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Security Operations Analysis 

Security Operations Center (SOC) Analyst Guide 

Edited by: Chiheb Chebbi 

Table of Contents 

Chapter 1: ​Information security incident response 2​  

Chapter 2: ​An overview of knowledge asset management for cybersecurity ​11 
Chapter 3: ​Introduction to Security Operation Centers ​19 
Chapter 4: ​Open source tools for security operations ​28 
Chapter 5: ​Threat intelligence ​33 
Chapter 6: ​Incident handling ​36 
Chapter 7: ​Threat hunting ​49 
Chapter 8: ​MSSP outsourcing ​70 

Chapter 1: ​Information Security Incident Response 
By ​Mohamed Marrouchi 

Identifying and responding to data ​security incidents​ is at the ​center​ of security activities. 
The group appointed to ​security operations​ is relied upon to ​monitor​ the organization's 
advantages inside extension and respond to security ​events​ and ​incidents​, including the 
identification and examination of what might be considered ​indicators of compromise​ (IOC). 

In this chapter we are going to discover the following topics: 

1. Incident response​ Timeline 

2. Incident Detection 
3. Incident ​Triage 
4. Incident Categories 
5. Incident ​Severity 
6. Incident Resolution 
7. Incident Closure 
8. Post-Incident 
9. SOC Generations 
10. Conclusion 

1.Incident ​response​ Timeline 

Setting up a ​SOC​ to oversee incidents stretches out to cover people, ​processes​, and 
obviously, technology. 


The correct arrangements of steps to pursue and the gatherings to include rely upon the idea 
of the incident. A run of incident-handling taking care of ​process​ pursues the list of steps 
exhibited in the incident response (IR) timeline in the Figure. We should take a gander at 
detection​, which is the second stop. 

2.Incident Detection 

Detection alludes to the stage in which an occurrence is watched and revealed by people or 
technology, and the process that handles the reporting angles. 

For the process to be powerful, the accompanying must be documented and formalized: 

-Identify the sources, for example, technology and people, that are in charge of detection and 
reporting incidents response team. 

-Identify the channels through which incidents response ​team​ ought to be accounted for. 

-Identify the means that ought to be taken to acknowledge and process incidents response 
team reports. 

-Identify the prerequisites on people and technology for the process to work. 


3.Incident Triage 

Incident triage appears to the underlying moves made on a ​detected​ e​ vent​ that is utilized to 
decide the rest of the remaining as per the incident reaction plan. The triage phase 
comprises of three sub-phases: ​verification​, initial classification, and assignment. 

The triage phase is worried about answering different ​question​, for example, the 

-Is the incident inside the extent of the program? 

-Is it another incident, or is it identified with a past reported one? 

-What classification should the incident be doled out to? 

-What severity level ought to be allotted to the incident? 

-Who ought to be appointed to investigate and analyze the incident? 

-Is there a time period related with the incident? 

4.Incident Categories 

Category  Name  Description 

0  Exercise  This is used when conducting an approved exercise 
such as an authorized ​penetration​ test. 

1  Unauthorized access  This represents when and individual gains logical or 
physical access​ without permission to a client 
network​, system, ​application​, data, or other resource. 

2  Denial of Service(DoS)  This is used when an ​attack​ successfully prevents or 
impairs the normal authorized ​functionality​ of 
networks​, systems, or ​applications​ by exhausting 
3  Malicious code  This identifies when there is a successful installation 
of ​malicious software​, such as a ​virus​, w
​ orm​, ​Trojan 
horse​, or other code-based ​malicious​ entity, that 
infects an ​OS​ or application. 
4  Scans/Probes/Attempte This includes any activity that seeks to access or 
d access  identify a client computer, open ​ports​, ​protocols​, 
service​, or any combination for a future attack. 
5  Investigation  This includes unconfirmed incidents that are 
potentially malicious or anomalous activity deemed by 
the reporting entity to warrant further review 

All security incidents ought to be belonged to a category. The category number distinguishes 
the sort of the incident and its potential kind of impact. The table demonstrates an example 
rundown of categories that we use for categorizing incidents. 

The incidents may have beyond what one category and that the classification can change as 
the incident advances or as the examination of the incident unfurls new discoveries. 

5.Incident Severity 

Severity levels​ depend on the normal or watched ​impact​ of an incident. This is utilized for the 
prioritization of the incident, considering the measure of ​assets​ that ought to be appointed, 
and decides the escalation procedure to pursue. 

Level  Description 

High  Incidents that have severe impact on ​operations 
Medium  Incidents that have a significant impact or the potential to have a 
severe impact on operations 
Low  Incidents that have a minimal impact with the potential for significant 
or severe impact on operations 

6.Incident Resolution 

The ​lifecycle​ of an occurrence ought to in the long run lead to some type of resolution. This 
may incorporate information examination, resolution look into, a proposed or performed 
activity, and recuperation. The goal of this phase is to find the underlying ​driver​ of the 
incident, while chipping away at containing the incident at the earliest stage conceivable. 

The investigation and ​analysis​ phase include the exercises attempted by SOC and by 
different groups with the end goal of: 

Identifying ​exploited​ systems and accounts 

Understanding the effect of the ​security incident 

Identifying unapproved get to endeavors to ​private information 

Understanding the chain of incident that have prompted the security incident 

The containment stage includes the activities performed to rapidly stop a security incident 
from raising or spreading to different networks or systems 

The procedure appeared in the figure is an example containment process. We may, be that as 
it may, continue with containment previously or amid the incident examination. 

The correct strides to pursue to contain a security incident shift contingent upon the idea of 
the incident and ​business​ criticality of the asset. Instances of containment activities 
incorporate the accompanying: 

● Disengaging a system from the network 

● Moving a tainted system to isolate network 
● Halting a process or a service 
● Disabling an account 
● Including a ​firewall​ rule 
● Including an ​intrusion prevention system​ (IPS) signature/rule that would distinguish 
and hinder the assault's particular vector. 

7.Incident Closure 

Closing a security incident alludes to the destruction phase in which ​vulnerabilities​ that lead 
to the event or incident have been shut and all the occurrence follows have been washed 
down. The closure procedure likewise incorporates ​testing​ systems to guarantee that the 

annihilation steps and ​controls​ were compelling and that the vectors utilized by the attack 
don’t exist any longer or is insufficient. Predefined activities to consider incorporate applying 
any last data about the event, its last classification, any outside warnings, and documenting 
information about the incident. 


This is the "lessons-learned" stage in which us look to enhance the ​IR​ processes and ponder 
other people, processes, and technology controls. Post-incident exercises will fluctuate 
contingent upon the seriousness of the security incident. Important ​learning​ picked up from 
security incident can be valuable to avert/moderate future incident as ​proactive 
administrations, for example, improving security highlights of capacities inside protections. 

9.SOC Generations 

Our comprehension of SOC segments and expected ​services​ has changed after some time. 
This is a reflection of the change in our view of the criticality of information ​assurance​ and 
security activities. This change comes in light of the regularly changing security ​threat 
landscape​, notwithstanding our undeniably receiving formal information ​security standards​, 
requiring the foundation and ​management​ of a formal security activities model and ​audit 


In outline, following an incident response ​course​ of events, the SOC group would deal with 
various basic assignments, from occurrence identification to closure. Each phase of an 
incident can have its very own process and include different gatherings inside the 
association. It is significant that the arrangement, plan, and fabricate stages for occurrence 
response be characterized, reported, and supported by the correct specialists inside the 
association. incident response is tied in with timing, and the most noticeably terrible time to 
make sense of duties and incident-handling care of process is during a functioning attack. 


● Gregory Jarpey and R. Scott McCoy (Auth.) - ​Security Operations Center​ Guidebook. A 
Practical Guide for a Successful SOC (2017, Butterworth-Heinemann) 
● Jeff Bollinger, Brandon Enright, Matthew Valites - Crafting the ​InfoSec​ Playbook_ 
Security Monitoring​ and Incident Response Master Plan-O_Reilly ​Media​ (2015) 

● Joseph Muniz, Gary McIntyre, Nadhem AlFardan - Security Operations Center_ Building, 
Operating​, and Maintaining your SOC-Cisco Press (2015) 


Chapter 2: An Overview of Knowledge Asset 
Management for Cybersecurity  
By ​Dana Winner  

A recent cyberspace controversy regarding X10 Engineers, triggered by a Tweet from 

technology start-up investor, Shekhar Karani, generated a “Twitter storm” of hate, as well as 
some useful discussion. Shekhar represented a widely held view in the ​Information 
Technology​ (IT) ​industry​ culture, that a “10X Engineer” is a “great individual contributor”. He 
acknowledged that they may not be good with teamwork. So, what?`` Other IT industry 
influencers, such as Rob Graham, countered that “10X engineers” are a “diverse” group of 
people, some of which are “hermits”, while some are “outgoing ​team​ leaders”, some are 
charlatans and some are “negative-x”, i.e. having negative ​impact​ on team productivity. He 
highlighted the negative atmosphere in which engineers are focused on trying to “one-up” 
each other, competing rather than collaborating. In the ​Security Operations Center​ (SOC), 
collaboration and knowledge-sharing are mandatory for success; 10x collaboration for 10x 

Collaboration is a major principle and a suite of behaviors that form the core of Knowledge 
Assets​ ​Management​ (KAM) culture. That collaboration suite of behaviors include 
dialog/conversation, teamwork, ​knowledge sharing​, ​human​ capital ​development​, respect for 
intellectual property​ and other concepts that support knowledge development. These KM 
principles​ and behaviors are critically important for any Learning Organization, such as a SOC. 

Sadly, since the commercialization and commoditization of Information Technology (IT) 

began in the 1980's, and greatly accelerated in the '90's, thanks to the ​Internet​ and World 
Wide ​Web​ (WWW), KM principles and behaviors have been a lower priority for the IT industry. 
More specifically, the lack of KM culture has been even greater in the cybersecurity industry, 

in which “hacking” and being a “hacker” are cultural themes which elevate ​cyber criminals 
(“hackers”) as a hero and ​discount​ the ​criminal​ character of that (“hacking”) behavior. 

The growth of the Internet in the 70's and 80's, and even more so, the WWW in the 90's and 
2000's, promised exponential growth of knowledge through greater access to explicit 
knowledge through digitally documented information formatted as text, graphics, images and 
voice. Hyperbole and hubris are rampant regarding the benefits that the Internet has and is 
expected to provide. Mark Zuckerberg, ​CEO​ of ​Facebook​, exemplifies that hyperbole and 
hubris, claiming that “​Connecting everyone to the Internet is...necessary for building an 
informed community​”. There is general acceptance of the idea that ​for the industrialized 
world, and especially the liberal democracies, the economic growth accruing from Internet 
use has been phenomenal.​ However, ​not everyone agrees that connecting to the Internet is a 
guarantee of learning and development of knowledge​. The ​matrix of​ the Internet, ​liberal 
democracy, is threatened by abuse of its freedoms thanks to abuse of the Internet​. The 
benefits of the Internet are increasingly in ​question​ as the cost of cybercrime grows. 

Nevertheless, for the largest economies, the ​Digital Economy​ contribution to economic 
growth far outweighs the cost of ​cybercrime​ and smaller economies continue to compete for 
their place in the ​Digital​ Economy. Consequently, there is currently little ​motivation​ to 
fundamentally solve the cybercrime problem. We can ​expect​ the current ​trends​ and behavior 
to continue until disrupted by extreme conditions, such as ​cyberwar​ or economic collapse. 
Every ​analysis predicts increasing cybercrime​; “​the Rules of Engagement have broken​”. As 
we already know, ​cybercrime will continue to be unfairly externalized to individuals, 
small-to-medium enterprises and smaller economies, especially as the "Internet of Things" 
spreads its ​network​ of headless, unsecured devices. Every SOC is at the vanguard of this 
struggle to make the Internet sufficiently safe and secure to fulfill the potential knowledge 
growth of the Internet. This is a cultural revolution – for better or worse – globally and in 
each and every SOC. 

