Preface: Plant, S.G.P, Nitric Acid Plant. It Also Contains An Overview of The NFL. The Information

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The key takeaways are that the internship helped the author gain practical knowledge about the theoretical concepts learned in B.Tech and exposed them to industrial work culture. It was a valuable learning experience made possible by the cooperation of NFL staff.

The purpose of the internship was for the author to gain knowledge about the actual industrial processes that were learned theoretically as part of their B.Tech program and to convert their theoretical concepts into practical knowledge.

The main products manufactured by NFL are Neem Coated Urea, three strains of Bio-Fertilizers (solid & liquid) and other allied Industrial products like Ammonia, Nitric Acid, Ammonium Nitrate, Sodium Nitrite and Sodium Nitrate.


As per the requirements of B-Tech degree course in chemical engineering, vocational

training has to be undertaken after third year. To fulfil this requirement I took my
training from NFL, NANGAL.during this period everything that I have learned and
studied, the report contains necessary information of plants viz. Ammonia plant, Urea
plant, S.G.P, nitric acid plant. It also contains an overview of the NFL. The information
has been prepared to best of data available at that my knowledge and time. The purpose
of this internship was to know about actual process that we learn theoretically in B.Tech

It is pleasure to face the industrial life that helped me to convert my theoretical concepts
into practical knowledge.
I have undergone training at NATIONAL FERTILIZERS LIMITED,NANGAL During this
training I have learnt a lot for which I pay my heartiest gratitude to all the staff members
of NFL NANGAL who helped me in all respects in fulfilling my cherished desired of
getting a successful industrial training in an esteemed organization.

I am very grateful to Ms. Kuldip Saroa (Training coordinator at NFL NANGAL) who
deputed me with senior engineers who provided me sound knowledge of various
process in details. I pay my sincere thanks to all the supervisors and the other official at
the site for providing me complete details of their respective plants.
The rise in fertilizers consumption in India has been quite phenomenal during the past
three decades. To meet the rise in consumption of fertilizer, creation of additional
capacity was also planned. The change in worldwide energy concept and the rise in oil
prices in 1973 forced India to broad base its nitrogenous production by adopting new
and sophisticated technology, which could use cheaper sources of raw materials. It is in
this context that National Fertilizers Ltd. (A public sector undertaking) was conceived to
plan and implement two modern large capacity single steam nitrogenous fertilizer
plants in the predominant fertilizer consuming areas of northern states in India to cater
to the ever-increasing demand for fertilizer in the region .The company was formed and
registered on 23rd August, 1974 to set up two nitrogenous fertilizer plants each with a
capacity of 5.115 lac tonnes per annum of urea at Bathinda and PANIPAT . BATHINDA
was selected as one of the sites for this fuel oil based plant from the consumption point
of view, since Punjab with its well-organized agriculture sector, has insatiable demand
for fertilizer. This combined with excellent facilities of transport, made behind an
excellent choice for this grass root plant. In 1978, the ownership and operations of
NANGAL plant of FCI was transferred to NFL.

Now NFL has five gas based Ammonia-Urea plants NANGAL and BATHINDA plants in
PUNJAB, PANIPAT plant in HARYANA and two plants at VIAJAIPUR at District GUNA, in

NFL is engaged in manufacturing and marketing of Neem Coated Urea, three strains of
Bio-Fertilizers (solid & liquid) and other allied Industrial products like Ammonia, Nitric
Acid, Ammonium Nitrate, Sodium Nitrite and Sodium Nitrate. The brand name of the
company is popularly known in the market as ‘KISAN’.
The company has also started production of certified seeds under its Seeds
Multiplication Program for sale under its own brand name as Kisan Beej.

 Nitric Acid(HNO3)

 Anhydrous Ammonia (NH3)

 Ammonium Nitrate (NH4NO3)

 Methanol (CH3OH)

 Nitrogen (N2)
 Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

 Sodium Nitrate

 Oxygen (O2)

 Increased Food Output

 Employment to nearly 4000 persons

 Both Central and State Government has been benefited by way of excise

 Duties and other local taxes on raw materials and other products.

 Scope for marketing by-products such as Sulphur, CO2, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon


The company has a vision i.e. “ to be leading Indian company in fertilizers and beyond
with commitment to all stakeholder” and a mission “to be dynamic organization to serve
the farming community and other customers to their satisfaction through timely supply
of fertilizers and other products & services; continually striving to achieve the highest
standards in quality ,safety,ethics,professionalism, energy conservation with a concern
for ecology and maximizing returns to stakeholders”.


