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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 4 Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2018


Reduction of Water Vapour by Using Shade Balls

P.Vasantha Kumar, S.V.Naveen Kumar, P.Saravana Kumar, S.Subash ,
N.S.N. College of Engineering and Technology, Karur-639003.

Now a days the water are wasting in many ways flood, sewage mixture, evaporation etc., so we
are planned to reduced evaporation losses in natural water bodies by using the shades balls
method. This project was first done in California, Los Angels by the Department of Water and
Power (LADWP) in the year 2011 and their aim to prevent the formation of harmful organisms,
algae and carcinogens by blocking U-V rays and main aim to prevent the evaporation. Our
project is same with some changes in Cost & Reuse the waste. our balls are 4inch black& our
materials are high density polyethylene ,Carbon black were used. our balls prevented the
formation of bromide to avoid the stomach problems. HDPE plastic are commonly used for food
and beverage containers as well as water distribution pipes. HDPE is cheap material but carbon
black is costly material so we use waste tyres. It has 15 % precent carbon black.

The test are (Temperature, Melting,Pressure ,water&Evaporation).They floated on Top of a

reservoir. Next to Thermo coal the shade balls reduce 45% evaporation in reservoir. This project
is Economical low but more quality. Shade balls are Eco-friendly for Environment& for
Humans. It is economical low and this used in lakes, ponds stream and dams. We used this
method located at Namakkal district in the Nehru pond.

I. INTRODUCTION collect the waste tyres. We burned

Recently an article was published that every the tyres at high temperature. At least we get
year water bodies are evaporated due to the ashes collect it the remaining ash is the
sun’s radiation especially by U-V rays .So carbon black and also we collected the waste
we are find a solution for water evaporation HDPE pipes and burned at high temperature.
by using shade balls. Shade ball is a Medicine bottle cap also collected and
combination of High Density Polyethylene washed in hot water. Because cap also the
(HDPE) and Carbon black. It has a capacity mixture of HDPE pipe. Waste be reduced
of resistance of U-V rays. HDPE is a and recycled. Some materials are collected
economical low cost material. But carbon in that tyres waste can be
black - a petroleum product it is reduced and pipes too. Even the medicine
economically high cost .So we plan a new bottle cap be reduced. This is one type of
method by burning Tyres. Because Tyre is a reuse or recycling. One piece of shade balls
combination of natural, synthetic rubber, is 45$ inIndia currency Rs-499.But in our
wire and carbon black. It has 16% carbon
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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 4 Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2018

project no cost or minimum amount .Inn this kg/m3.It has intermolecular forves and
project the water resource are not affected. tensile strength. It also harder and more
opaque and can withstand somewhat high
A. SCOPE strength(120C/248F for shorter periods.
This project leads the new ideas and unlike polyethylene cannot withstand
become a trending. This project is used for normally required auto caving conditions.
agricultural, drinking purposes.etc The lack of bracing is ensured by an
Tamilnadu having least number of water appropriate choice of catalyst and reaction
resources. But, during summer it losses due conditions.
to evaporation. This may reduce by our
project. We cannot saving the rain water and 1) Applications
it let to waste so we to save that upcoming
It is resistant many different solvents and
rains in the dams, lakes, pondsand water be
has wide variety of applications.
saved by the shade balls.
a) Swimming pool installation
b) 3-D printer filament
1. To prevent water resource. c) Arena board
2. To prevent water losses. d) Ballistic plastic
3. To reduces for the waste materials. e) Banners
4. To prevent the growth of bromate.
5. To save the water in urgent period. Milk juges and hollow goods
manufactured through blow molting are the
II. MATERIAL USED most applications of HDPE.
1. HDPE Pipes & Caps (Waste)
Overall, China where beverage bottles are
2. Carbon black (tyre waste) made from HDPE pipes. Milk juges and
hollow goods manufactured through blow
molting are the most applications of HDPE.
They made from petroleum .It also B. Carbon black (tyrewaste)
known as polyethylene thermoplastic .with a Carbon black is a material produced by
high strength-to-density ratio. It used as the incompletecombustion of heavy
plastic bottle cap, geo membranes, petroleum products such as FCC tar, coal
corrosion-resisting pipes. It sometimes tar, ethylenecracking tar, with the addition
called as alkaline or polythene. HDPE is of small amount of vegetable oil. Carbon
commonly recycled and has the number ‘2’ black is a form of Para crystalline carbon
as its resin identification code. that has a high surface-area-to-volume ratio
albert lower then that of activated
Large density to strength ratio density is dissimilar to soot in its much
ranges from 0.93 to 0.97 g/cm3 or 970 higher surface-area-volume ratio and
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International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 4 Issue 2, Mar-Apr
Mar 2018

