CFD Analysis of Catalytic Converter To Increase Filtration Efficiency and Achieve Limited Back Pressure
CFD Analysis of Catalytic Converter To Increase Filtration Efficiency and Achieve Limited Back Pressure
CFD Analysis of Catalytic Converter To Increase Filtration Efficiency and Achieve Limited Back Pressure
Abstract: An catalytic converter is a exhaust discharge catalytic converters .In the thirties, automobile
control gadget that changes over harmful gases and manufacturers realized the need to treat the products of the
contaminations in exhaust gas from an IC engine into combustion process that occurred within the internal
less dangerous toxins by catalyzing a reduction reaction. combustion engines. The initial solution for this challenge
Catalytic converters are generally utilized with IC was the utilization of pellet catalytic converters. The pellets
engine powered by either gasoline or diesel including were spherical particles with diameters ranging from 2.5
lean-burn engines. The efficiency of catalytic converter mm to 5 mm and made of gamma-alumina. The pellets
depends upon the filtration efficiency and back were enclosed in a steel shell to form the catalytic converter
pressure. It is directly proportional to filtration and loaded with noble metals and stabilizers for exhaust
efficiency and inversely proportional to back pressure. emission treatment. This catalytic converter technology had
We are going to do CFD analysis of catalytic converter many disadvantages. Due to the design of these pellet
so as to increase filtration efficiency, achieve limited catalytic converters, a large pressure drop occurred across
back pressure and in turn decrease the fuel the converter which directly affected the performance of
consumption. Models with filter materials of fine grid the engine. Moreover, the risk of losing the catalyst was
size wire mesh packed inside the manifold develop more higher due to particle wear. These disadvantages
back pressure which causes more fuel utilization encouraged scientists and engineers to develop monolithic
because of lower volumetric efficiency. Utilization of catalytic converter found in vehicles today.
bigger grid size wire mesh results in less back pressure,
however the filtration efficiency is additionally reduced [II] Literature Review
which may not be adequate to meet the most stringent
The presence of catalytic converter in exhaust system of
emission standards endorsed. Through CFD
diesel engine increases the back pressure in engine. Due to
investigation, a trade off between these two parameters
increase in back pressure, the fuel consumption is higher in
namely, more filtration efficiency with restricted back
engine. Hence the flow phenomenon inside the catalytic
pressure is aimed at.
converter should be fully understood in order to consider
the current requirement of higher engine efficiency and
Keywords: CFD Analysis,, Catalytic converter, back
lower emission [6]. A CFD model has been developed
pressure, filtration efficiency, IC engines.
taking into consideration the thermal effects as temperature
affects fluid properties such as the density and viscosity
[I] Introduction
and is validated against both local temperature and velocity
Since their inception, automobiles have mostly been
experimental measurements. A controlled hot air
powered with an internal combustion engine. The
experimental setup is used to investigate the flow
combustion processes associated with those engines are
distribution under steady state conditions at the desired
responsible for releasing harmful emissions including
temperature and flow rate [10]. As temperature increases,
carbon monoxide (CO), unburnt hydrocarbons (HC) and
NOx conversion increases. Maximum NOx conversion is
nitrogen oxides (NOx) which have severe negative effects
0.9 at 900K. Maximum C3H6 conversion occurs is 0.9 at
on humans and the environment. This has led to the
900K. But there is a drastic change of conversion between
development of emission control systems to treat exhaust
600K and 700K. Maximum CO conversion is 0.4 at 900K.
gases and convert them to less harmful products called
Platinum is work in oxidation as well as in reduction
process, while Rhodium is worked in Reduction process
only. That is why we get more NOx conversion than CO
conversion. Because NOx conversion is higher in
Reduction Process and CO conversion is takes place in
oxidation process only [1]. On increasing temperature the
rate of surface reaction with the catalyst first increases and
then become stable. Increasing mass flow rate the pressure
drop increases linearly. Increasing substrate length
improves the performance of converter. On increasing flow
velocity pressure drop across the substrate and converter Construction
drastically increases. At high Reynolds number due to The catalytic converter consist of
turbulence flow uniformity affects and the turbulence can
be seen across the radial region and the outlet [5]. The
filtration efficiency and back pressure are interrelated. If
maximum filtration efficiency using very fine grid size wire
meshes, is achieved, the back pressure will also be
increased, which causes more fuel consumption. On the
other hand, if larger grid size wire meshes are used, back
pressure will be less, but the filtration efficiency will also
be reduced, which does not help in meeting the present
emission norms [3]. The opencell structures honeycombs,
at high flow rates, have higher mass transfer properties by
allowing more compact reactors, better conversion
efficiency with lower surface along with better porosity
[11]. The geometry of the element is made as tetrahedral
mesh, with a refined mesh near the wall. The model has
approximately 0.799 million tetrahedron fluid elements. Air
is used as fluid media, which is assumed to be steady and
compressible [9]. The inlet cone should be optimized to
avoid reverse flow observed in close coupled catcon near to
inlet cone. Also the geometry should be optimized to
increase uniformity index.
[III] Methodology
The flowing exhaust gas is allowed to move in every way Wire Mesh Size 1.61mm 1.01mm
inside the manifold. As the movement of exhaust gas isn't Wire Diameter 1.01mm 0.41mm
suddenly disturbed anyplace in its way, the back pressure is
constrained to least level. The porous nature of catalyst
beads additionally help the gas to flow over the bigger
surface region of the catalyst empowering better response
to occur for decreasing NOX as on account of SCR system.
4) Material
The Turbulence model used in this project work is k-ε
RNG turbulence model. It is appropriate to account for
high velocities and strong streamline curvature in the
flow domain. The differential transport equation for
the turbulence kinetic energy and turbulence
dissipation are given below.
Turbulence Dissipation
Fig.4 Stream Lines
Implicit: For a given variable, the unknown value in each Fig.5 Vector Plot
cell is computed using a relation that includes both existing
and unknown values form neighboring cells. Therefore
each unknown will appear in more than one equation in the
system, and these equations must be solved simultaneously
to give the unknown quantities.
The total mass converted can be calculated using FVM [11] Yugal Kishore, Tushar Choudhary, “CFD
(finite volume method) and the actual mass converted can Analysis Of Three Way Monolithic Catalytic
be find out and validated against the previous results of Converter Using Ansys 14.5R”, IJMPE, Vol 5, Issue
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efficiency has been increased or not.
[12] A. Selamet, V. Kothamasua, J.M. Novak, R.A.
[VII] References Kach, “Experimental Investigation Of In-duct
Insertion Loss Of Catalysts In Internal Combustion
[1] Jigar Vaghela, Avdhoot Jejurkar, “CFD Analysis Engines”, Applied Accoustics 60, 2000 , 451-487
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