SP02508 Sigma Designs Security2 Command Class v2 Commercial in Confidence Removed

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Security Assessment Report

Client Sigma Designs

Project Security 2 Command Class Protocol
Name Review
Date 2017-08-18
Project Number: SP02508 Date: 2017-08-18

1.1 Assessment Overview .............................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Motivation for conducting security review ...................................................................................... 3
1.3 About SensePost ........................................................................................................................................ 3
1.4 Risk Summary .............................................................................................................................................. 4
1.5 Conclusion & Recommendations........................................................................................................ 4
2.1 Z-Wave Network Security ...................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Summary ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Z-Wave Controller Components ......................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Decryption and Replay Attacks ............................................................................................................ 6
4.1 Results Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Z-Wave Device Assessment ................................................................................................................... 7
5.1 Z Wave Device Assessment ................................................................................................................... 9
5.1.1 Data Encryption ................................................................................................................................. 9

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Project Number: SP02508 Date: 2017-08-18

1.1 Assessment Overview
The assessment of Sigma Designs' Security 2 Command Class commenced on the 19th of June
2017 and concluded on the 21st of June 2017. This assessment was the culmination of several
previous projects – both on a documentation review level as well as a technical assessment of
the protocol implemented on hardware provided by Sigma Designs. This final project was
requested by Sigma Systems in order to identify any final concerns prior to the standard being
finalised and published.
Sigma Designs engaged the services of SensePost in order to:
 Evaluate whether the risk of replay attacks identified during previous projects had
been effectively mitigated.
 Evaluate whether the security controls introduced in the Security 2 Command Class
were effective when physically implemented.
 Gauge whether the risk identified within the protocol was at a level acceptable and
that such risk would not have a significant impact on the delivery of the service,
expose clients to harm or loss or other such consequences.
The results provided are the output of the security assessment performed and should be used
as input into a larger risk management process.
These results are a point in time assessment of the system and environment as they were
presented for testing. Any changes could yield a different set of results.

1.2 Motivation for conducting security review

Sigma Designs wanted to verify the security of their newly developed S2 security framework.
Third party independent verification from a qualified security analyst chosen in addition to in-
house testing. From experience, this greatly improves the analysis coverage and number of
flaws found. Analysts from SensePost had previously demonstrated knowledge and skills
needed to uncover flaws in older Z-Wave devices, and hiring them was a natural choice.

1.3 About SensePost

As trusted advisors we deliver insight, information and systems to enable our customers to
make informed decisions about Information Security that support their business performance.
SensePost is an independent and objective organisation specialising in Information Security
Consulting, Training, Security Assessment Services, Security Vulnerability Management and
Research. SensePost is about security but specifically, Information Security. Even more
specifically - measuring Information Security. We've made it our mission to develop a set of
competencies and services that deliver to our customers, insight into the security posture of
their information and information systems. Our roots run deep, we were established in 2000
and since 2014 form part of the SecureData Group of companies based in the United Kingdom.

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1.4 Risk Summary

The overall information security risk rating was calculated as: Informational.
It should be mentioned, however, that this rating has been attributed as a result of the highest
criticality finding discovered during the course of the assessment, and that this specific finding
may be by design. More details regarding this will be presented later in this report.
This is based on the following statistics:

0 0 0
Critical High Medium

0 2 2
Low Info Total

Table 1 – Risk Summary

1.5 Conclusion & Recommendations

Overall, the implementation of the protocol was found to be relatively robust, with only one
finding associated with the protocol. Consultation with the client after the project also indicated
that, not only was this behaviour by design, but that an attacker would require very privileged
access to an existing network to conduct such attacks. Furthermore, several procedures were in
place, from a certification perspective, ensuring that persons installing a node on an existing
network would be notified should protocol downgrade attacks occur.
Other than that, it was found that serial communications between the computer and the USB
devices were not obfuscated. Neither were the application binaries. This made it trivial to
reverse-engineer the communications protocol used to control the devices. Once again,
consultation with Sigma Designs indicated that the PC Controller software is not an end-user
tool, and is provided purely for people to develop and test Z-Wave networks. In real-world
deployments, controller software would be run from secure devices, and end-users would not
have ready access to binaries or firmware. This would make reverse engineering controller
applications significantly more complex.

