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KMTC Guide

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Contents Registration Il. Login lll. Main Page IV. Schedule Inquiry — i) Schedule Inquiry — ii) V. Booking Master = i) Booking Master - ii) VI. S/R Inquiry - i S/R Inquiry S/R Inquiry i) Vil. B/L Master =| B/L Master — il) Vill. Cargo Tracking IX. Arrival notice X. How to make a booking — i) How to make a booking - ii) How to make a booking — How to make a booking — XI. How to amend a booking XIL How to create B/L data i How to create B/L data — ii) XIll. How to amend B/L data —i How to amend B/L data — ii) |. Registration TAKMTE... REGISTER | trenjurorvsing arnonspage 8 “1 my 10 ovababie? * Serco type urcurs® maeurs + Fax number enghisn seounsoutvouns 4 2 Click REGISTER’ button for registration. Fill inthe personal information, 4) Nama in Engish 2) Comsany name in English 3) Membership type @ Fonvarder & Shippor or Consignos @ Comer Transco Company & customs nouse broker ‘Save, then the deta will be sent forregisration and you can check the resuh within 30, TakMTc... IL Login Login monk you for visting ourhomepage KUT Oi save 4 Forgotyourib? 4 Forgotyour password? Search 0 Search Password 1 2 Glick LOGIN’ button to use other functions Choose Customer’ and input yourID and PW. TakMTc... TAKMTC... Bailie Sivan 2) Ill. Main Page 1 About KMTC “You can find general information about KTC. Service Roures Our direct service routes are displayed Information Infomation about vessels, containers, and ports are provisos, Suppor ‘You ear find naws, notices and othar information, E-kMTC Pur your mouse on to move ito. various functions cuch as schedule maui, booking and S/R and B/L management Speed Inquiry You can use ‘Speed Inquiry’ to check up carga tracking and schedule, IV. Schedule Inquiry — i) = SINGAPORE + HONG KONG su ox me Q armen ~ or Various options to search vessel schedule You can choose places which you want to check schedule, You can search schedule based on date of departure or date of anal By cleking he antow left and right vl allow youto search by month, Alistof schedule ill be displayed This display helps youto find Ifyou can make a ooking Red-ne more booking available Elue booking available hen you click a vessel rame, You can find the detaliec Schedule and so on, Only when you choose = essa in blue, you can make a booking IV. Schedule Inquiry — ii) ei joosing a vessel on the schedule calendar NHEON 11048 Bi vesse! Senedule Document closing competent customes Dever AsO QO xrint:2011 0008 fF GHONGKONG RTL Departure Terminal 1 You can find the ETA, ETD, 4nd terminal information. You can make 8 booking on the solectad vassal by clcking the Booking’ button Then youare lead to where you can input basic Information for backing This buttonis displayed in case you choose aveeselin blue an the calendar TakMTc... V. Booking Master — I) Cee) Booking Master oor Dee Si cry ree] 4 ahebeist In Booking Master. you can seareh your bookings, make a nev booking orereate a BL data 1.¥ou can find yourbookings by directly nputting booking numbers, setting period for'on board date! for booking date 2.Youcan click ll button when You are not sure of your booking hummer and ty to find booking rurmbers, Your bockinge wil be founs basesion backing cate 3.You can maka 2 new booking Youvil be lead to where youcan input basic information for booking 4.Yau can move into a booking detallby clicking he booking No S.After choosing a booking nummer (fed circle), you can move into a booking detail as well 6.After choosing a booking number (fed circle), you esn create a BIL. data T.Youcan print out a delay notice. TakMTc... V. Booking Master — li) Een Booking Master Poried Teese Sminguty Onsen oe or 9 ° 4. The personal information of WEB ID is automaticaly shown, Ia different user make a bookng, correct information needs to be input This information wil be useful forusto contact the PIC of booking 2. Yeucan search schedule, Giickng the magnifier wil least youto the schedule table 3. Input an actual shipper 4. Youcan choose terms, CY ot CFS only 5. Youcan add ancther size or type of container (+) butlon 6. Youcan delete arow of container information. bution 7. Ifa container is your own. tick the bor. 8, Thore are three tyees of special cargo. 