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GSM Association Non-confidential

Official Document IR.38 - LTE and EPC Roaming Testing

LTE and EPC Roaming Testing

Version 2.0
07 November 2016

This is a Non-binding Permanent Reference Document of the GSMA

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Copyright © 2016 GSM Association

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Official Document IR.38 - LTE and EPC Roaming Testing

Table of Contents
1 Introduction 3
1.1 Scope of document 3
1.2 Test objectives 3
1.3 Definition of Terms 4
1.4 Document Cross-References 5
2 Requirements for Testing 6
2.1 Overview 6
2.2 Test Configuration 6
2.2.1 GTP-based LTE Roaming Configuration 6
2.2.2 CS Fallback / SMS over SGs Configuration 7
2.3 Prerequisites for the Network Entities 7
2.3.1 Prerequisites for LTE-only Testing 7
2.3.2 Prerequisites for CS Fallback / SMS over SGs Testing 10
2.3.3 Prerequisites for LTE+2G/3G Co-existence Testing 10
2.4 User Equipment 12
2.5 Test Equipment 12
2.5.1 Test equipment for LTE-only Testing 12
2.5.2 Test equipment for CS Fallback / SMS over SGs Testing 12
2.5.3 Test equipment for LTE+2G/3G Co-existence Testing 13
3 Test Cases 13
3.1 LTE-only Testing 13
3.1.1 LTE Speed test 13
The mean date rate is dependent on the local testing conditions. If the local
testing environment is different than the production one, then the
VPLMN should inform the HPLMN about the customer experience in the
latter case. 14
3.1.2 LTE Cancel Location 14
3.1.3 LTE Operator Determined Barring 15
3.2 CS Fallback / SMS over SGs Testing 16
3.2.1 CS Fallback Mobile Originating Voice Calls 16
3.2.2 CS Fallback Mobile Terminating Voice Calls 17
3.2.3 SMS over SGs (Mobile Originated and Mobile Terminated) 17
3.3 LTE+2G/3G Co-existence Testing 18
3.3.1 Data Access from 2G/3G using PGW in HPLMN (a) over Gp Interface 18
4 Pre-Testing Data Exchange 20
4.1 General 20
4.2 Testing Contact Information 20
4.3 PLMN/IP-addressing, numbering and routing data 20
4.3.1 LTE-only testing 20
4.3.2 CS Fallback / SMS over SGs testing 21
4.3.3 LTE+2G/3G Co-existence testing 21
4.4 USIM associated data supplied by PLMN (a) 21
4.5 Inter-PLMN Connection Parameters 22
4.6 IP-Server Information 22
5 Test Cases Excel Sheet 22
Annex A Document Management 23
A.1 Document History 23
Other Information 23

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1 Introduction
1.1 Scope of document
This provides the specifications for the Networks Group (NG) end-to-end functional
capability tests for services over Long Term Evolution (LTE) such as LTE data, Circuit
Switch (CS) Fallback voice and Short Message Service (SMS) over SGs, related to a User
Equipment (UE), belonging to a Home Public Land Mobile Network (HPLMN) (a), roaming
within a visited PLMN (VPLMN) (b).

Whilst it is expected that roaming will be a bilateral activity between two PLMNs, please note
that this document is written in a unidirectional context. Hence roaming is taking place by a
UE (a) to VPLMN (b) only. There is no reference to a UE (b) visiting PLMN (a).

To complete IREG end-to-end functional capability tests for bilateral roaming, it is necessary
to perform the tests contained in this document twice: the second time the identities of
PLMN (a) and PLMN (b) are swapped.

GSMA Permanent Reference Document (PRD) IR.23 [1] defines the scope and purpose of
each stage of testing.

GSMA PRD IR.88 [5] defines the LTE roaming and LTE+2G/3G co-existence guidelines. For
the 3GPP Release to be supported in each network, it is recommended to follow the
guidelines in IR.88 [5].

This document does not cover:

 Voice and Short Message Service (SMS) over LTE using IMS (See IREG PRD
IR.25 [2])
 Transferred Account Procedure (TAP), billing applications and any inter-PLMN
financial statement; (see TADIG PRD TD.41 [6]). However the production of a
Toll Ticketing file, to use in the TADIG Stage 3 testing is included.
 Definition of operation and maintenance procedures such as contact points for
fault reporting and notification of planned works. (See IREG PRD IR.23 [1]).
 Proxy Mobile IP (PMIP) protocol for the S8 roaming interface. Only the GTP
protocol is used for this interface.

