciatica pain associated with numbness.
5. Gnaphalium polycephalum: Main action is on SCIATIC NERVE.
6. Gossypium herbaceum: When the main complaint is in OVARY,think of this remedy. Intermittent pains in the ovaries,reflex
condition depending on disturbed uterine function and pregnancy.
7. Gratiola officinalia: Main action on STOMACH. Nux symptoms in females are often met by this remedy.
8. Grindelia robusta: Main action on RESPIRATORY ORGANS. Profuse tenacious expectoration which ameliorates. Cannot breath
while lying down,must sit up.
9. Hepatica triloba: The main action of the remedy is on THROAT. Viscid tenacious phlegm causes continuous hawking.
10. Hippozaeninum: The main action is on BRONCHIOLES. Bronchitis of the aged, where the suffocation is imminent from
11. Ruta gravolens: Indicated in the affection of SMALL INTESTINES AND THE RECTUM. The keynote of this remedy is rhustox
like without restlessness. It us used specifically in Cancer of the brain,bones and eyes. Also this remedy has nerve and bone
tumours. The concomitant is extreme constipation.
: now come to the next approach that is (6)CONCOMITANTS: ONE OF THE MAIN INVESTIGATIVE TECHNIQUE that Dr.
Sarkar uses in his approach is to FIND A CONCOMITANT SYMPTOM TO THE PATHOLOGY. Boericke Repertory is the most
useful repertory with the clinical indications for these kind of concomitants
some examples
1. Backpain: List of concomitants of back pain along with the respective remedies: Back pain alternating with headache -aloe, brom,
1. Back pain during stool- phos, podo.
2. Back pain bending backward < - calc, calc phos , chel , cimic.
3. Back pain bending forward < - pic acid
4. Back pain coition after - cannabis indica, nitric acid, sabadilla
5. Back pain when coughing - bell, bry , acon, ammonium carb, calc, caps, kali bi, merc , nitric acid , sep
6. Back pain fasting when - kali nit
7. Back pain emissions after -staphysagria
8. Back pain eructation > - sepia
9. Back pain eating > - kali nit
10. Pain in back, after injury - con, kali carb, nat sulph, thuja
11. Jarring < - bell, graphite, sil, carbolic acid, carbo animalis, sepia, thuja, theridion
12. Back pain kneeling when - sep, euphrasia
13. Patient sit leaning backwards + cant sit or stand erect + standing aggravates with history of diarrhoea- zingiber officinalis
14. Back pain with spine sensitive to touch - agaricus, chin ars, theridion
15. Patient can only lie down after lower back pain - acetic acid
16. Disc prolapse + the more you are sitting the more the pain increases+ nearly impossible to stand or sit erect after sitting for a
long time in a posture + lumbar region extremely sensitive to jarring- thuja
17. Must support while rising from sitting position , appetite increased, constipated with tendency to take cold- hydrastis
18. Lower back pain radiates from thighs to knees, at night, ameliorated by passing stool- indigo
19. Cervical pain> passing stool -asafoetida
20. Compels to wake up before rising due to pain- staph
2. Cardiac conditions:
1. Choking sensation in the throat during cardiovascular attack /angina - iberis
2. Most prescribed homeopathic medicine in angina - tabacum
3. Angina pain radiating to the jaw and the scapular region - naja
4. Constricting pain in the chest> by elevating the shoulder - cactus
5. Numbness with pain, chest pain radiating to the left hand - kalmia
6. Chest pain > lying on high pillow >lying on the right side - spigelia
7. Slow movement > puls, ferrum, medo, Kali sulph, gels
8. Chest pain >walking - gels, mag mur
9. Person doing manual work - brom, rhus tox

