1.1 LRMDS Specification and Guidelines For Intellectual Property Rights Management

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Evaluation Template 6.

1 Refer to Guidelines and Processes for LRMDS Assessment and


1.1 LRMDS Specification and Guidelines for Intellectual

Property Rights Management
This checklist is derived from the LRMDS Intellectual Property Rights Management
Specification. Refer to Section 10.3.
The technological advancement and explosion of knowledge in our contemporary
environment enables the educational community to cope with the increasingly complex and
challenging state-of-the-art learning resources. What is true and modern today may become
traditional and obsolete tomorrow. LRMDS provides guidelines to update upgrade and sustain
the learning, teaching and professional development resources with proper acknowledgement
and respect to whom the intellectual property right is due.
Third Party any individual who does not have a direct connection with a legal transaction
but who might be affected by it. For example, an illustrator may have been engaged to
contribute to the production of a learning resource produced by DepED. The learning
resource is copyright DepED in the current published format. However, if DepED through
LRMDS or any other process wants to distribute the same resource in a different format
(e.g online as a digital version) and intends to use the same illustrations, permission to
use the original illustrators work should be requested along with a description of the
design of the new version and intended end use and distribution of the resource.
Modify means enhance the content in which new copyright arises, but only to the extent
that the modification cannot meaningfully inform or entertain independently of the original
content. Modified materials retain the integrity of the original work. Modifications may
consist in, but may not be limited to, updating of content, adding more recent examples,
adding activities, worksheets, etc.
Derivative means any work derived from or developed from content including
· An Edited Version
· An Enhancement
· A Supplementary Work
Reproduction means making copies of the work by any means, including, without
limitation by sound or visual recording and the right fixation and reproducing fixations of
the work including storage of a protected performance or phonogram in digital form or
other electronic medium. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legal code).
Reproduction does not entail any change in the content.
Reproduction of textbooks: In the Philippines includes authorization for DepED to
reprint within a period of 5 years a maximum of 25% of the original quantity awarded.
(2007 Textbook Call Guidelines for Elementary Filipino)
Use - as a verb means to read, view, play, perform, operate or execute the
content (depending on its nature and format) within the functionality that is offered by the
copyright to an ordinary user. (Curriculum Corporation, 2008)
Reuse means to use again.
Repurpose means to use for another purpose.
Recontextualize means to place or use the original material within a new context.
Textbook (TX) means an instructional material that completely and sufficiently develops
the prescribed learning competencies, concepts and or topics for a specific grade or year
level in a specific subject area.
Evaluation Template 6.1 Refer to Guidelines and Processes for LRMDS Assessment and

Conditions of Use - refers to the document headed “Conditions of Use” which

summarizes the conditions applicable to the use of the content.

1.1.1 Guidelines and checklist to support Intellectual Property Rights

1. Section A-D should be completed for all resources as the first part of the Evaluation
process and before making a decision to catalogue, reproduce and distribute, or
redesign and develop a resource.
2. For each resource complete the Evaluation table. Place √ in all cells that apply.
3. Complete the IPR Evaluation Report ensuring that all requested details accurate and
submit to LRMDS Manager or person requesting the Evaluation.
IPR Evaluation Report
Resource Title:

Copyright owner: Name, Address, Contact details

Publisher: Name, Address, Contact details

Date of publication:

License Agreement: Attach a copy to this report as appropriate.

A. Cataloguing print or digital resources Yes No

Cataloguing means creating a record of a resource in a Check all that Check all that
database that will be published online apply ( √ ) apply ( √ )

A 1 Is the existing LR/TR/PDM owned by DepED? A6 A2

A 2 Is the existing LR/TR/PDM owned by a third party? A3 A3
A 3 Is the owner of the LR/TR/PDM able to be identified? A4 Do not
Complete IPR
A 4 Is there a license agreement available for this LR/TR/PDM? A5 A6
A 5 Do the terms in the license agreement allow cataloguing of A6 Complete IPR
the resource? Evaluation
A 6 The LR/TR/PDM may be Catalogued after successfully Prepare IPR Evaluation Report
passing all other required evaluations.
Evaluation Template 6.1 Refer to Guidelines and Processes for LRMDS Assessment and

B. Reproducing resources for offline Yes No

distribution Check all that Check all that
Reproducing resources for offline distribution means to apply ( √ ) apply ( √ )
make multiple copies of a resource to distribute.