1.2 Test objectives

The fundamental objective of this testing is to confirm the capability of LTE data/CS
Fallback/SMS over SGs services that users will experience when roaming from their
HPLMN(a) to a VPLMN(b). Consequently the tests are restricted to top-level capability
testing. There is no provocative or inopportune behaviour testing: this type of testing forms
part of the Stage 1 testing (see IREG PRD IR.23 [1]).

The overall objective of these tests is to confirm that functionality and features, which are
already known to operate correctly within each separate PLMN, will also operate correctly for
Inter-PLMN roaming.

Not all possible services should be tested.

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In addition to the handling of the tests, the collection/comparison of charging information for
the generation of Charging Detailed Records (CDR) is described.

The specific objectives are to prove that procedures defined in Section 2.1 of this document
behave correctly.

Bilateral agreement between the HPLMN and VPLMN require these tests to be repeated in
the opposite direction.

In order to maximize the efficiency of testing, the test cases have been specified so as to
minimize the requirement for simultaneous joint activity by both PLMN (a) and PLMN (b).
This applies mainly to the administration of mobile subscriber data in the HSS.

Accordingly, the testing program comprises three distinct stages:

a) HPLMN(a) issues pre-programmed Universal Subscriber Identity Module (USIM)

and programmes Home Subscriber Server (HSS)
b) VPLMN(b) performs tests
c) VPLMN(b) and HPLMN(a) discuss results

1.3 Definition of Terms

Term Description
APN Access Point Name
BSS Base Station Subsystem
CDR Charging Detailed Record
CCITT International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee
CS Circuit Switched
CSFB Circuit-Switched Fallback
DNS Domain Name System
EPC Evolved Packet Core
EPS Evolved Packed System
FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name
FTP File Transfer Protocol
GGSN Gateway GPRS Support Node
GMSC Gateway Mobile Services Switching Centre
GPRS Generic Packet Radio Access
GTP GPRS Tunnelling Protocol
HSS Home Subscriber Server
HTTP Hypertext Transport Protocol
IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identifier
IP Internet Protocol
ISP Internet Service Provider
LTE Long Term Evolution

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MAP Mobility Application Part

MME Mobility Management Entity
MSC Mobile Services Switching Centre
ODB Operator Determined Barring
PCRF Policy and Charging Rules Function
PDN Packet Data Network
PDP Packet Data Protocol
PLMN Public Land Mobile Network
PGW PDN Gateway
SCCP Signalling Connection Control Part
SGSN Serving GPRS Support Node
SGW Serving Gateway
SMS Short Message Service
SMSC Short Message Service Centre
TCAP Transaction Capabilities Application Part
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
UDP User Datagram Protocol
UE User Equipment
USIM Universal Subscriber Identity Module
VMSC Visited Mobile Services Switching Centre
VLR Visitor Location Register

1.4 Document Cross-References

Ref Number Title
1 GSMA PRD IR.23 Organisation of GSM International Roaming Tests
2 GSMA PRD IR.25 VoLTE Roaming Testing
End-to-End Functional Capability Test Specification for Inter-
4 GSMA PRD IR.67 DNS/ENUM Guidelines for Service Providers
5 GSMA PRD IR.88 LTE and EPC Roaming Guidelines
6 GSMA PRD TD.41 Testing the Transferred Account Procedure (TAP)
General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); Service description; Stage
7 3GPP TS 23.060
8 3GPP TS 29.303 Domain Name System Procedures; Stage 3

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2 Requirements for Testing

2.1 Overview
The test cases are divided in three (3) groups:

1. LTE-only services for UE (a) roaming to VPLMN (b) confirms a correct behaviour by
testing the following procedures:

a) LTE speed test

b) LTE Cancel Location
c) LTE Operator Determined Barring

2. Circuit Switch CS Fallback / SMS over SGs between UE1 (a) and UE2 (a) roaming to
VPLMN (b) confirms a correct behaviour by testing the following procedures:

a) CS Fallback – mobile originating and terminating voice calls

b) Verify that the UE can successfully return to eUTRAN after the voice call ends
c) SMS over SGs – mobile originated and terminated SMS

3. 2G/3G data services (i.e. web browsing) for UE (a) roaming to VPLMN (b) confirms a
correct behaviour by testing the following procedures:

a) Packet Data Protocol (PDP) Context Activation using Gp or S4/S8

For the 2G/3G data service using S4/S8, the testing of S8 interface (using GTP) is assumed
to be covered in the "LTE-only" test cases (see the prerequisites in Section 2.3.3). Thus this
PRD does not provide specific test cases for GTP variant for the 2G/3G data service.

Each operator has to make sure that the Access Point Name (APN) resolution algorithms
are implemented correctly in their Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN) and MME (Mobility
Management Entity) according to GSMA PRD IR.88 [5] and GSMA PRD IR.67 [4].

