Enhancing The Precision of Artillery Rockets Using Pulsejet Control Systems With Active Damping

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10 Scientific Technical Review, 2012,Vol.62,No.2,pp.


UDK: 621.453/457.001.57:519.637
COSATI: 19-07, 16-04, 16-02

Enhancing the Precision of Artillery Rockets Using Pulsejet Control

Systems with Active Damping

Bojan Pavković1)
Miloš Pavić1)
Danilo Ćuk2)

Long- and medium-range artillery rockets are used for indirect fire on distant targets. As they have large impact point
dispersion, they are considered to be area weapons and are fired from multi tube launchers. Achieving high hit
probability requires spending a vast number of rockets. A control system application enables the reduction of their
impact point dispersion and the increase of hit probability. Pulsejet control systems are simple, inexpensive and efficient
enough to achieve the dispersion reduction which justifies their application. This paper presents a simplified control
scheme for artillery rockets named the active damping method which performs a correction of disturbances immediately
after a rocket exits a launcher tube. It is shown that the application of such a control system achieves a significant
dispersion reduction, and that it stands as an efficient method for the reduction of the effect of all disturbances except the
deviation of the rocket motor total impulse.

Key words: rocket artillery, multi tube rocket launcher, rocket projectile, rocket control, rocket guidance, control system,
pulse jet control, precision, error correction, impact point dispersion, effect on the target, Monte Carlo method.

Nomenclature ε Φ , rad – pulse activation threshold

I c , N-s – single jet impulse Φ, Θ, Ψ , rad – roll, pitch and yaw angles
I tot , kN-s – total impulse of the main rocket motor Φ d , rad – activation delay
– transversal moment of inertia ΔΦ n , rad – pulsejet roll angle
J y , kg-m 2
Φω , rad – command angle
K – command coefficient
KP – control system gain τ I ,s – pulse duration
Kω – feedback constant ω, rad/s – angular rate vector
 – transformation matrix ωn , rad/s – natural frequency
lI , m – distance of pulse jets from the C.G. ω yz , rad/s – angular rate vector in the Cyz plane
mq ,1/s – dynamic derivative ζn – damping ratio
mw , m -1s -1 – dynamic derivative Subscripts
NI – number of pulse jets AD – active damping
c – control values
p, q, r , rad/s – angular rate components R – reference value
t ,s – time 0 – values at the launcher exit
tmin ,s – minimum time between two consecutive Superscripts
pulses ~ – values in the aero-ballistic frame
V , m/s – velocity of the rocket
VWx , VWy – side wind velocity
w, u
– velocity projections on the z and x axes
xf ,m
zw ,1/s
– range
– dynamic derivative
A RTILLERY rockets are used in battlefields for indirect
fire on distant targets. As the line of sight is not
available, aiming is performed on the basis of known
α , rad – angle of attack coordinates of the launcher and the target. In order to
achieve a long range, the launching is performed at high
ε , mrad – trust misalignment angle elevation angles. A long range, low initial velocity and long
duration of flight make these rockets very sensitive to the
Military Technical Institute (VTI), Ratka Resanovića 1, 11132 Belgrade, SERBIA
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kraljice Marije 16, 11120 Belgrade, SERBIA