B 1 Is the existing LR/TR/PDM owned by DepED? B6 B2

B 2 Is the existing LR/TR/PDM owned by a third party? B3 B3
B 3 Is the owner of the LR/TR/PDM able to be identified? B4 Do not
Complete IPR
B 4 Is there a license agreement available for this B5 B6
B 5 Do the terms in the license agreement allow reproduction B6 Do not
of the resource? Reproduce.
Complete IPR
B 6 Are there any quantity restrictions related to reproduction? B 7. Document B7
in IPR Report
B 7 Are there any restrictions on redeeming the cost of B 8. Document B8
reproduction and distribution? in IPR Report
B 8 The LR/TR/PDM may be Reproduced after successfully Prepare IPR
passing all other required evaluations. Evaluation

C. Redevelopment of resources: Yes No

Digitization only Check all that Check all that
A digital version of a non digital resource is created and apply ( √ ) apply ( √ )
all the original content and design is retained.

C 1 Is the existing LR/TR/PDM owned by DepED? C6 C2

C 2 Is the existing LR/TR/PDM owned by a third party? C3 C3
C 3 Is the owner of the LR/TR/PDM able to be identified? C4 Do not Digitize
Complete IPR
C 4 Is there a license agreement available for this C5 C6
C 5 Do the terms in the license agreement allow digitization of C6 Do not
the resource? Reproduce.
Complete IPR
Evaluation Template 6.1 Refer to Guidelines and Processes for LRMDS Assessment and

C. Redevelopment of resources: Yes No

Digitization only Check all that Check all that
A digital version of a non digital resource is created and apply ( √ ) apply ( √ )
all the original content and design is retained.

C 6 Are there any restrictions related to digitizing the C 7. Document C7

resource? in IPR
C 7 It can be verified that all design and content of the C8 C 8 Complete
resource is the original work of the documented author/s. IPR Evaluation
C 8 Originality of the resource can be verified and C9 Do not digitize
acknowledgements of all sources of reference are identified.
Complete IPR
C 9 Are there any restrictions relating to access and C 10. C 11
distribution via secured online distribution? Document in
IPR Evaluation
C 10 The LR/TR/PDM may be Digitized after successfully Prepare IPR Evaluation Report.
passing all other required evaluations.
C 11 The LR/TR/PDM may be digitized and upload for Prepare IPR Evaluation Report.
distribution via the LRMDS repository successfully passing all
other required evaluations.

D. Redevelopment of resources: Yes No

Modification and redesign Check all that Check all that
A resource is created using the content of a previous apply ( √ ) apply ( √ )
version of a resource and where necessary new content
is created.

D 1 Is the existing LR/TR/PDM owned by DepED? D6 D2

D 2 Is the existing LR/TR/PDM owned by a third party? D3 D3
D 3 Is the owner of the LR/TR/PDM able to be identified? D4 Do not modify.
Complete IPR
D 4 Is there a license agreement available for this D5 D7
D 5 Do the terms in the license agreement allow modification D6 Do not modify.
of the resource?
Complete IPR
D 6 Is all the copyright vested in DepED? D8 D7
D7 Is copyright of all material vested in one party? D8 Identify in the
IPR Evaluation
report required
Evaluation Template 6.1 Refer to Guidelines and Processes for LRMDS Assessment and

D. Redevelopment of resources: Yes No

Modification and redesign Check all that Check all that
A resource is created using the content of a previous apply ( √ ) apply ( √ )
version of a resource and where necessary new content
is created.

permissions to
be cleared.
D 8 Is DepED authorized to modify the copyrighted D 9 Identify in Identify in the
LR/TR/PDM for purposes of instruction and or training? the IPR IPR Evaluation
Evaluation report required
report permissions to
Conditions of be cleared.
D 9 Is DepED authorized to create derivatives of the D 10 Identify in Identify in the
copyrighted LR/TR/PDM for purposes of instruction and or the IPR IPR Evaluation
training? Evaluation report required
report permissions to
Conditions of be cleared.
D 10 The LR/TR/PDM may be modified and redesigned after Prepare IPR Evaluation Report
successfully passing all other required evaluations. The minimum set of rights metadata
for modifying the LR/TR/PDM is
documented in the IPR Evaluation.
Copyright owner, Entity parties,
License agreements
Address and contact details of
copyright owner
Conditions/restrictions for modification
and redevelopment.

Reviewer/Evaluator Name:

Contact Details:

Date of Evaluation

IPR Review results:

Check all that apply (√)

A. Catalogue
Comments or restrictions

B. Reproduction
Comments or restrictions
Evaluation Template 6.1 Refer to Guidelines and Processes for LRMDS Assessment and

C. Modify
Comments or restrictions

D Redevelop
Comments or restrictions


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