2.2 Test Configuration

2.2.1 GTP-based LTE Roaming Configuration

The test configuration for LTE Roaming using GPRS Tunnelling Protocol (GTP)-based S8
interface is specified below.

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Country (a) Country (b)

UE 1

Diameter eNB
Edge Agent

GPRS / IP Diameter MME





M = Monitor

Figure 2.2.1-1: GTP based LTE Roaming Configuration

2.2.2 CS Fallback / SMS over SGs Configuration

The test configuration for CS Fallback and SMS over SGs is specified below.




Figure 2.2.3-1: CS Fallback / SMS over SGs Configuration

2.3 Prerequisites for the Network Entities

2.3.1 Prerequisites for LTE-only Testing

Towards a first introduction of LTE Roaming, the following prerequisites are assumed:

1. UE supports necessary LTE capabilities for roaming in VPLMN (b).

2. The HSS contains LTE subscription data and routing information (PDN type, PDN
address, APN, and VPLMN address allowed (only applicable when Local Breakout is

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used)). These subscription data is permanent data in the HSS and has to be inserted
for the tests.

The HSS is accessible from the MME via the S6a interface. For roaming UEs, the HSS is in
a different PLMN than the current MME. The MME is updated with new an Evolved Packed
System (EPS) subscription data along with the “Update Location Request” or the “Insert
Subscriber Data” procedures.

International Mobile Subscriber Identifier (IMSI) is the primary key to the Evolved Packed
System (EPS) subscription data stored in the HSS.

The relevant parameters for the IREG testing in the HSS must be configured according to
the following table:

Field Description
IMSI IMSI is the main reference key.
MSISDN The basic Mobile Subscriber ISDN Number (MSISDN) of
the UE (Presence of MSISDN is optional).
MME Capabilities Indicates the capabilities of the MME with respect to the
core functionality e.g. regional access restrictions.
ODB parameters Indicates the status of the operator determined barring
Access Restriction Indicates the access restriction subscription information.
EPS Subscribed Charging The charging characteristics for the MS, e.g. normal,
Characteristics prepaid, flat-rate, and/or hot billing subscription.
Trace Reference Identifies a record or a collection of records for a
particular trace.
Trace Type Indicates the type of trace, e.g. HSS trace, and/or MME/
Serving GW / PDN GW trace.
OMC Identity Identifies the OMC that shall receive the trace record(s).
Subscribed-UE-AMBR The Maximum Aggregated uplink and downlink MBRs to
be shared across all Non-GBR bearers according to the
subscription of the user.
APN-OI-Replacement Indicates the domain name to replace the APN OI when
constructing the PDN GW FQDN upon which to perform
DNS queries. This replacement applies for all the APNs
in the subscriber's profile.
RFSP Index An index to specific RRM configuration in the E-UTRAN
URRP-MME UE Reachability Request Parameter indicating that UE
activity notification from MME has been requested by the
Each subscription profile contains one or more PDN subscription contexts:
Context Identifier Index of the PDN subscription context.
PDN Address Indicates subscribed IP address(es).
PDN Type Indicates the subscribed PDN Type (IPv4, IPv6, IPv4v6).
Access Point Name (APN) A label according to DNS naming conventions

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describing the access point to the packet data network

(or a wildcard).
EPS subscribed QoS profile The bearer level QoS parameter values for that APN's
default bearer (QCI and ARP).
Subscribed-APN-AMBR The maximum aggregated uplink and downlink MBRs to
be shared across all Non-GBR bearers, established for
this APN.
EPS PDN Subscribed Charging The charging characteristics of this PDN Subscribed
Characteristics context for the MS, e.g. normal, prepaid, flat-rate, and/or
hot billing subscription. The charging characteristics are
associated with this APN.
VPLMN Address Allowed Specifies whether for this APN the UE is allowed to use
the PDN GW in the domain of the HPLMN only, or
additionally the PDN GW in the domain of the VPLMN.
PDN GW identity The identity of the PDN GW used for this APN. The PDN
GW identity may be either a Fully Qualified Domain
Name (FQDN) or an IP address. The PDN GW identity
refers to a specific PDN GW.
PDN GW Allocation type Indicates whether the PDN GW is statically allocated or
dynamically selected by other nodes. A statically
allocated PDN GW is not changed during PDN GW
List of APN - PDN GW ID relations (for PDN subscription context with wildcard APN):
APN - P GW relation #n The APN and the identity of the dynamically allocated
PDN GW of a PDN connection that is authorized by the
PDN subscription context with the wildcard APN. The
PDN GW identity may be either a Fully Qualified Domain
Name (FQDN) or an IP address. The PDN GW identity
refers to a specific PDN GW.

