Modern Submarine Canyon Feeder-System and Deep-Sea Fan Growth in A Tectonically Active Margin (Northern Sicily)

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Exploring the Deep Sea and Beyond, Volume 2, themed issue

Deep-sea fan facies on an active margin

Modern submarine canyon feeder-system and deep-sea fan

growth in a tectonically active margin (northern Sicily)

Fabiano Gamberi1, Marzia Rovere1, Michael P. Marani1, and Mason Dykstra2

Istituto di Scienze Marine, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, UOS Bologna, Via Gobetti 101, 40129, Bologna, Italy
Statoil Gulf Services, LLC, 6300 Bridge Point Parkway, Building 2, Suite 500, Austin, Texas 78730, USA

ABSTRACT and the facies of submarine fan growth dur- channels, have been highlighted in increasing
ing highstand periods is therefore highlighted. detail. Of particular interest for the understand-
Widely used sequence stratigraphic mod- A further view that arises from our paper is ing of sediment delivery to the deep sea is the
els predict that specific facies assemblages that in active margins, the slope portion of discovery that in many cases, particularly along
alternate in the stratigraphy of deep-sea fans, fan systems, through seafloor instability and active margins, canyon heads can incise the shelf
depending on the cyclic nature of sea-level variations in channel gradient, is a key factor and reach the coastal areas (Harris and White-
variations. Our work tests this assumption in determining the final deep-sea fan facies, way, 2011). Canyon heads can be directly con-
through facies reconstruction of submarine regardless of the distance between the coast nected with rivers and consequently can some-
fans that are growing in a small basin along and the canyon. The concomitant growth times be fed directly by hyperpycnal flows (Piper
the tectonically active Sicilian margin. Con- of turbidites, mass-transport deposits, and and Normark, 2009; Puig et al., 2014). In other
nected canyons have heads close to the coast- mixed fans demonstrates that models that cases, canyon heads are not in direct connection
line; they can be river connected or littoral predict changes in submarine fan facies on with rivers, but their activity during the present
cell–connected, the first receiving sediment the basis of sea-level cycles do not necessarily sea-level highstand is nonetheless made possible
from hyperpycnal flows, the latter intercept- apply to systems developed along tectonically by longshore currents and littoral cells that sup-
ing shelf sediment dispersal pathways. Hyper- active margins. ply sediment to them (Piper and Normark, 2009;
pycnal flows directly discharge river-born Puig et al., 2014). Landslides are also a possible
sediment into the head of the river-connected INTRODUCTION source of sediment for the deep sea and can act
canyon and originate a large turbidite fan. A also in canyons that are far from the coastline
drift formed by the longshore redistribution Early sequence stratigraphy models assumed and stranded at the shelf edge (Piper and Nor-
of sediment of a nearby delta introduces sedi- that deep-sea submarine fans grow mainly dur- mark, 2009; Puig et al., 2014). Thus, taking into
ment to the head of the littoral cell–connected ing sea-level lowstands when a direct connec- account the relationships between the canyon
canyon, forming turbidity currents that flow tion between rivers and submarine canyons and head and the sediment staging area, the role of
within the canyon to reach the basin plain. channels is established (Vail et al., 1977). These hyperpycnal flows, storms, longshore currents,
However, since sediment failure and landslide models were developed mainly from the analysis littoral cells, dense shelf-water cascading, and
processes are common in the slope part of the of passive margin stratigraphy and derived their landslides as possible triggers for flows that can
system, a mixed fan, consisting of both turbi- main conceptual framework from the interpre- feed sediment to the deep sea during the present-
dites and mass-transport deposits, is formed. tation of conventional seismic and drill cores. day highstand has been reevaluated (Piper and
Disconnected canyons, with heads at the shelf Ideas coming from the functioning of modern Normark, 2009; Puig et al., 2014). Therefore,
edge far from the coastline, are fed by canyon depositional systems were not incorporated in it has been recognized that landward shifts of
head and levee-wedge failures, resulting in the model. At that time, the available techniques shorelines do not always lead to the deactivation
mass-transport or mixed fan deposition, the of marine geology could not play an important of channels and canyons, and the hypothesis that
latter developing when the seafloor gradient part in the perception of the multiple aspects deep-sea sediment starvation always occurs dur-
or the lithology of the failed sediment allows connected with the issue of sediment delivery ing sea-level highstands is now negated (Covault
turbidity current formation. Connected can- processes to the oceans, one of the main assump- et al., 2007; Covault and Graham, 2010).
yons form in areas with high uplift rates, tion that underlies the sequence stratigraphic Sequence stratigraphic models also recognize
where the shelf is narrow and steep and the model (Posamentier and Kolla, 2003; Catuneanu that in areas with narrow shelves, sediment can
shelf edge is at a relatively shallow depth. et al., 2009, 2011). Since then, the techniques be delivered to the deep sea during highstands,
Disconnected canyons develop where there of marine geology have advanced; in particular, but the implication is that this process is brought
are lower uplift rates or subsidence, where the advent of multibeam technology has led to about by coastal progradation (Catuneanu et al.,
the shelf is large and relatively gentle with a the extensive mapping of continental margins 2009, 2011). As a consequence, the majority of
deeper shelf edge. It is deduced that the rela- worldwide, revealing submarine landscapes that river-born sediments are trapped in the coastal
tive vertical movements of fault-bound blocks were previously largely unexpected (Sager et al., area and shelf and only low-density turbidites
control whether canyons are connected to the 2004). The characteristics of the geomorphic contribute to the growth of fine-grained deep-
coast at the present day. The role of tectonics elements that contribute to sediment delivery to sea fans. Therefore, the models envisage the
in controlling the canyon feeding processes the deep sea, particularly submarine canyons and systematic development of submarine fan facies

