Page 1 of 10 Timing Solution Classes: Lesson 3 Working With ULE
Page 1 of 10 Timing Solution Classes: Lesson 3 Working With ULE
Page 1 of 10 Timing Solution Classes: Lesson 3 Working With ULE
Lesson 3
I would like to start this class with one example that proves to non believers that astronomy cycles have
an impact on the stock market. I will conduct it in an academy manner (how I was taught in the
university). It means that the arguments for non believers are expressed by a dry language of numbers
and statistics. The math related issues will appear in italic font to make this reading easier for those who
would prefer to skip these parts and still be able to get the general idea.
The most beauty of this approach is that it gives you the additional information regarding possible ways
of price movement; this information can be prolonged into the future as far as you need. This not a
suddenly occurring fundamental factor which comes from the News and mixes all cards and nobody
knows when this factor will come up again. This is not an annual cycle either - that thing is well known
to anybody knows. This is something special, only our users may know it.
I state that the difference between Venus and Jupiter declination has its impact on Dow Jones Industrial
index, and this fact is proven with the 98% probability. This fact has been tested for DJI data from 1885
to 2006 (it covers more than 120 years of DJI history).
The declination shows how far the planets are located from the Equator's plane. Let's run the ULE
Model Editor:
Add this event to Events Box clicking "Add" button. If you have had some events in the Event Box
already, click "Clear" button to clear it: 9/4/2008
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This is the picture for the difference of Venus - Jupiter declination for the last 8 years and the next 3
years (it is written in June, 2006). I remind you that manipulating the mouse you can choose any piece
of the chart to see the details.
For 120 years DJI history, this diagram looks like this: 9/4/2008
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I state that this diagrams reflects the movements of DJI index, it describes 9.5% of movements.
Now I show how to check how this diagram fits to the DJI index. Click this button in the Main Screen:
What the program does? It calculates the correlation between the price oscillator with 50 bars period
and the Venus-Jupiter declination diagram. The line shows that the correlation
between the price and Venus-Jupiter declination is 8.5% (See in doc the explanation regarding the
correlation coefficient). Practically it means that we can use this diagram to predict the price movement.
But we need also to keep in mind that this indicator explains 8.5% of price movements only
To provide the statistically complete verification of this fact I used the t-statistic criteria (Student
distribution). For correlation coefficient 8.5%, sample size = 33.000 price bars we have t=13.88. It
means that with probability 97.59% this fact is not occasional. Also this correlation cannot be
explained by seasonal artefacts, because the average period for this cycle is about 400 days and it is
pretty irregular. 9/4/2008
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It is not a forecast, it is a portrait of one of the players that pushes the ball 8.5% of the total game time.
A la Bradley Model
Now we discuss something that is one of the true treasures of the financial astrology. I refer here to
Donald Bradley and his work. I am really fascinated by the great ideas that he has been able to express
in a such condensed form. The most amazing thing is that he has done all his calculations and diagrams
manually, before the era of total computerization. I can only guess what he would be able to do
Anyways, let us try to follow the steps that Donald Bradley would perform if he would have Timing
Solution software.
We will look at the aspect of conjunction between the Sun and Mercury. Using ULE, you can record
this event this way:
Look at the Main Screen to see how this aspect "sounds" in Time: 9/4/2008
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This diagram shows the degree of the strength for this aspect. The aspect reaches the maximum of its
influence at the culmination:
Let's make our model a bit complicated and consider the event: "the Sun conjuncts ANY planet (except
the Moon) with ORB=15 degrees". Set the form this way: 9/4/2008
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This event sounds more interesting, because sometimes the Sun makes the aspect to several planets at
the same time (like in the beginning of 2006):
Now we are ready to create a more complicated event: "Planets make positive aspects between
themselves" (here we consider as the "positive aspects" conjunctions, sextiles and trines though for
conjunctions this statement is not 100% correct): 9/4/2008
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Now we are close to our final goal. Let us create the event "Planets make negative aspects to each
other" and consider it together with the previous one. Remember that ADDING this event to the
"Events Box", click "Add" button, not "Replace":
So, there are two events in the "Events Box" now: L1 -Positive aspects and L2- Negative aspects. Let's
calculate them: 9/4/2008
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The final step is to calculate the balance between positive and negative aspects. To do this, you need
just subtracting negative (L2) from positive aspects (L1). 9/4/2008
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You can see here the balance between positive and negative aspects. The higher diagram the more
positive aspects are in the sky, the lower - the more negative.
Also you can save this model and open it next time using this set of buttons: 9/4/2008
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You can create very complicated models with this module. For example you can modify L1 event above
using as positive aspects sextiles and trines only, leave L2 as it is (for negative aspects of square and
opposition), and add two new events: L3 - a conjunction with "good" planets (the Sun, Venus, Jupiter,
Neptune) and L4 - a conjunction with "negative" planets (which are Mars, Saturn, and Pluto).
ULE provides you fantastic opportunities to try and actually feel the power of cycles - without using
any sophisticated modules (like Neural Net). It is a very flexible tool. I would not suggest using
Universal Language of Events for forecasting. However, it is a base for any model. To be able to create
successful models, you have to know the ULE very well. I have included into it everything that I know
at this moment regarding the movement of celestial bodies. The good thing is that ULE is not a closed
system. It is opened to new types of events, and can be extended any time. 9/4/2008