Table 1: HSS Configuration for LTE-only roaming

3. S8 interface is implemented in HPLMN(a) and VPLMN(b) and both HPLMN(a) and

VPLMN(b) are using the same protocol (e.g. GTP)
4. MME has access to Domain Name System (DNS) functionality.
5. VPMLN MME local policies are configured for the Quality of Service.
6. Configuration of the test environment for transparent or non-transparent access to
Intranet/ Internet Service Provider (ISP) (The key point for the access of an Intranet
or an ISP infrastructure is the APN-Network-Identifier). This is sent by the UE during
Initial Attach or is set by default by the HSS. The APN-Network Identifier defines to
which external network the PDN Gateway (PGW) is connected to. This means, in
detail, the interface of the PGW to an external network. This external interface at the
PGW is connected to the infrastructure providing Intranet functionality (e.g. local
Hypertext Transport Protocol-Server or HTTP-Server) or similar to a Serverfarm
providing ISP functionality (HTTP-Server, Proxy-Server or File Transfer Protocol-
Server (FTP-Server) with connection to the external Internet). This mechanism
provides the physical path to the Intranet/ISP-functionality. However each operator

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needs to guarantee that the APN-resolution algorithms are implemented correctly in

his MME accordingly.
7. Dynamic Internet Protocol (IP) Address allocation for access to Intranet/ISP.

2.3.2 Prerequisites for CS Fallback / SMS over SGs Testing

For CS Fallback / SMS over SGs testing, the following prerequisites are assumed:

1. IREG tests for legacy 2G/3G CS domain services have already been performed
between HPLMN (a) and VPLMN (b) according to PRD IR.23 [1].
2. IREG tests for LTE-only services have already been performed between HPLMN (a)
and VPLMN (b) as specified in this document.
3. UE supports necessary CS Fallback and SMS over SGs capabilities for roaming in
VPLMN (b).
4. SGs interface is implemented between MME and Mobile Switching Centre/ Visitor
Location Register (MSC/VLR) in VPLMN (b).
5. Prerequisites for LTE-only testing have been met according to Section

2.3.3 Prerequisites for LTE+2G/3G Co-existence Testing

For LTE+2G/3G Co-existence testing, the following prerequisites are assumed:

1. IREG tests for legacy 2G/3G PS domain services have already been performed
between HPLMN (a) and VPLMN (b) according to PRD IR.23 [1].
2. IREG tests for LTE-only services have already been performed between HPLMN (a)
and VPLMN (b) as specified in this document.
3. LTE and GPRS UE supporting the network operation modes in VPLMN (b).
4. HSS contains EPS subscription data for LTE roaming. Prerequisites are same as
described in Section

The HSS contains GPRS and EPS subscription data and routing information (e.g. PDP/PDN
type (S)) for 2G/3G roaming.

This subscription data is permanent data in the HSS and must be inserted for the tests. The
HSS is accessible from the SGSN via the Gr interface. For roaming UEs, the HSS is in a
different PLMN than the current SGSN. The SGSN is updated with new GPRS and EPS
subscription data with the “Insert Subscriber Data” procedure.

IMSI is the primary key to the GPRS subscription data stored in the HSS.

If Gn/Gp interface is used for 2G/3G roaming, the subscription information stored in
HSS/HLR for 2G/3G roaming is defined in "Prerequisites for GPRS only roaming" table as
specified in PRD IR.35 [3].

If S4/S8 interfaces are used for 2G/3G roaming, the relevant parameters “GPRS
Subscription Data” for the IREG testing in HSS must be configured according to the following

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HSS GPRS Subscription Data:

Field Description
IMSI IMSI is the main reference key.
MSISDN The basic MSISDN of the MS
Subscribed Charging The charging characteristics for the MS e.g. normal, prepaid, flat-
Characteristics rate, and /or hot billing subscription
Trace Reference Identifies a record or a collection of records for a particular trace.
Trace Type Indicates the type of trace, e.g. Mobile Services Switching Centre
(MSC/BSS) trace, HLR trace, and/or SGSN/GGSN/BSS trace.
OMC Identity Identifies the OMC that shall receive the trace record(s)
SMS Parameters SMS-related parameters, e.g. operator-determined barring
GPRS-CSI Optional GPRS CAMEL Subscription information, see TS23.016
MG-CSI Optional Mobility Management for GPRS CAMEL subscription
information, see TS23.016
APN-OI Replacement Indicates the domain name to replace the APN-OI when
constructing the Gateway GPRS Support Node (GGSN) FQDN
upon which to perform a DNS resolution. This replacement applies
for all the APNs in the subscribers' profile.
ODB for PS parameters Indicates the status of the operator determined barring for packet
oriented services.
Access Restriction Indicates the access restriction subscription information (Note: the
access restriction applies to both packet and circuit oriented
RFSP Index An index to specific RRM configuration in the UTRAN/GERAN
Each IMSI contains zero or more of the following PDP context subscription
PDP Context Identifier Index of the PDP context
PDP Type PDP type, e.g., PPP or IP (IPv4, IPv6, IPv4v6)
PDP Address PDP address, e.g., and IP address. This field shall be empty if
dynamic addressing is allowed.
Access Point Name A label according to DNS naming conventions describing the access
point to the external packet data network.
In case of “Wild Card APN” this field shall be filled with
QoS Profile Subscribed The quality of service profile subscribed. QoS Profile Subscribed is
the default level if a particular QoS profile is not requested.
VPLMN Address Allowed Specifies whether the MS is allowed to use the APN in the domain
of the HPLMN only, and additionally the APN in the domain of the
PDP Context Charging The charging characteristics of this PDP Bearer Context e.g.
Characteristics normal, prepaid, flat-rate and/or hot billing
EPS subscribed QoS profile The EPS bearer level QoS parameter values for that APN's default
bearer (QCI and ARP)
APN-AMBR The maximum aggregated uplink and downlink MBR values to be
shared across all Non-GBR EPS bearers, which are established for

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this APN.

Table 2: Additional HSS Configuration for 2G/3G Roaming using S4/S8 interface

1. Towards GPRS no supplementary services are invoked.

2. The Gp-Interface or S8-Interface is implemented between HPLMN (a) and VPLMN
3. SGSN in VPLMN (b) has access to DNS functionality.
4. Configuration of the test environment for transparent or non-transparent access to
Intranet/ISP (The key point for the access of an Intranet or an ISP infrastructure is
the APN-Network-Identifier). This is sent by the handset during PDP-context
activation or is set by default by the SGSN. The APN-Network Identifier defines to
which external network the PGW is connected to. This means, in detail, the interface
of the PGW to an external network. This external interface at the PGW (a) is
connected to the infrastructure providing Intranet functionality (e.g. local HTTP-
Server) or similar to a Serverfarm providing ISP functionality (HTTP-Server, Proxy-
Server or FTP-Server with connection to the external Internet). This mechanism will
provide the physical path to the Intranet/ISP-functionality. However each operator
has to make sure that the APN-resolution algorithms are implemented correctly in his
SGSN according to 3GPP TS 23.060 [7] and Annex A of 3GPP TS 23.060 [7].
5. Dynamic IP Address allocation for access to Intranet/ISP.

2.4 User Equipment

The UE described in this section is necessary for undertaking the test cases described in
this document. This applies to all groups specified in Section 2.1 of this document:

1. Two UEs supplied by VPLMN (b).

2. Two LTE compatible USIMs supplied by HPLMN (a).
The supply of additional USIMs may be agreed by the HPLMN (a) and VPLMN (b),
typically for the purposes of:

a) Spare cards in case of failure

b) Allocation from different HSSs

3. It shall be possible to specify what types of UEs are supplied for testing between
operator agreement (HPLMN (a) and VPLMN (b)).

2.5 Test Equipment

2.5.1 Test equipment for LTE-only Testing

The availability of a SGi, S6a, S8 and DNS interface IP testing and monitoring equipment is
highly advisable.
It is also recommended to have sample files and applications for data transfer testing.

2.5.2 Test equipment for CS Fallback / SMS over SGs Testing

The availability of an International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee
(CCITT) # 7 tester able to decode Signalling Connection Control Part (SCCP), Transaction
Capabilities Application Part (TCAP) and Mobile Application Part (MAP) is highly advisable,
but not strictly necessary for these tests. However it is essential for any analysis of test case

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Clock capable of being used to allow testing personnel to record call start and chargeable
start (answer) time of calls to an accuracy of better than five seconds is required. If possible,
the clock shall be adjusted to be in alignment with the internal MSC clock which is used for
the Toll Ticketing function.
Stopwatch capable of measuring perceived chargeable duration of calls to an accuracy of
one second.

