CHEM Experiment 7

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2 Date Performed: April 8-9, 2019

Year and Section: 9-Argon Date Submitted: May 14, 2019

Members: Belga, Chanda Althea

Cueto, Mark Ranielle

Estrella, Mary Gencel

Ochea, Hannah Marielle

Oriel, Michaela





Vinegar is usually described as having a tart taste and pungent smell, which are
all caused by the acetic acid in the sour condiment. At its core, vinegar is simply diluted
acetic acid formed by fermentation. Acetic acid also has a lot of other uses. According
to Brown (2018), acetic acid is also used in preparing metal acetates, which is used in
printing; vinyl acetate in making plastics; cellulose acetate for photographic films and
textiles; and volatile organic esters, which is used in paints, resins, etc. It’s also an
important metabolic intermediate that can be found in humans and plants alike (Brown,

An acid-base titration is used to determine the concentration of acid and base

using the equivalence point (Helmenstine, 2018). The equivalence point is found when
the amount of titrant (the substance with known concentration) is just enough to
neutralize the analyte/titrand (substance with unknown concentration to be determine)
(Khan Academy, n.d.). You can use a pH indicator to determine whether or not you
have reached the equivalence point. Once the equivalence point is found, the
concentration of the unknown substance can be computed using the balanced chemical
equation and the volume of the titrant when the equivalence point was reached.

For this experiment, a sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution with 0.5M was used to
titrate and determine the acetic acid concentration of three different brands of vinegar,
with three trials each.

The group aims to be able to determine the acidity level of vinegars in terms of
percentage of acetic acid(w/v). It also seeks to determine the relative acidity strengths of
different brands of commercial vinegar based on the results of the acid-base titrations.
Lastly, it aims to use the appropriate statistical test to determine if there is a significant
difference on the acidity strengths of the vinegar.



 100 mL Graduated Cylinder  (2) 250 mL Erlenmeyer flasks
 500 mL Beaker  Base burette
 Burette clamp  Dropper
 Iron stand  Rubber aspirator
 5 mL Pipette  Glass funnel
 250 mL Beaker  Plaform balance
 (3) Vinegar samples from different brands
 Phenolphthalein
 0.5 NaOH


After measuring 5.0 mL of a vinegar sample, the group placed it in a clean, dry and
previously weighed Erlenmeyer flask. The flask with the sample was weighed to
determine the mass of the vinegar. After this, 100 mL of distilled water was added and
the sample was set aside.

The titration set-up was prepared and checked by the teacher before the titration
was performed. The initial volume reading of 0.5 M NaOH filled in the burette in their set-
up was recorded. A drop of Phenolphthalein indicator was added to the vinegar sample
and titrated it against 0.5 M NaOH solution until it reached an end point of faint pink then
the final volume of the base in the burette was recorded. In repeating this titration twice,
a fresh aliquot of vinegar was used. The results should agree within 0.2 mL or additional
titrations are required and the three best titrations were reported.

The data of all six groups of the class, using a total of three different brands of
vinegar (3 brands of vinegar x 3 trials x 6 groups = 18 trials for each brand x 3 brands of
vinegar), was gathered. Analysis of variance statistical test was used to analyze if there
is a big difference between the acetic acid concentrations of the three sample brands
IV. DATA AND OBSERVATIONS (refer to your handouts for the tables, you may insert
pictures of your actual results here, don’t forget to label or put captions on your pictures)

Table 1. Acetic Acid Concentration for brand Datu Puti


Mass of vinegar 5.40 5.30 4.90

Molarity of NaOH 0.5 0.5 0.5

Initial Reading, mL 24.50 29.20 34.30

Final Reading, mL 29.10 33.90 38.60
Volume of NaOH 4.60 4.70 4.30

% Acetic Acid 2.56 2.60 2.64

Table 2. Acetic Acid Concentration for brand Silver Swan


Mass of vinegar 4.97 4.96 5.88

Molarity of NaOH 0.5 0.5 0.5

Initial Reading, mL 12.90 17.95 22.60

Final Reading, mL 17.95 22.60 28.10
Volume of NaOH 5.05 4.65 5.50

% Acetic Acid 3.00 3.00 3.21

Table 3. Acetic Acid Concentration for brand Marca Pina


Mass of vinegar 4.72 4.89 5.43

Molarity of NaOH 0.5 0.5 0.5

Initial Reading, mL 18.90 28.10 38.00

Final Reading, mL 23.70 32.90 43.00
Volume of NaOH 4.80 4.80 5.00

% Acetic Acid 3.05 2.95 3.00

Table 4. Collective data of the Argon class for all the brands


1 2.39 2.35 3.13
2 2.81 2.81 3.16
3 2.31 2.88 2.85
4 2.56 3.00 3.05
5 2.66 3.00 2.95
6 2.64 3.21 3.00
7 2.91 3.42 2.35
8 2.69 2.54 2.47
9 2.69 2.29 2.79
10 3.51 2.68 2.69
11 2.94 2.92 3.19
12 2.33 2.74 2.90
13 3.50 2.54 2.75
14 2.43 2.52 2.34
15 2.52 2.15 3.01
16 2.69 2.45 3.06
17 2.70 2.95 3.18
18 2.94 2.32 2.97
Figure 1. Erlenmeyer flask Figure 2. Pouring 100mL
with vinegar sided by 100 to the flask with vinegar
mL of distilled water

Figure 3. Setting up the burette Figure 4. Controlling the amount

and flask for the titration of NaOH that will drop into the
Erlenmeyer flask with the
Figure 5. A flask with an Figure 6. A flask with a poorly
approximately accurate titration titrated substance where the
where the overall substance has a substance has a very dark shade
light pink color of pink

Figure 7. Normal Probability plot of the three sample brands retrieved from Minitab via
direct input of values
Interval Plot of Datu Puti, Silver Swan, ...
95% CI for the Mean






Datu Puti Silver Swan Marca Pina

The pooled standard deviation is used to calculate the intervals.