Looking back over the 70 years of Information Age ​evolution​, contrary to popular opinion, it is 
apparent that there are aspects of the IT culture that have severely deteriorated. The 
earliest days of the Information Age were days of making ​computers​ do things that seemed 

almost impossible – like landing humans on the moon 50 years ago when the Information 
Age was merely 25 years old (Harvard Mark I, 1944). Those amazing deeds were 
accomplished through humility, knowledge sharing, collaboration, teamwork and diversity.  

The KM cultural values are often thought of as “feminine”, while the cybersecurity culture is 
largely “masculine” (more about this later). In the formative era of the Information Age, 
women invented software​. Women were included in the IT ​workforce​ for their knowledge, 
skills​ and abilities (KSA). Female engagement peaked in the '80's at 30-35% before 
commercialization shifted the nexus of IT culture to ​Silicon Valley​. These and other related 
cultural values are in shorter supply in an era of information and cyber ​insecurity​, or as Vint 
Cerf has called it, a ​Digital Dark Age​. If we want to ​win​ this struggle to fulfill the knowledge 
development promise of the Internet, we need to regain the seminal cultural values of the 
Information Age. Every SOC is well positioned to lead this cultural struggle, to rebuild the 
cyberspace cultural (values, behaviors) superstructure to take full advantage of the 
Information Age foundations built in the 40's-80's. 

The cyberspace superstructure that we have built on that foundation is not sustainable. 
Those people who are information and cyber ​security professionals​ know that we are in a “no 
win” situation. We can only estimate ​risks​ and spend precious ​resources to​ ​mitigate​ those 
risks, just as seismologists can warn and recommend regarding potential for earthquakes 
and volcanic eruptions. By contrast to those forces of nature, the ​cyber risk​ that we are 
struggling with is of our own making. ​Doing the same thing again and again and expecting a 
different result is insane.​ We have created and continue to perpetrate the culture that 
simultaneously builds and destroys our global information infrastructure. 

The cyberspace culture is building with the dominant hand and destroying with the other 
hand. When will the destruction become financially intolerable? We have to solve the 
problem at the ​root​; building on the culture and purpose that formed the Information Age 
foundation. That KM culture is essential to an effective SOC. Developing cybersecurity 
strategies, tactics and technologies does not solve the cyber ​risk​ problem. “​Culture eats 
strategy for breakfast​”. We must change ourselves, individually; change our culture, our 

values, our behavior in cyberspace. By changing ourselves we change the SOC. By changing 
the SOC, we can drive the change in IT, the ​enterprise​, the nation, the world. 

Our first step in this cultural change is to remember the original purpose of our cyberspace 
adventure. Purpose is an important ​driver​ of all principles, values and behavior. Let's step 
back from our focus on technology, the data, the information. We need to remember why we 
are managing technology, data and information. ​Our purpose is to support knowledge 
creation and sustainability; know-how, competency, ability, skill and understanding that 
leads to excellence in performance and productivity​. This is why we manage information and 
data using electronic digital technology. Clearly, we must drive information management, in 
all of its aspects and components, to support our Knowledge Assets. The question is, “do we 
have a ​framework​ within which to conduct a Knowledge Assets Management approach to 
information systems​ and especially, information and cyber security?” The answer seems to 
be “No.” 

Beyond the anecdotal evidence in the twitter-sphere, as reflected in the opening paragraph, 
we find further evidence in the formal ​information security​ ​frameworks​, that the principles of 
knowledge management and knowledge itself is, at best, assumed, and in reality, is mostly 
an after-thought. For example, in the “ISO 27000:​2018​ ​ISO​ Information technology — 
Security ​techniques​ — ​Information security management systems (ISMS)​ – Overview and 
vocabulary”, the emphasis is not on knowledge or knowledge management. As might be 
expected, the ​word​ count for “information” is high at 318. Another high word count in this 
introductory ​document​ for the ISO27000 series, is “risk” at 174 repetitions. These high word 
counts reflect the importance placed on explaining these concepts. The word count for 
knowledge is 6.  

Of ​course​, there are many documents in the ISO27000 series and a thorough review might 
produce a more positive reflection of the importance of knowledge and KM within the 
context of ​ISMS​, it is not unreasonable to suggest that the ISO27000 overview document 
does not provide a satisfactory and useful explanation of a knowledge-driven approach to 
building and sustaining the ISMS, which is a fundamental component of the SOC. So, what 
framework is available to support knowledge-driven ​cyber security​ in the SOC? 

The good news is that there is a relevant ​standard​ from the ​International​ ​Standards 
Organization – ISO30401:2018 - Knowledge ​Management Systems​ Requirements – that can 
support the ​application​ of a Knowledge Management System (KMS) to the SOC ISMS. What 
are the primary ​KMS​ requirements that can be applied to the SOC ISMS? 

ISO30401 describes in the introduction the problem posed by the common confusion 
between knowledge and information and “for example the view that simply buying a 
technology system will be enough for knowledge management to add value”. The ISO KMS 
Requirements standard provides guidance regarding the following major components that are 
unique to this document: 

4.2-4.3 Knowledge Stakeholders and Inventory​: The organization should identify knowledge 
stakeholders who are best suited to defining the Knowledge Areas. Create a “list” of the 
corporate​ Knowledge Areas, their values and priorities in relation to stakeholders. 

4.4 KM System​: The organization should formalize their approach to KM into a system of 
people, ​policies​, ​processes​ and tools. Sections 4.5-4.8 define the parts of the KMS 

4.5 Knowledge Life Cycle​: Knowledge ​change management​ supports the (SECI) 
transformations of knowledge assets within the knowledge areas as it evolves through the 
stages of the knowledge life cycle: acquiring, applying, retaining and managing knowledge.  

4.6 Knowledge transformations​: Knowledge is ​shared​ (Socialized). It is codified in many 

ways, including text, digitizing, ​coding​, ​prototypes​, products, processes and more 
(Externalization). Knowledge is integrated and analyzed from many sources to create new 
knowledge (Combination). New knowledge is understood and becomes know-how 
(Internalization). This is known as the SECI model: Socialization, Externalization, 
Combination and Internalization.  

4.7 KM Facilitators​: The knowledge life cycle does not happen by nature. Some people are 
natural in connecting, communicating and knowledge-sharing which are fundamental 
aspects of collaboration, while other people are averse to all aspects of collaboration. Even 
those who are adept at collaboration require guidance to ensure that their collaboration 

supports the corporate ​strategic​ goals. For those people who are not natural collaborators, 
talented coaches can teach attitudes and skills that facilitate most of the less talented 
collaborators. Dialog and conversation are underestimated skills that require work to 
develop, especially amongst people who are typically attracted to IT and cybersecurity.  

4.8​ ​Learning Organization Culture​: create the values that promote knowledge creation and 
sustainability. This is primarily the responsibility of KMS ​Leadership​ (Section 5). The leaders 
establish Policies, ​Roles​ and Responsibilities (Sections 5.2-5.3). 

Section 6.1 of the ISO30401 KMS Requirements defines the importance of planning and ​risk 
management​ of the KMS in order to achieve the knowledge objectives. This includes the 
development of needed resources, especially competency (Section 7) of responsible staff. 
Sections 8 and 9 define operations and performance measurements. Throughout the 
document is it clear that “documented information” is subsidiary to and supports 

SOC Analysis – the subject of this book – is a Knowledge Asset Management Process that 
creates and sustains the ISMS, i.e. the cybersecurity risk management body of knowledge of 
an organization. The framework for a Knowledge Assets Management driven SOC, is to apply 
the ISO30401 KMIS Requirements guidance to the ​SOC operations​, and specifically to the 
SOC analysis process. It is hoped that the justification for applying ISO 30401:2018 has 
been so convincing that the reader is how eager for some practical implementation. That 
response​ calls for a complete book, not just a chapter. However, there are three KAM 
strategies that can be briefly described, which might be immediately helpful and effective.  

The first of those three KAM strategies is to ensure that Knowledge Risk Management is the 
foundation for Information and Cyber Risk Management. By placing the emphasis on 
knowledge rather than information, data and technical infrastructure, it becomes possible to 
understand which Knowledge Assets (of which the great majority are human capital: tacit 
knowledge) can be valued and thereby prioritized for protection. Only then can the supporting 
assets, including the information, data and technical assets, be valued and prioritized. In 

other words, the value of information and data cannot be estimated except in the context of 
the knowledge that they support.  

By insisting that the leadership estimate the value of Knowledge Assets and conduct 
Knowledge ​Risk Assessment​, the ​CISCO will​ not engage in meaningless estimations of the 
value of information and data assets, basing Information and Cyber Risk ​Evaluations​ on false 
assumptions. Another benefit of this approach is to place the ​Human Factor​ and Human 
Capital squarely at the ​center​ of all Information and Cyber Security strategies, as we all 
know it should be. By emphasizing the Human Factor, funding of the most effective security 
strategies and tactics will be more convincingly justified.  

The second of those three KAM strategies that could be immediately helpful and effective is 
to improve the conversation by changing the rhetoric. Words are powerful. Let's begin with 
the words “hacker” and “hacked”. The original of the word “hacker” in modern slang means 
someone who is “amateur”, a “hobbyist”, i.e. someone who is not professional and not 
criminal. This word was first used regarding ​PC​ and Internet hobbyists and then stuck with 
them as some of them evolved into criminal behavior. Now, we need to change our culture to 
recognize that cybercrime is perpetrated by cyber ​criminals​, not “hackers”. We need to 
change our rhetoric to reflect the reality that what cyber criminals engage is in “crime” not 
“hacking”. We need to stop referring to the people who fight the criminals as “hackers” or 
“ethical hackers” or “White Hat Hackers” and give them the serious respect of calling then 
cybersecurity professionals. The SOC is not a place for individualistic “hackers”. The SOC is a 
team of cyber security professionals.  

The third suggested KAM strategy is to increase ​diversity​ - which is proven to create new 
knowledge - by attracting more women to the SOC. The great majority of cyber crime is 
perpetrated by males. ​Insiders are the greatest cybersecurity vulnerability​ and IT insiders are 
the biggest vulnerability. ​Women are by nature less likely to engage in risky behavior​, and 
therefore engage in cybercrime at a very low rate. As well as being more risk averse than 
males, as a group, women are more socially-oriented, more prone to communication, 
networking​ and information sharing. This is a useful generalization, but should not be the 
basis for ruling out exceptions. Certainly, many men share these natural talents with women. 

Nevertheless, the talents of women are a great addition to IT, and especially to the SOC 
team. Make a qualified woman responsible for SOC KAM and increase the potential for the 
SOC to become a Learning Organization.  

These three strategic changes are merely a suggested start for how the SOC can become a 
Learning Organization that is driven by and supportive of Knowledge Assets Management. 
The SOC should start the cultural change internally, so that each member is recognized as a 
Knowledge Worker (not a “hacker”) and the SOC becomes a Learning Organization providing 
professional cybersecurity protection to the enterprise. The SOC should insist on making 
know-how the supreme purpose of the SOC and then spread this change from the SOC to the 
Enterprise, and then to the Community, the Nation and the World. 


Chapter 3 Introduction to Security Operation Centers 
By ​Prasannakumar B Mundas​ ​and​ ​Elyes Chemengui 

Before building ​SOC​ for the company, it is important to understand the needs to have the 
requirements and plans. Successful SOC is not so easy to implement without the support of 
all people from all levels. SOC can be implemented with the basic rules and ​process​es but it 
should include a ​framework​ to have a continuous progress. 

There are many obvious things which has to be followed by questioning ourselves. By 
answering these questions we will give the overall idea which helps to cover the gaps using 

What are all current security problems your organization is facing? 

