Online Game Effect To School Children

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1.1 Background

Games are something that can be played by certain rules so that there is a

winner and some loser, usually in the unserious context or by freshening up. Online

games are electronically and visually based games. Online games are played by

using electronic visual media that normally causes radiation to the eyes, so the eye

is tired and usually accompanied by headaches.

Advances in technology are thriving in this global world, not just in big

cities, but in small towns. In the last 10 years, electronic games or what we like to

call online games have proliferated everywhere. Lot of center games popping up.

The game center itself is not like a cyber cafe, they have more regulars than Internet

cafe. This is what makes the game center nearly always full of visitors.

Today's games are not like the previous ones, if in the past they can only be

played by two people, now with technological advances especially the Internet

network, they can be played 100 more at the same time. Although games are

intended for children, not a few adults often play them not even a small amount of

what makes them work and what makes them income.

Online games also have a major impact on the development of both a child

and a person's soul. Dominating online games are the students, beginning with

primary school, middle school, and high school. A student who plays an online

game often leads to addiction or addiction. Addiction to online games can be

harmful, particularly academic and social. Although we can socialize in online

games with other players, online games often cause players to lose sight of the real

social life.

1.2 Problem Formulation

Based on the above background, the following problems can be formulated:

a) What is the positive effect of online games?

b) What are the negative effects of online games?

c) How do I deal with the negative effects of online games?

1.3 Purpose

The purpose of this research is to conduct empirical research on the following


a) To know the positive effects of online games for students

b) To know the negative effects of online games for students

c) To know how to cope with the negative effects of online games


1.4 Benefits

The benefits for students are as follows:

1. So that students can reduce playing online games.

2. So that students are aware of the negative effects of online gaming.

3. So that students can manage the time between learning and playing online

games so as not to damage health.

1.5 Method

In making this paper I received information from the internet to complete existing

data and also through interviews with players of Online Games.




2.1 Theoretical Foundation

2.1.1The history and development of online games

The development of the online game itself is not apart from the development

of computer and computer networks themselves. The detonation of an online game

itself is a reflection of the massive computer network that had previously been small

scale to the Internet and has continued to thrive to this day. Today's online games

are nothing like when online games are introduced for the first time. By the time it

first appeared in 1960, a computer could be used for only two people to play a

game. Then came a computer with time-sharing abilities so that the player who can

play the game can have more and not have to be in the same room.

Then in 1970 when the packet based computer networking network was

created, the computer network was not restricted to LAN only but contained wan

(the world area network) and became Internet. The first online games appeared

mostly in combat simulating games. This game then inspires other games to appear

and flourish. In 2001 was the climax of dotcom fever, which accelerated the spread

of information about online games.


2.1.2 Computer games and types

Terminology online gaming is derived from two words: gaming and online.

Games are games and online is connected to the Internet. Thus, it can be concluded

that online games are games that connect with Internet connections or LAN so that

players can connect with other players who play the same game.

The types of online games students play are:

 A. First Person Shooter (FPS)

The first person shooter (FPS) is a game that takes the first person's view on the

game to the point that it is as if we were in the game, most of these games are

setting up a war with military weapons (in Indonesia this type of game often called a

shoot-out game). Examples are point blank, cross fire and x-shot.

 B. Real-Time Strategy

Real-time strategy is a game that emphasizes the great strategy of the player,

usually the player plays not just one character but many characters. An example is

Atlantic online.

 C. Cross-Platform Online

Cross-platform online is a game that can be played online with different hardware

such as need for speed undercover can be played online from PC/xbox 360 (xbox

360) is a hardware/console game that has connections to the Internet so that it can

play online).

 D. Browser Games

Browsers are games that are played out in browsers such as firefox, opera, and ie.

The condition in which a browser can play this game is that the browser supports

javascript, PHP, or flash in example city ville, castle ville, and ninja saga.

 E. Massive Multiplayer Online Games

Massive multiplayer online games are a game where players play in the world's

large scale (>100 players), each player can interact directly as the real world does.

The game samples are ragnarok, luna, and dota.