influence of disturbances on their hit precision. Increasing high elevations, artillery rockets have a highly curved and
the range reduces the precision of artillery rocket systems. long trajectory and fly through different atmospheric
Therefore, they are commonly used as area weapons rather conditions, which makes the use of previously described
than precision ones. The efficient covering of a targeted control laws inefficient. Pavković, Ćuk and Pavić [5] have
area requires a large number of rockets launched from suggested a guidance law named the trajectory tracking
multi-tube launchers. This scenario for artillery rockets with pulse frequency modulation (TT with PFM) which
finds its place in modern warfare due to many advantages forms a control signal based on rocket deviation from the
over the classic artillery, which are: longer range, high fire reference trajectory and transforms it into an array of pulses
power concentration in a short period of time, low launcher using pulse frequency modulation. Such a control system is
price and its high mobility. On the other hand, rockets have applicable on artillery rockets fired at high elevations. Ćuk,
a higher price than classic artillery shells, and their Pavić and Pavković [6] have given a comparison of
precision is lower. different guidance laws for mortar shells with pulsejet
Modern warfare, however, demands higher precision in control mechanisms. Mandić [18] has given an algorithm
order to avoid or reduce the collateral damage as much as with the flight path angle control, regardless of the used
possible. In addition, there is a requirement for an increased control system. The subject of this paper is the application
maximum range in order to gain the tactical advantage. of the active damping method for the precision enhancing
These two demands are contradictory, as the increase of the of artillery rockets.
range deteriorates the precision. On the other hand, a
reduction of weapons cost is required. In the case of
artillery rockets, these demands could be met by an increase The Active Damping Method
of their precision and a reduction of the number of rockets The basis for this correction method was given by
needed for target destruction. All these demands can be Harkins and Brown [1], who have considered 2.75 in direct
achieved using guided artillery rockets, or rockets with fire air to surface rockets, fired from multi tube launchers.
enhanced precision. The applied control systems, in these They have suggested a simplified control system, based on
cases, are required to achieve a dispersion reduction which pulsejets and rate gyroscopes as feedback sensors. By the
economically justifies their application. application of such a control system, they have managed to
Applying control systems on artillery rockets launched reduce the impact point dispersion by the factor of 4. In that
from multi-tube launchers demands the optimization of case, the deviations of the pitch and yaw rates at the
their cost, which should correspond to the reduction of the launcher exit had a much more dominant influence on the
number of rockets needed for target destruction. Low cost impact point dispersion than the deviation of the rocket
control systems can be achieved using pulsejets. Such motor total impulse.
executive organs consist of a certain number of small rocket In the case of artillery rockets, the situation is
motors, placed on a control ring in the front section of the significantly different. The total impulse deviation is by far
rocket. Besides having no moving parts, pulsejet control the most important factor for the impact point dispersion.
systems have very low energy consumption and use very However, a situation could be different again. The total
simple electronics for the activation of control jets. Their impulse of the main rocket motor is the parameter
reliability and cost are very advantageous. controlled through the production process as the amount of
Simplified control systems have been considered rocket propellants. Various methods, such as the production
recently in a number of scientific papers for the application of the charge in segments and their pairing as well as the
on rockets as well as for other types of smart ammunition. division of the produced rockets in different weight classes
Continuous research and development of micro-electro- could produce a significant reduction in total impulse
mechanical sensors (MEMS) allows the implementation of deviation within a single production batch. The uniformity
complete sensor systems on low and medium caliber of the propellant chemical composition could also be
projectiles. Significant efforts in the field of control improved by using advanced production control methods as
mechanisms have brought new and innovative solutions. well as by using large mixers for the production of
The considered concepts are pulsejets [1-6], synthetic jets propellant for a large number of rockets. Further
[7], drag brakes [8,9], deployable pins [10,11], moveable improvement in the propellant uniformity can be achieved
nose [12], moveable canards [13], dual-spin projectiles by control of the produced propellant’s characteristics for
[14,15], ram air deflection [16], and internal translating each batch. On the other hand, thrust optimization for range
mass [17]. maximization could result in the burn phase prolongation
The pulsejet application on rockets has been originally and the reduction of launcher exit velocity, thus increasing
considered by Harkins and Brown [1]. They have proposed the pitch rate and its deviation. Therefore, in the case of a
active damping as a dispersion reduction method for 2.75 in high quality production and thrust optimization with respect
direct fire air to surface rockets, fired from multi tube to the range increase, it is possible for the total impulse
launchers. Jitpraphai and Costello [2] have proposed (also deviation to lose its domination in the impact point
for direct fire rockets) a simplified control system with dispersion, and for the active damping method to find its
pulsejets and the window-based trajectory tracking control use in artillery rockets.
law. Jitpraphai, Burchett and Costello [3] have given a Gantmakher and Levin [19] have given a detailed
comparison of different guidance laws in the case of direct analysis of the impact point dispersion of artillery rockets,
fire rockets and pulsejet control mechanisms. They have showing that that the disturbances occurring immediately
compared window-based trajectory tracking (TT), parabolic after the launcher exit have the greatest effect. The angle of
and proportional navigation (PAPNG) and classic attack appearing in that period is the effect of the initial
proportional navigation (PN). Gupta, Saxena, Singhal and oscillations of pitch and yaw rates, wind and thrust
Ghosh [4] have extended the study [2] to artillery rockets misalignment. The task of the active damping control
fired at low elevations, in which case there is no significant system is to bring the pitch and yaw rates in the period
difference between artillery and direct fire rockets. Fired at immediately after launch to some specified values and to