It is very important to understand known and unknown security issues from your organization 
are facing ​business​ impacts. These can be affecting your company ​CIA​ (Confidentiality, 
Integrity​ and Availability). If you have already experienced issues, then list them out or else 
make ​standard​ use cases which will help you to detect and prevent the attacks. 

List out the existing problems and impacts so that your implementation of SOC can resolve 
it. It is good to think about future problems as well, but it is mandating to cover the existing 

"​Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility, and it boils down to this: in ​cyber security​, 

the more ​systems​ we ​secure​, the more secure we are all​" - Jeh Johnson 


What is your short-term vision and long-term vision? 

Define your ​goals​ and visions which will support your business and compare your visions with 
the ​Risks​ which might your organization faces. Set the new goals for limited time to 
evaluate the progress. 

What does it take? 

Obvious thing is, it needs your precious time, people, process and product (Technology) and 
governance. There are some things which your organization can handle, and some cannot. In 
this case, needs to understand and list out those tasks/resources which can be outsourced. 

What do we need? 

Understanding the environment (Network), ​employees​ and ​resources​ which are needs to be 
monitored. Then, Calculate the ​budget​ which can be allocated to SOC. Then plan, evaluate 
and divide the budget for technologies and people to run the SOC without any diversions. 

From the beginning, it is good to have a framework which will help to implement the process. 
It is recommended to use ​ITIL​ framework (Life Cycle) which will help to define, design, 
transiting and the execution of the process including continuous improvement. Now we will 
see how the basic rule of SOC implementation starting with People. 

The significant components of a ​SOC​​ , appeared in the figure, are ​people​​, ​processes​​ , and 



SOC requires people who work in all the levels of ​management​ operations. It is good to have 
or adopt the ​governance​ model which will help to construct the team which will run the 
operation smooth and efficient manner.  

People are required with a different kind of knowledge and experience in the various security 
domains​ including as below: 

● Business. 
● Compliance. 
● Legal. 
● Human​ Resource. 
● Internal Audit. 
● IT. 
● Physical Security. 
● Communication. 
● Dedicated specialized ​security analyst​ team (Offensive and Defensive). 

Below is the Organizational hierarchy for handling security which will cover all the levels of 
management to ​track​ the security in all aspects. From the ITIL framework, we can make use 
of the RACI model to have the design of Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed. 

The ​SANS​ Institute (​​) classifies the ​roles​ people play in a SOC into four ​job 

● Tier 1 ​Alert Analyst​​ – These professionals ​monitor​ incoming ​alerts​, verify that a true 
incident has occurred, and forward ​tickets​ to Tier 2, if necessary.
● Tier 2 ​Incident Responder​​ - These professionals are responsible for deep ​investigation​ ​
of incidents and advise ​remediation​ or action to be taken.

● Tier 3 Subject Matter Expert (SME)/Hunter – These professionals have expert-level 
skills​ in ​network​, ​endpoint​, threat intelligence, and ​malware​ reverse engineering. They 
are experts at tracing the processes of the malware to determine its impact and how 
it can be removed. They are also deeply involved in hunting for potential ​threats​ and 
implementing ​threat detection​ tools.
● SOC Manager – This professional manages all the ​resources​ of the SOC and serves as 
the point of contact for the larger organization or customer.

The core ​SOC team​ should be talented having deep technical knowledge in all the security 
domains to detect, investigate and prevent security incidents. They should be capable of 
analyzing a large volume of data and Core team should have escalation Matrix with defined 
levels based on the responsibilities, capabilities, knowledge, and experience. Designations 
can L1 (Junior), ​L2​ (Senior), L3 (Lead) and Consultant and Manager. Additionally, it would be 
great if there is a team formed and aligned properly. For example, the ​Red Team​ (Offensive 
security), ​blue team​ (Defensive Security), ​Compliance​ Team and ​Risk Identity​ management 
Team soon. These all teams work together to have the proper security to the organization 
and the business. 

The most important part of people in SOC is their ​roles​ and responsibilities. To understand 
these, you just need to answer three simple questions. 

Who are they? 

Some people, they work for Mission, vision, and values, those are top-level ​executive​ officers 
such as ​CEO​ and COO. Some people they work for Governance and ​Operations​, those are all 
CISO​ and Director of Security. Some people they work for an organization, roles, and other 
responsibilities and they are SOC core teams such as Managers, Leads, Seniors and Juniors. 

How do they work? 

All people will have their own uniqueness and talents. These talents will be identified and 
placed in required positions as mentioned in the Organization hierarchy. All people will work 
using their skills, capabilities, ​communications​, processes, technology, and tools. Every 

person or the team should be working by maintaining the quality, efficiency, consistency and 
team spirits. 

What do they do? 

Every person will have his defined set of tasks to do. SOC team is basically working majorly 
on two categories and those are Operations and Service. 

1. Operations: ​Security Monitoring​, ​Information Security​ ​Incident Response​, and Risk 

Reporting​ and Analytics. 
2. Services: ​Digital Forensic​ and ​Malware Analysis​, ​Threat​ and ​Vulnerability Assessment 
and ​Monitoring​ Technology Optimization. 

It is important to hire the required people based on the ​tool​ and work experience. It is better 
to match technology which you are using and their experience. It might cut down your 
training​ cost. 

The day of a Tier 1 Analyst starts with observing security ready lines. A ​ticketing​ ​framework 
is every now and again used to enable ​investigators​ to choose alarms from a line to 
research. Since the product that creates cautions can trigger false alerts, one ​employment 
of the Tier 1 Analyst may be to check that an alarm speaks to a genuine security episode. At 
the point when check is set up, the episode can be sent to specialists or other security work 
force to be followed up on, or settled as a false caution.  

In the event that a ticket can't be settled, the Tier 1 Analyst will forward the ticket to a Tier 
2 Analyst for more profound examination and remediation. On the off chance that the Tier 2 
Analyst can't resolve the ticket, she will forward it to a Tier 3 Analyst with inside and out 
learning​ and ​risk​ chasing aptitudes. 


Most of the time SOC works on various processes which need to be followed by the team to 
keep the operations smooth and tracked. Instead of having various processes, can have few 
processes which are well defined and can be followed in a good way to make the operations 
easy and efficient manner. Let’s see what all processes can be used to implement and make 
the SOC successful. 

● Incident response plans: Every SOC should have the process of ​how to​ detect, 
investigate, ​remediation​ and ​prevention of​ threat. 
● Playbooks for all types of Cyber Attacks: ​incident response plan​ should also contain 
the process/steps/procedures to respond to a specific type of threat. 
● Incident Escalation Matrix: Every response plan should be there in place and should be 
escalated to the next level based on the criticality. 
● Security policies and guidelines: Every process/task/procedure should have ​security 
policies​ and ​guidelines​ to avoid future ​legal​ actions. 
● Incident investigation report: Every occurred incident should be investigated and well 
documented for further reference. It can be for the compliance or the ​investigation 
● Change management: Keeping the ​change management process​ in place can avoid 
confusion of incident which is monitored by the Blue team and incident response 
● Roles and responsibilities of a team and team members: It is best practice to define 
all the roles and responsibilities of the team so that those can be useful when it is 
● Threat/Asset/Risk management: As an on-going process it is recommended to 
maintain the ​Threat management​ (Defense in Depth)/Asset management and ​Risk 
management process​ which helps blue to understand the monitoring environment. 
● Continuous improvement processes: It is good to have other continuous improvement 
processes such as regular review of ​security controls​, awareness/Training programs 
● The process to connect SOC with other teams such as ​DevOps​, IT, ​Patch management 



It is the most confusing part of understanding the needs and choosing the proper technology 
which suits for feature requirement and cost. 

For choosing technology and products or ​tools​, there will be experience required to measure 
the product from all the perspective. There are few important measurement points need to 
be noted before choosing the product and technology. 

The requirement for your ​network​: Decide what are all your network loopholes and then 
decide whether you require controls or detectors. Better to use ​defense in depth​ model to 
figure out the present challenges. 

● Features: the present market will provide various products for each solution, it is 
good to have more feature which will satisfy your basic needs and more can be 
chosen based on the recommendations. 
● Cost: Calculate the cost of the required device, technology which provides more 
features​ and less cost. Adjust the budget or the device but choice should excellent. 
There are some cases where you might require an ​Intrusion detection system but​ if 
you get the ​intrusion prevention system​ in the same cost then go for it. Choosing 
options among many will be confusion. 
● Support: Excellent support for the technology or the product can help to use the 
technology in an efficient manner for the best results. Getting support from the 
vendor​ will give you overall details about products and ideas to use it as per the 
● Ease of use: Getting more ​featured​ product is good until the user know how to use 
and it can be configured or handled in a good manner if it is easy to use or 

● Review: There are many ways you can review the product for choosing a good one. 
Compare all the above key points to each device and definitely, you might get a good 
product. The offline and online review can be considered. 

What are the most devices/technology which is used by SOC for securing your network? 

● System Level: ​Anti-Virus​, ​Anti-Malware​, ​DLP​ (Data Loss Prevention) and Disk locker 
● Network level: ​SIEM​, ​firewall​, I​ DS​, ​IPS​, ​VPN​, ​WAF​, ​VAS​, ​HoneyNet​, ​Spam Filters​, ​Web 
filters etc. 
● Physical level: ​Biometrics​, ​Passcode​ tokens, and Security cameras etc. 

After having all in place, just following the ITIL ​lifecycle​ can maintain continuous 
improvements on the operations and security. 


Security ​Operations​ Centers (SOC) are responsible for preventing, detecting, and responding 
to cybercrime. SOCs consist of people following processes to use technologies to respond to 
threats. There are four main roles in the SOC. Tier 1 analysts verify ​security alerts​ using 
network data. Tier 2 responders investigate verified incidents and decide on ​how to​ act. Tier 
3 SME/Hunters are experts and are able to investigate threats at the highest level. The 
fourth role is the SOC managers. They manage the resources of the center and communicate 
with customers. Customers can be internal or external. A SOC may be operated by a single 
company or may provide services to many companies. Finally, although ​network security​ is 
extremely important, it cannot interfere with the ability of the company and its ​employees​ to 
fulfill the mission of an organization. 


Chapter 4 ​Open source tools for Security Operations 
By ​Prasannakumar B Mundas 
As we know there are many things included for building SOC. From a technology standpoint, 
it is very important to have open source tools for identifying ​threats​ as well as for cost 
reduction. From the DID (Defense in-depth) standpoint there are many ​devices​ and 
technologies that need to be used to build the SOC. As per the ​industry​ experience below is 
the technologies can be used for building proper SOC to ​monitor​ the threats to ​detect​ the 
anomaly to ​safeguard​ the company. 

Mainly since most of the ​attacks​ come from external sources, it is very important to use 
proper ​controls​ at the ​perimeter​ of the network. By using the ​open source​ products we can 
reduce the cost of the ​product​ and support is not mandatory. 

IDS/IPS:​ ​Intrusion detection system​ is very important which is required to monitor the ​traffic 
for identifying or detecting the anomaly and attacks. ​Snort​ is one of the open sources 
network-based ​intrusion​ detection/prevention systems which can perform ​real-time​ ​traffic 

analysis​ with packet ​logging​ on ​internet​ ​protocol​ networks. Snort has 5 important 
components which help to detect the attacks. 

● Packet Decoder 
● Preprocessors 
● Detection​ Engine 
● Logging and Alerting System 
● Output ​Modules 

By using the above components, Snort can detect the network-based attacks or probes 
including ​operating system​ ​fingerprinting​ attempts, semantic ​URL​ attacks, buffer overflows, 
SMB​ (Server Message Blocks) and ​stealth​ port scans. And, it can also detect ​web 
application​ attacks such as ​SQL Injections​, 

Since Snort is just an engine it requires ​GUI​ for ease of use if you are not very familiar with 
the ​command line​, so it is good to configure Snorby as well requires normal ​web server 
application​ such as Apache. 

