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The key takeaways are that Siemens is promoting the implementation of the Digital Enterprise through their portfolio which includes a digital twin to represent the entire value chain. They are encouraging customers to adopt these digital solutions now for benefits like greater flexibility and efficiency.

The main components of the Digital Enterprise portfolio for Industrie 4.0 include industrial communication, industrial services, industrial security, industrial software, and automation portfolio to provide more flexible solutions in design, production processes and structures as well as enable new data-based business models.

Currently, engineering and commissioning accounts for 50% of the total costs in automation projects. This makes engineering a major cost driver in automation according to the example cost structure provided for control technology.

Digital Enterprise – Implement now!

Klaus Helmrich | Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG | Hannover Messe 2018

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At the Hannover Messe, Siemens demonstrates on-going
development of the Digital Enterprise and the digital twin

Our lead themes at the

Hannover Messe

2013 2015 2016 2017 2018

acatech “On the way “Driving the “Discover Implement

recommends to Industrie Digital the Value of
actions for now!
4.0: The Enterprise” the Digital
of “Industrie 4.0” Digital Enterprise”
to Chancellor Enterprise”
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Slide 2 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG
Implement now!
The Digital Enterprise portfolio for Industrie 4.0 is here –
For more flexible solutions in design, production processes and structures
For new data-based business models

• Greater flexibility
Industrial Automation • Shorter time to market
software portfolio
• More efficiency
Industrial Industrial • Improved quality
security services
Engineering is a cost driver in automation

Project management

Purchased parts
Example: Engineering
Cost structure in 50.0% and
control technology1 commissioning
Assembly 3.0%
Pre-commissioning Offline/online programming
of robots
1 Cost structure of a control technology project
Source: Analysis of control technology and robot technology cost structure (Automation Initiative of the German Automotive Industry (AIDA), 2005)

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Slide 4 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG
More flexible solutions in automation, design,
production processes and structures

… 1990s 2000s Today

Automation Design and engineering Digitalization

Manufacturing processes are First steps integrating automation Digital twin of the entire value
automated and engineering chain

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Slide 5 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG
Digital twin – a holistic virtual representation of the
value chain for the discrete and process industries

Digital product/engineering Twin Digital production/operation Twin

11 01
00 01 11 01
10 11 01 00

10 10 10 01
01 01 01 00

Digital performance/service Twin

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Slide 6 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG
Implement now! – Digital Enterprise
in the automotive industry

Before Now

Shorter time to market and fewer prototypes due to
Vehicle development and simulation using a range of
Product non-integrated solutions
simulation and end-to-end data management (Daimler,
Nissan, VW)

Programming of automation systems and simulation

Adjustment of automation systems during on-site
Production operation
of production processes takes place offline prior to start
of construction (Volvo, VW)

Perfor- Cost-intensive downtimes in production due to the Analysis of process data and preemptive fault
Performance occurrence of unexpected defects detection in production lines
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Slide 7 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG
Implement now! – Digital Enterprise
in the automotive industry

NX less time to market due to shorter engineering
CAD Team- time for vehicles with combustion engines and
center electric motors

of systems such as robots are programmed
and simulated at the desk for significantly
shorter commissioning times

Tecno- Predictive
matix Services >99%
prediction of faults before they would have a
chance to occur

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Slide 8 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG
Implement now! – Digital Enterprise
in the food and beverage industry

Before Now

High level of flexibility coupled with wide product
Long product development times and low product
Product diversity
variant diversity to a consistently high standard of
quality (San Miguel)

Long test phases for commissioning and laborious Holistic plant simulation creates greater flexibility and
Production conversion of production lines permits faster commissioning

Perfor- Quality fluctuations in the end product due to different New data transparency enables consistently high
Performance production conditions (temperature etc.) quality of the end product and filling process
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Slide 9 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG
Implement now! – Digital Enterprise
in the food and beverage industry

time savings in determining the bottle stacking load
Team- Suite Up to 100%
center monitoring of beer quality and ingredients

Simulation and testing

of the complete production process even before

Plant Mind- plant construction has begun

simula- Sphere
Prevention of bottlenecks
tion by creating transparency across production and filling lines

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Slide 10 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG
Implement now! – Digital Enterprise
in the chemical industry

Before Now

Greater flexibility in responding to demand for small
Plants can only produce paint batches in large
Engineering quantities (> 5,000 liters)
batch sizes up to 100 liters using plant simulation and
digital optimization (Dulux)

