Maxtrix Algebra For Engineers

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Matrix Algebra for Engineers

Lecture Notes for Coursera

Jeffrey R. Chasnov

The Hong Kong University of

Science and Technology
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Department of Mathematics
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon
Hong Kong

Copyright ○
c 2018, 2019 by Jeffrey Robert Chasnov

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Hong Kong License. To view a copy of this
license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second
Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
View an Introduction on YouTube

These are my lecture notes for my online Coursera course, Matrix Algebra for Engineers. I have
divided these notes into chapters called Lectures, with each Lecture corresponding to a video on
Coursera. I have also uploaded all my Coursera videos to YouTube, and links are placed at the top of
each Lecture.
There are problems at the end of each lecture chapter and I have tried to choose problems that
exemplify the main idea of the lecture. Students taking a formal university course in matrix or linear
algebra will usually be assigned many more additional problems, but here I follow the philosophy
that less is more. I give enough problems for students to solidify their understanding of the material,
but not too many problems that students feel overwhelmed and drop out. I do encourage students to
attempt the given problems, but if they get stuck, full solutions can be found in the Appendix.
There are also additional problems at the end of coherent sections that are given as practice quizzes
on the Coursera platform. Again, students should attempt these quizzes on the platform, but if a
student has trouble obtaining a correct answer, full solutions are also found in the Appendix.
The mathematics in this matrix algebra course is at the level of an advanced high school student, but
typically students would take this course after completing a university-level single variable calculus
course. There are no derivatives and integrals in this course, but student’s are expected to have a
certain level of mathematical maturity. Nevertheless, anyone who wants to learn the basics of matrix
algebra is welcome to join.

Jeffrey R. Chasnov
Hong Kong
July 2018

I Matrices 1

1 Definition of a matrix 5

2 Addition and multiplication of matrices 7

3 Special matrices 9

Practice quiz: Matrix definitions 11

4 Transpose matrix 13

5 Inner and outer products 15

6 Inverse matrix 17

Practice quiz: Transpose and inverses 19

7 Orthogonal matrices 21

8 Rotation matrices 23

9 Permutation matrices 25

Practice quiz: Orthogonal matrices 27

II Systems of linear equations 29

10 Gaussian elimination 33

11 Reduced row echelon form 37

12 Computing inverses 39

Practice quiz: Gaussian elimination 41

13 Elementary matrices 43

14 LU decomposition 45


15 Solving (LU)x = b 47

Practice quiz: LU decomposition 51

III Vector spaces 53

16 Vector spaces 57

17 Linear independence 59

18 Span, basis and dimension 61

Practice quiz: Vector space definitions 63

19 Gram-Schmidt process 65

20 Gram-Schmidt process example 67

Practice quiz: Gram-Schmidt process 69

21 Null space 71

22 Application of the null space 75

23 Column space 77

24 Row space, left null space and rank 79

Practice quiz: Fundamental subspaces 81

25 Orthogonal projections 83

26 The least-squares problem 85

27 Solution of the least-squares problem 87

Practice quiz: Orthogonal projections 91

IV Eigenvalues and eigenvectors 93

28 Two-by-two and three-by-three determinants 97

29 Laplace expansion 99

30 Leibniz formula 103

31 Properties of a determinant 105

Practice quiz: Determinants 107

32 The eigenvalue problem 109

33 Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors (1) 111


34 Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors (2) 113

Practice quiz: The eigenvalue problem 115

35 Matrix diagonalization 117

36 Matrix diagonalization example 119

37 Powers of a matrix 121

38 Powers of a matrix example 123

Practice quiz: Matrix diagonalization 125

A Problem and practice quiz solutions 127

Week I



In this week’s lectures, we learn about matrices. Matrices are rectangular arrays of numbers or
other mathematical objects and are fundamental to engineering mathematics. We will define matrices
and how to add and multiply them, discuss some special matrices such as the identity and zero matrix,
learn about transposes and inverses, and define orthogonal and permutation matrices.
Lecture 1

Definition of a matrix
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An m-by-n matrix is a rectangular array of numbers (or other mathematical objects) with m rows
and n columns. For example, a two-by-two matrix A, with two rows and two columns, looks like
a b
A= .
c d

The first row has elements a and b, the second row has elements c and d. The first column has elements
a and c; the second column has elements b and d. As further examples, two-by-three and three-by-two
matrices look like  
! a d
a b c
B= , C = b e .
 
d e f
c f

Of special importance are column matrices and row matrices. These matrices are also called vectors.
The column vector is in general n-by-one and the row vector is one-by-n. For example, when n = 3,
we would write a column vector as  
x = b ,
 

and a row vector as  

y= a b c .

A useful notation for writing a general m-by-n matrix A is

 
a11 a12 ··· a1n
 a21

a22 ··· a2n 

 .. .. .. .
.. 
 . . . . 
am1 am2 ··· amn

Here, the matrix element of A in the ith row and the jth column is denoted as aij .


Problems for Lecture 1

1. The main diagonal of a matrix A are the entries aij where i = j.

a) Write down the three-by-three matrix with ones on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere.

b) Write down the three-by-four matrix with ones on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere.

c) Write down the four-by-three matrix with ones on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere.

Solutions to the Problems

Lecture 2

Addition and multiplication of

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Matrices can be added only if they have the same dimension. Addition proceeds element by element.
For example, ! ! !
a b e f a+e b+ f
+ = .
c d g h c+g d+h

Matrices can also be multiplied by a scalar. The rule is to just multiply every element of the matrix.
For example, ! !
a b ka kb
k = .
c d kc kd

Matrices (other than the scalar) can be multiplied only if the number of columns of the left matrix
equals the number of rows of the right matrix. In other words, an m-by-n matrix on the left can only
be multiplied by an n-by-k matrix on the right. The resulting matrix will be m-by-k. Evidently, matrix
multiplication is generally not commutative. We illustrate multiplication using two 2-by-2 matrices:
! ! ! ! ! !
a b e f ae + bg a f + bh e f a b ae + c f be + d f
= , = .
c d g h ce + dg c f + dh g h c d ag + ch bg + dh

First, the first row of the left matrix is multiplied against and summed with the first column of the right
matrix to obtain the element in the first row and first column of the product matrix. Second, the first
row is multiplied against and summed with the second column. Third, the second row is multiplied
against and summed with the first column. And fourth, the second row is multiplied against and
summed with the second column.
In general, an element in the resulting product matrix, say in row i and column j, is obtained by
multiplying and summing the elements in row i of the left matrix with the elements in column j of
the right matrix. We can formally write matrix multiplication in terms of the matrix elements. Let A
be an m-by-n matrix with matrix elements aij and let B be an n-by-p matrix with matrix elements bij .
Then C = AB is an m-by-p matrix, and its ij matrix element can be written as

cij = ∑ aik bkj .
k =1

Notice that the second index of a and the first index of b are summed over.


Problems for Lecture 2

1. Define the matrices
! ! !
2 1−1 4 −2 1 1 2
A= , B= , C= ,
1 −1 1 2 −4 −2 2 1
! !
3 4 1
D= , E= .
4 3 2

Compute if defined: B − 2A, 3C − E, AC, CD, CB.

! ! !
1 2 2 1 4 3
2. Let A = ,B= and C = . Verify that AB = AC and yet B ̸= C.
2 4 1 3 0 2
   
1 1 1 2 0 0
3. Let A = 1 2 3 and D = 0 3 0. Compute AD and DA.
   

1 3 4 0 0 4

4. Prove the associative law for matrix multiplication. That is, let A be an m-by-n matrix, B an n-by-p
matrix, and C a p-by-q matrix. Then prove that A(BC) = (AB)C.

Solutions to the Problems

Lecture 3

Special matrices
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The zero matrix, denoted by 0, can be any size and is a matrix consisting of all zero elements. Multi-
plication by a zero matrix results in a zero matrix. The identity matrix, denoted by I, is a square matrix
(number of rows equals number of columns) with ones down the main diagonal. If A and I are the
same sized square matrices, then
AI = IA = A,

and multiplication by the identity matrix leaves the matrix unchanged. The zero and identity matrices
play the role of the numbers zero and one in matrix multiplication. For example, the two-by-two zero
and identity matrices are given by
! !
0 0 1 0
0= , I= .
0 0 0 1

A diagonal matrix has its only nonzero elements on the diagonal. For example, a two-by-two diagonal
matrix is given by !
d1 0
D= .
0 d2

Usually, diagonal matrices refer to square matrices, but they can also be rectangular.
A band (or banded) matrix has nonzero elements only on diagonal bands. For example, a three-by-
three band matrix with nonzero diagonals one above and one below a nonzero main diagonal (called
a tridiagonal matrix) is given by
 
d1 a1 0
B =  b1 d2 a2  .
 

0 b2 d3

An upper or lower triangular matrix is a square matrix that has zero elements below or above the
diagonal. For example, three-by-three upper and lower triangular matrices are given by
   
a b c a 0 0
U = 0 d e , L = b d 0 .
   

0 0 f c e f


Problems for Lecture 3

−1 2
1. Let A = . Construct a two-by-two matrix B such that AB is the zero matrix. Use two
4 −8
different nonzero columns for B.
! ! !
a1 0 b1 0 a1 b1 0
2. Verify that = . Prove in general that the product of two diagonal
0 a2 0 b2 0 a2 b2
matrices is a diagonal matrix, with elements given by the product of the diagonal elements.
! ! !
a1 a2 b1 b2 a1 b1 a1 b2 + a2 b3
3. Verify that = . Prove in general that the product of two
0 a3 0 b3 0 a3 b3
upper triangular matrices is an upper triangular matrix, with the diagonal elements of the product
given by the product of the diagonal elements.

Solutions to the Problems

Practice quiz: Matrix definitions
1. Identify the two-by-two matrix with matrix elements aij = i − j.
1 0
0 −1
−1 0
0 1
0 1
−1 0
0 −1
1 0
! !
1 −1 −1 1
2. The matrix product is equal to
−1 1 1 −1
−2 2
2 −2
2 −2
−2 2
−2 2
−2 2
−2 −2
2 2
3. Let A and B be n-by-n matrices with (AB)ij = ∑ aik bkj . If A and B are upper triangular matrices,
k =1
then aik = 0 or bkj = 0 when
A. k < i B. k > i C. k < j D. k > j

a) A and C only

b) A and D only

c) B and C only

d) B and D only

Solutions to the Practice quiz

Lecture 4

Transpose matrix
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The transpose of a matrix A, denoted by AT and spoken as A-transpose, switches the rows and
columns of A. That is,
   
a11 a12 ··· a1n a11 a21 ··· am1
 a21

a22 ··· a2n 

 a12

a22 ··· am2 

if A = 
 .. .. .. ,
..  then A = 
 .. .. .. .
.. 
 . . . .   . . . . 
am1 am2 ··· amn a1n a2n ··· amn

In other words, we write

aTij = a ji .

Evidently, if A is m-by-n then AT is n-by-m. As a simple example, view the following transpose pair:

 T
a d !
a b c
b e = .
 
d e f
c f

The following are useful and easy to prove facts:

AT = A, and (A + B)T = AT + BT .

A less obvious fact is that the transpose of the product of matrices is equal to the product of the
transposes with the order of multiplication reversed, i.e.,

(AB)T = BT AT .

If A is a square matrix, and AT = A, then we say that A is symmetric. If AT = −A, then we say that A
is skew symmetric. For example, 3-by-3 symmetric and skew symmetric matrices look like
   
a b c 0 b c
 b d e , −b 0 e .
   

c e f −c −e 0

Notice that the diagonal elements of a skew-symmetric matrix must be zero.


Problems for Lecture 4

1. Prove that (AB)T = BT AT .

2. Show using the transpose operator that any square matrix A can be written as the sum of a sym-
metric and a skew-symmetric matrix.

3. Prove that AT A is symmetric.

Solutions to the Problems

Lecture 5

Inner and outer products

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The inner product (or dot product or scalar product) between two vectors is obtained from the ma-
trix product of a row vector times a column vector. A row vector can be obtained from a column
vector by the transpose operator. With the 3-by-1 column vectors u and v, their inner product is given
 
uT v = u1 u2 u3  v2  = u1 v1 + u2 v2 + u3 v3 .
 


If the inner product between two vectors is zero, we say that the vectors are orthogonal. The norm of a
vector is defined by
 1/2  1/2
||u|| = uT u = u21 + u22 + u23 .

If the norm of a vector is equal to one, we say that the vector is normalized. If a set of vectors are
mutually orthogonal and normalized, we say that these vectors are orthonormal.
An outer product is also defined, and is used in some applications. The outer product between u
and v is given by
   
u1   u1 v1 u1 v2 u1 v3
uvT = u2  v1 v2 v3 =  u2 v1 u2 v2 u2 v3  .
   

u3 u3 v1 u3 v2 u3 v3

Notice that every column is a multiple of the single vector u, and every row is a multiple of the single
vector vT .


Problems for Lecture 5

 
a d
1. Let A be a rectangular matrix given by A = b e  . Compute AT A and show that it is a symmetric
 

c f
square matrix and that the sum of its diagonal elements is the sum of the squares of all the elements
of A.

2. The trace of a square matrix B, denoted as Tr B, is the sum of the diagonal elements of B. Prove that
Tr(AT A) is the sum of the squares of all the elements of A.

Solutions to the Problems

Lecture 6

Inverse matrix
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Square matrices may have inverses. When a matrix A has an inverse, we say it is invertible and
denote its inverse by A−1 . The inverse matrix satisfies

AA−1 = A−1 A = I.

If A and B are invertible matrices, then (AB)−1 = B−1 A−1 . Furthermore, if A is invertible then so is
AT , and (AT )−1 = (A−1 )T .
It is illuminating to derive the inverse of a general 2-by-2 matrix. Write
! ! !
a b x1 x2 1 0
= ,
c d y1 y2 0 1

and try to solve for x1 , y1 , x2 and y2 in terms of a, b, c, and d. There are two inhomogeneous and two
homogeneous linear equations:

ax1 + by1 = 1, cx1 + dy1 = 0,

cx2 + dy2 = 1, ax2 + by2 = 0.

To solve, we can eliminate y1 and y2 using the two homogeneous equations, and find x1 and x2 using
the two inhomogeneous equations. The solution for the inverse matrix is found to be
! −1 !
a b 1 d −b
= .
c d ad − bc −c a

The term ad − bc is just the definition of the determinant of the two-by-two matrix:
a b
det = ad − bc.
c d

The determinant of a two-by-two matrix is the product of the diagonals minus the product of the
off-diagonals. Evidently, a two-by-two matrix A is invertible only if det A ̸= 0. Notice that the inverse
of a two-by-two matrix, in words, is found by switching the diagonal elements of the matrix, negating
the off-diagonal elements, and dividing by the determinant.
Later, we will show that an n-by-n matrix is invertible if and only if its determinant is nonzero.
This will require a more general definition of the determinant.