suppress their oscillations. Since this task does not require reference trajectory and the corresponding aerodynamic
much energy and since the control process is performed parameters values, in a moment in the time τ , we have:
immediately after launch when the rocket velocity is low, it
is logical to use a pulsejet control system. Such control Δ q + 2ζ n (τ ) ωn (τ ) Δ q + ωn2 (τ ) Δ q = mw (τ ) g cos Θ (τ ) (2)
systems are characterized by a low price and complexity,
absence of moving parts, high reliability and efficiency Neglecting the oscillatory transient process, the steady
even in the case of low rocket velocities. These facts make state value of the pitch rate is:
them acceptable for implementation even on artillery mw
rockets with smaller caliber and range. q R = g cos Θ (3)
The main tool for the following analysis is a simulation ωn2
of the mathematical model of rocket flight with 6 degrees
Fig.1 shows the comparison of the pitch rate steady state
of freedom (6-DOF), given in [20]. The rocket
values obtained by equation (3) and the pitch rate values
configuration used in the simulation study is a
obtained by the simulation of the 6-DOF model. After the
representative long-range 262 mm artillery rocket, 4.7 m
launcher tube exit, the rocket pitch rate is significantly
long, fin-stabilized, with four pop-out fins on its rear part.
higher than its steady state (reference) value, which
The lateral pulsejet ring is located at 0.4 m from the nose
produces the oscillatory transient process. After the
tip of the rocket. The main rocket motor burns for 20 s and
transient process is over, the pitch rate settles at its steady
imparts an impulse to the rocket of Itot = 33.4 kN-s. The
state value.
thrust is divided into two phases: 6000 daN for the first
0.76 s and 1500 daN for the rest of the burn phase. The
rocket weight, the mass center location from the nose tip, 0.00
the axial and transversal moments of inertia before and after
burn are 390/225 kg, 2.65/2.47 m, 3.45/2.15 kg-m2, and -0.02
563/447 kg-m2, respectively. Nominally, the rocket exits
the launcher at V0 = 41.7 m/s and p0 = 33 rad/s. The exit roll -0.04
from the 6 DOF model
q [rad/s]

rate is achieved by the rifled launching tube. A case with steady-state value
the range of x f = 49900 m , which is less that the maximum
one, is analyzed. The initial values of the system states and -0.08
their statistics are given in Table 1. It is assumed that all
random values are Gaussian. -0.10

Table 1. Reference and disturbance values -0.12

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Parameter Reference value Standard deviation t [s]
q0 [rad/s] -0.099 -0.042
Figure 1. The pitch rate and its reference value.
r0 [rad/s] 0 0.021
In the horizontal plane, without gravity influence, the
Θ0 [deg] 58.6 0.03
yaw rate steady state value is rR = 0 . In the ideal case, the
Ψ 0 [deg] 0.23 0.018
active damping control system should suppress the
VWx [m/s] 0 2 oscillations of the transient process after the launcher exit,
VWy [m/s] 0 2 and achieve q ( t ) = q R ( t ) and r ( t ) = 0 . For that to be
I tot [%] 100 0.5 possible, one should have to know the values of the pitch
ε [mrad] 0 1.5 and yaw rates in the aero-ballistic frame. Considering the
fact that the rate gyros are fixed to the rocket body and
measure the values of q, r in the body reference frame, the
Pitch and Yaw Angular Rates of a Rocket after Launcher Exit
determination of q and r requires the value of the roll
Pitch and yaw angular rates of a rocket q and r are the
angle Φ , which could be obtained by the integration of the
projections of the angular rate vector ω to the Oz and Oy output of another rate gyro, measuring the roll rate p ,
axes of the aero ballistic reference frame. Considering the which should be of a high accuracy class. The further study
linearized model of the rocket atmospheric flight in the shows that the correction can be done with the pitch and
vertical plane under the influence of gravity [20], and yaw rate values in the body reference frame, thus
transforming the differential equations of motion from the significantly simplifying the control system. Furthermore,
body to the aero-ballistic reference frame, we have: these sensors could be of a low accuracy class, as they are
Δw = zw ( t ) Δ w + u ( t ) Δ q + g cos Θ ( t ) not intended for obtaining the rocket’s Euler angles via
(1) their output integration.
Δ q = mw ( t ) Δ w + mq ( t ) Δ q Denoting the transformation matrix from the body to the
aero-ballistic frame with LBB  (Etkin, Reid [20]), for a
The dynamic coefficients in equation (1), zw , mw , mq are
known roll angle Φ , the angular rate vector components in
dependent on the rocket velocity u ( t ) , its inertial the aero-ballistic frame are:
characteristics and the atmosphere. Since the action of the
Active damping control system occurs during the burst ⎡ p ⎤ ⎡1 0 0 ⎤ ⎡ p⎤
 = ⎢ q ⎥ = L BB
ω  ω = ⎢ 0 cos Φ − sin Φ ⎥ ⎢ q ⎥ (4)
phase, the values of velocity, mass and CG location of the ⎢ r ⎥ ⎢ 0 sin Φ cos Φ ⎥ ⎢ r ⎥
rocket change significantly during time, and these ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦⎣ ⎦
parameters are assumed as time-varying. For a specified