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2.1 Z-Wave Network Security
The Security 2 Command Class allows various nodes on a Z-Wave network to communicate
securely with each other. Backwards compatibility with nodes implementing prior versions of
the Security Command Class is supported by means of Security Scheme 0, although newer
devices are envisioned to support the use of Security Scheme 2, which offers numerous
advantages over prior schemes.
The Security 2 Command Class provides support for secure key exchange as well as secure
single-case and multi-case communication. Replay attacks are prevented by means of Pre-
Agreed Nonces. For singlecast communication, the “Singlecast Pre-Agreed Nonce” (SPAN) is
utilised. Likewise, for multicast communication, the “Multicast Pre-Agreed Nonce” (MPAN) is
Earlier reviews were based on the revised protocol standard document provided by Sigma
Designs titled: Security 2 Command Class, version 1 ALPHA (S0, S2, Security Command Class).
The document version was SDS11274.
This assessment was based on the finalised standard document provided by Sigma Designs,
titled: Z-Wave Transport-Encapsulation Command Class Specification. The document number
was SDS13783, and the review focussed on sections 3.6 – Security 2 (S2) Command Class, version
1 – and 3.7 – Supervision Command Class, version 1.

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3.1 Summary
The following section details the research approach and methodology used during the course
of the assessment. The section describes the components which were tested, as well as the
manner in which tests were performed.

3.2 Z-Wave Controller Components

Various components of the Z-Wave PC Controller application were decompiled, and the USB
communications between the application and the USB controller were intercepted. It was found
that the USB Static controller provided a virtual communications port. This COM port was used
by the PC Controller application to communicate with the USB controller. Unlike the Zniffer USB
controller, the Static Controller communicated using 115200 baud.
Whilst the analyst originally implemented his own application for communicating with the
controller by means of the COM port, the software provided by Sigma Designs on the 22nd of
February proved to be better implemented. The analyst relied on modified versions of the
Sigma-developed python scripts in order to continue testing. Modified firmware was also
provided by Sigma Designs, which would allow the analyst to inject frames with spoofed source
The analyst made use of the sscon.py python script and modified firmware in order to attempt
replay attacks, and cause undesirable behaviour on various devices. None of the attempts were
In addition to this, various hard-coded and reserved parameters within frames were modified
in the sscon.py and associated dependencies during the course of the assessment, in order to
determine whether there were other vulnerabilities present within the protocol stack. No such
vulnerabilities were determined to be present.
Finally, the analyst also attempted to generate exceptionally long frames during the course of
the assessment. This was not successful.

3.3 Decryption and Replay Attacks

The analyst conducted brute force attacks against captured frames in an attempt to determine
whether it was possible to brute force network keys. This was performed in conjunction with
the Security 2 Command Class specifications outlined in the document Security 2 Command
Class, version 1 ALPHA (S0, S2, Security Command Class) (Document number: SDS11274).
It was not possible to recover the network key during the course of the assessment.
Furthermore, implementation of the Pre-Agreed Nonce (PAN) between different nodes made
this process more difficult. The PAN’s were also found to effectively protect devices against
replay attacks.

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4.1 Results Summary
In total, two security issues were identified during the assessment, of which one was originally
classified as High risk. Further discussion with the client and subsequent investigation into this
finding indicated that the specific behaviour observed was by design.

4.2 Z-Wave Device Assessment

Only one finding related to the Security 2 Command Class protocol was identified, and this was
a potential downgrade attack. As earlier mentioned, subsequent investigation by the client
determined that this behaviour was by design, and there were several further mitigating factors.
Besides the potential protocol downgrade attack, it was found that Sigma Designs distributed
their applications without any form of obfuscation. Further to this, serial communications with
USB devices were also found to be unobfuscated. This made it trivial for the analyst to reverse-
engineer the protocol for controlling the USB devices and implement his own toolset.
Table 2 provides an overview of the risk identified per application assessment category, along
with recommendations for resolving the issues identified. The business impact rating method
used can be viewed in Appendix B.
Category Risk Summary Recommendations