Figure 8. Interval plot of the three sample brands retrieved from Minitab via direct input
of values

Figure 9. Tukey plot (at 95% CI) of the three sample brands retrieved from Minitab via
direct input of values
Statistical Tables

Table 5. Basic ANOVA table retrieved directly from inputting values in Minitab

Analysis of Variance
Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value
Factor 2 0.3054 0.1527 1.50 0.233
Error 51 5.1951 0.1019
Total 53 5.5005

Table 6. Table of means table retrieved directly from inputting values in Minitab

Factor N Mean StDev 95% CI
Datu Puti 18 2.7344 0.3397 (2.5834, 2.8855)
Silver Swan 18 2.7094 0.3428 (2.5584, 2.8605)
Marca Pina 18 2.8800 0.2696 (2.7290, 3.0310)
Pooled StDev = 0.319164

Table 7. Tukey Pairwise Comparison table retrieved from directly inputting values in


Tukey Pairwise Comparisons

Grouping Information Using the Tukey Method and 95% Confidence
Factor N Mean Grouping
Marca Pina 18 2.8800 A
Datu Puti 18 2.7344 A
Silver Swan 18 2.7094 A
Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

Note: Statistical Analysis of the statistical tables may be found in the Discussion of
Results paired with the conclusion from the analysis in the Conclusion.

From the data gathered during the titration sessions, it can be seen that there is a
big discrepancy between the claim of the companies of 4.5% concentration compared to
the actual values that range between 2.0%-3.5%.

Additionally, among the three brand samples, it is evident that Marca Pina has the
highest acetic acid concentration at approximately 2.88%, followed by Datu Puti at
approximately 2.73% and lastly Silver Swan at approximately 2.71%.

This data can then be reflected on the comparison between the scent and the taste
of the three brands. Since acetic acid is the direct substance that gives it its distinct smell
and taste, we can thereby assume that Marca Pina will taste and smell as the most ideal
and representative of the actual taste of vinegar (sour and slightly pungent). The other
two can be assumed to have a less resemblance to the qualities of an ideal kind of

Looking at the statistical side of things, even though the other two may be less
representative, it can be seen that the difference between the acetic acid concentrations
are not significant enough to distinguish one from the rest.

Having the following hypothesis for the hypothesis testing, an Analysis of Variance
test was conducted,

H0: µ1 = µ2 = µ3 (There is no significant difference between the means)

Ha: At least one mean is different from the others (There is a significant

difference between the means)

The group used a significance level of 0.05 not only because it is the default value
but mainly because committing a type I error is not that likely since the date used is from
an actual first-hand test and an accurate software was involved. Additionally, an F-test is
applicable to the data since the values are normally distributed as reflected on figure 7
(where the residuals are visibly not that high), the data are independent of one another
and the variances are assumed to be equal due to the presence of a first-hand test.

Using the ANOVA feature from Minitab and the prior knowledge of Analysis of
Variance, through the p-value approach with a significance level of 0.05, the decision is
“Do not reject the Null Hypothesis” which consequently leads to a conclusion that there
is no significant difference between the means of the acetic acid concentrations of the
three brand samples.

Alternatively, by using the F-value approach, it is reflected on the F-distribution

table in the book Elementary Statistics of Allan G. Bluman that the F-value for significance
level = 0.05, d.f.N = 2, d.f.D = 51 is 3.15. The test statistic reflected on the ANOVA table
is 1.50. Since |test statistic| < |critical value|, the decision is “Do not reject the Null
Hypothesis” which again consequently leads to a conclusion that there is no significant
difference between the means of the acetic acid concentrations of the three brand

In addition to the hypothesis testing, figures supporting the decision and conclusion
namely figure 8 and figure 9. In figure 8, an interval plot is visible wherein the differences
of the means are very minimal. In figure 9, a Tukey plot is visible wherein the means can
be grouped into one group since they involve a particular value, in this case 0.0.


In relation to the values retrieved from the titration experiment, the group
concludes that the values for Marca Pina of 2.88%, Datu Puti of 2.73%, and Silver Swan
of 2.71% are highly accurate through the use of a first-hand test and a reliable software.

In addition to this, it is also in conclusion to say that Marca Pina is the most
concentrated in terms of acidity, followed by Datu Puti, and lastly Silver Swan. These
three brands have served as the three representative samples for the class

Lastly, the group concludes that through the analysis of variance using two
approaches, the F-test and the P-value approach, both lead to a decision of “Do not reject
the Null Hypothesis” which in conclusion means that there is no significant difference on
the acidity strengths of the vinegar. It is also reflected that the use of these tests is valid
since the data goes with the assumptions. Some more evidence supporting this
conclusion can be found through the figures given.


Brown, W. H. (2018, November 27). Acetic acid. Retrieved May 12, 2019, from

Helmenstine, A. M. (2018, December 03). How to Perform an Acid-Base Titration Calculation.

Retrieved May 12, 2019, from

Acid-base titration curves. (n.d.). Retrieved May 12, 2019, from

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