Drug Addiction in University Student's

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Drug Addiction in University Student’s


People who have low self-concepts who feel bad about themselves, have a higher
rate of addiction .People with low self –concepts use psychoactive substances
either to enhance or create pleasure in their lives , or to decrease the constant
emotional pain they live with . Some drugs are more addictive than others. This is
due to the pharmacology of the substance, and how it affects the mood of the
user. Drugs essentially are poisons. The Degree they are taken determines the
effect. A small amount acts as a stimulant. A greater amount act as a sedative .A
larger amount acts as a poison and can kill one dead. This is true of any drug.


Generally Speaking drugs are substances that affect the physical and mental
condition of person significantly and adversely any substance that can lead to
addiction, misuse and dependence is a drug. Addiction level of drugs increase with
each day of use. If drugs are not available, the patient shows critical withdrawal
symptoms when immediate medical care is needed to prevent physical and mental
deterioration, even death.


An Addiction is defined as a dependence upon a particular substance in order to

function. In the clinical sense of the term, the addiction must be harmful to the
overall health of addict. Though popular vernacular uses “addiction” to describe
any kind of obsession or interest, it should not be strictly defined as such if it’s not
Drug Addiction:

Drug addiction or dependency is the compulsive use of drugs, to the point where
the user has no effective choice but to continue use. People who are addicted feel
an overwhelming, uncontrollable need for drugs or alcohol, even in the face of
negative consequences. This self-destructive behavior can be hard to understand.
Most people start taking drugs as a way to have fun, or alter their perception or try
a new experience. That doesn’t fit the criteria for addiction, at least initially .The
barrier is broken when the drug becomes as the central focus of the user’s life:
When taking the drug is the only things he lives for. There are two distinct types of
drug addiction: physical and psychological.

Types of Drug Dependence:

 Psychological Dependence is the subjective feeling that a drug abuser needs

the drug to maintain a feeling of well-being.
 Physical dependence is characterized by tolerance and withdrawal symptoms
when the user is abstinent.
Drug Addiction Symptoms:
The addict develops a craving for the drug, and he spends all his efforts
procuring it.
 Drug tolerance in users leads to increased dosage of drugs needed to provide
the same degree of enjoyment and kick.
 Without drugs the addict loses his mental and physical abilities to work and
enjoy life which is termed as psychological dependence and physical
 Although different drugs have different physical effects, the symptoms of
addiction are the same no matter the substance. The more drugs begin to
affect and control person’s life, the more likely it is that a person has crossed
the line from drug use to abuse and drug addiction. Unfortunately, when a
person is in the middle of it, he may be in denial about the magnitude of the
problem or the negative impact it's had on his life.
Reasons for Drug Addiction:
 Curiosity and excitement through use
 Despair and frustration among the youth
 All drug addicts in our country are afraid of social stigma more than the
threat from the law.
Dangers and Destruction Caused By Drugs:
Drug addiction beings on rapid erosion of educational and cultural, moral and
family values. The addicts lose their professional and educational capabilities, self-
dignity, and get involved in serious or petty criminal activities. The sole aim in life
of an addict becomes the procurement and use of drugs. Heroin addiction lowers
mental enthusiasm and efforts and physical ability the addict loses contact with
normal society and becomes self and drug- centered. He engages in all types of
activities to obtain money to buy drugs. A Heroin addict may need about Taka 500
worth of the drug a day. He neglects the needs of the family, and those are non-
earning may sell off family assets. They also go out on the streets for mugging and
Drug Addiction in Pakistan:
Pakistan has 6.7 million drug users. Because in Pakistan drugs are extremely cheap
and easy to get. UNODC calculates that more than 800,000 Pakistanis aged
between 15 and 64 use heroin regularly.
It is also estimated that up to 44 tons of processed heroin are consumed annually in
Pakistan - a rate of use twice or thrice that of America's.
Most of the drugs come from Afghanistan, the country that is responsible for at
least 75% of the world's heroin.
The number of drug users is particularly high in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province
of Pakistan, which neighbors Afghanistan, where close to 11 percent of the
population, is hooked on drugs. Furthermore, Pakistan’s illegal drug trade is
believed to generate up to $2 billion a year.
Types of Drugs:
Nevertheless, it is also a highly addictive substance and one that can cause a
number of health problems. Those who abuse alcohol are in danger of developing a
physical and psychological dependence that will mean they continue to drink even
though doing so has harmful consequences. The government advises that men and
women should drink no more than fourteen units of alcohol per week, having a
number of alcohol-free days during the week, as well.
Nicotine Addiction
Nicotine is an addictive substance found in all tobacco products. In addition to
being addictive, it is poisonous. Tobacco use kills nearly half a million Americans
each year, with one in every six U.S. deaths the result of smoking. Cigarette smoke
contains many other dangerous chemicals, including tar, carbon monoxide,
acetaldehyde, nitrosamines, and more. Low doses of nicotine can act as a central
nervous system stimulant. The majority of nicotine in the blood is metabolized by
the liver and excreted from the kidney. Nicotine can be expected to remain in the
blood at significant levels for six to eight hours after the smoking stopped. Regular
use of nicotine containing products will result in physical withdrawal symptoms
resembling amphetamine and cocaine dependency.
Snuff Addiction
The famous maxim, ‘a head without ecstasy is a donkey’s head’, is nowhere truer
than in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) where the use of naswar (a tobacco derivative
that is chewed to get high) is so common that those not habitual to it are considered
to be boors. According to official statistics more than 70 per cent of the people in
K-P are in the habit of chewing naswar. According to the Pakistan Tobacco Board,
there is a huge market for naswar in the province estimated at around Rs6 billion

