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5 November 1996


THE REGULATION pertaining to control of Private Hospitals, should consist of three parts:-


- Describing how private hospitals will be controlled, once the policy has been

- Details should be given as to application procedures, responsibilities of

developers and hospital managers, inspection, re-inspection, refusal of
licenses, revoking of licenses, etc.

- We believe that this part of the document should be compiled by the

Department of Health.


- This document has been compiled by a technical committee (see list).

- This document must be revised on an on-going basis, at least annually.


- This document should not be an operational manual, but should only prescribe
in an area where patient safety may be directly affected.

- Ideally, a committee consisting of nursing managers and hospital managers in

the private sector, with the Department of National Health and Population
Development Inspectorate should compile this document with regular annual

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Included, please find a copy of a manual compiled by the following committee members:-

Ms J L Bothma -Department of Health

Ms P Coleshill - -Hospital Association of South Africa
MR D Cowan -Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
Mr B Kenyon -Dayclinic Association
Dr L Moolman -Hospital Association of South Africa
Dr O Ovendale -Hospital Association of South Africa
Dr I Thornton -Hospital Association of South Africa
Dr A van der Merwe -Hospital Association of South Africa
Mr K Veldsman -Hospital Association of South Africa
J G Kleynhans -Gauteng Provincial Administration
Ms P Otto -Medscheme
Dr D Charles -KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health
Ms J C Rautenbach -Gauteng Inspectress
Ms H Venter -Gauteng Provincial Administration
Pat Naidoo -Eastern Cape Department of Health
Dr M van Niekerk -Free State Provincial Health Services
Ms J Doherty -Centre for Health Policy
H Adendorff -Department of Health Northern Cape
Ms A Lees -North-Western Community Health
Ms E Janse van Rensburg -Western Cape Provincial Administration
H A van der Merwe -PAWK
Ms E Cloete -Transmed
Mr A Redelinghuys -RAMS
NJ Mtsweni -Department of Health Mpumalanga
J C Daniels -Department of Health Mpumalanga
J Dlamini -Department of Heath & Welfare Northern Province
V Buthelezi -|Department of Health & Welfare Northern Province
Mr R Kraus -National Hospital Strategy Project
Mr C Kuhn -Afrox Healthcare
H A van der Merwe -PAWK Department of Health
Mr J Kritzinger -Department of Health & Welfare Eastern Cape
Ms H Venter -Gauteng Provincial Administration
J G Kleynhans -Gauteng Provincial Administration
Mr F Faul -Health and Welfare Northern Province
Mr J Dlamini -Department of Health & Welfare Northern province
Ms A Lees -Northwestern Community Health
Ms E de Bruyn -Department of Health KwaZulu-Natal

Provinces Steering Committee:-

Rehabilitation Working Committee:-

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Prof S Louw -Department of Geriatrics and Rehabilitation, UCT

Prof M Concha -Department of Occupational Therapy, WITS
Prof M Goodman -Department of Physiotherapy, WITS
Prof C Penn -Department of Speech Therapy WITS
Mrs P Blake -Control Physiotherapists, WITS
Mrs S. Gowan -Control Occupational Therapists, WITS
Dr M Ahern -Director Rehabilitation and Chronic Care: Gauteng
Dr H Loubser -Rehabilitation Consultant
Mr G Anderson -Clinic Holdings
Dr M G Boyd -Libertas Hospital
Ms M Roos -Gauteng Department of Health

In addition, comments were received from the following:-

Neville Cohen

Chronic Care Working Committee:-

Psychiatry Working Committee:-

Mr Fanie Fourie (convener) -Vista Clinic

Ms G McDonough -Gauteng Provincial Administration
Dr A H S Kajee -KwaZulu Natal
P P Mtotywa -Eastern Cape Department of Health
Prof C Gagiano -Free State Provincial Department of Health
Ms H Adendorf -Northern Cape Department of Health
Mrs J V Roos -Northwest Cape Community of Health
Ms E Janse van Rensburg -Western Cape Provincial Administration
Ms P Makwanazie - Mpumalanga Department of Health
Dr J Chabalala -Northern Province Department of Health
Ms R Marais -Vista Clinic
Ms H Stols -Vista Clinic
Ms S Watters -Vista Clinic
The Manager -Denmar Clinic
J de Jager -Hospital Park Hospital
Dr S de Miranda -Riverfield Lodge
Dr E Oberholzer -Psychiatrist – private practice
Mr Hampson -Libertas Hospital

This manual is our recommendation with regard to minimum building requirements for
private hospitals. It was compiled with cost-effectiveness and patient safety as the ultimate
goal, and flexibility of function as a secondary goal.

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4.1 Mechanical (artificial) ventilation

4.2 Air Conditioning
4.3 Electrical installations
4.4 Gases
4.5 Vacuum,
4.6 Medical Air
4.7 Scavenging
4.8 Nurse Call Systems


(These criteria may be used for single speciality hospitals such as an ambulatory
clinic, a rehabilitation hospital, etc. – also see Section 14)

6.1 Short Stay Ward

6.2 Paediatric
6.3 Obstetrics
6.4 Neonatal ICU
6.5 ICU
6.6 High Care
6.7 Acute Psychiatric Ward
6.8 Chronic Care Ward
6.9 Rehabilitation Ward




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14.1 Ambulatory Surgery Centres

14.2 Acute Psychiatry Facility
14.3 Chronic Care Units
14.4 Rehabilitation Units

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The intention of this “Regulation” is neither to be a design manual nor a manual on

good building practice. The regulation is set out in the simplest and most concise
way possible. The minimum requirements specified are in terms of technical detail
and life supporting systems to ensure that patient care facilities will be designed and
built to ensure patient safety. Only the minimum standards applicable for patient
safety, will be specified to allow patient care centres to be both affordable and
accessible. The developer may choose to apply a higher standard depending on the
patient profile and the type of service on offer.

The Minister of Health will appoint a standing committee which will meet at least
once a year to revise this Regulation. At least 50 % of the members serving on this
committee must represent the private sector and must be nominated by properly
constituted organisation(s) representative of the private healthcare facilities.

For the purpose of this regulation, only patient related areas are considered. For all
other areas, refer to the existing NATIONAL BUILDING REGULATIONS SABS
0400 (as amended).

For employee’s facilities, refer to Regulation 2362 under the Machinery and
Occupational Safety Act (Act No 6/1983) as amended (Act No 85/1993).

Where referrals are made to any existing regulation, this refers to the latest amended
issue of such a regulation.

These regulations replace the previous regulations as per Section 44 of the Health Act,
1977 (Act 63 of 1977).

These regulations will apply to all new facilities and extensions to existing

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Unless otherwise indicated, any word or phrase listed below under definition, shall
wherever and whenever used in this regulation, mean the following:

2.1 ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROL AREAS is a room or areas for

administrative control, enquiries, admission of patients and storage of records.
This must be separate from the nursing unit. Access must not be through the
patient care areas.

2.2 CASUALTY UNIT is a unit sometimes only open after hours where urgent
service is rendered to members of the public. It will normally not have in-
house facilities for management of all major trauma and may not have
facilities for management of major medical surgical illness. It must, however,
have facilities for stabilisation of such cases prior to transfer.