0G cargo, (O0G)0ut of Gauge, ancin Gauge. More detals of special cargo bookngis ouided later. You can write down special requests, f you have 10. Save and bookng is complete TakMTc... VI. S/R Inquiry - i) Li S/R Master eee Peet oy caiman te cbemn ew Pres re) ees @sccoosteor _suaceon: q vs sera ‘tour. In SIR (Shipping Request) Inquiry you can search SIR data, or Create a BIL data 1.You can find yourSiR data by direct inputing booking numbers orS/R numbers, setting perod for onboard dete’ or booking date. 2.Youcan cick All button when You are not sure of your booking No.or IR No. Your bookings will be found based on ‘hooking date 3A related S/R No. 12 shown ‘hen the SIR is created fora specifi backing ‘When you cick the SIR you ean find or change the datailad information of the SIR. 4Afterchoosing a bookng number (ed circle), you can create a BIL data VI. S/R Inquiry - ii) ae S/R Master e-KMTC Ca) [el prs [soo | ooking a Qn. sass Ese ° ; Q [soe ° ke Wie 0 Fora new SIR, the number is ‘automatically given, In case you neecito make nother BL for one container You use this function after making a fet BiL cata, Similar to the Past SIRS this Tunction ie used for wo different containers or more. SIR can be filled in by bringing upan existing BIL. Details of the vessel sehectule can be fourd You need to input the name of nsignes, or notify You need to input the acidress of each patty Ithelpe yout easily fil up the detais of each party. You can Select among recent data from the latast 10 BL, You can choose desenption of POL and POD or input greet, Condition of ocean freight payment needs to be chosen TakMTc... VI. S/R Inquiry = lil) ae e 7 : SE : ao ® a @ e ws) Qe cen Agus! Rony —— 9 You can inp container no, seal no, and 89 on. Press (¢) button to add and () todolate You can input details of Mark 8 No, and cargo desenption ‘Tho quantity of containers and packages are suiomatialy Shown based on the details of container and ‘package 16 ings with 29 letters are available You can ads or delete @ soace for Mark 8 No and Deserption Ithalpe yout easily fil up the deta of each, You can select ‘among recent data fromthe latest 10 BL You need to input commodty You can fndKMTC’s agent ‘address based on POL or Pop You can upload a dar 01 DG centoate You can wite down spacial requests, f you have TAKMTC... VII. B/L Master - i) ae) dre B/L Master Peed (OPleaseiptte pata 7° |smao00001 0" ea) q @ monte! scooon: ‘Dice | cor | snes ngage Qo @ Qo ,; sen In BlLMaster, you can search your BiL data, or amend t 1:¥ou can find yourBiL data by diecty inputting BIL No, or booking No. seting parod fer‘on board data. ‘wookng date’, or BIL input cate 2.You can cick’ button when You are no! sure of your B/L No Your BiL ist wil be found based fon on baaredate” 3.You can o0e dotalls of BiL data {and amend it by coking a BIL No. 4.Youcan dothe same after choosing BIL No (tad evcke) and press C/A Detail S.After choosing a B/LNo. (ed cele), you can pant an invoice G.After choosing a B/LNo.(red circle), you can print a copy of BYL 7.You can find the Pro forma Schedule of the vessel TakMTc... VII. B/L Master = ii) Roe meen \When you choose a BiL No trchck C/A Detall fromthe BIL Master a conditions and tems for self amending is displayed Ityou are not allowed 10 amend BIL data, twill not be shown You can proceed furthor vnen youtck the box and prese ‘nfm This pop-up informe you if there is an on-going CiA fall of C/A are approved by KMTC, there vill be no data Closet then you can find datas of BL data VIII. Cargo Tracking Cargo Tracking Con (Operate pasta cearce nenbrinthe cera svonco001 Qswa cs Ce] eer ‘smonco001 scooo0000r KiATUDA00001 ¢ Q FF m= F & fe es ® In Catgo Tracking. yeu can find where yourcargo is. 4:¥eu can chack cargo tracking by cirectly inputting B/LNo, container Na, ar booking Na 2.1Fthere aro mors than two Containers, you can choose a container which you want ta check S.nfornation is deslayed ae icons. 