Geosphere; April 2015; v. 11; no. 2; p. 307–319; doi:10.1130/GES01030.1; 11 figures.

Received 23 January 2014 ♦ Revision received 1 August 2014 ♦ Accepted 30 January 2015 ♦ Published online 11 March 2015

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Geosphere, April 2015 307
© 2015 Geological Society of America

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Gamberi et al.

driven by the changing character of gravity facies are controlled by the variation of canyon on board the R/V Urania and various cruises
flows as coastline positions shift during the dif- connectivity to the coastline along the margin, carried out by ISMAR (Istituto di Scienze
ferent tracts of a sea-level cycle (Posamentier and by flow transformation imposed by uneven Marine-Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) in
and Kolla, 2003; Catuneanu et al., 2009, 2011). gradient along the slope part of the system. the frame of the MAGIC (Marine Geohazards
This simple model is, however, not in agree- We integrate new multibeam bathymetric and along the Italian Coasts) project funded by the
ment with recent marine geology data indicating reflectivity data with sidescan sonar and sub- Italian National Agency for Civil Protection.
that the processes that feed sediment into can- bottom images and core data to characterize The merged bathymetric data cover all the shelf,
yons are highly varied during the present-day modern submarine fans along a tectonically slope, and basin plain apart from a narrow zone,
sea-level highstand (Piper and Normark, 2009; active margin. We analyze fan dimensions, with variable extent, of the very shallow water
Puig et al., 2014). The nature of the processes processes, and facies and correlate them with areas close to the coastline (Fig. 1A). The 1999
that feed sediment into canyons has been shown the location of the head of the feeding canyons multibeam bathymetric data were also processed
to have a large impact on the volume of deep- and with processes occurring on the canyon to obtain a backscatter image of the lower slope
sea highstand sedimentation and consequently course. We highlight that both turbidites and and basin plain (Fig. 2). Besides the multibeam
to be largely responsible for the growth rate of mass-transport deposits contribute to the recent backscatter, a mosaic acquired during the TTR14
deep-sea fans (Normark et al., 2009; Romans makeup of the submarine fans, showing that in cruise on board the R/V Logatchev, with the
et al., 2009; Covault and Graham, 2010). Fur- active margins, deep-sea fan facies development MAK II (
thermore, the style of canyon feeding systems does not fit in models that rely exclusively on -1M.htm) deep-towed sidescan sonar is available
has been shown to have a large impact on the sea-level variations, but depends largely on tec- in a portion of the study area covering the lower
behavior and character of flows within canyons tonic deformation. slope and the proximal basin plain (Fig. 3). A
and channels and in the basin plain, controlling grid of two-dimensional single-channel seismic
the efficiency of the system and consequently GEOLOGICAL SETTING lines acquired in the late 1970s is also available
being largely responsible for the site of sedi- (Fig. 1B). CHIRP (compressed high-intensity
ment deposition (Piper and Normark, 2009). The Capo d’Orlando Basin is located along radar pulse) subbottom profiles spaced at an
The large variability of fan depositional style the central part of the northern Sicilian margin average interval of 2 km cover the entire study
and facies as imposed by the nature of the flow- (Fig. 1). The continental shelf is in general nar- area (Fig. 1B). Seafloor samples, with both grav-
triggering mechanisms is further augmented by row, attaining a maximum width of 10 km to ity and box corers, were collected during the
the possibility for flows to undergo modifica- the west and becoming progressively narrower TORDE10 cruise carried out in 2010 on board
tions imposed by gradient variations along the toward the east (Fig. 1A). The shelf break is the R/V Urania (Fig. 1B); the 60 samples, with