2.2 The Effect of online Games

2.2.1 The positive effect of online games

“ Tom Watson explained that playing video games, children can learn to

train their minds, organize, answer challenges, and oppose changes around them “

” several researchers from the University of Rochester, New York, United

States who conducted research on the positive impact of the game, According to

them, children who play video games will develop skills in reading and

mathematics. ”

“ Mark Griffiths, a professor at Nottingham Trent University, UK states that

playing games can alleviate and even distract from the pain suffered by a child who

is in a period of treatment, such as chemotherapy. By playing games, the pain will

decrease and blood pressure will decrease. “

Playing games is also good for physiotherapy children who experience hand


Although the game can be said to have a positive impact on the child,

experts still recommend that children remain not to linger in playing the game.

Because, also stated in several researchers, that playing games also gives a

negative impact on children.


“ Positive effects of the online games according to Jan Nehemiah:

1. Can learn to speak English indirectly

2. Having many friends (although restricted to cyberspace)

3. Can make money (participate in tournaments and other online gaming

competitions that can win the prize of money)

4. As freshening up when you finish your test”


2.2.2 Negative effects of online games

1. Causes addictions
Most of the games around today are designed to get addicted to the

performers. The more a person is addicted to a game the more the game makers

are benefiting from the increase in gold/tool/ character purchases and the like.

But the benefits of the manufacturer are really bad for the psychological health

of gamers.

2. Encourage doing negative things

It's not much but quite often we find cases of online gamers trying to steal

other players' ids in one way or another. Then take the money inside or strip it

of its expensive equipment. This id stealing thing usually follows theft of other

accounts like facebook, emails with keylogger, software cracking etc. This form

of theft is not only limited to id and password theft but may also result in

money stealing-although it is usually not much (from a SPP for example) and

time theft, such as skipping school to play games.

3. Talking rough and dirty

Whether this is happening all over the world or just Indonesia, but as far as

any writer has seen in Internet news outlets across the city. Online gamers often

use foul and harsh words when playing at Internet sites or a game center.

4. Abandoned experience in the real world

Attachments to games that finish and games that have fun with them often

lead to neglected activities. In worship, schoolwork, college or job duties


become obsolete by playing games or thinking about it. Not to mention many

games that have gone on even though we're offline.

5. Diet changes and breaks

Rest and dietary changes are all plural in the gamers due to a lack of self-

control. Mealtimes become irregular and they often go to bed in the morning

for happy hour.

6. Extravagance
The money to pay the computer rent at an Internet cafe and buy gold/

points/character sometimes reaches millions. Not to mention Internet

connections, and upgraded the home computer specs.

7. Disrupts health
Sitting continuously in front of the computer for hours obviously had a

negative impact on the body sample diseases that can be caused by online


A. Eye Strain
It is eye fatigue that results from excessive use of the eye, seeing the same

object over and over again and again such as computer screens, TV,

microscopes and automobiles. At online gamers apart from constant

monitoring, even fewer blinking eyes actually increase fatigue.

B. Ambeien
Sitting down for a long time can interrupt blood circulation and suppress the

veins of veins around the anus, causing body veins burning hot and aching

called hemorrhoids.

C. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Is a disease caused by the stress and tension of the nerves in the wrist that

function to feel and movement for the hands and fingers. These pressures and

strains can cause numbness, tingling, weakness, or muscle damage to the hands

and fingers

D. Metabolize
Sitting without physical activity for too long makes the muscles not do

activities that result in a slow metabolism. In the long run the effects include

decreased muscle mass, overweight, lowered immune systems, making it more

likely to develop disease. These effects are not limited to online games but can

also happen to most people who play game consoles or games on smartphones

because basically most games are created to get players to want to play them

again and again and again, but the effects are greater on the online gamers

because of the high level of addiction.


” Professor of Psychology Douglas A. Gentile, who runs the Media Research

Lab at Iowa State University, Ames, children are addicted, depressed, nervous, and

social phobia will worsen and their school grades will drop. “

“ Douglas also mentioned mentioning how long playing video games raises the

risk of the child being exposed to problems of concentration and hyperactivity twice

as high. Whereas when they stop from addiction, depression, anxiety, and social

phobia will get better.”

There is also a negative influence on the social life of children if they play

games too much, especially online games, is the time the child with friends and

family becomes tenuous because association is only around online games not in the

real environment.

If you are accustomed to only interacting with games, making children become

closed and difficult to express themselves when in a real environment.

