Career Opportunities

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Chapter 3:

I. Introduction
- Today, tourism is the largest industry in the world. It’s made up of many
segment, the principal once being transportation, accommodation, food service,
shopping,…. In VN and the rest of the world, travel industry is expected to be a
growth industry.

II. Career possible

Because tourism is diverse and complex and sector has many job opportunities and
career paths, it is virtually impossible to list and describe all the job one might
consider in this large field. So, a career in tourism offers many exciting and
challenging employment opportunities.

III. Job requirement

1. Are you suited to work in the tourism field?

2. Do you like working with people?

3. Can you provide leadership?

4. Would you be genuinely concerned for a customer’s comfort needs, and

well-being even if the customer might be rude and obnoxious?

5. Those who prepare themselves, maintain high energy have a talent for
working with people, and are dedicated to high-quality service will find
themselves climbing the career ladder to success.

IV. Career path:

Those who prepare themselves, maintain high energy have a talent for working
with people, and are dedicated to high-quality service will find themselves
climbing the career ladder to success.

Passenger Transportation
I. The importance of transportation in tourism :
Transportation services and facilities are an integral component of tourism,in
fact,the success of practically all forms of travel depends on adequate
transportation. Transportation services and facilities are the arteries through which
the lifeblood of the travel industry flows.

II. Types of transportation :

Travel by air dominates long- and middle-distance travel in the United States. But
private automobiles carry the bulk ( about 80 percent ) of all travelers on short
trips. Automobiles are also very important on long and international trips. Rentral
cars are popular,because they supplerment air travel. Rail travel is important in
commuting and longer-haul traffic. Motorcoach transportation is available in far
more places than either air or rail, but it constitutes a rather small percentage of
total vehicle miles. Vacationing on cruise ships has become the fastest-growing
segment of the U.S. travel industry. New and refurbished cruise ships are
appearing regularly.

III. Increases in almost all forms of tourism automatically

boost passenger traffic,sometimes creating problems.
Congestion can be especially bad on streets and roads and at airport terminals.
Safety and security are basic requirements, and successful tourism depends on
these factors. The environment will be affected by any form of transportation.
Careful planning and increased awareness and preventive measures are needed to
minimize such undersirable effects.

Long-term projections show increases in the demand for transportation. Increased

taxes and fuel prices on this industry are having an adverse effect. It is hoped that
these can be mitigated in time. Rail travel is increasing in Europe and Asia,where
high-speed are being used.

IV. Transportation in Dien Khanh :

In Dien Khanh,transportations are various. Main mode of transportation at Dien
Khanh is motorbike.Beside, you can easily find others transportation such as

Chapter 6:
I. The lodging industry
• The lodging industry has practiced market segmentation in recent years.
Many of the big chains offer products at almost every price level: full-
service luxury hotels, luxury all-suite hotels, resort hotels, moderately priced
full-service hotels or budget motel

• There are a number of very large companies in the lodging industry, and
many of big chains are getting bigger

- In addition, hospitality is also an important factor in deciding which resort
or hotel developed or not.

I. Introduction
The businesses and organizations that provide at attractions, recreation,
entertainment, and others comprise major parts of tourism.

II. Attractions
Theme park, such as Disneyland and Universal Studios, also attrac
millions each year. Most of these are showing a steady rise in patronage.
Gaming or gambling is also a growing industry.

III. Recreation
Parks come in all sizes and types. They serve both domestic and visitor
recreation needs.
National park are very popular and particular interest to both domestic and
international visitors.
Zoos, “jungles” and aquariums, usually located in park, attract locals as well
as millions of tourists.

IV. Entertainment
Another powerful tourism magnet is entertainment. Live entertainment is
often the main attraction for vacation trip. Entertainment has risen to a new
level in the vacation decision-making process.
V. Other
Shopping continues to be a major attraction. Spectacular malls, such as
the Mall of America in Minnesota and the West Edmonton Mall in
Alberta, Canada, have become tourists destinations
Festival and events are attractions of great and Growing impor-tance.
Mega-events such as the Olympics are sought- after awards to a city.
Local fes-tivals typically attract a wider audience once they become
better publicized.