In the considered study case, the design of the rocket and implicates that the transversal motion of the rocket is very
the launcher tube allows that the roll rate is significantly (3- oscillatory, with a very low damping ratio. The task of the
5 times) higher than the pitch rate natural frequency. Thus, active damping control system is to increase the damping
the body fixed rate gyros readings are oscillatory with the ratio and to suppress the oscillations. If the control angular
roll rate frequency. If the angular rate vector acceleration in the body reference frame is denoted with
ω = [ p q r]
is considered, then its projection to the  c , the active damping control law is:

Cyz plane is ω yz = [ 0 q r ] . In the aero-ballistic frame,

T  c = − Kω ω yz , Kω > 0
ω (7)
 = [ p q r ]T and its projection to the plane
we have: ω Transforming the previous equation into the aero-
ballistic reference frame, we obtain:
 : ω
Cyz  yz = [ 0 q r ]T . The amplitude of the vector ω yz
 = L ω
and its angle in the plane Cyz in relation to the y axis are: ω c   c = − Kω L BB
BB  ω yz = − Kω L BB  yz = − Kω ω
 L BB ω  yz (8)

The scalar form of the previous equation is:

ω yz = q 2 + r 2 (5)
qc = − Kω q
Φω = tan −1 r (6)
q rc = − Kω r
Fig.2 shows the pitch and yaw rates in the body and the System (1) now becomes:
aero-ballistic frame, as well as the amplitude of the angular
rate vector in the Cyz plane during the first 10 seconds Δ w = zw ( t ) Δ w + u ( t ) Δ q + g cos Θ ( t )
after the launch. While the values of q oscillate around the (10)
reference value given by equation (3), and the values of r Δ q = mw ( t ) Δ w + [ mq ( t ) − Kω ] Δ q
around zero, with the pitch rate natural frequency, the
This system of differential equations can be transformed
angular rates in the body reference frame oscillate with the
roll rate frequency. However, the amplitude of the angular
rate vector ω yz , obtained from the values of q and r , Δ q + 2ζ n AD (τ ) ωn AD (τ ) Δ q + ωn2AD (τ ) Δ q =
oscillates not with the roll rate, but with the pitch rate = mw (τ ) g cos Θ (τ )
natural frequency around the absolute value of the pitch rate
reference value q R . The system described by the previous differential
equation achieves the steady state:
q [rad/s] mw
0.08 q R AD = g cos Θ , (12)
q [rad/s] ωn2AD

0.00 the value of which is very close to the steady state value in
-0.04 the case without the active damping, given by equation (3).
Introducing mq AD = mq − Kω , the natural frequency and the
-0.12 damping ratio become:
0.12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

r [rad/s] wn2AD = mq AD z w − mwV (13)
r [rad/s]
− z w − mq AD
ζ n AD = (14)
-0.08 From the previous equations, we obtain:
0.12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 mq AD = ( 2ζ n AD − 1) zw −
0.08 ωyz [rad/s] −2 ζ n AD (ζ n AD − 1) z w2 − ζ n AD mwV

which, for the assumed value of ζ nAD = 1 comes to
-0.04 mq AD = zw − 2 − mwV . Fig.3 shows the values of mq AD
-0.08 obtained for ζ n = 1 , during the first 10 seconds of flight
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
after the launch.
t [s] From Fig.3, assuming that ζ nAD = 1 , we have
Kω ≈ −mq AD ≈ 18s −1 . The comparison of the natural
Figure 2. Pitch and yaw rates.
frequencies and the damping ratios in the cases without
As seen in Fig.1, after the launcher exit, the rocket
angular rates oscillate provoking the oscillations of the control and with active damping with Kω = 18s −1 for the
pitch and yaw angle as well as the angle of attack and first 10 s after launch is shown in Fig.4.
sideslip. The character of the transient process (Fig.1)

