FMCG Sales Distribution

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SESSION (2018-20)


Submitted To: - Submitted By: -

Peeyush Mittal Radhika Chhabra
102 RN
Mother dairy
Mother dairy was dispatched in 1974 and is an entirely claimed subsidiary of the
national dairy development board (NDDB). It was an activity under operation
flood, the world's greatest dairy development program propelled to make India a
milk adequate country. Throughout the years, mother dairy has contributed
altogether in accomplishing this goal through a progression of advancements and
projects. Today, mother dairy fabricates markets and sells milk and milk products
including cultured products, ice creams, paneer and ghee under the mother dairy
brand. The company additionally has an expanded portfolio with products in edible
oils, fruits and vegetables, frozen vegetables, pulses, processed food like fruit
juices, jams, etc. To meet the day by day necessities of each family unit.

The company in the course of the last numerous years has made a market
leadership position for itself in marked milk segment in Delhi and NCR through a
robust network of its booth and retail channels. It has additionally extended its
compass to different regions in north, south, east and west with its offering of milk
and milk products pegging it among the few organizations to claim such an
immense channel of distribution in India.

Brand mother dairy sources a

critical piece of its necessity of
liquid milk from dairy
cooperatives and town level
rancher driven associations.
The company is resolved to
maintain institutional structures
that enable milk producers and
ranchers through procedures
that are evenhanded.

A noteworthy segment of its pay is furrowed again into the value chain to help and
keep up the framework.
Mother dairy is an ISO 9001:2008 (QMS), iso 22000:2005 (FSMS) and ISO
14001:2004 (EMS) certified association. Nature of milk is of vital significance for
the organization and henceforth it has put widely in introducing hey tech robotized
machines to guarantee high item quality/dependability and security.



Supply chain management
1) Milk Procurement: mother dairy
sources its prerequisite of liquid milk
from dairy co-agents and maker
foundations. Milk is gotten from farmer
cooperatives through insulated tankers
at 2c temperature so as to retain its

2) Milk Distribution: - tankers in the morning and in the evening acquire milk from
the local accumulation focuses. After gathering similar tankers are utilized for the
delivery of the prepared milk to the distributors. Every one of these lad's (localarea
distributor) place their demand by raising an invoice one day ahead of time. The
demand is additionally calculated utilizing the 'schedule' scheme, in this relying
upon the pre-calculated seasonal demands the outlets put in their requests
appropriately. So as to fulfill immediate demand, 20 to 25 tankers are furnished
with a buffer stock of 500 liters every day so they can be activated to provide food
the interest in a region. To arrange its operations all the tankers are furnished with
ham radios.
Distribution channels:
A) Token Distribution: also, named as "lohe ki bhains" (metal buffalo), is an
automated milk vending machine.
B) Distributors: the bundled milk is distributed by means of the distributor network
all through the city.
At mother dairy, the preparing of milk is finished by process automation whereby
best in class microprocessor technology is embraced to incorporate and totally
automate all functions of the milk processing territories to guarantee high item
quality/unwavering quality and wellbeing.

There are four ways of milk processing -

Firstly, clarification, in which milk is spun at exceptionally rapid, evacuating all

dust particles that are imperceptible to the unaided eye.
Secondly, standardizations which help to keep up consistency by raising or
bringing down its fat and SNF (solid not fat) percentage to an ideal level, in order
to convey milk to customers as per prescribed PFA norms
Thirdly, it is homogenization which improves attractiveness of milk and
At last, pasteurization, which murders every pathogenic bacterium present in the
milk and along these lines making it ok for utilization.
Quality control
Stringent quality control philosophies are utilized in mother dairy.
A) The milk is tried for adulteration and quality at the hour of accumulation from
the ranchers.
B) The milk that originates from the accumulation focuses to the mother dairy
plant is guaranteed to have a temperature of not more than 4°c and is exposed to 15
item and quality checks
C) The milk quality is checked more than once after each preparing stage and the
temperature is reasonably kept up under 4°c consistently
D) Before the milk leaves the plant for the conveyance/distribution outlets the milk
is tried once more.
E) The temperature of milk in the maintained. Temperature kept up under 4°c
F) All the trucks that convey milk have specific guidelines to bring back 100 liters
of milk after distribution. This is done so as to test the delivered milk and to
guarantee that the tankers are not adulterated during distribution.
G) Since all the utilized handling techniques are automated, no contamination by
human hands happens.
H) To guarantee milk freshness the gathering and distribution focuses are
consistently picked to such an extent that the movement time between them is in
every case under 36 hours. Out of the complete creation about 9% goes
straightforwardly to the establishments ,23% is the loose token milk and the rest is
distributed through LAD'S.

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