Urea is in many ways the most convenient form for fixed nitrogen. It has the highest
nitrogen content available in solid fertilizer (46%). Urea can be considered the amide of
carbonic acid (NHCOOH) or the diamides of carbonic acid (-COOH). At room
temperature urea is colour less, odourless and tasteless. Urea commercially urea is
produced by the direct de-hydration of ammonium carbonate (NHCOONH) at elevated
temperature and pressure. Ammonium carbonate is obtained by direct reaction of
ammonia and carbon dioxide. The two reactions are usually carried out simultaneously
in high-pressure reactor. Recently urea has been used commercial as castle feed
supplement. Urea is classified as the non-toxic compound, when urea is dissolved in
water, it hydrolyses very slowly to ammonium carbonate and eventually decomposes to
ammonia and carbon dioxide. This reaction is the basis for the use of urea as fertilizer
.The process sequence starts with the steam reforming of natural gas followed by waste
heat recovery, steam generation and carbon removal. The syn gas is send to CO2
absorber section to separate CO2 from effluent gas using aMDEA and rest is send to
methanator section to convert CO into cryogenic process we get N2 and H2 in
ratio of 3:1. Now mixture of N2 and H2 in ratio of 3:1 is send to ammonia converter,
which is operated at 197 atm. Ammonia, is fed to the urea plant, where it is reacted with
the recovered carbon dioxide at a pressure of about 220 atm. The urea solution is
separated at the top of a prilling tower and collected at the bottom in form of small
particles, which is sent to bagging plant and dispatched. The carbonate is decomposed
and recycled back to the urea reactor. Urea production at NFL Nangal is around 1650


 Ammonia Plant
 Steam generation Plant
 Urea Plant
 Nitric acid plant
 Bagging Plant

National Fertilizers Limited AT A

 Capital Investment : ₹ 229319 Crores

 Installed Capacity : 478500 MTPA

Raw Material Required:

 Electricity : 40 MW

 Water : 80 M Gallon/day

 Urea : 1650 metric tonnes/ day

 Ammonia : 950 tonnes/day

 Ammonia : KBR SMR (Steam reforming )with purifier technology

 Urea : Total Recycle Process

Process Description: The front end of the ammonia plant is based on KBR Purifier
technology, which is a low energy natural gas steam reforming based process that is
offered and licensed by KBR. The new front end is combined with the existing synthesis
loop to produce 950 MTPD of ammonia. The plant design and performance are based on
lean natural gas composition, which is the controlling case. However, the plant will also
be able to operate and achieve the nameplate capacity with the rich natural gas

The main process steps are as follows:

 Feed Gas Compression, Preheating and Desulfurization

 Primary Reforming

 Process Air Compression

 Secondary Reforming

 Shift Conversion

 Carbon Dioxide Removal

 Methanation

 Drying

 Cryogenic Purification

 Syngas Compression

 Ammonia Synthesis

Feed Gas Compression, Preheating and Desulfurization: Natural gas for

feed and fuel is supplied at the plant battery limit at 30°C and 40.5 kg/cm2.Natural gas
is initially directed to a Feed Gas Knockout Drum where any entrained liquids (or solids)
are removed. Part of the natural gas from the outlet is sent to the primary reformer
furnace as fuel. The remaining natural gas is compressed to 57.3 kg/cm 2 in the Feed Gas
Compressor, 102-J which is driven by an electric motor . After compression in natural
gas feed is mixed with a small amount of syngas recycled from the synthesis loop which
provides the required hydrogen for the downstream hydrotreater .If the synthesis loop
is not in operation, the hydrogen recycle stream can be taken from the Methanator
Effluent Separator (144-D) overhead, and added at the suction of. There is also a
provision to generate hydrogen via ammonia cracking in the primary reformer during
initial plant start-up. The mixture of natural gas and hydrogen is heated to 371 °C, first
using condensing LP steam in the LP Steam/Feed Gas Preheater, and then in the Feed
Gas Coil located in the convection section of the Primary Reformer . The hot gas then
enters a two step desulfurization system. In the first step, the hot gas passes through a
Hydrotreater which contains cobalt/molybdenum (CoMo) catalyst .The catalyst ensures
hydrogenation of organic sulphur compounds, if present in the feed gas, such as
mercaptans (RSH), carbonyl sulfide (COS), to hydrogen sulfide .

cos+ H 2 CO+ H 2 S

RSH + H 2 RH + H 2 S

In the second step, hydrogen sulfide in the feed gas is removed in two Desulfurizers,
(108DB/DC). Each Desulfurizer contains a bed of zinc oxide. Hydrogen sulfide reacts
with the zinc oxide and is retained as zinc sulfide, thereby producing an effluent stream
containing less than 0.1 ppmv of sulfur.