0 pulses tmin . By defining the command coefficient K as the

mqAD [s ]
-1 ratio between the achieved and the maximum angular
-5 acceleration, we obtain:

ωˆ c
-10 K= (17)
ωˆ c,max
For ωˆ c defined by equation (7), and ωˆ c ,max defined by
-20 (16) with τ = tmin , we have:

-25 tmin J y Kω
K= ω yz = K Pω yz (18)
I c lI
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 tmin J y Kω
t [s] KP =
I c lI
[s ] (19)

Figure 3. Values of mq AD for ζ n = 1 . The gain K P depends on the angular rate feedback gain
Kω and the parameters of the pulse frequency modulation.
14 For a specified magnitude of control pulses, their distance
12 from the c.g. of the rocket and its inertial characteristics, the
10 value of the gain K P is defined by tmin and Kω .
ωn [rad/s]

8 The pulse frequency modulation of the control signal

6 (ω c ) requires the application of a non-linear control law
instead of equation (7) in order to avoid oscillations around
2 zero, which comes with the impulse control. Therefore, the
0 control action, defined with equation (7), stops when the
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Uncontrolled magnitude of ω yz falls below a given value ωdem . The
Active damping control law, then, becomes:
⎧ K (ω − ω yz ) , ωdem < ω yz
2 K = ⎨ P dem (20)
, ωdem ≥ ω yz

⎩ 0
0 The command coefficient values, representing the ratio
-1 between the desired and the maximum possible angular
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
t [s] acceleration are limited to K ≤ 1 . The time to the next pulse
is defined as:
Figure 4. Influence of active damping on the values of ζ n and ω n . tmin
τ= , (21)
Fig.4 shows that active damping slightly lowers the
system dynamics and increases the damping ratio from the A block diagram of the active damping control system is
near-zero value to the desired ζ n = 1 . shown in Fig.5.
Pulse Frequency Modulation of the Command Signal ωyz
q KP K (⋅)
tmin τ
Equations (5 - 7) describe the active damping control
law. Continuous control command (7) must be transformed r Φω
into an array of pulses, using pulse frequency modulation,
as described in [5]. The action of a control impulse with
magnitude I c [ N-s ] at a distance lI [ m ] from the center of Figure 5. Block diagram of the active damping control system.

gravity of the rocket with the pitch inertia J y ⎡⎣ kg-m 2 ⎤⎦ , The conditions for firing the n -th pulsejet are:
- Time elapsed from the previous pulse is longer than τ :
produces an angular acceleration, whose mean value ωˆ c t > tprev + τ .
over the preceding period τ [s ] is: - Considered n -th pulsejet is not already fired.
- Difference between its roll angle and the desired one, tak-
I c lI ing into account the equivalent delay angle Φ d , is lower
ωˆ c = (16)
τ Jy than the desired activation threshold ε Φ :
The mean value of the angular acceleration depends on ΔΦ n + Φ d − Φω < ε Φ (22)
the only variable member of equation (16) – the time period
τ . The maximum value of the angular acceleration, ωˆ c ,max The angular condition, given by equation (22) is shown
corresponds to the minimum time between two consecutive in Fig.6. The term ΔΦ n = 2π ( n − 1) N I presents the roll

angle of the n -th pulsejet measured from the negative part 0.08
of the z axis in the body reference frame. The roll angle 0.06
Φω of the angular velocity vector projection ω yz onto the
plane Cyz of the body reference frame is defined by
equation (6) in respect to the y axis. The control angular 0.02

r [rad/s]
acceleration vector ω  c , is, according to equation (7), 0.00
opposite to ω yz . The control impulse vector I c is in a -0.02

plane normal to the vector ω  c . All these vectors lie in, or -0.04
are parallel to, the plane Cyz . Fig.6 shows that the angle
-0.06 Uncontrolled
between the y axis and the vector ω yz , and the angle Active damping
between the negative part of the z axis and the projection 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
of the vector I c are equal (to Φω ), being the angles with t [s]
normal arms. This proves (22).
Figure 7. Yaw rates with and without the control system.

−z The situation in the vertical plane is somewhat different.