2.3 CLEANERS’ ROOM is a room for the storage of cleaning equipment, the
drawing of clean water, the disposal of dirty water, and the washing and
drying of cleaning equipment. This room may be combined with the dirty
utility room.

2.4 CLEAN UTILITY ROOM is a room for the storage of clean linen, sterilised
packs, dressings and pharmaceutical supplies. May be used as a set-up area
for ward procedures.

2.5 CLINICAL BASIN is a wash hand basin which can be operated without hand
contact. The outlet spout shall be located away from the wall.


facility that makes provision for therapeutic programmes that enable the post-
acute, but medically stable patient, with remaining disabilities due to surgery,
illness or trauma, to regain and maintain their optimal physical, sensory,
intellectual and social functional levels, thus providing them with maximum
levels of independence.

2.7 DEMARCATED AREA is an area where access is both restricted and

controlled to allow for maximum privacy and patient safety.

2.8 DIRTY UTILITY ROOM/SLUICE ROOM is a room used for the emptying,
cleaning and storage of bedpans, urine bottles and equipment.

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2.9 AN EMERGENCY/TRAUMA UNIT is a department where 24 hour

emergency service is rendered to members of the public. Arrangements for
multi-disciplinary admission facilities including intensive care must be made.
24 Hour X-ray facilities must be available on the premises. A laboratory
service or acceptable alternative must be available. A blood transfusion
service must be available.

2.10 EMERGENCY TROLLEY/CRASH CART is a mobile cart used for the

storage of all appropriate resuscitation equipment and pharmaceuticals.

2.11 IMPERVIOUS means impenetrable to liquid substances.

2.12 MAIN KITCHEN is a room or rooms equipped for the receipt of, storage and
preparation of food and beverages.

2.13 MEDICAL WASTE DISPOSAL is the safe and hygienic disposal of medical

2.14 MORTUARY is a room for the temporary storage of bodies.

2.15 NURSE STATION is the control point for all activities in the patient care

2.16 NURSING UNIT OR WARD is a unit with the facilities to accommodate

patients as specified in this regulation.

2.17 OPERATING ROOM is a room within the operating suite in which surgical or
other invasive procedures are carried out.

2.18 OPERATING SUITE refers to rooms within the demarcated area where
surgical interventions are performed or support is provided to these surgical

2.19 PATIENT CARE FACILITY is any hospital or any other institution, building
or place at which provision is made for the treatment and nursing care of
persons, including the following:

- Chronic Care
- Emergency Unit
- Psychiatry
- Obstetrics
- Surgical and Medical Treatment

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2.20 PATIENT ROOM refers to a room where the patient shall be accommodated.

2.21 PROCEDURE ROOM is a room in which certain restricted procedures can be

performed without making use of general anaesthetics. This room may be
situated outside the operating suite.

2.22 RECOVERY ROOM OR AREA means the section of the operating suite
specially set aside for the immediate post operative recovery, resuscitation,
nursing and special care of patients, until such time as such patients are
considered to have recovered sufficiently to be safely removed from the
operating suite.

2.23 SOILED LINEN AND WASTE ROOM is a room used for the collection and
temporary storage of soiled linen and waste. This room may be combined
with the dirty utility room.

2.24 SPINAL REHABILITATION UNIT is a multi-disciplinary unit that ensures

that patients suffering from spinal disorders are rehabilitated to their individual
optimum levels and are reintegrated into their respective communities.


the receiving, decontamination, preparation, packing, sterilising, storing and
issuing of sterile and disinfected instruments and other reusable materials.

2.26 A TRAUMA UNIT is a unit specifically staffed and equipped to manage

major trauma. It will always however, be within an emergency unit or will
operate in conjunction with a medical/surgical emergency unit, and these
together will then form an emergency unit. If an emergency unit does not
have an area specifically dedicated to the management of trauma, then the
same level of trauma treatment must be available in the general area of the
emergency unit.

2.27 TREATMENT ROOM is the room used for treatment of patients in the wards.

2.28 WARD KITCHEN is a room or area which forms an integral part of a nursing
unit or units, for the preparation of food and beverages. If food is prepared in
this room, it must comply with the main kitchen requirements.

2.29 WASH HAND BASIN shall consist of a wash basin with hand drying
facilities adjacent to it.

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ADL - Activity of Daily Living

APF - Acute Psychiatric Facility
ASHRAE - American Society of Heat, Refrigeration and
Air-conditioning Engineers
CIRU - Comprehensive In-patient Rehabilitation Unit
CSIR - Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
HCW - High Care Ward
ICU - Intensive Care Unit
NBR - National Building Regulations SABS 0400
NICU - Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
SABS - South African Bureau of Standards
SDU - Sterilisation and Disinfection Unit
SSO - Switched socket outlets
UPS - Uninterrupted power supply

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Save where otherwise required in these regulations the requirements must comply
with the general building regulations of the NBR.

A patient care facility shall comply with the following requirements:


Doors giving access to rooms in which patients are or are to be accommodated

or treated, shall be at least 1,2 m wide.

Doors from patient ablution and toilet facilities, whether internally locked or
not, must be easily and completely removable, both from inside and outside.


The floors of all rooms and corridors shall be of concrete finished to a smooth
washable surface or covered with washable material.

No carpets or wooden skirtings will be allowed in the operating theatre suite,

sterilising department, dirty utility room, kitchen, ablution rooms, procedure
room, laundry, cleaners room, clean utility room, soiled linen room, delivery
room, or treatment room and mortuary.

The floors of all operating and delivery rooms shall be of impervious material
and so laid as, to provide a continuous and smooth impervious surface
including the joint between the wall and floor.


Must comply with the requirements of the NBR.

The operating room ceilings must be dust proof.


All of the surface of inside walls must be covered with a smooth finish and
must be painted with a durable washable paint or covered with a similar
washable impervious material.

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The wall behind the wash hand basin, clinical basin, sink and slop hopper shall
have a washable impervious covering up to a height of at least 450 mm above,
and a distance of at least 150 mm on each side of such fitting.


3.5.1 Plan Dimensions

The plan dimensions of any room or space means the horizontal

dimensions between unplastered wall surfaces.

Where plans are submitted, they must comply with NBR scale

3.5.2 Room Heights

The minimum height of any room or space shall be in accordance with

the NBR. Any additional height specified in these regulations shall be
the vertical dimension from the top of the finished floor to the
underside of the ceiling.


An incinerator, macerator or other safe disposal system or arrangements shall

be provided for the disposal of medical waste and must comply with relevant
SABS standards and all statutory regulations.

Incinerators should also comply with the guidelines in terms of the

Atmospheric and Pollution Prevention Act (Act 45 of 1965) as set by the
Director Air Pollution Control.


Fire hydrants, fire hoses, fire extinguishers, fire escapes and emergency exits
shall be provided in accordance with Part T of NBR and the local authority


All corridors where patients are being transported shall have a minimum
unobstructed width measured between walls:

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Operating theatre units 2 300 mm

Delivery Unit 2 300 mm

All Other 2 000 mm

Any fixtures such as bump-rails, cupboards, etc. shall be regarded as wall or

part of the wall.


The signage system must comply with the primary function of guiding the
visitor/patient to the areas/departments/wards/rooms which are their normal
destinations and to indicate the exits clearly.

All restricted access rooms or areas must be clearly indicated by appropriate


3.10 LIFTS

Multi-storey buildings must have lift(s) of dimensions to safely transport

patients in beds.

