Small Buildings Structural Guidance
Small Buildings Structural Guidance
Small Buildings Structural Guidance
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.A 2007
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.A 2007
1.A General
1.A.0 Introduction
1.A.1 Scope
1.A.2 Revisions to small buildings guide
1.A.3 New guidance
1.A.4 Explanation of terms
1.A.5 Rules of measurement for storeys, walls , panels and building heights
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.A 2007
annex General
1.A.0 Introduction
The Small Buildings Structural Guidance (SBSG) which is contained within Annexes 1.A-F has been
prepared to provide structural guidance to designers of small domestic buildings on how to meet
Standard 1.1.
The buildings covered by this guidance are restricted in terms of construction type, size and subsoil
conditions to those commonly occurring in Scotland.
This guidance has been written for those with expertise in building design and construction but not
necessarily in structural engineering design. Where the conditions or parameters fall outside the
scope then specialist advice should be sought from chartered engineers with the appropriate skills
and experience.
This guidance replaces the Small Buildings Guide Second Edition 1994 and has been prepared in
consultation with ODPM and DFP Northern Ireland so that reasonably uniform solutions might be
adopted towards meeting the requirements of the respective structural regulations and to incorporate
a broader base of experience into the definition of standards.
1.A.1 Scope
This guidance covers the following types of buildings-
a. Buildings with masonry walls
• domestic buildings of not more than 3 storeys without basement storeys
• extensions with eaves height not more than 3m to low rise domestic buildings including
garages and outbuildings;
• single storey, single skin buildings forming a garage or outbuilding within the curtilage of a
b. Buildings with timber frame walls
• domestic buildings of not more than 2 storeys without basement storeys
• extensions with eaves height not more than 3m to low rise domestic buildings
The full description of the types of buildings and restrictions to which this guidance is applicable is set
out within the scope of each of the annexes.
It recommended that prior to using the SBSG for particular works , the scope of the works should be
checked against all of the limitations on its use to ensure that it is appropriate in the circumstances
.and in particular :
Annex 1C: Foundations : Geotechnical conditions
Annex 1D: Masonry walls : Not more than 3 storeys
Maximum building height of 15 m
Maximum 12m length between supporting walls
Wind speed verses the allowable height of building
Openings in walls not more than 3 m in length
Annex 1.E: Timber frame walls Not more than 2 storeys
Maximum building height of 10 m
Maximum 10m length between supporting walls
Wind speed verses the allowable height of building
Openings in walls totalling not more than 30% of the wall
Annex 1F: Timber floor and roof members Floor spans not exceeding 5.4 m
Roof spans not exceeding 6 m
Raised Tie and Collared Roofs only for attic storage
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.A 2007
Design and construction will also have to comply with all other relevant building standards
Annex 1.B gives general rules on stability which should be observed in Annexes 1.E-F whereas
Annexes 1.C and 1.E -F should not be used independently of each other.
1.A.2 Revisions to Small Buildings Guide
The Small Buildings Guide has been revised and updated to Small Buildings Structural Guidance
incorporating changes in construction practice specifically;
• ‘Wind loading on traditional dwellings
‘Proposed revision of the simplified roof snow load map for Scotland
Masonry walls
• More detailed guidance on openings
• More detailed guidance on lateral support
• Differences in ground levels either sides of walls
• Stainless steel wall ties to be used in all locations
Timber Floor and Roof Members
The timber span tables have been expanded to cover raised tie and collared roofs.
1.A.3 Timber frame construction
Timber frame construction has been a significant form of construction for domestic buildings for over
20 years in Scotland ,rising from 38% of new starts in 1984 in the volume housing market to over 63
% in 2004, and a large proportion of the single build and extension market. Although the guidance in
the Small Buildings Guide was restricted to traditional masonry construction as timber frame
construction has been used and accepted for over 30 years it was considered necessary to extend
the scope of the guidance for small buildings to include timber frame walls.
The timber frame wall guidance has been restricted to masonry clad platform frame construction
which is the most common form of construction.
1.A.4 Explanation of Terms
The following terms are used in the SBSG in addition to the definitions and explanation of terms in
Appendix A of the Technical Handbooks.
Buttressing wall means a wall designed and constructed to afford lateral support to another wall
perpendicular to it, support being provided from the base to the top of the wall.
Cavity width means the horizontal distance between the two leaves of a cavity wall.
Pier means a member which forms an integral part of a wall, in the form of a thickened section at
intervals along the wall so as to afford lateral support to the wall to which it is bonded or securely tied.
Spacing means the distance between the longitudinal centres of any two adjacent timber members of
the same type, measured in the plane of floor, ceiling or roof structure of which the members form a
Span means distance measured along the centre line of a member between the centres of any two
adjacent bearings or supports. Note: The spans given in Annex 1.E for Cripple Studs and Lintels and
in Annex 1.F for floor joists, and roof joists are the clear spans, i.e. spans between the faces of the
Supported wall means a wall to which lateral support is afforded by a combination of buttressing
walls, piers or chimneys acting in conjunction with floors or roof.
Engineered fill means fill that is selected, placed and compacted to an appropriate specification in
order that it will exhibit the required engineering behaviour .Normally such fill would not have taken
place prior to development of the site allowing the necessary control over the type of fill material and
method of placement to be exercised.
Non-engineered fill means fill that has arisen as a by-product of human activity, usually involving the
disposal of waste materials. Normally such fill would occur on sites where uncontrolled filling has
taken place and therefore no reliance can be placed on the type of fill material and method of
placement and hence its ability to support the buildings.
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.A 2007
1.A.5 Rules of measurement for storeys , walls , panels and building heights
The height of a wall or a storey should be measured in accordance with the following diagram.
= =
line of lateral
= support to gable
wall along roof slope = HP
D line of base
line of lateral
Panel height
2.7m max
H1 Floor
Panel height
2.7m max
panel height
ground level thickness
2.7m max floor joist
base of wall Top of foundations
panel height
(a) Measuring storey heights
A is the ground storey height if the ground floor is a suspended timber floor or a structurally separate
ground floor slab
A1 is the ground storey height if the ground floor is a suspended concrete floor bearing on the external
B is the intermediate storey height providing
B1 is the top storey height for walls which do not include a gable
C is the top storey height where lateral support is given to the gable at both ceiling level and along the
roof slope
D is the top storey height for walls which include a gable where lateral support is given to the gable
only along the roof slope
(b) Measuring wall heights
H1 is the height of a wall that does not include a gable
H2 is the height of a compartment or a separating wall which may extend to the under side of the roof.
H3 is the height for a wall(except a compartment or separating wall) which includes a gable
P is the height of a parapet. If the parapet height is more than 1.2m add the height to H1
(c) Measuring timber panel heights
Panel heights are measured from the underside of the bottom rail to the top of the top rail
(d) Measuring building height
Building heights are measured from the lowest finished ground level to the highest point of the roof
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.B 2007
1.B Stability
1.B.0 Introduction
1.B.1 Stability recommendations
1.B.2 Timber roof bracing
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.B 2007
1.B.0 Introduction
Buildings should be stable under the likely combinations of dead , imposed and wind loading
conditions in terms of the individual structural elements , their interaction together and overall stability
as a structure .
This Annex provides guidance on the principles of stability and provisions which should be taken with
respect to all forms of buildings within the scope of the SBSG.