Snorby will be helpful in analyzing the ​alerts​ which are triggered by snort. It helps to see 
alerts, ​alert​ matching criteria. 

Tip: Make sure all ​signatures​ are updated for detecting and preventing emerging threats. 
These can be ​open-source​ or paid signatures (Depends on a budget). 

For more details please refer to ​​. 

Vulnerability Scanner (OpenVAS):​ For being ​proactive security​ guy it is most important to 
have ​vulnerability scanner​ so that ​scan​ and confirm whether any ​assets​ are running with 
critical vulnerabilities​ which can lead to any ​security breach​ or attack. A ​vulnerability 
scanner​ is a product which has various updated ​scripts​ which are useful to identify the 
vulnerabilities in a system or applications. Performing regular scans on the ​systems 
especially the external facing systems or systems which are connected to the internet and 
patching​ those regularly. 

Tip:​ For every ​update​ or ​deployment​ it is mandatory to make sure all the systems or 
applications​ ​patched​ for existing vulnerabilities. 

There are various ​tools​ which are open-source with limited ​licensing​ such as OpenVAS. 
Regular update of ​NVT​ is useful to detect the emerging vulnerabilities. 

An OpenVAS engine can use with GUI ​Greenbone​ and Barnyard ​database​ for populating results 
in UI. It can scan all the system in the network and it is good to have authenticated scan 
using ​domain​ credentials. Greenbone provides options for creating ​credentials​, hosts, tasks, 
and schedules in the user interface. For more details refer to ​ 

For effectiveness, it is better to use emerging tools such as caldera ​intelligent​ ​tool​ which 
can be used to emulate the ​adversary behavior​ and this is developed by MITRE. For more 
details please refer to​. 

Some of the other tools are: 

Maltego​ (​​): ​Maltego​ is 

proprietary software used for open-source intelligence and ​forensics​, developed by Paterva. 
Maltego focuses on providing a library of transforms for the discovery of data from open 
sources and visualizing that information in a ​graph​ ​format​, suitable for link ​analysis​ and data 

Vega ​(​​): Vega is a ​free​ and open source ​web security​ scanner 
and ​web​ ​security testing​ ​platform​ to test the security of web applications. Vega can help you 
find and validate ​SQL Injection​, ​Cross-Site Scripting​ (XSS), inadvertently disclosed ​sensitive 
information​ and other vulnerabilities. It is written in Java, GUI based and runs on ​Linux​, ​OS X​, 
and Windows. 

Nessus​ (​​): Nessus widely 

used effective vulnerability scanner with more features. 

HoneyNet​:​ Nowadays, ​attackers​ are getting smarter every day, so it is good to have ​honeynet 
to see and analyze the attack ​patterns​ which are tried by the attackers to know and 
defending. It is a very important technology which is mandatory to trick the ​attacker​ and 
safeguarding​ the assets. You can use Honeynet as internal honeynet or external honeynet as 
per the requirement. Just mimic the used ​services​ to avoid the actual attacks. HoneyNet 
has mainly 4 components such as mentioned below. 

● Nova user interface 

● Honeyd engine 
● Haystack 
● Quasar 

For more details about the Honeynet please refer to ​ 

HIDS (OSSEC)​: ​OSSEC​: Open Source ​HIDS​ SECurity is a free, open-source host-based 
intrusion detection​ system (HIDS). It performs ​log analysis​, ​integrity​ checking, ​Windows 
registry​ ​monitoring​, ​rootkit detection​, time-based alerting, and active response. It provides 
intrusion detection for most ​operating systems​, including Linux, ​OpenBSD​, ​FreeBSD​, ​OS​ X, 
Solaris, and Windows. OSSEC has a centralized, ​cross-platform​ ​architecture​ allowing 
multiple systems to be easily monitored and managed. OSSEC has a ​log​ analysis engine that 
is able to correlate and analyze ​logs​ from multiple devices and formats. 

For more details please refer to ​​ and 

Network Monitoring tool:​ Nagios Core, is a free and open source computer-software 
application that ​monitors​ systems, ​networks​, and infrastructure. Nagios offers to monitor 
and alerting services for servers, ​switches​, applications and services. For more details 
please refer ​ 

Red team activities​:​ It is good to use ​Kali Linux​ or Backtrack ​operating​ systems which are 
having all the tools which are required for vulnerability and penetration testing. 

Kali​ (​​): ​Kali​ Linux is an advanced ​Penetration Testing​ Linux 
distribution​ used for Penetration ​Testing​, ​Ethical Hacking​ and ​network security 
assessments. It is the net version of Backtrack. 

Commando VM 
e-distribution.html​). Commando ​VM​ is the new Penetration testing Opensource ​Virtual 
Machine​ build on Windows Operating system with full of ​penetration testing tools​ inbuilt and 
it was built by FireEye. 

Forensic:​ For being more in forensic like ​malware analysis​, and ​recovery​, there are various 
Microsoft​ tools and other open source ​frameworks​ as mentioned below: 

Cuckoo sandbox framework​ (​​): ​Cuckoo​ is a dynamic malware 

analysis ​framework​ which provides end to end analysis of malware with the formatted ​report 
and it supports various plugin such as ​VirusTotal​, IDS, and Yara, etc. 

Remnux​ (​​): Remnux is open 

source ​reverse engineering​ ​virtual machine​ built with various ​reverse engineering tools 

Ghidra​ (​​): Ghidra is a software reverse 

engineering​ (SRE) framework developed by NSA's Research Directorate for NSA's 
cybersecurity​ mission. It helps analyze ​malicious code​ and malware like ​viruses and​ can give 
cybersecurity professionals​ a better understanding of potential vulnerabilities in their 
networks and systems. 

Threat intelligence sharing platforms:​ ​Threat intelligence sharing platform​ play an important 
role in detecting attacks and ​infections​ based on the ​indicators​ of compromises. It can be 
integrated into your ​log management​ and ​network monitoring​ tools to have proper ​prevention 
and detection in place. 

MISP​ - Open Source ​Threat Intelligence Platform​ & ​Open Standards​ For ​Threat​ ​Information 
Sharing​ and abbreviated as ​Malware Information Sharing Platform​ which built using various 
tools technologies such as ​MySQL​, ​PostgreSQL​, ​Shell script​ and ​Python​, etc. 

For more details please refer to ​​ and 

Reference links would be more helpful for going further such as ​hardware​ and software 
requirements. There are some of the ​open source tools​ which can be used based on the 
requirement and SOC capabilities. These are shortlisted based on ease of use and industry 
experiences. To run the SOC smooth and cost-effectively, these tools play important roles. 


Chapter 5 Threat Intelligence 
By ​Digit Oktavianto 

Latest trend of ​threats​ in ​information security​ ​landscape​ become more sophisticated since 
attacker​ now prefer and focus on targeted ​attack​ rather than random attack. The degree of 
threat​ sophistication is expanding very rapidly and giving serious impact on individuals, 
businesses​ and governments. As a result, ​cyber defense​ technique is becoming increasingly 
significant to anticipate the evolving threat. Traditional ​defense mechanism​ such as 
monitoring​, ​detection​ and preventive program is not sufficient enough and most of the time 
fails to ​detect​ new kind of attack using unknown ​malware​ variants and attack that perform 
evasive maneuver. ​Cyber threat intelligence​ ​concept​ offer deep insight, provide the ability to 
recognize and act upon ​indicators of attack​ and ​compromise​ ​scenarios​ in a timely manner. 
Threat intelligence​ also described as evidence-based knowledge, including context, 
mechanisms, ​indicators​, implications and actionable advice, about an existing or emerging 
menace or hazard to ​assets​ that can be used to inform decisions regarding the subject's 
response​ to that menace or hazard. 

Several ​questions​ that came up after the incident occur will be : what kind of attack, when 
did it happen, where was it found, how can the attacker ​breach​ into our system, and who is 
the attacker. Suddenly the entire organization become more ​reactive​ and seems to be 
concerned about security issue after the incident occurred. But it is too late, the attacker 
may have been hiding in our system for several days, weeks, months and collects all 
sensitive information​ or ​steal​ confidential ​document​ from your company. The sooner you can 
adapt to the latest type of attack, the more you can learn ​how to​ protect your system. The 
threats to our ​national security​ and economic interests in the cyber arena vary in ​identity​, 
objectives, assets, and capabilities. Their range can stretch from disruption, to simple ​theft​, 
to taking down ​critical infrastructure​, to disrupt ​government​ functions. The advantage 

almost always lies with the threat. Ability and intent of these actors become important 
distinctions to the defender’s action [​1​]. 

To develop a serious plan for combating cyber criminal, company needs to understand the 
basic capability and readiness of their infrastructure. Old approaches such as ​intrusion 
detection systems​, ​anti-virus​, is no longer sufficient to combat the modern attack. 
Organizations need to take a more ​proactive​ approach on their cyber defense mechanism 
than reactive mechanism. ​Cyber threat​ ​intelligence​ has an important role to help 
organization combating the ​cyber security​ threat. Cyber threat intelligence (CTI) is an 
advanced process that enables the organization to gather valuable ​insights​ based on the 
analysis​ of contextual and ​situational​ ​risks​ and can be tailored to the organization’s specific 
threat landscape​, its ​industry​ and markets[​2​]. Threat intelligence is not ​intrusion detection 
system​, not a ​firewall​ that can block attacks in real​ time​, not an ​antivirus​ that match 
signature​ the bad program and eliminate it from your system, but in fact threat intelligence 
is a method that represents the ​collaboration​ of information and providing data on potential 
threats with a deep insight of ​network​ structure, ​operations​, and activities. 

● Intelligence and National Security Alliance, "Cyber Intelligence: Setting the Landscape 
for an Emerging Discipline," ​INSA Online Whitepaper​, p. 17, September 2011. 
● Ernst and Young, "Cyber Threat Intelligence - How to Get Ahead of ​Cybercrime​," 2014. 

Chapter 6: Incident Handling 
By ​Mohamed Mouldi Chaouch 

Nowadays ​cyber threats​ are growing day by day, there is no way to protect the ​business 
strategy​ of ​organizations​ rather than planning and preparing to prevent security incidents.  

The ​incident handling​ ​process​ has several phases going from preparation to Post-incident 

It is important to note the ​skills​ sets for the incident handling and incident response. 
Incident Handlers need to be a good communicator and it is necessary to have ​project 
management​ talents. ​Incident Response​ must have good knowledge of technical parts like 
networking​, ​malware analysis​, ​forensics​, etc. 

1. Preparation 

The preparation phase involves establishing and ​training​ an ​Incident Response Team​ and 
acquiring the necessary ​tools​ and resources. 

a - Preparing to handle incidents 

This phase as its name implies deals with preparing a team to be ready to handle an incident 
at a moment’s notice. 

There are several ​key​ elements to have implemented in this phase in order to help ​mitigate 
any potential problems that may hinder one’s ability to handle an incident. 

These lists are the organization's incident handler's needs:  

+ Incident handler ​communications​ and facilities: 

● Contact information. 
● On-call information 
● Incident ​reporting​ mechanisms 
● Issue tracking​ system for ​tracking​ incident information, status, etc. 
● Smart-phones. 
● Encryption​ software. 
● War​ room for central communications among team members. 
● Secure storage​ facilities. 

+ Incident ​analysis​ ​hardware​ and software: 

● Digital forensic​ ​workstations​ and/or ​backup​ devices. 

● Laptops. 
● Spare workstations, servers, and networking equipment, or virtualized equivalents. 
● Blank removable media. 
● Portable printer. 
● Packet sniffers and ​protocol​ analyzers. 
● Digital​ ​forensic​ software. 
● Removable media. 
● Evidence gathering​ accessories. 

