Carbon Dioxide in Atm

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Chemistry and Environmental Sciences

Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere

Name: _____________________
Objectives: Students learn the importance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

National Science Education Standard:

As a result of activities in grades 9-12, all students should develop abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry
and understandings about scientific inquiry. As a result of their activities in grades 9-12, all students should
develop understanding of matter, energy, and organization in living systems. As a result of their activities in
grades 9-12, all students should develop an understanding of energy in the earth system and geochemical

Baking Soda (NaHCO3) Five Thermometers
Vinegar Computer
2000 ml Beaker CAMEO Computer Simulation
500 ml Beaker ALOHA Computer Simulation
Two Candles MARPLOT Computer Simulation
Matches Clear Plastic Wrap
Five Gallon Fish Aquarium

Combustion Carbon Cycle Atmosphere layers:
Density Greenhouse Effect – all gasses Troposphere
Sink Transpiration Stratosphere
Respiration Sources (point / non-point) Mesosphere
Carbon Dioxide Displacement / Volume Thermosphere

Name the sources of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Sources may be natural (geological processes) or
anthropogenic. Draw the carbon cycle including all of your point sources, non-point sources, and sinks.

The teacher will place two candles of different heights (see figure one below) in the bottom of the five
gallon fish aquarium then light the candles with a match. The teacher will add 100 ml of vinegar to 20
grams of baking soda to a 2000 ml beaker. Pour the gas that is produced into the fish aquarium leaving the
liquid in the 2000 ml beaker.

Figure 1

Answer the following questions below.

1) What happens to the two flames in the aquarium?

2) Hypothesize a cause for what you observed after the gas entered the aquarium.

3) Hypothesize what would happen if a small mammal were in the bottom of the aquarium. Explain.

4) Discuss the properties of carbon dioxide and how these properties affect the atmosphere.

The teacher will obtain five 500 ml beakers with clear wrap covers. Place a thermometer in the bottom of
each of the beakers. Place the appropriate amount of vinegar and baking soda in the bottom of each of the
beakers (see table 1). Mix the vinegar and bleach. Upon mixing the two ingredients cover the beaker with
the clear plastic wrap. Place each of the beakers in sunlight and monitor the temperature as time progresses.
Record your data in tables 2A-2E.

Table 1 Beaker Number Vinegar (ml) Baking Soda (g)

Beaker One 30 0
Beaker Two 30 1
Beaker Three 30 2
Beaker Four 30 3
Beaker Five 30 4

Table 2-A Time (min) Temperature (oC) Table 2-B Time Temperature (oC)
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10

Table 2-C Time (min) Temperature (oC) Table 2-D Time Temperature (oC)
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10

Table 2-E Time (min) Temperature (oC)

Graphing: Make a line graph of your data.

Answer the following questions below.

What evidence is there that carbon dioxide is being produced?

Examining your graph, what evidence do you see that would lead you to believe that there are different
amounts of carbon dioxide in each of the beakers?

How does temperature change with time for each of the five beakers? By comparing your data with another
resource, does your data reflect what was expected? Why or why not?

You will be using CAMEO computer software to forecast the effect of a carbon dioxide release in your
1) Launch CAMEO application from the CAMEO folder.
2) We’ll briefly explore some of the Navigator options.
3) Launch ALOHA from the CAMEO Navigator display. We will practice with the following
scenario. You will need this information for the SiteData and SetUp menus.

A tractor-trailer containing liquid carbon dioxide has crashed on the main highway through town and has
developed a sudden leak. The tank, located inside of your town is a horizontal cylinder 10 feet in diameter
and 40 feet long. The tank was 75% full (by volume) at the time the leak developed from a rectangular hole
that is one foot by five feet and is located 5% of the way to the top of the tank. Weather conditions at the
time of the release are sunny and dry with a temperature of 85 oF and an anemometer level wind from 450
(NE) at 25 knots.
4) Using the above information, complete the SiteData input. Using the Location Information
dialog box, Add an entry for ‘Your Town’ using the appropriate latitude and longitude. Then Select
this location from the Location Information menu.
5) Complete the Set Up menu options. Select the Chemical Input first, then do the Atmospheric
(you’ll want the User Input option), and finally the Source input.
a) In what phase did the carbon dioxide escape?
6) Go to the Display menu and select Footprint. Use ERPG 3, 2, and 1 for the red, orange, and
yellow footprints respectively.
a) Discuss the meaning of each ERPG (use the Help button).
7) We now want to transfer the footprint onto a map. Go to Aloha’s Help menu (Contents) and then
select Maps from the list of available topics. Copy the web location where you can obtain
MARPLOT maps and paste it into a browser session. Open the file for your county. In the Filzip
dialog box, select the .zip file and then the Extract menu option and place in the prescribed folder.
Then rename it YOURCOUNTY.MAP.
8) Launch MARPLOT from the CAMEO Navigator display. From the View menu, select Go To
View, then Map List, then Find New Map. Select the YOURCOUNTY County map and then Go to
9) Just below the menu bar, select the little down arrow to the left of the term Focus Pt. Then select
Go to Lat/Long and enter the values for the spill location.
10) From the Sharing menu, select ALOHA and then Set Source Pt.
11) You can zoom by selecting the + magnifying glass at the left side of the display.