Gutka Addiction

GUTKA addiction in Pakistan continues unabated, and causes many dangerous

diseases. About 75pc people admitted to hospitals suffer from cancer caused by
gutka consumption. Of these patients, seven per cent are children.The government
should ban the sale of gutka in the country.

Causes of Drug addiction

Drug addiction is an overwhelming, uncontrollable need for drugs or alcohol

despite the negative consequences that may follow. It can affect people of any age,
sex or economic status.

Exposure from Peers:

If you are exposed to drugs in the teenage years, you are more likely to use and
abuse drugs than those who are not exposed.

Use by Parents:
If parents use drugs, their children are more likely to use drugs, even if the parents
say not to. Children of even strict parents who threaten severe consequences are
more likely to use if their parents use than the children of parents who do not use.
This applies to drugs, alcohol and nicotine.


If drugs are easily available, addiction is much more likely than if drugs are
difficult to come by.


Certain genetic predispositions appear to weaken a person's ability to resist

substance abuse. This can sometimes be seen in what is sometimes termed as an
"addictive personality," reflected by the fact that this person seems to latch on to
new experiences with addictive enthusiasm, as if that new experience is the most
important thing. People who struggle with one addiction often struggle with
multiple addictions. They are also more susceptible to taking on a new addiction if
they overcome one addiction.

Poor Family Environment:

Teens from broken homes or with poor parent-child bonds are more likely to use
and abuse substances.

Psychological Problems:

People with psychological problems are more susceptible to drug addiction than
mentally healthy individuals.

Children who are aggressive or shy-aggressive are most likely to use and abuse
substances when they get older.

Feelings of Depression:

Those who suffer from depression or feelings of loneliness may be more inclined
to become addicted to drugs, as drugs may numb the emotional pain they feel.

Lack of Parental Involvement:

Teens that are left unsupervised are at an increased risk for drug addiction versus
those whose parents are fully active in their lives. That may be due to a feeling of
complete freedom that they full advantage of, or may be due to feeling neglected
and unloved by their parents. Those feelings can result in turning to friends who
lead them down the road of addiction.

Prescription drugs:

The affected person takes higher doses than prescribed, more frequently than
prescribed and continues taking it even after his medical condition is cured. The
reason is that these drugs if consumed in larger quantities provide greater relief.

