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We can observe that within various religions/traditions/cults Lucifer is descri-
bed in varied forms. Romans, in their pre-christian cult, worshiped the ancient
God of Splendor, known as "Dianus Lucifero" (also called Lucifer). ey asso-
ciated Lucifer to the planet Venus, the Morning Star (d'Alva Star) and also Ves-
per (e Evening Star). In the Roman myth, Dianus Lucifero receives the fire
of the day that is ending and crosses the dark night carrying the fire during the
long night, and as the "Morning Star" he carries this fire which is going to light
up the Sun of a new day. So in this sense, Lucifer was considered the Prince of
In Christianity, Lucifer is seen as a fallen angel, who was cast out of
heaven for having rebelled against God. It is interesting though to point out that
the name "Lucifer" is never cited in the Bible, so how did this myth appeared?
If we read this passage from from Isaiah:

"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Morning Star, son of the morning! how art
thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!" Is. 14:12

Due to an error in the Septuagint translator, "Morning Star" was trans-

lated to "Eosforos". Eosforos is a Greek divinity related to the Morning Star.
But this passage from Isaiah is clearly referring to the king of Babylon, the King
Nabucodonosor. When Jerome translated the vulgate, he did not adopt the ori-

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Lucifer in Paganism and Christianity

ginal Hebrew text, but the Septuagint text, and when he found "Eosforos", he
translated it as "Lucifer":

"Quomodo cecidisti de caelo, Lucifer, fili aurorae?Deiectus es in terram, qui dei-

ciebas gentes," Liber Isaiae 14:12.

is way we have an error of translation that would have no minor

consequence (as many other ones), if it was not for the fact that the Catholic
Church had the necessity of fighting the pagan cults practiced by the peasants.
At that time, these so called “Pagans” (Pagus = Field), had Lucifer as one of their
main deities.

It is interesting to observe that Jesus Christ considered himself "the

Morning Star" in a passage from revelations:

"I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star." Reve-
lations 22:16

erefore, all texts must be well interpreted, because in the same way
we observed previously that different names can have the same meaning in diffe-
rent cultures, we also observe that some names can be the same, but with totally
different meanings. Lucifer within the Satanic tradition has another meaning,
not being a fallen angel, and neither a Pagan God.

Lucifer and the Black Grail in the

Satanic Tradition
Within the Satanic tradition described in this vo-
lume, Lucifer is the Serpent that comes to show
mankind that through wisdom we can see the dee-
pest level of our own essence and recognize the ma-
nifestation from the pre-cosmic spirit,
distinguishing the true and eternal from the fleeting
and changeable, and consequently annihilating the
desire of worshiping existence and awakening our
killer instinct.

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The Ophidic Essence

Lucifer is the Devil, the adversary (Satanas), roaring like a lion to de-
vour this created world. Lucifer is the one who shows that there is nothing more
than pain, suffering and tedium in this existence, and that humanity is being
sunk in a world of illusions.
Lucifer brought the Black Graal to earth, the chalice of wine from the
fierceness of his wrath. e Black Graal of Lucifer is the sacred acausal chalice
which came to the uncreated world, emitting acausal energies, awakening man-
kind to liberate the spirit strapped to matter, preventing us to forget about our

"And he said to him, I will give you all their authority and splendor; it has been
given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to." Luke 4:6

"And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth, and there fell a sore
and grievous wound upon men, who had the character of the beast; and upon
them that adored the image thereof." Revelations 16:2

e Light of Lucifer leads to a dichotomy because we sustain two diffe-

rent situations. e first is that the broader the knowledge of a being is, the more
it feels to be tormented and opposed to this world. is occurs because the more
knowledge/wisdom there is, the more the individual sees the reality about this
world, thus feeling detached from it, denying and rejecting existence, which
leads to misanthropy and aversion of all this illusion. In contrast, people who
have a lack of knowledge consider life more ple-
asant, because ignorance makes these people
worship creation and the God creator. Only an
ignorant person is able to love this world and
still thank God for having created it.
In the second situation we sustain that the
more knowledge/wisdom a being has, the more
he begins to become immune to many pains
and sorrows of the world. is explain why the
Light of Lucifer transforms the heart of man
into stone. e heart from the adept becomes
icy, because he knows that nothing in this world

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Lucifer in Paganism and Christianity

is worthy of much concern, because there is a difference between the real and
eternal from the illusory and ephemeral. All those who feel aversion to this
world possess the essence of the Devil.
Satan/Lucifer is homicide, because the death of creation will see us rid
of it, and he brings us the hard truth which many people do not want to see.
e Light of Lucifer, as well as the Black Graal, is responsible for the opening of
the third eye (the all-seeing eye, the sacred eye of destruction, also called "e
Eye of Shiva/Rudra" in Hindu tradition; as we know already, within our tradition
what we call Lucifer/Satan, can be compared to Shiva /Rudra). e Light of Lu-
cifer and the acausal energy stemmed from the Holy Black Graal causes the ope-
ning of the third eye in the adept, seeing his own essence (Self) and
remembering the origin. e opening of the third eye is also crucial to the prac-
tices of Necromancy. It is responsible for the contact with the dead, because the
rites of Necromancy are based on the function of the individual sense-percep-
tion; in other words, to capture the information that is emanated from the dead.
As we will learn on the next chapter, the opening of the third eye makes us gain
more subtle perception.

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