Problems for Lecture 6

! !
5 6 6 4
1. Find the inverses of the matrices and .
4 5 3 3

2. Prove that if A and B are same-sized invertible matrices , then (AB)−1 = B−1 A−1 .

3. Prove that if A is invertible then so is AT , and (AT )−1 = (A−1 )T .

4. Prove that if a matrix is invertible, then its inverse is unique.

Solutions to the Problems

Practice quiz: Transpose and inverses
1. (ABC)T is equal to





2. Which matrix is not symmetric?

a) A + AT

b) AAT

c) A − AT

d) AT A
2 2
3. Which matrix is the inverse of ?
1 2
1 −2
2 −1 2
1 −2 2
2 1 −2
1 2 2
2 −1 −2
1 −2 −2
2 1 2

Solutions to the Practice quiz

Lecture 7

Orthogonal matrices
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A square matrix Q with real entries that satisfies

Q−1 = QT

is called an orthogonal matrix.

Since the columns of QT are just the rows of Q, and QQT = I, the row vectors that form Q must
be orthonormal. Similarly, since the rows of QT are just the columns of Q, and QT Q = I, the column
vectors that form Q must also be orthonormal.
Orthogonal matrices preserve norms. Let Q be an n-by-n orthogonal matrix, and let x be an n-by-
one column vector. Then the norm squared of Qx is given by

||Qx||2 = (Qx)T (Qx) = xT QT Qx = xT x = ||x||2 .

The norm of a vector is also called its length, so we can also say that orthogonal matrices preserve


Problems for Lecture 7

1. Show that the product of two orthogonal matrices is orthogonal.

2. Show that the n-by-n identity matrix is orthogonal.

Solutions to the Problems

Lecture 8

Rotation matrices
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A matrix that rotates a vector in space doesn’t change the vector’s length and so should be an orthog-



x' x

Rotating a vector in the x-y plane.

onal matrix. Consider the two-by-two rotation matrix that rotates a vector through an angle θ in the
x-y plane, shown above. Trigonometry and the addition formula for cosine and sine results in

x ′ = r cos (θ + ψ) y′ = r sin (θ + ψ)
= r (cos θ cos ψ − sin θ sin ψ) = r (sin θ cos ψ + cos θ sin ψ)
= x cos θ − y sin θ = x sin θ + y cos θ.

Writing the equations for x ′ and y′ in matrix form, we have

! ! !
x′ cos θ − sin θ x
= .
y′ sin θ cos θ y

The above two-by-two matrix is a rotation matrix and we will denote it by Rθ . Observe that the rows
and columns of Rθ are orthonormal and that the inverse of Rθ is just its transpose. The inverse of Rθ
rotates a vector by −θ.


Problems for Lecture 8

cos θ − sin θ
1. Let R(θ ) = . Show that R(−θ ) = R(θ )−1 .
sin θ cos θ

2. Find the three-by-three matrix that rotates a three-dimensional vector an angle θ counterclockwise
around the z-axis.

Solutions to the Problems

Lecture 9

Permutation matrices
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Another type of orthogonal matrix is a permutation matrix. An n-by-n permutation matrix, when
multiplying on the left permutes the rows of a matrix, and when multiplying on the right permutes
the columns. Clearly, permuting the rows of a column vector will not change its norm.
For example, let the string {1, 2} represent the order of the rows or columns of a two-by-two matrix.
Then the permutations of the rows or columns are given by {1, 2} and {2, 1}. The first permutation is
no permutation at all, and the corresponding permutation matrix is simply the identity matrix. The
second permutation of the rows or columns is achieved by
! ! ! ! ! !
0 1 a b c d a b 0 1 b a
= , = .
1 0 c d a b c d 1 0 d c

The rows or columns of a three-by-three matrix have 3! = 6 possible permutations, namely {1, 2, 3},
{1, 3, 2}, {2, 1, 3}, {2, 3, 1}, {3, 1, 2}, {3, 2, 1}. For example, the row or column permutation {3, 1, 2} is
obtained by
         
0 0 1 a b c g h i a b c 0 1 0 c a b
1 0 0  d e f  = a b c , d e f  0 0 1 =  f d e .
         

0 1 0 g h i d e f g h i 1 0 0 i g h

Notice that the permutation matrix is obtained by permuting the corresponding rows (or columns) of
the identity matrix. This is made evident by observing that

PA = (PI)A, AP = A(PI),

where P is a permutation matrix and PI is the identity matrix with permuted rows. The identity matrix
is orthogonal, and so is the matrix obtained by permuting its rows.


Problems for Lecture 9

1. Write down the six three-by-three permutation matrices corresponding to the permutations {1, 2, 3},
{1, 3, 2}, {2, 1, 3}, {2, 3, 1}, {3, 1, 2}, {3, 2, 1}.

2. Find the inverses of all the three-by-three permutation matrices. Explain why some matrices are
their own inverses, and others are not.

Solutions to the Problems

Practice quiz: Orthogonal matrices
1. Which matrix is not orthogonal?
0 1
−1 0
1 0
0 −1
0 1
1 0
1 −1
0 0

2. Which matrix rotates a three-by-one column vector an angle θ counterclockwise around the x-axis?
 
1 0 0
a) 0 cos θ − sin θ 
 

0 sin θ cos θ
 
sin θ 0 cos θ
b)  0 1 0
 

cos θ 0 − sin θ
 
cos θ − sin θ 0
c)  sin θ cos θ 0
 

0 0 1
 
cos θ sin θ 0
d)  − sin θ cos θ 0
 

0 0 1


3. Which matrix, when multiplying another matrix on the left, moves row one to row two, row two to
row three, and row three to row one?
 
0 1 0
a) 0 0 1
 

1 0 0
 
0 0 1
b) 1 0 0
 

0 1 0
 
0 0 1
c) 0 1 0
 

1 0 0
 
1 0 0
d) 0 0 1
 

0 1 0

Solutions to the Practice quiz

Week II

Systems of linear equations


In this week’s lectures, we learn about solving a system of linear equations. A system of linear
equations can be written in matrix form, and we can solve using Gaussian elimination. We will learn
how to bring a matrix to reduced row echelon form, and how this can be used to compute a matrix
inverse. We will also learn how to find the LU decomposition of a matrix, and how to use this
decomposition to efficiently solve a system of linear equations.
Lecture 10

Gaussian elimination
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Consider the linear system of equations given by

−3x1 + 2x2 − x3 = −1,

6x1 − 6x2 + 7x3 = −7,
3x1 − 4x2 + 4x3 = −6,

which can be written in matrix form as

    
−3 2 −1 x1 −1
 6 −6 7  x2   −7 ,
    

3 −4 4 x3 −6

or symbolically as Ax = b.

The standard numerical algorithm used to solve a system of linear equations is called Gaussian
elimination. We first form what is called an augmented matrix by combining the matrix A with the
column vector b:  
−3 2 −1 −1
 6 −6 7 −7 .
 

3 −4 4 −6

Row reduction is then performed on this augmented matrix. Allowed operations are (1) interchange
the order of any rows, (2) multiply any row by a constant, (3) add a multiple of one row to another
row. These three operations do not change the solution of the original equations. The goal here is
to convert the matrix A into upper-triangular form, and then use this form to quickly solve for the
unknowns x.

We start with the first row of the matrix and work our way down as follows. First we multiply the
first row by 2 and add it to the second row. Then we add the first row to the third row, to obtain
 
−3 2 −1 −1
 0 −2 5 −9 .
 

0 −2 3 −7


We then go to the second row. We multiply this row by −1 and add it to the third row to obtain
 
−3 2 −1 −1
 0 −2 5 −9 .
 

0 0 −2 2

The original matrix A has been converted to an upper triangular matrix, and the transformed equations
can be determined from the augmented matrix as

−3x1 + 2x2 − x3 = −1,

−2x2 + 5x3 = −9,
−2x3 = 2.

These equations can be solved by back substitution, starting from the last equation and working
backwards. We have

x3 = −1,
x2 = − (−9 − 5x3 ) = 2,
x1 = − (−1 + x3 − 2x2 ) = 2.

We have thus found the solution    

x1 2
 x2   2  .
   

x3 −1
When performing Gaussian elimination, the diagonal element that is used during the elimination
procedure is called the pivot. To obtain the correct multiple, one uses the pivot as the divisor to the
matrix elements below the pivot. Gaussian elimination in the way done here will fail if the pivot is
zero. If the pivot is zero, a row interchange must first be performed.
Even if no pivots are identically zero, small values can still result in an unstable numerical compu-
tation. For very large matrices solved by a computer, the solution vector will be inaccurate unless row
interchanges are made. The resulting numerical technique is called Gaussian elimination with partial
pivoting, and is usually taught in a standard numerical analysis course.

Problems for Lecture 10

1. Using Gaussian elimination with back substitution, solve the following two systems of equations:


3x1 − 7x2 − 2x3 = −7,

−3x1 + 5x2 + x3 = 5,
6x1 − 4x2 = 2.


x1 − 2x2 + 3x3 = 1,
− x1 + 3x2 − x3 = −1,
2x1 − 5x2 + 5x3 = 1.

Solutions to the Problems

Lecture 11

Reduced row echelon form

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If we continue the row elimination procedure so that all the pivots are one, and all the entries above
and below the pivots are eliminated, then we say that the resulting matrix is in reduced row echelon
form. We notate the reduced row echelon form of a matrix A as rref(A). For example, consider the
three-by-four matrix
 
1 2 3 4
A = 4 5 6 7 .
 

6 7 8 9

Row elimination can proceed as

       
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 0 −1 −2
4 5 6 7 → 0 −3 −6 −9  → 0 1 2 3 → 0 1 2 3 ;
       

6 7 8 9 0 −5 −10 −15 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 0

and we therefore have  

1 0 −1 −2
rref(A) = 0 1 2 3 .
 

0 0 0 0

We say that the matrix A has two pivot columns, that is two columns that contain a pivot position with
a one in the reduced row echelon form. Note that rows may need to be exchanged when computing
the reduced row echelon form.


Problems for Lecture 11

1. Put the following matrices into reduced row echelon form and state which columns are pivot

 
3−7 −2 −7
A =  −3 5 1 5
 

6 −4 0 2

 
1 2 1
A = 2 4 1
 

3 6 2

Solutions to the Problems

Lecture 12

Computing inverses
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By bringing an invertible matrix to reduced row echelon form, that is, to the identity matrix, we
can compute the matrix inverse. Given a matrix A, consider the equation

AA−1 = I,

for the unknown inverse A−1 . Let the columns of A−1 be given by the vectors a1−1 , a2−1 , and so on.
The matrix A multiplying the first column of A−1 is the equation
Aa1−1 = e1 , with e1 = 1 0 ... 0 ,

and where e1 is the first column of the identity matrix. In general,

Aai−1 = ei ,

for i = 1, 2, . . . , n. The method then is to do row reduction on an augmented matrix which attaches
the identity matrix to A. To find A−1 , elimination is continued until one obtains rref(A) = I.
We illustrate below:
   
−3 2−1 1 0 0 −3 2 −1 1 0 0
 6 −6 7 0 1 0 →  0 −2 5 2 1 0 →
   

3 −4 4 0 0 1 0 −2 3 1 0 1
   
−3 2−1 1 0 0 −3 0 4 3 1 0
 0 −2 5 2 1 0 →  0 −2 5 2 1 0 →
   

0 0 −2 −1 −1 1 0 0 −2 −1 −1 1
   
−3 0 0 1 −1 2 1 0 0 −1/3 1/3 −2/3
 0 −2 0 −1/2 −3/2 5/2 →  0 1 0 1/4 3/4 −5/4 ;
   

0 0 −2 −1 −1 1 0 0 1 1/2 1/2 −1/2

and one can check that

    
−3 2 −1 −1/3 1/3 −2/3 1 0 0
 6 −6 7  1/4 3/4 −5/4 = 0 1 0 .
    

3 −4 4 1/2 1/2 −1/2 0 0 1


Problems for Lecture 12

1. Compute the inverse of
 
3−7 −2
 −3 5 1 .
 

6 −4 0

Solutions to the Problems

Practice quiz: Gaussian elimination
1. Perform Gaussian elimination without row interchange on the following augmented matrix:
 
1 −2 1 0
2 1 −3 5. Which matrix can be the result?
 

4 −7 1 −2
 
1 −2 1 0
a) 0 1 −1 1
 

0 0 −2 −3
 
1 −2 1 0
b) 0 1 −1 1
 

0 0 −2 3
 
1 −2 1 0
c) 0 1 −1 1
 

0 0 −3 −2
 
1 −2 1 0
d) 0 1 −1 1
 

0 0 −3 2

2. Which matrix is not in reduced row echelon form?

 
1 0 0 2
a) 0 1 0 3
 

0 0 1 2
 
1 2 0 0
b) 0 0 1 0
 

0 0 0 1
 
1 0 1 0
c) 0 1 0 0
 

0 0 1 1
 
1 0 0 0
d) 0 1 2 0
 

0 0 0 1

 
3 −7 −2
3. The inverse of −3 5 1 is
 

6 −4 0
 
4/3 2/3 1/2
a)  2 1 1/2
 

−3 −5 −1
 
2/3 1/2 4/3
b)  1 1/2 2
 

−3 −5 −1
 
2/3 4/3 1/2
c)  1 2 1/2
 

−5 −3 −1
 
2/3 4/3 1/2
d)  1 2 1/2
 

−3 −5 −1

Solutions to the Practice quiz

Lecture 13

Elementary matrices
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The row reduction algorithm of Gaussian elimination can be implemented by multiplying elemen-
tary matrices. Here, we show how to construct these elementary matrices, which differ from the
identity matrix by a single elementary row operation. Consider the first row reduction step for the
following matrix A:
     
−3 2 −1 −3 2 −1 1 0 0
A =  6 −6 7  →  0 −2 5  = M1 A, where M1 = 2 1 0 .
     

3 −4 4 3 −4 4 0 0 1

To construct the elementary matrix M1 , the number two is placed in column-one, row-two. This matrix
multiplies the first row by two and adds the result to the second row.
The next step in row elimination is
     
−3 2 −1 −3 2 −1 1 0 0
 0 −2 5  →  0 −2 5  = M2 M1 A, where M2 = 0 1 0 .
     

3 −4 4 0 −2 3 1 0 1

Here, to construct M2 the number one is placed in column-one, row-three, and the matrix multiplies
the first row by one and adds the result to the third row.
The last step in row elimination is
     
−3 2 −1 −3 2 −1 1 0 0
 0 −2 5 →  0 −2 5 = M3 M2 M1 A, where M3 =  0 1 0 .
     

0 −2 3 0 0 −2 0 −1 1

Here, to construct M3 the number negative-one is placed in column-two, row-three, and this matrix
multiplies the second row by negative-one and adds the result to the third row.
We have thus found that
M3 M2 M1 A = U,

where U is an upper triangular matrix. This discussion will be continued in the next lecture.


