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The Black Tower

An adventure for 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons

by Brian Reeves

The Black Tower is a simple adventure designed for a party of 4 – 6 characters of 3 rd level. Many of the monsters
were selected as an homage to earlier editions of Dungeons & Dragons, as they have become classics of old-
school adventures. This scenario can take place in any temperate swamp within reasonable distance from a
small town by simply changing the place names. To adjust this adventure for higher or lower characters, do the
following: for 1st-level characters, reduce all trap DCs by 3, replace the carrion crawler with four giant rats, the
gelatinous cube with a gray ooze, and make Harran a ghast. For higher-level characters, double the number of
goblins, increase the spiders to 3, add more piercers to area 12, and make Harran a wraith.
For the map, I've used the “Wolf Tower” by Dyson Logos, found on his website at For less cramped adventuring, let each square represent 10 feet, not the
usual 5 feet. Please note that, in this adventure, the entrances located on the ground floor of the tower are sunk
into the earth and not accessible. The only way in and out of the tower is via the basket and pulley system on the
battlements (not pictured on the map).
The contents of this adventure are a fan creation and are not associated with Wizards of the Coast, or
Hasbro, Inc. and do not constitute a challenge toward any copyright held by those entities.

Background soldiers, seek out the hidden bullywug lair, and wipe
them out. Not long after, the worker's camps became
Almost two hundred years have passed since the infested with oozes that had to be burned out, and
attempted coup of Harran the Mad, a decorated army stirges became a regular problem. Fevers swept
general who had served two generations of kings. As through the workers regularly.
an award for exemplary service during an orc Finally the tower was complete. Harran moved
incursion, Harran Calaron had been awarded with a his family into the rooms in the upper floor of the
parcel of land of his choosing. To everyone's shock, tower, deaf to the complaints of his wife and daughter,
Harran had selected a swampy lowland some distance who hated the stench and the constant insects. As
from the capitol, land that had previously been Harran turned his attention toward the construction of
considered undesirable due to its boggy terrain and the dykes and channels that would dry up the swamp,
preponderance of hideous beasts. Harran told disaster struck once more in the form of a young green
everyone he had a plan to drain the swamp, boasting dragon, Kaxannanar, who had been hibernating
that doing so will reward him with the most arable elsewhere in the swamp. Taking offense at all this
land in the entire kingdom. human activity, Kaxannamar attacked the tower in a
His first act was to oversee the construction of rage, killing almost all the workers who were housed
a tower which would serve as his domicile while the in the most vulnerable area, a camp near the base of
rest of the keep would be built. Choosing a patch of the tower. To his horror, Harran discovered his
relatively dry ground on a hillock deep in the swamp, daughter, Kira, had been in the camp, sneaking off to
Harran pulled together stoneworkers and architects, visit a young laborer whom hoped to marry her. The
selected a hard, black volcanic stone from some remaining workers fled, followed by the artisans, and
nearby mountains, and within five weeks had the base even some of the soldiers, who saw this last terror as a
of the tower in place. precursor of many more to come. Stricken by the
Almost immediately, the project hit upon death of their only child, Harran's wife, Julae, hurled
problems. A bullywug raid led to half of his workers herself from the top of the tower.
being slaughtered before Harran was able to rally his After all this, Harran retreated into his tower,

The Black Tower 1

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