5.9fisă de Asistență

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Numele şi prenumele studentului: Albișoru Lavinia - Elena

Data: 10.04.2019
Clasa: 3th
Unitatea şcolară: Colegiul Național Carol I din Craiova
Obiectul (Disciplina): Limba Engleză
Subiectul lecţiei: Food – learning new vocabulary
Scopul lecţiei (obiectivul central/fundamental): Focus on speaking and listening for specific
Tipul lecţiei: Vocabulary lesson;
Competenţe specifice:
1. The students will be able to guess the meaning of the new words using context clues.
2. The students will be able to use the words given in sentences of their own.
3. The students will be able to spell the words correctly.
Obiective operaţionale:
O1: to give students practice in speaking;
O2: to listen and recognize vocabulary previously taught;
O3: to develop students’ speaking skills;
O4: to help students enjoy speaking English;
Strategii didactice:
a) Metode şi procedee didactice: conversation, dialogue, exercise, exposing;
b) Mijloace didactice: blackboard, pictures, posters, books;
c) Forme de organizare: whole class activity, individual activity;
d) Forme de evaluare: discuss the answers; organize feedback; suggest improvements.
Durata: 50 minutes;
Loc de desfăşurare:classroom
Desfăşurarea lecţiei

Nr. Etapele lecţiei/ Ob.

Acţiuni ale profesorului Acţiuni ale elevilor Observaţii
crt. unitate de timp op.

-The teacher greets the The students name the absents

1. Warm-up students and they greet and correct homework. The interaction is between:T-Ss; Ss-T;
-The teacher checks the

The teacher announces The students listen and answer

2. Focus on the title and objectives of the teacher’s questions
the new lesson. The The teacher attract stundents’ attention on
teacher starts with some the lesson.

The teacher will give

3. Presentation of the students some handouts The teacher puts the students in the situation
new knowledge containing pictures of the to understand this type of lesson.
new vocabulary.

Nr. Etapele lecţiei/ Ob.

Acţiuni ale profesorului Acţiuni ale elevilor Observaţii
crt. unitate de timp Op.

The teacher will say out The students will have to - The students practice the vocabulary as
4. Practice and loud each one of follow the teacher on their part of the lesson.
consolidation of the new words and will handouts with the vocabulary, - The students consolidate the new
new vocabulary ask students to repeat so they will understand what information
structures chorally each one of the each one of the words means.

The teacher will present Each student will go to the

5. Feed – back the students the poster on blackboard and roll the dice, The teacher puts the students in the situation
the blackboard, and will then will have to say in of using the new acquired topic.
tell them they will play a English the number on the dice
game named containing and follow the spaces on the
the vocabulary recently poster, then will have to say
learned. The teacher will the name of the food presented
explain then the rules of in the image. Then the next
the game. child will go on with the game
until all of the children will
roll the dice at least once.
The teacher tells the The students write in their
6. Homework students that for next notebooks their homework for The teacher wants to capture the students`
time they will have to the next English class. interest and attention.
write the text on page 32
and to fill in missing
gaps with the correct
The teacher appreciates The students also say “Good- The teacher used to increase students self-
7. Evaluation students` activities. Then bye” to the teacher. confidence and encourage them in their
the teacher says “Good- study of English.
bye” and leaves the

Notă: Rubricile tabelului se completează de către studentul practicant în timpul asistenţei la lecţie.

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