Job stress:

Pressure at work, a ruthless boss, bad relations with one’s colleagues and the
danger of losing one’s job are factors.

Marital problems:

Bad relations with one’s spouse, house fights, infidelity and divorce cause
emotional disturbance. Drugs are a way of reducing distress.

Curiosity and the urge to experiment:

One may want to experience a "high" or want to know how it feels. This could be
the starting of drug addiction.

Financial difficulties:

These cause great stress in the mind. Drugs are a route to escapism.

Poor self-esteem:

This leads to depression and probably consequent drug abuse.

Loss of a loved one:

Bereavement leads to feeling of emptiness and emotional distress. A person may

resort to drugs for combating this situation.


An isolated individual tries to compensate of the lack of a social network by

taking drugs.

Low cost and easy access to drugs:

This increases drug consumption.

Mental illnesses:

The affected person is generally depressed and takes drugs to alleviate the
sorrowful feelings.


Sometimes people need some help coping with life. Everyday life becomes a
struggle and simple things become too much to handle. Drugs are used to deal with
it. In the case of addiction, we are not talking about the use of medication, under
the care and observation of a doctor. People who have been clinically diagnosed
with anxiety can lead a very good life. We’re talking here about people who just
need to escape. Their drug of choice facilitates that escape.

Short-term Effects Of drug Addiction

Different substances affect the body in different ways, but all psychoactive drugs
have chemical effects in the brain. The short-term effects that occur in drug users
depend on the amount used, the potency or purity of the drug, and whether it is
mixed with any other mind-altering substances. Drugs can affect a person’s
thinking, mood, energy level, and perception.2 They may impair motor
functioning, interfere with decision-making and problem-solving, and reduce
inhibition, as well as cause a host of physical health problems.

Some of the more common substances of abuse include alcohol, hallucinogens,

opiates, barbiturates, and inhalants, each of which produces their own unique
short-term effects


A few factors impact the speed at which alcohol’s effects are felt. If someone
consumes alcohol on an empty stomach, he or she will feel the effects far quicker
than someone drinking after a large meal. Weight and body composition also affect
alcohol metabolism and intoxication levels.

Some common short-term effects of alcohol include:

Mood swings.

Impaired judgment.

Coordination issues.
Trouble concentrating.

Memory problems.

Slurred speech.

Uncontrolled eye movements.



Low levels of intoxication are likely to result in increased sociability and euphoria,
while higher levels of consumption can result in sedation and dangerously low
pulse and breathing rate. Drinking large amounts of alcohol can result in blackouts,
or amnesia for the events that occurred while intoxicated.


Hallucinogens, such as DMT, LSD, psilocybin (magic mushrooms),

and peyote (mescaline), may all differ slightly in short-term effects and intensity of
intoxication, but overall, they elicit many of the same mind-altering side effects.

Possible short-term effects of

hallucinogens include:

Synesthesia or mixing of senses.

Intensified perceptions.

Significant anxiety or depression.

Increased heart rate.

Heart palpitations.

Dilated pupils.

Blurred vision.

Excessive sweating.



Impaired judgment.

Impaired motor control.

Hallucinogen intoxication is commonly referred to as a “trip,” and a negative

experience is called a “bad trip.” Tripping on a hallucinogen may increase the risk
of suicide, although it is rare.


Using opiates, such as heroin or prescription painkillers, like Vicodin, Percocet,

and OxyContin, can be particularly dangerous because it often leads to respiratory
depression. Heroin is usually injected or snorted (and sometimes smoked), while
opiate painkillers are most often taken orally, yet may also be crushed and snorted,
or mixed with liquid solution and injected.
Some side effects typical of opiates include:

Euphoria followed by apathy.

Dysphoria, or unease.



Pinpoint pupils.

Itching skin.

Inattention to the environment.

Slowed thinking and movements.

Attention problems.

Memory impairments.


Slurred speech.