significantly lower PAH (polycyclic carcass grades of carbon black to optimize

aromatic carbon)content. However carbon such properties as handling, tread wear, fuel
black is widely used as a model compound
mileage, and hysteresis and abrasion
for diesel soot for diesel oxidation
expedient’s.. Carbon black is mainly used as resistance for the ever changing needs of
reinforcing filler in tyres and other rubber today drivers. plastics, paints and inks carbon
black is used as a colour pigment.

The current International Agency for

Research on Cancer (IARC)
IARC) evaluation is
that, carbon black is possibly carcinogenic
to humans. Short-term
term exposure to high SHAPE OF BALL TEST
concentrations of carbon black dust may
OUT SHADE Normal water level = 50 litres
BALLS) Size of tank = (60 × 25× 45) cm
2. 5 DAYS 49.9 L 50 L From the experimental test results, Shade
balls found to be better performance in
3. 15 49.85 L 49.97 L
reduction of water vapour.
4. 20DAY 49.24 L 49.82 L There are many wasteage especially tyres,
S pipes, bottle caps .So we collected that in the
garbage. In our project these materials plays
5. 30 47 L 49
DAYS the important
rtant roles. Tyres which are the
mixture of natural, artificial rubber and
produce discomfort to the upper respiratory
carbon black. Carbon is a high cost material
tract, through mechanical irritation.
so we burned the tyres at least the ash
CARBON (carbon black) was remained. Pipes, Bottle
BLACKS caps are collected with dust,
dust so we want to
Carbon black used in vvarious wash it and
nd used for our project. From our
formulations with different rubbers type to project, the waste are reused or recycled at
low cost or minimum cost. The testing are
customize the performance properties of
also easy method. Temperatures, pressure,
tires. Engineers combine different tread and are tested. Water test &drinking test are

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1303 Page 598
International Journal of Engineering and Techniques - Volume 4 Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2018

tested by some chemicals .These tests are blends used in passenger tire treads:
critically successfully. Assist prof. Jawad K

In India, especially Tamilnadu we having

limited water resources. But we not keep in Latchoomun (2015) Laboratory
good condition. investigation of the leakage
characteristics of unburied HDPE
Water wasting by many ways especially pipes: University of Mauritius,
Evaporation or Water we want to Department of Electrical and
Electronic Engineering,
reduce or control. Thermo coal is a low cost
material and can stop the vapour up to65% Omar A. Al-Hartomy,1, (2011)
but due to its light weight it can fly so it Influence of Carbon Black Structure
failure project .In California’s Shade balls a and Specific Surface Area on the
high cost material it can stop the vapour up Mechanical and Dielectric Properties
to47% compare the cost its high cost in of Filled Rubber Composites:
India. But our Shade balls or Black balls low Received 28 May 2011
cost and can stop the vapourup to43-45%
we can float on the top of water resources in ‘Shade Balls’ product L.A.Water
anywhere and shade balls are eco-friendly. supply during drought.(13 August
REFERENCES Toronto star, October 23,
Dagli and kamdar (2015)
Compatibilization virgin HDPE Vara-orta, Francisco. A Reservoir
blends, Chemical Vol.42, No.1, goes undercover .Los Angeles times.
pp.421-425. Retrieved 27 December 2015.
Jabarin and bhakkad (2015) HDPE
Blend composition , Vol.27, pp.81–9 Walton, shade balls go viral-but the
internet has mixed opinion. Los
Angeles Times. Retrieved 24 August
Jong-Sung Kim (2014) A study on 2015.
residual stress mitigation of the
HDPE pipe for various annealing
conditions. Department of
Mechanical Engineering Manuscript
Received November 2, 2014;

Jawad K. (2013) Studies of the effect

of carbon black particles on the
mechanical properties of sbr/nr

ISSN: 2395-1303 Page 599

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