5 Circular

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An object which is moving in a circular path with a constant speed is said to be in

uniform circular motion. For an object to move in a circular path, there must be a force
exerted on the object which is directed toward the center of the circular path called the
centripetal force. This centripetal force gives rise to centripetal acceleration. This
centripetal force can be provided by tension in string, friction acting between tires and
the road, or the gravitational force holding a satellite in orbit around a planet or star.

The content contained in sections 1 – 4 and 5 – 8 of chapter 5 of the textbook is included

on the AP Physics B exam.


Important Terms

centripetal acceleration
the acceleration of an object moving in circular motion which is directed toward
the center of the circular path
centripetal force
the central force causing an object to move in a circular path
the time for one complete cycle or revolution
satellite motion
the motion of a satellite orbiting under the influence of gravity in a circular or
elliptical path around a larger mass
tangential velocity
the velocity tangent to the path of an object moving in a curved path
uniform circular motion
motion in a circular path of constant radius at a constant speed

Equations and Symbols

2r where
v2 v = velocity or speed of an object in
ac 
r circular motion or orbiting satellite
mv 2 r = radius of circular motion or orbit
Fc  T = period of revolution
GM E ac = centripetal acceleration
v Fc = centripetal force
m = mass
G = gravitational constant = 6.67 x 10-11
N m2 / kg2
ME = mass of the earth = 5.98 x 1024 kg

Ten Homework Problems

Chapter 5 Problems 7, 8, 13, 18, 30, 36, 38, 40, 49, 54


5.1 – 5.3 Uniform Circular Motion, Centripetal Acceleration and

Centripetal Force

The law of inertia states that if an object is moving it will continue moving in a straight
line at a constant velocity until a net force causes it to speed up, slow down, or change
direction. If a force on an object is constantly applied toward a central point, the object
will be pulled away from its straight-line path, and will follow a circular path.
As long as the string is pulled toward this central point, the ball will continue moving in a
circle at a constant speed. An object moving in a circle at a constant speed is said to be
in uniform circular motion (UCM). Notice that even though the speed is constant, the
velocity vector is not constant, since it is always changing direction due to the central
force that the string applies to the ball, which we will call the centripetal force Fc.
Centripetal means “center-seeking”. The three vectors associated with uniform circular
motion are velocity v, centripetal force Fc, and centripetal acceleration ac. These vectors
are drawn in the diagram of a ball on the end of a string shown below.

Fc ac

Notice that the velocity vector is tangent to the path of the ball, and points in the
direction the ball would move if the string were to break at that instant. The centripetal
force and acceleration are both pointing toward the center. Although the centripetal
force does not change the speed of the ball, it accelerates the ball toward the center of
the circle, constantly changing its direction. The time it takes for the ball to complete
one revolution is called the period T. Since period is a time, we will measure it in
seconds, minutes, hours, or even years. On the other hand, frequency f is the number of
revolutions the ball makes per unit time. Units for frequency would include
revolutions revolution s
, , or any time unit divided into revolutions or cycles. Another
sec ond hour
name for rev/s is hertz. The relationships between period, frequency, speed, centripetal
force, and centripetal acceleration are listed in the Equations and Symbols list above.

Some other examples of centripetal force is the gravitational force keeping a satellite in
orbit, and friction between a car’s tires and the road which causes the car to turn in a

5.5 Satellites in Circular Orbits

As a satellite orbits the earth, it is pulled toward the earth with a gravitational force
which is acting as a centripetal force. The inertia of the satellite causes it to tend to
follow a straight-line path, but the centripetal gravitational force pulls it toward the
center of the orbit.
F G= F C

If a satellite of mass m moves in a circular orbit around a planet of mass M, we can set
the centripetal force equal to the gravitational force and solve for the speed of the
satellite orbiting at a particular distance r:

Fc  FG
mv 2 GmM

r r2
Example 1 Venus orbits the sun at a radius of 1.08 x 1011 m with an orbital period of 228
days. Find the mass of the sun in kg.

For consistency, let’s convert days to seconds:
 228 days   24 hr  3600 s   1.97 x 10 7 s
 day  hr 

GM 2 r
v 
r T
GM 4 r
2 2 The table of
 constants in the front
r T2
of your textbook lists
M 
4 2 r 3

4 2 1.08 x1011 m  3

 1.92 x 10 30 kg the mass of the sun

GT 2  Nm 2 
 6.67 x10 11 
 1.97 x10 7 s
2 
 2 as
 kg  1.99 x 1030 kg.

5.7 Vertical Circular Motion

Consider a ball attached to the end of a string and swung in a vertical circle. Because of
the gravitational force acting on the ball, it will increase its speed slightly as it falls from
point A to point B, and decreases its speed slightly as it rises from point B to point A. This
also implies that the tension in the string increases as the ball falls and decreases as the
ball rises.

In this case, the centripetal force is not merely the tension force in the string. Since
centripetal force is always the net force acting on an object following a circular path, the
centripetal force in this case is a combination of the tension force in the string and the
weight of the ball. Notice that the tension force and weight vectors at point A (top) are
in the same direction and their magnitudes can be added to find the centripetal force at
point A, and the tension force and weight vectors at point B (bottom) are in the opposite
direction and their magnitudes can be subtracted to find the centripetal force at point B.
This implies that the tension force must be greater at the bottom of the circle than at
the top. Try working the free response question below, and check your answer for an
illustration of the forces involved in a vertical circle.

For each of the multiple choice questions below, choose the best answer.
Unless otherwise noted, use g = 10 m/s2 and neglect air resistance.

