Influence of Planting Methods On Root Development, Crop Productivity and Water Use Efficiency in Maize Hybrids

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Muhammad B. Khan1, Farhan Yousaf1, Mubshar Hussain1, 2, Muhammad W. Haq1, Dong-J. Lee2,
and Muhammad Farooq3*

Optimum planting methods better ensure water and nutrient supply through improved root development resulting in better
crop growth and productivity. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of planting methods on root development,
crop allometry, water use efficiency (WUE), productivity and economic returns of different maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids.
Maize hybrids NK-6621, Pioneer-30Y87, and Pioneer-30Y58 were sown on beds, ridges, and flat surface. Ridge sowing
was better followed by bed sowing; while amongst the hybrids, ‘Pioneer-30Y87’ performed the best. Well-developed root
system, with longer primary root, more number of lateral roots and higher root growth rate, was observed in ‘Pioneer-
30Y87’ planted on ridges, which led to higher WUE, grain yield and its related traits. The same hybrid exhibited higher leaf
area index and crop growth rate, and maximum net return and benefit:cost ratio sowed on ridges. Overall, the ridge sowing
improved root development resulting in better allometry, productivity (5.45 t ha-1), and WUE (1.345 kg m-3), in all the maize
hybrids. Although maize hybrids exhibited different response to different planting methods; maximum grain yield (5.63 t
ha-1), WUE (1.41 kg m-3), and net economic returns were observed from hybrid Pioneer-30Y87.

Key words: Allometry, planting methods, root growth rate, water use efficiency.

W ell developed root system with sufficient root

elongation is imperative for better plant growth
particularly with limited water and nutrient supply;
and Richner, 2002). Nonetheless, compacted soils are
more vulnerable to water logging due to heavy rains and
results in hypoxia limiting root growth (da Silva et al.,
whereas roots elongate with slower rate due to water 1994). Mechanical impedance reduced leaf expansion in
stress and mechanical impedance in dry soils (Bengough hard soils due to direct signaling between root and shoot
et al., 2011). Limited moisture, hypoxia or anoxia, and growth (Masle and Passioura, 1987; Young et al., 1997).
mechanical impedance or compactions are the main But in case of ridges or raised bed, soil being loose and
reasons of poorly developed root system. Amid them, more or less weed free creates a better environment for
mechanical soil impedance play a major role to limit aeration, light penetration, water movement, and root
root growth even in soil as wet as -100 kPa with higher development (Roth et al., 2005; Khan et al., 2012).
effective stress between soil particles due to tension Level of soil compaction, bulk density, and moisture
created in water films between soil particles (Whalley condition are important factors influencing seedling
et al., 2005). The problem is further aggravated with emergence and final crop yield (Memon et al., 2007).
increased soil compaction due to heavy farm machinery Tillage practices to craft seedbed cause soil compaction
used in arable systems; thus mechanical impedance and disturb balance between air and water components
becomes more important in limiting root growth than of soil and also increase the soil strength to restrict root
water stress (Bengough et al., 2006). More bulk density growth; although a little compaction is also required for
or dense surface soil layer is a limiting factor for root better contact of seed with soil particles (Memon et al.,
growth resulting in shorter root length and concentrate the 2007). Well developed root systems with the ability to
roots near soil surface. Thus plants are forced to extract explore greater soil volume has been recognized as an
water and nutrients from limited soil volume (Chassot important adaptation of plants to ensure sufficient water
and nutrient uptake (Horst et al., 2001). In this regard,
Bahauddin Zakariya University, College of Agriculture, Multan, improved sowing methods like ridges and raised beds
Pakistan. play a significant role to enhance crop productivity due to
Dankook University, Department of Crop Science and well developed root system. Ridges provide loose fertile
Biotechnology, Chungnam 330-714, Korea. layer of soil that result in well developed root system and
University of Agriculture, Department of Agronomy, Faisalabad
38040, Pakistan. *Corresponding author ([email protected]).
consequently higher nutrient and water uptake (Khan et
Received: 1 March 2012. al., 2012). Recently, Bakht et al. (2011) reported better
Accepted: 13 July 2012. yield and related traits in ridge planted maize due to