Where orthopaedic surgery is done, at least one lift should be of sufficient

dimensions to accommodate patient beds with traction apparatus attached.


Provision must be made for easy access of disabled persons in accordance

with NBR requirements.

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These requirements must comply with the regulations mentioned under each heading
unless otherwise specified. All services must be certified by an appropriately
qualified engineer.


All rooms shall be ventilated and lit in accordance with NBR, unless otherwise

4.1.1 Mechanical (Artificial) Ventilation

The following minimum requirements apply to all areas where patients

are housed or treated, other than those specifically quoted in paragraph,
and where mechanical (artificial) ventilation is required. The system
shall deliver not less than 10 air changes per hour and shall comply
with the Deemed to Satisfy Rules 007 Artificial Ventilation of Part O
of the NBR.

4.1.2 Air Conditioning Major Operating Rooms (30 m² or more in area)

All major operating rooms shall be air conditioned with

the following minimum standards:


The air conditioning system should deliver between 400 and 500 litres/sec. of
conditioned air to each operating room. The final filters should filter the air
down to 5 microns at 99 % efficiency. This implies a final filter with a 55 % -
65 % dust spot efficiency when tested by the SABS to ASHRAE Standards
52 – 76. Care must be taken in the design of the system and the installation of
filters to ensure an air-tight seal between the filter housing and the filter bed.
Pre-filters must be provided – these may be the washable type. A maximum
of 80 % of the air may be re-circulated.

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Temperatures in the operating room should be controlled to between 22 and

25 ºC with a maximum deviation of 1,5 ºC. The unit shall be designed for a
summer day where the maximum temperature shall not be exceeded on more
than 14 days during a normal year. The provision of an adjustable set point is
required only in operating rooms where major burn cases and operations in
excess of 45 minutes on infants under 2 years are undertaken on a regular


A relative humidity in the range of 40 % to 70 % must be maintained. Minor Operating Rooms (less than 30 m² in area)

All the above rooms shall be air conditioned with the following standards:


The air conditioning system should be designed to deliver 10 air changes per
hour. The filter should filter the air down to 5 microns at 20 % efficiency.
The filter shall have a minimum area of 0.35m². The filter may be of the
washable type. Fresh air must be introduced from the outside at the rate of 30
litres/sec. and filtered as above. The suction temperature of the unit shall not
go below 3 ºC.


Temperatures in the rooms should not exceed 26 ºC for more than 14 days
during a normal year. Delivery Rooms and other Special Care Units/Rooms

Air conditioning is not a minimum requirement, but if provided, must comply

with the minimum requirements for minor operating rooms as per paragraph The ambient temperature in nurseries and delivery rooms shall not go
below 18 ºC.

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___________________________________________________________________________ Non Special Areas

Must be in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1993. The Storage of Pharmaceutical Products

Pharmaceutical products must be stored in accordance with Pharmacy Act

1974 (Act 53 of 1974) as well as the Medicines and Related Substances
Control Act 1965 (Act 101 of 1965) or any regulation in terms of the Act. The
temperature within the pharmacy must be monitored and recorded on a regular
basis. All drugs must be stored in accordance with the manufacturer’s

If ambient temperatures exceed limitations, air conditioning or refrigeration

must be supplied in accordance with the requirements. Daylight

Where a requirement for natural light (daylight) is stated, this may be met by
windows opening onto an atrium or courtyard, or a roof light, providing
privacy within the room or space is maintained. In addition, daylight may be
borrowed from an adjacent room or corridor by means of glazing the wall in
between providing the adjacent room or corridor is within the same unit and
privacy is maintained.

4.1.3 Electrical Installations

The complete installation must conform to:

- The Consumer Code for the Wiring of Premises, South African Bureau of
Standards, Specification 0142.
- Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1993.
- Any special requirements of the electricity supply authorities of the particular
area or district.
- The Local Authority Fire Regulations
- Telkom Regulations

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___________________________________________________________________________ General

Light fittings must provide the following minimum service illuminance

(lux) at the stated position of measurement (horizontal plane).

ICU 400 lux at whole bed area for observation

10 000 lux for local examination luminaire

High Care and all patient treatment areas 300 lux at whole bed area for observation
10 000 lux for local examination luminaire

Recovery 300 lux at whole trolley area

Maternity/delivery room 400 lux at working plane

10 000 lux for local examination luminaire

Procedure room luminaire Minimum of 50 000 lux at operation table


Emergency unit/resuscitation 400 lux at working plane

1 000 lux for local examination luminaire

Operating room/luminaire Minimum of 75 000 lux at operation table

level Switched Socket Outlets

Power supply to switched socket outlets (SSO’s) in ICU’s, operating

rooms and recovery must be on an earth monitoring system. Double
pole miniature circuit breakers must be used for critical supply points
in these areas. Standby Generators

The hospital shall have an emergency generator or uninterrupted power

supply which operates automatically and which is of sufficient
capacity to supply all critical areas of the hospital with electricity in the
event of a breakdown in the mains electricity supply.


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- Surgical operating room luminaire
- Strategic lights in ward corridors, ICU, HCW, Neo-natal ICU,
recovery room, operating suite and delivery rooms, duty stations, fire
escapes and emergency units
- Delivery room luminaire
- All switched socket outlets used for patient life support anywhere in
the hospital.
- Patient lifts (minimum of one lift)
- Medical air compressors (unless a standby compressed air manifold is
provided), vacuum pumps (unless mobile units on emergency power
circuits are provided) and gas alarm systems.


- The whole installation must conform to SABS 1474 of 1988. Uninterruptible

Power Systems (UPS)

4.1.4 Gases General

With the exception of ICU and NICU, medical gases may be provided
by bottled or piped systems. Vacuum may be piped or mobile, with
the exception of ICU and NICU. Minimum Supplies to:

Operating Rooms:

Oxygen, Nitrous Oxide, Vacuum and Scavanging, and Medical



Medical Air, Oxygen and Vacuum.

All other patient areas:

Oxygen and Vacuum. Safety

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All piped gas installations must conform to:

- SABS 051 Part III. The handling and storage of medical gases and the
installation of medical gas, compressed air and vacuum pipeline

- SABS 1409. The outlet sockets and probes for gas and vacuum

- SABS 0224. Non-flammable medical gas pipeline system.

- A gas alarm system to monitor gases, excluding scavenging, must be

installed in the theatre complex. A slave panel must also be installed
in the ICU or any other position where it is easily visible. This alarm
system must be connected to the emergency power supply.

- All vacuum and oxygen systems shall have back-up.

4.1.5 Vacuum

The vacuum installation shall comply with SABS 051 Part iii. Vacuum liquid
bottle traps must be installed to collect any blood/fluids, etc. that may be
drawn into the pipeline. One bottle trap per theatre, ICU, ward block and
other patient unit, must be supplied. Emergency suction facilities must be
provided in the ICU and High Care, operating rooms, recovery room, delivery
rooms, emergency unit and nursery, and must be available to all patient rooms.

4.1.6 Medical Air

Medical air (low pressure) for respiratory purposes, must be provided at a

fixed pipeline pressure of 400 kPa. Medical air (high pressure) for driving
surgical power tools, must be provided at a terminal usage pressure between
700 kPa and 1 000 kPa, depending on the tools/equipment to be used. ICU
and operating rooms must be provided with back-up system.