2.5.3 Test equipment for LTE+2G/3G Co-existence Testing

The availability of a CCITT # 7 tester able to decode SCCP, TCAP, and MAP (for Gr
interface) is highly advisable, but not strictly necessary for these tests. However it is
essential for any analysis of test case failures.
The availability of a SGi, Gn, Gp, S6a, S6d, S8, S4 and DNS interface IP testing and
monitoring equipment is highly advisable.
It is also recommended to have sample files and applications for data transfer testing.
3 Test Cases
3.1 LTE-only Testing

3.1.1 LTE Speed test


1. UE1 contains USIM of HPLMN(a).

2. Neither MSC/VLR nor MME record exists for MS.
3. HLR/HSS record contains basic service information.
4. HPLMN to supply a HTTP/FTP page and file (20MB as per LTE GRQ) to download


1. Power-up UE1 (a) and perform Combined Attach procedure on VPLMN (b)'s LTE
2. Check MME and MSC/VLR record for the IMSI/MSISDN of UE1.
3. Start the HTTP/FTP transfer
4. Check HTTP/ FTP mean data rate

Information Flow

Note: The information flow for Combined Attach is not provided in this version of the

Expected Result

1. Successful result if the following results are both achieved:

 MSC/VLR and MME record is identical to the pre-testing information supplied by

PLMN (a).
 the HTTP/FTP mean data rate is in line with the following values:

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QoS parameter (KPI) Geo-distance < 4000 km Geo-distance ≥ 4000 km

FTP download mean data rate (Mbit/s) ≥ 13.5 ≥6

HTTP mean data rate (Mbit/s) ≥ 11 ≥5

Table 3: HTT/FTP Data rate values


This test case confirms the operation of Update Location and Insert Subscriber Data
procedure using SGs interfaces. It checks the support of the relevant SGs-AP, MAP and
Diameter (S6a) operations, TCAP processes and SCCP addressing for both E.214 and
E.164 Global Titles, between the HLR/HSS (a) and Visited Mobile Services Switching Centre
(VMSC) (b). It also checks the LTE speed.

The mean date rate is dependent on the local testing conditions. If the local testing
environment is different than the production one, then the VPLMN should inform the HPLMN
about the customer experience in the latter case.

3.1.2 LTE Cancel Location

1. MME (b) in VPLMN (b) contains EPS subscription information of UE1 (a).
2. PDN connectivity for UE1 (a) is activated.

HPLMN (a) personnel deletes UE1 (a) EPS-subscription from HSS (a) either using HSS`s
Man-Machine Interface or via Administrative Data Centre (ADC) input to HSS (a).

Information Flow
The information flow for LTE Cancel Location procedure is described as follows:

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1. Cancel Location
2. Detach Request

3. Delete Session Request

When GTP is used

4. Delete Session Request

5. PCEF-Initiated IP-CAN
Session Termination
6. Delete Session Resonse

When PMIP is used

7. Gateway Control Session Termination

8. Proxy Binding Update

9. PCEF-Initiated IP-CAN
Session Termination
10. Proxy Binding Ack

11. Delete Session Response

12. Detach Accept

13. Cancel Location ACK

Figure 3: LTE Cancel Location Procedure

Expected Result
Successful result if records in MME (b), Serving Gateway (SGW) (b), PGW (a) and hPCRF
(a) for UE1 (a) have been erased and PDN connectivity for UE1 (a) has been deactivated.

This test case confirms that the “Cancel Location” procedure between HSS (a) and MME (b)
and the subsequent “Detach initiated by the network" procedure has behaved correctly.

3.1.3 LTE Operator Determined Barring


UE1 (a) is attached to VPLMN (b) and has a PDN connectivity.

1. HPLMN (a) personnel activates Operator Determined Barring (ODB) for PDN
connectivity for UE1 (a) from HSS (a) either using HSS`s Man-Machine Interface or
via Administrative Data Centre (ADC) input to HSS (a).
2. Check MME (b) for records of UE1(a).
3. Try to make a LTE-attach from UE1 (a) and send attach request from UE1 (a).

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Information Flow
The information flow for LTE ODB procedure is described as follows:


1. Insert Subscriber Data

2. Attach Request

3. Reject

Figure 4: LTE Operator Determined Barring Procedure

Expected Result
Successful result if MME (b) record for UE1 (a) containing ODB information, attach request
is rejected and no PDN connectivity establishment is successful.

This test case confirms that the “Operator Determined Barring” procedure between HSS (a)
and MME (b) behaves correctly.

3.2 CS Fallback / SMS over SGs Testing

3.2.1 CS Fallback Mobile Originating Voice Calls

1. UE1 (a) is CS Fallback capable.
2. UE1 (a) is camping on LTE.
3. UE2 (a) has attached successfully in VPLMN (b).

1. UE1 (a) establishes call to UE2 (a).
2. Call is answered.

Information Flow
Note: The information flow for CS Fallback Mobile Originating Voice Calls is not provided in
this version of the document.

Expected Result
Test is successful if the following results are both achieved

 Call is established.
 The UE successfully returns to eUTRAN in 9 to 11 seconds after the voice call is

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This test case confirms the Mobile Originated call procedures using CS Fallback for
roamers. It checks the support of originating call setup procedures using SGs interface. It
also checks that the UE can successfully return to eUTRAN after the voice call ends.