slope (Piper and Normark, 2009). located at variable depths, at ~140 m to the west variable penetration (from no recovery to 6 m),
It is well established that fans can be active of Cape Orlando, shallowing significantly to the provide control on the facies of the Holocene to
during the present sea-level highstand (Covault east. The upper slope of the Capo d’Orlando modern succession and allow the ground truth-
and Graham, 2010); an important step forward Basin is characterized by canyons that have their ing of the geophysical data.
in the study of deep-sea sedimentation is to heads at the shelf break or incise the shelf, hav- We use the term mass-transport deposit as in
investigate the potential of tying deep-sea fan ing their heads very close to the coastline (Fig. Nardin et al. (1979) to include all kinds of grav-
evolution to the processes of sediment delivery 1A). In the lower slope, the canyons connect ity-driven deposits with the exception of turbi-
to canyons and to the setting of the slope. Mod- with leveed channels that have a general south- dites. The term mixed refers to fans that show
ern marine geology data must play a prominent east-northwest trend. The basin plain is located evidence of both turbidites and mass-transport
role in the study of this issue. Process-oriented at an average depth of ~1500 m and is character- deposits and not to the hybrid group of sediment
interpretation of multibeam data can be aimed ized by lobe deposits formed beyond the chan- gravity flows (sensu Haughton et al., 2009).
at determining the sedimentary processes occur- nel mouths. The Capo d’Orlando Basin plain is
ring in modern deep-sea fans, an essential step confined seaward by the submarine slope of the SUBMARINE FAN MORPHOLOGY,
toward the understanding of facies develop- Aeolian Islands. An extensional fault bounds the PROCESSES, AND FACIES
ment. The data deriving from old, but still amply basin to the west and is responsible for its west-
used, techniques of marine geology can greatly ward dip (Gamberi and Dalla Valle, 2009). A The available data set has been used to deter-
enhance the strength of facies interpretation submerged structural high, connecting the Sicil- mine the sedimentary processes that prevail in
obtained from bathymetric information. Apart ian margin with the Aeolian Island arc, bounds the various parts of the basin. In particular, the
from few instruments with limited availability, the basin toward the east. The area is affected by character of the sediment gravity flows in
sidescan sonars and high-resolution subbottom a high rate of regional uplift (Westaway, 1993) the canyons, channels, and lobes, was deter-
profilers have not undergone revolutionary and ongoing fault activity as displayed by the mined through the combined interpretation of
development in recent years. However, they still seismicity of the area (Pondrelli et al., 2006). the genetic significance of the seafloor geo-
furnish superior data, the importance of which morphology and backscatter at different scales,
is now better appreciated when they are used to DATA AND METHODS and core interpretation. As a result, a map of
complement interpretation of seafloor bathym- the different discrete fans in the study area was
etry (Sager et al., 2004). The routinely available The available data set consists of multibeam produced (Fig. 4). In the study area, the Calavà
techniques of seafloor sampling have remained bathymetry acquired in 1999 with a SIMRAD and the Orlando canyons have their heads close
largely unchanged in the last years, but never- EM-12 multibeam at depths >500 m (Gamberi to the coastline (<500 m; Fig. 5) and are thus
theless provide geophysical data ground truth- and Marani, 2004; Gamberi and Dalla Valle, defined as connected canyons. The Calavà can-
ing and facies evaluation. 2009). Further multibeam data were succes- yon head is located in front of a river mouth
In this paper we expand the analysis of pres- sively acquired to complete the bathymetric (Fig. 4) and is therefore defined as a river-
ent-day highstand fans to determine how their coverage of the area during the cruise TORDE10 connected canyon. The Orlando canyon head