1.C Foundations
1.C.0 Introduction
1.C.1 Conditions related to the subsoil
1.C.2 Design recommendations
1.C.3 Eccentric foundations
1.C.4 Extensions to existing buildings
1.C.5 Minimum width of strip foundations
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.C 2007
annex Foundations
1.C.0 Introduction
The dead , imposed and live loads are transmitted from the building to the subsoil by means of the
foundations which should be designed taking into account the loadings and the subsoil conditions
without undue settlement .
This Annex provides guidance on suitable subsoil conditions on which buildings within the scope of
the SBSG can be constructed, the precautions to be taken and guidance on simple foundations for
such buildings.
The minimum depth to the underside of foundations should be determined on the basis of the greatest
• the depth to selected bearing stratum;
• a depth of 450 mm to the underside of foundations .This should avoid damage from frost action in
normal soil conditions although this depth may have to be increased in areas which are subject to
long periods of frost or in order to transfer the loading onto satisfactory ground.
• depth of 600 mm to the underside of foundations where clay soils are present although this depth
will commonly need to be increased in order to transfer the loading onto satisfactory ground.
The susceptibility of ground to movement, action of frost and changes in water table varies widely and
the advice of a structural engineer should be sought if the conditions are outwith the parameters set
out above. More detailed guidance is provided in BRE Digests 240 and 241.
f. the minimum thickness, T, of the concrete foundation is 150 mm or the scarcement width, P;
whichever is the greater, where P is derived using the table to 1.C.5 and the diagram below.
Trench fill foundations may be used as an acceptable alternative to strip foundations.
g. footings with regular offsets should have a depth at least 1.33 times the respective projection P1
(see diagram 1.7.2 opposite); with the overall width not less than the sum of , WF from table to
1.C.5 plus offset dimensions A1 and A2 and walls should be central on the foundation
h. for foundations stepped in elevation
• height of steps, S, should not be of greater height than the foundation thickness, T
• overlap, L, should be the greater of twice the step height ,S, the foundation thickness, T, or 300
P .
A1 WT A2 P
1.33 P1 min
WF WF + A1 + A2
L = greater of 2 x S, T, 300mm
i. foundations for piers , buttresses and chimneys should project as shown in the diagram below
where X must be not less than P
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.C 2007
c. the full width of the foundation, WF (from Table 1.C.5) is WT
not effective in transmitting the load to the soil, and only
a proportion of the width is effective. This effective width
of the foundation, WF' is determined from
WF' = WF – (2 × e) e
where e is the eccentricity of the resultant thrust R due
to the wall load, about the centre-line of the foundation.
d. Nonetheless, the minimum foundation width,WF, should
still be read directly from Table 1.C.5.
e. the minimum foundation thickness, T for the minimum R
foundation widths listed in Table 1.C.5 should be taken
as 200mm.
f. an appropriate steel reinforcement mesh, (e.g. A142), T
should be placed at 50mm cover from the base of the
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.C 2007
The table is applicable only within the strict terms of the criteria described within it and where the
subsoil is not covered by the types set out below or the total load from the load-bearing walling
exceeds 70kN/linear metre or 30kN/linear metre in types of subsoil under heads V-VI or type VII
subsoil below, then a designed foundation may be required and the advice of a structural engineer
should be sought.
Minimum width of strip footings
Total load of load-bearing walling not
more than (kN/linear metre)
Type of Condition Field Test Applicable 20 30 40 50 60 70
Ground of ground Minimum width of strip foundation,
(including WF (mm)
I Rock Not Requires at least a pneumatic In each case equal to the width of wall
inferior to or other mechanically operated
sandstone pick for excavation
or firm
II Gravel or Medium Requires pick for excavation. 250 300 400 500 600 650
Sand dense Wooden peg 50mm square in
cross section hard to drive
beyond 150mm
III Clay Stiff Can be indented slightly by 250 300 400 500 600 650
Sandy Clay Stiff thumb
IV Clay Firm Thumb makes impression 300 350 450 600 750 850
Sandy Clay Firm easily
V Sand Loose Can be excavated with a 400 600
Silty sand Loose spade. Wooden peg 50mm
Clayey sand Loose square in cross section can be Note
easily driven Foundations on soil types
VI Silt Soft Finger pushed in up to 10mm 450 650 V and V1 do not fall
Clay Soft within the provisions of
Sandy clay Soft this annex if the total load
Clay or silt Soft exceeds 30kN/m.
VII Silt Very soft Finger easily pushed in up to Refer to specialist advice
Clay Very soft 25mm
Sandy clay Very soft
Clay or silt Very soft
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.D 2007
1.D Masonry walls
1.D.0 Introduction
1.D.1 Wall types
1.D.2 Conditions relating to the Building of which the walls forms part
1.D.3 Maximum floor area
1.D.4 Imposed loads on roofs , floors and ceilings
Thickness of walls
1.D.5 General
1.D.6 Solid external walls, compartment walls and separating walls in coursed brickwork or
1.D.7 Solid external walls, compartment walls and separating walls in uncoursed stone , flints
1.D.8 Cavity walls in coursed brickwork and blockwork
1.D.9 Walls providing vertical support to other walls
1.D.10 Internal load-bearing walls in brickwork or blockwork
1.D.11 Parapet walls
1.D.12 Single leaf external walls
1.D.13 Modular bricks and bricks
1.D.14 Maximum height of buildings based on wind loadings
1.D.15 Maximum allowable length and height of the wall
Construction materials and workmanship
1.D.16 Wall ties
1.D.17 Brick and block construction
1.D.18 Compressive strength of masonry units
1.D.19 Declared compressive strength of masonry units
1.D.20 Normalised compressive strength of masonry units
1.D.21 Compressive strength of masonry units in walls
1.D.22 Mortar
1.D.23 Lintels for openings
Loading on walls
1.D.24 Maximum span of floors
1.D.25 Other loading conditions
End restraint
1.D.26 Vertical lateral restraint to walls
1.D.27 Criteria for buttressing walls
1.D.28 Criteria for piers and chimney providing restraint
Openings , recesses , chases and overhangs
1.D.29 General
1.D.30 Dimensional criteria for openings and recesses
1.D.31 Sizes of openings and recesses
1.D.32 Chases
1.D.33 Overhangs
1.D.34 Lateral support by roofs and buildings
1.D.35 Gable wall strapping
1.D.36 Interruption of lateral support
1.D.37 Movement in masonry
Small single storey , single skin buildings
1.D.38 General
1.D.39 Size and proportions of openings
1.D.40 Wall thicknesses and piers
1.D.41 Horizontal lateral restraint at roof level
1.D.42 Proportions for masonry chimneys
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.D 2007
1.D.0 Introduction
Small buildings of traditional masonry walls can be designed to take advantage of custom and
practice to provide designs taking into account loading conditions , limitations on dimensions ,
openings and subject to , restraint conditions .