Describe the shape of the proposed evacuation zone.

What major structures are in the evacuation zone?

What are some of the possible health effects of those who do not evacuate the evacuation zone?

What factors effect how large the evacuation zone will be?

Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere

(Teacher Copy)
Objectives: Students learn the importance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

National Science Education Standard:

As a result of activities in grades 9-12, all students should develop abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry
and understandings about scientific inquiry. As a result of their activities in grades 9-12, all students should
develop understanding of matter, energy, and organization in living systems. As a result of their activities in
grades 9-12, all students should develop an understanding of energy in the earth system and geochemical

Baking Soda (NaHCO3) Five Thermometers
Vinegar Computer
2000 ml Beaker CAMEO Computer Simulation
500 ml Beaker ALOHA Computer Simulation
Two Candles MARPLOT Computer Simulation
Matches Clear Plastic Wrap
Five Gallon Fish Aquarium

Teacher Notes: is a possible source for vocabulary development activity.
Combustion Carbon Cycle Atmosphere layers:
Density Greenhouse Effect – all gasses Troposphere
Sink Transpiration Stratosphere
Respiration Sources (point / non-point) Mesosphere
Carbon Dioxide Displacement / Volume Thermosphere

Teacher Notes:
To study the importance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere students will explore the carbon cycle, its role
in global warming, and carbon dioxide’s effect on combustion and respiration.

The teacher will lead a classroom discussion over the various sources of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
and at the end develop a classroom generated carbon cycle. Name the sources of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere. Sources may be natural (geological processes) or anthropogenic. Draw the carbon cycle
including all of your point sources, non-point sources, and sinks.

The teacher will place two candles of different heights (see figure one below) in the bottom of the five
gallon fish aquarium then light the candles with a match. The teacher will add 100 ml of vinegar to 20
grams of baking soda to a 2000 ml beaker. (Teacher Note: test run because of the height of the candle
dictates the amount of carbon dioxide needed to extinguish the candle flame.) Pour the gas that is produced
into the fish aquarium leaving the liquid in the 2000 ml beaker. (This should extinguish the lowest of the
two candle flames caused by the presence of the carbon dioxide as demonstrated by the dashed line in figure
two below.)

Figure 1

Figure 2

Answer the following questions below on a separate sheet of paper.

1) What happens to the two flames in the aquarium?

2) Hypothesize a cause for what you observed after the gas entered the aquarium.

3) Hypothesize what would happen if a small mammal were in the bottom of the aquarium. Explain.

4) Discuss the properties of carbon dioxide and how these properties affect the atmosphere.

The teacher will obtain five 500 ml beakers with clear wrap covers. Place a thermometer in the bottom of
each of the beakers. Place the appropriate amount of vinegar and baking soda in the bottom of each of the
beakers (see table 1). These amounts may need to be adjusted. Mix the vinegar and bleach. Upon mixing
the two ingredients cover the beaker with the clear plastic wrap. Place each of the beakers in sunlight and
monitor the temperature as time progresses. Record your data in tables 2A-2E.

Table 1 Beaker Number Vinegar (ml) Baking Soda (g)

Beaker One 30 0
Beaker Two 30 1
Beaker Three 30 2
Beaker Four 30 3
Beaker Five 30 4
Table 2-A Time (min) Temperature (oC) Table 2-B Time Temperature (oC)
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10

Table 2-C Time (min) Temperature (oC) Table 2-D Time Temperature (oC)
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10

Table 2-E Time (min) Temperature (oC)


Graphing: Make a line graph of your data.

Answer the following questions below on a separate sheet of paper.

What evidence is there that carbon dioxide is being produced?