Drowsiness experienced by an opiate user is often called “being on the nod.” The
decreased breathing rate caused by opiate intoxication can result in oxygen
deficiency and overdose.


Barbiturates, such as phenobarbital, are prescription sedatives that depress the

central nervous system and induce sleep or reduce anxiety.3 They have largely
been replaced by benzodiazepines, due to the severe side effects and risk of
dependence associated with barbiturate use.3 Users may take more pills than
prescribed or inject the drug to achieve increased euphoria or pleasure.

Long –Term Effects:

Physical dependence is not the same as addiction, but chronic and persistent use
may lead to the development of an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Addiction is
characterized by compulsive use despite negative consequences. People who suffer
from an addiction are unable to control their use and may experience significant
impairment in their daily lives.

Some general consequences associated with long-term use or addiction include

interferences with work, school, or home life, such as job loss, poor work or school
performance, suspension or expulsion from school, legal problems, loss of close
friends, divorce, and child neglect. Of course, not every user is going to experience
these long-term effects, but chronic use increases the likelihood of adverse


Alcohol use is widespread and has become almost inextricably linked with a
number of social, cultural, and religious events. When consumed in moderation,
alcohol can be relatively safe and, in some cases, even provide the user with
limited health benefits. However, as is often the case, recreational use gives way to
compulsive misuse, and when it is used heavily and over a long period of time,
alcohol can be detrimental to both physical and mental health. Some of the
potential long-term effects of alcohol abuse or addiction include:

Alcoholic hepatitis.

Liver cancer.


Cardiomyopathy (stretching and weakening of heart muscle).

Irregular heart rhythm.

High blood pressure.


Mouth and throat cancer.

Breast cancer.

Weakened immune system.


Suicidal ideation.

Those suffering from alcohol dependence may experience uncomfortable and

potentially fatal withdrawal symptoms, such as seizures, with cessation of use.
Severe alcohol withdrawal is referred to as delirium tremens and is a life-
threatening condition that requires medical care.


In addition to physical dependence and addiction, opiate abuse can cause brain
damage due to respiratory depression. When the brain is injured as a consequence
of being deprived of oxygen, it can result in lasting neurological and psychological
effects. Furthermore, research suggests that chronic opiate abuse can lead to
deterioration of the white matter in the brain, which impacts behavioral regulation,
stress response, and decision-making.

Irregular menses in women.

Intravenous consequences:

Track lines or puncture marks.

Peripheral edema.




HIV or hepatitis virus contraction.

Infection of the heart lining.

Intranasal effects:

Irritation of nasal lining.

Perforation of nasal septum.

Nasal bleeding.

Opiate withdrawal syndrome occurs in those who are physically dependent on the
drug. Although not life-threatening, these symptoms can be extremely unpleasant
and may contribute to relapse in addicted individuals.


According to the DSM-5, the long-term consequences of barbiturate abuse

resemble those of alcoholism. They both result in disinhibited behaviors, which
can result in poor decision-making.

Chronic barbiturate users may experience the following long-term effects:2,8

Physical injury resulting from accidents

Assaults or fights

Bullous (blistering) skin lesions


Legal problems

School or work difficulties

Slowed pulse

Decreased respiratory rate

Lower blood pressure

Memory loss

Changes in alertness

The chemicals in inhalants can be toxic or poisonous to the human body and can
lead to many severe health problems. These long-term effects may include:

Liver damage.

Kidney damage.

Hearing loss.

Bone marrow damage.

Loss of coordination.

Limb spasms.

Brain damage.




Sinus infections.



Inhalants may also contain a variety of chemicals and the long-term effects of each
may vary, depending on its constituents.