Problems for Lecture 13

1. Construct the elementary matrix that multiplies the second row of a four-by-four matrix by two and
adds the result to the fourth row.

Solutions to the Problems

Lecture 14

LU decomposition
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In the last lecture, we have found that row reduction of a matrix A can be written as

M3 M2 M1 A = U,

where U is upper triangular. Upon inverting the elementary matrices, we have

A = M1−1 M2−1 M3−1 U.

Now, the matrix M1 multiples the first row by two and adds it to the second row. To invert this
operation, we simply need to multiply the first row by negative-two and add it to the second row, so
that    
1 0 0 1 0 0
M1 =  2 1 0 , M1−1 = −2 1 0 .
   

0 0 1 0 0 1

       
1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
M2 =  0 1 0 , M2−1 =  0 1 0 ; M3 = 0 1 0 , M3−1 = 0 1 0 .
       

1 0 1 −1 0 1 0 −1 1 0 1 1

L = M1−1 M2−1 M3−1

is given by
     
1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
L =  −2 1 0  0 1 0 0 1 0 =  −2 1 0 ,
     

0 0 1 −1 0 1 0 1 1 −1 1 1

which is lower triangular. Also, the non-diagonal elements of the elementary inverse matrices are
simply combined to form L. Our LU decomposition of A is therefore
    
−3 2 −1 1 0 0 −3 2 −1
 6 −6 7  =  −2 1 0  0 −2 5 .
    

3 −4 4 −1 1 1 0 0 −2


Problems for Lecture 14

1. Find the LU decomposition of
 
3−7 −2
 −3 5 1 .
 

6 −4 0

Solutions to the Problems

Lecture 15

Solving (LU)x = b
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The LU decomposition is useful when one needs to solve Ax = b for many right-hand-sides. With the
LU decomposition in hand, one writes

(LU)x = L(Ux) = b,

and lets y = Ux. Then we solve Ly = b for y by forward substitution, and Ux = y for x by backward
substitution. It is possible to show that for large matrices, solving (LU)x = b is substantially faster
than solving Ax = b directly.

We now illustrate the solution of LUx = b, with

     
1 0 0 −3 2 −1 −1
L =  −2 1 0 , U =  0 −2 5 , b =  −7 .
     

−1 1 1 0 0 −2 −6

With y = Ux, we first solve Ly = b, that is

    
1 0 0 y1 −1
 −2 1 0  y2  =  −7 .
    

−1 1 1 y3 −6

Using forward substitution

y1 = −1,
y2 = −7 + 2y1 = −9,
y3 = −6 + y1 − y2 = 2.

We then solve Ux = y, that is

    
−3 2 −1 x1 −1
 0 −2 5  x2  =  −9 .
    

0 0 −2 x3 2


Using back substitution,

x3 = −1,
x2 = − (−9 − 5x3 ) = 2,
x1 = − (−1 − 2x2 + x3 ) = 2,

and we have found    

x1 2
 x2  =  2 .
   

x3 −1

Problems for Lecture 15

1. Using
    
−7 −2
3 1 0 0 −7 −2
A =  −3 5 1 =  −1 1 0 0 −2 −1 = LU,
    

6 −4 0 2 −5 1 0 0 −1

compute the solution to Ax = b with

   
−3 1
(a) b =  3, (b) b = −1.
   

2 1

Solutions to the Problems

Practice quiz: LU decomposition
1. Which of the following is the elementary matrix that multiplies the second row of a four-by-four
matrix by 2 and adds the result to the third row?
 
1 0 0 0
 
2 1 0 0
a) 
 
0 0 1 0

0 0 0 1
 
1 0 0 0
 
0 1 2 0
b) 
 
0 0 1 0

0 0 0 1
 
1 0 0 0
 
0 1 0 0
c) 
 
 0 2 1 0 

0 0 0 1
 
1 0 0 0
 
0 1 0 0
d) 
0 0 1 0

 
2 0 0 1

 
3 −7 −2
2. Which of the following is the LU decomposition of −3 5 1?
 

6 −4 0
  
1 0 0 3 −7 −2
a) −1 1 0  0 −2 −1
  

2 −5 1/2 0 0 −2
  
1 0 0 3 −7 −2
b) −1 1 0 0 −2 −1
  

2 −5 1 0 0 −1
  
1 0 0 3 −7 −2
c) −1 2 −1 0 −1 −1
  

2 −10 6 0 0 −1
  
1 0 0 3 −7 −2
d) −1 1 0  0 −2 −1
  

4 −5 1 −6 14 3
     
1 0 0 3 −7 −2 1
3. Suppose L = −1 1 0, U = 0 −2 −1, and b = −1. Solve LUx = b by letting
     

2 −5 1 0 0 −1 1
y = Ux. The solutions for y and x are
   
−1 1/6
a) y =  0, x = 1/2
   

1 −1
   
1 −1/6
b) y =  0, x = −1/2
   

−1 1
   
1 1/6
c) y =  0, x = −1/2
   

−1 1
   
−1 −1/6
d) y =  0, x =  1/2
   

1 1

Solutions to the Practice quiz

Week III

Vector spaces


In this week’s lectures, we learn about vector spaces. A vector space consists of a set of vectors
and a set of scalars that is closed under vector addition and scalar multiplication and that satisfies
the usual rules of arithmetic. We will learn some of the vocabulary and phrases of linear algebra,
such as linear independence, span, basis and dimension. We will learn about the four fundamental
subspaces of a matrix, the Gram-Schmidt process, orthogonal projection, and the matrix formulation
of the least-squares problem of drawing a straight line to fit noisy data.
Lecture 16

Vector spaces
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A vector space consists of a set of vectors and a set of scalars. Although vectors can be quite gen-
eral, for the purpose of this course we will only consider vectors that are real column matrices. The
set of scalars can either be the real or complex numbers, and here we will only consider real numbers.
For the set of vectors and scalars to form a vector space, the set of vectors must be closed under
vector addition and scalar multiplication. That is, when you multiply any two vectors in the set by
real numbers and add them, the resulting vector must still be in the set.
As an example, consider the set of vectors consisting of all three-by-one column matrices, and let u
and v be two of these vectors. Let w = au + bv be the sum of these two vectors multiplied by the real
numbers a and b. If w is still a three-by-one matrix, that is, w is in the set of vectors consisting of all
three-by-one column matrices, then this set of vectors is closed under scalar multiplication and vector
addition, and is indeed a vector space. The proof is rather simple. If we let
   
u1 v1
u =  u2  , v =  v2  ,
   

u3 v3

then  
au1 + bv1
w = au + bv =  au2 + bv2 
 

au3 + bv3

is evidently a three-by-one matrix, so that the set of all three-by-one matrices (together with the set of
real numbers) is a vector space. This space is usually called R3 .
Our main interest in vector spaces is to determine the vector spaces associated with matrices. There
are four fundamental vector spaces of an m-by-n matrix A. They are called the null space, the column
space, the row space, and the left null space. We will meet these vector spaces in later lectures.


Problems for Lecture 16

1. Explain why the zero vector must be a member of every vector space.

2. Explain why the following sets of three-by-one matrices (with real number scalars) are vector spaces:

(a) The set of three-by-one matrices with zero in the first row;

(b) The set of three-by-one matrices with first row equal to the second row;

(c) The set of three-by-one matrices with first row a constant multiple of the third row.

Solutions to the Problems

Lecture 17

Linear independence
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The set of vectors, {u1 , u2 , . . . , un }, are linearly independent if for any scalars c1 , c2 , . . . , cn , the equation

c1 u1 + c2 u2 + · · · + cn un = 0

has only the solution c1 = c2 = · · · = cn = 0. What this means is that one is unable to write any of
the vectors u1 , u2 , . . . , un as a linear combination of any of the other vectors. For instance, if there was
a solution to the above equation with c1 ̸= 0, then we could solve that equation for u1 in terms of the
other vectors with nonzero coefficients.
As an example consider whether the following three three-by-one column vectors are linearly
     
1 0 2
u = 0 , v = 1 , w = 3 .
     

0 0 0

Indeed, they are not linearly independent, that is, they are linearly dependent, because w can be written
in terms of u and v. In fact, w = 2u + 3v.
Now consider the three three-by-one column vectors given by
     
1 0 0
u = 0 , v = 1 , w = 0 .
     

0 0 1

These three vectors are linearly independent because you cannot write any one of these vectors as a
linear combination of the other two. If we go back to our definition of linear independence, we can
see that the equation
   
a 0
au + bv + cw = b = 0
   

b 0

has as its only solution a = b = c = 0.


Problems for Lecture 17

1. Which of the following sets of vectors are linearly independent?
     
 1
 1 0 
(a) 1 , 0 , 1
     
 
0 1 1
 

     
 −1
 1 1 
(b)  1 , −1 ,  1
     
 
1 1 −1
 

     
 0
 1 1 
(c) 1 , 0 , 1
     
 
0 1 1
 

Solutions to the Problems

Lecture 18

Span, basis and dimension

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Given a set of vectors, one can generate a vector space by forming all linear combinations of that
set of vectors. The span of the set of vectors {v1 , v2 , . . . , vn } is the vector space consisting of all linear
combinations of v1 , v2 , . . . , vn . We say that a set of vectors spans a vector space.
For example, the set of vectors given by
     
 1
 0 2 
0 , 1 , 3
     
 
0 0 0
 

spans the vector space of all three-by-one matrices with zero in the third row. This vector space is a
vector subspace of all three-by-one matrices.
One doesn’t need all three of these vectors to span this vector subspace because any one of these
vectors is linearly dependent on the other two. The smallest set of vectors needed to span a vector
space forms a basis for that vector space. Here, given the set of vectors above, we can construct a basis
for the vector subspace of all three-by-one matrices with zero in the third row by simply choosing two
out of three vectors from the above spanning set. Three possible bases are given by
           
 1
 0 
  1
 2 
  0
 2 

0 , 1 , 0 , 3 , 1 , 3 .
           
     
0 0 0 0 0 0
     

Although all three combinations form a basis for the vector subspace, the first combination is usually
preferred because this is an orthonormal basis. The vectors in this basis are mutually orthogonal and
of unit norm.
The number of vectors in a basis gives the dimension of the vector space. Here, the dimension of
the vector space of all three-by-one matrices with zero in the third row is two.


Problems for Lecture 18

1. Find an orthonormal basis for the vector space of all three-by-one matrices with first row equal to
second row. What is the dimension of this vector space?

Solutions to the Problems

Practice quiz: Vector space definitions
1. Which set of three-by-one matrices (with real number scalars) is not a vector space?

a) The set of three-by-one matrices with zero in the second row.

b) The set of three-by-one matrices with the sum of all the rows equal to one.

c) The set of three-by-one matrices with the first row equal to the third row.

d) The set of three-by-one matrices with the first row equal to the sum of the second and third rows.

2. Which of the following sets of vectors are linearly independent?

     
 1
 0 1 
a) 0 , 1 , −1
     
 
0 0 0
 

     
 2
 1 4 
b) 1 , −1 ,  6
     
 
1 2 −2
 

     

 1 0 1 
c)  0 ,  1 , −1
     
 
−1 −1 0
 

     
 3
 3 2 
d) 2 , 1 , 1
     
 
1 2 0
 


3. Which of the following is an orthonormal basis for the vector space of all three-by-one matrices
with the sum of all rows equal to zero?
    
 1 1 −1 
  1  
 
a) √  −1 , √  1
 2
 2 
0 0

    
 1 1 1 
  1  
 
b) √  −1 , √  1
 2
 6 
0 −2

      
 1 1 1 0 
  1   1  
 
c) √  −1 , √  0 , √  1
 2
 2 2 
0 −1 −1

      
 1 2 −1 −1 
  1   1  
 
d) √  −1 , √  2 , √  −1
 6
 6 6 
−1 −1 2

Solutions to the Practice quiz

Lecture 19

Gram-Schmidt process
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Given any basis for a vector space, we can use an algorithm called the Gram-Schmidt process to
construct an orthonormal basis for that space. Let the vectors v1 , v2 , . . . , vn be a basis for some n-
dimensional vector space. We will assume here that these vectors are column matrices, but this process
also applies more generally.
We will construct an orthogonal basis u1 , u2 , . . . , un , and then normalize each vector to obtain an
orthonormal basis. First, define u1 = v1 . To find the next orthogonal basis vector, define

(uT1 v2 )u1
u2 = v2 − .
uT1 u1

Observe that u2 is equal to v2 minus the component of v2 that is parallel to u1 . By multiplying both
sides of this equation with uT1 , it is easy to see that uT1 u2 = 0 so that these two vectors are orthogonal.
The next orthogonal vector in the new basis can be found from

(uT1 v3 )u1 (uT2 v3 )u2

u 3 = v3 − − .
uT1 u1 uT2 u2

Here, u3 is equal to v3 minus the components of v3 that are parallel to u1 and u2 . We can continue in
this fashion to construct n orthogonal basis vectors. These vectors can then be normalized via

b1 =
u T
, etc.
(u1 u1 )1/2

Since uk is a linear combination of v1 , v2 , . . . , vk , the vector subspace spanned by the first k basis
vectors of the original vector space is the same as the subspace spanned by the first k orthonormal
vectors generated through the Gram-Schmidt process. We can write this result as

span{u1 , u2 , . . . , uk } = span{v1 , v2 , . . . , vk }.


Problems for Lecture 19

1. Suppose the four basis vectors {v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 } are given, and one performs the Gram-Schmidt pro-
cess on these vectors in order. Write down the equation to find the fourth orthogonal vector u4 . Do
not normalize.

Solutions to the Problems

Lecture 20

Gram-Schmidt process example

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As an example of the Gram-Schmidt process, consider a subspace of three-by-one column matrices

with the basis    
 1
 0 
{v1 , v2 } = 1 , 1 ,
   
 
1 1
 

and construct an orthonormal basis for this subspace. Let u1 = v1 . Then u2 is found from

(uT1 v2 )u1
u2 = v2 −
uT1 u1
     
0 1 −2
  2  1 
= 1 − 1 =  1 .
3 3
1 1 1

Normalizing the two vectors, we obtain the orthonormal basis

    

 1 1 −2 
1  
{u b 2 } = √ 1 ,
b1 , u √  1 .
 
 3
 6 
1 1

Notice that the initial two vectors v1 and v2 span the vector subspace of three-by-one column matri-
ces for which the second and third rows are equal. Clearly, the orthonormal basis vectors constructed
from the Gram-Schmidt process span the same subspace.


Problems for Lecture 20

1. Consider the vector subspace of three-by-one column vectors with the third row equal to the nega-
tive of the second row, and with the following given basis:
   

 0 1 

W =  1 ,  1 .
   
 
−1 −1
 

Use the Gram-Schmidt process to construct an orthonormal basis for this subspace.

2. Consider a subspace of all four-by-one column vectors with the following basis:
     
 1

 0 0 

      
1 1 0 
W =  , ,  .
     