+ Incident analysis ​resources​: 

● Port lists. 
● Documentation. 
● Network​ diagrams and lists of ​critical​ assets. 
● Current baselines. 
● Cryptographic​ hashes. 

+ Incident ​Mitigation​ Software: 

● Access to images of clean ​OS​ and application installations for ​restoration​ and 
recovery​ purposes. 

b - Preventing Incidents: 

● The goal of this phase is to prevent overwhelming the incident ​response​ team with 
incidents​; because this can lead to slow and incomplete responses. 
● The incident response team can be advocates of sound ​security practices​, but they 
are not responsible for securing resources.  
● The team can play a key role in ​risk assessment​ and ​best practices​ for securing 
networks​, ​systems​, and applications. 

2. Detection and Analysis 

This phase is to determine whether the incident is really occurring and analyze its nature. 

a - Attack Vectors: 

Incidents can occur in countless ways, so to facilitate the work we must define a basis of 
attack vectors​ to provide a classification for incidents, then go through it to handling more 
specific ​attacks​, we mention some of it ; 

● External/Removable Media. 
● Attrition​ (brute force ​attack​ against an a
​ uthentication​ mechanism, impair or deny 
access to a ​service​ or application). 
● Web​ (XSS, SQLI). 
● Email. 
● Impersonation. 
● Improper Usage. 
● Loss or ​Theft​ of Equipment. 

b - Signs of an Incident: 

The major challenge for the response team is the accuracy in detecting incidents, there are 
three factors which make this so difficult: 

● Multiple ways to ​detect​ incidents (Automated ​detection​ (IDPSs, ​log​ analyzers, etc.) 
and ​manual​ detection (problems reported by users)). 
● The volume of potential signs of incidents is very high. 
● Deep & specialized technical knowledge. 

Signs are identified using many different sources, the common are ​computer security 
software ​alerts​, ​logs​, publicly available information, and people. 

Signs of an incident fall into one of two categories: 

+ Precursor: Precursor is a ​sign​ that an incident may occur in the future. Examples of 
precursors are:  

● An announcement of a new ​exploit​ that targets a ​vulnerability​ of technologies used by 

the organization. 
● Log entries that show the usage of a vulnerability scanner. 

+ ​Indicator​: ​Indicators​ is a sign that an incident may have occurred or may be occurring now 

● A ​system administrator​ sees a filename with unusual characters. 

● A ​host​ records an ​auditing​ ​configuration​ change in its log. 
● Multiple failed ​login​ attempts from an unfamiliar ​remote​ system. 
● Alerts from security devices. 

c - Incident Analysis​: 

Incident detection and analysis will be conducted efficiently when all of our precursors and 
indicators are accurate, unfortunately, this is not the case because of different reasons: 

● IDS​ may produce ​false positive​ alerts. 

● Incorrect indicators provided by users. 
● Correct indicators, but has other errors than a ​security incident​ like ​human​ errors. 

So these are recommendations for making incident analysis easier and more effective: 

● Profile Networks and Systems: Profiling is measuring the characteristics of expected 

activity so that changes to it can be more easily identified (monitoring network 
bandwidth​ usage to detect if there is an unsuspected traffic) 
● Understand normal behaviors to easily recognize the abnormal behavior, to gain this 
knowledge is to go through reviewing log entries and security alerts. 
● Create a Log ​Retention​ P​ olicy​: this may be helpful when log entries show 
reconnaissance​ activity or previous instances of similar attacks, and when incidents 
may not be discovered for months or more. 
● Perform ​Event correlation​: Correlating ​events​ among multiple indicator sources can be 
invaluable in validating whether a particular incident occurred. 
● Keep all host clocks synchronized to facilitate the ​event​ ​correlation​ task. 
● Maintain and use a knowledge base of information: aggregate documents, 
spreadsheets, significance and validity of signs into a ​database​ that provide flexible 
and searchable mechanisms for sharing data among team members. 
● Run packet sniffers to collect additional data that matches specified criteria. 
● Filter the Data: filter out categories of indicators that tend to be insignificant or show 
only the categories of indicators that are of the highest significance. 
● Seek assistance from others(internal ​information security​ ​staff​, external like CSIRT...) 
when the team is incapable to determine the cause and nature of an incident. 

All these recommendations can aid the team to determine the incident's scope, the origin of 
the incident, and how the incident is occurring. 

d - Incident Prioritization: 

Handling incidents should be prioritized based on three factors: 

● Functional ​Impact​ of the Incident: Incident handlers should consider how the incident 
will impact the existing ​functionality of​ the affected systems and the future 
functional impact if the incident is not immediately contained. 
● Information Impact of the Incident: Incident handlers should consider how this 
incident will impact the organization's overall mission. 
● Recoverability from the Incident: Incident handlers should consider the effort 
necessary to actually recover from an incident.  

Combining the two first impacts determines the ​business impact​ of the incident, for 
example, a ​DDOS attack​ against a public ​web server​ may temporarily attrition the service, 
whereas ​unauthorized​ root-level access to a public web ​server​ may result in the ​exfiltration 
of ​personally identifiable information​ (PII). 

For the recoverability from the incident, the team may intervene when there is a high 
functional impact and low effort to recover from this. 

The organization can rate the incidents to better prioritize, this is are tables to rate the 

Table 1: Functional Impact Categories 

Table 2: Information Impact Categories 


Table 3: Recoverability Effort Categories 

Organizations should also establish an escalation process for those instances when the 
team does not respond to an incident within the designated time. People may have personal 
emergencies. The escalation process should state how long a person should wait for a 
response and what to do if no response occurs. Generally, the first step is to duplicate the 
initial contact. After waiting for a brief time the caller should escalate the incident to a 
higher level, such as the incident response team manager. If that person does not respond 
within a certain time, then the incident should be escalated to a higher level of management. 
This process should be repeated until someone responds. 

3. Containment 

This phase is to contain the breach to stop spreading and cause further damage to your 

a - Choosing a Containment Strategy: 

Organizations should create separate containment strategies for each major incident type, 
with criteria documented clearly to facilitate decision making. Criteria for determining the 
appropriate strategy include: 

● Potential damage to and theft of resources. 

● Need for evidence preservation. 
● Service availability. 
● Time and resources needed to implement the strategy. 
● Effectiveness of the strategy. 
● Duration of the solution. 

b - Evidence Gathering and Handling: 

Evidence should be collected according to ​procedures​ that meet all applicable ​laws​ and 
regulations​ that have been developed from previous discussions with ​legal​ staff and 
appropriate ​law enforcement​ agencies so that any evidence can be admissible in court. 

All the evidence must be logged: 

● Identifying information (MAC address, ​IP address​, hostname, etc.). 

● Information of who collected or handled the evidence during the investigation (phone 
number, Email, Name, Title). 
● Time and date of each occurrence of evidence handling. 
● Locations where the evidence was stored. 

c - Identifying the Attacking Hosts: 

These are the most commonly performed activities for attacking host identification: 

● Validating the attacking host's ​IP​ address. 

● Researching the attacking host through search engines. 
● Using incident database. 
● Monitoring​ possible ​attacker​ ​communication channels 

4. Eradication 

Eradication is the way to eliminate components of the incident, the team must go through 
identifying and ​mitigating​ all ​vulnerabilities​ that were ​exploited​, identifying all affected 
hosts, systems should again be hardened and ​patched​, and ​updates​ should be applied. 

Eliminating attacker residuals includes: 

● Removing ​malware​ such as ​backdoors​, ​rootkits​, ​malicious​ kernel-mode ​drivers​, etc. 

● Thoroughly analyze logs to identify ​credential​ reuse through ​remote desktop​, ​SSH​, 
Vnc​, etc. 

Improving defenses includes: 

● Configuring additional ​router​ and ​firewall​ rules. 

● Obscuring the affected system’s position. 
● Null routing. 
● Establishing effective ​system hardening​, ​patching​, and ​vulnerability assessment 
procedures, etc. 

5. Recovery 

In recovery, ​administrators​ ​restore​ systems to normal o​ peration​ such as restoring systems 

from clean ​backups​, tightening ​network perimeter​ security. 

Take the system through any validation process you have before putting it into production.  

6. Post-Incident Activity 

This is where you will analyze and ​document​ everything about the breach. 

This is are the different forms that must be completed: 

a - Incident Contact List: 

This form should contain the contact details of the organization's: 

● SPOC​ of: the incident handling or ​CSIRT​ team. 
● Legal department contact. 
● Public relations contact. 
● Local cyber-crime unit. 

b - Incident Detection: 

This form should contain information such as: 

● Information about the first person who ​detected​ the incident 

● The incident summary (type of incident, incident ​location​, ​incident detection​ details, 

c - Incident Casualties: 

This form should contain information such as: 

● Location of affected systems 

● Date and time incident handlers arrived 
● Affected system details (hardware ​vendor​, ​serial number​, network ​connectivity 

d - Incident Containment: 

This form should contain information such as: 

● Isolation​ activities per affected system (date and time the system was isolated, way 
of system's isolation) 

● Back-up activities per affected system (handler that performed the restoration, 
back-up details, etc.) 

e - Incident Eradication: 

This form should contain information (one form per affected system is advised) such as:  

● Handler(s) performing investigation on the system 

● Incident ​root cause analysis​ if discovered 
● Actions taken to ensure the incident ​root cause​ was remediated and the possibility of 
a new incident eliminated. 

This form can be extremely helpful in improving security measures and the incident handling 
process, it provides a reference that can be used to assist in handling similar incidents, and 
these ​reports​ are good material for training new team members. 

At the end, these are the major steps to be performed in the handling of an incident it may 
vary based on the type of incident. 

+ ​Detection and Analysis checklist​: 

1. Determine whether an incident has occurred 

1.1 Analyze the precursors and indicators 

1.2 Look for correlating information 

1.3 Perform research (e.g., search engines, knowledge base) 

1.4 As soon as the handler believes an incident has occurred, begin documenting the 
investigation and gathering evidence 

2. Prioritize handling the incident based on the relevant factors (functional impact, 
information impact, recoverability effort, etc.) 

3. ​Report​ the incident to the appropriate internal personnel and external organizations 

+ ​Containment, Eradication, and Recovery 

4. Acquire, preserve, ​secure​, and document evidence 

5. Contain the incident 

6. Eradicate the incident 

6.1 Identify and mitigate all vulnerabilities that were exploited 

6.2 Remove malware, inappropriate materials, and other components 

6.3 If more affected hosts are discovered (e.g., new malware infections), repeat the 
Detection and Analysis steps (1.1, 1.2) to identify all other affected hosts, then contain (5) 
and eradicate (6) the incident for them 

7. Recover from the incident 

7.1 Return affected systems to an operationally ready state 

7.2 Confirm that the affected systems are functioning normally 

7.3 If necessary, implement additional monitoring to look for future related activity 

+ ​Post-Incident Activity 

8. Create a follow-up report 


This chapter describes the best ​practices​ when we go through an incident, ​how to​ Prepare 
for it, know what to do when it happens, and learn all that you can afterwards 

Chapter 7: Threat Hunting 
By ​Ali Ahangari 

Imagine you are familiar with the most common ​techniques​ for ​threat​ hunting. As a starting 
point, you need suitable data to start the hunting process. In this post, I will explain the 
most common datasets every hunter would need them. These datasets fall into two main 
categories: ​Network Data​, ​Endpoint​ Data. 

Network Data 

● Network​ ​session​ data 

Contains information on network connections between hosts. Critical ​metadata​ associated 

with network connections include the source ​IP address​, destination ​IP​ address, destination 
port, start time of the connection, and end time/duration of the connection. Includes 
Netflow​, IPFIX, and similar data sources. 

● IDS/IPS ​logs 

IDS/IPSs can collect connection-based flow data and application ​protocol​ metadata (HTTP, 

● Proxy logs 

HTTP​ data that contains information on outgoing ​web​ requests, including ​Internet​ ​resources 
that internal clients are accessing. 