I. Tourism’s Economic Impact: An International

- Preliminary results for the full year of 2007 confirm that the industry
continues to enjoy an above-average growth in international tourist
arrivals of over 6.1 percent.
- Inside, Europe is the main tourist receiving region. In 2007, Europe
accounted for over 53% of the arrivals, Asia and the Pacific 19.9%, and
the Americas 16.2%, the Middle East led with 13.4 followed by Asia, the
Pacific, Africa, the Americas, and Europe

II. Expectations for 2020

- Tourism 2020 Vision is the United Nations World Tourism
Organization’s long-term forecast and assessment of the development of
tourism through the first 20 years of the new millennium.
- UNWTO’s Tourism 2020 Vision forecast that international arrivals are
expected to reach over 1.56 billion by the year 2020. Of these worldwide
arrivals in 2020, 1.18 billion will be intraregional and 377 million will be
long-haul travelers. The top 3 receiving regions will be Europe (717
million tourist), East Asia and the Pacific (397 million), and the
Americas (282 million), followed by Africa, the Middle East, and South

III. Optimization
As indicated, at least three major goals can be identified in tourism:
1.Maximize the amount of psychological esperience for tourism.
2.Maximize profits for firms providing goods and services to tourists
3.Maximize the direct (primary) and indirect (secondry) benefits of
tourism expenditures on a community or region.

+ Demand
+ Supply of attractive resources
+ Technical and environmental constraints
+ Time constraints
+ Indivisibilities
+ Legal constraints
+ Self-imposed constraints
+ Lack of knowledge
+ Limits on supportive resources
+ The balance of payment has a formula that directly effects the gross
domestic product of the United States.

The formula is: Y = C+ I + G + (X-M)

Where: Y = gross nation product

C = consumer expenditures

G = government expenditures

X = exports

M = imports

+ It is better to have visitor come to the country of origin than to have

them visit other country because it help them to generate more income

+ one important thinking that we need to remember is that when the

country that is providing the manufactured product they are not allowed
to be charged for extra taxes on products they provide


IV. Economic multipliers

- Direct effect: result from visitor spending money in tourist enterprises
and providing a living for the owners and managers and creating jobs for
- Indirect effect: this is the mutiplier impact where visitor spending
criculates and recriculates

- Employment multiplier: country employment multipliers vary

directly with the population of the countries, it means as county
population sizes grow, so does the multipliers value

- Income multipliers: jobs mean income,which stimulates the economy

of the area in which the development occurs
Income multipliers formula:
Mutipliers = 1/ 1- MPC
Where: M= marginal (extra)
P= propensity (inclination)
C = consume ( spending) MPC
S= saving ( money out of circulation) MPS
A more simpler formula is Multiplier = 1/MPS

V. More advanced economic concepts related to

What are satelite accounts
o Satelite accounts was developed by the United Nations to keep track
of the income coming in to the different business comparing
o When the tourist buy goods and sevices that have to do with tourism
and non tourism we need to link it within the country
o The measure of importance of tourism and the statistics of tourism can
account framework based on the System National Account
o With the help from World Travel and Tourism Council ( WTTC) and
the Canadian Tourism Commission ( CTC) that they help keep the
consistency of the world account
o the world account are called satelite accounts
o tourism has a big impact on the economy
- Sources of data used in a TSA: Much of the information for the
supply-side estimates are drawn from the worksheets used in the making
of the input – output tables by industry, commodity, and employment of
the System of National Accounts. Data from reference publications, and
the relevant business surveys and administrative data, are used to obtain
as much detail as possible on revenues generated from the sale of tourism

Chapter 16:
1. Tourism planning:
- The quality of tourism planning and development will determine the
ultimate success and longevity of any destination area. Thus, time, effort,
and resources devoted to planning are essential investments.
- Thoughtful planners have formulated the goals for tourism
development, and these should be guiding principles everywhere.
Obstacles must be overcome by sound planning augmented by political
means, if growth is desire. This is often accomplished by the official
tourism body. Tourism development should be a part of the overall
regional or urban land-use development plan.
2. Tourism development: almost always involve both
government and private developers. Each sector can best contribute
certain part of the project. Government typically provides the
infrastructure, such as roads, water supply, sewers, public transportation
terminals, and parks. Private developers supply superstructure, such as
hotels, restaurants, recreation facilities, and shopping areas.
3. Social considerations: Government can also help
considerably in making financing available. The private sector must
deem an investment in a tourist facility attractive from the standpoint of
financial return and risk before funds will be committed.

Chapter 20:
1. Social and economic trends in developed countries seem to favor
long-term growth in both domestic and international travel demand. More
long-term leisure, increased disposable income, higher levels of
education, and more awareness of other countries and people are
significant factors influencing a growing market for travel.
2. Technological trends are also favorable. Transportation equipment is
now more efficient and more comfortable; hotel and motel
accommodations have become more complete, attractive, convenient; and
new developments have given much more attention to environmental
3. Tourism is believed to have a positive effect on world peace. As
people travel from place to place with a sincere desire to learn more
about their global neighbors, knowledge and understanding grow. Then
at least a start has been made in improving world communication, which
seems to so important in building bridges of mutual appreciation, respect,
and friendship

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