After the launcher exit, the control system sets the pitch rate
ω c to a near zero value. With the oscillations suppressed, the
+Φn Φω
angle of attack increases, as shown in Fig.9. This low value
of the pitch rate is, also, in collision with the steady state
value, given by equation (3) and shown on Fig.1, whose
Φd value after the launch is around q R ≈ 0.04 rad/s . The
previous two facts are the reason for a large number of
Ic control pulses fired in an attempt to maintain the pitch rate
within the given boundaries. Figs. 7 and 8 show that the roll
angles of the command pulses were close to the vertical
y, q plane, besides the fact that the control logic was performed
Φω in the body reference frame, without the information about
ωyz the roll angle.
z, r 0.06
Figure 6. Pulse command roll angle.
The equivalent roll angle Φ d is dependent on the roll -0.02
rate, the firing time delay and the duration of the pulse τ I .
q~ [rad/s]

Without the roll rate sensor, the value of p is assumed as a -0.06
known function of the time of flight.
Simulation results -0.14
Active damping
The active damping system action is shown for a -0.16
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
combination of disturbances given in Table 2. It is assumed
that the control system consists of N I = 32 pulsejets with a t [s]
magnitude of I c = 15 N-s , as well as that the control law Figure 8. Pitch rates with and without the control system.
parameters are: K P = 20s , ωdem = 0.01rad/s and
tmin = 0.1s . Uncontrolled
3 Active damping
Table 2.
Quantity Unit Nominal value Disturbed value
q0 rad/s -0.099 -0.14 1
α [deg]

r0 rad/s 0 -0.02

VWx m/s 0 -2 0

VW m/s 0 2
ε mrad 0 1.5 -1

Figs.7 and 8 show the comparison of the pitch and yaw -2

rates in the aero-ballistic frame for rockets with active
damping and without any control. An active damping -3
system, using the array of control pulses, efficiently 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
suppresses oscillations in the horizontal plane and t [s]
maintains the yaw rate close to zero.
Figure 9. Angle of attack α , with and without the control system.

Fig.10 shows the magnitude of the angular rate vector in 60

the transversal plane ω yz , defined by equation (5), which, 58
in this case, is the controlled state. The control system 54
firing moments are shown as well. After all the pulses were 52
expended at time t = 6.5 s, free oscillations of the angular 50
rate ω yz occur. The amplitude of these oscillations in the 48

Θ [deg]
vertical plane is similar to the amplitude of the uncontrolled 46
rocket, due to the difference between the actual and steady- 44
state value of the pitch rate q . The oscillations in the 42
40 No Correction, No Disturbances
horizontal plane remain suppressed even after the control No Correction, With Disturbances
stops, with only low-amplitude roll rate frequency 38
Active damping, No Disturbances
oscillations remaining due to the rocket motor thrust 36
Active damping, With Disturbances
misalignment. 34
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Figs. 11 and 12 show the comparison of the yaw and t [s]
pitch angles during the transient process after the launcher
exit. The cases with and without disturbances given in
Figure 12. Pitch angles comparison.
Table 2, and the cases with and without the control are
shown in order to present the effect of the control system.
Although the active damping control system was not able to
compensate the effect of the disturbances completely, it Parametric and Performance Analysis
manages to lower significantly the difference between the The goal of the parametric analysis is to determine the
pitch and yaw angles in the case with and without optimal control system parameter values corresponding to
disturbances. From the yaw angle diagram, one can note its hit point deviation. The analysis is performed using the
that the difference is lowered from 2.6° to 1.2°. In the pitch Monte Carlo method, described in [21], with 200
angle case, the difference reduction due to the active simulations of the 6-DOF model. The mean values and the
damping control system action is somewhat lower, from standard deviations of the stochastic parameters are given
1.9° to 1.2°. in Table 1.
ωdem Hit Points Distribution
0.14 Fig.13 shows the hit point distribution using the Monte
Carlo method. The cases of the uncontrolled rockets as well
as of the rockets with the active damping control system,
0.10 with the parameters I c = 15 N-s , N I = 32 , tmin = 0.1s ,
ωdem = 0.01rad/s and K P = 20s , are shown. It was
assumed that all control pulses lasted for τ I = 0.005s . The
analysis was performed for a statistical sample of 200
0.04 simulations.
4000 4000
0.02 Active damping CEP = 694 m Uncontrolled CEP = 1636 m
3000 3000

0.00 2000 2000

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Range miss [m]

1000 1000
t [s] 0 0

-1000 -1000
Figure 10. The demanded and the achieved angular rates. -2000 -2000

-3000 -3000
-4000 -4000
-4000 -3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 -4000 -3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000
0 Cross-range miss [m]

-1 Figure 13. Hit point distribution.

