Pom Pom Flowers: Supplies
Pom Pom Flowers: Supplies
Pom Pom Flowers: Supplies
1 Cut out a pom pom template the 8 Take a short length of wool in the
size you want your flower to be same colour and tie it very tightly
and use a pencil to draw it onto around the middle of the pom
cardboard twice. pom in between the two rings. Cut
off any excess
2 Cut the cardboard rings out and
carefully cut out the middle using
your scissors and place together. 9 Next wrap your pipe cleaner over
the top of the wool around the
centre and twists it around itself
3 Choose a wool and thread the end to create a stalk. Remove the rings.
of it through the rings and back
around itself to create a knot. The 10 Fold the edge of your green felt
two rings should now be fastened over and draw a leaf on it with
together with the wool. a flat bottom up against the fold.
4 Cut a very long length of wool.
Keep it connected to the knot and 11 Cut this out without cutting along
push it through the hole again. the fold.
Wrap it around the edge keeping
it close together.
5 Keep wrapping until there is no 12 Wrap the leaf around your stalk
longer a hole. (You may need to so that the two leaf sections are
use a needle as the hole becomes pressed together with glue to hold
smaller) Cut off any excess wool. it in place.
6 Take your scissors and carefully 13 Repeat this process using different
snip through the wrapped wool wools and different sized pom
around the edge leaving the poms to make lots of flowers
cardboard in one piece.
7 Continue to do this all the way 14 Tie together into a bunch of
round until you are left with a pom flowers with a ribbon.
pom with discs around the middle.
Craft Instructions
–– Wool in several different –– Scissors
colours –– Strong glue
–– Long green pipe cleaners –– Ribbon
–– Green felt
–– Pencil
–– Pom pom templates
–– Thin cardboard
Craft Instructions Pom Pom Flowers
Craft Instructions Pom Pom Flowers
Craft Instructions Pom Pom Flowers
Craft Instructions Pom Pom Flowers
Craft Instructions Pom Pom Flowers
Craft Instructions Pom Pom Flowers
Craft Instructions Pom Pom Flowers
Craft Instructions Pom Pom Flowers
Craft Instructions Pom Pom Flowers
Craft Instructions Pom Pom Flowers
Craft Instructions Pom Pom Flowers