● DNS logs 

Contains data related to DNS ​domain​ resolution activity, including domain-to-IP address 
mappings and identification of internal clients making resolution requests. 

● Firewall​ logs 

Connection data that contains information on ​network traffic​ at the border of a network, 
focused on blocked connections. 

Endpoint Data 

● Process​ execution metadata 

Contains information on processes run on specific hosts. Critical metadata associated with 
process execution includes command-line commands/arguments and process filenames and 

● Registry​ ​access​ data 

Contains data related to registry objects, including key and value metadata. 

● File data 

Information on stored file and artifacts kept on a local host. This can include when files were 
created or modified, as well as size, type, and ​storage​ ​location​ information. 

Possible Indicators in Endpoint Logs 

Endpoint ​Logs​ may consist of many data sources including, but not limited to, Anti-Virus 
Logs, ​Windows​ Logs, ​HIDS​ Logs.  


But what should hunters look for in Endpoint Logs? In a sense, what ​threats​ can we find in 
Endpoint logs? 

You, as a ​threat​ hunter, may look for the following ​indicators​ in the logs: 

● Suspicious​ New ​Process​ Creation 

● Suspicious ​Registry​ Modifications 
● Suspicious ​Access​ an Object 
● Identify potential ​0-day​ ​exploits 
● Attacks​ on Windows Applications 
● Suspicious Schedule Task Usage 
● Suspicious Services Usage 
● Suspicious Account Usage 
● Suspicious ​Network​ Share 

● Suspicious ​Group Policy​ Change 
● Suspicious ​Windows Firewall​ Changes 
● Remote File Copy 
● SSH​ ​Hijacking 

These indicators are only as a sample of many other possible ones. 

What we are looking for in AV Logs 

Before doing so, It's necessary to mention that Anti-Viruses sometimes can not detect 
malwares but they record ​logs​ p​ rocess​ calls, changing files, and so on. This is where ​threat 
hunting​ plays a key role, detecting possible threats from what AVs didn't.  

Now, I want to explain items that you can find in AV logs. These items include but not limited 

● Identifying known ​password​ dumpers, droppers and ​backdoors​ (Both Deleted and not 
● Detecting execution of binary from ​users​ ​APP Data​ directory  
● Identifying process launching without parent process or services (e.g. Svchost.exe 
launching without Services.exe being its parent process)  
● Identifying scheduled ​jobs​ to perform known ​malicious​ behavior  
● Investigating​ ​alerts​ for ​executable​ on ​web​ or ​application server 

● looking for process launch from odd directory locations  

By doing so, you, as a hunter, can find valuable things that AVs didn't. 

Good and Bad Examples of Threat Hunting 

Respondents provided brief descriptions of their threat hunting processes. Here are some 
examples of good processes: 

● Good Examples of Threat Hunting 

○ Starting with ​tools​, ​Techniques​ or ​Procedures​ (TTPs) or a ​vulnerability​, develop 
hypotheses to determine whether our infrastructure is impacted, and then test 
those hypotheses. 
○ First, ​baseline​ the environment for normal activity. Create a hypothesis based 
on the kill chain. Utilize ATT&CK ​framework​ for TTPs. Run ​IOC​ sweeps from 
threat intel​ reports. 
○ Gather intel, develop a hypothesis, create a scope and execute the hunt. 
○ Form a hypothesis or use evidence from intel, then determine the best way(s) 
to find activity on the ​network​ or hosts, both for the current point in time and 
for future ​events 
○ Identify a hypothesis of what to hunt for, review ​documentation​ of past hunts, 
peer review the proposal, notify the team and begin work, collect and normalize 
data, analyze data, identify findings, take immediate action for any detected 
intrusions and declare the incident, and determine non-immediate adjustments 
to controls and ​detection mechanisms​. 
○ A threat hunting process starts with generating hypotheses (assuming we 
have been ​breached​ in a given way) and then verifying the hypothesis by 
hunting for the related ​indicators​ in all relevant data sources using ​log analysis 
and then marking the hypothesis as true or false in the end. 

These are examples from respondents that are just performing ​intrusion detection​ - not 
threat hunting: 

● Bad Examples of Threat Hunting 

○ Notice an alert in the system and slowly tear it apart from ​endpoint​ to 
○ Spend a lot of time reviewing ​logs​ from the ​SIEM​ and formulating custom 
queries in the SIEM.  
○ Analyst watches logs and endpoint events. Non-baseline behavior or triggered 
events create a potential incident. Analyst reviews ​network traffic​ and isolates 
potentially affected systems. ​Standard​ ​IR​ rolls from there. 
○ Team's entire operation is constantly ​monitoring​ the environment to establish 
its baseline. As soon as they detect something odd or they are made aware of 
something risky in their environment (such as a ​malicious​ ​IP address 
communicating​ with us), they start an ​analysis​ on that ​resource​: network 
behavior, processes behaviors, logs and possible strange evidence through the 
filesystem and registry.  
○ Analysts have ​antivirus​ deployed on most endpoints. The ​signature​ that has 
been triggered the most is investigated and hunted for its ​root cause​, and they 
try to reduce its count by next week. 
○ Threat hunting is triggered by SIEM ​alerts​ or ​AV​ alerts. 

Common Misunderstandings About Threat Hunting 

According to ​Sqrrl​, there are 3 common mistakes when it comes to ​threat​ hunting. 

1. Hunting can be fully ​automated 

Hunting is not a ​reactive​ activity. If the main ​human​ input in a hunt is remediating the result 
of something that a ​tool​ automatically found, you are being reactive and not proactive. You 

are resolving an identified potential incident, which is a critically important practice in a 
SOC​, but not hunting. 

Hunting requires the input of a human analyst and is about proactive, hypothesis-based 
investigations. The purpose of hunting is specifically to find what is missed by your 
automated reactive alerting systems. An alert from an automated tool can certainly give you 
a starting point for an ​investigation​ or inform a hypothesis, but an analyst should work 
through an investigation to understand and expand on the context of what was found to 
really get the full value of hunting. To put this another way, hunters are the ​network security 
equivalent of beat cops; they search for anomalies by patrolling through data, rather than 
investigating a​ call in from dispatch. 

2. Hunting can only be carried out with ​vast​ quantities of data and a stack of advanced ​tools 

Though it may seem like a new term, ​security analysts​ across a variety of sectors have been 
hunting for years. Basic hunting ​techniques​ can still be very useful and effective in helping 
you find the ​bad guys​ (e.g. you can perform basic outlier ​analysis​, or “stack counting”, in 
Microsoft​ Excel). An analyst who wants to begin ​threat hunting​ should not hesitate to dive 
into some of the basic techniques with just simple data sets and tools. Take advantage of 
low hanging fruit! 

3. Hunting is only for elite analysts; only the security 1% with years of experience can do it 

There are many different hunting techniques that have differing levels of complexity. 
However, not all these techniques take years to master. Many of the same analysis 
techniques used for ​incident response​ and alert investigation and ​triage​ can also be 
leveraged for hunting. The key to getting started is simply knowing what questions to ask, 
and digging into the datasets related to them. You learn to hunt by doing it, so if you’re an 
analyst who has never hunted before, don’t be afraid to dive in. 

Ref: ​ 

A Sample Scenario For Threat Hunting 

Two main purposes to this case study scenario are:  

● To learn technical hunt concepts 

● To gain a better understanding of a practical hunting ​process 

Consider a company that hasn’t recently identified any ​malicious​ behavior on the internal 
networks. Hunter decides to proactively hunt on the networks. In this sample, he/she uses 
the organization’s most recent ​cyber risk​ ​assessment report​ to determine priorities and 
select the assets to hunt on first. 

The hunting phases that the hunter follows are: 

• Preparation 
• Investigation 
• Adversary Removal 
• Synopsis of the Hunt 
• Reporting 


● Determine high priority assets: 

Before proactive hunting starts, the hunter needs to decide which assets should be the 
initial focus of the hunt. This can be gained from cyber ​risk assessment​ ​report​ of the 
company. The hunter reviews the highest-priority group of IT functions in the report and 
translates those functions, which are described from a ​business​ perspective (e.g., “credit 

card processing systems”), into the corresponding IT asset information that the hunt team 
needs: ​IP addresses​, hostnames, process names, usernames, etc. 

● Review available IT assets and ​networks​ information: 

The hunter asks for the company’s latest IT ​network​ maps and ​asset inventory​ information. 
He will need to confirm as needed which assets of interest are currently connected to the 
network and to get more information on these assets, such as knowing which major 
applications​ each asset is authorized to run, which assets have used the organization’s 
networks in the past and what software they should be running.  

● Understand what’s considered normal activity: 

A hunter who knows what’s normal for an organization’s assets and networks will be much 
better prepared to spot deviations from the norm. the hunter is new to the company, so it’s 
worth spending time talking with system ​administrators​, ​incident responders​, and other IT 
staff​ members to learn more about normal activity. This can be as simple as knowing what 
the typical work days and hours are for people in different ​roles​ within the company (e.g., 
standard​ ​users​, managers, ​developers​, system administrators.) This can also be complex, 
including gathering detailed information on which assets people in each role may ​access​, 
and which applications are whitelisted (allowed) or blacklisted (prohibited) on the 
company’s assets. 

● Configure and deploy hunt sensor software: 

For operational reasons, the company might choose an on-demand ​deployment​ ​strategy​ or 
Enterprise-wide deployment. We suppose the company has chosen the first one. The hunter 
is responsible for ensuring that the hunt sensor software is deployed to all the assets 
included in the initial round of hunting and also configuring the default settings for the hunt 

● Investigation​: 

So far, the hunter has completed all the preparatory activities. It’s time to investigate the 
selected assets for the presence of adversaries. This investigation is documented in four 

• scoping the investigation 

• gathering and analyzing information 
• expanding the investigation 
• reprioritizing the hunt 

Scoping the investigation 

Because there’s no evidence of compromises or other ​malicious activity​ involving these 

assets, the first step in this investigation is to scope the work by selecting which aspects 
of each asset will be examined initially. The hunter determines that the most important 
things to look for all involve the execution of ​processes​ and services. These characteristics 
may fall into three groups: 

Currently running processes and services 

The hunter needs to examine the full path of the ​executable​ for each currently running 
process and ​service​, to include the executable’s filename. Questions to be answered include: 

1. Should this executable be running on this machine? Does its full path seem reasonable? 
For example, is the executable running from the appropriate system or ​application​ directory? 

2. Which user ran the executable? Does this seem reasonable? 

3. Was the executable run from the command line? If so, what were the command line 

4. Does the ​code​ in the running process or service exist in a file stored on the asset’s disk? 
If no, why doesn’t such a file exist?  

5. If the code is in a stored file, does the file’s ​hash​ match the vendor’s hash for the file? 
Does this file exist on other assets, is it in the same ​location​, and does it have the same 
hash as the copies on the other assets? 

6. Which network connections are bound to the process or service? For each connection, the 
IP​ addresses and ​ports​ used by both ​endpoints​ must be noted. 

7. Does it appear that all the loaded ​modules​ (executables and DLLs) indicated by the 
Process Environment Block (PEB) and import tables for a particular process or service are 

8. Are all ​registry​ keys associated with the process or service in the correct locations? 

9. Do all open file handles (the files that the process or service is reading from and/or 
writing​ to) make sense? 

Recently run processes/services 

The hunter also needs to examine the available information about processes and services 
that were recently executed. Such information is available from the "Prefetch" folder and the 
registry keys for Application Compatibility Cache (ShimCache).  

This information must be evaluated to see if the processes and services run on the asset 
make sense. For example, did the full path of the executable seem reasonable? 