The two desulfurizer vessels are arranged in series, in a lead -lag configuration such that
either vessel can be taken out of service to replace the zinc oxide, while the other vessel
remains in service and plant operation is not interrupted. Each vessel contains enough
zinc oxide to last for at least one year of continuous service at the design inlet sulfur
concentration of 10 ppmv hydrogen sulfide in the feed gas.

Primary Reforming: Desulfurized feed gas is mixed with process steam from the
overhead of the Process Condensate Stripper (130-D) to give a steam to organic carbon
molar ratio of (2.7:1) . The feed gas flow is controlled by ratio to the process steam flow.
This feature protects the reforming catalysts in case of loss of process steam. The
mixture is preheated to about 495 °C in the convection section of the Primary Reformer
(101-B). The preheated mixed feed is distributed over tubes packed with reforming
catalyst and suspended in the radiant section of . Steam reforming reactions take place
over the nickel based reforming catalyst in the radiant tubes to form carbon monoxide,
carbon dioxide and hydrogen . The water gas shift reaction converts carbon monoxide to
carbon dioxide and additional hydrogen:

 CH4 +H2O  4CO + 3H2

 CO + H2O4CO2 + H2

The effluent gas at 48.0 kg/cm2 and 721 °C contains about 29.9 mol% (dry basis) of
unreacted methane. The 101-B effluent is sent to the Secondary Reformer via the
Primary Reformer Effluent Transfer Line . Heat for the endothermic steam reforming
reactions in 101-B is supplied by the combustion of fuel gas in burners located at the top
of the furnace. The burners are located between rows of catalyst tubes and operate with
downward firing. Thus, the heat flux is highest at the top of the tubes, where the process
temperatures are the lowest and most of the reforming reaction is being done. The
outlet manifolds and riser tubes are located inside the radiant box, for heat conservation
.The primary reformer uses the latest refractory and insulation technology. The
reformer is designed with 2% oxygen (dry basis) in the flue gas at the outlet of the
radiant section. This ensures complete combustion of the fuel in the burners. The
Purifier process uses excess air in the secondary reformer. This feature reduces the size
of the primary reformer furnace by about one third, and lowers the process gas outlet
temperature from the reformer substantially, as compared to a conventional ammonia
plant. The lower outlet temperature results in longer tube and catalyst life. The primary
reformer is designed to obtain maximum thermal efficiency by recovering heat from the
flue gas in the convection section. The heat recovered is used for the following services:

 Mixed Feed Preheating

 Process Air Preheating

 Steam Superheating

 Gas Preheating

 Combustion Air Preheating

Process Air Compression Process air is drawn in through an Air Filter which removes
any dust particles. Process air is then compressed in an integrally geared Process Air
Compressor (101-J) to a pressure of 50.8 kg/cm2 . Inter -stage cooling and condensate
separation is provided in. During plant start up or turndown operation, enough
compressed air is vented to maintain the minimum load on the compressor to prevent it
from going into surge. Compressed process air is then preheated to about 510 0C in the
Air Preheat Coil located in the convection section, and sent to the secondary reformer.
Steam is continuously added to the process air at the inlet of the coil. This feature
prevents backflow of hot gas from the Secondary Reformer in the event of a trip. Pump
also provides plant and instrument air required for the entire plant from one of the
intermediate stages of the compressor.

Secondary Reforming: Hot compressed process air and primary reformer effluent
are sent to the top section of the Secondary Reformer where spontaneous combustion
occurs. The resulting hot gas mixture then flows down through a bed of nickel based
reforming catalyst in the lower section. The heat released from the combustion
reactions in the upper section supplies the heat for the steam reforming reactions in the
lower section, converting methane to more carbon oxides and hydrogen. The unreacted
methane content in the gas leaving is about 1.8 mol% (dry basis). In a conventional
ammonia plant, the amount of process air introduced in the secondary reformer is
controlled carefully to produce a stoichiometric 3:1 molar ratio of hydrogen to nitrogen
at the inlet to the ammonia converter. In the Purifier process, about 50 percent excess
air is used in the secondary reformer with the excess nitrogen being removed in the
Purifier cold box. The excess air produces additional combustion heat for the reforming
reactions in the secondary reformer. Thus the reforming load is shifted from the primary
reformer to the secondary reformer .This feature lowers the primary reformer outlet
temperature and furnace duty. In addition, the methane leakage from the reforming
section is relaxed as the unreacted methane is removed in the Purifier cold box. This
reduces the overall reforming severity and lowers the secondary reformer outlet
temperature to about 906 0C. The lower outlet temperature results in milder conditions
for the downstream waste heat boiler as compared to conventional plants. The heat in
the effluent is recovered by generating HP steam (104 kg/cm2 ) in the Secondary
Reformer Waste Heat Boiler ,It is vertical, water -tube, thermosiphon boiler. The water
jackets keep the metal walls cooler, and provide an early warning system against any
possible refractory failure which allows for an orderly shutdown of the plant in such a