 1 1 1  

 1 
1 1 

Use the Gram-Schmidt process to construct an orthonormal basis for this subspace.

Solutions to the Problems

Practice quiz: Gram-Schmidt process
(uT1 v4 )u1 (uT2 v4 )u2 (uT3 v4 )u3
1. In the fourth step of the Gram-Schmidt process, the vector u4 = v4 − − −
uT1 u1 uT2 u2 uT3 u3
is always perpendicular to

a) v1

b) v2

c) v3

d) v4
( ! !)
1 1
2. The Gram-Schmidt process applied to {v1 , v2 } = , results in
1 −1
( ! !)
1 1 1 1
a) {u b2 } = √
b1 , u ,√
2 1 2 −1
( ! !)
1 1 0
b) {u b2 } = √
b1 , u ,
2 1 0
( ! !)
1 0
c) {u b2 } =
b1 , u ,
0 1
( ! !)
1 1 1 2
d) {u b2 } =
b1 , u √ ,√
3 2 3 −1

   

 1 0 

3. The Gram-Schmidt process applied to {v1 , v2 } =  1 ,  1 results in
   
 
−1 −1
 

    
 1 1 0 
  1  
 
a) {u b 2 } = √  1 , √ 1
b1 , u
 3
 2 
−1 1

    
 1 1 −2 
  1  
 
b) {u b 2 } = √  1 , √  1
b1 , u
 3
 6 
−1 −1

    
 1 1 1 
  1  
 
c) {u b 2 } = √  1 , √  −1
b1 , u
 3 2 
−1 0
 

    
 1 1 1 
 
d) {u b2 } =
b1 , u √  1 , √ 0
   
 3
 2 
−1 1

Solutions to the Practice quiz

Lecture 21

Null space

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The null space of a matrix A, which we denote as Null(A), is the vector space spanned by all column
vectors x that satisfy the matrix equation
Ax = 0.

Clearly, if x and y are in the null space of A, then so is ax + by so that the null space is closed under
vector addition and scalar multiplication. If the matrix A is m-by-n, then Null(A) is a vector subspace
of all n-by-one column matrices. If A is a square invertible matrix, then Null(A) consists of just the
zero vector.

To find a basis for the null space of a noninvertible matrix, we bring A to reduced row echelon
form. We demonstrate by example. Consider the three-by-five matrix given by
 
−3 6 −1 1 −7
A =  1 −2 2 3 −1 .
 

2 −4 5 8 −4

By judiciously permuting rows to simplify the arithmetic, one pathway to construct rref(A) is
     
−3 6 −1 1 −7 1 −2 2 3 −1 1 −2 2 3 −1
 1 −2 2 3 −1 →  −3 6 −1 1 −7 → 0 0 5 10 −10 →
     

2 −4 5 8 −4 2 −4 5 8 −4 0 0 1 2 −2
   
1 −2 2 3 −1 1 −2 0 −1 3
0 0 1 2 −2  → 0 0 1 2 −2 .
   

0 0 5 10 −10 0 0 0 0 0

We call the variables associated with the pivot columns, x1 and x3 , basic variables, and the variables
associated with the non-pivot columns, x2 , x4 and x5 , free variables. Writing the basic variables on the
left-hand side of the Ax = 0 equations, we have from the first and second rows

x1 = 2x2 + x4 − 3x5 ,
x3 = −2x4 + 2x5 .


Eliminating x1 and x3 , we can write the general solution for vectors in Null(A) as
       
2x2 + x4 − 3x5 2 1 −3
x2 1  0  0
       
 
       
 −2x4 + 2x5  = x2 0 + x4  −2 + x5  2 ,
       
x4 0  1  0
       
 
x5 0 0 1

where the free variables x2 , x4 , and x5 can take any values. By writing the null space in this form, a
basis for Null(A) is made evident, and is given by
     

 2 1 −3 
  
1  0  0 

     

 
     
0 ,  −2 ,  2 .
      
0  1  0 

      

 

 
0 0 1
 

The null space of A is seen to be a three-dimensional subspace of all five-by-one column matrices. In
general, the dimension of Null(A) is equal to the number of non-pivot columns of rref(A).

Problems for Lecture 21

1. Determine a basis for the null space of
 
1 1 1 0
A = 1 1 0 1 .
 

1 0 1 1

Solutions to the Problems

Lecture 22

Application of the null space

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An underdetermined system of linear equations Ax = b with more unknowns than equations may
not have a unique solution. If u is the general form of a vector in the null space of A, and v is any
vector that satisfies Av = b, then x = u + v satisfies Ax = A(u + v) = Au + Av = 0 + b = b. The
general solution of Ax = b can therefore be written as the sum of a general vector in Null(A) and a
particular vector that satisfies the underdetermined system.
As an example, suppose we want to find the general solution to the linear system of two equations
and three unknowns given by

2x1 + 2x2 + x3 = 0,
2x1 − 2x2 − x3 = 1,

which in matrix form is given by

 
!x1 !
2 2 1   0
 x2  = .
2 −2 −1 1

We first bring the augmented matrix to reduced row echelon form:

! !
2 2 1 0 1 0 0 1/4
→ .
2 −2 −1 1 0 1 1/2 −1/4

The null space is determined from x1 = 0 and x2 = − x3 /2, and we can write
 

 0 

Null(A) = span −1 .
 
 
 

A particular solution for the inhomogeneous system is found by solving x1 = 1/4 and x2 + x3 /2 =
−1/4. Here, we simply take the free variable x3 to be zero, and we find x1 = 1/4 and x2 = −1/4. The
general solution to the original underdetermined linear system is the sum of the null space and the
particular solution and is given by
     
x1 0 1
  1 
 x2  = a  −1 +  −1 .
 
x3 2 0


Problems for Lecture 22

1. Find the general solution to the system of equations given by

−3x1 + 6x2 − x3 + x4 = −7,

x1 − 2x2 + 2x3 + 3x4 = −1,
2x1 − 4x2 + 5x3 + 8x4 = −4.

Solutions to the Problems

Lecture 23

Column space
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The column space of a matrix is the vector space spanned by the columns of the matrix. When a
matrix is multiplied by a column vector, the resulting vector is in the column space of the matrix, as
can be seen from ! ! ! ! !
a b x ax + by a b
= =x +y .
c d y cx + dy c d

In general, Ax is a linear combination of the columns of A. Given an m-by-n matrix A, what is the
dimension of the column space of A, and how do we find a basis? Note that since A has m rows, the
column space of A is a subspace of all m-by-one column matrices.
Fortunately, a basis for the column space of A can be found from rref(A). Consider the example
   
−3 6 −1 1 −7 −2 1 0 −1 3
A =  1 −2 2 3 −1 , rref(A) = 0 0 1 2 −2 .
   

2 −4 5 8 −4 0 0 0 0 0

The matrix equation Ax = 0 expresses the linear dependence of the columns of A, and row operations
on A do not change the dependence relations. For example, the second column of A above is −2 times
the first column, and after several row operations, the second column of rref(A) is still −2 times the
first column.
It should be self-evident that only the pivot columns of rref(A) are linearly independent, and the
dimension of the column space of A is therefore equal to its number of pivot columns; here it is two.
A basis for the column space is given by the first and third columns of A, (not rref(A)), and is
   
 −3
 −1 
 1 ,  2 .
   
 
2 5
 

Recall that the dimension of the null space is the number of non-pivot columns—equal to the
number of free variables—so that the sum of the dimensions of the null space and the column space
is equal to the total number of columns. A statement of this theorem is as follows. Let A be an m-by-n
matrix. Then
dim(Col(A)) + dim(Null(A)) = n.


Problems for Lecture 23

1. Determine the dimension and find a basis for the column space of
 
1 1 1 0
A = 1 1 0 1 .
 

1 0 1 1

Solutions to the Problems

Lecture 24

Row space, left null space and rank

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In addition to the column space and the null space, a matrix A has two more vector spaces asso-
ciated with it, namely the column space and null space of AT , which are called the row space and the
left null space.
If A is an m-by-n matrix, then the row space and the null space are subspaces of all n-by-one
column matrices, and the column space and the left null space are subspaces of all m-by-one column
The null space consists of all vectors x such that Ax = 0, that is, the null space is the set of all
vectors that are orthogonal to the row space of A. We say that these two vector spaces are orthogonal.
A basis for the row space of a matrix can be found from computing rref(A), and is found to be
rows of rref(A) (written as column vectors) with pivot columns. The dimension of the row space of A
is therefore equal to the number of pivot columns, while the dimension of the null space of A is equal
to the number of nonpivot columns. The union of these two subspaces make up the vector space of all
n-by-one matrices and we say that these subspaces are orthogonal complements of each other.
Furthermore, the dimension of the column space of A is also equal to the number of pivot columns,
so that the dimensions of the column space and the row space of a matrix are equal. We have

dim(Col(A)) = dim(Row(A)).

We call this dimension the rank of the matrix A. This is an amazing result since the column space and
row space are subspaces of two different vector spaces. In general, we must have rank(A) ≤ min(m, n).
When the equality holds, we say that the matrix is of full rank. And when A is a square matrix and of
full rank, then the dimension of the null space is zero and A is invertible.


Problems for Lecture 24

1. Find a basis for the column space, row space, null space and left null space of the four-by-five
matrix A, where  
2−1 31 2
 
 −1 −1 0 −1 1
A= 
 1
 2 − 1 1 1 

1 −2 3 −1 −3

Check to see that null space is the orthogonal complement of the row space, and the left null space is
the orthogonal complement of the column space. Find rank(A). Is this matrix of full rank?

Solutions to the Problems

Practice quiz: Fundamental subspaces
 
1 2 0 1
1. Which of the following sets of vectors form a basis for the null space of 2 4 1 1?
 

3 6 1 1
   
 −2

 4 

    
 1  −2 
a)   ,  
   

  0  0  

 
 0 0 
 
 0 

 
 
 0 
b)  
 
 0 
 

 

 0 
 
  0 

 
 
  0  
c)  
 

  −3 

 
 2 
 

 −2 

 
 1 
d)  
  0 
  
 

 
 0 


2. The general solution to the system of equations given by

x1 + 2x2 + x4 = 1,
2x1 + 4x2 + x3 + x4 = 1,
3x1 + 6x2 + x3 + x4 = 1,

   
0 −2
   
0  1
a) 0 +  0
a   
   
1 0
   
−2 0
   
 1 0
b)  0 + 0
a   
   
0 1
   
0 0
   
0  0
c) 0 +  −3
a   
   
1 2
   
0 0
   
 0 0
d)  −3 + 0
a   
   
2 1
 
1 2 0 1
3. What is the rank of the matrix 2 4 1 1?
 

3 6 1 1

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

Solutions to the Practice quiz

Lecture 25

Orthogonal projections
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Suppose that V is an n-dimensional vector space and W is a p-dimensional subspace of V. For fa-
miliarity, we assume here that all vectors are column matrices of fixed size. Let v be a vector in V and
let {s1 , s2 , . . . , s p } be an orthonormal basis for W. In general, the orthogonal projection of a vector v in
V onto the subspace W is given by

vprojW = (vT s1 )s1 + (vT s2 )s2 + · · · + (vT s p )s p ;

and by adding and subtracting vprojW , we can write

v = vprojW + (v − vprojW ),

where vprojW is a vector in W and (v − vprojW ) is a vector orthogonal to W.

We can be more concrete. Using the Gram-Schmidt process, it is possible to construct a basis for
the vector space V consisting of all the orthonormal basis vectors for the subspace W together with
whatever remaining orthonormal vectors are required to span V. Write this basis for the n-dimensional
vector space V as {s1 , s2 , . . . , s p , t1 , t2 , . . . , tn− p }. Then any vector v in V can be written as

v = a1 s1 + a2 s2 + · · · + a p s p + b1 t1 + b2 t2 + bn− p tn− p .

Using the orthonormality of the basis vectors, the orthogonal projection of v onto W in then seen to be

vprojW = a1 s1 + a2 s2 + · · · + a p s p ,

that is, the part of v that lies in W.

The vector vprojW is the vector in W that is closest to v. Let w be any vector in W different than
vprojW , and expand w in terms of the basis vectors for W:

w = c1 s1 + c2 s2 + · · · + c p s p .

The distance between v and w is given by the norm ||v − w||, and we have

||v − w||2 = ( a1 − c1 )2 + ( a2 − c2 )2 + · · · + ( a p − c p )2 + b12 + b22 + · · · + bn2 − p

≥ b12 + b22 + · · · + bn2 − p = ||v − vprojW ||2 ,

or ||v − vprojW || ≤ ||v − w||, a result that will be used later in the problem of least squares.


Problems for Lecture 25

     
a  1
 0 

1. Find the general orthogonal projection of v onto W, where v = b and W = span 1 , 1 .
     
 
c 1 1
 
   
1 0
What are the projections when v = 0 and when v = 1?
   

0 0

Solutions to the Problems

Lecture 26

The least-squares problem

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Suppose there is some experimental data that you want to fit by a straight line. This is called a
linear regression problem and an illustrative example is shown below.

Linear regression

In general, let the data consist of a set of n points given by ( x1 , y1 ), ( x2 , y2 ), . . . , ( xn , yn ). Here, we

assume that the x values are exact, and the y values are noisy. We further assume that the best fit line
to the data takes the form y = β 0 + β 1 x. Although we know that the line will not go through all of the
data points, we can still write down the equations as if it does. We have

y1 = β 0 + β 1 x1 , y2 = β 0 + β 1 x2 , ..., yn = β 0 + β 1 xn .

These equations constitute a system of n equations in the two unknowns β 0 and β 1 . The corresponding
matrix equation is given by
   
1 x1 y1
1 x2   y2 
   
. .. 
 =
 ..  .

. .  β1 .
1 xn yn

This is an overdetermined system of equations with no solution. The problem of least squares is to
find the best solution.
We can generalize this problem as follows. Suppose we are given a matrix equation, Ax = b, that
has no solution because b is not in the column space of A. So instead we solve Ax = bprojCol(A) , where
bprojCol(A) is the projection of b onto the column space of A. The solution is then called the least-squares
solution for x.


Problems for Lecture 26

1. Suppose we have data points given by ( xn , yn ) = (0, 1), (1, 3), (2, 3), and (3, 4). If the data is to be
fit by the line y = β 0 + β 1 x, write down the overdetermined matrix equation for β 0 and β 1 .

Solutions to the Problems

Lecture 27

Solution of the least-squares problem

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We want to find the least-squares solution to an overdetermined matrix equation Ax = b. We write

b = bprojCol(A) + (b − bprojCol(A) ), where bprojCol(A) is the projection of b onto the column space of A. Since
(b − bprojCol(A) ) is orthogonal to the column space of A, it is in the nullspace of AT . Multiplication of
the overdetermined matrix equation by AT then results in a solvable set of equations, called the normal
equations for Ax = b, given by
AT Ax = AT b.