improved soil conditions for better root development, MATERIALS AND METHODS
which helped in acquiring sufficient water and nutrients
for plant growth and development. The present experiment was carried out at Agronomic
Furthermore, improved sowing methods not only Research Area, Department of Agronomy, Bahauddin
help to maintain optimum plant population with better Zakariya University, Multan (71.43° E, 30.2° N, 122 m
emergence; but also enable plants to utilize land, light, and a.s.l.), Pakistan, during autumn 2010. The climate of the
other input resources uniformly and efficiently. It is thus region is subtropical to semi-arid. The experimental soil
imperative to develop and optimize the planting method was sandy clay loam (67.2, 17.2 and 15.6% sand, silt and
and geometry for avoiding excessive crowding and clay contents) with pH 7.8, EC 1.39 dS m-1, and 0.5%
thereby enabling the plants to utilize these resources more organic matter content.
effectively and efficiently (Quanqi et al., 2008). Likewise, The experiment was laid out according to randomized
now a day, success of modern agriculture depends on the complete block design (RCBD) with split plot
ample supply of irrigation water either from canals or arrangements having a net plot size of 4 m × 3 m and
tube well sources but unfortunately continuous supply of replicated four times. Planting methods and maize hybrids
quality irrigation water has become a challenge and now were randonized in main plots and sub plots, respectively.
the world is focusing on water-wise cultivation (Deng et Three maize hybrids viz. NK-6621, Pioneer-30Y87, and
al., 2006). Water wise cultivation focuses on enhancing Pioneer-30Y58, were sown on flat surface, ridges, and
water-use efficiency (WUE) by harvesting higher beds by keeping row to row distance of 75 cm and plant to
economic yields on farmlands irrigated with minimum plant distance of 20 cm. During the experimental period,
water (Ali and Ehsanullah, 2007; Farooq et al., 2009). mean monthly temperature ranged from 26.45 to 32.80
Maximizing WUE is a valuable tool to economize the full °C, relative humidity from 58.15 to 69.70%; whereas a
use of natural precipitations and proficient management total of 317 mm rainfall was received.
of irrigation network by adopting a suitable planting
method (Hussain et al., 2010). Different planting methods Crop husbandry
not only improve water application efficiency, but they Before crafting seedbed, pre-soaking irrigation of 10 cm
can also enhance the WUE. For instance, Abdullah et al. depth was applied. When soil reached to workable moisture
(2008) reported that ridge planting appreciably increased level, the seedbed was crafted by cultivating the field for
yield of maize and WUE compared with other planting two times with tractor-mounted cultivator each followed
methods. by planking. Sowing was performed on 10 July 2010 on
Being polymorphic due to its cross pollinated nature, well prepared seed beds of three types viz. ridges, beds,
different maize hybrids behave differently to uptake and flat seedbed. Sowing was done by using dibbler on
water and nutrients from the soil due to their genetic flat seed bed and manually on ridges and beds by keeping
makeup and rooting systems that largely depends on the plant to plant distance of 20 cm. Nitrogen and P were
soil and other environmental conditions. Hybrids with applied at 200 and 150 kg ha-1, respectively, using urea and
thicker roots pierce hard soil layers more efficiently and diammonium phosphate (DAP) as a source. Full dose of P
better maintain their root elongation rate in hard soils and half dose of N were applied at sowing, while second
(Materechera et al., 1991; 1992). There are significant half dose of N was applied at knee height stage. After first
differences in DM production and nutrient uptake irrigation, when soil reached to workable moisture level,
among maize genotypes (Akram et al., 2010). Different hoeing was done to keep crop free from weeds. Crop was
genotypes perform differently owing to their time to affected by shoot fly (Atherigona soccata) attack after 21
maturity and yield, which were the most important factors d after sowing (DAS). Furadan (carbofuran: 2,3-dihydro-
that influence maize yield (Maina et al., 2006). 2,2-dimethylbenzofuran-7-yl methylcarbamate) was
Many researchers studied the performance of different applied for the control of shoot fly (Atherigona soccata)
maize genotypes under different planting methods and using three grains (1 g) of insecticide per head from the
concluded that maize planted on ridges and raised beds top of the plant. All other agronomic practices were kept
performed well regarding growth and final yield of normal and uniform to keep crop free from insects and
maize (Bakht et al., 2006; Abdullah et al., 2008; Bakht diseases. Mature crop was harvested on 29 October 2010.
et al., 2011); but little information is available about Total number of plants in each plot at harvest was
the development of root system of maize hybrids under counted to record plant population. Plant height was
different planting methods. It was hypothesized that recorded at maturity from 10 randomly selected plants
ridge sown maize perform better and produce higher with measuring tape and then averaged. Number of cobs
grain yield owing to well-developed root system with of 10 randomly selected plants was counted and averaged
higher root length and more root proliferation. This to record number of cobs per plant. Cob length, number
study was conducted to evaluate root development, crop of rows per cob, and number of grains per cob were
productivity, and WUE of different maize hybrids sown recorded from 10 randomly selected cobs from each plot
by different planting methods. and then averaged. Five random samples, each of 1000