Shift Conversion: The cooled Secondary Reformer effluent is sent to the High
Temperature Shift (HTS) Converter reactor Here, the gas flows over a bed of HTS
catalyst and carbon monoxide reacts with steam to form carbon dioxide and hydrogen
via the water gas shift reaction.

CO + H2O CO2 + H2

About 72% of the carbon monoxide is shifted to carbon dioxide in the HTS converter.
The carbon monoxide content in the FITS effluent is about 2.9 mol % (dry basis). The
water gas shift reaction is exothermic. The gas leaving the HTS converter is cooled by
generating HP steam in the HTS Effluent/Steam Generator (103-C), and by heating HP
boiler feed water in the HTS Effluent/HEW Preheater (186-C). The gas then passes
through a LTS Guard Bed (104-D3) which is packed with LTS catalyst. 104-D3 catalyst
volume is based on 2.5 years of catalyst life. Effluent is cooled against BFW in the LTS
Guard Bed Effluent/HEW Preheater and is then sent to the Low Temperature Shift (LTS)
Converter at about 208 0C. Most of the remaining this carbon monoxide is shifted to
carbon dioxide in the LTS, leaving a residual carbon monoxide content of about 0.25 mol
% (dry basis) in the LTS effluent. LTS effluent is cooled against BFW in the LTS
Effluent/BFW Preheater and by raising LP steam in the LTS Effluent/LP Steam
Generator . The gas is then sent to the CO2 Stripper Reboiler and further cooled in the
LTS Effluent/DMW Exchanger to about 70 °C. The process condensate is separated out
in the Raw Gas Separator (142-D1) and pumped to the Process Condensate Stripper. The
overhead of is sent to the carbon Dioxide Removal unit .

Carbon Dioxide Removal: The Carbon Dioxide Removal unit uses a two stage
aMDEA process licensed by BASF The process gas enters the bottom of the CO 2 Absorber
at about 70°C. It is contacted counter -currently with semi -lean aMDEA solution. The
gas then flows upward into the top section where it is contacted with lean aMDEA
solution. The gas then passes through a water wash section, a demister pad, and is sent
to the CO2 Absorber Overhead Knockout Drum to remove any traces of entrained aMDEA
solution. The treated gas leaving the top of the absorber contains less than 500 ppmv
(dry basis) of carbon dioxide and is sent to the methanation section. Rich aMDEA
solution from the bottom of first passed through a power recovery Hydraulic Turbine .
The power recovered in the hydraulic turbine is used to drive one of the Semi- Lean
Solution Pumps (107 -JA). The rich aMDEA solution is then sent to the High Pressure
(HP) Flash (126-D) where most of the dissolved inerts are flashed from the rich
solution. This ensures a high purity carbon dioxide product low in inerts .As the flash
gas from 126-D contains a fair amount of carbon dioxide, this gas is further scrubbed
with a slipstream of lean aMDEA solution in the HP Flash Gas Scrubber (127-D), to
recover almost all the carbon dioxide. The overhead is routed to the fuel system. The
bottoms are mixed with bottoms and sent to the top of CO2 LP Flash. The LP flash
operates at about 1.8 kg/cm2 . At this low pressure, most of the carbon dioxide from the
rich aMDEA solution is flashed. The solution flows down through a packed bed where it
is contacted with rising vapour coming from the CO2 Stripper . The CO2 LP Flash
Overhead Condenser cools the CO2 stream from the top of the LP Flash Column to 40°C.
Condensate is separated in the CO2 LP Flash Overhead K.O. Drum and pumped by the
CO2 LP Flash Reflux Pump to provide wash water . The make-up water required for the
CO2 Removal Unit is also added to the suction .The CO2 released as the 1800 overhead
vapour is sent to the CO2 Chiller Package, cooled to 7 °C, and further sent to the Urea
Plant via CO2 moisture separator drum.