Drug Rehabilitation:
Drug rehabilitation (drug rehab) is the medical and psychotherapeutic treatment
used to enable a patient to cease substance abuse and become a normal and
productive member of society. • Drug rehabilitation addresses the physical and
psychological aspects of drug dependency. – Eliminating the physical dependency
may involve the use of chemical antagonists that block the action of the addictive
drugs. E.g.: methadone for withdrawal symptoms of heroin, disulfiram for alcohol

The psychological dependency on drugs is harder to treat because it involves

learning new patterns of behavior. Drug rehabilitation programs attempt to teach
the patient new methods of interacting in a drug-free environment.

• Rehabilitation programs need to work closely with the patient.

• The most successful programs offer a variety of options including – residential

inpatient treatment – short-stay options – outpatient treatment with local support
groups – extended care centers – sober houses – addiction counseling

• Inpatient treatment is best accomplished when physicians and nurses are

available around the clock to ensure a safe withdrawal from alcohol and other

• Rehabilitation is probably the hardest thing that an addict will have to

accomplish. It is not unusual for an individual to relapse or fall off the wagon and
resume drug or alcohol abuse.

Detoxification alone is ineffective. • The National Inst. on Drug Abuse

(NIDA) recommends detoxification followed by both medication and
behavioral therapy followed by relapse prevention.

• Purpose of Drug rehabilitation:

• Drug rehabilitation program if proved to be successful that will avoid
many legal, psychological, financial, physical and social consequences
caused particularly by extreme drug abuse.

Types of behavioral therapy:

• Detoxification

• Group therapy: – Cognitive-behavioral therapy – Multidimensional family


• Motivational interviewing

• Motivational incentives

• Miscellaneous: Lectures, Written Work, Holistic activities

Detoxification • every patient is required to follow the rules within the

recovery program to avoid any chances of relapse. • The residential drug
addiction treatment programs generally offer varied therapeutic sessions that
assist individuals in enhancing their health.

1. Group Therapy:

• Starting with counseling and detoxification, the treatment progresses

through numerous stages such as, group therapy and family therapy. The
idea of group therapy is to share examples of addiction related
consequences. Sharing the feelings related to past and present such as guilt
and shame can help the affected person with acceptance and recovery. In a
group therapy session, an addict is able to contribute and listen to stories and
other insights toward the reasons for drug addiction, and how to avoid
triggers, and how to successfully live a sober life. Duration of the therapy:
weeks to month

Mode of the treatment: personal approach. Once individual therapy is

successfully completed, it will leave the addict in a position to direct their
life on a healthy path. Objective of the individual and group therapy sessions
is the creation of a support network to leave healthy life. Many of the
facilities offer intensive therapy, which in some cases is needed if the addict
suffers from suicide tendancies, depression, or other psychological issues.
Daily responsibilities and activities are given to each addict, which creates a
sense of independence. This may be the first time in the addict’s life that he
or she has had responsibilities. Family members also require learning how to
behave and interact with the addict particularly if the addiction has sustained
for several years.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy, which seeks to help patients to recognize,

avoids and copes with situations in which they are most likely to relapse. –
Multidimensional family therapy, which is designed to support recovery of
the patient by improving family functioning.

Motivational interviewing, which is designed to increase patient motivation

to change behavior and enter treatment.

Motivational incentives, which uses positive reinforcement to encourage

abstinence from the addictive substance.

Lectures: These lectures are delivered by qualified and well trained people
and these are focused upon addiction and related issues regarding
dysfunctional behaviors which are helpful for the addict’s recovery.
Written Work: This may include writing about one’s life, their addiction
history and formally going through various steps of treatment Process
involved in rehabilitation.

Holistic activities: exercise, massage, meditation and yoga are often part of
the recovery program.


There should be family support for a patient to cure from drugs.

Family and close friends should help those people who are addicted to drugs
by explaining its side effects and its serious outcomes like death.

Family should help the drug addicts by finding out their problems which
brought them in such situation so that their problem can be solved.

Family should spend most of the time with them and take them in family
outing like shopping, lunch and fun so that he may not think of taking drugs
again. Family must give special treatment to emotionally strengthen them.
Family and Friends should stay alert and protect them from bad company
which may lead them to get involved in such situation again.

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