4.1.7 Scavenging

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Anaesthetic gas scavenging, a low pressure suction system, that removes
exhaled anaesthetic gases from the patient circuit, must be provided. Each
outlet point must have its own balancing valve to allow the system to be
balanced progressively from the furthest outlet point towards the fan motor.

4.1.8 Nurse Call Systems

Every bed shall have a call system that will enable the patient to call a nurse to
the bedside. An emergency call system shall be provided in ablution facilities.

An emergency call system shall be provided from the ICU/High Care (if
supplied) to the operating suite and from nursing unit nurse stations to the
operating suite and ICU (if supplied), in order that assistance can be provided
in the most appropriate way.

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Patients are accommodated in a ward or nursing unit. A ward could consist of one or
more nursing units.



5.1.1 Beds in patient rooms must be provided with daylight.

5.1.2 A nurses station so placed that physical access to any patient requiring
care is not impeded or delayed, and must contain

- Nurse call system

- Counter and work surface
- Telephone
- Wash hand basin

5.1.3 Ablution and toilet facilities for patients;

5.1.4 A clean utility room with a minimum floor area of 5 m², work surfaces
and a clinical basin;

5.1.5 A treatment room is optional and if provided should have a minimum

floor area of 10 m², and must contain work surfaces and a clinical

5.1.6 Separate storage space for linen, pharmaceuticals, ward equipment,

patients’ belongings and such sundry items as may be necessary for the
management of the nursing unit. Such storage may be shared between
adjacent nursing units;

5.1.7 A dirty utility room/area with a minimum floor area of 5 m² or 7 m² if

used in combination with either a cleaner’s room or a soiled linen and
waste room, and 9 m² if used in combination with both. A wash hand
basin, a sluice sink and wall mounted bed pan and urinal racks are
minimum requirements. A bed pan washer/disposal unit and a
domestic sink may be substituted for the sluice sink;

5.1.8 A cleaners room containing shelves, low level sink or slop hopper with

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suitable tap height for bucket filling and hooks for mops. This may be
incorporated into the dirty utility room, and if so – then the floor area
of the dirty utility room must be increased to 7 m² or to 9 m² if soiled
linen and waste room is also incorporated;

5.1.9 A soiled linen and waste room. This room may be incorporated into
the dirty utility room, and if so, then the floor area of the dirty utility
room must be increased by 2 m² to 7 m² or by 4 m² to 9 m² if cleaner’s
room is also incorporated.

5.1.10 A ward kitchen with a minimum floor area of 4 m² which must be

increased by l,5 m² for every 10 beds above 20 beds. It must contain a
minimum of a single bowl sink, work surface, and a hand wash basin
and may be shared by adjacent nursing units;

5.1.11 A staff toilet which may be shared by adjacent nursing units. There
must be a minimum of one such toilet for every 36 beds and each must
contain a wash hand basin.


5.2.1 Patient Accommodation In determining minimum measurements the following

standards apply:

- Any fixture shall be regarded as a wall or part of a wall of a room in

which patients are accommodated.

- All measurements in this section will be enforced at the first and

subsequent inspections, irrespective of bed/cot width or length. Room
sizes must therefore be planned to accommodate whatever beds/cots
may be used initially or possibly used in subsequent years.

- The attending side of the beds is defined as the patient’s right hand
side when lying supine.

- The minimum floor area of any patient room must be 10 m². Single
rooms shall have a minimum wall length of 2,6 m.

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___________________________________________________________________________ In all patient rooms provision must be made for minimum
space of:-

- 600 mm between the non-attending side of any bed and the

nearest wall on that side;

- 900 mm between the attending side of any bed and the nearest
wall on that side;

- 900 mm between the sides of any adjacent beds;

- 1 200 mm between the foot of any bed and the opposite wall or
of 1 500 mm between the foot of any bed and the opposite bed. Proper screening facilities must be provided between beds Except in the case of a mother and child, children and adults
shall preferably be accommodated in separate rooms. Each patient room shall communicate directly with a corridor

or passageway. Each patient room shall be provided with a clinical basin. Oxygen and vacuum, either piped or mobile must be available

to each patient room in the hospital. If not piped to each patient
room, then at least one mobile oxygen supply and one mobile
vacuum pump per 20 patients must be provided. At least ONE electrical switched socket outlet per bed. A disabled ablution facility serving both male and female

patients containing a free standing bath or wheelchair shower,
and wheel chair toilet (refer NBR) shall be provided on every
floor where nursing units are situated. Where several patient rooms share ablution/toilet facilities or

where a patient room with its own facilities contains more than
eight beds, the following shall be provided:

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- separate facilities for male and female patients;

- at least one bath or shower per 12 patients or part of such number. If

ablution facilities and toilets are not located in the same area then one
wash hand basin per 12 patients or part of such number must be
provided in the ablution area.

- At least one toilet per 8 patients or part of such number.

- At least one wash hand basin for every two toilets, unless toilets are
located singly in which case one wash hand basin for each toilet is

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6.1.1 Accommodation and Facilities

The same accommodation facilities and patient accommodation as

specified for a general nursing unit are required (see sections 5.2 and
5.2) with the following exclusions: One bath or shower is required. No disabled ablution facility is required Separate rooms for male, female, infants and children,

are not required provided that proper screening facilities
are available.


Paediatric units shall provide, in addition to the requirements in Section 5.1

and 5.2

6.2.1 bathing facilities for babies: refer to Section and in
Maternity section.

6.2.2 a dedicated milk kitchen is required if the institution has more than 20
paediatric beds/cots. This may be shared with a nursery. If the unit
contains less than 20 beds/cots, then infant feeds may be prepared in a
special area within the ward kitchen. A double basin wash-up facility
and wash hand basin must be supplied.

6.2.3 a treatment room and clean utility room, which may be shared;

6.2.4 facilities for isolation in a ratio of one per 15 cots/beds. Such facility
must be fitted with a clinical basin and ventilation so designed to
prevent airborne cross infection;

6.2.5 direct vision of all beds/cots from the nurses’ station or from the
adjacent corridor, via glass walls or viewing panels;

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6.2.6 special safety features applicable to children in respect of socket
outlets and switches, heaters and door locks, and hot water supply.

6.2.7 this area must be provided with daylight.


6.3.1 A maternity unit is an area where babies are delivered and post natal
care is given to both mother and baby. It must provide the following:

- (a) preparation room(s)

- (b) delivery room(s)

- a post natal ward with or without rooming in facilities

- access to a theatre

6.3.2 In addition, it could include any combination of the following:

- ante natal beds

- rooms for first stage of labour

- a dedicated caesarian section theatre with recovery area

- a nursery

- a neonatal intensive care unit

6.3.3 If ante natal beds are provided, a preparation room is optional and first
stage rooms are not required. Where there are no ante natal beds, a
preparation room must be provided.

6.3.4 Post natal units, where mothers can stay for at least a few hours, must
be supplied.

6.3.5 A dedicated caesarian section theatre, a nursery and a neonatal

intensive care unit are not minimum requirements.