A unique solution to this matrix equation exists when the columns of A are linearly independent.
An interesting formula exists for the matrix which projects b onto the column space of A. Multi-
plying the normal equations on the left by A(AT A)−1 , we obtain

Ax = A(AT A)−1 AT b = bprojCol(A) .

Notice that the projection matrix P = A(AT A)−1 AT satisfies P2 = P, that is, two projections is the
same as one. If A itself is a square invertible matrix, then P = I and b is already in the column space
of A.
As an example of the application of the normal equations, consider the toy least-squares problem of
fitting a line through the three data points (1, 1), (2, 3) and (3, 2). With the line given by y = β 0 + β 1 x,
the overdetermined system of equations is given by
   
1 1 ! 1
1 2 = 3 .
   
1 3 2

The least-squares solution is determined by solving

   
! 1 1 ! ! 1
1 1 1  β0 1 1 1  
1 2 = 3 ,

1 2 3 β1 1 2 3
1 3 2

or ! ! !
3 6 β0 6
= .
6 14 β1 13

We can using Gaussian elimination to determine β 0 = 1 and β 1 = 1/2, and the least-squares line is
given by y = 1 + x/2. The graph of the data and the line is shown below.



1 2 3

Solution of a toy least-squares problem.


Problems for Lecture 27

1. Suppose we have data points given by ( xn , yn ) = (0, 1), (1, 3), (2, 3), and (3, 4). By solving the
normal equations, fit the data by the line y = β 0 + β 1 x.

Solutions to the Problems

Practice quiz: Orthogonal projections
     
0 
 0 −2 

1. Which vector is the orthogonal projection of v = 0 onto W = span  1 ,  1 ?
     
 
1 −1 1
 

 
1 
a)  1
 
1 
b) −1
 
1 
c)  −1
 
1 
d)  1

2. Suppose we have data points given by ( xn , yn ) = (1, 1), (2, 1), and (3, 3). If the data is to be fit by
the line y = β 0 + β 1 x, which is the overdetermined equation for β 0 and β 1 ?
   
1 1 ! 1
 β0
a) 1 1 = 2
  
3 1 3
   
1 1 ! 1
b) 2 1 = 1
   
3 1 3
   
1 1 ! 1
c) 1 1 = 2
   
1 3 3
   
1 1 ! 1
d) 1 2 = 1
   
1 3 3


3. Suppose we have data points given by ( xn , yn ) = (1, 1), (2, 1), and (3, 3). Which is the best fit line
to the data?
a) y = +x
b) y = − + x
c) y = 1 + x
d) y = 1 − x
Solutions to the Practice quiz
Week IV

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors


In this week’s lectures, we will learn about determinants and the eigenvalue problem. We will
learn how to compute determinants using a Laplace expansion, the Leibniz formula, or by row or
column elimination. We will formulate the eigenvalue problem and learn how to find the eigenvalues
and eigenvectors of a matrix. We will learn how to diagonalize a matrix using its eigenvalues and
eigenvectors, and how this leads to an easy calculation of a matrix raised to a power.
Lecture 28

Two-by-two and three-by-three

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We already showed that a two-by-two matrix A is invertible when its determinant is nonzero, where

a b
det A = = ad − bc.

c d

If A is invertible, then the equation Ax = b has the unique solution x = A−1 b. But if A is not invertible,
then Ax = b may have no solution or an infinite number of solutions. When det A = 0, we say that
the matrix A is singular.
It is also straightforward to define the determinant for a three-by-three matrix. We consider the
system of equations Ax = 0 and determine the condition for which x = 0 is the only solution. With
  
a b c x1
d e f   x2  = 0,
  

g h i x3

one can do the messy algebra of elimination to solve for x1 , x2 , and x3 . One finds that x1 = x2 = x3 = 0
is the only solution when det A ̸= 0, where the definition, apart from a constant, is given by

det A = aei + b f g + cdh − ceg − bdi − a f h.

An easy way to remember this result is to mentally draw the following picture:
   
 a b c a b   a b c a b 
   
 d e f d e 
 —  d e f d e 

 
   
   
g h i g h g h i g h

The matrix A is periodically extended two columns to the right, drawn explicitly here but usually only
imagined. Then the six terms comprising the determinant are made evident, with the lines slanting
down towards the right getting the plus signs and the lines slanting down towards the left getting the
minus signs. Unfortunately, this mnemonic only works for three-by-three matrices.


Problems for Lecture 28

1. Find the determinant of the three-by-three identity matrix.

2. Show that the three-by-three determinant changes sign when the first two rows are interchanged.

3. Let A and B be two-by-two matrices. Prove by direct computation that det AB = det A det B.

Solutions to the Problems

Lecture 29

Laplace expansion
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There is a way to write the three-by-three determinant that generalizes. It is called a Laplace expansion
(also called a cofactor expansion or expansion by minors). For the three-by-three determinant, we have

a b c

d e f = aei + b f g + cdh − ceg − bdi − a f h

g h i
= a(ei − f h) − b(di − f g) + c(dh − eg),

which can be written suggestively as

a b c
e f d f d e
d e f = a −b +c .

h i g i g h
g h i

Evidently, the three-by-three determinant can be computed from lower-order two-by-two determi-
nants, called minors. The rule here for a general n-by-n matrix is that one goes across the first row of
the matrix, multiplying each element in the row by the determinant of the matrix obtained by crossing
out that element’s row and column, and adding the results with alternating signs.
In fact, this expansion in minors can be done across any row or down any column. When the minor
is obtained by deleting the ith-row and j-th column, then the sign of the term is given by (−1)i+ j . An
easy way to remember the signs is to form a checkerboard pattern, exhibited here for the three-by-three
and four-by-four matrices:  
  + − + −
+ − +  
− + − +
− + − , .
  
+ − + −
+ − +
 
− + − +

Example: Compute the determinant of

 
1 0 0 −1
 
3 0 0 5
A= .
 2 4 −3
1 0 5 0

We first expand in minors down the second column. The only nonzero contribution comes from the


two in the third row, and we cross out the second column and third row (and multiply by a minus
sign) to obtain a three-by-three determinant:

1 0 0 −1
1 0 −1

3 0 0 5
= − 2 3 0 5 .

2 2 4 −3

5 0

1 0 5 0

We then again expand in minors down the second column. The only nonzero contribution comes
from the five in the third row, and we cross out the second column and third row (and mutiply by a
minus sign) to obtain a two-by-two determinant, which we then compute:

0 −1
1 −1

−2 3 0 5 = 10 = 80.

3 5
1 5 0

The trick here is to expand by minors across the row or column containing the most zeros.

Problems for Lecture 29

1. Compute the determinant of
 
6 3 2 4 0
 9 0 4 1 0
 
 
 8 −5 6 7 −2.
 −2 0 0 0 0
 

4 0 3 2 0

Solutions to the Problems

Lecture 30

Leibniz formula
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Another way to generalize the three-by-three determinant is called the Leibniz formula, or more de-
scriptively, the big formula. The three-by-three determinant can be written as

a b c

d e f = aei − a f h + b f g − bdi + cdh − ceg,

g h i

where each term in the formula contains a single element from each row and from each column. For
example, to obtain the third term b f g, b comes from the first row and second column, f comes from
the second row and third column, and g comes from the third row and first column. As we can choose
one of three elements from the first row, then one of two elements from the second row, and only
one element from the third row, there are 3! = 6 terms in the formula, and the general n-by-n matrix
without any zero entries will have n! terms.
The sign of each term depends on whether the choice of columns as we go down the rows is an even
or odd permutation of the columns ordered as {1, 2, 3, . . . , n}. An even permutation is when columns
are interchanged an even number of times, and an odd permutation is when they are interchanged an
odd number of times. Even permutations get a plus sign and odd permutations get a minus sign.
For the determinant of the three-by-three matrix, the plus terms aei, b f g, and cdh correspond to
the column orderings {1, 2, 3}, {2, 3, 1}, and {3, 1, 2}, which are even permutations of {1, 2, 3}, and
the minus terms a f h, bdi, and ceg correspond to the column orderings {1, 3, 2}, {2, 1, 3}, and {3, 2, 1},
which are odd permutations.


Problems for Lecture 30

1. Using the Leibniz formula, compute the determinant of the following four-by-four matrix:
 
a b c d
 
e f 0 0
A= .
 g h 0
0 0 i j

Solutions to the Problems

Lecture 31

Properties of a determinant
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The determinant is a function that maps a square matrix to a scalar. It is uniquely defined by the
following three properties:
Property 1: The determinant of the identity matrix is one;
Property 2: The determinant changes sign under row interchange;
Property 3: The determinant is a linear function of the first row, holding all other rows fixed.
Using two-by-two matrices, the first two properties are illustrated by

1 0 a b c d
=1 and = − ;

0 1 c d a b

and the third property is illustrated by

ka kb a b a + a′ b + b′ a b a′ b′
= k and = + .

c d c d c d c d c d

Both the Laplace expansion and Leibniz formula for the determinant can be proved from these three
properties. Other useful properties of the determinant can also be proved:
∙ The determinant is a linear function of any row, holding all other rows fixed;

∙ If a matrix has two equal rows, then the determinant is zero;

∙ If we add k times row-i to row-j, the determinant doesn’t change;

∙ The determinant of a matrix with a row of zeros is zero;

∙ A matrix with a zero determinant is not invertible;

∙ The determinant of a diagonal matrix is the product of the diagonal elements;

∙ The determinant of an upper or lower triangular matrix is the product of the diagonal elements;

∙ The determinant of the product of two matrices is equal to the product of the determinants;

∙ The determinant of the inverse matrix is equal to the reciprical of the determinant;

∙ The determinant of the transpose of a matrix is equal to the determinant of the matrix.
Notably, these properties imply that Gaussian elimination, done on rows or columns or both, can be
used to simplify the computation of a determinant. Row interchanges and multiplication of a row by
a constant change the determinant and must be treated correctly.


Problems for Lecture 31

1. Using the defining properties of a determinant, prove that if a matrix has two equal rows, then the
determinant is zero.

2. Using the defining properties of a determinant, prove that the determinant is a linear function of
any row, holding all other rows fixed.

3. Using the results of the above problems, prove that if we add k times row-i to row-j, the determinant
doesn’t change.

4. Use Gaussian elimination to find the determinant of the following matrix:

 
2 −1 0
A = 3 1 1 .
 

0 −1 1

Solutions to the Problems

Practice quiz: Determinants
 
−3 0 −2 0 0
 2 −2 −2 0 0
 
 
1. The determinant of 
 0 0 −2 0 0 is equal to
 3 0 −3 2 −3
 

−3 3 3 0 −2
a) 48

b) 42

c) −42

d) −48
 
a e 0 0
 
b f g 0
2. The determinant of 
 is equal to
 0 h i
d 0 0 j

a) a f hj + behj − cegj − degi

b) a f hj − behj + cegj − degi

c) agij − beij + ce f j − de f h

d) agij + beij − ce f j − de f h

3. Assume A and B are invertible n-by-n matrices. Which of the following identities is false?

a) det A−1 = 1/ det A

b) det AT = det A

c) det (A + B) = det A + det B

d) det (AB) = det A det B

Solutions to the Practice quiz

Lecture 32

The eigenvalue problem

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Let A be a square matrix, x a column vector, and λ a scalar. The eigenvalue problem for A solves

Ax = λx

for eigenvalues λi with corresponding eigenvectors xi . Making use of the identity matrix I, the eigen-
value problem can be rewritten as
(A − λI)x = 0,

where the matrix (A − λI) is just the matrix A with λ subtracted from its diagonal. For there to be
nonzero eigenvectors, the matrix (A − λI) must be singular, that is,

det (A − λI) = 0.

This equation is called the characteristic equation of the matrix A. From the Leibniz formula, the char-
acteristic equation of an n-by-n matrix is an n-th order polynomial equation in λ. For each found λi , a
corresponding eigenvector xi can be determined directly by solving (A − λi I)x = 0 for x.
For illustration, we compute the eigenvalues of a general two-by-two matrix. We have

a−λ b
0 = det (A − λI) = = ( a − λ)(d − λ) − bc = λ2 − ( a + d)λ + ( ad − bc);

c d−λ

and this characteristic equation can be rewritten as

λ2 − Tr A λ + det A = 0,

where Tr A is the trace, or sum of the diagonal elements, of the matrix A.

Since the characteristic equation of a two-by-two matrix is a quadratic equation, it can have either
(i) two distinct real roots; (ii) two distinct complex conjugate roots; or (iii) one degenerate real root.
More generally, eigenvalues can be real or complex, and an n-by-n matrix may have less than n distinct


Problems for Lecture 32

1. Using the formula for a three-by-three determinant, determine the characteristic equation for a
general three-by-three matrix A. This equation should be written as a cubic equation in λ.

Solutions to the Problems

Lecture 33

Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors

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We compute here the two real eigenvalues and eigenvectors ! of a two-by-two matrix.
0 1
Example: Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A = .
1 0
The characteristic equation of A is given by

λ2 − 1 = 0,

with solutions λ1 = 1 and λ2 = −1. The first eigenvector is found by solving (A − λ1 I)x = 0, or
! !
−1 1 x1
= 0.
1 −1 x2

The equation from the second row is just a constant multiple of the equation from the first row and
this will always be the case for two-by-two matrices. From the first row, say, we find x2 = x1 . The
second eigenvector is found by solving (A − λ2 I)x = 0, or
! !
1 1 x1
= 0,
1 1 x2

so that x2 = − x1 . The eigenvalues and eigenvectors are therefore given by

! !
1 1
λ1 = 1, x1 = ; λ2 = −1, x2 = .
1 −1

The eigenvectors can be multiplied by an arbitrary nonzero constant. Notice that λ1 + λ2 = Tr A and
that λ1 λ2 = det A, and analogous relations are true for any n-by-n matrix. In particular, comparing
the sum over all the eigenvalues and the matrix trace provides a simple algebra check.


Problems for Lecture 33

2 7
1. Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of .
7 2

2. Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of

 
2 1 0
A = 1 2 1 .
 

0 1 2

Solutions to the Problems

Lecture 34

Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors

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We compute some more eigenvalues and eigenvectors. !

0 1
Example: Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of B = .
0 0
The characteristic equation of B is given by

λ2 = 0,

so that there is a degenerate eigenvalue of zero. The eigenvector associated with the zero eigenvalue
is found from Bx = 0 and has zero second component. This matrix therefore has only one eigenvalue
and eigenvector, given by !
λ = 0, x = .
0 −1
Example: Find the eigenvalues of C = .
1 0
The characteristic equation of C is given by

λ2 + 1 = 0,

which has the imaginary solutions λ = ±i. Matrices with complex eigenvalues play an important role
in the theory of linear differential equations.