grains, were taken from seed lot of each plot, weighed Statistical and economic analysis
and then averaged to compute 1000-grain weight. After The collected data were statistically analyzed by using
harvesting the plants at maturity, cobs were separated, Fisher’s ANOVA technique and least significant difference
sun dried, manually threshed and grain yield per plot was (LSD) test at 5% probability level was used to compare
recorded and converted into kg ha-1 by unitary method differences among treatment means (Steel et al., 1997).
and then adjusted to 10% moisture contents. To record Graphical data presentation was done using Microsoft
biological yield, weight of air-dried plants (except cobs) Excel.
was computed on net plot basis and then converted into Economic and benefit-cost analysis was conducted
kg ha-1 and then recorded weight was added to the already to estimate the economic feasibility of growing maize
calculated grain yield (kg ha-1) to obtain the biological hybrids by different sowing. The production costs of
yield. Harvest index (HI) was calculated as ratio between maize included field preparation, seed, sowing, fertilizing,
grain yield and biological yield expressed in percentage. weeding, crop protection measures, and harvesting. The
Water use efficiency (WUE) (kg m-3) was computed as gross income was estimated using the prevailing average
(Viets, 1962): market price of maize in Pakistan. Net income was
WUE = Grain yield/Water applied calculated by subtracting total expenditure from the gross
where grain yield was expressed in kg m-2 and water used income while benefit:cost ratio (BCR) was computed by
was expressed in mm (irrigation applied + rainfall during dividing the gross income with total expenditure.
the whole crop growth period).
Five plants at random were selected from each plot RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
fortnightly to compute primary root length, number of
lateral roots per plant, and root growth rate (RGR). The Sowing methods had significant effect on plant population,
sampling started 30 DAS and terminated at harvest. Plants number of grains per cob, and 1000-grain weight while
were uprooted with intensive care to evade root damage, the effect was non-significant for cob length, number
washed thoroughly with water and air dried. Length of of cobs per plant, and number of rows per cob of maize
primary root was taken with the help of measuring tape (Table 1). Maize sown on ridges resulted in more plant
and then averaged. Total number of lateral roots of all population and 1000-grain weight while maize sown on
five plants were counted and averaged. Root growth rate beds exhibited higher number of grains per cob compared
(RGR) was computed following Hunt (1978). with the crop sown on flat surface (Table 1). There was
Leaf area was recorded fortnightly by leaf area significant difference amongst maize hybrids for plant
meter (DT Area Meter, Model MK2, Delta T Devices, population, cob length, number of grains per cob, and
Cambridge, UK) and leaf area index (LAI) was calculated 1000-grain weight, there was no difference for number
following Watson (1947). Crop growth rate (CGR) was of cobs per plant and number of rows per cob (Table 1).
calculated following the procedures described by Hunt Amongst hybrids, maximum plant population, number of
(1978). This sampling was also started 30 DAS and cobs, number of grains per cob, and 1000-grain weight
terminated at harvest. were observed in ‘Pioneer-30Y87’; whereas minimum