This Annex provides guidance for traditional masonry wall construction for the following building types
a. domestic buildings of not more than 3 storeys where loading criteria for individual floors does not
exceed those given in 1.D.4 and total limit of loading does not exceed that given in 1.D.25;
b. single storey single skin extensions to domestic buildings including garages and outbuildings that
do not exceed the dimensional criteria set out in 1.D.2b ; and.
d. single storey , single skin buildings forming a garage or outbuilding within the curtilage of a
dwelling that do not exceed the dimensional criteria set out in 1.D.2c
1.D.2 Conditions relating to the Building of which the walls forms part
This Annex applies only to buildings having proportions within the following limits and as shown
on the Diagrams below subject to the limits of 1.D.15
a. domestic buildings of not more than three storeys
• the maximum height of the building measured from the lowest finished ground level
adjoining the building to the highest point of any wall or roof should not be greater than
15 m ;
• the height of the building H, should not exceed twice the least width of the building W 1 ,
• the height of the wing H 2 should not exceed twice the least width of the wing W 2 when
the projection P exceeds twice the width W 2 .
not to H
lowest W1 not to be less
ground level than 0.5H
P1 W2
Maximum roof
slope 40
domestic building
= =
3.0m max
3.0 m max
4.5m max
3.0 m max
3.0 m max
3.6 m max
Area not
36 m2
Area not 2
exceeding 70 m
Area not
exceeding Area not
exceeding 70 m
36 m2 Area not
Area not 36 m2
exceeding Area not 2
36 m2 exceeding 70 m
The guidance for snow loading in 1.F.6 applies only to a free standing flat roofed structure with
no parapet and with the roof on one level only, provided that there are no other buildings within
1.5m of its perimeter.
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.D 2007
Thickness of walls
1.D.5 General
Wall thickness should be determined according to this Annex provided the following conditions
are met-
a. relating to the building of which the wall forms a part in 1.D.2-4 and 1.D.14 (3.4 , 3.15 to 3.17);
b. relating to the wall in 1.D.15-41 (3.18 to 3.41).
Wall thicknesses may be affected by adequate bearing for precast concrete units.
Conditions – building
Conditions relating to a. limitations on size and
building of which wall proportions of building and parts of
forms part building ( 1.D.2 )
b. max allowable floor areas (
c. max imposed and wind loads (
1.D.4 and 1.D.14)
Are building conditions
Annex N
1.D scope
Conditions – wall
Conditions relating to a. max allowable length and
wall height of wall ( 1.D.15)
b. construction materials and
workmanship ( 1.D.16-23)
c. loading on walls ( 1.D.24-25)
Outside Annex Are wall conditions d. end restraints ( 1.D.26-28)
1.D scope satisfied ? e. openings , recesses ,
overhangs, chases (1.D.29-
f. lateral support by floors and
Yes roofs (1.D.34-36)
g. movement in masonry (1.D.37)
h. conditions relating to external
walls of small single storey
Use 1.D.6-13 for wall buildings and extensions (
thickness assessment
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.D 2007
1.D.6 Solid external walls, compartment walls and separating walls in coursed brickwork or
Solid walls constructed of coursed brickwork or blockwork should be at least as thick as 1/16 of
the storey height. Further requirements are given in the table below.
Height of wall Length of wall Minimum thickness of wall
not exceeding not exceeding 12m 190mm for the whole of its height
exceeding 3.5m not exceeding 9m 190mm for the whole of its height
but not
exceeding 9m but not 290mm from the base for the height of one storey,
exceeding 9m
exceeding 12m and 190mm for the rest of its height
exceeding 9m not exceeding 9m 290mm from the base for the height of one storey,
but not but not exceeding 12m and 190mm for the rest of its height
exceeding 12m exceeding 9m but not 290mm from the base for the height of two storeys,
exceeding 12m and 190mm for the rest of its height.
1.D.7 Solid external walls, compartment walls and separating walls in uncoursed stone,
flints etc
The thickness of walls constructed in uncoursed stone or bricks or other burnt or vitrified material
should not be less than 1.33 times the thickness required by 1.D.6.
level of junction
of wall and
T structural roof
Solid wall
600 t = 150
760 t = 190
860 t = 215
Note that t must not be more than T
level of junction
of wall and
structural roof
Z2 Z1 Z2 Z3
0.25Lu 0.4Lu 0.4 Lu 1.2 L u
Z2 Z1 Z2
0.4 Ld
direction 0.4 L u
0.4 L u 0.4 L d
Lu Ld
Condition B
conditions A, B and C
Brick Group 1 Group 2 Group 1 Group 2
9.0 13.0 9.0 13.0 9.0 -
Block See clause 1.D.20 7.3* 7.3
Condition C
Brick Group 1 Group 2 Group 1 Group 2
18.0 25.0 18.0 25.0 18.0 -
Block See clause 1.D.20 7.3* 7.3
1. This table applies to Group 1 and Group 2 units.
2. For the EN 771 series of standards for masonry units the values of declared compressive
strengths (N/mm2) are mean values.
3. Brick: a masonry unit having work sizes not more than 337.5 mm in length or 112.5 mm in
4. Block: a masonry unit exceeding either of the limiting work sizes of a brick and with a minimum
height of 190mm. For blocks with smaller heights, excluding cuts or make up units, the strength
requirements are as for brick except for solid external walls where the blocks should have a
compressive strength at least equal to that shown for block for an inner leaf of a cavity wall in the
same position.
5. Group 1 masonry units have not more than 25% formed voids (20% for frogged bricks). Group 2
masonry units have formed voids greater than 25%, but not more than 55%
6. Refer to 1.D.21 for locations of Conditions A, B and C
7. Values marked * are dry strengths to BS EN 772-1
1.D.20 Normalised compressive strength of masonry units of clay and calcium silicate blocks
complying with BS EN 771 - 1 and 2 (N/mm2)
Standard Condition Group 1 masonry units Group 2 masonry units
Clay masonry units to A 5.0 8.0
BS EN 771-1 Calcium
B 7.5 11.0
silicate masonry units
to BS EN 771-2 C 15.0 21.0
1 Values in this Table are normalised compressive strengths (N/mm2). Compressive strengths of
masonry units should be derived according to EN 772-1.
2 The Table applies to clay and calcium silicate block masonry units where the work size is more
than 337.5mm in length or 112.5mm in height.
3 Group 1 masonry units have not more than 25% formed voids (20% for frogged bricks). Group 2
masonry units have formed voids greater than 25%, but not more than 55%.
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.D 2007
Top of
structural floor Where
Hf Less than or equal to 1m-
Condition A
Hf greater than 1m-
Condition B
Underside Cavity
of wall
HS wall
S structural
roof Underside
Underside Underside structural
of of structural roof
wall HS
S structural floor
This wall to
Top of be at least
Hf structural HS 140mm thick
floor blockwork or
215mm thick
This wall to be at least
140 mm thick in blockwork or
Topside of
215 mm thick in brickwork below
groundfloor level if
height Hf exceeds 1m.
1. If HS is not more than 2.7 m , the compressive strength of bricks or blocks should be used in walls as
indicated by the key
2.If HS is more than 2.7m, the compressive strength of bricks or blocks used in the wall should be at
least Condition B, or as indicated by the key whichever is the greater.
3.If the external wall is solid construction the masonry units should have a compressive strength of at
least that shown for the internal leaf of a cavity wall in the same position.
The guidance in the diagram for walls of two or three storey buildings should only be used to determine
the compressive strength of the masonry units where the roof construction is of timber.