6.3.6 Follow general requirements as for every other nursing unit. See sec 5.

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6.3.7 A Delivery Room If only one delivery room is provided, a first stage room

must be provided. If more than one delivery room is
provided, a first stage room is optional on condition that
a preparation room is provided. Each delivery room shall have a floor area of not less
than 14 m² and a minimum wall length at bedhead of
3,45 m. Each delivery room shall contain a clinical basin. Oxygen, suction for both mother and baby and infant
warming must be provided in each delivery room. If suction and oxygen are piped, two points of each

must be provided, suitably positioned for use by mother
and baby. Two each (total four) electrical switched socket outlets

must be provided, suitably positioned for mother and
baby (see section 4.1.3). Lighting (see section 4.1).

6.3.8 Rooms for First Stage of Labour The surface floor area of the room must be 10 m² for

one bed and 15 m² for two beds. If no first stage rooms are provided, at least two

delivery rooms must be supplied with specifications as
in paragraph 6.3.7. Each first stage room must be provided with a wash

hand basin.

6.3.9 Preparation Rooms

If provided, must have the following:

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__________________________________________________________________________ A minimum floor surface area of 6 m². Access to a patient toilet, wash hand basin and bath or

shower which is suitable for patient use with staff
assistance. Access to a dirty utility room, and A clinical wash hand basin.

6.3.10 Services Areas (Refer 5.1) A nurses station Clean work area or a clean utility room Storage facilities for pharmaceutical supplies, sterile

packs, instruments, linen and general equipment (Refer
to 4.1.25 and 5.1). A dirty utility room in close proximity to this unit. The dirty utility room shall comply with general

specifications and also make additional provision for
the examining and holding or disposal of placentas. A cleaners’ room shall be provided. This facility may

not be combined with (see 5.1) and but may be shared
between units.

6.3.11 Nursing Unit (Post Natal Ward)

The nursing unit must comply with the regulation for general wards. In addition:
If rooming in is provided, an additional space of 1 m²
per bed must be allowed for accommodation of infants
with their mothers.

A dedicated milk kitchen which may be shared with a

paediatric unit or a clean preparation area within the

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ward kitchen must be provided for the preparation of
baby feeds. (Refer to 6.2.2).

6.3.12 Nursery A single entrance in order to control access. A floor area of at least l,5 m² per baby, with a minimum

of 6 m² thereafter. Additional space of 1,5 m² for at least one incubator per

15 mother beds, or part thereof. At least one baby bath for every 10 babies must be

provided. Thereafter one baby bath for each additional
15 babies. Mobile bassinets with bathing facilities may
be used, in which case a tap for filling of bassinets, and
a low basin for draining of bassinets must be provided. A work surface for washing, drying and changing of

babies. Piped or mobile suction and oxygen. An emergency call system. A viewing panel for the display of babies. Temperature control in this area is essential. A clean utility area with a wash hand basin, and work
and storage space for linen, supplies and equipment
must be provided. This could be shared with
(Refer to Section 5.1). Dirty utility room and cleaners’ room may be shared. A room for isolation of infants is optional. If provided,

the following must be adhered to:

- a clinical basin must be provided;

- a separate bathing facility as above (see and;

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- cupboard space;
- a work surface;
- oxygen and suction;
- an extraction ventilation system, or the room be so designed to avoid
air borne cross infections;
- direct visibility from the nursing station.


6.4.1 Ward Space A wall length of 2,0 m shall be provided at the head of

each ICU crib. The clear space between the wall at the head of the ICU
crib to the foot including circulation space at the foot
shall not be less than 2,5 metres. At least one clinical basin for every six cribs, or part
thereof shall be provided within the open ward. Each crib shall be provided with the minimum piped


- 2 x Oxygen
- 1 x Low pressure medical air
- 2 x Vacuum
- 6 x 15 Amp switched socket outlets The services shall be provided on a wall, on a floor

pedestal, on a ceiling suspended panel, or from an
articulation arm from the wall or ceiling. In all cases
the service panel shall be at a height to provide
unobstructed access to the patient. Daylight shall be provided (see section A nurses station shall be provided within the ward space

providing an unobstructed view of all beds/ICU cribs. Mechanical ventilation or air conditioning shall be

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provided, providing the air pressure within the ward
area shall be positive in relation to other areas within
the NICU (See 4.1.2) Lighting: Refer to section 4.1.

6.4.2 Isolation Cubicle

At least one isolation cubicle shall be provided. (Refer Only one crib space shall be provided in each isolation

cubicle; The isolation cubicle shall be in an enclosed space with

glazed partitions and have a floor area of not less than
6 m². The wall/partition at the head of the bed shall not be less
than 2 metres. Extract ventilation shall be provided within the cubicle, and

the air pressure within the cubicle shall be negative in
relation to other bed areas within the ward; Ventilation to be in accordance with A clinical basin shall be provided within the isolation


6.4.3 Service Accommodation

The following service accommodation must also be provided: Dirty utility room: Must have a minimum size of 5 m².

The following must be provided:

- Sluice sink and slop hopper or combination

sluice unit;

- Wash hand basin

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___________________________________________________________________________ If this room is also used for the collection and
temporary storage of soiled linen and waste the
minimum floor are will be 7 m² or 9 m² if also used for
a cleaners’ room. Dirty linen containers must be
provided. Cleaners’ room which may be combined with the dirty

utility room, then the area will be 7 m² or 9 m² if also
used for soiled linen. The following must be provided:

- Shelves for cleaners’ materials

- Low sink with suitable tap height for bucket
- Hooks for mops Clean supplies room or cupboard or mobile clean

supply systems (May be shared) Staff toilet. (May be shared) Equipment storage space A staff rest room within the unit must be provided and
may be shared. An area that can be screened off for breast feeding



This section applies to all intensive care units, other than neonatal intensive
care units.

6.5.1 Ward Space A wall length of 3,2 m shall be provided at the head of

each bed. The clear space between the wall at the head of the bed
to the foot of the bed including circulation space at the
foot of the bed shall not be less than 4,0 m.

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___________________________________________________________________________ At least one clinical basin for every 4 beds or part
thereof shall be provided in the open ward space. All beds in the ward shall be provided with the

following piped/fixed services at the head of the bed(s):

- Three oxygen outlets for every 2 beds

- Three low pressure medical air outlets for every
2 beds
- Three vacuum outlets for every 2 beds
- Eight 15 amp electric switched socket outlets for
each bed. No multi-plug adapters to be used.
- Ten 15 amp electrical switched socket outlets
for each bed for cardiothoracic, thoracic and
neuro surgical ICU’s
- Refer to sections 4 for engineering service
requirements. The services shall be provided on the wall, on a

pedestal, or on a ceiling suspended panel/or from an
articulated arm from the wall or ceiling. In all cases the
service panel shall be at a height to provide
unobstructed access to the patient. Screening facilities to ensure patient privacy must be

provided between beds. Daylight is essential for both patient and staff

orientation and should be provided within the ward
space. (See section A nurses station shall be provided within the ward space

providing an unobstructed view of all the beds, or a
central monitoring system must be provided with an
unobstructed view of all consoles. Air conditioning shall be provided within the ward area,

the air pressure within the ward area shall be positive in
relation to other areas within the ICU. The minimum
standards for the air-conditioning units shall be in
accordance with paragraph

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6.5.3 Isolation Cubicle

One bed in the ICU shall be provided in an isolation cubicle. Only one
bed space shall be provided in each cubicle. The isolation cubicle shall be an enclosed space with

glazing providing visibility from the nurses station and
having a floor area not less then 13 m². The wall/partition at the head of the bed shall not be

less than 3,2 m. Mechanical ventilation shall be provided. The air

pressure within the cubicle shall be negative in relation
to the other bed areas within the ward. A clinical basin shall be provided within the isolation