It is highly recommended that Sigma

Designs investigate this issue. Details
on reproducing the behaviour are
outlined in Error! Reference source n
ot found.. Should it be found that
A potential protocol downgrade this behaviour is unintended, the
attack was identified, where it was matter would need to be addressed
possible to force a device on a firmware level.
supporting the Security 2
Command Class to be included Investigation by Sigma Designs into
Info the relevant finding indicated that
into a Z-Wave network via the
Security 1 Command Class. As this behaviour was by design.
mentioned earlier, discussions Furthermore, only highly privileged
with the client indicated that this persons would be in a position to
specific behaviour was by design. initiate this downgrade. Procedures
Data Encryption are in place in terms of certification
(DE) to notify and alert installers in cases
where secure devices connect to
networks using downgraded

Application .NET assemblies were It is highly recommended that

distributed without any form of applications be distributed with
obfuscation. robust obfuscation. Furthermore, it
should be considered that serial
Furthermore, serial communication with USB devices be
Info communications with USB devices obfuscated to some extent.
were also unobfuscated. This
made it trivial to reverse engineer The .NET assemblies provided with
applications and protocols and the Z-Wave development kit are
obtain a deeper understanding of experimental. In real-world
the devices. deployments, controllers would be
deployed on secure systems, and

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Category Risk Summary Recommendations

end users would not have easy
access to application binaries.

Table 2 – Z-Wave Device Assessment Results Summary

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5.1 Z Wave Device Assessment

5.1.1 Data Encryption

Title Potential Protocol Downgrade Vulnerability

Reference R01 Risk Rating Informational H/UI:R/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:N

Technical Overview During the assessment, it was discovered that it was possible to downgrade the
Security 2 Command Class communication between the controller and the door locks
to Security 0 Command Class by leveraging a known bug in the inclusion process in
the version of the software used. Details on reproducing this behaviour are outlined
in Appendix A.1.
Further discussion with the client indicated that this behaviour was by design, due to
the fact that devices need to maintain backwards compatibility in order to
communicate with older devices.

Attack Conditions An attacker would need to follow the exact steps outlined in Appendix A.1 in order to
reproduce this behaviour.

Business Impact A successful attack would result in an attacker being able to downgrade the protocol
used by devices implementing the Security 2 Command Class to the Security 0
Command Class during inclusion. This would render newer devices to the security
shortcomings present in the Security 0 Command Class.

Recommendations It is highly recommended that Sigma Designs investigate this issue. Details on
reproducing the behaviour are outlined in Appendix A.
Should it be found that this behaviour is unintended, the matter would need to be
addressed on a firmware level.
Investigation by Sigma Designs into the relevant finding indicated that this behaviour
was by design. Furthermore, only highly privileged persons would be in a position to
initiate this downgrade. Furthermore, procedures are in place in terms of certification
to notify and alert installers in cases where secure devices connect to networks using
downgraded communications.

Attack Example The following series of images illustrate a Secure Keypad Door Lock being included
with an incorrect Device Specific Key (DSK) during inclusion, and later communicating
via the Security 0 Command Class.

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Figure 1 – Incorrect DSK Specified During Inclusion

Figure 2 – Secure Keypad Door Lock (node 12 - highlighted in red) included using Security 0 Command Class
(highlighted in dark blue)

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Project Number: SP02508 Date: 2017-08-18

Title Inadequate Obfuscation of Binaries and Serial Communication

Reference R02 Risk Rating Informational 0/AV:P/AC:H/PR:H/UI:R/

Technical Overview During the assessment, it was found that the application binaries for the PC Controller
software as well as the PC Zniffer applications were .NET applications, and neither was
compiled with any form of obfuscation. Likewise, serial communications with the USB
devices were also found to be very straight forward.
Between the unobfuscated binaries and the unobfuscated serial communication, it was
trivial to reverse-engineer the protocols used to control the PC Controller and Zniffer
USB devices. This allowed the analyst to reverse-engineer the serial communications,
using the reversed binary applications as a reference, and develop his own tool-set for
communicating with the devices.

Attack Conditions An attacker would need access to the application binaries and would need to be
familiar with reverse engineering applications and communications.

Business Impact This issue would make it easier to reverse-engineer the application or the protocol.
Information gained in this manner may be used to bypass various checks or even
repurpose Sigma Designs’ applications. In addition to this, it may also result in the
loss of Sigma Designs’ intellectual property.