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.D 2007
1.D.22 Mortar
Mortar should be -
a. Mortar designation (iii) according to BS 5628:Part 3:2001;
b. Strength class M4 according to BS EN 998 - 2 ;
c. 1:1: 5 or 6 CEM 1, lime and fine aggregate measured by volume of dry materials
Loading on walls
1.D.24 Maximum span of floors
The maximum span for any floor supported by a wall is 6 m, where the span is measured centre
to centre of bearing as shown on the diagrams below.
floor floor
Loading on walls
1.D.25 Other loading conditions
a. Vertical loading on walls should be distributed. This may be assumed for concrete floor slabs,
precast concrete floors, and timber floors designed in accordance with annex 1.F, and where the
bearing length for lintels is 150 mm or greater. Where a lintel has a clear span of 1200 mm or less
the bearing length may be reduced to 100 mm. Where lintels carry a concrete floor the bearing
length should be at least 150mm or L/10 whichever is the greater, where L is the span of the lintel.
b. Differences in level of ground or other solid construction between one side of the wall and the
other should be less than four times the thickness of the wall and the combined dead and imposed
load should not exceed 70kN/m at base of wall as shown below provided there is a full storey
height of masonry above the upper retained level.
c. Walls should not be subject to lateral load other than from wind, and that covered by 1.D.25 b
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.D 2007
b. Maximum differences in ground level
t H should be less
than or equal to 1m
t and less than or
H should be less
equal to 4t
than or equal to 1m
and less than
or equal to 4t Retained H
Retained H
Concrete fill
to wall cavity
Floor slabs in diagrams b have been omitted for clarity and may be on either side of the walls shown.
Cavity walls should be tied in accordance with Table to clause 1.D.16.
These recommendations apply only to circumstances where there is a full storey height of masonry above
the upper retained level.
End restraint
1.D.26 Vertical lateral restraint to walls
The ends of every wall, except single leaf walls less than 2.5 m in height and length in small single
storey non-domestic buildings and extensions should be bonded or otherwise securely tied
throughout their full height to a buttressing wall, pier or chimney. Long walls may be provided with
intermediate support dividing the wall into distinct lengths; each distinct length is a supported wall for
the purposes of this part. The buttressing wall, pier or chimney should provide support from the base
to the full height of the wall.
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.D 2007
5. There may be only one opening or recess not more than 0.1 m2 at any position.
6. The opening height in a buttressed wall should be not more than 0.9 times the floor to ceiling
height and the depth of lintel including any masonry over the opening should be not less than 150
Refer to diagram to 1.A.5 for the rules for measuring the height of the supported wall.
corner of two
external walls
outer face of
return w all
1. W1 + W2 + W3 should not exceed 2L/3 7. P5 should be greater than or equal to W4/X
2. None of W1 or W2 or W3 should exceed 3m but should not be less than 665 mm.
3. P1 should not be greater than W1/X 8. The value of Factor X should be taken from
4. P2 should not be greater than or equal to W1/X the table below or can be given the value 6,
5. P3 should be greater than or equal to (W2+ provided the compressive strength of the
W3)/X bricks or blocks (in the case of a cavity wall,
6. P4 should be greater than or equal to W3/X in the loaded leaf) is not less than 7 N/mm2.
1.D.32 Chases
Chases should not -
a. if vertical, be deeper than 1/3 of wall thickness or, in cavity walls, 1/3 of leaf thickness ;
b. if horizontal, be deeper than 1/6 of the thickness of the leaf or wall; and
c. be so positioned as to impair the stability of the wall, particularly where hollow blocks are used.
1.D.33 Overhangs
In constructing a corbelled overhang, the amount of any projection should not impair the stability
of the wall.
Minor overhangs may occur at the interfaces between different masonry materials which have minor
differences in thickness provided this does not impair the stability of the wall.
Walls should be strapped to floors above ground level, at intervals not more than 2 m by tension
straps as shown below to BS EN 845-1. For corrosion resistance purposes , the tension straps
should be material reference 14 or 16.1 or 16.2 (galvanised steel) or other more resistant
specifications including material references 1 or 3 (austenitic stainless steel). The declared tensile
strength of tensions straps should not be less than 8 kN
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.D 2007
Reference should be made to BS 8103-2, Annex B Code of practice for masonry walls for housing
which provides general guidance for movement joints.
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.E 2007
External walls of small single storey single skin buildings and extensions
1.D.38 General
The guidance given applies in the following circumstances:-
a. The floor area of the building or extension does not exceed 36m
b. The walls are solidly constructed in brickwork or blockwork using materials which comply with
clauses 1.D.16-1.D.23.
c. Where the floor area of the building or extension exceeds 10m ,the walls have a mass of not less
2 2
than 130 kg/m . (Note: There is no surface mass limitation recommended for floor areas of 10m or
d. Access to the roof is only for the purposes of maintenance and repair.
e. The only lateral loads are wind loads.
f. The maximum length or width of the building or extension does not exceed 9m.
g. The height of the building or extension does not exceed the lower value derived from the Diagrams
to clause 1.D.2.
h. The roof is braced at rafter level, horizontally at eaves level and at the base of any gable by roof
decking, rigid sarking or diagonal timber bracing, as appropriate, in accordance with BS 5268: Part 3.
i. Walls are tied to the roof structure vertically and horizontally in accordance with clauses 1.D.34-36
and with horizontal lateral restraint at roof level in accordance with clause 1.D.41.
j. The roof structure of an extension is secured to the structure of the main building at both rafter and
eaves level.
390mm min
height should not be more than 2.1m
2. There should be no other openings within
2.0m of a wall containing a major opening.
3. The aggregate size of openings in a wall
not containing a major opening should be
No other openings in this zone
Isolated column
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.E 2007
BP 90mm min
Walls which contain one or two major openings Wall with a single major opening
should in addition have piers as shown in the BP
Diagrams above and opposite. Where ties are
used to connect piers to walls they should be
flat, 20mm x 3mm in cross section, be in AP G
stainless steel in accordance with clause Dotted line
1.D.16, be placed in pairs and be spaced at
indicates range
not more than 300mm centre vertically
of wall positions
G > 2.5m
G 2.5m
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.E 2007
Level of highest
point of
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.F 2007
1.E Timber frame walls
1.E.0 Introduction
1.E.1 Wall types
1.E.2 Conditions relating to the Building of which the walls forms part
1.E.3 Maximum floor area
1.E.4 Imposed loads on roofs , floors and ceilings
Wall structure
1.E.5 General
1.E.6 Minimum thickness of external walls
1.E.7 Walls providing vertical support to other walls
1.E.8 Timber frame wall sizing
1.E.9 Site data
1.E.10 Building data
1.E.11 Horizontal loads
1.E.12 Wall sheathing
1.E.13 Site data and building data
1.E.14 Altitude/distance category
1.E.15 Length/width ratio
1.E.16 Racking bands
1.E.17 Percentage openings
1.E.18 Masonry cladding arrangements
1.E.19 Panel sheathing and nailing
1.E.20 Vertical loads
1.E.21 Wall stud sizing
1.E.22 Cripple stud sizing
1.E.23 Lintel sizing
1.E.24 Example
1.E.25 Overall stability
1.E.26 Maximum allowable length and height of wall
Construction materials and workmanship
1.E.27 General
1.E.28 Wall ties
1.E.29 Masonry cladding
1.E.30 Brick and block construction
1.E.31 Mortar
1.E.32 Lintels for masonry cladding
1.E.33 Timber members
1.E.34 Wall sheathing
1.E.35 Fasteners
1.E.36 Fabrication
1.E.37 Composite action
1.E.38 Wall panel connections
1.E.39 Nailing and fixing schedule
Loading on walls
1.E.40 Maximum span of floors
1.E.41 Other loading conditions
1.E.42 End restraint
Openings, notching and drilling
1.E.43 General
1.E.44 Framing of openings
1.E.45 Dimensional criteria for openings
1.E.46 Small unframed openings
1.E.47 Notching and drilling
1.E.48 Lateral support by roofs and floors
1.E.49 Differential movement
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.F 2007
1.E.0 Introduction
Small buildings of masonry clad platform frame construction can be designed to provide designs
taking into account loading conditions , limitations on dimensions , openings and subject to , restraint
conditions .