6.5.4 Service Accommodation

The following service accommodation must also be provided. (See section 5.1
for details) Dirty utility room Clean supplies room or cupboard or mobile clean supply

system Equipment storage space Staff toilets Staff rest rooms Kitchen and kitchenette facilities within the rest room Waiting area for visitors


6.6.1 Patient Accommodation

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As for general Wards, refer to sections 5.1 and 5.2

In addition: The HC beds shall have a wall length of 2,7 m at the

head of each bed and a floor area of not less than 10 m²
for the first bed and 7 m² for each additional bed. Each bed shall be provided with the following

piped/fixed services at the head of each bed:

- Oxygen (O²)
- Vacuum
- Four 15 amp electric switched socket outlets
- An approved nurse call system with an
emergency call facility Screening facilities to ensure patient privacy must be

provided between beds. A clinical basin shall be provided for every 6 beds or

part thereof.

6.6.2 Service Facilities As for General Wards, refer to section 5.1 In addition: The nurses station must be so positioned as

to provide an unobstructed view of all beds, or a central
monitoring system must be provided with an
unobstructed view of all consoles.


See Section 14.

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See Section 14.


See Section 14

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7.1.1 An operating suite is a restricted access environment where surgical

and invasive interventions are performed.

7.1.2 It shall consist of one or more operating rooms associated with the
following facilities as detailed in the succeeding sections:

- Recovery area
- Duty station
- Scrub area
- Setting-up area
- Changing facilities
- Cleaning and disposal area
- Storage facilities
- Rest rooms
- A suitable waiting area – patient privacy must be considered
when designing this area.

7.1.3 An operating suite shall be a restricted access area and be so planned

and equipped that control can be exercised over all persons and
materials which enter the suite.

7.1.4 The operating suite is not permitted to be used for any other purpose
than to perform surgical or other related procedures.


7.2.1 Dimensions

The minimum dimensions of the different categories of theatres should

comply with the following:

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Theatre Type Area Minimum Length Minimum Light Operating Height

Minor 20 m² 3,4 m 2,9 m

Major 30 m² 5,0 m 2,9 m

Cardiac 45 m² 5,8 m 2,9 m

Cath Lab 42 m² 5,8 m 2,9 m

7.2.2 Medical Gases

The following will be provided in every operating room: Points for the supply of oxygen, nitrous oxide, medical air,
vacuum scavenging and electrical power will be provided as

OR Type O² Points N²O Points Vacuum Medical Electrical Scavenging

Points Points Air Points Points

Minor 2 1 2 0 6 1

Major 2 1 2 1 8 1

Cardiac 4 2 4 2 18 1

Cath Lab 1 1 1 0 8 1

One additional oxygen and one additional vacuum point shall

be provided in an operating room where Caesarian sections are
performed. A minor theatre would also be adequate for
Caesarian sections provided the additional points are supplied.


7.3.1 The recovery area shall be within the restricted access area.

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7.3.2 A recovery area shall have a minimum unobstructed floor area of 12 m² and a
wall length of not less than 3 000 mm for the first operating room (OR).
Thereafter minimally 16 m² for two operating rooms and 24 m² for three
operating rooms, on the basis of one bed per OR for the first three OR’s and
thereafter one bed per each two additional OR’s.

7.3.3 The recovery room or area shall be fitted with the following: A clinical basin. One oxygen and one suction point for each bed to be
accommodated. Three electrical switched socket outlets for every recovery bed
or trolley. Facilities for screening off a minimum of one patient. Emergency call system. Lighting. Deep bowl sink.


7.4.1 A duty room or duty station within the restricted access areas which is so
situated, constructed and equipped that it is possible for the nursing staff to
observe patients directly and where necessary render assistance. This area
need not be a room, but may form an integral part of the main patient corridor,
recovery area or bed-receiving area.

7.4.2 The duty station shall have a floor area of not less than 6 m² and a minimum
wall length of 2,0 m.


7.5.1 A scrubbing-up area outside but adjacent to the operating room shall be
provided. This area shall have direct access to the operating room.

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7.5.2 A scrubbing-up area or room shall have a width of not less than 2 100 mm and
shall be so equipped as to permit unhindered and simultaneous scrubbing-up,
by at least two persons under hot and cold running water from elbow-
operating taps or alternative method over splash-limiting basins or a drainage
trough, and gowning prior to entering the operating room or within the
operating room.

7.5.2 In the case of minor theatre, provisions need only be made for scrubbing-up by
one person, and the scrub-up area may be within the theatre.


7.6.1 A cleaning and disposal area to serve the operating suite only shall be
provided. Where a special disposal corridor is provided from which the
cleaning of the operating suite or operating room(s) can be effected, such a
cleaning/disposal area shall not be situated within the restricted access area,
but shall be so situated as to have an access door from such a corridor only.

7.6.2 A cleaning and disposal area shall have an unobstructed floor area of not less
than 5 m² and a minimum wall length of 2,0 m for the first operating room.
An additional 2 m² for each additional operating room must be provided.

7.6.3 This area shall be fitted with the following: A deep bowl sink and/or slop-hopper must be provided. Adequate shelving and cupboards for storing cleaning materials

and equipment. A rust proof wash sink with hot and cold water. A wash hand basin with hot and cold water. A cleaners’ room or area for the storage of cleaning equipment

and materials must be provided.

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7.7.1 Suitable change room facilities must be provided separately for male
and female staff.

7.7.2 The change room must have one door which opens into the restricted
access area, and must have a separate entrance from outside the
restricted access area.

7.7.3 An operating suite change room shall have a floor area of not less than
9 m² for the first two ORs and thereafter 2 m² per OR and a
minimum of 2 000 mm and shall be provided with: A wash hand basin. Partitioned off toilets in the ratio 1 toilet : 12 persons. Storage facilities for the separate storage of personal

clothing and effects, and clean theatre clothing.
Provisions must also be made for soiled theatre apparel.

7.7.4 Rest rooms or rooms for operating suite staff must be within the
operating suite.

7.7.4 If light refreshments are to be served, facilities for storing, preparing

and serving such refreshments shall be provided.


7.8.1 Mechanically ventilated separate store rooms, or storage cupboards in

lieu thereof, for the storage of vacolitres, clean linen, medicines,
equipment and sundry items must be provided.

7.8.2 Storage space/room must be provided for sterile packs. No wood or

porous shelving may be used in this area.


Adequate setting-up space within the restricted access area shall be provided.

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This does not have to be a separate room. Setting-up may take place within
the operating room.


8.1 This unit should preferably be adjacent to or form part of the operating suite.
Where it is not, suitable changing facilities for staff should be provided. Refer
Section 7.7.

8.2 In large multi-storey hospitals, the SDU may be designed and operated remote
from the operating suite or hospital. The transporting system provided for the
sterilised items must be so designed to preserve pack integrity and product

8.3 A minimum floor space of 30 m² for the first two operating rooms/delivery
rooms must be provided plus an additional 2 m² for the third and each
additional operating room.

8.3.1 In hospitals where re-sterilisation is done for items used in wards,

bigger space may be required.