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Deep-sea fan facies on an active margin

A 14°10′0″E 14°20′0″E 14°30′0″E 14°40′0″E 14°50′0″E

Aeolian Island southern slope

structural ridge Vulcano

38°20′0″N Naso channel

Calavà channel
Orlando channel

Zappulla channel

38°10′0″N Cape

0 10 km 20
–12 m –1797

! ! ! "

! !
! " !" ! " !
! !
! "
! ! ! !
! "!
! "
! ! !! ! !
" "

focal mechanism instrumental epicenter
hystorical epicenter
! gravity cores
" box cores
single-channel profiles
CHIRP profiles

Figure 1. (A) Shaded relief map from multibeam bathymetric data of the Capo d’Orlando Basin. The southern slope of the Aeolian
Island arc confines the basin to the north. A fault-bounded structural ridge and the slope of the Lipari and Vulcano islands are the
western and eastern boundaries of the basin, respectively. Seismicity (dots), historical earthquakes (stars) and focal mechanisms
are from Pondrelli et al. (2006). (B) Seismic and subbottom CHIRP (compressed high-intensity radar pulse) profile coverage over the
study area. (C) Location of the Capo d’Orlando Basin along the northern Sicilian margin. The box corresponds with the area in A.

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14°10′0″E 14°20′0″E 14°30′0″E 14°40′0″E 14°50′0″E

38°30′0″N Calavà fan distributary Ae
channels oli Lipari
Calavà fan fringe e
sediment waves

Orlando fan distributary Calavà fhannel
Naso levee
Calavà canyon

Naso channel abandoned canyon

Orlando channel
Brolo abandoned canyon Cape
landslide Calavà
abandoned canyon system Cape

Zappulla fan Zappulla channel

mass-transport lobes


0 10 20

Figure 2. Seafloor reflectivity from multibeam data of the Capo d’Orlando Basin. The Zappulla channel and
related mass-transport lobes have a very high backscatter. The Calavà fan distributary channels correspond with
narrow linear stripes with higher backscatter than the surrounding seafloor. Large sediment waves are shown by
alternating stripes of higher and lower backscatter in the Naso and Calavà fans.

does not face a major river, but is located down- and further downchannel, sediment waves at the thin, medium sand basal part grading upward
current from a major river delta and is called seafloor provide evidence of turbidity current into a thicker mud cap. However, an ~1-m-thick
a littoral cell–connected canyon (Fig. 4). The activity (Fig. 6B). The sediment wave area has finer grained parallel-laminated turbidite and a
Naso and the Zappulla canyons have their heads high backscatter in the sidescan sonar and lacks mudclast-rich coarse to medium sand turbidite
stranded at the shelf edge, far from the coastline penetration in the subbottom profile (Fig. 6B), are present. Further westward, the channels die
(>2.5 km; Figs. 4 and 5); they are referred to suggesting that it is composed of coarse-grained out distally into a featureless fan fringe (Figs.
here as disconnected canyons. bedforms. The sediment waves have a wave- 2 and 4), where subbottom profiles show that a
length of ~100 m, a suitable indicator of coarse- succession of relatively thin bedded reflections
Connected Canyon Fans grained bedforms (Wynn and Stow, 2002; Gam- account for the upper 50 m of the fan stratig-
beri and Marani, 2011). Coarse-grained, graded, raphy (Fig. 6D). This seismic facies is taken
Calavà River Connected Turbidite Fan and laminated sands sampled at the seafloor in as an indication that turbidites predominate in
The head of the Calavà connected canyon the sediment wave field (Fig. 6C) provide evi- the entire most recent sediment package of the
is very close to the coastline adjacent to Cape dence of Holocene turbidites, confirming the Calavà fan.
Calavà and a few tens of meters from the coast- geophysical interpretation. The Calavà chan-
line the canyon floor is >100 m deep (Figs. 1, 3, nel feeds a large lobe (50 km long and 10 km Orlando Littoral Cell–Connected Mixed Fan
and 5). Further downslope, the Calavà canyon wide) with a series of diverging channels that The Orlando canyon has its head very close
has a relatively flat floor where the subbottom head toward the western part of the basin (Figs. to the coastline adjacent to the Cape Orlando
profile lacks penetration and the sidescan sonar 2 and 4). The channels have low relief, and are (Figs. 1 and 5). It connects with the Orlando
shows a high backscatter, indicating the pres- best imaged in the multibeam backscatter image channel that crosses the headwall of a landslide
ence of coarse-grained deposits (Fig. 6A). At the (Fig. 2). In the middle part of the lobe, the core involving a large portion of a preexisting levee
base of slope, the canyon passes to the Calavà of Figure 6E shows that 8 turbidites make up wedge (Fig. 4). Further, smaller scale collapse
channel that heads toward the northwest (Figs. most of the last 2.80 m of the sedimentary suc- events also occurred in the area, as shown by an
2 and 4). At the canyon to channel transition cession. Turbidites are mainly composed of a abundance of landslide scars and blocky mass-