Table 1. Influence of different planting methods on plant population and yield components of different maize hybrids.
Plant Cob Cobs Grain rows Grains 1000-grain
Treatments population per plot length per plant per cob per cob weight
cm g
Planting methods (P)
P1 = Flat sowing 44.60b 16.94 1.03 14.83 431.83b 287.16b
P2 = Ridge sowing 48.17a 17.74 1.09 15.08 439.00b 310.41a
P3 = Bed sowing 45.50b 17.38 1.12 14.50 448.67a 300.00ab
LSD at p 0.05 1.37 NS NS NS 7.69 14.58
Maize hybrids (H)
H1 = NK-6621 43.83b 16.558b 1.06 14.66 424.67c 282.33b
H2 = Pioneer-30Y87 47.83a 18.158a 1.06 15.16 453.25a 324.08a
H3 = Pioneer-30Y58 46.68a 17.344ab 1.13 14.58 441.58b 291.16b
LSD at p 0.05 1.84 0.831 NS NS 10.16 15.51
Interaction P × H
P1H1 44.25c 16.30 1.00 15.00ab 428.50d 276.50d
P1H2 43.50c 16.22 1.10 14.25bc 427.00d 303.00bc
P1H3 43.75c 17.15 1.08 14.75ab 418.50d 267.50d
P2H1 45.25c 17.47 1.08 15.00ab 445.25c 303.00bc
P2H2 50.00ab 19.15 1.10 15.50a 462.50ab 341.25a
P2H3 48.25b 17.85 1.00 15.00ab 452.00bc 328.00ab
P3H1 44.50c 17.05 1.03 14.50bc 421.75d 282.00cd
P3H2 51.00a 17.85 1.08 15.50a 427.50d 287.00cd
P3H3 44.50c 17.12 1.28 13.75c 475.50a 304.50bc
LSD at p 0.05 2.37 NS NS 0.95 13.33 25.25
Means sharing the same letters in a column do not differ at p = 0.05; LSD: least significant difference; NS: Non significant.