Processes/services set to run in the future: 

The executables slated to be run can be identified in one of two places: 

● Registry auto-run keys. The purpose of these keys is to list executables to be 
automatically run in the future, such as when the asset is rebooted or when a local 
user ​logs​ in. 

● Scheduled tasks. Users can schedule a particular executable to run in the future and 
designate the date and time when it will be started. 

Gathering and analyzing information 

At this point, the hunter has defined the scope of the investigation but hasn’t yet collected 
the necessary information within that scope. The company’s hunt sensor software can 
automatically do this work on the hunter’s behalf, speeding up the hunt considerably. 
Remember three key concepts to keep in mind: 

● Assume that the asset has already been compromised. 

● Look for compromises at any phase of an ​attack​, from an initial ​exploit​ to implants 
that the adversary is no longer utilizing. 
● Consider how an adversary would think and react.  

The hunter quickly discovers that the primary ​web server​ has a running process that seems 
suspicious. The hunter also takes a closer look at the ​compromised​ ​web​ server. Additional 
information to be obtained includes the following: 

● The usernames for all users currently logged into the ​server 
● The open file handles for all ​suspicious​ processes and services executing on the 
● A copy of each file stored on disk that’s related to the suspicious processes and 
● A ​memory​ dump for each suspicious process or service 
● A ​packet capture​ of all ​network traffic​ for the server 

Reprioritizing the hunt 

While the hunt ​sensors​ are collecting and analyzing more information, the hunter receives an 
alert from the hunt sensor on the company’s most critical ​database​ server. This alert 
indicates the presence of an unknown persistent service on that server, so he immediately 
reprioritized hunting to focus on the database server. 

Throughout the hunt, hunters must constantly reprioritize their focus based on updated ​risk 
assessments​, their understanding of the value of particular assets, and the ​security event 
information provided by hunt sensors and other ​enterprise security controls​. 

A quick review of the current and recent hunt sensor ​monitoring​ within the database server 
indicates that the server has an established, ​encrypted​ connection to an external IP address. 

The hunter can see that a large amount of data is being transmitted from the database 
server to the external ​IP address​, and that the service associated with the network 
connection is the same service that generated the unknown persistent service alert. 

Adversary Removal 

All evidence points to an adversary exfiltrate ​sensitive data​ from the company via the 
compromised database server. The hunter must act as quickly as possible to stop the 
compromise​ by disrupting the ​exfiltration​ communications. Possible methods for handling 
this situation include the following: 

● Suspend the thread or threads associated with the exfiltration. Pat must consider the 
likelihood that the activity is malicious and the criticality of the service being 
compromised by the thread. 
● Kill the service associated with the exfiltration. The hunter would rather suspend the 
thread than kill the service because the latter can cause a significant disruption to 
operations. On the other hand, the entire service could be malicious, in which case 
suspending the thread won’t be an effective form of remediation. 
● Disable network access. Isolating the database server from other servers prevents 
further exfiltration and blocks the adversary from accessing the database server. Of 
course​, this ​isolation​ also prevents all operational use of the database server, which 
will cause major production outages. 

In this case, the hunt sensor indicates that there’s a single malicious thread responsible for 
exfiltrating data, and the service in question isn’t malicious. This makes the decision easy. 

Pat orders the database server’s hunt sensor to suspend the malicious thread. This action 
breaks the connection between the database server and the adversary while avoiding any 
disruption of the critical services that the database server provides to the company’s 
customers, ​employees​, ​vendors​, business partners, and contractors. 

Synopsis of the Hunt 

Let’s fast forward to the end of the hunt investigation and ​recovery​ actions related to the 
compromised database server. Here’s a synopsis of the most noteworthy actions: 

1. Based on information provided by the hunter and the database server’s hunt sensor, the 
hunter searched all assets across the ​enterprise​ for the following: 

a. Any network connections involving the same external IP ​address​ that the database server 
was connected to and from which data was exfiltrated. 

b. Any files with the same filenames and/or file ​hashes​ as the ​malicious files​ found on the 
database server 

c. Any registry keys matching the malicious registry keys found on the database server 

2. The search for these characteristics identified an additional compromised asset: a 

Microsoft​ ​Exchange​ server. This server had the same malicious thread, executable file, and 
registry keys found on the database server, but the executable on the ​Exchange server​ was 
not currently running. 

3. The company’s ​incident response team​ ​forensically​ collected all files on the two servers 
associated with the malicious services, and they initiated ​chain of custody​ procedures. The 
files were turned over to the company’s ​malware​ reverse engineers for further analysis. 

4. The hunter removed all of the malicious files (including executables and other DLLs) and 
associated malicious registry keys from the compromised assets. 

5. System administrators discovered that the compromised web server was missing a patch. 
Without this ​patch​, the server was susceptible to users executing arbitrary code. The 
system administrators also determined that the web server and the database server had the 
same ​username​ and ​password​ for their local ​administrator​ accounts. This is how the 
adversary gained privileged access to the database server. 

6. System administrators forced the change of all ​passwords​ for all local accounts on the 
web server and database server to prevent future reuse of any ​credentials​ that were 

7. When the hunter finished hunting on the database server, the hunt sensor was removed 
from the server in accordance with the company’s on-demand deployment strategy. 

Hunt Reporting 

The hunter documented the findings and results for the hunt on an ongoing basis, issuing a 
separate report for each major compromise investigated through hunting. His report for the 
database server compromise includes the following information: 

● An ​executive​ summary that reiterates the most important points from the report 
● The scope of the compromise, such as which business processes, IT assets, users, 
data sets, etc. were affected, in what ways they were affected, and how long they 
were affected 
● The ​identity​ of the adversary, if known 
● A timeline of the activities involving the compromise and the hunt investigation into 
that compromise 
● A narrative corresponding to the timeline, indicating what the findings were at each 
step in the hunt process, which ​tools or​ ​techniques​ were used for each step, who 
received information from the hunters and when, what challenges or other issues 
were encountered and how they were resolved (or why they aren’t yet resolved), etc. 
● The ​root cause​ or causes of the compromise 

● Recommendations for improving the company’s security and for making future hunts 
more effective, and the consequences to the company if these recommendations are 
not followed 

Malware Beaconing: How To Hunt 

One of the most common malware's behavior is ”beacon”, which implies that ​infected​ hosts 
communicate to ​Command and Control servers​ at ​regular intervals​ that have relatively ​small 
time variations​. To be more specific, there are two key points about ​malware​ beaconing: 

1. It has to beacon (duh).​ Meaning that it is regular (every N 

seconds/minutes/hours/days from any given infected machine). This also means that 
it is ​not​ the once-off type.
2. It does not look like normal traffic.​ If you have done ​web application​ profiling before, 
you would have some idea of what normal ​traffic​ is like. Most/all of a page’s 
resources​ are requested for within the first few seconds when the ​browser loads​ the 
page. Anything else is either “AJAX”-type requests (legit), or the ​suspicious​ ​domains 
that we’re looking for. This also helps in avoiding legit domains that enter our ​radar 
simply because they generate a lot of requests (the top N domains method).


But ​how to​ hunt Malware Beaconing?! 

Here is a simple instruction (including 6 steps) to detect malware beaconing. 

1. Retrieve ​proxy​ ​events​ containing a non-null ​URL​; 

2. Sort them by time; 
3. For every 2 consecutive events matching the same source ​host​ and URL, 
1. calculate the time difference between those events, in seconds; 
4. Once that difference is calculated for all events, append to every row/event (per 
source host and URL): 
1. the number of events matched; 
2. the ​standard​ deviation of the time differences between consecutive events; 
5. Filter in only those rows where the standard deviation is below 5 and with count 
greater than 100 (thresholds may be adjusted); 

6. Finally, group every relevant attribute/field by URL, including the count of unique 
source hosts and start checking the output. 

Let's review the instruction again: 

1. Retrieve ​proxy​ ​events​ containing a non-null ​URL​; 

2. Sort them by time (epoch); 
3. For every 2 consecutive events matching the same source ​host​ and URL, 
• calculate the time difference between those events, in seconds; 
4. Once that difference is calculated for all events, append to every row/event (per 
source host and URL): 
• the number of events matched (count); 
• the ​standard​ deviation of the time differences between consecutive events; 
5. Filter in only those rows where the standard deviation is below 5 and with count 
greater than 100 (thresholds may be adjusted); 
6. Finally, group every relevant attribute/field by URL, including the count of unique 
source hosts and start checking the output. 

Required Data Sources: 

Proxy ​Logs​, ​Firewall​ Logs (optional) 

Splunk Query: 

index=proxy sourcetype=whatever url=*

| eval current_time=_time

| sort 0 + current_time

| streamstats global=f window=2 current=f last(current_time) AS

previous_time by src, url

| eval diff_time=current_time-previous_time

| eventstats count, stdev(diff_time) AS std by src, url

| where std<5 AND count>100

| stats count AS conn_count, dc(src) AS unique_sources,

values(http_method) AS methods, values(http_user_agent) AS agents,
values(std) AS diff_deviation, values(category) AS category by url

Chapter 8 MSSP outsourcing 
By ​David Nathans 

Most ​organizations​ think about outsourcing ​cybersecurity​ due to its high costs and lack of 
resources. Unless you are in the ​business​ of cybersecurity building your own SOC many not 
have a high return on investment. Larger organizations see cybersecurity as a cost avoidance 
(Saving ​money​ they would have to spend if they were breached) whereas smaller ​businesses 
see it as a cost of doing business (money they need to spend to stay in business) if they 
invest​ anything in cyber to begin with. Very different perspectives but the results are the 
same. Not everyone can have their own ​Security Operations​ ​Center​ (SOC). 

Before you can really think about MSSP outsourcing you need to understand what an MSSP is 
and how different organizations use the acronym to describe themselves. Having a good 
understanding of how organizations are different, yet call themselves the same thing will 
help in getting closer to what you ultimately want in an outsourcing relationship. 

In this chapter we are going to discuss and answer these questions: 

● What is an MSSP? 
● What is a Pure MSSP? 
● What is an MSP? 
● What to look for in an outsourcing relationship? 
● Key​ questions not to ask? 
● Setting expectations? 
● Being a good partner? 

What is an MSSP? 

As defined by ​Gartner​[1]​, a ​Managed Security​ ​Service Provider​ (MSSP) provides outsourced 
monitoring​ and ​management​ of security devices and systems. This definition goes on to say, 
“Common ​services​ include managed ​firewall​, ​intrusion detection​, ​virtual private network​, 
vulnerability scanning​ and antiviral services.” 

This definition does not go far enough and could be considered outdated as there are many 
more types of services and cross-over offerings available today. Here is an attempt to 
provide a sample of examples opposed to an exhaustive list: 

● Data loss prevention​ (DLP) 

● Distributed Denial of Service​ ​prevention​ (DDOS) 
● Managed Detection and Response​ (MDR) 
● Endpoint Detection and Response​ (EDR) 
● Managed ​Domain​ Name ​Service​ (DNS) 
● Managed ​Security Incident​ and ​Event​ Management (SIEM) 
● Threat Intelligence 
● Managed ​Compliance 

The key to any organization calling themselves an MSSP would be that their focus is 
providing services that the name squarely states. They are a ​provider​ who M ​ anages Security​, 
as a service.​ ​Long gone are the days where MSSP’s just provided managed firewall and 
Intrusion​ ​Detection​ (IDS). Today, a key differentiator of an MSSP is that they offer a wide 
range of ​security services​ backed by a 24/7 Security ​Operations​ Center. 

Examples of MSSP’s are (Alphabetic order)​: 

● AT&T - ​ 
● Capgemini - ​ 
● IBM​ - ​ 
● Secureworks - ​ 
● Symantec​ -

● Verizon​ - 

Typically, MSSP’s have been large businesses that provide a long list of services but have a 
Managed Security Service (MSS) offering as either part of their extended internal operations 
or as a separate business unit. This can be the lifeblood of large ​enterprise​ organizations 
who need outsourcing due to the size and volume of needs. Large organizations need to 
outsource​ to other large if not larger organizations to ensure that the provider can handle 
their ​workload​ and have the ​resources​ to be successful for long periods of time. 

