Cancer in Ayu

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Ayurpharm Int J Ayur Alli Sci., Vol. 5, No.

4 (2016) Pages 47 – 51
ISSN: 2278-4772

Review Article


Roshy Joseph C1*, Ilanchezhian R2, Jacob Raymond CJ3

1. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Govt. Ayurveda Medical College &
Hospital, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India.
2. Associate Professor, Dept. of Dravyaguna, PNNM Ayurveda Medical College, Cheruthurthy, Kerala, India.
3. Ayurvedic consultant & Director, Ayur World, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.

Received: 28-01-2016; Revised: 29-03-2016; Accepted: 14-04-2016



Cancer originates due to metabolic changes. Vata dosha is responsible for cell division. Aggravation of vata
dosha and suppression of kapha doshas or both the doshas interacting with one another may result in
proliferation of cells. However, the Ekadesavriddhi (growth at a specific part) is a part of abnormal cell
division resulting in benign or malignant tumors. In this 21st century the world is running behind alternative
medicines like Ayurveda to minimize the side effects due to chemotherapy and prolong their lifespan. Hence
it is very important to adopt Ayurvedic therapy as a co-therapy along with chemo or radiation therapy and so
in the present article a complete review about various information regarding arbuda is brought under single
roof so as to help the future researchers to use the incorporated details about arbuda (cancer).

Key words: Arbuda; Cancer; Ayurveda; Tumours; Granthi.


*Address for correspondence:

Dr. Roshy Joseph C, MD, Ph.D. (Ayu)
Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana,
Govt. Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital,
Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India – 629 002
E-mail: [email protected]

Cite This Article

Roshy Joseph C, Ilanchezhian R, Jacob Raymond CJ. Arbuda – The concept of cancer in
Ayurveda. Ayurpharm Int J Ayur Alli Sci. 2016;5(4):47-51.

Ayurpharm - International Journal of Ayurveda and Allied Sciences 47

Ayurpharm Int J Ayur Alli Sci., Vol. 5, No. 4 (2016) Pages 47 – 51
ISSN: 2278-4772

INTRODUCTION includes both arbuda and granthi, for example

the raktarbuda mentioned in the classics can
Arbuda (Cancer) is one of the most asadhya be correlated with leukemia, mamsarbuda as
vyadhi (incurable diseases) of the 20th century melanoma and mukharbuda (oral cancer), etc.
and the percentage is increasing in the 21st Screening the classics it is easy to analyze
century. 25% of all the deaths in humans are certain asadhya lakshanas (incurable)
due to cancer in United States. Various mentioned for certain diseases may be
scientific investigations are making the best correlated as malignancy. For example
efforts to fight against the disease, but still it is tridosaja gulmas (abdominal Tumours) may be
very difficult to conclude the sub type of the correlated with carcinomas of the stomach and
cancer / sarcoma by various investigation and liver or lymphomas and asadhya kamala
here comes the difficulty to diagnose the sub (incurable jaundice) may be considered as
type and to start the chemotherapy. In this 21st malignant. Yet researches should be
century the world is running behind alternative conducted scientifically to prove the
medicines like Ayurveda to minimize the side hypothesis.
effects due to chemotherapy and prolong their
lifespan. Pathogenesis of arbuda (cancer)

Several research studies have been conducted Cancer originates due to metabolic changes.
on herbs having anti-cancerous effect under Vata dosha is responsible for cell division.
the system of Ayurveda, Siddha and also in Aggravation of vata dosha and suppression of
ethno-botanical grounds. Hartwell has kapha doshas or both the doshas interacting
collected data[1] about 3000 herbals which with one another may result in proliferation of
possess anticancer properties and subsequently cells. However, the Ekadesavriddhi (growth at
been used as potent anticancer drugs.[2] a specific part) is a part of abnormal cell
Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of division resulting in benign or malignant
medicine of herbal drugs has been successful tumours. Acharya Susruta has explained about
from very early times in using various herbs in six stages in the pathogenesis of all diseases.
preventing or suppressing various tumours by They are Sanchaya, the early stages of
adopting various treatment techniques. The localized neoplastic changes; Prakopa is
broad aim of this article is to provide a general transformation of primary growths into
outline about cancers and its management by metastatic tumours; Prasara is metastasis;
following the basic and scientific principles of Sthana samsraya is complete metastasis and
Ayurveda. This article reviews the available secondary growth. Vyakti is the clinical signs
literature regarding researches on anti- and symptoms observed. Bheda is the stage
cancerous herbs in Ayurvedic system of where differentiation of growth is understood
science and to implement the Ayurvedic on the basis of histopathology.[3]
therapies in combating cancer in hand with
Allopathic system of medicine. Cancer therapy in Ayurveda