8.4 The design of the sterilising and disinfection unit and layout of equipment
must ensure a clear flow of work from the soiled to the clean side of the unit.

8.5 The following functional areas must be provided:

8.5.1 Washing and Decontamination Area

Comprising the following: A slop-hopper Stainless steel sinks with hot and cold water, of which
at least one sink is at least 350 mm deep; A trolley washing area with hot and cold water and a
floor drain; If soiled linen is to be held or sluiced in the

Decontamination area, additional floor space of
4 m² for the first two operating rooms and 1 m² for each
additional operating room must be provided.

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8.5.2 Tray and pack preparing area comprising the following: Floor space for packing as specified above. Storage facilities for clean materials. One or more autoclave(s) capable of sterilising porous

loads (gowns, drapes and dressings), as well as wrapped
and unwrapped instruments. Where liquids are
sterilised, an autoclave with a fluid cycle and a reverse
osmosis or distillation plant must also be provided. Unless the autoclave(s) is (are) a free-standing unit,

access for maintenance must not be via the restricted
area. Where ethylene oxide is used as a sterilant, the

installation must comply with SABS Code of Practice

8.5.3 Storage area for sterile packs

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9.1.1 The design of the laundry must comply with the NBR and the
Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1993.

9.1.2 The design of the laundry and layout of equipment must ensure a clear
flow of work from the soiled to the clean side of the laundry.

9.1.3 All clean laundered linen must be handled and stored on the clean side
of the laundry to obviate soiling from the process of sorting, sluicing
and washing of soiled linen.

9.1.4 The bulk storage of clean linen must be in a separate room,

cupboard(s) or mobile storage units to obviate the settlement of dust or
airborne lint on the clean linen.

9.1.5 If the laundry is remote from the hospital, a central sluicing room must
be provided at the hospital. This should not be at ward level.

9.1.6 A wash hand basin must be provided.


9.2.1 The floors of the laundry must have an impervious, smooth, washable
9.2.2 Where floor drains are provided for the washing of the floor, outlets to
these drains are to be installed in the soiled/washing area of the laundry
and the floor must be sloped down to this point.

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10.1.1 The design of the kitchen must comply with the NBR and the
Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1993, as well as local
authority regulations.

10.1.2 The design of the kitchen and layout of equipment must ensure
a clear flow of work from the delivery and preparation area,
and scullery area, to the final food preparation and serving area.

10.1.3 Food preparation and plating area must be protected from the
dirty preparation area and scullery area. Care must be taken to
prevent contamination of food by splashing from the scullery

10.1.4 There must be separate facilities for the bulk storage of dry
goods, vegetables, meat and fish.

10.1.5 Refrigeration and deep-freezer space must be provided.

10.1.6 Hand wash basins must be provided.

10.1.7 Waste disposal should be in accordance with local authority



10.2.1 The floors of the kitchen must be an impervious, washable,

non-slip surface.

10.2.2 Where floor drains are provided for the washing of the floor,
outlets to these drains are to be installed in the soiled/washing
area of the kitchen and the floor must be sloped down to this


10.2.3 Grease trap floor drains so designed as to prevent back-flow of

stench from the drains may be installed throughout the kitchen.

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In which case provision must be made for delivery of meals, with

reconstituting facilities and an area for cleaning of crockery and cutlery and
trolleys. Again a clear flow of work as specified in 10.1 above must be


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11.1 This pharmacy must be designed to allow for an area where dispensing is
done. This area must be easily accessible to wards, operating suites and
patients. Access must be allowed to patients in a wheelchair. (See NBR).

11.2 A safe area for storage of drugs must be provided:

- Special attention must be given to security. All windows and doors must be

- This area must have restricted access.

- An outside entrance for deliveries must be provided, again with attention to


- Storage of drugs must be done in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.

11.3 Safety and Fire regulations – see NBR

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12.1 If supplied, this room shall be situated outside the demarcated area of the
operating suite.

12.2 The minimum size of this room must be 12 m².

12.3 Oxygen and vacuum must be supplied.

12.4 A minimum of 6 electrical switched socket outlets must be supplied.

12.5 A clinical basin must be provided.

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An emergency/trauma unit is a department where 24 hour emergency service is

rendered to members of the public. Arrangements for multi-disciplinary admission
facilities including intensive care must be made. 24 Hour X-ray facilities must be
available on the premises. A laboratory service or acceptable alternative must be
available. A blood transfusion service must be available.

A casualty unit is a unit sometimes only open after hours where urgent service is
rendered to members of the public. It will normally not have inhouse facilities for
management of all major trauma and may not have facilities for stabilisation of such
cases prior to transfer.


An emergency unit must comprise of the following:

13.1.1 Reception area with office space

13.1.2 Access to waiting space. May be shared.

13.1.3 Access to public toilet with wash hand basins, for men and
women separately. Access to a wheelchair toilet which may be

13.1.4 A room for resuscitation:- which shall have a minimum floor area of 12 m²

and a minimum wall length of 3 000 mm. Resuscitation and procedure areas must afford

the following:

- Oxygen and suction for each bed piped or


- Electrical switched socket outlets. Minimum 4

per bed.

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13.1.5 Procedure Room

Which shall have a minimum floor area of 12 m² and a

minimum wall length of 3 000 mm.

13.1.6 A resuscitation room which shall have a minimum floor area of

12 m² and a minimum wall length of 3 000 mm.

13.1.5 and 13.1.6 may be in the same area (room) with a

screening facility and must then be at least 20 m².

13.1.7 Resuscitation and procedure areas must afford the following:

- Oxygen and suction for each bed (piped or portable)

- Switched socket outlets minimum 4 per bed

13.1.8 Accessible dirty utility room with normal requirements as for

general wards, linen and general equipment.

13.1.9 Clean utility area with storage place for pharmaceutical


13.1.10 Accessible cleaner’s room

13.1.11 Accessible toilets for personnel and public

13.1.12 Nurse station or duty room which may be part of reception.

13.1.13 Room(s) and/or cubicles with a minimum space of 6 m² with

wash hand basins.

13.1.14 A dedicated trauma theatre or immediate access to the general

theatre complex.


13.2.1 The unit must have a weather protected external entrance with
easy ambulance access.

13.2.2 A ramp must be provided if the level of the ground outside is

not the same as inside the building.

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13.2.3 If the unit is not on the same level as the hospital, an elevator
must be provided that will be suitable for convenient access of
patients to the operating suite, wards, dispensary, or
radiological units if necessary.



14.1.1 Accommodation and Facilities

The same accommodation facilities and patient accommodation as

specified for general nursing unit are required (see sections 5.1 and
5.2) with the following exclusions: One bath or shower is required No disabled ablution facility is required Separate rooms for male, female, infants and children

are not required provided that proper screening facilities
are available.

14.1.2 Engineering Service Requirements

As per Section 4

14.13 Operating Theatres

As for minor theatre and including suitable associated facilities.

14.1.4 Building Requirements

As per Section 3


Minimum requirements for acute psychiatric facilities in this document refer

to a unit of 20 beds and can be proportionally adjusted.

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All facilities shall be in accordance with National Building Regulations as and
where applicable.