Methanation: The vapor from the CO2 Absorber Overhead KO Drum is preheated to
the methanation reaction temperature, using methanator effluent in the Methanator
Feed/Effluent Exchanger (114-C), and using condensing HP steam in the Methanator
Start-up Heater (172-C). The preheated gas then flows through the Methanator (106-D)
where carbon oxides in the gas are converted to methane by reaction with hydrogen
over a nickel catalyst Residual carbon oxides leaving the methanator are less than 5
ppmv (dry basis.

CO2 + 4H2 CH4 + 2H2O

CO + 3 H2 <=> CH4 + H2O

The methanation reactions above are highly exothermic and could potentially over heat.
This could occur if an upset in the shift ([TS/ -ITS) or carbon dioxide removal systems
causes a breakthrough of carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide to. An automatic
shutdown system is provided to prevent overheating.

Drying: In preparation for drying, the methanator effluent is cooled by heat exchange
with methanator feed in 114-C to 79 0C, and against cooling water in the Methanator
Effluent Cooler to 38 °C. The methanator effluent then combines with recycle synthesis
loop purge gas and the mixture is chilled using ammonia refrigerant in the Methanator
Effluent Chiller (130-C) to about 4 °C. The chilled gas is then sent to the Methanator
Effluent Separator where process condensate is separated out. The overhead from 144-
D is then sent to the Molecular Sieve Driers .There are two driers packed with zeolite
based desiccant and operate cyclically. Each drier is sized to remove traces of ammonia,
residual carbon dioxide, and water in a 24 -hour drying cycle. The drier regeneration
facilities are designed for a nominal 20-hour heating and cooling cycle to provide a
comfortable safety margin of 4 hours of stand-by time. Regeneration and cooling of the
driers are done using waste gas from the Purifier. During drier regeneration, the waste
gas is heated to 265 0C in the Molecular Sieve Regeneration Heater (183-C) by
condensing steam from the 63.0 kg/cm2 steam header.

Cryogenic Purification: Dried raw synthesis gas is then sent to the cryogenic
purification section . The gas is cooled by heat exchange with make-up synthesis gas and
with purifier waste gas in the top section of the Purifier Feed/Effluent Exchanger . The
gas then flows through the Purifier Expander , where work is removed to provide the
net refrigeration duty required for the Purifier. The expander energy is recovered by
generating electricity in the Purifier Expander Generator . The expander effluent is
further cooled and partially condensed in the bottom section of 132-C and enters the
Purifier Rectifier at -171 0C. Liquid from the bottom of the rectifier is partially
evaporated at reduced pressure in the shell side of the Purifier Rectifier Condenser and
provides cooling for the condenser and reflux for the column. The Rectifier bottoms
contain the excess nitrogen, most of the methane, and some of the inlet argon. The
partially evaporated liquid leaving the shell side of is reheated and vaporized in and
leaves as Purifier waste gas. The waste gas is used as carrier gas to regenerate the
Molecular Sieve Driers and then sent to the fuel system. The make-up syngas from the
top of , is reheated in 132-C and sent to the existing Synthesis Gas Compressor at 1.8 °C.
The operation of the Purifier is controlled by a hydrogen analyzer on the synthesis gas,
to maintain an exact molar ratio of hydrogen to nitrogen of 3:1. The only other
impurities in the make-up synthesis gas are about 0_32 mol % Argon and less than 50
ppmv of methane.

Syngas Compression: The process description for the syngas compression and
ammonia synthesis sections of the plant are identical to the existing plant, except for a
new mechanical refrigeration system and a purge gas ammonia recovery system. All the
existing equipment in the syngas compression and ammonia synthesis sections will be
reused. The existing Converter Effluent Cooler will be replaced. The purified syngas is
compressed in a four stage, steam turbine driven Synthesis Gas Compressor. Recycle gas
is added to the synthesis gas before the fourth stage suction, and the combined flow
leaves the compressor at about 197.2 kg/cm2.