3.2.2 CS Fallback Mobile Terminating Voice Calls

1. UE1 (a) is CS Fallback capable.
2. UE1 (a) is camping on LTE.
3. UE2 (a) has attached successfully in VPLMN (b).

1. UE2 (a) establishes call to UE1 (a).
2. Call answered.

Information Flow
Note: The information flow for CS Fallback Mobile Terminating Voice Calls is not provided in
this version of the document.

Expected Result
1. Successful result if call is established.
2. Successful result if the UE successfully returns to eUTRAN after the voice call ends


This test case confirms Mobile Terminated call procedures using CS Fallback for roamers. It
checks the support of terminating call setup procedures using SGs interface. It also checks
that the UE can successfully return to eUTRAN after the voice call ends.

3.2.3 SMS over SGs (Mobile Originated and Mobile Terminated)

1. SMS-MO/MT is provisioned in HLR subscription. UE1 (a) and UE2 (a) are registered
in VPLMN (b).
2. UE1 (a) and UE2 (a) are both SMS over SGs capable.
3. UE1 (a) and UE2 (a) are camping on LTE.

1. Switch on UE1 (a) and UE2 (a).
2. Use UE1 (a) to transmit a 160 character Short Message to UE2 (a) via Short
Message Service Centre (SMSC) in HPLMN (a).
3. Await delivery of Short Message to UE2 (a) on LTE.
4. Check contents of Short Message with those transmitted.

Information Flow
Note: The information flow for SMS over SGs is not provided in this version of the

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Expected Result
Successful result if Short Message is correctly delivered within two (2) minutes of switching
UE2 (a) on.

This test case confirms correct operation of SMS over SGs - Mobile Originated / Terminated
for roamers.

3.3 LTE+2G/3G Co-existence Testing

3.3.1 Data Access from 2G/3G using PGW in HPLMN (a) over Gp Interface

1. UE1 (a) is GPRS-Attached in VPLMN (b) and camping on 2G/3G (e.g. UE in
STANDBY or READY state for 2.5G). The UE1 (a)’s LTE capability may be disabled
manually to fulfil this precondition.
2. No valid PDP contexts/EPS Bearers are established in the UE1 (a).
3. PDP context/EPS Bearers subscription record(s) exists in HSS (a) where PDP
type(S) = PDP type(R).
4. One PDP/PDN context subscription record exists in HSS (a) where APN(S) =
5. VPLMN not allowed for selected PDP/EPS Bearer context subscription records.
6. Access Point Name (APN) resolution algorithms are implemented correctly in SGSN
and PGW according to GSMA PRD IR.88 [5] and GSMA PRD IR.67 [4].

1. UE1 (a) performs “Activate PDP Context Request”. PDP type (R) is sent by UE1 (a).
2. A PDP Address is not sent by UE1 (a) and is not present in a PDP context
subscription record. (Dynamic address allocation).
3. APN (R) (Network-ID, no Operator-ID) is sent by UE1 (a).
4. Pre-defined file is requested/transferred from External Network (Network-ID) to UE1
(a) by accessing HTTP-server over WEB-browsing.
5. UE1 (a) performs “Deactivate PDP Context Request”.

Information Flow
The information flow for the procedures to support data access from 2G/3G using PGW in
HPLMN (a) over Gp interface is described as follows:

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VPLMN add. not allowed

DNS (including S-NAPTR procedure) success

DNS (as per 3GPP TS 29.303)

Internet/ (HPLMN)
mnc123.mcc456.gprs (VPLMN)

APN:Intranet/ISP.mnc123.mcc456.gprs APN: Internet/

Figure 5: Data access from 2G/3G using PGW in HPLMN (a) over Gp interface


VPLMN add. not allowed

APN:Intranet/ISP DNS (including S-NAPTR procedure) success


DNS DNS (as per 3GPP TS 29.303)

(as per 3GPP TS 29.303) SGW Internet/ (HPLMN)
to select SGW
mnc123.mcc456.gprs (VPLMN)

APN:Intranet/ISP.mnc123.mcc456.gprs APN: Internet/

Figure 6: Data access from 2G/3G using PGW in HPLMN (a) over S8 interface

Expected Result
1. SGSN (b) receives APN (R) sent by UE1 (a).
2. SGSN (b) selects PDP context subscription record (APN(S), APN(S) = (APN(R)) and
sets selection mode parameter to “subscribed”.
3. SGSN interrogates DNS-Functionality using procedures defined in 3GPP TS29.303
[8] with selected APN with appended HPLMN APN-Operator-ID.
4. Selected APN is translated to a PGW-Address in the HPLMN (a).