14.2.1 Accommodation

As per general Section 5.1 and 5.2

In addition: Lounge

Lounge space shall be available for patients. The general

dining-room or indoor recreation facilities may also serve this
purpose. Group Room

Every nursing unit shall have at least one (1) group room with a
minimum floor space of 9 m². Consulting Room

A facility for private interviews by members of the multi-

professional team shall be available in every nursing unit. Observation Room

One (1) observation room with a minimum floor space of

10 m² providing constant visual supervision, shall be available
to every nursing unit. This can be achieved by a room next to
the nurses’ station with a safety one-way glass panel between
them, or by the constant presence of a nurse in a room. Special Care

Special care facilities of at least 7,5 m² per bed for wards and
at least 10 m² for single rooms shall be available near to the
nurses’ station.


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- A wash basin shall be available in the room
- One (1) nurses’ call system shall be available per bed
- Basic emergency facilities shall be accessible for
resuscitation, be it fixed or portable.

Observation room area may be used for this. Dining-room

A general dining facility shall be available Recreation Area

- An indoor facility of at least 20 m² shall be available for

recreational activities. This may be shared with the
lounge, dining-room or occupational therapy areas.

- Access to garden area

14.2.2 Procedure Room and Recovery Facility At least one procedure room of not less than 12 m² and one
recovery facility shall be provided per hospital for electro
convulsive therapy and narco-analysis. The recovery facility
must be at least 9 m². At least one (1) hand wash basin shall be available for each of
the procedure room and recovery facility. An emergency call system connecting the recovery facility and

procedure room shall be provided.

In a hospital with main theatres this facility may not be


14.2.3 Occupational Therapy Unit

The occupational therapy unit shall provide: Office Space

As per General Building Requirements.

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____________________________________________________________________________ Group/Interview Room

(May be same room as

At least one per occupational therapy unit with a minimum of

9 m². For more patients floor space may not be adjusted, but
more group rooms shall be added. Activity/Craft Room

At least one per occupational therapy unit with a minimum of

30 m² for a maximum of twenty (20) patients. Relaxation/Therapy/Lecture Room

(May be the same as

At least one relaxation, therapy/lecture room with a minimum

of 30 m² for a maximum of twenty (20) patients. Floor space
may be adjusted according to the number of patients. Storage

Storage for equipment and materials shall be available, as well

as for finished and unfinished products.

14.2.3 Measures to Ensure the Safety of Patients Safety glass and slip resistant floor must be used in all patient areas. Patients must not be able to lock themselves into any room or
cupboard. Hot water taps and heaters must be thermostatically controlled. Windows in a multi-storey building must be so constructed as to

prevent suicide. All entrances to units shall be security controlled.

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___________________________________________________________________________ Clothes hooks in accommodation and ablution areas must have a
breaking strain of not more than 5 kg. Staff Facilities

Rest room and toilet facilities shall be provided for staff (As per
General Section 5.1.11)


14..3.1 Accommodation and Facilities Maximum of 36 beds per nursing unit General wards shall be designed for not more than six (6)
patients per room. All facilities shall be in accordance with National building

Requirements (NBR) SABS 0400/1990 (as amended). At least 10 % of the 36 beds per nursing units shall be single

rooms. A separate recreational cum dining-room area shall be

provided. The area shall be a minimum of 10 m² for 5 patients.
1 m² must be added for each additional patient above 10. Paediatric units shall provide, in addition to the above –

- separate bathing facilities for babies and children

- direct vision of all beds/cots from nurses station or from

the adjacent corridor

- special safety features in respect of electric plugs and

switches, heaters, door locks and hot water supply

- a play area adjacent to, or visible from and easily

accessible from the nurses station

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- electrical socket outlets, one per three beds shall be


Persons requiring rehabilitation will be accommodated in a rehabilitation unit.

See definition Section 2.

14.4.1 General Building Requirements

As per Section 3, except Doors

Shall comply with SABS 0400 Part S Corridors

Shall have a minimum unobstructed width of 2 300

mm. Shall have hand rails along both sides. Patient lifts must be provided in all multi-storey

buildings in accordance with SABS 0400 SS 3.1. Ramps must be provided in all accommodation and

therapeutic areas in accordance with SABS 0400 SS 2. Lighting must be provided at entrances and ramps, 150

lux NBR SABS 0264: 1993.

14.4.2 Engineering Services Requirements

As per Section 4.

14.4.3 Accommodation and Facilities (Residential Area) As per Section 5.1 and 5.2 with provision that no room
shall contain more than 12 beds.

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5 November 1996 Maximum of 36 beds per nursing unit. 10 % of beds must be single rooms. Patient bathing and toilet facilities shall be in

accordance with Section 5.2 with the proviso that, for
every 8 patients or part of such number at least one
wheelchair toilet in accordance with SABS 0400 SS5
must be provided. For every 8 patients or part of such number, an invalid

ablution facility in accordance with SABS 0400 should
be provided. Oxygen and vacuum either piped or mobile, must be

available to each patient room in the hospital. If not
piped at least one mobile oxygen supply and one mobile
vacuum pump per 12 patients must be provided. Dining-room/Lounge

- A minimum of 20 m² for 10 patients, and

thereafter 1,5 m² for each additional patient.

14.4.4 Modular Therapeutic Facility

An area must be provided for therapy. The area can be shared for all
multi-disciplinary therapy and include therapy departments, therapists
offices, change rooms, toilets, recreational facilities, treatment rooms,
splinting rooms.

The therapeutic area must have direct access to the garden with ramps
(accessible for wheel chairs).

An area must be provided for therapy. Minimum areas as per the

following: Occupational Therapy



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5 November 1996
- A minimum of 10 m² with one electric
switched socket outlet and a wash basin.

- A clean work room 10 m² with one

electric switched socket outlet and a
wash basin.

- A dirty work room 10 m² with one -

electric switched socket outlet and a
wash basin.

- A cognitive room with three SSO’s,

minimum of 10 m².

The last three may be shared, in which case it must be a

minimum of 30 m².

- Splint Room, minimum of 10 m² with three SSO’s and

a wash basin.

- Storage space for each of the clean work room, the dirty
work room and the cognitive room must be provided, a
minimum of 6 m² per area. This storage space may be
shared, in which case it must be a minimum of 15 m².

- ADL facilities (may be incorporated in patient

accommodation area)

- ADL kitchen minimum of 10 m²Social Worker

- A family/group conference room, minimum of

20 m². Clinical Psychologist

- A group therapy room of 20 m² which may be

shared with social worker.

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5 November 1996 An Emergency Room

- 16 m²
- Four SSO’s
- Piped/mobile oxygen and suction
- Double doors Physiotherapist

A one-to-one work room of

- 10 m²
- one SSO
- screening facility

Storage space, minimum of 9 m²

Gym area, minimum of 45 m²

- a wash basin
- three SSO’s
- wheelchair parking area in gym area of 10 m²

Storage space of 9 m² may be shared with storage space in

which case it must be 18 m².

14.4.5 If spinal and/or cranial rehabilitation (see definition) is to be done, the following
additional requirements must be met: Hydrotherapy

- hoist mechanism or ramp
- minimum of 1 m and a maximum of 1,5 m deep
- 1 m walking space around pool
- change rooms and lockers of 8 m²
- a wheel chair toilet 4 m²


For mechanical ventilation of patients –
- A minimum of 2 beds which comply with the general
regulations for a high care ward (Section 6.6)

In addition:
- One low pressure medical air point per bed

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