Ammonia Synthesis: Ammonia is produced in a fixed -bed, vertical converter. Make

-up and recycle gas mixture from the synthesis gas compressor is preheated by heat
exchange with converter effluent in the Hot Exchanger (E-1803). It then flows to the
Ammonia Converter (D-1801) Ammonia concentration in the feed to the converter is
about 2.76 mol %. Ammonia is synthesized in two adiabatic beds provided with an
intercooler and an after cooler. The converter effluent containing about 17.7 mol %
ammonia is at about 453 0C. It is cooled by generating HP steam in the Synloop Waste
Heat Boiler and by heating boiler feed water in the Converter Effluent BFW Preheater .
After heat recovery, the converter effluent is cooled to 59°C by heat exchange with
converter feed in (1803-D). The converter effluent is further cooled to 38 °C by cooling
water in Converter Effluent Cooler . The existing exchanger will be replaced with a new
design. The converter effluent is then sent to the Cold Exchanger where it is chilled by
heat exchange with the recycle gas. The gas is finally chilled to about -4°C against
ammonia refrigerant in the Ammonia Chiller. Liquid ammonia is separated out from the
converter effluent in the Separator while the vapour is recycled to the last stage of the
Synthesis Gas Compressor . A small fraction of the vapor stream is purged from the
synthesis loop to control the inerts (methane plus argon) concentration inlet to the
ammonia converter at 3.20 mol%. The high pressure purge stream is sent to the purge
gas ammonia recovery section. Liquid ammonia is depressurized to about 37.0 kg/cm2
in the Flash Drum (F-1802). This reduction in pressure releases most of the dissolved
gases in the ammonia. The flashed vapour is sent to the ammonia recovery system.
Liquid ammonia from F-1802 is mixed with recovered ammonia from the ammonia
recovery system and sent to the existing Horton Sphere as product ammonia. The
expected ammonia product purity is about 99.85 wt.% ammonia. The Horton Sphere
operates at about 4.2 kg/cm2 pressure and is provided with a dedicated package
refrigeration system. Liquid ammonia from the Horton Sphere is pumped using existing
transfer pumps where the ammonia is heated to 10 °C and sent as product to the urea
plant. An existing exchanger uses ammonia refrigerant as the heating medium.
Figure 1 : Horton Sphere for ammonia storage.

Figure 2 : Block diagram of ammonia plant

Introduction: Urea was first identified in 1773, when it was isolate by crystallization
from urine, new total recycle process using directly concentration and pulling rate. This
plant is designed to produce 1650 tonnes urea per day in a signal stream. Liquid
ammonia from ammonia plant directly taken into high pressure ammonia pump, where
it is pressurized to 220 Kg/cm2 preheated to 80 0C and fed to reactor. Carbon dioxide gas
of 98.5% purification at 10 Kg/cm2 pressure and 30 0C from carbon dioxide purification
unit of ammonia plant is compressed to 220 Kg/cm2 in three stages reciprocation
compressor and fed to reactor. Ammonia and carbon dioxide synthesizes in urea reactor
at 220 Kg/cm2 and at temperature 195 0C for production of urea.

Chemical Reactions

2NH3 + CO2NH2COONH4 + heat

NH2COONH4  NH2CONH2 + H2O (+∆H)

Process Description: The product from the reactor contains 32% urea,
unconverted gases and water is lead down to 70 Kg/cm2 pressure and taken to first
stage. Here it is heated to 185 degree Celsius and flashed in one stage separator, gases
get separated which are condensed in one stage condensers, to carbonate. Carbonate sol
is pumped to reactor after pressurized to 220 Kg reacted concentration in stage-I goes
to 55%.Solution contains 55% urea is further lead down to 11 Kg/cm 2 and heated to
150 0C, flashed in second stage separator carbonate solution from second stage
condenser is recycled back to first stage condenser urea concentration in second stage
separator goes to 66%.

This solution containing 66% of urea is further flashed to 2.5 Kg/cm 2 and heated to 130
d0C flashed in third stage separator and urea concentration goes to 72%. The
decomposed gases are from where it goes to reactor via first stage. The solution
containing 72% urea is lead to vacuum concentration section via candle type urea filter.
Here in first stage vacuum distiller, the solution is heated to 130 0C and flashed in first
stage vacuum of 0.35 atm. and in second stage 140 0C and 0.04 atm to get urea
concentration in solution up to 99.7%. Melt urea is pulled from the Prilling Tower of
104 meter height. The pressure at prilling tower is 0.4 Kg/cm2.

Figure 3 :Prilling tower NFL Nangal Unit

Figure 4 : Flowsheet of Urea production

The steam generation plant consists of following section :-

 Coal yard.

 Coal pulverizing section.

 Burner furnace and fuel section.

 Boiler section.

 Boiler feed water.

 Heaters.

 Final ash disposal system.

Coal yard: The coal is used for steam generation by boiler. Coal is received from
different collieries i.e. BCCL and CCL. There are six bunkers and six mills. Each bunker
has 200 tons coal capacity.

