Job Safety Analysis Form: Sub Activities Hazards Control Measures

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Main Activity: Plant & Location:

Date: Day1 Day2 Day3 Day4 Day5 Day6 Day7
Permit Nos.
(Day 1-7)
S.No. Sub Activities Hazards Control Measures
List the tasks required to (Both Existing as well as potential) List the control measures required to eliminate or
perform the activity in the Against each task list the Hazards minimize the risk of injury arising from the identified
sequence they are carried that could cause injury/damage Hazard.
out to people, equipment or the
1 Stress Relieving Activity ● Electrocution ● Competent personnel shall be ensured.
● Fire hazard & Arc flash ● Industrial socket / plug tops shall be ensured.
● Generation of Waste ● Only inspected electrical equipment Colour
materials (wool) coded shall be used.
● All electrical connections should be routed
through 30mA ELCB / RCCB for power tools
and double body earthling.
● Proper rated capacity tiding arrangements
shall be used (normal combustible rope shall not
be permitted)
● Hot work compliance checklist shall be
ensured prior to start the work activity.
● Good House Keeping to be ensured
combustible materials shall be removed form the
● All flammable materials kept outside of work
● Fire extinguishers shall be placed at work
● Power cables shall be kept away from hot
● All waste materials shall be collected and
stored in separate waste bins.

2 Working at Height  Fall from Height ● Ensure only certified scaffolding shall be used.
 Scaffolding collapse ● Ensure adequate size of working platform with
 Fall of loose tools & alternate escape route is prepared.
material ● Secure all loose material while working at


JSA Format No. 9112-000-HSE-006-00004/Ver-2

Name & Sig. Day Day 3 Day Day Day Day
Issuer 2 4 5 6 7
*App-1 Issuer
*App-1 Requestor

(Note:1. JSA to be done by issuer and acceptor of work permit. In case required, representative from other
discipline can also join the team for JSA.
2. JSA to have approvals*(Managers) for Hot Jobs, confined space entry & Work on equipment in service
3. Minimum one hand written job specific information to be included every day by the issuer &
requestor. In case of no additional information, write-“No change from above” in the Remarks.
Checklist of common Hazards
This should be used as an aid to identifying the hazards. This is the list for the most common hazards but is not
a definitive list.
Mechanical/Equipment Thermal Ignition sources Electrical
Entanglement Hot surface Electricity Electric shock
Shearing Steam Static electricity Static electricity
Crushing Refrigerants Hot work Power failure
Striking Stored Energy Lightening Pressure
Cutting Falling material Sparks Release of energy
Mechanical failure (e.g by Springs under Frictions Implosion
overloading) tension/compression
Chemical Counterweights Flames Compressed air
Flammable Radiations Auto ignition Steam
Toxic e.g. ionising radiations (X- Pyrophoric material Hydraulics
Harmful Place of work Vehicles Process
Irritant Obstructions Fork lift Wrong material
Oxidising Access/egress Tankers Missed steps
Pyrophoric Work at height Reversing vehicles Instrument failure
Corrosive Falling objects Speed Interlocks
Dangerous to environment Slip/trip/fall People Control system failure
Dust explosions Housekeeping Unsafe behaviour Alarms
Gases Temperature Human errors Nature
Fumes Ventilation Training/competence Weather
Vapours Confined space Methods of work Winds/Storms/lightening
Dusts Hazards of other tasks Manual handling (lifting,
Asphyxiants being done carrying, pushing and
simultaneously. Stress/workload
Biological (e.g.legionella) Noise/Vibrations/Hot work

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