1. A ball on the end of a string is swung

in a horizontal circle, rotating clockwise
as shown. A, When the ball is at a
particular point in the circle, the 2. If the string were suddenly cut when
direction of the velocity, centripetal the ball is at the position shown in
force, and centripetal acceleration answer (E) in the previous question, the
vectors respectively are shown below: subsequent motion of the ball would be
(A) to move to the right.
(B) to move to the left.
(C) to move to the top of the page.
(D) to move to down and to the right
(E) to move up and to the left.
F a
Questions 3 - 5:
Which of the following best represents
the position of the ball as it rotates
A 40 kg child sits on the edge of a
carnival ride at a radius of 4 m.
Top View
The ride makes 3 revolutions in 6 s.
3. The period of revolution for this ride
(A) ½ rev/s
(B) ½ s
(C) 2 rev/s
(D) 2 s
(E) 4 s

4. The speed of the child is most nearly

(A) 4 m/s
(B) 12 m/s
(C) 24 m/s
(D) 120 m/s
(E) 360 m/s
5. The force which is holding the child
on the ride is most nearly
(A) 30 N
(B) 160 N
(C) 320 N
(D) 1440 N

(E) 2880 N

Questions 6 – 7:

The figure below shows the top view of 7. The car has a mass m and a speed v as
a car going around a horizontal circular it moves around the track of radius R.
track at a constant speed in the Which of the following expressions can
counterclockwise direction. Assume the be used to find the value of the
frictional force between the tires and coefficient of friction between the tires
the road is at its maximum value. and the road?

(A)  

(B)  

(C)   vgR

6. Which of the following vectors

represents the frictional force acting on (D)  
the tires of the car?
mv 2
(A) (E)  

(B) 8. The acceleration due to gravity g at a

distance r from the center of a planet of
(C) mass M is 9 m/s2. In terms of the orbital
distance r, what would the speed of this
satellite have to be to remain in a
(D) circular orbit around this planet at this

(E) (A) v  3 r

(B) v  3r

(C) v  9 r

(D) v  9r

(E) v  33 r

9. In general, (C) the larger the orbital radius of a
satellite, the longer its orbital period.
(A) the smaller the orbital radius of a (D) the smaller the orbital radius of a
satellite, the longer its orbital period. satellite, the smaller its acceleration.
(B) the larger the orbital radius of a (E) the larger the orbital radius of a
satellite, the shorter its orbital period. satellite, the greater the gravitational
force acting on it.

Free Response Question

Directions: Show all work in working the following question. The question is worth 15
points, and the suggested time for answering the question is about 15 minutes. The
parts within a question may not have equal weight.

1. (15 points)

A ball on the end of a string is swung in a vertical circle. The mass m of the ball is 0.25 kg
and the radius of the circle R = 0.75 m. The position of the ball is marked every quarter
of a revolution in the diagram below.



(a) On the diagram below, draw all of the forces acting on the ball when it is at position
IV. Be sure and label each force.

(b) When the ball is at position IV, the tension force in the string is twice as great as the
weight of the ball. Determine the speed of the ball at position IV.

(c) On the diagrams below, draw and label the forces acting on the ball
i. at the top of the circle (position I) and
ii. at the bottom of the circle (position III).

Position I Position III

(d) The speed of the ball at position III (the bottom of the circle) is 5 m/s. Determine the
tension force in the string as the ball passes through position III.

(e) Suppose the string breaks just as he ball is at position IV.

i. Describe the subsequent motion of the ball.
ii. Use the speed you calculated in part (b) to determine the maximum height the
ball reaches after the string breaks.


Multiple Choice

1. B
The velocity vector is always tangent to the path and in the direction of motion, and the
centripetal force and acceleration are toward the center of the circle.


2. D
At the instant the ball is in the position shown in answer (E) in the previous question, it is
moving tangent to the path, down and to the right.

3. C v
Period T   2s
3 rev
4. B
2r 2  4 m 
v   12 m / s
T 2s

5. D
F 
mv 2

 40 kg 12 m / s  2

 1440 N
r 4m
6. B
The frictional force provides the centripetal force that causes the car to move in a circle.

7. D
mv 2 mv 2 v2
f  FN  , and FN  mg , so mg  , and  
R R gR
8. A
From section 5.6 in the textbook, v gr  9r  3 r

9. C
Kepler’s 3rd law (section 5.5 in the textbook) states that the square of the orbital period
is proportional to the cube of the orbital radius. Thus, the farther away a satellite orbits,
the longer orbital period it has.

Free Response Question Solution

(a) 2 points



(b) 2 points
mv 2
FT  2mg 
Solving for v we get
v 2 gR   
2 10 m / s 2  0.75 m   3.9 m / s

(c) 4 points
Position I Position III

i. ii.


(The lengths of the vectors are not

necessarily drawn to scale.)

(d) 3 points
Choosing up as the positive direction:

F  ma
FT  mg  ma

The net force and the acceleration are directed toward the center of the circle.

 v2 
FT  mg  m 
 R 
 v2
FT  mg  m

   0.25 kg  10 m / s 2  
 0.25 kg  5 m / s  2  10.8 N
 R  0.75 m

(e) 2 points
i. At the instant the ball is at position IV, its velocity vector points upward, and therefore
when the string breaks, the ball will rise upward against gravity. When we describe the
motion of an object, we discuss its velocity (speed and direction), its acceleration, and
any path it would follow. In this case, the ball would simply move straight upward,
accelerating at – 10 m/s2 and decreasing its speed, reach a maximum height where its
velocity is instantaneously zero, then accelerate downward and increase its speed as it
falls to the ground.

ii. 2 points
The ball is projected straight upward a 3.9 m/s, and at maximum height h, the speed of
the ball is zero.

v 2  v o  2 gh  0


 3.9 m / s 
 0.76 m

2 g 2 10 m / s 2 


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