Coal pulverizing section: It consist of following parts -

 Feeders

 Pulverizes: The mills make the powder of coal. The coal consist stones, shale,
metallic piece etc. The magnet is used to separate the metallic piece while
stones are picked manually. Those not picked are rejected by mill.

Boiler: In NFL, there are three boilers in steam generation plant. The boilers are based
on coal and natural gas.

 Water tube boiler:- It is a type of boiler in which water circulates in tubes

heated externally by the fire. Fuel is burned inside the furnace, creating hot gas,
which heats water in the steam-generating tubes. In smaller boilers, additional
generating tubes are separate in the furnace, while larger utility boilers rely on
the water-filled tubes that make up the walls of the furnace to generate steam.

The heated water then rises into the steam drum. Here, saturated steam is drawn off the
top of the drum. In some services, the steam will re-enter the furnace through a super
heater to become superheated. Superheated steam is defined as steam that is heated
above the boiling point at a given pressure. Superheated steam is a dry gas and therefore
used to drive turbines, since water droplets can severely damage turbine blades.

Cool water at the bottom of the steam drum returns to the feed water drum via large-
bore 'down comer tubes', where it pre-heats the feed water supply. (In large utility
boilers, the feed water is supplied to the steam drum and the down comers supply water
to the bottom of the water walls). To increase economy of the boiler, exhaust gases are
also used to pre-heat the air blown into the furnace and warm the feed water supply.
Such water tube boilers in thermal power station are also called steam generating units.

Steam produced by the boiler in NFL is 182tone/hr. The form of steam is

superheated steam. The temperature of steam is 510 0C and the pressure of steam
is 91 Kg/cm2.

Economizer: A boiler economizer is a heat exchanger device that captures the "lost
or waste heat" from the boiler's hot stack gas. The economizer typically transfers this
waste heat to the boiler's feed-water or return water circuit, but it can also be used to
heat domestic water or other process fluids. Capturing this normally lost heat reduces
the overall fuel requirements for the boiler. Less fuel equates to money saved as well as
fewer emissions - since the boiler now operates at a higher efficiency. This is possible
because the boiler feed-water or return water is pre-heated by the economizer therefore
the boilers main heating circuit does not need to provide as much heat to produce a
given output quantity of steam or hot water. Again, fuel savings are the result. Boiler
economizers improve a boiler's efficiency by extracting heat from the flue gases

Figure 5: Economizer

Super heater: Steam produced from a boiler without a super heater will either be
dry saturated or, more likely, wet. In works where steam is transmitted over long
distances, the inevitable heat loss from pipe surfaces causes the steam to become even
wetter at the point of use unless a super heater is fitted to the boiler plant.

This is a separate battery of pipes placed near the boiler furnace through which steam
passes to receive additional heat by either convection or radiation. The super heater
increases the surface area capable of accepting heat and the production of heat also
slightly increases the thermal efficiency of the boiler. Steam flow must be maintained
through the super heater to prevent the tubes being burning out and a thermometer
should be fitted on the outlet header so that the operator can determine the degree of
superheat. In a few cases, superheated steam is provided by using a super heater that is
fired separately.

Air pre-heater: An air pre-heater (APH) is a general term to describe any device
designed to heat air before another process (for example, combustion in a boiler) with
the primary objective of increasing the thermal efficiency of the process.

The purpose of the air pre-heater is to recover the heat from the boiler flue gas which
increases the thermal efficiency of the boiler by reducing the useful heat lost in the flue
gas. Consequently, the flue gases are also conveyed to the flue gas stack (or chimney) at a
lower temperature, allowing simplified design of the conveyance system and the flue gas
stack. It also allows control over the temperature of gases leaving the stack (to meet
emissions regulations.

Figure 6 :
Air Preheater

Pollutants and their disposal:

 Around 1250 MT coal is burnt daily in coal fired boilers and huge quantity of ash
is generated.

 Ash is incombustible – consists heavy metals (Ni & V)

 Ash is generated in two forms: fly ash (80%) & bottom ash (20%)

 Bottom ash : Ash that falls in the bottom of the boiler.

 Fly ash : Particles that are driven out of the boiler with the flue gases.

 Fly ash removal – After air preheaters , the flue gases are passed through
Electrostatic Precipitators (ESPs). After fly ash removal , flue gases from ESPs
pass on to induced draft fans . Finally disposed in atmosphere though chimney
(80m height)
 Bottom ash removal : Ash slurry is in the bottom ash hopper . From the hopper
ash slurry is taken out by water ejector to ash slurry sump.

 Then slurry is disposed to pond or to Hydrobin.