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Deep-sea fan facies on an active margin

14°10′0″E 14°20′0″E 14°30′0″E 14°40′0″E 14°50′0″E

38°30′0″N Ae
oli Lipari

Fig. 7E Fig. 6E ds


sediment waves
! Figs. 6B,C
Figs. 7C,D Figs. 8A,B
Fig. 9E !
Fig. 7B
38°20′0″N Fig. 9D
Figs. 9A,B
! " Fig. 6A
Calavà channel

blocky texture Cape

Orlando channel Fig. 8C


Fig. 7A
Naso channel 5
38°10′0″N 500 10
200 Cape
Zappulla channel 100 Orlando
Fig. 9C
Fig. 5

20 10 km

0 10 20

Figure 3. High-resolution deep towed MAK ( sidescan sonar mosaic. The
lobes of the Zappulla fan are characterized by a blocky texture. A blocky texture also characterizes mass-transport
deposits due to levee wedge failure in the area of the Naso and Orlando channels. Sediment waves are present in
the eastern levee of the Naso channel and in the floor of the Calavà channel. The boxes correspond with the areas
enlarged in the following figures. Dots and square correspond with the location of respectively gravity and box cores
shown in this paper. The locations of the CHIRP (compressed high-intensity radar pulse) and sparker lines shown in
Figures 6D, 9C, and 9D are also shown. The box corresponds with the area imaged in Figure 5.

transport deposits in the levee and at the channel further downsystem (Fig. 7E), confirming that terizes the Naso canyon. The Naso disconnected
mouth (Figs. 7A, 8A). At the channel mouth, a both turbidites and mass-transport deposits are canyon links with the Naso channel (Figs. 1 and
network of distributary channels forms a rela- present in the Orlando fan. 4). The straight western flank of the channel is
tively large lobe (20 km long and 8 km large) interpreted to be fault controlled, including gul-
that in its distal part is in contact with the Calavà Disconnected Canyon Fans lies and small landslide headwall scarps that are
fan lobe (Fig. 4). In the proximal part of the fan positioned on the channel flank (Figs. 8A, 8C).
lobe, sediment waves and scours are indica- Naso Mixed Fan Downchannel, significantly larger landslide head-
tive of turbidity current activity (Figs. 7B, 7C). The Naso canyon head is far from the coast- wall scarps continue to modify the western chan-
However, a blocky seafloor is also relatively line, at a distance of ~2 km, corresponding nel margin. Mass-transport deposits are abundant
common, indicative of mass-transport deposits with an embayment in the shelf break (Fig. 5). on the channel floor, as shown by the widespread
(Fig. 7C). Comet marks are formed in the lee of Upslope from the Naso fan, the sediments of the blocky sidescan sonar facies (Fig. 8C). However,
some blocks, indicating that turbidity currents last transgressive and highstand sea-level stages turbidity current activity is also exhibited in the
reworked the mass-transport deposits (Fig. 7C). are restricted to the shelf (Pepe et al., 2003). The channel floor through the excavation of two inner
The core in Figure 7D, located at the channel Brolo abandoned canyon, 4 km to the east, has thalwegs, discontinuous fields of sediment waves,
to lobe transition, shows that two parallel and a head physiography similar to that of the Naso and longitudinal furrows (Fig. 8C). Furthermore,
cross-laminated medium sand turbidite layers canyon. It has a low backscatter and shows a on the eastern side of the channel, turbidity cur-
overly a mass-transport deposit, consisting of thin-bedded drape in the subbottom profile (Fig. rent overspill forms a levee with sediment waves
folded and disrupted thin-bedded turbidites and 6A), suggesting that is it not a coarse-grained and scours (Figs. 2 and 4). Seafloor sampling
mudclast, within a silty matrix. A similar sub- setting. It is therefore reasonable to assume that confirms that both turbidites and mass-transport
bottom sedimentation pattern is found in a core a similar sedimentary setting currently charac- deposits are present in the channel floor (Fig. 8B).