Recommendations Whilst code obfuscation does not necessarily render applications immune to reverse-
engineering, it does make it considerably more difficult.
As such, it is highly recommended that applications be obfuscated prior to
distribution. Dotfuscator is provided with Visual Studio, and would provide an
adequate level of protection.
The .NET assemblies provided with the Z-Wave development kit are experimental. In
real-world deployments, controllers would be deployed on secure systems, and end
users would not have easy access to application binaries.

Attack Example The following series of images displays unobfuscated application binaries, decoding
of serial communications and a toolset implemented by the analyst.

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Figure 3 – Unobfuscated Application Binaries

Figure 4 – Sniffing USB Communications to determine protocol

Figure 5 – Initiating capture (command highlighted) with RealTerm

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Figure 6 – Sniffing traffic via custom tool-set

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Sigma Designs’ Security 2 Command Class specification appears to have a robust security
posture. Concerns identified during previous assessments have all been adequately addressed.
The manner in which PANs are used in both multicast and singlecast communication would be
effective in preventing replay attacks. Furthermore, the constraints implemented in the
activation and verification of devices, as well as the grouping of different device types
dependant on the security of the group they belong to would make it difficult for an attacker
(even with physical access to a connected device) to attack other nodes on the Z-Wave network.
Furthermore, the technical phases of the various projects also highlighted few issues, with the
potential protocol downgrade attack being mitigated by various factors.

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Appendix A. Further Details and Examples

Potential Protocol Downgrade Vulnerability
In the document provide to SensePost by Sigma Designs – SensePost Security Assessment Devkit
Guide – page five lists a known bug present within the devices / software when including a
Security 2 Command Class device. The relevant section states:
“Note: Due to a bug, this step must be completed in less than 10 seconds, otherwise inclusion
will fail”.
In order to ensure that a device capable of supporting the Security 2 Command Class is included
to the network as a Security 0 Command Class device, the following steps can be taken.
1: In the PC Controller Application, click on the Add button.
2: Press the inclusion button on the Secure Door lock device three times in order to initiate the
inclusion of the device.
3: At this point, the following image will be displayed.

Figure 7 – Including Security 2 Command Class Device

4: The next step would be to input the DSK. As per the documentation, this has to be entered
within ten seconds as a result of the known bug. In this case, we wait for longer than ten seconds
in order to see whether we can leverage off the known bug. After a period greater than ten
seconds, we enter the DSK. This can be entered correctly or incorrectly. Either option would
result in the device being included as a Security 0 Command Class device.

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Figure 8 - Incorrect DSK Entered

5: Since the PC Controller will not receive a response and successfully include the device, we
abort the operation.

Figure 9 – Inclusion Aborted

6: We once again click on the Add button in the PC Controller application and press the inclusion
button on the door lock three times. The device is now included in the network.

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Figure 10 – Including the node for the second time

7: Analysis of the communication indicate that the device will now be communicating using
Security 0 Command Class, as no Security 2 Command Class frames are present when
communicating with the device.

Figure 11 – Communication with Node 12 (highlighted red). No Security 2 Command Class packets seen (highlighted dark blue)

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Appendix B. Risk Rating System

CVSS3: An Open Standard for Vulnerability Scoring
The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (version 3) is an established method for scoring
technical vulnerabilities identified in systems.
The CVSS3 is based on three metric groups:
 Base Metric Group: “represents the intrinsic and fundamental characteristics of a
vulnerability that are constant over time and user environments.” It covers metrics
relating to the complexity (proximity of attacker, authentication requirements) of the
attack and its impact on the security qualities of the system (confidentiality, integrity
and availability).
 Temporal Metric Group: “represents the characteristics of a vulnerability that change
over time but not among user environments.” It covers metrics relating to the current
state of the vulnerability (exploitability and remediation options) and to the confidence
of the issue at hand.
 Environmental Metric Group: “represents the characteristics of a vulnerability that are
relevant and unique to a particular user's environment”. These metrics allow the client
to ensure that the controls in place are factored in to the assessment of the
vulnerabilities actual relationship with the environment, leading to a more accurate
representation of the technical risk.
During an assessment only the base metric group is calculated for each vulnerability. By request,
and provided with additional information, the temporal and environmental metric groups can
be calculated.
For further information on the CVSS3 system, see the following reference site:
 http://www.first.org/cvss/user-guide

Qualitative Severity Rating Scale (QSR)

The Qualitative Severity Rating (QSR) used by SensePost follows the CVSS3 guidelines and
allows for a textual representation of the CVSS3 scores and also provides an intuitive means of
communicating an understanding of the risk to non-technical stakeholders. The model is a
simple ranking of issues from Low to Critical, in descending order of severity.
The following table provides an explanation of each level.