1. Diabetes + burning like sulphur -Cephalandra indica
2. Diabetes + thuja like - Gymnema sylvestre
3. Diabetes + skin eruption- (diabetic foot) - Syzygium jabolanum
4. Diabetes + emasiation - Uranium nit
5. Diabetes + rheumatism /menstrual irregularities - Abroma augusta
6. Diabetes +neurological disorders/numbness- Curare
7. Diabetes + albuminuria + rhus tox like joint pains- Rhus aromaticus
8. Diabetes + frequent urination+ weakness + rhus tox like rheumatism-Glycerine
9. Diabetes + rapid increased BP + chest constriction- Adrenalinum
10. Diabetes +headache + dyspepsia -Chionanthus
11. Diabetes + burning in stomach - Iris versicolor
12. Diabetes + metabolic disorders (slowness and lethargy)-Pituitrinum
13. History of repeated allergy + diabetes +chilly +craving sweets - Thyroidinum
14. Diabetes + exhausting cough with mucus + dropsy - Squilla
15. Diabetes + degenerative conditions of vessels and brain - Vanadium
16. Diabetes + Acidity- Pancreatinum
17. Diabetes + Tired backache + insomnia + diversion of mind ameliorates- Helonias
18. Diabetes + Impotency + fainting -Moschus
19. Diabetes + sclerosis of brain-Plumbum iodum
20. Diabetes + dropsy + metabolic intoxication + eczema- Urea
21. Diabetes + Opium like paralytic states + constipation /urinary retention-Morphinum
22. Diabetes + Polyuria+ complaints started from pregnancy + constipated-Lac def
23. Diabetes + Joint pains+ diarrhea after getting up+ lot of flatulence- Natrum sulph
24. Diabetes + Blood sugar improved during pregnancy(pregnancy ameliorates)- Tuberculinum

1. Dropsy with uterine pain, the remedy for this is Convallaria Majus.
2. The remedy Helleborus is indicated for dropsy without thirst.
3. Dropsy + low BP,collapse+carbo veg like + renal function im paired-Acetanilidum
4. Dropsy + history of nephritis ,rheumatism + palptations like digitalis but there is higher purpose- Adonis
5. Dropsy + even hydrocele is helped by this remedy+ soreness of the body as a concomitant- Ampelopsis
6. Dropsy + urine scanty+ low pulse+history of alcohol+nausea+ drowsiness+concomitant of amenorrhea-Apocynum
7. Dropsy + overexertion of organs- Arnica
8. Dropsy + metastatis from rheumatism to heart+ induration of tissues+ aurum like symptoms- Aurum muriaticum
9. Dropsy + dry skin+ constant desire to urinate,burning urine- Cahinca
10. Dropsy + hepatic complaints (portal circulation) often hepato hemorrhagic diathesis + varicosity + constipation + left lobe us
sensitive - Cardus marianus.
1. Rheumatism + gastric complaints -gnaphalium , dulcamara, abrotanum
2. Rheumatism + debility - colchicum
3. Rheumatism + malaria - chininum sulphuricum
4. Rheumatism + heart complaints -avena saliva, lithium carb, kalmia, spigelia
5. Rheumatism +diabetes - Abroma augusta
6. Rheumatism + brain disease - opium
7. Rheumatism + profuse sweating -salicylic acid, rhamnus californica, calc carb
8. Rheumatism + any female disease -actea racemosa
9. Rheumatism + grief - Ignatia
10. Rheumatism + cracking of knee joint -hura brasiliensis
11. Rheumatism + trembling gait - lactic acid
12. Rheumatism + falling forward -manganum
13. Rheumatism + bursa - Ruta, sticta
14. Rheumatism + ulcers - silica
6. Fever and chill:
1. Catarrhal fever, during menses -Graphites
2. Changing paroxysm after abuse of homoeopathic potencies - Sepia
3. Chill without subsequent perspiration -Graphites
4. Chillness with desire to be near a fire -Cicuta virosa
5. Continued fever accompanied by tympanitis - Kalmia
6. Dry heat at night,menses before -Conium mac
7. Dry heat after coition - Nux vomica
8. External heat,desire to be fanned near heat stage - Carbo veg
9. External heat with yellow skin -Mercurius cyan
10. Fever after abuse of ice water - Carbo veg
11. Fever after coition - Calc, Graph, Kali carb, Kreos , Lach , Mag mur , Nux vom, Sep
12. Fever with icy coldness - Cadmium sulph
13. Fever milk agg - Aconite

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