Online gaming activity is the most access that is dangerous for the development

of children and adolescents after accessing pornographic content. If pornographic

content, by the government, is considered dangerous, then on-line games are legal

access, even some internet service providers, provide special content for online


Dependence on gaming activities. Even many children, who deliberately set

aside their pocket money to be able to play games online. Dependence on gaming

activities, will reduce the positive activities that children should undergo at the age

of their development. In fact, many cases show that dependence on games continues

in adulthood (college years). Children who experience dependence on games

activities, will reduce learning time and time to socialize with their peers. If this

continues for a long time, it is assumed that children will withdraw from social

interaction, are not sensitive to the environment, can even form an asocial

personality, where children do not have the ability to adapt to their social


Some game users say that games can sharpen their brains, how to solve

problems in games, and upgrade their abilities every day, which not everyone can

do. Basically, proficiency in games is only because they often repeat, there is no real

ability side that can be shown in the real world. Please note that, we live in a real

social world, not in cyberspace. Solving problems in cyberspace, can not even be

practiced in the real social world. Expertise in the real world is a real life. The

virtual world is only a means of facilitating and learning facilities, or just as a means

of entertainment, not as a main focus in life. Maybe this is different from friends

who do business online. The truth is, you can set the time between games and real-

world activities. Don't run away from real-world activity, which is the main place to

play games.

Then who is responsible for anticipating these negative impacts?

1. Parents: Parents should build good communication with children, so that children

feel at home and comfortable at home.

2. School: Schools should encourage children about the effects of Online Game

Addiction. In addition, children need to be introduced to traditional games.

3. Internet Cafe Entrepreneurs: Internet cafe entrepreneurs should limit the use of

computers - Online Games for children. (SA)



Online games can have an addictive impact on students and change some

aspects of their lives, including:

A. Time aspect

In terms of time, students who are addicted to online games will spend hours

playing online games. And not infrequently there are also those who skipped school

to play online games at the internet cafe. The thing that causes these students to

spend their time on the internet is to increase their experience to raise levels,

eliminate stress, want to spend time, find friends, because the game is constantly

updated and not boring.

B. Financial Aspects

In terms of finance, students who are addicted to playing online games will

spend their money playing online games they play. The money spent is used to pay

warnet billing for game centers whose prices start from two thousand per hour to

three thousand per hour or buy virtual game money used to buy equipment, goods,

weapons, and buildings from an online game.

C. Academic Aspects

In terms of academics, students who are addicted to online games will find it

difficult to share time to play and learn. So he will be negligent of the tasks given by

the teacher. So that the learning spirit decreased and the academic value also


D. Psychological aspects

In terms of psychology, the most common threat when a person is addicted

is his inability to regulate emotions. Individuals often feel sad, lonely, embarrassed,

afraid to leave, are in a high family conflict situation, and have low self-esteem.

This affects relationships with roommates, other students, parents, friends, faculty,

and mentors. Addicts also have difficulty distinguishing between games or fantasy

and reality. Addicts tend to cover up the psychological problem.

E. Social Aspects

From a social standpoint, in relationships with friends or family becomes

tenuous because their time together becomes much less. The student association is

only in online games, thus making online game addicts isolated from friends and the

real social environment. Social skills are reduced, making it increasingly difficult to

connect with other people. Behavior becomes violent and aggressive because it is

affected by what we see and play in online games.

F. Health Aspect

In terms of health, Baroness Greenfield, professor of pharmacology at the

University of Oxford, found signs of cessation of gray growth in the brains of

excess internet users that could worsen over time. This can affect concentration and

memory, and their ability to make decisions and goals that they will set. It can also

cause 'disrespectful' behavior.

A set of MRI images focused on gray matter on the wrinkled surface of the

brain or cortex, where processing of memory, emotion, speech, hearing, and motor

control occurs. Comparing gray matter between the two groups can show cessation

of growth in small areas in some of all online game addict brains.

The scan shows that the longer the internet addiction will cause more serious

damage to the brain. "This is a structural disorder that might be associated with

functional disorders in cognitive control. The results of our study suggest that long-

term internet addiction will result in structural changes in the brain. Online games

provide high tension in the eyes of those who play them. if students who are

addicted to online games play it every day and for hours, then the student's eyes will

definitely be damaged because of the torture carried out by the online game being


2.3 How to Overcome the Negative Impact of Online Games

Why is it addicted to video games?