4 More detailed information is provided IX. Arrival Notice KMTC ov a nay oe ae] as C) Arrival Notice Orrecselnpu ne panes euance eumben e cua eo -snn000001 Atwoce| st co an | sect nary abut raetvessel 6 06 8 oe 2 rat Met In Avrival Notice, youcan find information of impor shipment 4You can find BIL data by diectiy inputing B/L No or setting pofod for‘anival date 2.Youcan Find if a Bis Ssurenderes, a Seaway bil, or OL 3.After choosing a BiL No (red circa), you can print an invoice 4.Afterchoosing a BiLNo (red circle), you can pinta copy of BL BAfter choosing a B/LNo (tes Circe), you can print an AUN, 6.You can find the Pro forma schedule of the vessel X. How to make a booking — i) From the Schedule menu, you can select a schedule Fist, thon press ‘Booking Then selected schedule and corridors automaticaly shown onthe next step. You can also make a booking fromthe Booking Master menu by clicking Bookng’ Then, you ae lead to where you can input deals for booking, but ounesd to choose a schedule there TakMTc... X. How to make a booking - ii) Eee Booking Master Poried Teese ces 9 < ° 4 ‘The personal infomation of WEB ID is automaticaly shown, Ifa different user make a booking, corrct Information needs to be input. This information wil be useful forusto contact the PIC of booking You can search schedule Clicking the magnifier wil lead youto the schedule table 38, You nead ta input datas 8 10. There are three types of special cargo. 0G cargo, (©0G)0ut of Gauge, andin Gauge. More detale of special cargo boakngis guided on the next page You can write down special requests, you have ‘Save and booking is complete X. How to make a booking - iii) me (A —) ea To maka a booking fora dangerous cargo, youneed to select DG cargo! Click the magnitiorto eolact basic information based on UNNe. Ploasa search @ UNNo, and choose one Please fluo the other information Every cetails should be provides: Plosse press (+) button to Input mote than two materals X. How to make a booking - iv) eer Covaber Piha formation To make a booking foran 00G cargo, please select (006)0u 94 Gauge Please filus with cotalls Forin gauge cargo the process isthe same as hormal cargo. XI. How to amend a booking oot Master 3 ‘You can move into @ booking detail by cicking the booking Ne After choosing a booking ruraber (‘ed circle), you can ‘move into a Booking detail as wel. You can amend the details and eave. TakMTc... XII. How to create B/L data — i) Ce 1. Youean mevetoa menu to Input BIL data from the ‘Booking Master menu, Plosea search a booking nurber then click S/R Create’ button 2. You can also mave from the S/R Master menu, Please search a booking number then click Create! bution TakMTc... XII. How to create B/L data - ii) ee Qo 9 1d Template Save sere Bi contin | et Sricancet Please flu with detals \When you save, you can notice s message forthe next Step, and some of new butions i be shown IFyouwant to.cancel an SiR. please cick SiR Cancel Youneed to press Confirm to make sure the data are sent to ke: Please make aure to contirm hen you firishto input datas Aer canfimation, the SR is fixed and you cannot amend the data However, you can amend the BIL data in BL Master mena XIII. How to amend B/L data - i) You can check or amend the datas of BL data by clicking @BILNo, or GIA Detall Then consitions and terms forgolf amencing i informed. Ifyou ae net allowed to amand BIL data, twill not be shown, You can proceed further wien You tick the box and prese confirm This pop-up inforns you if there is an on-going Ci fall of C/A are approved by KMTC, there wll be no data, Closet, then you ean find deta of BIL data XIII. How to amend B/L data - il) « Ifyou are available to amend data, they ill be displayed in dare lack and you can puta cursor where youant 12 amend However, fyou are not available to amend deta, they willbe dsplayedin gray \Witrin 19 minutes from saving, KIMTC wil accept or reject ca.

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