Problems for Lecture 34

1 1
1. Find the eigenvalues of .
−1 1

Solutions to the Problems

Practice quiz: The eigenvalue problem
1. Which of the following are the eigenvalues of ?
−1 2

3 3
a) ±

3 5
b) ±
2 2

1 3
c) ±
2 2

1 5
d) ±
2 2
3 −1
2. Which of the following are the eigenvalues of ?
1 3

a) 1 ± 3i

b) 1 ± 3

c) 3 3 ± 1

d) 3 ± i

 
2 1 0
3. Which of the following is an eigenvector of 1 2 1?
 

0 1 2
 
a) 0
 

 
√ 
b)  2
 
c) 1
 

√ 
d)  1 
 


Solutions to the Practice quiz

Lecture 35

Matrix diagonalization
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For concreteness, consider a two-by-two matrix A with eigenvalues and eigenvectors given by
! !
x11 x12
λ 1 , x1 = ; λ 2 , x2 = .
x21 x22

And consider the matrix product and factorization given by

! ! ! !
x11 x12 λ1 x11 λ2 x12 x11 x12 λ1 0
A = = .
x21 x22 λ1 x21 λ2 x22 x21 x22 0 λ2

Generalizing, we define S to be the matrix whose columns are the eigenvectors of A, and Λ to be
the diagonal matrix with eigenvalues down the diagonal. Then for any n-by-n matrix with n linearly
independent eigenvectors, we have
AS = SΛ,

where S is an invertible matrix. Multiplying both sides on the right or the left by S−1 , we derive the
A = SΛS−1 or Λ = S−1 AS.

To remember the order of the S and S−1 matrices in these formulas, just remember that A should be
multiplied on the right by the eigenvectors placed in the columns of S.


Problems for Lecture 35

1. Prove that the eigenvectors associated with distinct eigenvalues are linearly independent.

2. Prove that if the columns of an n-by-n matrix are linearly independent, then the matrix is invert-
ible. (A matrix whose columns are eigenvectors corresponding to distinct eigenvalues is therefore

Solutions to the Problems

Lecture 36

Matrix diagonalization example

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a b
Example: Diagonalize the matrix A = .
b a
The eigenvalues of A are determined from

a − λ b
det(A − λI) = = ( a − λ)2 − b2 = 0.

b a − λ

Solving for λ, the two eigenvalues are given by λ1 = a + b and λ2 = a − b. The corresponding
eigenvector for λ1 is found from (A − λ1 I)x1 = 0, or
! ! !
−b b x11 0
= ;
b −b x21 0

and the corresponding eigenvector for λ2 is found from (A − λ2 I)x2 = 0, or

! ! !
b b x12 0
= .
b b x22 0

Solving for the eigenvectors and normalizing them, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors are given by
! !
1 1 1 1
λ1 = a + b, x1 = √ ; λ2 = a − b, x2 = √ .
2 1 2 −1

The matrix S of eigenvectors can be seen to be orthogonal so that S−1 = ST . We then have
1 1 1
S= √ and S−1 = ST = S;
2 1 −1

and the diagonalization result is given by

! ! ! !
a+b 0 1 1 1 a b 1 1
= .
0 a−b 2 1 −1 b a 1 −1


Problems for Lecture 36

 
2 1 0
1. Diagonalize the matrix A = 1 2 1.
 

0 1 2

Solutions to the Problems

Lecture 37

Powers of a matrix
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Diagonalizing a matrix facilitates finding powers of that matrix. Suppose that A is diagonalizable,
and consider
A2 = (SΛS−1 )(SΛS−1 ) = SΛ2 S−1 ,

where in the two-by-two example, Λ2 is simply

! ! !
λ1 0 λ1 0 λ21 0
= .
0 λ2 0 λ2 0 λ22

In general, Λ p has the eigenvalues raised to the power of p down the diagonal, and

A p = SΛ p S−1 .


Problems for Lecture 37

1. From calculus, the exponential function is sometimes defined from the power series

1 2 1
ex = 1 + x + x + x3 + . . . .
2! 3!

In analogy, the matrix exponential of an n-by-n matrix A can be defined by

1 2 1
eA = I + A + A + A3 + . . . .
2! 3!

If A is diagonalizable, show that

eA = SeΛ S−1 ,

where  
e λ1 0 ... 0
0 e λ2 ... 0
 
 
e = .. .. .. .. .
 
 . . . 
0 0 ... eλn

Solutions to the Problems

Lecture 38

Powers of a matrix example

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a b
Example: Determine a general formula for , where n is a positive integer.
b a
We have previously determined that the matrix can be written as
! ! ! !
a b 1 1 1 a+b 0 1 1
= .
b a 2 1 −1 0 a−b 1 −1

Raising the matrix to the nth power, we obtain

!n ! ! !
a b 1 1 1 ( a + b)n 0 1 1
= .
b a 2 1 −1 0 ( a − b)n 1 −1

And multiplying the matrices, we obtain

!n !
a b 1 ( a + b)n + ( a − b)n ( a + b)n − ( a − b)n
= .
b a 2 ( a + b)n − ( a − b)n ( a + b)n + ( a − b)n


Problems for Lecture 38

1 −1
1. Determine , where n is a positive integer.
−1 1

Solutions to the Problems

Practice quiz: Matrix diagonalization
1. Let λ1 and λ2 be distinct eigenvalues of a two-by-two matrix A. Which of the following cannot be
the associated eigenvectors?
! !
1 0
a) x1 = , x2 =
0 1
! !
1 1
b) x1 = , x2 =
−1 1
! !
1 −1
c) x1 = , x2 =
−1 1
! !
1 2
d) x1 = , x2 =
2 1
0 1
2. Which matrix is equal to ?
1 0
0 0
0 0
1 1
1 1
0 1
1 0
1 0
0 1


3. Which matrix is equal to eI , where I is the two-by-two identity matrix?

e 0
0 e
1 0
0 1
0 e
e 0
0 1
1 0

Solutions to the Practice quiz

Appendix A

Problem and practice quiz solutions

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 1

 
    1 0 0
1 0 0 1 0 0 0  
0 1 0
a) 0 1 0 b) 0 1 0 0 c) 
    
0 0 1
0 0 1 0 0 1 0
 
0 0 0


Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 2

0 3
1. B − 2A = , 3C − E : not defined, AC : not defined,
0 −2 −4
! !
11 10 8 −10 −3
CD = , CB = .
10 11 10 −8 0

4 7
2. AB = AC = .
8 14

   
2 3 4 2 2 2
3. AD = 2 6 12 , DA = 3 6 9 .
   

2 9 16 4 12 16

n n p p n p
4. [A(BC)]ij = ∑ aik [BC]kj = ∑ ∑ aik bkl clj = ∑ ∑ aik bkl clj = ∑ [AB]il clj = [(AB)C)]ij .
k =1 k =1 l =1 l =1 k =1 l =1

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 3

! ! !
−1 2 2 4 0 0
1. =
4 −8 1 2 0 0

2. Let A be an m-by-p diagonal matrix, B a p-by-n diagonal matrix, and let C = AB. The ij element of
C is given by
cij = ∑ aik bkj .
k =1

Since A is a diagonal matrix, the only nonzero term in the sum is k = i and we have cij = aii bij . And
since B is a diagonal matrix, the only nonzero elements of C are the diagonal elements cii = aii bii .

3. Let A and B be n-by-n upper triangular matrices, and let C = AB. The ij element of C is given by

cij = ∑ aik bkj .
k =1

Since A and B are upper triangular, we have aik = 0 when k < i and bkj = 0 when k > j. Excluding the
zero terms from the summation, we have

cij = ∑ aik bkj ,
k =i

which is equal to zero when i > j proving that C is upper triangular. Furthermore, cii = aii bii .

Solutions to the Practice quiz: Matrix definitions

0 −1
1. d. With aij = i − j, we have a11 = a22 = 0, a12 = −1, and a21 = 1. Therefore A = .
1 0

! ! !
1 −1 −1 1 −2 2
2. a. =
−1 1 1 −1 2 −2

3. b. For upper triangular matrices A and B, aik = 0 when k < i and bkj = 0 when k > j.

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 4

1. Let A be an m-by-p matrix, B a p-by-n matrix, and C = AB an m-by-n matrix. We have

p p
cTij = c ji = ∑ a jk bki = ∑ bikT aTkj .
k =1 k =1

With CT = (AB)T , we have proved that (AB)T = BT AT .

2. The square matrix A + AT is symmetric, and the square matrix A − AT is skew symmetric. Using
these two matrices, we can write

1  1 
A= A + AT + A − AT .
2 2

3. Let A be a m-by-n matrix. Then using (AB)T = BT AT and (AT )T = A, we have

(AT A)T = AT A.

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 5

1.  
! a d !
T a b c a2 + b2 + c2 ad + be + c f
A A= b e = .
 
d e f ad + be + c f d2 + e2 + f 2
c f

2. Let A be an m-by-n matrix. Then

n n m m n
Tr(AT A) = ∑ (AT A) jj = ∑ ∑ aTji aij = ∑ ∑ a2ij ,
j =1 j =1 i =1 i =1 j =1

which is the sum of the squares of all the elements of A.


Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 6

! −1 ! ! −1 !
5 6 5 −6 6 4 1 −4
1. = and = .
4 5 −4 5 3 3 6 −3 6

2. From the definition of an inverse,

(AB)−1 (AB) = I.

Multiply on the right by B−1 , and then by A−1 , to obtain

(AB)−1 = B−1 A−1 .

3. We assume that A is invertible so that

AA−1 = I and A−1 A = I.

Taking the transpose of both sides of these two equations, using both IT = I and (AB)T = BT AT , we
(A−1 )T AT = I and AT (A−1 )T = I.

We can therefore conclude that AT is invertible and that (AT )−1 = (A−1 )T .

4. Let A be an invertible matrix, and suppose B and C are its inverse. To prove that B = C, we write

B = BI = B(AC) = (BA)C = C.

Solutions to the Practice quiz: Transpose and inverses

1. d. (ABC)T = ((AB)C)T = CT (AB)T = CT BT AT .

2. c. A symmetric matrix C satisfies CT = C. We can test all four matrices.

( A + AT ) T = AT + A = A + AT ;
(AAT )T = AAT ;
(A − AT )T = AT − A = −(A − AT );
(AT A)T = AT A.
Only the third matrix is not symmetric. It is a skew-symmetric matrix, where CT = −C.

3. a. Exchange the diagonal elements, negate the off-diagonal elements, and divide by the determinant.
! −1 !
2 2 1 2 −2
We have = .
1 2 2 −1 2

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 7

1. Let Q1 and Q2 be orthogonal matrices. Then

(Q1 Q2 )−1 = Q2−1 Q1−1 = QT2 QT1 = (Q1 Q2 )T .

2. Since I I = I, we have I−1 = I. And since IT = I, we have I−1 = IT and I is an orthogonal matrix.

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 8

cos θ sin θ
1. R(−θ ) = = R ( θ ) −1 .
− sin θ cos θ

2. The z-coordinate stays fixed, and the vector rotates an angle θ in the x-y plane. Therefore,
 
cos θ − sin θ 0
Rz =  sin θ cos θ 0 .
 

0 0 1

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 9

1.      
1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
P123 = 0 1 0 , P132 = 0 0 1 , P213 = 1 0 0 ,
     

0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1
     
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
P231 = 0 0 1 , P312 = 1 0 0 , P321 = 0 1 0 .
     

1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0

−1 −1 −1 −1
P123 = P123 , P132 = P132 , P213 = P213 , P321 = P321 ,
−1 −1
P231 = P312 , P312 = P231 .

The matrices that are their own inverses correspond to either no permutation or a single permutation
of rows (or columns), e.g., {1, 3, 2}, which permutes row (column) two and three. The matrices that are
not their own inverses correspond to two permutations, e.g., {2, 3, 1}, which permutes row (column)
one and two, and then two and three. For example, commuting rows by left multiplication, we have

P231 = P132 P213 ,

so that the inverse matrix is given by

−1 −1 −1
P231 = P213 P132 = P213 P132 .

Because matrices in general do not commute, P231 ̸= P231 . Note also that the permutation matrices
are orthogonal, so that the inverse matrices are equal to the transpose matrices. Therefore, only the
symmetric permutation matrices can be their own inverses.

Solutions to the Practice quiz: Orthogonal matrices

1. d. An!orthogonal matrix has orthonormal rows and columns. The rows and columns of the matrix
1 −1
are not orthonormal and therefore this matrix is not an orthogonal matrix.
0 0

2. a. The rotation matrix representing a counterclockwise rotation around the x-axis in the y-z plane
can be obtained from the rotation matrix representing a counterclockwise rotation around the z-axis in
the x-y plane by shifting the elements to the right one column and down one row, assuming a periodic
 
1 0 0
extension of the matrix. The result is 0 cos θ − sin θ .
 

0 sin θ cos θ

   
1 0 0 0 0 1
3. b. Interchange the rows of the identity matrix: 0 1 0 → 1 0 0.
   

0 0 1 0 1 0

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 10


(a) Row reduction of the augmented matrix proceeds as follows:

     
−7 −2 −7
3 3 −7 −2 −7 3 −7 −2 −7
 −3 5 1 5 → 0 −2 −1 −2  → 0 −2 −1 −2 .
     

6 −4 0 2 0 10 4 16 0 0 −1 6

Solution by back substitution is given by

x3 = −6,
x2 = − ( x3 − 2) = 4,
x1 = (7x2 + 2x3 − 7) = 3.

The solution is therefore    

x1 3
 x2  =  4 .
   

x3 −6

(b) Row reduction of the augmented matrix proceeds as follows:

     
−2 3
1 1 1 −2 3 1 1 −2 3 1
 −1 3 −1 −1 → 0 1 2 0 → 0 1 2 0 .
     

2 −5 5 1 0 −1 −1 −1 0 0 1 −1

Solution by back substitution is given by

x3 = −1,
x2 = −2x3 = 2,
x1 = 2x2 − 3x3 + 1 = 8.

The solution is therefore    

x1 8
 2   2 .
   

x3 −1

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 11


(a) Row reduction proceeds as follows:

     
−7 −2 −7
3 3 −7 −2 −7 3 0 3/2 0
A =  −3 5 1 5 → 0 −2 −1 −2  → 0 −2 −1 −2 →
     

6 −4 0 2 0 10 4 16 0 0 −1 6
   
3 0 0 9 1 0 0 3
0 −2 0 −8 → 0 1 0 4 .
   

0 0 −1 6 0 0 1 −6

Here, columns one, two, and three are pivot columns.

(b) Row reduction proceeds as follows:

       
1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 0
A = 2 4 1 → 0 0 −1 → 0 0 1 → 0 0 1 .
       

3 6 2 0 0 −1 0 0 −1 0 0 0

Here, columns one and three are pivot columns.


Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 12

   
3 −7 −2 1 0 0 −7 −2
3 1 0 0
− 3 5 1 0 1 0 →  0 −2 −1 1 1 0 →
   

6 −4 0 0 0 1 0 10 4 −2 0 1
   
3 0 3/2 −5/2 −7/2 0 3 0 3/2 −5/2 −7/2 0
0 −2 −1 1 1 0 → 0 −2 −1 1 1 0 →
   

0 0 −1 3 5 1 0 0 −1 3 5 1
 
1 0 0 2/3 4/3 1/2
0 1 0 1 2 1/2 .
 

0 0 1 −3 −5 −1

  −1  
3−7 −2 2/3 4/3 1/2
 −3 5 1 =  1 2 1/2 .
   

6 −4 0 −3 −5 −1

Solutions to the Practice quiz: Gaussian elimination

       
1 −2 1 0 1 −2 1 0 1 −2 1 0 1 −2 1 0
1. a. 2 1 −3 5 → 0 5 −5 5 → 0 1 −1 1 → 0 1 −1 1.
       

4 −7 1 −2 0 1 −3 −2 0 1 −3 −2 0 0 −2 −3

2. c. A matrix in reduced row echelon form has all its pivots equal to one, and all the entries
above and below the pivots eliminated. The only matrix that is not in reduced row echelon form is
 
1 0 1 0
0 1 0 0. The pivot in the third row, third column has a one above it in the first row, third
 

0 0 1 1

3. d. There are many ways to do this computation by hand, and here is one way:
     
3 −7 −2 1 0 0 3 −7 −2 1 0 0 3 −7 −2 1 0 0
 −3 5 1 0 1 0 → 0 −2 −1 1 1 0 → 0 −2 −1 1 1 0 →
     

6 −4 0 0 0 110 4 −2 0 1
0 0 0 −1 3 5 1
     
3 −7 0 −5 −10 −2 3 −7 0 −5 −10 −2 3 0 0 2 4 3/2
0 −2 −1 1 1 0 → 0 −2 0 −2 −4 −1 → 0 1 0 1 2 1/2 →
     

0 0 1 −3 −5 −1 0 0 1 −3 −5 −1 0 0 1 −3 −5 −1
    −1  
1 0 0 2/3 4/3 1/2 3 −7 −2 2/3 4/3 1/2
0 1 0 1 2 1/2 . Therefore, −3 5 1 =  1 2 1/2.
     

0 0 1 −3 −5 −1 6 −4 0 −3 −5 −1

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 13

1.  
1 0 0 0
 
0 1 0 0
 0 1 0
0 2 0 1

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 14

1.       
3 −7 −2 3 −7 −2 1 0 0 −7 −2
 −3 5 1 →  0 −2 −1 = 1 1 0  −3 5 1
      

6 −4 0 6 −4 0 0 0 1 6 −4 0
      
3 −7 −2 3 −7 −2 1 0 0 3 −7 −2
 0 −2 −1 → 0 −2 −1 =  0 1 0  0 −2 −1
      

6 −4 0 0 10 4 −2 0 1 6 −4 0
      
3 −7 −2 3 −7 −2 1 0 0 3 −7 −2
0 −2 −1 → 0 −2 −1 = 0 1 0 0 −2 −1
      

0 10 4 0 0 −1 0 5 1 0 10 4

Therefore,     
3−7 −2 1 0 0 −7 −2
 −3 5 1 =  −1 1 0 0 −2 −1 .
    

6 −4 0 2 −5 1 0 0 −1

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 15

1. We know     
3−7 −2 1 0 0 −7 −2
A =  −3 5 1 =  −1 1 0 0 −2 −1 = LU.
    

6 −4 0 2 −5 1 0 0 −1

To solve LUx = b, we let y = Ux, solve Ly = b for y, and then solve Ux = y for x.

b =  3
 

The equations Ly = b are given by

y1 = −3,
−y1 + y2 = 3,
2y1 − 5y2 + y3 = 2,

with solution y1 = −3, y2 = 0, and y3 = 8. The equations Ux = y are given by

3x1 − 7x2 − 2x3 = −3

−2x2 − x3 = 0
− x3 = 8,

with solution x3 = −8, x2 = 4, and x1 = 3.

 
b =  −1
 

The equations Ly = b are given by

y1 = 1,
−y1 + y2 = −1,
2y1 − 5y2 + y3 = 1,

with solution y1 = 1, y2 = 0, and y3 = −1. The equations Ux = y are given by

3x1 − 7x2 − 2x3 = 1

−2x2 − x3 = 0
− x3 = −1,

with solution x3 = 1, x2 = −1/2, and x1 = −1/6.


Solutions to the Practice quiz: LU decomposition

1. c. Start with the identity matrix. In the third row (changed

 row) andsecond column (the row which
1 0 0 0
 
0 1 0 0
is multiplied by 2) , place a 2. The elementary matrix is  .
0 2 1 0

0 0 0 1

2. b.      
3−7 −2 3 −7 −2 1 0 0
A =  −3 5 1 → 0 −2 −1 = M1 A, where M1 = 1 1 0 ;
     

6 −4 0 6 −4 0 0 0 1
     
3 −7 −2 3 −7 −2 1 0 0
0 −2 −1 → 0 −2 −1 = M M A, where M =  0 1 0 ;
     
2 1 2
6 −4 0 0 10 4 −2 0 1
     
3 −7 −2 3 −7 −2 1 0 0
0 −2 −1 → 0 −2 −1 = M3 M2 M1 A, where M3 =  0 1 0 .
     

0 10 4 0 0 −1 0 5 1

Therefore,   
1 0 0 −7 −2
A =  −1 1 0 0 −2 −1 .
  

2 −5 1 0 0 −1

3. b. To solve LUx = b, let y = Ux. Then solve Ly = b for y and Ux = y for x. The equations given by
Ly = b are

y1 = 1,
−y1 + y2 = −1,
2y1 − 5y2 + y3 = 1.
 
Solution by forward substitution gives y =  0. The equations given by Ux = y are
 


3x1 − 7x2 − 2x3 = 1,

−2x2 − x3 = 0,
− x3 = −1.
 
Solution by backward substitution gives x = −1/2.
 


Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 16

1. Let v be a vector in the vector space. Then both 0v and v + (−1)v must be vectors in the vector
space and both of them are the zero vector.

2. In all of the examples, the vector spaces are closed under scalar multiplication and vector addition.

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 17

1. Only (a) and (b) are linearly independent. (c) is linearly dependent.

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 18

1. One possible orthonormal basis is

    

1 1 1 
  1

 1 ,  1  .

2 √
 2 √ 
2 − 2

The dimension of this vector space is two.


Solutions to the Practice quiz: Vector space definitions

1. b. A vector space must be closed under vector addition and scalar multiplication. The set of three-
by-one matrices with the sum of all the rows equal to one is not closed under vector addition and
scalar multiplication. For example, if you multiply a vector whose sum of all rows is equal to one by
the scalar k, then the resulting vector’s sum of all rows is equal to k.

2. d. One can find the relations

          
      
1 0 1 1 4 2 1 1 0
0 − 1 = −
     1 , 8 −1 + 3  6 = 10 1 ,  0 −  −1 =  1 ,
                 

0 0 0 2 −2 1 −1 0 −1
     
 3
 3 2 

so that these sets of three matrices are linearly dependent. The remaining set 2 , 1 , 1 is
     
 
1 2 0
 
linearly independent.

3. b. Since a three-by-one matrix has three degrees of freedom, and the constraint that the sum
of all rows equals zero eliminates one degree of freedom, the basis should consist of two vectors.
 
We can arbitrarily take the first unnormalized vector to be −1. The vector orthogonal to this
 

 
first vector with sum of all rows equal to zero is  1. Normalizing both of these vectors, we get
 

    

 1 1 1 
1  
√  −1 , √  1 .
 
 2
 6 
0 −2


Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 19

(uT1 v4 )u1 (uT2 v4 )u2 (uT3 v4 )u3
u 4 = v4 − − − .
uT1 u1 uT2 u2 uT3 u3

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 20

1. Define    

 0 1 

{v1 , v2 } =  1 ,  1 .
   
 
−1 −1
 

Let u1 = v1 . Then u2 is found from

(uT1 v2 )u1
u 2 = v2 −
uT1 u1
     
1 0 1
=  1 −  1 = 0 .
     

−1 −1 0

Normalizing, we obtain the orthonormal basis

    

 1 0 1 

{u b 2 } = √  1 , 0 .
b1 , u
   
 2
 
−1 0

2. Define      
 1

 0 0 
      
1 1 0 
{v1 , v2 , v3 } =   ,   ,   .
     

 1 1 1  

 
 1 1 1 

Let u1 = v1 . Then u2 is found from

(uT1 v2 )u1
u 2 = v2 −
uT1 u1
     
0 1 −3
     
1 3 1 1  1

1 − 4 1 = 4  1 ;
=    
     
1 1 1

and u3 is found from

(uT1 v3 )u1 (uT2 v3 )u2

u 3 = v3 − −
uT1 u1 uT2 u2
       
0 1 −3 0
       
0 1 1 1  1 1  −2
1 − 2 1 − 6  1 = 3  1 .
=       
       
1 1 1 1

Normalizing the three vectors, we obtain the orthonormal basis

      

 1 − 3 0 
1 
      
1 1  1 1  −2 
b1, u b3 } =
b2, u  , √  , √   .
 2 1 2 3  1  1 
     
 

 
 1 1 1 

Solutions to the Practice quiz: Gram-Schmidt process

1. a. The vector u4 is orthogonal to u1 , u2 , and u3 . Since u1 = v1 , then u4 is orthogonal to v1 .

2. a. Since the vectors are already orthogonal, we need only normalize them to find
( ! !)
1 1 1 1
{u b2 } =
b1 , u √ ,√ .
2 1 2 −1

 
3. b. Let u1 = v1 =  1. Then,
 

     
0 −2 1
(uT1 v2 )u1   2  1 
u 2 = v2 − =  1 −  1 =  1 .
uT1 u1 3 3
−1 −1 −1

Normalizing the vectors, we have

    
 1 1 −2 
  1  
 
{u b 2 } = √  1 , √  1 .
b1 , u
 3 6 
−1 −1
 

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 21

1. We bring A to reduced row echelon form:

         
1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 2
1 1 0 1 → 0 0 −1 1 → 0 1 0 −1 → 0 1 0 −1 → 0 1 0 −1 .
         

1 0 1 1 0 −1 0 1 0 0 1 −1 0 0 1 −1 0 0 1 −1

The equation Ax = 0 with the pivot variables on the left-hand sides is given by

x1 = −2x4 , x2 = x4 , x3 = x4 ,
  

−2x4 −2
   
 x4   1
 x  = x4  1. A basis for the null
and a general vector in the nullspace can be written as    
 4   
x4 1
 
 
 1
 1.
space is therefore given by the single vector  
 

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 22

1. The system in matrix form is given by

    
−3 6 −1 1 x1 −7
 1 −2 2 3  x2  =  −1 .
    

2 −4 5 8 x3 −4

We form the augmented matrix and bring the first four columns to reduced row echelon form:
   
−3 6 −1 1 −7 1 −2 0 −1 3
 1 −2 2 3 −1 → 0 0 1 2 −2 .
   

2 −4 5 8 −4 0 0 0 0 0

The null space is found from the first four columns, and writing the basic variables on the left-hand
side, we have the system
x1 = 2x2 + x4 , x3 = −2x4 ;

from which we can write the general form of the null space as
     
2x2 + x4 2 1
     
 x2
 = x2 1 + x4  0 .
    

 −2x  0  −2
 4     
x4 0 1

A particular solution is found from

x1 − 2x2 − x4 = 3, x3 + 2x4 = −2.

The free variables x2 and x4 can be set to zero, and the particular solution is determined to be x1 = 3
and x3 = −2. The general solution to the underdetermined system of equations is therefore given by
     
2 1 3
     
1  0  0
0 + b  −2 +  −2 .
x = a     
     
0 1 0

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 23

1. We find    
1 1 1 0 1 0 0 2
A = 1 1 0 1 , rref(A) = 0 1 0 −1 ,
   

1 0 1 1 0 0 1 −1

and dim(Col(A)) = 3, with a basis for the column space given by the first three columns of A.

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 24

1. We find the reduced row echelon from of A and AT :

   
2 3 −1 1 2 1 0 1 0 −1
   
 −1 −1 0 −1 1 0 1 −1 0 2
A=  →  .
 1 2 −1 1 1
 0 0 1 −2
1 −2 3 −1 −3 0 0 0 0 0
   
2 −1 1 1 1 0 0 2
 3 −1 2 −2 0 1 0 −2
   
   
 −1
A = 0 −1 3 → 0 0 1 −5

 1 −1 1 −1 0 0 0 0
   

2 1 1 −3 0 0 0 0

Columns one, two, and four are pivot columns of A and columns one, two, and three are pivot columns
of AT . Therefore, the column space of A is given by
     

 2 3 1 

      
 −1  −1  −1 
Col(A) = span   ,   ,   ;
     

  1  2  1  

 
 1 −2 −1 

and the row space of A (the column space of AT ) is given by

     

 2 −1 1  
      
3 − 1 2

 

     
       
Row(A) = span −1 ,  0 , −1 .
     
      
 1  −1  1 

 

 

 
2 1 1
 

The null space of A are found from the equations

x1 = − x3 + x5 , x2 = x3 − 2x5 , x4 = 2x5 ,

and a vector in the null space has the general form

     
− x3 + x5 −1 1
 x3 − 2x5   1  −2
     
     
x3  = x3  1 + x5  0 .
     

 2x5   0  2
     

x5 0 1

Therefore, the null space of A is given by

   

 −1 1  
    
1 − 2

 

   
    
Null(A) = span  1 ,
 0 .
   
0 2

 

     

 
0 1
 

The null space of AT are found from the equations

x1 = −2x4 , x2 = 2x4 , x3 = 5x4 ,

and a vector in the null space has the general form

   
−2x4 −2
   
 2x4   2
 5x  = x4  5 .
   
 4  
x4 1

Therefore, the left null space of A is given by

 

 −2 

 
 2 
LeftNull(A) = span   .
 
  5 
 

 

 1 

It can be checked that the null space is the orthogonal complement of the row space and the left null
space is the orthogonal complement of the column space. The rank(A) = 3, and A is not of full rank.

Solutions to the Practice quiz: Fundamental subspaces

1. d. To find the null space of a matrix, bring it to reduced row echelon form. We have
       
1 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 0 0
2 4 1 1 → 0 0 1 −1 → 0 0 1 −1 → 0 0 1 0 .
       

3 6 1 1 0 0 1 −2 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0 1
 

 −2 

 
 1 
With x1 = −2x2 , x3 = 0, and x4 = 0, a basis for the null space is   .
 0 

  

 

 0 

2. b. This system of linear equations is underdetermined, and the solution will be a general vector
in the null space of the multiplying matrix plus a particular vector that satisfies the underdetermined
system of equations. The linear system in matrix form is given by
 
 x1  
1 2 0 1   1
 x2 
2 4 1 1   = 1 .
    
 x3 
3 6 1 1 1

We bring the augmented matrix to reduced row echelon form:

       
1 2 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 0
2 4 1 1 1 → 0 0 1 −1 −1 → 0 0 1 −1 −1 → 0 0 1 0 0 .
       