Concept of arbuda As a first line of treatment, internal medication

will be prescribed and is termed as samana
The classics clearly describes about both chikitsa. Later Sodhana chikitsa (purification
granthi (tumour) and arbuda (cancer). The treatment) to eliminate the vitiated doshas are
classification of neoplasm depends on various practiced in the management of cancer.
lakshanas (symptoms) in relation to tridoshas Certain poisonous plants, minerals and animal
(vata, pitha, kapha) in Ayurveda. The products are rendered non-toxic and are used
condition that can be named as malignant as rejuvenating drugs (immunotherapy) in the

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Ayurpharm Int J Ayur Alli Sci., Vol. 5, No. 4 (2016) Pages 47 – 51
ISSN: 2278-4772

treatment of cancer.[4] When the treatment explained in Ayurvedic classics and other
does not show any good prognosis, then proven drugs are discussed here.
surgical management is followed in Ayurveda
which include the principles of fomentation by Bhallataka (Semecarpus anacardium)
means of external application, opening the
tumour surgically for evacuation of its The anti-carcinogenic activity of the drug was
contents, cauterization to avoid recurrence and proven and was found to be effective in breast
post-operative care for healing the wound.[5] cancer. Mathivadhani, et al. studied
Cauterization with ksharas (alkalis) and other Semecarpus anacardium nut extract for
surgical procedures are performed with herbal inhibitory effect on human breast cancer cells
and mineral medicines. Arbuda (cancerous (T47D). [6] Arulkumaran, et al. investigated the
tumour) is excised completely from its deep protective efficacy of preparation which
root and cauterization is done to destroy any includes Semecarpus anacardium (SA) nut
of the remnants of carcinoma. milk extract and dried powder of
Bhumyamalai (Phyllanthus emblica) fruit and
Ayurvedic therapy as a co-therapy along honey as novel cancer chemo-preventive
with chemo or radiation therapy agent.[7] Sugapriya, et al. showed restoration
of energy metabolism in leukemic mice
It is of paramount importance to find a treated by SA nut milk extract.[8]
solution for combating this dreadful disease.
Though there are explanation about shastra Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
kriyas (surgical procedures) and agni karmas
(radiation) in various classics in Ayurvedic W. somnifera can be used as an adjuvant
system of medicine but in the present era, the during cancer chemotherapy for the
allopathic system of medicine is in hand with prevention of bone marrow depression
treating cancer by surgical methods followed associated with anticancer drugs.[9] The active
by chemo or radiation. Chemotherapy is the component, withaferin A isolated from the
significant medical modality of cancer remedy extract showed significant antitumour and
in Allopathic system of medicine and the radiosensitising effects in experimental
chemicals used in chemo therapy targets the tumours in vivo, without any noticeable
fast-multiplying mutant cells but it is a big systemic toxicity.[10]
question about the side effects of chemo and
radiation. However, the toxicity to normal Lasuna (Allium sativum)
tissues of the body proves to be an obstacle.
The generation of aldehydes during Water-soluble derivative of garlic, S-
chemotherapy could be reduced by the use of allylmercaptocysteine (SAMC), inhibited
antioxidants from herbals used in Ayurvedic proliferation and cell cycle progression in two
system of medicine. Therefore many human colon cancer cell lines, SW-480 and
researches are conducted at phyto-chemical HT-29, similar to the effects of sulindac
levels, pharmacological levels and clinically sulfide (SS), a well-known colon cancer
on herbs to study the anti-cancerous effect and chemo-preventive agent.[11]
to develop the immune system in the cancer
patients there by combating the side effects of Haridra (Curcuma longa)
When radiation and curcuma were applied
One such herbal drug is bhallataka together as synergical therapy, curcuma
(Semecarpus anacardium), most elaborately showed a radiation sensitizing effect in HeLa,
K-562 and IM-9 cell lines.[12] Curcumin, the