What is a Pure MSSP? 

Over the last few years, a new breed of MSSP has begun to ​grow​ and address a much 
different market. The pure-play MSSP is an entire company whose primary and only focus is 
on offering security services. These new types of MSSP’s also bring with them a new crop of 
service offerings that are boutique, focused, and address specialty markets. Entire security 
companies can be dedicated to the protection and security of the evolving ​landscape​ of 
Internet of Things​ (IoT), ​Internet​ of ​Medical​ Things (IoMT), or specialize in ​industries​ such as 
oil and gas​ to include ​Industrial Control Systems​ (ICS) and ​Supervisory Control and Data 
Acquisition​ (SCADA) systems. These organizations also bring with it, expertise in protecting 
small businesses, ​Government​, ​cloud​ and more. 

Examples of Pure MSSP’s are (Alphabetic order)​: 

● Dragos - ​ 
● MedSec​ – ​ 
● Red Canary - ​ 
● Rapid7 - ​ 
● SOCSoter – ​ 
● FireEye​ – ​ 

There has been no better time than now to find a company that specializes in security 
services who is as unique as the organizations with whom they are protecting. Not only can 

you now find Pure MSSP’s who specialize in your ​industry​ but also bring with them products 
and services unique to business size and offer price points that make sense. MSSP’s are 
also bringing new capabilities to market such as Managed Detection and ​Response​ (MDR). 
This is service that is typically provided by pure ​MSSPs​ and has a strong focus on ​threat 
intelligence​, ​threat hunting​, ​security monitoring​, ​incident​ ​analysis​, ​log analysis​, and ​incident 
response​ through a ​SIEM​ or even a managed SIEM infrastructure. Using advanced ​security 
analytics​ on the ​network and​ ​endpoints​ to ​track​ user behavior, ​application​ behavior and 
mis-usage. MDR provides deeper detection by combining security ​analytics​ with ​machine 
learning​ and augmented or ​artificial intelligence​ compared to traditional MSSPs, who mostly 
rely on static rules and signatures. ​Endpoint​ Detection and Response (EDR) is another 
emerging yet game changing technology pure MSSPs have been leveraging. ​Threats​ are 
constantly changing, and ​anti-virus​ software is only able to stop some of the problems some 
of the time. New EDR offerings by MSSPs include the capability to perform searches of all 
endpoints in an organization or across all devices an MSSP manages leveraging threat 
intelligence to find known and ​unknown threats​, isolate ​compromised​ devices and stop 
malicious activity​ instantly. 

While relatively new in the way of MSSP offerings, MDR and EDR is proving to be valuable for 
organizations looking to increase their cyber defenses. If your organization is looking to 
improve its incident response and ​threat detection​ programs with a pro-active, hands on 
approach to cyberdefense, an MSSP offering MDR and EDR could be a great way to achieve 
these goals. 

What is an MSP? 

Over the last few years there has also been other changes in the technology business. Value 
Added Resellers (VAR) of technology products and services, technology resellers and IT 
break/fix companies, which traditionally operates on a transactional and short-term basis, 
have all struggled as ​computing​ platforms move to ​the cloud​ and end users become more 
technically proficient and self-supportive. The emergence of the Managed Service Provider 
(MSP) has evolved to become the entrusted lifeblood of businesses who rely on technology 
but cannot afford full time in-house ​staff​ to support the varied needs, or they can 

supplement full time in-house staff that are overwhelmed with their responsibilities. The 
MSP​ partners with their customers over annual, or multi-year periods. They can handle a 
number of technical and administrative duties such as ​help desk​ support, network and 
application management​ and ensuring that the systems are working seamlessly with as 
little (ideally NO!) ​downtime​ as possible. 

These services typically have consisted of general IT ​administration​, management, support 

and maintenance and ​patching​ of clients, servers, infrastructure and now of ​course​, Cloud. 
As technology has evolved and ​hackers​ develop new methods of threat and intrusion, so has 
the breadth of what MSP’s have to, and are expected to provide by their customers. This has 
caused a morphing and blending of traditional outsourced ​IT services​ into new areas of what 
would ordinarily come from a MSSP. Many MSSP’s have partner and reseller programs that 
MSP’s can subscribe to in order to ​leverage​ expertise in all areas of cybersecurity without 
having to have their own 24/7 SOC and internal expert staff. MSP’s need to ensure their 
customers are safe and secure and depending upon the industry – adhering to strict 
compliance guidelines set by regulating bodies. 

What to look for in an outsourcing relationship 

The first thing you need to do before you begin outsourcing is to look in a mirror. You have a 
lot of choices out there and you can either shop for the best fit for your needs or be swayed 
by ​slick​ marketing and stories of how great one company over another. The best 
relationships are built on a firm ground of understanding what the business needs and what 
it is getting from the outsourced relationship. If those two things are not well understood, 
then the relationship is not going to work even with the best of intentions. A good 
outsourcing relationship is not about getting an advantageous contract or getting more for 
your money, but rather gaining a ​partnership​ that extends, enhances, and augments a 
business’ ability to grow and benefit from that relationship. The MSSP partner you choose 
should be willing to protect your business as if it’s their own and you should also be willing 
to make them a key member of your team. 

How to​ test the relationship? The difference between selling and recommending is trust. If 
you ​trust​ your outsourcing partner and they make recommendations, then you do trust them. 

If all you hear is them trying to sell you, then maybe you don’t trust them nor have a good 

Another thing you should look for in an MSSP relationship is ​innovation​ and enhancements 
and if those come ​free​ or at a charge. Did the MSSP build proprietary technology and do all 
their own inhouse ​development​ or are they just reselling other companies’ products and 
services? In the case of a pure MSSP, cybersecurity is all they do. They live and breathe for 
cyber and should always be improving their capabilities. Of course, MSSP’s need to make 
money but they should have clear pricing models and set clear expectations on what you get 
versus what is an extra charge. 

Additionally, you need to see if the MSSP is going to be aligned with your needs not just from 
an offering perspective but also from a compliance perspective. If there are country 
requirements that don’t allow you to outsource outside your own country, if data ​backups​ are 
going overseas. These and many more questions should be asked of an MSSP as you begin to 
build a relationship with them. 

Key questions not to ask 

The list of questions you can ask an MSSP are endless and there are many sites out there 
that have an exhaustive list of things that you can ask. Instead it is more fun and beneficial 
to explore questions that maybe you should not ask when looking for a new MSSP partner. 

Contracting with a big-name player may be great. If you are a small fish then will you get the 
attention you deserve? Let’s be real, you get what you pay for with the big guys. There is no 
doubt that they will do everything they can to service your contract and provide you the best, 
and you can be very happy with them. But let’s be honest, if your only spend $1,000 and 
another company’s spends $10 million, who is going to get more attention? Do you really 
need to ask this question? 

Growth questions always seem to come up and never seem to make real sense at the time. 
Asking questions like “what’s your staff growth rate?” is a waste of time for everyone unless 
you are specifically looking for a job. Growth of a company is a distractor to servicing a 

customer’s account. An MSSP should do all they can to ensure that any growth does not 
upset their customer base. Besides, having a ton of ​employees​ and an impressive ​office 
means they have big bills and need you to help pay for them. 

Asking why they think their technology is the best. Is this a game? MSSP marketing 
departments can drown you in whitepapers, marketing materials, ​social media​ and more. If 
you want to ask technical questions then go for it. Don’t just ask questions to show off your 
technical wizardry or play “stump the chump.” Make the questions meaningful because you 
are interested in how they address a real problem. You want to know how they are going to 
protect you, not how they are going to keep you entertained on twitter. 

There are many more other questions you should probably not ask. Next time you get a blank 
stare, bewilderment or long pause, stop and ask yourself it that was a good ​question​ and if 
the answer really matters to establishing a good relationship with your MSSP. 

Setting expectations 

Previously we discussed looking in the mirror and understanding your needs before going out 
to look for an MSSP. That is never truer than when looking to set expectations. If you are not 
sure of what you want, then it will be impossible for any MSSP to make you happy. This does 
not mean you need to be the most technical person in the room, but you should know what is 
important to your company and what your company needs to protect. You should also clearly 
understand your challenges in providing cybersecurity services yourself. You need to know if 
it is cost issues, internal knowledge, ​resource​ or time problems that prevent you from doing 
it yourself. You not only need to know what is important from a cyber protection perspective 
but also understand and be able to communicate what they expected outcomes are. If you do 
not have the capability to run a full incident response and containment of a ​breach​, then you 
need to ensure that your MSSP or even multiple MSSP’s can and will offer it to you if you 
need it. 

Setting expectations goes both ways. An MSSP should be willing to share with you their 
development roadmap. Knowing what you want out of your MSSP is great but if you are able 
to strengthen your cybersecurity along with the growth and development of new ​features​ and 

capabilities of your MSSP then it will be easier to plan, budget and ultimately meet company 
business objectives. 

Lastly, every business is different and as such there are times when something custom will 
be needed. Knowing what services, you are going to be contracted for, it would be 
worthwhile to understand if there are any capabilities that could be customized. Not only can 
they be custom but also if there is a charge for any customization. 

You need to understand where the MSSP services begin and end and your responsibilities 
begin and end. 

Being a good partner? 

The best relationships for MSSP and customers alike are ones where the customers are 
engaged and the MSSP is responsive. The customer needs to be responsive and willing to 
work collaboratively in cybersecurity efforts alongside the MSSP. This does not mean you 
have to have a dedicated resource but at least someone who has ultimate responsibility to 
be available to the MSSP when needed. It is always best to assign a dedicated resource to 
work with the MSSP that is not the CEO. It is not that the ​CEO​ is a bad person, but they have 
other stuff to do and may not be able to respond to issues or requests from the MSSP. 
Obviously, you will need to decide in your own organization who is the best for this role but 
don’t skip assigning it, it could mean the difference between an incident and a breach. 

Understanding what are the depth of services and capabilities that the MSSP has is ​critical 
for you to understand what they can do for you especially when it matters most. If all you get 
is a notification of a potential incident without the ability to question, engage or invoke full 
incident response services, then are you in an outsourced relationship or did you just buy a 
product. MSSP’s and customers should have regular meetings and touchpoints to ensure 
that everything is working smoothly. This should be a time that is set aside regularly to 
review ​reports​, plan new projects, discuss issues and provide feedback. Feedback is a 
critical component to being a good partner. If you are happy or not, letting your MSSP know 

will help them either continue doing what they are doing or make course changes to help 
resolve issues. 


While there are certainly similarities and difference between an MSP, MSSP, and pure-play 
MSSP. It essentially boils down to the fact that MSP’s do not offer their own security in their 
portfolio of services outside of infrastructure, Firewall, ​Patch​, and anti-virus management 
unless they partner with an MSSP or a cybersecurity vendor. MSSP’s offer focused 
cybersecurity offerings as part of a larger organization, and pure-play MSSP’s only deal in 
cybersecurity and even sometimes provide specialized cyber services in specific focus areas. 

Regardless of who you choose and why, in the end, you need to focus your decision and 
outsourcing efforts in achieving a few simple objectives. Find a partner that cares about you 
and is skilled in your size and type company. Minimize costs by leveraging ​security experts 
working for you at a fraction of the cost of having your own in-house team. Increase 
efficiency​ by allowing your outsourcer to apply proven procedures and ​policies​ into the 
management of your infrastructure that ultimately helps reduce ​false positives​ and improve 
responsiveness​ to ​detect​ and contain cyber-attacks. And lastly, your MSSP needs to enable 
you to focus on your business while they focus on protecting it. 


[1]​ Gartner ​ 


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