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5. SGSN (b) returns an “Activate PDP Context Accept” message to the UE1 (a)
including PDP type and PDP address.
6. Valid PDP contexts are established in the UE1 (a).
7. Connection to Network specified by APN (Network-ID) is established.
8. Pre-defined file is successfully transferred at an agreed quality (data rate) with no
errors after using HTTP-Service.
9. EPS Bearer Context is deactivated, UE1 (a) performs "Deactivate PDP Context

This test case confirms PDP context activation/deactivation towards a home PGW (a) over
Gp interface with:

1. APN (R) is not empty, (Network-ID, no Operator-ID).

2. Setting of APN (Operator-ID) by subscription for HPLMN (a) = (APN(S)).
3. Setting up IP-tunnel connections (GTP, IP, User Datagram Protocol / Transmission
Control Protocol (UDP/TCP).
4. Root address lookup and dynamic address allocation.

If the PDP context activation procedure fails or if the SGSN returns an “Activate PDP
Context Reject” (Cause, PDP Configuration Options) message, then the user may attempt
another activation to the same APN up to a maximum number of attempts.

4 Pre-Testing Data Exchange

4.1 General
It is necessary for the two PLMNs to have exchanged the pre-testing data defined in the
following sections prior to the commencement of testing.

4.2 Testing Contact Information

The following test co-ordination contact information should be exchanged by both PLMNs:

1. Names
2. Telephone numbers
3. Fax numbers
4. Email address

4.3 PLMN/IP-addressing, numbering and routing data

4.3.1 LTE-only testing

For LTE-only testing is performed, the following information should be exchanged between
both PLMNs:

1. MME IP addresses used

2. SGW IP addresses used
3. PGW IP addresses used
4. Diameter Edge Agent IP addresses and FQDNs used
5. HSS IP addresses used

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6. PDN subscription context

7. APNs
8. DNS IP-Addresses
9. HTTP/FTP page and 20MB file name

4.3.2 CS Fallback / SMS over SGs testing

If CS Fallback / SMS over SGs testing is performed, the confirmation of the PLMN
addressing numbering and routing data as referenced in PRD IR.23 [1] is regarded as
advisable. Such information includes:

1. E212-E214 translation
2. MSC/VLR and HLR E.164 addresses
3. MSRN number ranges
4. International Signalling Point Codes (if applicable)
5. SMS Service Centre E.164 address

4.3.3 LTE+2G/3G Co-existence testing

If LTE+2G/3G Co-existence testing is performed, the following information should be
exchanged between both PLMNs:

1. E212-E214 translation
2. E164 Number range
3. International Gateway Signalling Point Codes
4. SMS Service Centre E164 address
5. SGSN-/PGW-IP addresses used
6. SGSN Global Title Address used
7. PDP Context / EPS Bearer profiles
8. APNs
9. DNS IP-Addresses

4.4 USIM associated data supplied by PLMN (a)

The following information as stored in the USIM and/or HSS is required individually for each
of the USIMs.


4. Basic Service Subscription Information
5. Subscriber data concerning PDN connectivity
6. Access point names

In order to perform the tests, following USIM-card profile is required:

1. APN Name: “This should contain one HPLMNs APN” or “ * ” (wild card)
2. VPLMN allowed = no

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4.5 Inter-PLMN Connection Parameters

In order to establish Inter-PLMN connectivity it is necessary to exchange information such

1. Link transport, capacity and routing parameter

2. Link carrier and topology
3. Gp/S8 interface information
4. Security related information if necessary towards interconnection
5. LTE+2G/3G Co-existence scenarios being supported (see IR.88 [5] for the details)

4.6 IP-Server Information

The following information is required to provide IP-connectivity testing:

1. IP address of HPLMN (a) server (HTTP-, DNS-, PROXY-server), accessed via PGW

5 Test Cases Excel Sheet


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Official Document IR.38 - LTE and EPC Roaming Testing

Annex A Document Management

A.1 Document History

Version Date Brief Description of Change Approval Editor /
Authority Company
0.1-0.3 Initial drafts for discussion Networks
Itsuma Tanaka,
0.4 24 August Version for approval Networks
Itsuma Tanaka,
2013 Group
1.0 03 April 2014 CR for approval Networks Itsuma Tanaka
2.0 07 November CR1001 PMIP removal Networks
Jignesh Patel
2016 Group/PSMC
CR1002 Simplification Testing Verizon
and adding Speed Test

Other Information
Type Description
Document Owner NG PACKET
Editor / Company Jignesh Patel, Verizon

It is our intention to provide a quality product for your use. If you find any errors or omissions,
please contact us with your comments. You may notify us at [email protected]

Your comments or suggestions & questions are always welcome.

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