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14°10′E 14°20′E 14°30′E 14°40′E 14°50′E

38°30'N 1500



38°20′N 00


Calavà canyon
Naso canyon
38°10′N 500 10
Orlando canyon
Zappulla canyon
Cape Orlando Cape Calavà
20 10
0 20
continental continental basin landslide head- fault
shelf slope plain wall scarp along shore current
Zappulla fan Orlando fan Naso fan Calavà fan river delta
active channel/ abandoned mass
canyon system transport turbidite

Figure 4. Map showing the different facies of the fans in the study area. The map results from the integrated inter-
pretation of multibeam bathymetric data, seafloor backscatter, subbottom profiles, and seafloor sampling. Land
data are from Sulli et al. (2013).

Zappulla Mass-Transport Deposit Fan Abandoned Canyon Systems marks, and sandy turbidites at the seafloor, sug-
In the shelf adjacent to the head of the Zap- gestive of highly turbulent flows, such as those
pulla canyon, filled incised valleys show that the Both the eastern and western slope sectors initiated due to oceanographic processes and
lowstand feeding system is currently shut off (Fig. bounding the described active fan systems dis- hyperpycnal flows (Piper and Normark, 2009;
9C). The Zappulla channel is fed by disconnected play intermediate backscatter in the canyons Romans et al., 2009). Northern Sicily is a moun-
canyon heads within a large shelf edge embay- (Fig. 2), providing evidence that coarse-grained tainous, high-relief region and the rivers have an
ment affected by sediment failure (Figs. 1, 5, sediment is not currently delivered to the sys- intermittent regime (called fiumara) with river
and 9C). The channel parallels the base of slope tems. In the 3-km-wide eastern and 6-km-wide floods normally occurring twice a year in corre-
and has a very high backscatter and blocky sea- western shelves, canyons do not indent the shelf spondence with rainy seasons (Regione Siciliana,
floor indicative of mass-transport deposits (Figs. break and thus are currently shut off from a sedi- 2010). The solid discharge of the rivers facing
2 and 3). Distally, the Zappulla channel connects ment supply (Figs. 1 and 4). the study area can reach values of 80,000 m3/yr
to small lobes (8 km long and 5 km wide) with a (Brambati et al., 1995). The area is also prone
similar backscatter pattern (Figs. 3 and 9A), again DISCUSSION to flash floods, exemplified by three events in
suggesting mass-transport deposits (Fig. 4). The northern Sicily between 2007 and 2009 (Aronica
mass-transport nature of the high backscatter lobes Connected Canyons Fan Facies et al., 2012). During flash floods, exceptionally
is confirmed by seafloor samples (Figs. 9B, 9E). large volumes of sediment can be transported to
Mass-transport deposits compose the major part The Calavà and the Orlando connected can- the river mouths, as shown by the mobilization
of the subbottom succession of the Zappulla fan yons form, respectively, a turbidite and a mixed of 780,000 m3 of sediment in the 2009 event in a
lobe, as shown by a stack of 4 transparent layers fan (Figs. 4 and 10A). The fans show abundant catchment of only 10 km2 close to the study area
in the last 50 m of the lobe sequence (Fig. 9D). evidence of sediment waves, scours, comet (Aronica et al., 2012). During this episode, the

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Deep-sea fan facies on an active margin

Figure 5. Shaded relief map from multi-

beam bathymetric data of the continental
shelf and the slope of the Capo d’Orlando
Basin (see location in Fig. 3). The Calavà
and the Orlando are coast-connected can-

Fig. 11A
yons having heads that reach the coastal
area. The Naso and Zappulla canyons are
disconnected canyons with heads at the shelf
break far from the coastline. The boxes cor- Brolo