-2 The statistics of the hit point distributions is shown in

Ψ [deg]

Table 3.
Table 3.
-4 Active Reduction
No Correction, No Disturbances Statistics Uncontrolled
damping ratio
No Correction, With Disturbances
-5 Circular error probable CEP [m] 1636 694 2.36
Active damping, No Disturbances
Active damping, With Disturbances Range error probable VD [m] 741 466 1.59
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1094 321 3.41
Lateral error probable VP [m]
t [s]
Using the active damping control system, dispersion is
Figure 11. Yaw angles comparison. lowered by a factor of 3.4 in the cross-range, and by a

factor of 1.5 in the range. The inability of such a control the dispersion is only slightly dependent on ωdem . In the
system to compensate for the total impulse deviation case of an extremely low number of control pulses, better
changes the character of the hit point distribution, and the results are obtained for higher values of ωdem , while, with
dispersion in the range becomes greater than that in the
the increase of the pulsejets number, the value that yields
the least impact point dispersion becomes
ωdem = 0.01rad/s .
Active guidance control system parametric analysis
The performances of the precision enhancement system 1200
8 pulses
depend on its parameters, which are: the number N I and Ic = 15 N-s
16 pulses
the magnitude I c of the pulse jets, the minimum time 24 pulses
32 pulses
between two consecutive pulses tmin , the gain factor K P , 1000 40 pulses
the demanded angular rate ωdem and the average duration

CEP [m]
of control pulses τ I . The parameter tuning method is used 900
for their optimal combination, which yields the least impact
point dispersion. 800
Fig.14 shows the dependence of the impact point
dispersion on the combination of the gain factor K P and 700
tmin . In the considered case, the other parameters were:
N I = 32 , I c = 15 N-s , ωdem = 0.01rad/s and τ I = 0.005s . 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030
The parameters K P and tmin are linked in equation (19). ωdem [rad/s]
For the assumed damping ratio ζ n = 1 , which, according to
equation (15) yields Kω ≈ −mqAD ≈ 19s −1 , and for the Figure 15. CEP depending on ωdem .

parameters J y = 562 kg-m 2 and lI = 2.44 m , from Fig.16 shows the dependence of the impact point
equation (19), we have K P = 276 ⋅ tmin . dispersion on the pulse duration τ I , for the case of 32
pulsejets with a magnitude of I c = 15 N-s and the
CEP [m] combination of software parameters which, according to the
tm in
previous analysis, yields the best results for such energy
45 =2 resources. This analysis shows the negative impact of the
750 KP
40 700 pulse duration on the impact point dispersion, and that this
parameter should be lowered as much as possible in the
35 950 750
design of the control system.
30 900 800
KP [s]

25 NI = 32 tmin = 0.05 s
20 850 650 Ic = 15 N-s KP = 20 s
ωdem = 0.1 rad/s
15 650 760
CEP [m]

10 800 900 1050 740

850 950 1100 1150
5 720
0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18
tmin [s]
Figure 14. CEP depending on K P and tmin . 660

The dependence of the hit points distribution on the 640

0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.035 0.040
parameters K P and tmin shown in Fig. 14 leads to the
τI [s]
conclusion that the assumed value of ζ n = 1 is close to the
optimum one. The best results area is clearly differentiated
Figure 16. CEP depending on the control pulse duration.
in Fig.14 and close to the line K P = 276 ⋅ tmin . The specific
character of the applied pulse control favors a certain range Fig.17 presents the overall performances of the active
of the minimum time between two pulses, and we can damping control system in relation to its energy resources –
assume the values tmin = 0.1s and K P = 20s for a further number and magnitude of the pulsejets. Each point on the
analysis. diagram is obtained for the combination of the control
Fig.15 shows the dependence of hit point dispersion on parameters which yields the least impact point dispersion
the demanded angular rate ωdem . For a given magnitude of and τ I = 0.005s . This analysis shows that I c = 20 N-s
I c = 15 N-s and various numbers of control pulses, series of yields the best results. The dispersion reduces significantly
with the number of pulsejets increase to 16. In the case of
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Povećanje preciznosti artiljerijskih raketa metodom aktivnog