Examining your graph, what evidence do you see that would lead you to believe that there are different
amounts of carbon dioxide in each of the beakers?

How does temperature change with time for each of the five beakers? By comparing your data with another
resource, does your data reflect what was expected? Why or why not?

You will be using CAMEO computer software to forecast the effect of a carbon dioxide release in your
1) Launch CAMEO application from the CAMEO folder.

2) We’ll briefly explore some of the Navigator options.

Teacher Note: It is recommended that the teacher explore the CAMEO/ALOHA/MARPLOT
tutorial located at:

3) Launch ALOHA from the CAMEO Navigator display. We will practice with the following
scenario. You will need this information for the SiteData and SetUp menus.

A semi tractor trailer containing liquid carbon dioxide has crashed on the main highway through town and
has developed a sudden leak. The tank, located inside of your town is a horizontal cylinder 10 feet in
diameter and 40 feet long. The tank was 75% full (by volume) at the time the leak developed from a
rectangular hole that is one foot by five feet and is located 5% of the way to the top of the tank. Weather
conditions at the time of the release are sunny and dry with a temperature of 85oF and an anemometer level
wind from 450 (NE) at 25 knots.

4) Using the above information, complete the SiteData input. Using the Location Information
dialog box, Add an entry for ‘Your Town’ using the appropriate latitude and longitude. Teacher
Note: Post prepared latitude/longitude for the source location available at Then
Select this location from the Location Information menu. You will need to convert the number for
the Latitude and Longitude to fit into the CAMEO simulation. This can be done by multiplying the
portion of the number presented behind the decimal point times 60. This will give the numbers that
you need to put into the CAMEO simulation.

5) Complete the Set Up menu options. Select the Chemical Input first, then do the Atmospheric
(you’ll want the User Input option), and finally the Source input.

a) In what phase did the carbon dioxide escape?

6) Go to the Display menu and select Footprint. Use ERPG 3, 2, and 1 for the red, orange, and
yellow footprints respectively.

a) Discuss the meaning of each ERPG (use the Help button).

7) We now want to transfer the footprint onto a map. Go to Aloha’s Help menu (Contents) and then
select Maps from the list of available topics. Copy the web location where you can obtain
MARPLOT maps and paste it into a browser session. Open the file for your county. In the Filzip
dialog box, select the .zip file and then the Extract menu option and place in the prescribed folder.
Then rename it YOURCOUNTY.MAP. Teacher Note: The exact files may vary slightly.

8) Launch MARPLOT from the CAMEO Navigator display. From the View menu, select Go To
View, then Map List, then Find New Map. Select the YOURCOUNTY County map and then Go to

9) Just below the menu bar, select the little down arrow to the left of the term Focus Pt. Then select
Go to Lat/Long and enter the values for the spill location. Teacher Note: Post prepared
latitude/longitude for the source location available at

10) From the Sharing menu, select ALOHA and then Set Source Pt.

11) You can zoom by selecting the + magnifying glass at the left side of the display.

Describe the shape of the proposed evacuation zone.

What major structures are in the evacuation zone?

What are some of the possible health effects of those who do not evacuate the evacuation zone?

What factors affect how large the evacuation zone will be?

Collect student activities and monitor discussions.

Teacher Notes and Lesson Plan Regiment:

Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere
(Class period length used for the model is 45 minute sessions)
Day 1
1. Engage Segment:
a. Slides 1-4 on Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere PPT
Day 2
1. Recap Carbon Dioxide properties from day 1
2. Vocabulary discussion and students work on the Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle
Day 3
1. Explore Segment:
a. Lab with candles and combustion discussion (review properties of combustion)
b. Answer 4 questions and turn in to be corrected
Day 4
1. Discuss slides 4-10 off Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere PPT
Day 5
1. Recap lab experience from the day before
2. Explain Segment:
a. Lab with 5 beakers
b. Answer the 3 questions and turn in to be corrected provided
c. Graph the data and turn in graphs
Day 6
1. Extend Segment:
a. CAMEO / ALOHA / MARPLOT software simulation activity (TEACHER DEMO)
b. Use slides 9 and 10 on the Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere PPT
Day 7
1. Extend Segment:
a. CAMEO / ALOHA / MARPLOT software simulation activity for students.

Day 8
1. Evaluation (make up day for CAMEO / ALOHA / MARPLOT software simulation activity for
2. Suggested NOVA film on Volcano’s.
Suggested video for use during this unit
NOVA – Volcano Under the City


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