This structural guidance for timber frame construction for small buildings is intended to be similar to
that for masonry construction restricted to cover a limited range of timber frame wall dimensions,
member sizes and loading conditions which commonly apply in Scotland.
To comply with the philosophy of the Small Buildings Structural Guidance, the guidance for timber
frame construction has been produced for use by those who have expertise in building design and
construction but not necessarily in structural engineering design. Where the conditions or parameters
fall outside the scope then specialist advice should be sought from chartered engineers with the
appropriate skills and experience.
This guidance is based on the Platform Frame method of timber frame construction with external
masonry cladding being the most common form of timber frame construction in Scotland It is
restricted to the member sizes and types and sheathing materials which are commonly used in small
buildings in Scotland.
It should be noted that the guidance within this Annex only relates to Section 1 Structure. There are
other factors such as cavity barriers, breather membranes ,thermal insulation, etc which may be
relevant and reference should be made to the appropriate sections in the Technical Handbooks.
Timber frame construction outwith the parameters and materials covered in this guidance should be
designed in accordance with the guidance in BS 5268 Part 6.1 1996.
This Annex provides guidance for timber frame wall construction for the following building types
a. domestic buildings of not more than 2 storeys where loading criteria for individual floors does not
exceed those given in 1.E.4 and total limit of loading does not exceed that given in 1.E.41;
There is guidance in Annex 1.D: Masonry walls which is relevant to this annex with respect to
masonry cladding to timber frame walls.
1.E.1 Wall types
This Annex deals only with the types of wall extending to full storey height set out below.
a. Domestic buildings of not more than 2 storeys
• External walls
• Internal load bearing walls
• Compartment walls
• Separating walls
This Annex should be used in conjunction with Annexe 1.B ; and
a. if a timber wall structure is designed in accordance with the guidance in Annex 1.E, all
appropriate design conditions should be satisfied;
b. walls should comply with the relevant recommendations of BS 5268: Part 6.1: 1996, except as
regards the conditions given in 1.E.2,1.E.3-4 and 1.E.8-49
c. in formulating the guidance of this Annex, the worst combination of circumstances likely to
arise was taken into account.
d. If a recommendation of this Annex is considered too onerous in a particular case then
adequacy by calculation should be shown in respect of the aspect of the wall which is
subject to the departure rather than for the entire wall;
e. the guidance given in this Annex is based upon the material strengths of timber , sheathing ,
plasterboard and masonry being not less than that indicated in 1.E.27-39
f. roof construction should be :
• duo or mono pitch trussed rafters with 15-45o pitch and dead weight not more than 1.036
kN/m2 on the slope
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.F 2007
• or flat ,raised tie or collared roofs in accordance with guidance in Annex 1.F.
g. floor dead load should be not more than 0.5 kN/m2
h. Internal , party and external wall dead loads should be not more than 1.5 kN/m excluding
masonry cladding
i. panel heights should be not more than 2.7 m
j. timber frame walls act should compositely with the masonry cladding ,sheathing and inner
plasterboard lining all contributing to the racking resistance of the timber frame walls.
This guidance does not cover hipped ends to roofs with girder trusses which impose point loads on to
the walls or other situations where point loads occur.
Wall sheathing which provides the racking resistance to wind loading generally is the limiting factor
and this aspect should be checked prior to carrying the remainder of the design. It is unlikely that this
guidance could be used with walls with openings more than 30 % of the total wall area or for front
gable buildings where there are large percentage openings in the shorter length walls.
1.E.2 Conditions relating to the Building of which the walls forms part
This Annex applies only to buildings having proportions within the following limits and as shown
on the Diagrams below subject to the limits of 1.E.26
The maximum height of the building measured from the lowest finished ground level adjoining
the building to the highest point of any wall or roof must not be greater than:
10 m for duo pitch roofs
5.5 m for mono pitch or flat roofs
• the height of the building H, should not exceed twice the least width of the building W 1 ,
the height of the wing H 2 should not exceed twice the least width of the wing W 2 when the
projection P exceeds twice the width W 2 .
Maximum height
Minimum width
not to
W1 W1
ground level
W1 not to be less
than 0.5H
P1 W2
Area not
36 m2
Area not 2
exceeding 70 m
Area not
Area not exceeding
exceeding 70 m
36 m2 Area not
Area not 36 m2
Area not 2
exceeding 70 m 36 m2
Ceilings distributed load: 0.25 kN/m2 together with concentrated load: 0.9 kN
The guidance for snow loading in 1.F.6 applies only to a free standing flat roofed structure with no
parapet and with the roof on one level only, provided that there are no other buildings within 1.5m
of its perimeter.
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.F 2007
Wall structure
1.E.5 General
Wall structure should be determined according to this Annex provided the following conditions are
a. relating to the building of which the wall forms a part (1.E.2); and
b. relating to the wall 1.E.3-49
Conditions – building
Conditions relating to d. limitations on size and proportions of
building of which wall building and parts of building ( 1.E.2, )
is part e. max allowable floor areas ( 1.E.3)
f. max imposed and wind loads (
Outside Are building
Annex 1.E conditions satisfied ?
Conditions – wall
i. max allowable length and height of
No wall ( 1.E.26)
Outside j. construction materials and
Annex 1.E Are wall conditions workmanship ( 1.E.27-39)
scope satisfied? k. loading on walls ( 1.E.40 and 1.E.41)
l. end restraints ( 1.E.42)
m. openings, notching and drilling
Yes n. lateral support by floors and roofs
o. Differential movement (1.E.49)
Use Annex 1.E for
timber frame walls
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.F 2007
H1 A1 A2 A3
Percentage Wall Opening,
H H1
%Op = ( AO / AEX ) x 100
P1 W1 P2 W2 P3 W3 P4
If the area above an opening is timber cladding
then L = Length of wall
A2 = W2 x (H1 + H2 ) and A3 = W3 x (H3 + H4)
Charts 1-3 Wall details and allowable percentage of openings for given racking banding
Perim eter nail spacing
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R 10 R 11
R acking band
Chart 1 Wall Type 1 at 1 & 2 Storey: Wall details and allowable percentage of openings for
given racking banding
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.F 2007
Perimeter nail spacing
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11
Racking band
Chart 2 Wall Type 2 at 1 & 2 Storey: Wall details and allowable percentage of openings for
given racking banding
Perimeter nail spacing
R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11
Racking band
Chart 3 Wall Type 3 at 1 & 2 Storey: Wall details and allowable percentage of openings
for given racking banding
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.F 2007
A is the smaller dimension of the building plan C1
B is the larger dimension of the building plan RA A C2
C is the sum of the lengths of the internal racking
resisting walls (C = C1 + C2 + C3 + ….), C3
β can be considered as B/(A+0.5×C) but not less than 1.0 B
in any case. It is recommended that this value is always
rounded up when calculated (i.e. if A = 3, B = 5 and C = RB
1.2 then β= 5/(3+0.5×1.2) = 1.38 thus adopt β= 1.5 but if Plan where there are internal racking
A = 4, B = 5 and C = 2.5 then β= 5/(4+0.5×2.5) = 0.92 walls
thus adopt β=1.0)
Internal racking walls parallel to the length of the building (i.e. B) should be ignored in the calculation
of β. However they can be used to enhance racking resistance in that direction to allow for an
increased percentage of openings as follows:
The Effective internal racking wall area, AIN, should be split equally between each of the external
racking wall areas, AEX, which are parallel to that internal wall allowing the allowable percentage of
opening calculated from clause 1.E.15 may be increased using the following equation:
AOP = (AEX + (AIN / 2)) × %Op
AOP Area of allowable opening
AEX Effective external racking wall area
AIN Effective internal racking wall area
%Op Allowable percentage of openings per storey from charts 1-3 .