plant population, smaller cobs and lesser number of flat surface (Table 2). Nonetheless, maximum grain yield
grains per cob of small size were recorded in ‘NK-6621’ and WUE were harvested from ‘Pioneer-30Y87’ sown on
(Table 1). Interaction between sowing methods and ridges (Table 2).
maize hybrids had significant effect on plant population, Length of primary root and number of lateral roots
number of grains per cob and 1000-grain weight while per plant progressively increased with increasing
the interaction was non-significant for cob length, number growth period (Figures 1 and 2). All the tested maize
of cobs per plant, and number of rows per cob of maize hybrids observed sizeable improvement in primary root
(Table 1). ‘Pioneer-30Y87’ exhibited maximum plant length sown on ridges followed by bed sowing, although
population on ridges and beds while all maize hybrids the response of hybrids was different. ‘Pioneer-30Y87’
exhibited minimum plant population on flat surface sown on ridges while ‘NK-6621’ and ‘Pioneer-30Y58’
(Table 1). Maximum number of grains per cob were sown both on ridges and beds observed higher primary
recorded when hybrids Pioneer-30Y87 and Pioneer- root length than the crop sown on flat surface through
30Y58 were sown on ridges and beds, respectively (Table the entire growth period (Figure 1). Maize hybrid NK-
1). Likewise, higher 1000-grain weight was recorded in 6621 observed same pattern of root proliferation under
maize hybrids Pioneer-30Y87 and Pioneer-30Y58 sown all sowing methods except 45 DAS, while ‘Pioneer-
on ridges (Table 1). 30Y87’ and ‘Pioneer-30Y58’ observed considerably
Different planting methods had significant effect higher root proliferation under ridge sowing up to
on plant height, grain and biological yield and WUE; 60 DAS and under ridge and bed sowing at 75 DAS
however the effect was non-significant for HI (Table 2). compared with the crop sown on flat surface (Figure
Maximum plant height, grain and biological yields and 2). The RGR progressively increased up to 60 DAS and
WUE were observed in ridge sown maize while crop then start declining (Figure 3). Sowing methods had
sown on flat surface performed feebly (Table 2). Maize non-significant effect on RGR of ‘NK-6621’ during
hybrids differed significantly for grain and biological entire growth period, while ridge sowing significantly
yield and WUE; however, the difference was non- improved RGR of ‘Pioneer-30Y87’ and ‘Pioneer-
significant for plant height and HI (Table 2). Maximum 30Y58’ at 60 and 75 DAS but it was at par with bed
grain and biological yield and WUE were obtained in sowing in case of ‘Pioneer-30Y87’ (Figure 3). Overall
‘Pioneer-30Y87’ whereas minimum grain and biological
yield and WUE were recorded in ‘NK-6621’ (Table 2). In
case of interaction between sowing methods and hybrids,
both ‘Pioneer-30Y87’ and ‘NK-6621’ attained more plant
height when sown on ridges (Table 2). Similarly, maximum
biological yield was observed in ‘Pioneer-30Y58’ sown
on ridges and the minimum in the same hybrid sown on

Table 2. Influence of different planting methods on plant height, crop

productivity, harvest index and water use efficiency (WUE) of different
maize hybrids.
Plant Grain Biological Harvest
Treatments height yield yield index WUE
cm t ha-1 % kg m-3
Planting methods (P)
P1 = Flat sowing 193.69b 4.86c 25.79c 18.81 1.22c
P2 = Ridge sowing 201.66a 5.45a 30.01a 18.24 1.34a
P3 = Bed sowing 198.94ab 5.13b 28.51b 18.35 1.28b
LSD at p 0.05 6.77 0.19 0.78 NS 0.05
Maize hybrids (H)
H1 = NK-6621 195.22 4.63c 26.48c 17.86 1.16c
H2 = Pioneer-30Y87 202.04 5.63a 30.18a 18.97 1.41a
H3 = Pioneer-30Y58 197.03 5.14b 27.65b 18.57 1.29b
LSD at p 0.05 NS 0.24 0.98 NS 0.06
Interaction P × H
P1H1 185.83d 4.51e 25.13d 17.96 1.13e
P1H2 199.43b 4.50e 31.33b 14.36 1.13e
P1H3 200.40ab 4.87d 22.99e 21.26 1.22d
P2H1 202.10ab 5.58b 26.47d 21.11 1.40b
P2H2 205.80a 6.13a 30.66b 20.01 1.53a
P2H3 198.23bc 5.20c 33.41a 15.78 1.30c
P3H1 193.163c 4.48e 25.78d 17.36 1.12e
P3H2 199.75b 5.71b 28.06c 20.35 1.43b
P3H3 198.20bc 5.24c 29.12c 18.01 1.31c
LSD at p 0.05 5.84 0.33 1.34 1.55 0.08
Means sharing the same letters in a column do not differ at p = 0.05; LSD: least significant Figure 1. Influence of planting methods on primary root length of maize
difference; NS: Non significant. hybrids (a) NK-6621, (b) P-30Y87, and (c) P-30Y58.


Figure 2. Influence of planting methods on number of lateral roots of Figure 3. Influence of planting methods on root growth rate of maize
maize hybrids (a) NK-6621, (b) P-30Y87, and (c) P-30Y58. hybrids (a) NK-6621, (b) P-30Y87, and (c) P-30Y58.