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Ayurpharm Int J Ayur Alli Sci., Vol. 5, No. 4 (2016) Pages 47 – 51
ISSN: 2278-4772

active constituent from Curcuma longa also extract caused increased life span of animals
enhances the anticancer potential of Cisplatin when compared with untreated irradiated
and reduces its nephrotoxicity in fibrosarcoma group.[18] The combination treatment of
bearing rats.[13] Alstonia scholaris extract with
cyclophosphamide was also found to be most
Kumari (Aloe vera) effective against Ehrlich ascites carcinoma.[19]

In a randomized double-blinded clinical trial, Natural drugs, which are used as Rasayanas in
comparing mild soap and Aloe vera gel Ayurveda, have also been proved to have
against incidence of radiation therapy induced antioxidant properties. The drugs which are
skin reactions; The protective effect of adding having tridoshagna property such as Triphala
aloe to the soap regimen increases during long (Terminalia chebula, Embllica officinalis and
time radiation exposure.[14] Terminalia bellirica), Guduchi (Tinospora
cordifolia) and Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa)
Tulasi (Ocimum sanctum) may have co-therapy along with chemo or
radiation therapy.
Orientin and Vicenin, two water-soluble
flavonoids of Ocimum sanctum have shown Screening the classics few compound
significant protection to the human formulations are used as a co-therapy along
lymphocytes against the clastogenic effect of with the modern treatment, they are
radiation, radiation lethality and chromosomal Gugguluthikthaka kashaya, Kanchanara
aberrations in vivo.[15] guggulu, Thriphala churna, Trikatu churna,
Ashwaganda churna, Gokshuradi guggulu,
Shigru (Moringa oleifera) Drakshadi kashaya, etc. Going deep into
which condition of cancer these formulation
Pre-treatment with the leaf extract of M. are prescribed was collected after a lot debates
oleifera exhibits significant radiation and discussion with genuine practitioners in
protection to the bone marrow chromosomes the present era.
in mice and this could be useful to overcome
side effects of radiation therapy.[16] Approach of treating malignant tumours in
Ayurveda as co-therapy with Allopathic line
Krishna jeeraka (Nigella sativa) of treatment include Gugguluthikthaka
kashaya, Kanchanara guggulu, Thriphala
In mice bearing Ehrlich ascites carcinoma, churna, Trikatu churna, Ashwaganda churna
thymoquinone (TQ), the main constituent of for all sub types of soft tissue sarcoma;
the Nigella sativa oil, significantly enhanced Thriphala churna, Trikatu churna,
the therapeutic efficacy of ifosfamide by Ashwaganda churna, Gokshuradi guggulu in
improving its antitumour effect and reducing cancer of prostrate; Thriphala churna, Trikatu
its nephrotoxicity.[17] churna, Vyaghradi kashaya in lung cancer;
Kanta sindooram avarthana to reduce the pain
Saptaparna (Alstonia scholaris) and other symptoms after radiation.

The Alstonia scholaris extract pre-treatment Metallic preparations are not used commonly
increased the effect of radiation as by after chemo therapy but herbals and herbal
enhancement of cell killing in HeLa and KB formulations are showing tremendous result,
cells, followed by HL60, MCF7, and HePG2 yet to be proved with scientific backgrounds
cells. In vivo studies, with Ehrlich ascites to be accepted universally.
carcinoma bearing mice the pre-treatment of

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Ayurpharm Int J Ayur Alli Sci., Vol. 5, No. 4 (2016) Pages 47 – 51
ISSN: 2278-4772

CONCLUSION 8. Sugapriya D, Shanthi P, Sachdanandam P.

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Pharmacol 2001;45:253–7.
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Source of Support: Nil Conflict of Interest: None Declared

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