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BIR Description

Successful attacks within this category could result in an attacker gaining access to view, modify
or destroy highly confidential information; conduct or falsify large numbers of unauthorised
financially sensitive operations (e.g. falsification of financial transactions, deletion of data
records), or lead to a complete compromise of the target.

Critical Such attacks could have a catastrophic impact on the confidentiality, integrity and availability of
the systems and the business. This could result in a significant financial loss, significant
reputational damage, serious legal and compliance related fines and other effects on the

An immediate remediation plan should be developed to address issues rated at this level.

Successful attacks within this category could result in an attacker gaining access to view, modify
or destroy confidential information; conduct or falsify unauthorised financially sensitive
operations (e.g. falsification of financial transactions, deletion of data records), or lead to
significant compromise of the target.

High Such attacks could have a significant impact on the confidentiality, integrity and availability of
the systems and the business. This could result in a significant financial loss, significant
reputational damage, serious legal and compliance related fines and other effects on the

An immediate remediation plan should be developed to address issues rated at this level.

A Medium BIR could lead to a noticeable impact on the business.

Successful attacks within this category could allow an attacker to gain access to sensitive
information or to private (personal) records, or could cause the system to perform unauthorised,
but non-business critical, operations, or could lead to a significant outage of services.
Medium Such attacks could have a noticeable impact on the confidentiality, integrity and availability of
the systems and the business, which could result in a noticeable financial loss, considerable
reputational damage, legal and compliance related fines and other effects on the business.

A timely remediation plan should be developed to address issues rated at this level. However,
business requirements may dictate other actions are appropriate.

A Low BIR is unlikely to have a noticeable impact on the business. However, such issues do not
exist in isolation and may be used by an attacker as part of more complicated, blended attack,
Low and should not be dismissed. Issues should be considered both individually and collectively.

Issues identified at this level should be addressed as part of normal improvement exercises.
However, business requirements may dictate other actions are appropriate.

Table 3 – Business Impact Rating

Mapping CVSS3 to the Qualitative Rating Scale

The following table provides a mapping of CVSS3 metric scores to each QSV, and follows the
CVSS3 guidelines:


Critical 9.0-10.0

High 7.0 – 8.9

Medium 4.0 – 6.9

Low 0.1 – 3.9

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Your Risk Methodology

The QSRs and CVSS3 ratings provided in this report do not constitute a complete business risk
assessment. SensePost analysts rarely have sufficient information to conduct a company-
specific risk assessment. This would require more information than is typically available for such
projects, such as knowledge of Sigma Designs’ risk appetite.
SensePost recommends that the information communicated via QSVs and CVSS3 metrics be
used as input into the business risk methodology. However, where possible, SensePost analysts
can assist in the assessment of the identified risks and how they should be interpreted by the
business should this be required.

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Appendix C. Methodologies
SensePost follows a number of methodologies when conducting security assessments. These
methodologies are based on our extensive assessment experience and include a large amount
of information.
In order to keep the length of this report to a manageable level, all of the current methodologies
used by SensePost analysts can be viewed at

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Appendix D. Document Management

Document Information
Project Title Security 2 Command Class Protocol Review for Sigma Designs

Project Code SP02508

Project Type Security 2 Command Class Protocol Review

Report Date 2017-08-18

Document Name SP02508-Sigma-Designs-Security2-Command-Class

Author Ian de Villiers

Change Management

Ver. Date Summary

0.1 2017-06-27 First Draft

0.2 2017-06-27 Technical Peer Review

0.3 2017-06-27 Second Draft

0.3 2017-06-28 Quality Assurance

1.0 2017-06-28 Final

1.0 2017-06-28 Final version released to Sigma Designs.

1.1 2017-07-14 First Draft – Technical Testing Information Added

1.2 2017-07-17 Technical Peer Review

1.3 2017-07-17 Second Draft – Technical Testing Information Added

1.4 2017-07-17 Quality Assurance

2.0 2017-07-17 Final Draft

2.0 2017-07-17 Final version released to Sigma Designs.

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