Artiljerijske rakete srednjeg i velikog dometa se koriste na bojištu za indirektno gađanje udaljenih ciljeva. Imajući na
umu veliko rasturanje pogodaka, one se koriste za gađanje celih oblasti iz višecevnih lansera. Pri tome, za ostvarivanje
zahtevane verovatnoće neutralizacije pretnje, neophodno je utrošiti veliki broj raketa. Primenom odgovarajućeg
upravljačkog sistema kod artiljerijskih raketa moguće je znatno smanjiti njihovo rasturanje pogodaka i povećati
verovatnoću uništenja ciljeva. Upravljački sistemi sa reaktivnim impulsima su dovoljno jednostavni da se mogu primeniti
na artiljerijskim raketama i efikasni da ostvare smanjenje rasturanja pogodaka koje opravdava njihovu primenu. U
ovom radu je predstavljena pojednostavljena upravljačka šema nazvana metoda aktivnog prigušenja, koja izvršava
korekciju poremećaja odmah nakon napuštanja lansirne cevi. Pokazano je da se primenom upravljačkog sistema sa
aktivnim prigušenjem može ostvariti značajno smanjenje rasturanja pogodaka, kao i da je to efikasan metod za
smanjenje uticaja svih poremećaja izuzev odstupanja vrednosti totalnog impulsa raketnog motora.

Ključne reči: raketna artiljerija, višecevni raketni bacač, raketni projektil, upravljanje raketom, vođenje rakete, sistem za
upravljanje, impulsno upravljanje, preciznost, korekcija greške, rasturanje pogodaka, efekti na cilju, Metoda Monte

Увеличение точности артиллерийских ракет с использованием

активного демпфирования
Артиллерийские ракеты средней и большой дальности пользуются на поле боя для косвенной съёмки
отдалённых объектов. Принимая во внимание широкое распределение хитов, они привыкли снимать всю
область из пусковых установок с выше труб. Кроме того, для достижения требуемой вероятности нейтрализации
угрозы, необходимо потреблять большое количество ракет. Используя соответствующие системы для
управления у артиллерийских ракет возможно значительно снизить распределения своих хитов и увеличить
вероятность поражения целей. Системы для управления с реактивными импульсами достаточно просты для
применения на артиллерийских ракетах и для достижения эффективного снижения распределения хитов,
которые оправдывают их применение. Эта статья представляет собой упрощенную схему для управления с
названием - метод активного демпфирования, который выполняет коррекцию нарушений сразу после
окончания запуска трубы пусковой установки. Показано, что с применением системы для управления с
активным демпфированием можно добиться значительного сокращения точек распределение хитов, а также что
это является эффективным методом для снижения воздействия всех нарушений, за исключением отклонений от
общего числа импульсов ракетных двигателей.

Ключевые слова: реактивная артиллерия, реактивная система залпового огня, ракетные ракеты, управления
ракетой, наведения ракет, системы для управления, импульсное управление, точность, исправление ошибок,
распределение хитов, воздействие на цель, метод Монте-Карло.

L’augmentation de la précision chez les roquettes d’artillerie par la

méthode d’étouffement actif
Les roquettes d’artillerie de moyenne et de grande portée sont utilisées sur le champ de bataille pour les tirs indirects sur
les objets éloignés. Tenant compte de la grande dispersion des impacts elles sont utilisées pour tirer sur les entières
régions à partir des lanceurs multitubes. Pour réaliser la probabilité exigeante de la neutralisation de menace il est
nécessaire de dépenser un grand nombre de roquettes. En utilisant un système de contrôle correspondant chez les
roquettes d’artillerie il est possible de diminuer considérablement la dispersion des impacts et d’augmenter la possibilité
de destruction des objectifs. Les systèmes de contrôle aux impulsions réactives sont assez simples pour s’appliquer chez
les roquettes d’artillerie et suffisamment efficaces pour diminuer la dispersion ce qui justifie leur emploi. Dans ce travail
on a présenté le schéma simplifié de contrôle appelé la méthode d’étouffement actif qui accomplit la correction du
dérangement immédiatement après l’abandon du tube de lancement. On a démontré que par l’emploi du système de
contrôle à l’étouffement actif il est possible de réaliser une diminution considérable de la dispersion et que cette méthode
est efficace pour diminuer les effets de tous les dérangements sauf la déviation de l’impulsion totale chez le moteur de la

Mots clés: artillerie de roquettes, lanceur de roquettes multitube, missile, contrôle de roquette, guidage de roquette,
système de contrôle, contrôle par impulsion, précision, correction de déviation, dispersion, effets sur l’objectif, méthode
Monté Carlo.

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