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.F 2007
a. The Imposed Loads (Snow ) in kN/m2 is read from the table below
b. Read the Vertical ( Snow) Load Category (V1-V18) from the table below
1 V1 V3 V1 V3 V2 V3
2 V4 V7 V4 V7 V5 V7
3 V6 V10 V6 V10 V7 V11
4 V8 V12 V8 V12 V9 V13
5 V10 V13 V10 V14 V11 V14
6 V10 V14 V11 V15 V11 V15
7 V11 V16 V11 V16 V12 V17
7.5 V11 V17 V13 V17 V13 V18
Tables of Minimum wall stud sizes in softwood for all snow zones
V1 2 2 2
V2 2 2 2
V3 2 2 2
V4 2 2 2
V5 2 2 3
V6 2 2 3
V7 2 2 3
V8 2 2 3
V9 2 3 3
V10 2 3 --
V11 2 3 --
V12 2 3 --
V13 2 3 --
V14 3 -- --
V15 3 -- --
V16 3 -- --
V17 3 -- --
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.F 2007
V1 2 2 2
V2 2 2 2
V3 2 2 2
V4 2 2 2
V5 2 2 2
V6 2 2 2
V7 2 2 2
V8 2 2 2
V9 2 2 3
V10 2 2 2
V11 2 2 3
V12 2 2 3
V13 2 3 --
V14 3 3 --
V15 3 3 --
V16 3 -- --
V17 3 -- --
V18 3 -- --
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.F 2007
1.E.24 Example
Site Data
B = 7.6m
Distance from sea km 15
Altitude ,a m 150
Snow zone A
D2 = 1.4m
C 1 = 3.3m C 2 = 2.5m
Windspeed m/s 23.5
A = 7.5m
Building Data C3 = 2.5m
Width, A m 7.5
D1 = 2.7m
D3 = 1.9m
Length, B m 7.6
Height to Eaves m 5.5
Storeys No 2
Building Height, H m 7.5
Roof Shape Duo
B = 7.6m
Panel Height, Hp m 2.4
C4 = 2.4m C 5 = 2.4m
A = 7.5m
C6 = 2.4m
D4 = 4.1m
D5 = 4.1m
Wall Type: 1
Number of storeys: 2
From Table to clause 1.E.13, Altitude-Distance Category = AD3
For Ground Floor:
Internal racking wall, parallel to building width, C = C1 + C2 + C3 = 8.3m
Internal racking wall, parallel to building length, D = D1 + D2 + D3 = 6.0m
For First Floor:
Internal racking wall, parallel to building width, C = C4 + C5 + C6 = 7.2m
Internal racking wall, parallel to building length, D = D4 + D5 + = 8.2m
Adopt lesser values giving : C = 7.2m. D = 6.0m
Length/width ratio β = B/ (A + 0.5 ×C) = 7.6/ (7.5 + 3.6) = 0.68. < 1.0 . Therefore adopt β = 1.0
From Table 4 for β = 1.0 ,AD3 category and wind speed of 23 m/s , Racking bands are :
For Side A = R4 and for Side B = R5)
From the above parameters the initial wall options are as shown in the table below (before allowing
for the effect of internal racking walls)
Side Racking Wall Options Allowable %
Band opening/ level per
Side A R4 From Chart 1 to clause 1.E.17:
1. Single sheathed with 100mm nail centres 19
2. Single sheathed with 150mm nail centres 14
Side B R5 3. Single sheathed with 100mm nail centres 15
4. Single sheathed with 150mm nail centres 10
In accordance with clause 1.E.18 ,% openings in the external walls may be increased:
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.F 2007
Width Walls:
Effective area of external racking wall, AEX = 7.5m × 2.4m = 18m2
Effective area of internal racking walls, AIN = 7.2m × 2.4m = 17.28m2
Area of allowable opening per level, AOP = (AEX + (AIN / 2)) × %Op
For example consider Side A, Option 1: single sheathed with 100mm nail centres:
AOP = (18+ (17.28/2)) × 19%
AOP = 5.1m2
Therefore %Op = (5.1 / 18) × 100 = 28%
Length Walls:
Effective area of external racking wall, AEX = 7.6m x 2.4m = 18.24m2
Effective area of internal racking walls, AIN = 6m x 2.4m = 14.4m2
Area of allowable opening, AOP = (AEX + (AIN / 2)) × %Op
For example consider Side B, Option 5: single sheathed with 100mm nail centres:
AOP = (18.24m2 + (14.4m2/2)) × 15%
AOP = 3.82m2
Therefore %Op = (3.82m2 / 18.24 m2) × 100 = 21%
The table can therefore be revised as follows allowing for internal racking walls effect
Side Rackin Wall Options Approximate
g Band allowable %
opening per
level per side
Side A R4 1. Single sheathed with 100mm nail centres
2. Single sheathed with 150mm nail centres 28
Side B R5 3. Single sheathed with 100mm nail centres 21
4. Single sheathed with 150mm nail centres 14
Wall studs
From table to 1.E.19 , horizontal load category is H1
From table 1.E.20 , imposed load =1.00 kN/m2 leading to vertical load category = V17
From table 1 to 1.E.21 select 38x 140, grade wall stud at 600mm spacing
Cripple studs
For load V17 and 1200 mm opening ,table 1 to 1.E.22 gives 1 no 38 x 140 cripple studs grade C16
each side of opening
For load V17 and 1200 mm opening ,table 2 ,to 1.E.23 gives 3 no 44x220, grade C24 lintels
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.F 2007
Panel height
Bottom rail
Dwang (if required may be site
or factory fixed)
reproduced by permission of TRADA
Sole plate
Vented cavity dpc
Masonry cladding
Finished ground level
Inner leaf of
Floor dpm lapped over wall brickwork or
and dressed under dpc concrete block
Type OSB 3: Load bearing boards for use in humid conditions to BS EN 300 Oriented Strand Board
Plasterboard used as wall linings and contributing to the structure of timber frame walls should be
12.5 mm minimum thickness for stud centres not more than 600 mm to BS 1230-1 .
1.E.35 Fasteners
All structural fasteners should be corrosion resistant and checked for compatibility with preservative,
treatments used and any other metalwork with which they are in contact.
Nails should be manufactured from mild or stainless steel and be of round head or “D” head
configuration to the diameter and length stated.
1.E.36 Fabrication
Timber frame walls should be fabricated, assembled and erected in accordance with section 6 of BS
Timber members in wall panels should be not less than 38 mm × 72 mm rectangular section with
linings fixed to the narrower face, with ends cut square.