‘Pioneer-30Y87’ observed higher root length, root were observed in maize hybrids sown on ridges (Table
proliferation and RGR than other hybrids under study 2) due to well developed root system (Figures 1-3).
especially under ridge sowing (Figures 1-3). The well developed root system with long primary root
Leaf area index and crop growth rate (CGR) and higher root proliferation might enhance water and
progressively increased up to 60 DAS and then start nutrient uptake; resulting in better LAI (Figure 4), and
declining (Figures 4 and 5). At 60 and 75 DAS, ridge sown CGR (Figure 5), leading to more bigger grains in cobs
crop shaped maximum LAI and CGR in all tested maize (Table 1).
hybrids in almost similar fashion followed by bed sowing
compared with the crop sown on flat surface; whereas at Table 3. Influence of different planting methods on net income and
benefit-cost ratio of different maize hybrids.
30 and 45 DAS, planting methods had non-significant
Total Gross Net Benefit-cost
effect on LAI and CGR (Figure 4 and 5). Moreover, Treatments expenditure income income ratio
‘Pioneer-30Y87’ observed a bit higher LAI and CGR Rs ha-1
throughout the growing season than other hybrids tested Sowing methods (P)
(Figure 4 and 5). P1 = Flat sowing 72425 115425 43000 1.59
P2 = Ridge sowing 74575 129438 54863 1.74
Maize sown on ridges exhibited higher while sown on P3 = Bed sowing 74575 121838 47263 1.63
flat surface exhibited lower net income and benefit:cost Maize hybrids (H)
H1 = NK-6621 74575 109963 35388 1.47
ratio (BCR), respectively (Table 3). Among maize H2 = Pioneer-30Y87 74575 133713 59138 1.79
hybrids, Pioneer-30Y87 outperformed with higher net H3 = Pioneer-30Y58 74575 122075 47500 1.64
Interaction P × H
income and BCR whereas, NK-6621 exhibited minimum P1H1 72425 107113 34688 1.48
net income and BCR. With respect to interaction between P1H2 72425 106875 34450 1.48
planting methods and maize hybrids, Pioneer-30Y87 P1H3 72425 115663 43238 1.60
P2H1 74575 132525 57950 1.78
sown on ridges outperformed with higher net income and P2H2 74575 145588 71013 1.95
BCR while NK-6621 sown on beds and all hybrids sown P2H3 74575 123500 48925 1.66
P3H1 74575 107350 32775 1.44
on flat surface performed feebly with minimum economic P3H2 74575 135613 61038 1.82
returns and reduced BCR (Table 3). P3H3 74575 124450 49875 1.67
Maximum grain yield, its related traits and WUE 1 US$ = 93.76822 Rs Pakistan.