The activity of playing too many online games is likely to get you addicted to

this one. In some cases, this addiction is even quite serious and requires special

treatment. Imagine what would happen if you were addicted to it and were no longer

able to stop playing games all the time? Many are hooked on online games, some of

which are like the following:

1. It's always evolving and it's endless

If a dozen years ago the game was programmed using a certain level that would

run out and make it end when gamers can reach the highest level, then this is just

different. Most games keep developing and have many features in them, so it's

never finished. Developers will generally bring new features, such as: character,

weapons, and others that will keep gamers curious to play and play again with no


2. Gamers can totally interact freely

More than just playing games and subjecting games online, gamers are now able

to interact with each other, just as we would expect to use social media. This would

certainly be an attraction, especially for those who prefer the same interaction of the


3. Competition immeasurable with a promising gift

The growing interest in games has created communities, including developers,

eager to stage various competitions. Not only on a small scale, these competitions

often attended on a large and global scale. Not only that, a large number of gifts will

also be presented for the competition.

4. Ever-increasing challenges and skills

More than just boring entertainment, it can even be a challenging vessel for

great applicants. Gamers will find many different levels of skill levels that are

different, making up the game's greatest attraction. Each person would need a

certain skill to conquer the level of the game, and it would have the immediate

satisfaction of conquering it. But more than that, a number of curiosity will also

follow, where the party will be so challenged to defeat the next levels.

5. Mixed emotions
Gamers were sure to give off a wide range of emotions for gamers who were

playing it. Excitement, anxiety, anger, or even happiness may arise. In some

conditions these feelings may even affect gamers' life, causing the emotional state to

become even more unstable. Not just when playing games, an addicted gamer may

feel uneasy or even anxious when he is unable to play the game he is interested in.

6. Give "other worlds" as they wish

Some games allow the player to form the character he wants. This has been fun,

but it can also be a great escape vessel for gamers, where they feel they've found a

small world to live up to. These games may cause them to "sink down" with a broad

imagination of these characters, even an escape route for them.


2.4 Interviews Result

WHO maintains gaming addiction as a mental disorder, how can Indonesian

"gamers" recover?

In various countries serious game related problems have sprung up. Many

young people die from game fatigue. In the United States, the father of three 35-

year-old children is killed after playing 22 hours in a single game. A 20-year-old

man in the republic of the people of China was killed after playing king of glory

nine hours a day for five months. Similar cases are common among teenagers in

Indonesia. They died from an addiction, an aberrant behavior that can actually be


Gaming addiction also triggers crime. There have been reports of seven

teenagers stealing money, cigarettes, and gas cylinders in a store to pay rent for an

online gaming device and two teenagers stealing Fried rice sellers to earn the money

used in online games.

The crimes were committed not only by teenagers, but also by adults in

Indonesia. This behavior is similar to those of a drug addict who often steals family

money to finance his drug habit.

Therefore, it is understandable that the world health organization (WHO)

introduced gaming addiction to the list of diseases in the 11 edition of the

international classification of diseases report. Thus, gaming addiction is officially

admission as a mental health disorder.


On June 18, 2018, WHO released the icd-11 document, a revision of the

previous document, the icd-10 issue of 1990. This document is used by health-care

workers to categorize diseases and conditions, from the birth of a baby (jb20 single

features delivery), flu disease (1e32 influenza, viruses not recognized), to online

gaming addiction (6c51 gaming disorder).




3.1 Conclusions

In its journey, Online Game has undergone a rapid development, both in

terms of its technology, from the beginning it was only used by the military for

military purposes to become an industry or from various types. Online games have

also influenced the way we socialize with other people. Online games allow us to

interact indirectly with other people. But the effects of online games can also have a

bad impact depending on how you control them.

3.2 Suggestions

To prevent the negative effects of online games, the following methods can

be carried out:

The way students learn not to be addicted to Online Games:

1. Set learning time and playing time.

2. Saving money for more useful things

3. Be aware of the negative effects of online game addiction

4. Make friends with good people and have a purpose in life.

5. Many do worship.

6. Always think positively and avoid being lazy.


How to deal with students who are already addicted to Online Games:

1. By doing activities outside the home such as climbing trees, feeling the grass on

the feet and feeling the sun on the face.

2. With the method of spiritual thinking, namely by diverting the energy and

passion of the student towards creative and positive things. If they can

program themselves to like television and play online games, they should also

be programmed for other better things. If he can opium to play online games,

then they can also be programmed for opium learning.


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