Masonry cladding should be constructed on to the building foundation and tied back to the timber
frame structure with a nominal cavity width of 50 mm between the inside face of the masonry cladding
and the outer face of the timber frame wall.
1. Tops and bottoms of individual wall panels are linked by a head binder and sole plate respectively
that are continuous across panel joints including at junctions of the same dimensions as the top
and bottom rails by means of 3.75 mm nails of length 75 mm nails at 600 mm centres.
2. The sole plates should be secured to either the concrete floor slab or the header joists in the case
of a timber ground floor or the header joists of the intermediate floor
3. The header plates should be secured to the header joists of the intermediate floor or the roof
4. The faces of end studs of contiguous panels are fixed such that any vertical shear is transferred.
In the absence of more specific information, this should be by 3.35mm nails of length 75mm at
300mm centres.
5. All edges including to openings for windows, doors etc other than the bases of door openings and
small openings should be supported by members having a thickness not less than the thickness of
the studs.
6. The wall diaphragm details derived by following this guidance assume that the walls under
consideration are adequately fixed to ensure resistance to sliding and overturning.
7. Where a secondary board is fixed on the same side of a wall as the primary sheathing then the
nail lengths given in the table should be increased to take account of the additional thickness
A means should be provided of transferring horizontal forces in the plane of the panel above and
below openings. Where no such provision is made, the wall lengths on either side of the opening
should be designed as separate parts.
300 mm
3. Holding down straps should be provided at 2.4m centres, at every opening and at the end studs
of a wall attached to the studs in a manner to provide at least 3.5kN of resistance. This is
normally achieved by using 6 no 65x35mm ring shank nails or equivalent attaching the strap to
the stud and placing the L-shaped end of the strap under the masonry cladding creating the
holding down resistance.
Head binder
max 0.25 D
1.F Timber floor and roof members
1.F.0 Introduction
1.F.1 The use of this Annex
1.F.2 Common timber species/grade combinations
1.F.3 Notches and holes
1.F.4 Strutting to Joists
1.F.5 Dead loads
1.F.6 Imposed roof loads including snow
Spans, sizes and spacings for timber members
1.F.7 General
1.F.8 Floor joist tables
1.F.9 Joists for flat roofs tables for maintenance or repair purposes
1.F.10 Joists for flat roofs tables not limited to maintenance or repair
1.F.11 Raised tie roofs
1.F.12 Collared roofs
1.F.13 Connections for raised tie and collared roofs
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.F 2007
1.F.0 Introduction
This Section applies only to domestic buildings with the exception of flats and maisonettes of not
more than three storeys.
Where trussed rafters are used reference should be made to BS 5268: Part 3: 1998 for design and
bracing recommendations.
Joist span Number of rows
m of strutting
Less than 2.5 none
at mid span
2.5 to 4.5 1
at one third span
more than 4.5 2
1.F.5 Dead floor and roof loads
Construction Dead load
( kN/m2 )
Floor boards , 13 mm plasterboard 0.22
Floor boards , 19 mm plasterboard 0.27
Floor boards , ash deadening, lath &plaster 1.18
Flat roofs
3 layer felt , 16 mm decking , 100mm mineral wool , vapour layer , 13 mm 0.32
13 mm chippings ,50 mm rigid insulation , vapour layer, 19 mm decking , 13 0.6
mm plasterboard
13 mm chippings , 19 mm mastic asphalt , decking , 100 mm mineral wool 0.90
,vapour layer, 13 mm plasterboard
Note that the above is based on 600 mm joist spacing and excludes the weight of the joists and any
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.F 2007
1.F.9 Joists for flat roofs with access only for the purposes of maintenance or repair
The tables below give sizes, spacings and spans for flat
roof joists designed for access only for maintenance Roof joist
which will support the dead loads given in the Tables and sts
an imposed load not exceeding 0.75 kN/m2 or an f joi
imposed concentrated load of 0.9KN. o fr
Joists for flat roofs with access only for the purposes of maintenance or repair
Timber of strength class C16.
Size of joist Dead load kN/m2
mm× mm Not more than 0.5 More than 0.5 but not More than 0.75 but not
more than 0.75 more than 1.00
Spacing of joists (mm)
400 450 600 400 450 600 400 450 600
Maximum clear span of joist
BS EN 336 sizes
38 × 97 1.738 1.719 1.666 1.666 1.642 1.578 1.605 1.578 1.507
38 × 122 2.368 2.336 2.250 2.250 2.212 2.113 2.155 2.113 2.005
38 × 147 3.020 2.974 2.851 2.851 2.797 2.659 2.717 2.659 2.511
38 × 170 3.631 3.571 3.368 3.412 3.342 3.166 3.239 3.166 2.980
38 × 195 4.303 4.226 3.855 4.025 3.939 3.629 3.810 3.719 3.446
38 × 220 4.943 4.762 4.340 4.641 4.491 4.087 4.383 4.274 3.881
47 × 72 1.272 1.260 1.229 1.229 1.214 1.175 1.192 1.175 1.130
47 × 97 1.919 1.896 1.835 1.835 1.808 1.735 1.765 1.735 1.654
47 × 122 2.602 2.565 2.468 2.468 2.425 2.313 2.360 2.313 2.192
47 × 147 3.304 3.252 3.115 3.115 3.055 2.900 2.964 2.900 2.736
47 × 170 3.960 3.892 3.612 3.716 3.639 3.402 3.525 3.444 3.232
47 × 195 4.677 4.530 4.132 4.372 4.277 3.893 4.136 4.037 3.700
47 × 220 5.282 5.093 4.649 4.991 4.808 4.383 4.747 4.577 4.166
63 × 97 2.190 2.162 2.088 2.088 2.055 1.968 2.005 1.968 1.873
63 × 122 2.948 2.905 2.790 2.790 2.740 2.609 2.664 2.609 2.469
63 × 147 3.722 3.662 3.444 3.503 3.434 3.246 3.330 3.256 3.069
63 × 170 4.439 4.345 3.969 4.161 4.074 3.744 3.945 3.853 3.561
63 × 195 5.141 4.961 4.537 4.864 4.689 4.282 4.612 4.468 4.074
63 × 220 5.771 5.572 5.101 5.464 5.270 4.816 5.212 5.024 4.585
75 × 122 3.168 3.121 2.995 2.995 2.940 2.797 2.857 2.797 2.645
75 × 147 3.984 3.919 3.640 3.747 3.672 3.435 3.561 3.481 3.268
75 × 170 4.736 4.583 4.194 4.439 4.334 3.959 4.208 4.110 3.768
75 × 195 5.415 5.229 4.791 5.129 4.949 4.526 4.894 4.719 4.310
75 × 220 6.000 5.869 5.383 5.758 5.558 5.088 5.497 5.303 4.847
CLS/ALS sizes
38 × 89 1.543 1.528 1.484 1.484 1.464 1.410 1.433 1.410 1.350
38 × 140 2.836 2.794 2.682 2.682 2.633 2.505 2.559 2.505 2.369
38 × 184 4.007 3.937 3.641 3.755 3.676 3.427 3.559 3.476 3.254
38 × 235 5.271 5.078 4.630 4.975 4.790 4.360 4.726 4.556 4.142
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.F 2007
Joists for flat roofs with access only for the purposes of maintenance or repair
Timber of strength class C24.
