Rubriks For Scrapbook
Rubriks For Scrapbook
Rubriks For Scrapbook
Criteria Score
1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20
Disorganizing & confusing, Somewhat organized: some Presented in a logical, Extremely well-organized: logical
Organization and
lacks of logical format. logical formatting. thoughtful manner, good format: organization enhanced
organization. project and was very effective
Illegible writing, loose Legible writing, print too small Legible writing, well- Word processed or neatly
pages or stapled poorly, or too large, a paper staples formed, character, clean & written, clean & neatly bound in
Appearance inappropriate use of together, fairly good use of neat. a cover.
materials, messy physical materials.
Little or no creativity used: Added a few original touches Clever at times: Very clever & presented w/
Creativity bland: predictable and to enhance project but did not thoughtfully and uniquely originality, a unique approach;
lacked “zip” incorporate throughout. presented. truly enhanced the project.
No stage of child’s The scrapbook includes The child’s development The child’s development
Content development is minimal information to the includes description and includes description, training,
mentioned. child’s development. physical growth. physical, mental growth, etc.
Scrapbook looks like it Scrapbook looks okay. Some Scrapbook had few minor Scrapbook looks excellent. All
was thrown together. problems with looks. Some of problems. Could have spelling and grammar are
Parts are falling off or the words are spelled been neater. Most of the correct.
don’t fit. Spelling and correctly and some grammar words and grammar are
grammar error are is correct. spelled is correct.
Criteria Score
1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20
Disorganizing & confusing, Somewhat organized: some Presented in a logical, Extremely well-organized: logical
Organization and
lacks of logical format. logical formatting. thoughtful manner, good format: organization enhanced
organization. project and was very effective
Illegible writing, loose Legible writing, print too small Legible writing, well- Word processed or neatly
pages or stapled poorly, or too large, a paper staples formed, character, clean & written, clean & neatly bound in
Appearance inappropriate use of together, fairly good use of neat. a cover.
materials, messy physical materials.
Little or no creativity used: Added a few original touches Clever at times: Very clever & presented w/
Creativity bland: predictable and to enhance project but did not thoughtfully and uniquely originality, a unique approach;
lacked “zip” incorporate throughout. presented. truly enhanced the project.
No stage of child’s The scrapbook includes The child’s development The child’s development
Content development is minimal information to the includes description and includes description, training,
mentioned. child’s development. physical growth. physical, mental growth, etc.
Scrapbook looks like it Scrapbook looks okay. Some Scrapbook had few minor Scrapbook looks excellent. All
was thrown together. problems with looks. Some of problems. Could have spelling and grammar are
Parts are falling off or the words are spelled been neater. Most of the correct.
don’t fit. Spelling and correctly and some grammar words and grammar are
grammar error are is correct. spelled is correct.
Criteria Score
1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20
Disorganizing & confusing, Somewhat organized: some Presented in a logical, Extremely well-organized: logical
Organization and
lacks of logical format. logical formatting. thoughtful manner, good format: organization enhanced
organization. project and was very effective
Illegible writing, loose Legible writing, print too small Legible writing, well- Word processed or neatly
pages or stapled poorly, or too large, a paper staples formed, character, clean & written, clean & neatly bound in
Appearance inappropriate use of together, fairly good use of neat. a cover.
materials, messy physical materials.
Little or no creativity used: Added a few original touches Clever at times: Very clever & presented w/
Creativity bland: predictable and to enhance project but did not thoughtfully and uniquely originality, a unique approach;
lacked “zip” incorporate throughout. presented. truly enhanced the project.
No stage of child’s The scrapbook includes The child’s development The child’s development
Content development is minimal information to the includes description and includes description, training,
mentioned. child’s development. physical growth. physical, mental growth, etc.
Scrapbook looks like it Scrapbook looks okay. Some Scrapbook had few minor Scrapbook looks excellent. All
was thrown together. problems with looks. Some of problems. Could have spelling and grammar are
Parts are falling off or the words are spelled been neater. Most of the correct.
don’t fit. Spelling and correctly and some grammar words and grammar are
grammar error are is correct. spelled is correct.