Data documentation of formulas and production

Data documentation on paper, manual plant resetting
Operation and time-consuming test processes
processes completely digitalized (digital twin) for
flexible plant resetting (Dulux)

Retroactive repairs and maintenance after faults have Data analysis of process data and preemptive fault
Service occurred detection in production lines

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Slide 11 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG
Implement now! – Digital Enterprise
in the chemical industry

Greater customization
100 ltrs instead of >5,000 ltrs
PCS 7 >50%
less time from testing
Comos to paint production
Simatic 8x
PCS 7 Simatic faster production process
Process IT eBR
Fewer downtimes
due to predictive maintenance

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Slide 12 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG
With MindSphere, Siemens has provided a cloud-based open
operating system for the industrial Internet of Things

• Use of open interfaces (APIs)
to generate OEM apps and services
• Marketing through the App Store
• Protection of externally developed OEM apps

MindSphere • APIs for the development of customized apps
• Various cloud infrastructures: SAP,
Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure1, Atos,
01 “public”, “private” or “on-premise” (planned)
10 00
01 10 11
01 10 10 01 10 10
11 01 01 01 01 01
00 01 10 01 11 01 01 00
10 11 01 11 01 00 00 11 MindConnect and Edge Computing
• Open standards for connectivity such as
10 10 10 10 10 01 10 01
11 11 11 11 11 10 00 10 • Plug-and-play connection to Siemens and third-
party suppliers
• Secure encrypted data communication
1 Free availability planned for the fourth quarter of calendar year 2018 • Edge computing concept

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Slide 13 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG
Open cooperation fosters the positioning of MindSphere as a
leading industrial IoT operating system

utilize the platform

provides Platform as to develop their own integrate the apps
a Service, leveraging solutions, business into their digital
economies of scale models and apps value chain

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Slide 14 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG
The member companies of itgliedsunterneh support the
worldwide application and positioning of MindSphere

Shared activities of
the organization
• Recommendations for
requirements imposed on IoT
operating system MindSphere
• International rollout
of activities (next step
Italy, ...)
• Expansion of member
companies and user groups
(16 further requests
• Support in opening up new
digital markets for new data-
based business models

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Slide 15 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG
Implement now! – MindSphere
New machine operator model from Heller

Monitoring app
• Customer pays to use a
machine tool rather than
acquire his own (pay-per-use)
• Global access to machine
data (connectivity over the
• Increased flexibility, quality
and availability for the end
»Heller for Use« • Stronger customer loyalty ties

Round-the-clock maximum
machine availability
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Slide 16 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG
Implement now! – MindSphere
Weinig tools for daily application in the woodworking industry

• Machine monitor for
worldwide monitoring of
production in real time
• Direct wire to Weinig
with overview of the Weinig
machine fleet including
contact partners
• Maintenance information
directly to a smartphone as a
»Weinig AppSuite« push message

Machine monitoring
at the press of a button
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Slide 17 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG
SIDRIVE IQ – new digital app for evaluation and utilization of
drive data based on MindSphere

(R)Evolution in drive
• Digital application for drive
+ + systems along the entire life
• More productivity, reliability
Drive system Connectivity MindSphere + MindApps Services and serviceability
• Based on networked drive
IQ-ready SIDRIVE IQ systems from Siemens
• Pre-defined service packages
for special customer
Detection of faults and root Optimization of operation and
causes through data analysis maintenance planning

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Slide 18 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG
MindSphere app for capacity balancing optimizes worldwide
production plants

Creating transparent
producing capacities
• Data link between predicted
order load and installed
• Less external sourcing
• Higher capacity utilization of
the machine fleet
• More efficient personnel
• Optimization of investment
Load distribution across factories – example Siemens Large Drives decisions
Cross-site optimization of machine
capacity utilization
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Slide 19 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG
Implement now! – MindSphere
Smart Data at Spanish automotive supplier Gestamp

Continuous energy
• Measuring and power quality
devices as well as data
analysis over MindSphere
• New analysis possibilities
• 20,000 tons of saved CO2
and 15% reduction in costs
• Connection to 15 production
“Saving energy is a must.” facilities worldwide to date,
plans to connect a further
Pablo de la Puente, Corporate Information System Director, Gestamp eight

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Slide 20 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG

Edge New
computing communication


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Slide 21 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG
Siemens Industrial Edge concept for discrete manufacturing and
process industries – on-site functionality plus full data control

Application examples
Workpiece analysis app for machine
Edge management tools
• Device management MindSphere Smart workpiece analysis based on a
• Edge app management reconstructed digital twin
• Edge App Store
Inventory app for machine building
Overview of automation component
Edge apps
OEM, partner, customer
and 3rd party Edge apps • High level of data security
• Conversion of Big Data
into Smart Data
• On-site data analysis and evaluation
Edge devices Local activity
Secure, decoupled Edge runtime
infrastructure for Edge apps
data Edge device

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Slide 22 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG
Additive Manufacturing – integrated portfolio from Siemens

Burner fronts for Siemens gas turbines
Product Production Production Production
design planning engineering execution Services
1 2 3 4 5

NX AM Plant Simulation, Simcenter TIA, Simatic, MindSphere

NX CAM Sinumerik, Simotion

Simplification Shorter production time Lower weight

13  1 part 26  3 weeks  22%

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Slide 23 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG
Additive Manufacturing Experience Center for our customers

Digital AM applica-
tion demonstration
and testing space for
our customers
• Integrated software and
automation solutions
• Development, simulation and
testing of the seamlessly
integrated AM value chain
• Highlighting the possibilities
offered by industrial additive
Opened on 10 April 2018 manufacturing, such as
Additive Manufacturing design freedom

Experience Center in Erlangen

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Slide 24 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG
Siemens Additive Manufacturing Network
creates a comprehensive eco system

3D printing machine
1 Open eco system suppliers

2 Users can be customers

or suppliers Equipment suppliers

3 New ways in production

Siemens Print Shops
4 Secure and protected als Partner

5 Fully digitalized
communication Additive Manufacturing Software
experts suppliers

Expert community
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Slide 25 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG
Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) across all levels –
Industrial communication integrates future technologies

Operator Networking
For more robust, more reliable and
standardized Ethernet communication –
T even under high network loads
level S • Gradual integration of TSN basic technology1 in
PROFINET network infrastructures: Link-up of the

N field level
• Robotics trade fair model: OPC UA PubSub based
on TSN1 on the control level between controllers
• Possible applications in fields such as machine
Field level building, automotive engineering or the food and
beverage industry

1 Standardized basic technology (IEEE 802.1) on layer 2

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Slide 26 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG
Comprehensive portfolio of security products and services
for current and future security challenges

Protection against
Plant security sabotage

Secure cloud
security architecture

System Protection of
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Slide 27 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG
Defense-in-Depth at Dow Chemical –
Central protection of distributed systems

• Protection of critical data

against cyber attack in the
Simatic PCS 7 process
control system
• Central server manages and
distributes licensed security
software of strategic Siemens
partner McAfee (antivirus and
• Whitelisting software suitable
for industrial applications
blocks the start of unknown
or unauthorized applications

Comprehensive security –
over the entire life cycle
Source The Dow Chemical Company

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Slide 28 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG
“Charter of Trust” forms the foundation for the joint
advanced development of digitalization and cyber-security

10 principles of the
Charter of Trust
1 Ownership of cyber/IT security

2 Responsibility throughout the digital

supply chain

3 Security by default

4 User centricity

5 Innovation und co-creation

6 Education

7 Certification for critical infrastructures


8 Transparency and response capability

9 Regulatory framework

10 Joint initiatives

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Slide 29 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG
Open Space – open, cooperative association with partners to
develop ideas on the basis of MindSphere

MindSphere Open
Smartphone-based Space Challenge
IoT at sea End-to-end output maintenance Allianz Arena’s Interactive
planning ticketing grass goes smart analysis app • Support for and cultivation of
expertise in the development
of third-party apps based on
Data collection for Integration of Asset Portfolio MindSphere
compressed air Smart maintenance Water supply to go MindSphere and Management
of cooling devices the@vanced • Developer contest to find the
best customer solution at the
Crowd Management
• Creative approaches to the
at Expo 2020 development of new business
models for our customers

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Slide 30 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG
Digitalization is set to change both the sales process and
operation in the future

From the physical

showroom to the
digital design and
sales room

From the on-site

foreman‘s office to
the digital
simulation room in
the factory

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Slide 31 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG
More information


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Slide 32 Hannover, April 23, 2018 Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board Siemens AG

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