3 6 1 1 1 0 0 1 −2 −2 0 0 0 −1 −1 0 0 0 1 1
 

 −2 
 
 1 
A basis for the null space is   , and a particular solution can be found by setting the free
 

  0 

 
 0 
variable x2 = 0. Therefore, x1 = x3 = 0 and x4 = 1, and the general solution is
     
x1 −2 0
     
 x2 
  = a  1 + 0 ,
   
x   0 0
 3    
x4 0 1

where a is a free constant.

   
1 2 0 1 1 2 0 0
3. c. The matrix in reduced row echelon form is 2 4 1 1 → 0 0 1 0 . The number of
   

3 6 1 1 0 0 0 1
pivot columns is three, and this is the rank.

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 25

1. Using the Gram-Schmidt process, an orthonormal basis for W is found to be

   
1 −2
1   1  
s1 = √ 1 , s2 = √  1 .
3 6
1 1

The projection of v onto W is then given by

   
1 −2
1   1
vprojW = (vT s1 )s1 + (vT s2 )s2 = ( a + b + c) 1 + (−2a + b + c)  1 .
 
3 6
1 1

When a = 1, b = c = 0, we have
     
1 −2 1
1  1   
vprojW = 1 −  1 = 0 ;
3 3
1 1 0

and when b = 1, a = c = 0, we have

     
1 −2 0
1  1  1 
vprojW = 1 +  1 = 1 .
3 6 2
1 1 1

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 26

1.    
1 0 ! 1
 
1 1 β0 3

 = 
 2
 β1 3
 
1 3 4

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 27

1. The normal equations are given by

   
! 1 0 ! ! 1

1 1 1 1
1  1 β0 1 1 1 1 3 ,

 =
0 1 2 1
3  2 β1 0 1 2 3 3

1 3 4

or ! ! !
4 6 β0 11
= .
6 14 β1 21

The solution is β 0 = 7/5 and β 1 = 9/10, and the least-squares line is given by y = 7/5 + 9x/10.

Solutions to the Practice quiz: Orthogonal projections

1. b. We first normalize the vectors in W to obtain the orthonormal basis

   
0 −2
1   1  
w1 = √  1  , w2 = √  1 .
2 6
−1 1
 
Then the orthogonal projection of v = 0 onto W is given by
 

   
−2 0 −1
1  1  1 
vprojW = ( vT w 1 ) w 1 + ( vT w 2 ) w 2 = −  1  +  1  =  − 1  .
2 6 3
−1 1 2

2. d. The overdetermined system of equations is given by

β 0 + β 1 x1 = y1 ,
β 0 + β 1 x2 = y2 ,
β 0 + β 1 x3 = y3 .

Substituting in the values for x and y, and writing in matrix form, we have
   
1 1 ! 1
1 2 = 1 .
   
1 3 3

3. b. The normal equations are given by

   
! 1 1 ! ! 1
1 1 1  β0 1 1 1  
1 2 = 1 .

1 2 3 β1 1 2 3
1 3 3

Multiplying out, we have ! ! !

3 6 β0 5
= .
6 14 β1 12

Inverting the two-by-two matrix, we have

! ! ! !
β0 1 14 −6 5 1 −2
= = .
β1 6 −6 3 12 6 6

The best fit line is therefore y = − + x.

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 28

1 0 0

0 1 0 = 1 × 1 × 1 = 1.

0 0 1


d e f

a b c = dbi + ecg + f ah − f bg − eai − dch

g h i

a b c

= −( aei + b f g + cdh − ceg − bdi − a f h) = − d e f .

g h i

3. Let ! !
a b e f
A= , B= .
c d g h

Then !
ae + bg a f + bh
AB = ,
ce + dg c f + dh


det AB = ( ae + bg)(c f + dh) − ( a f + bh)(ce + dg)

= ( ace f + adeh + bc f g + bdgh) − ( ace f + ad f g + bceh + bdgh)
= ( adeh + bc f g) − ( ad f g + bceh)
= ad(eh − f g) − bc(eh − f g)
= ( ad − bc)(eh − f g)
= det A det B.

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 29

1. We first expand in minors across the fourth row:

6 3 2 4 0
3 2 4 0
9 0 4 1 0

0 4 1 0
8 −5 6 7 −2 = 2
−5 6 7 −2

−2 0 0 0 0

0 3 2 0
4 0 3 2 0

We then expand in minors down the fourth column:

3 2 4 0

3 2 4
0 4 1 0
2 = 4 0 4 1 .

−5 6 7 −2
0 3 2
0 3 2 0

Finally, we expand in minors down the first column:

3 2 4
4 1
4 0 4 1 = 12 = 60.

3 2
0 3 2

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 30

1. For each element chosen from the first row, there is only a single way to choose nonzero elements
from all subsequent rows. Considering whether the columns chosen are even or odd permutations of
the ordered set {1, 2, 3, 4}, we obtain

a b c d

e f 0 0
= a f hj − behj + cegj − degi.
g h 0

0 0 i j

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 31

1. Suppose the square matrix A has two zero rows. If we interchange these two rows, the determinant
of A changes sign according to Property 2, even though A doesn’t change. Therefore, det A = − det A,
or det A = 0.

2. To prove that the determinant is a linear function of row i, interchange rows 1 and row i using
Property 2. Use Property 3, then interchange rows 1 and row i again.

3. Consider a general n-by-n matrix. Using the linear property of the jth row, and that a matrix with
two equal rows has zero determinant, we have
.. .. .. .
. .. .. .
. .. .. .. .. ..
. . . . . . . . . . . .

a ... ain a ... ain a ... ain ai1 ... ain
i1 i1 i1
.. .. .. .
= . .. .. . .. .. .. .. ..
. . . . . . + k .. . . = . . . .

a j1 + kai1 ... a jn + kain a j1 ... a jn ai1 ... ain a j1 ... a jn

.. .. .. .
.. .. .. .
.. .. .. .. .. ..
. . . . . . . . . .

Therefore, the determinant doesn’t change by adding k times row-i to row-j.

0 −1 2 0 −1 2 0 −1
3 1 1 = 0 1 5/2 = 0 1 5/2 = 2 × 1 × 7/2 = 7.

0 −1 1 0 −1 1 0 0 7/2

Solutions to the Practice quiz: Determinants

1. a. To find the determinant of a matrix with many zero elements, perform a Laplace expansion
across the row or down the column with the most zeros. Choose the correct sign. We have for one
expansion choice,

−3 0 −2 0 0
−3 −2
0 0
2 −2 −2 0 0 −3 0 −2

2 −2 −2 0 −3 0
0 0 −2 0 0 = 2 = −4 2 −2 −2 = 8 = 48.

0 0 −2 0 2 −2
3 0 −3 2 −3 0 0 −2

−3 3 3 −2
−3 3 3 0 −2

2. b. We can apply the Leibniz formula by going down the first column. For each element in the first
column there is only one possible choice of elements from the other three columns. We have
 
a e 0 0
 
b f g 0
  = a f hj − behj + cegj − degi.
c 0 h i
 
d 0 0 j

The signs are obtained by considering whether the following permutations of the rows {1, 2, 3, 4} are
even or odd: a f hj = {1, 2, 3, 4} (even); behj = {2, 1, 3, 4} (odd); cegj = {3, 1, 2, 4} (even); degi =
{4, 1, 2, 3} (odd).

3. c. The only identity which is false is det (A + B) = det A + det B.


Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 32


a − λ b c

0 = det(A − λI) = d e−λ f

g h i − λ
= ( a − λ)(e − λ)(i − λ) + b f g + cdh − c(e − λ) g − bd(i − λ) − ( a − λ) f h
= −λ3 + ( a + e + i )λ2 − ( ae + ai + ei − bd − cg − f h)λ + aei + b f g + cdh − ceg − bdi − a f h.

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 33

2 7
1. Let A = . The eigenvalues of A are found from
7 2

2 − λ 7
0 = det (A − λI) = = (2 − λ)2 − 49.

7 2 − λ

Therefore, 2 − λ = ±7, and the eigenvalues are λ1 = −5, λ2 = 9. The eigenvector for λ1 = −5 is
found from ! !
7 7 x1
= 0,
7 7 x2

or x1 + x2 = 0. The eigenvector for λ2 = 9 is found from

! !
−7 7 x1
= 0,
7 −7 x2

or x1 − x2 = 0. The eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors are therefore given by

! !
1 1
λ1 = −5, x1 = ; λ2 = 9, x2 = .
−1 1

2. The eigenvalues are found from

2 − λ 1 0
0 = det (A − λI) = 1 2−λ 1 = (2 − λ ) (2 − λ )2 − 2 .

0 1 2 − λ
√ √
Therefore, λ1 = 2, λ2 = 2 − 2, and λ3 = 2 + 2. The eigenvector for λ1 = 2 are found from
  
0 1 0 x1
1 0 1  x2  = 0,
  

0 1 0 x3
 

or x2 = 0 and x1 + x3 = 0, or x1 =  0. The eigenvector for λ2 = 2 − 2 is found from
 

√  
2 1 0 x1

 1 2 1   x2  = 0.
  

0 1 2 x3

Gaussian elimination gives us

√   
2 1 0 1 0 −1
√ √ 
rref  1 2 1  = 0 1 2 .
  

0 1 2 0 0 0
 
√  √ 
Therefore, x1 = x3 and x2 = − 2x3 and an eigenvector is x2 = − 2. Similarly, the third
 
√ 
eigenvector is x3 =  2.

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 34

1 1
34. Let A = . The eigenvalues of A are found from
−1 1

1 − λ 1
0 = det (A − λI) = = (1 − λ)2 + 1.

−1 1 − λ

Therefore, 1 − λ = ±i, and the eigenvalues are λ1 = 1 − i, λ2 = 1 + i.


Solutions to the Practice quiz: The eigenvalue problem

1. b. The characteristic equation det (A − λI) = 0 for a two-by-two matrix A results in the quadratic
equation λ2 − TrA λ + det A = 0, which for 2
√ yields λ − 3λ + 1 = 0. Application of
√ the given matrix
3± 9−4 3 5
the quadratic formula results in λ± = = ± .
2 2 2

3 − λ −1 √
2. d. The characteristic equation is det (A − λI) = = (3 − λ)2 + 1 = 0. With i = −1,

1 3−λ
the solution is λ± = 3 ± i.

3. b. One can either compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix, or test the given possible
answers. If we test the answers, then only one is an eigenvector, and we have
    √   
2 1 0 1 2+ 2 1
 √   √  √ √ 
1 2 1  2 = 2 + 2 2 = (2 + 2)  2 .

0 1 2 1 2+2 1

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 35

1. Let λ1 and λ2 be distinct eigenvalues of A, with corresponding eigenvectors x1 and x2 . Write

c1 x1 + c2 x2 = 0.

To prove that x1 and x2 are linearly independent, we need to show that c1 = c2 = 0. Multiply the
above equation on the left by A and use Ax1 = λ1 x1 and Ax2 = λ2 x2 to obtain

c1 λ1 x1 + c2 λ2 x2 = 0.

By eliminating x1 or by eliminating x2 , we obtain

(λ1 − λ2 )c1 x1 = 0, (λ2 − λ1 )c2 x2 = 0,

from which we conclude that if λ1 ̸= λ2 , then c1 = c2 = 0 and x1 and x2 are linearly independent.

2. Let A be an n-by-n matrix. We have

dim(Col(A)) + dim(Null(A)) = n.

Since the columns of A are linearly independent, we have dim(Col(A)) = n and dim(Null(A)) = 0.
If the only solution to Ax = 0 is the zero vector, then det A ̸= 0 and A is invertible.

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 36

 
2 1 0
1. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A = 1 2 1 are
 

0 1 2
     
1 1 1
√  √  √ √ 
λ1 = 2, x1 =  0 ; λ2 = 2 − 2, x1 = − 2 ; λ2 = 2 + 2, x1 =  2 .
 

−1 1 1

Notice that the three eigenvectors are mutually orthogonal. This will happen when the matrix is
symmetric. If we normalize the eigenvectors, the matrix with eigenvectors as columns will be an
orthogonal matrix. Normalizing the orthogonal eigenvectors (so that S−1 = ST ) , we have
 √ 
1/ 2 1/2 1/2
√ √ 
S= 0 −1/ 2 1/ 2 .

−1/ 2 1/2 1/2

We therefore find
   √ √   √ 
20 0 1/ 2 0−1/ 2 2 1 0 1/ 2 1/2 1/2
√ √ √ √ 
0 2 − 2 0  =  1/2 −1/ 2 1/2  1 2 1  0 −1/ 2 1/ 2
    
√ √ √
0 0 2+ 2 1/2 1/ 2 1/2 0 1 2 −1/ 2 1/2 1/2

Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 37


eA = eSΛS
SΛ2 S−1 SΛ3 S−1
= I + SΛS−1 + + +...
2! 3!
Λ2 Λ3
= S I+Λ+ + + . . . S−1
2! 3!
= SeΛ S−1 .

Because Λ is a diagonal matrix, the powers of Λ are also diagonal matrices with the diagonal elements
raised to the specified power. Each diagonal element of eΛ contains a power series of the form

λ2i λ3
1 + λi + + i +...,
2! 3!

which is the power series for eλi .


Solutions to the Problems for Lecture 38

1. We use the result

!n !
a b 1 ( a + b)n + ( a − b)n ( a + b)n − ( a − b)n
b a 2 ( a + b)n − ( a − b)n ( a + b)n + ( a − b)n

to find !n !
1 2n −1 − 2n −1
= .
−1 1 − 2n −1 2n −1

Solutions to the Practice quiz: Matrix diagonalization

1. c. Eigenvectors with distinct eigenvalues must be !

linearly independent.
! All the listed pairs of
1 −1
eigenvectors are linearly independent except x1 = and x2 = , where x2 = −x1 .
−1 1

!2 ! !100  !2 50
0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1
2. d. A simple calculation shows that = = I. Therefore =  =
1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0
I50= I.
A more complicated calculation diagonalizes this symmetric
! matrix. The eigenvalues! and orthonor-
1 1 1 1
mal eigenvectors are found to be λ1 = 1, v1 = √ and λ2 = −1, v2 = √ . The diagonal-
2 1 2 −1
! ! ! !
0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
ization then takes the form = . Then,
1 0 2 1 −1 0 −1 1 −1
!100 ! !100 ! ! ! !
0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1
= = = I.
1 0 2 1 −1 0 −1 1 −1 2 1 −1 0 1 1 −1

3. a. We have
I2 I3
1 1 e 0
e = I + I + + + · · · = I 1 + 1 + + + . . . = Ie1 = .
2! 3! 2! 3! 0 e

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