Ridges provide apposite soil conditions like proper contributed in harvesting better grain yield in ridge
aeration and adequate availability of moisture essential sown crop (Table 2). Apposite soil conditions crafted
for emergence that resulted in more plant population by ridges for proper root development that ensured
compared with flat seed bed (Abdullah et al., 2008; Bakht efficient accessibility of water and nutrients for proper
et al., 2011). Likewise, ridges and beds provided loose growth might be the reason of improved grain yield of
fertile soil with more aeration and moisture availability, maize. Likewise higher biological yield in ridge sown
and less mechanical compaction that permitted roots to maize was the result of positive soil conditions crafted
grow profusely with more length, better proliferation by ridges resulting into better root system; enabling the
and root growth rate (Figures 1-3). Chassot and Richner plants to uptake more moisture and nutrients to produce
(2002) reported that more bulk density or dense surface higher LAI that resulted higher CGR (Figures 4 and 5)
soil layer is a limiting factor for root growth resulting in and in consequence higher DM production. Increased
less root length and concentrate the roots near soil surface. WUE in ridge sown maize was direct result of grain yield
Better root system enhanced the water and nutrient uptake improvement; as same amount of water was applied in all
resulting in high LAI (Figure 4). LAI indicates the size sowing methods.
of assimilatory system of crop, which captures solar Amid maize hybrids under study, ‘Pioneer-30Y87’
radiation for C assimilation; higher LAI thus provide outperformed with higher grain yield and WUE due to
more area for photoassimilation resulting in higher CGR significantly better yield related traits owing to its better
(Figure 5). Earlier, Rasheed et al. (2003) and Hussain et genetic makeup. ‘Pioneer-30Y87’ produced better root
al. (2010) also quoted higher LAI and CGR in ridge sown system with longer primary roots, more root proliferation
maize (Zea mays L.) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus and higher root growth rate (Figures 1-3) that might be
L.), respectively compared with the crop sown on flat due to its better genetic makeup; as different maize hybrids
surface. That bigger assimilatory system due to higher behave differently due to their genetic makeup (Akram et
LAI and higher CGR resulted in more DM production, al., 2010; Khan et al., 2012). Due to better root system,
and plant height, number of grains per cob and 1000-grain ‘Pioneer-30Y87’ got better access to water and nutrients
weight (Tables 1 and 2). helping in growth and higher LAI (Figure 4). Higher rate
Significant improvement in yield contributing factors of DM production due to better CGR resulted in more plant

Figure 4. Influence of planting methods on leaf area index of maize Figure 5. Influence of planting methods on crop growth rate of maize
hybrids (a) NK-6621, (b) P-30Y87, and (c) P-30Y58. hybrids (a) NK-6621, (b) P-30Y87, and (c) P-30Y58.


height, cob length, number of grains per cob and grain híbridos, ‘Pioneer 30Y87’ tuvo los mejores resultados.
weight (Tables 1 and 2). Due to significant improvement in Se observó un sistema radical bien desarrollado, raíz
yield components and more DM production, higher grain primaria más larga, mayor número de raíces laterales, y
and biological yield were harvested from hybrid ‘Pioneer- mayor tasa de crecimiento radical, en ‘Pioneer-30Y87’
30Y87’ (Table 2). Higher WUE in ‘Pioneer-30Y87’ was plantado en surcos, lo que condujo a mayores WUE,
only due to its higher grain yield as same quantity of water rendimiento de grano y sus rasgos relacionados. El
was applied to all maize hybrids. mismo híbrido sembrado en surcos presentó mayores
With respect to interactive effect of hybrids and sowing índice de área foliar y tasa de crecimiento del cultivo,
methods, ‘Pioneer-30Y87’ outperformed upon sowing máximo rendimiento neto y relación beneficio:costo. En
on ridges with higher grain yield WUE (Table 2). Best general, la siembra en surco mejoró el desarrollo radical
performance of ‘Pioneer-30Y87’ on ridges was the pooled resultando en mejores alometría, productividad (5,45
effect of better genetic makeup of hybrids and apposite t ha-1), y WUE (1,35 kg m-3), en todos los híbridos de
conditions for growth created by ridges due to lose fertile maíz. Aunque los híbridos de maíz mostraron respuesta
soil with better aeration and moisture availability (Bakht et diferente a los diferentes métodos de siembra, máximos
al., 2011; Khan et al., 2012). In consequence of that pooled rendimientos de grano (5,63 t ha-1), WUE (1,41 kg m-3),
effect, ‘Pioneer-30Y87’ sown on ridges attained better root y retornos económicos netos se observaron en el híbrido
system (Figures 1-3), higher LAI and CGR (Figures 4 and Pioneer 30Y87.
5) and longer cobs with more gains of bigger size and
ultimately higher grain and biological yield and WUE. Palabras clave: alometría, métodos de siembra, tasa de
Higher net income and BCR exhibited by ‘Pioneer- crecimiento de raíces, uso eficiente del agua.
30Y87’ sown on ridges was the direct result of enhanced
grain productivity (Table 3) due to more efficient LITERATURE CITED
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