Size of joist Dead load
mm× mm kN/m2
Not more than 0.5 More than 0.5 but not More than 0.75 but not
more more than 1.00
than 0.75
Spacing of joists
400 450 600 400 450 600 400 450 600
Maximum clear span of joist
BS EN 336 sizes
38 × 97 1.837 1.816 1.759 1.759 1.733 1.664 1.693 1.664 1.588
38 × 122 2.496 2.462 2.370 2.370 2.329 2.223 2.267 2.223 2.108
38 × 147 3.177 3.128 2.997 2.997 2.939 2.792 2.853 2.792 2.635
38 × 170 3.814 3.750 3.503 3.580 3.507 3.298 3.398 3.320 3.123
38 × 195 4.512 4.399 4.009 4.218 4.127 3.775 3.991 3.895 3.586
38 × 220 5.134 4.947 4.512 4.847 4.668 4.251 4.586 4.441 4.039
47 × 72 1.347 1.334 1.300 1.300 1.284 1.241 1.259 1.241 1.192
47 × 97 2.025 2.001 1.935 1.935 1.905 1.826 1.860 1.826 1.740
47 × 122 2.739 2.700 2.596 2.596 2.549 2.430 2.480 2.430 2.301
47 × 147 3.472 3.416 3.256 3.269 3.205 3.041 3.110 3.041 2.868
47 × 170 4.153 4.081 3.755 3.894 3.813 3.538 3.693 3.607 3.363
47 × 195 4.879 4.704 4.294 4.575 4.441 4.048 4.327 4.223 3.849
47 × 220 5.482 5.287 4.831 5.182 4.995 4.556 4.938 4.756 4.333
63 × 97 2.307 2.277 2.198 2.198 2.162 2.069 2.108 2.069 1.968
63 × 122 3.098 3.052 2.929 2.929 2.876 2.736 2.795 2.736 2.588
63 × 147 3.903 3.838 3.578 3.670 3.597 3.375 3.487 3.409 3.212
63 × 170 4.645 4.509 4.123 4.353 4.261 3.891 4.125 4.029 3.702
63 × 195 5.332 5.147 4.712 5.047 4.868 4.449 4.816 4.640 4.235
63 × 220 5.983 5.779 5.296 5.668 5.470 5.003 5.409 5.216 4.764
75 × 122 3.325 3.274 3.141 3.141 3.082 2.931 2.994 2.931 2.770
75 × 147 4.172 4.103 3.781 3.921 3.842 3.569 3.725 3.641 3.397
75 × 170 4.924 4.754 4.354 4.638 4.498 4.113 4.396 4.289 3.916
75 × 195 5.612 5.422 4.973 5.319 5.135 4.700 5.078 4.899 4.477
75 × 220 6.000 6.000 5.585 5.969 5.765 5.283 5.703 5.503 5.035
CLS/ALS sizes
38 × 89 1.633 1.615 1.568 1.568 1.546 1.488 1.513 1.488 1.424
38 × 140 2.985 2.940 2.820 2.820 2.768 2.632 2.689 2.632 2.487
38 × 184 4.205 4.131 3.787 3.937 3.854 3.566 3.730 3.642 3.387
38 × 235 5.473 5.275 4.813 5.169 4.979 4.535 4.921 4.737 4.310
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.F 2007
1.F.10 Joists for flat roofs access not limited to maintenance or repair purposes
The tables below give sizes, spacings and spans for flat Roof joist
roof joists designed for access not limited to maintenance or spacing
repair purposes which will support the dead loads given in jois
the Tables and an imposed load not exceeding 1.5 kN/m2 o fr
or an imposed concentrated load of 1.8 kN. Sp
Joists for flat roofs access not limited to maintenance or repair purposes
Timber of strength class C24.
Size of joist Dead load
mm× mm kN/m2
Not more than 0.5 More than 0.5 but not More than 0.75 but not
more than 0.75 more than 1.00
Spacing of joists
400 450 600 400 450 600 400 450 600
Maximum clear span of joist
BS EN 336 size
38 × 97 1.367 1.359 1.337 1.337 1.327 1.298 1.311 1.298 1.263
38 × 122 1.908 1.895 1.856 1.856 1.838 1.788 1.809 1.788 1.729
38 × 147 2.486 2.464 2.404 2.404 2.377 2.301 2.333 2.301 2.214
38 × 170 3.041 3.011 2.928 2.928 2.889 2.787 2.831 2.787 2.671
38 × 195 3.663 3.622 3.429 3.511 3.460 3.294 3.383 3.326 3.176
38 × 220 4.299 4.247 3.862 4.104 4.041 3.711 3.943 3.872 3.580
47 × 72 0.982 0.978 0.966 0.966 0.960 0.944 0.951 0.944 0.924
47 × 97 1.526 1.517 1.490 1.490 1.478 1.444 1.459 1.444 1.403
47 × 122 2.120 2.104 2.058 2.058 2.037 1.979 2.004 1.979 1.911
47 × 147 2.751 2.725 2.656 2.656 2.623 2.536 2.573 2.536 2.437
47 × 170 3.354 3.319 3.216 3.223 3.179 3.062 3.112 3.062 2.931
47 × 195 4.026 3.980 3.682 3.853 3.795 3.540 3.708 3.643 3.417
47 × 220 4.711 4.556 4.147 4.491 4.385 3.987 4.310 4.230 3.849
63 × 97 1.766 1.754 1.722 1.722 1.706 1.663 1.682 1.663 1.613
63 × 122 2.439 2.418 2.362 2.362 2.336 2.265 2.295 2.265 2.183
63 × 147 3.146 3.116 3.030 3.030 2.992 2.887 2.931 2.887 2.769
63 × 170 3.818 3.776 3.544 3.661 3.609 3.409 3.529 3.471 3.292
63 × 195 4.561 4.449 4.055 4.357 4.289 3.902 4.187 4.112 3.769
63 × 220 5.191 5.003 4.564 5.003 4.820 4.393 4.839 4.660 4.243
75 × 122 2.644 2.261 2.557 2.557 2.528 2.448 2.482 2.448 2.356
75 × 147 3.399 3.364 3.253 3.269 3.226 3.110 3.160 3.110 2.980
75 × 170 4.111 4.065 3.751 3.938 3.881 3.611 3.794 3.729 3.488
75 × 195 4.785 4.700 4.291 4.673 4.529 4.131 4.489 4.380 3.991
75 × 220 5.477 5.283 4.827 5.283 5.093 4.648 5.113 4.927 4.493
CLS/ALS sizes
38 × 89 1.203 1.197 1.180 1.180 1.171 1.148 1.158 1.148 1.119
38 × 140 2.321 2.302 2.248 2.248 2.223 2.155 2.185 2.155 2.077
38 × 184 3.387 3.351 3.238 3.253 3.208 3.088 3.139 3.088 2.953
38 × 235 4.686 4.535 4.122 4.464 4.362 3.961 4.282 4.202 3.822
domestic structure SBSG annex 1.F 2007
Tie Joist
30 - 55
Ceiling tie
Double sided
toothed connector
a. Up to 450mm rafter centres: 38mm diameter double sided toothed connector and M10, grade 4.6
bolts should be used.
b. Up to 600mm rafter centres: 51mm diameter double sided toothed connector and M12, grade 4.6
bolts should be used.