Electrostatic precipitator:

 The electrostatic precipitator is the device used in chimneys, Separates fine ash
particles from flue gases. High voltage is applied between electrodes due to high
voltage gas particles are ionized and they stick to electrodes.

 Smoke particles pick up a charge as they pass the charged metal grid.

 These smoke particles are attracted to oppositely charged collecting plates.

Figure 7: Electrostatic Precipitator


Manufacture of Nitric Acid: There are three stages in the production of nitric acid

 The oxidation of ammonia

 The oxidation of nitrogen monoxide

 The absorption of nitrogen dioxide in water.

FEEDSTOCK: The raw materials are ammonia, which is made in ammonia , air and
fresh water. The air and ammonia are filtered to remove impurities, and the fresh water
is deionized on site. Purified air, pure ammonia and deionized water are the feedstock.


Oxidation of Ammonia: The heart of the nitric acid plant is the catalytic reactor
where the mixture of ammonia and air reacts to form nitrogen monoxide, on a Pt/Rh
catalyst. The catalyst comprises several layers of fine Platinum-Rhodium (95%Pt and
5%Rh) mesh and the gases flow through this.

4 NH 3( g)+5O 2(g) → 4 NO(g)+6 H 2O ∆ H =−903 kJ

The catalyst gauzes are initially heated using a flaming bar, which uses hydrogen as the
fuel. When the ammonia/air mixture containing 10.2% ammonia is passed over the
catalyst, the reaction is very rapid and exothermic. Thus no further external heating of
the catalyst is necessary. A pressure of 3-4 atm and an operating temperature of
between 830 oC to 850 oC is used at the nitric acid plant. These conditions help prevent
any side reactions and approximately 95% conversion of ammonia occurs.

Oxidation of Nitrogen Monoxide: The second reaction is the oxidation of

nitrogen monoxide to nitrogen dioxide.

2NO(g) + O2(g) → 2NO2(g) ΔH = -115 kJ

60% of the nitrogen monoxide is converted to nitrogen dioxide as the gases are cooled,
by passing through the boilers and the heat exchangers to the condenser. The
unconverted nitrogen monoxide is oxidized to nitrogen dioxide during the final stage of
the process. In the cooler conditions of the condenser, the water formed in the oxidation
of ammonia condenses and absorbs some of the nitrogen dioxide to form nitric acid.
This acid is pumped into the absorption tower, in the final stage of the process.

Absorption of Nitrogen Dioxide into Water: The final reaction is the

absorption of nitrogen dioxide in water.

3NO2(g) + H2O → 2HNO3(aq) + NO(g) ΔH = -16 kJ

This is carried out in an absorption tower, which has trays at different levels. Deionized
water is brought in at the top of the tower and cascades down through the trays as the
gas is drawn upwards.

In different trays, different concentrations of acid are formed. Nitrogen monoxide

formed in the reaction will be oxidized to nitrogen dioxide providing sufficient air is
present .The product contains approximately 60% nitric acid.

The gas mixture entering the absorption tower still contains a large amount of nitrogen
monoxide, formed in the first stage of the process, but not yet oxidized to nitrogen
dioxide. In order to ensure complete conversion of this nitrogen monoxide to nitrogen
dioxide, extra air is introduced at the bottom of the absorption tower. In fact sufficient
air must be introduced to ensure that most of the nitrogen monoxide produced as a
byproduct of the reaction between nitrogen dioxide and water in the absorption tower
will also be oxidized to nitrogen dioxide.

To maximize the yield of nitric acid, the temperature is kept low (50 °C) and the
pressure high (9-10 atm) in the absorption tower. The absorption of nitrogen dioxide in
water forming nitric acid is 99.9% efficient.

Figure 8: nitric acid process flow diagram

After doing my training at NATIONAL FERTILISERS LIMITED,NANGAL. I felt the
importance of training in industry and its practical application. When I was studying the
theory of different concepts, I was thinking how all these would be implemented but
after training I learnt that how all these could be put in use. It was the result of training
only that I got to see the objects in real and practical use, which I only read. During my
training at NATIONAL FERTILISERS LIMITED,NANGAL. I got a chance to expose myself
to industry culture and work environment. In other words these two months of training
at N.F.L. were a real learning experience. All the way these happened due to co-operation
of staff and management who helped me in gaining knowledge about whatever I have
today about industry. In the end, I would like to conclude that the training is an essential
part of the education program. We should always peruse for the theoretical as well as
practical knowledge, both of which are must for the foundation of building.
Urea-Process-Formation-at-NFL- Nangal

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