Fig. 11B
respond to the areas in Figure 11. Naso (disconnected
canyon abandoned)
(disconnected) Calavà
Orlando (river connected)
Zappulla canyon
canyon (littoral cell connected)
(disconnected) 10 km

B scour C E

0.2 m
0.01 m
0.05 m

A 0.1 m

" m s vf f m c vc

laminated turbidite mud

600 m
Brolo Calavà channel margin massive turbidite sand

canyon canyon waves hemipelagic
mud clasts
25 m turbidite sand
600 m 600 m 25 m

75 m

50 m

25 m

500 m
NW SE m s vf f m c vc

Figure 6. The Calavà fan. Locations of images and cores are in Figure 3. (A) MAK ( sidescan
sonar image and subbottom profile of the Calavà connected canyon and the Brolo disconnected canyon. Note their different backscatter and
subbottom facies. (B) Sediment wave field in the floor of the Calavà channel. (C) Box core BC05 (located in B), showing the coarse-grained
sand in the sediment wave field area (m—mud, s—sand, vf—very fine, f—fine, m—medium, c—coarse, vc—very coarse). (D) Subbottom
CHIRP (compressed high-intensity radar pulse) profile in the distal part of the Calavà fan lobe. The thin-bedded reflective facies is indica-
tive of the prevalence of turbidite deposits. (E) Gravity core GC44 showing the turbidite succession in the middle part of the Calavà fan.

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landslide scar landslide scar

mass transport deposit
mass transport deposit
mass transport deposit Orlando channel

600 m 25 m

D E C mass-transport
B comet mark
600 m D
0.2 m

mass-transport channel margin sediment waves



600 m 25 m
turbidite mud
turbidite sand
laminated turbidite sand
chaotic mass
transport deposit
sandstone blocks in
mass transport deposit
massive turbidite sand

m s vf f m c vc

m s vf f m c vc

Figure 7. The Orlando fan. Locations of images and cores are in Figure 3. (A) MAK (
.htm) sidescan sonar image and subbottom profile showing the Orlando channel and the widespread seafloor instability and
mass-transport deposits in its surroundings. (B) MAK sidescan sonar image showing the scoured seafloor at the mouth
of the Orlando channel. (C) MAK sidescan sonar image and subbottom profile of the proximal part of the Orlando fan.
In the sidescan sonar, the area with blocky texture is interpreted as the product of mass-transport deposits, whereas the
smoother high-backscatter areas with narrow longitudinal ribbons are interpreted as turbidite deposits. In the eastern
channel margin, thick transparent layers on the subbottom profiles correspond with the mass-transport deposits over-
lying turbidites with thin-bedded reflective facies. (D) Gravity core (located in C), showing that both turbidites and
mass-transport deposits are present at the Orlando channel mouth fan (m—mud, s—sand, vf—very fine, f—fine, m—
medium, c—coarse, vc—very coarse). (E) Gravity core GC43 showing the turbidites and the mass-transport deposits of
the middle part of the Orlando channel.

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Deep-sea fan facies on an active margin

A Orlando fan Naso fan B X ray

area and are fed directly to the Calavà canyon
head through hyperpycnal flow processes during
! B river floods. A field of sand waves is located west
of the canyon at a depth of ~50 m (Fig. 11A). To

0.2 m
the west of the Calavà canyon, two large rivers
form deltas upslope from the disconnected Naso
and Brolo canyons (Figs. 4, 5, and 10A). Long-
shore currents trend east (Brambati et al., 1995),
scarp western flank of
mass-transport Naso channel and thus the north-south–trending axis of the
sediment waves is indicative of an eastward drift
of sediment that, intercepted by the canyon head,
forms turbidity currents. Thus the proximal part

basal shear surface of the Calavà canyon, on the west side of a north-
600 m 25 m Naso
channel ward-projecting cape, is fed both by hyperpycnal
flows and by an eastward-flowing littoral cell of
C furrows sediment
furrows deltaic sediment (Figs. 4 and 10).
The Orlando canyon head is not connected
with a major river, but there is a large river mouth
only ~5 km to the west (Fig. 4). To the east of the
major river mouth, two large west-east elongate
mass-transport depocenters of Holocene sediment are separated
in coincidence with the canyon head (Fig. 11B).
They are the evidence that the eastward-flowing

littoral cell redistributes the river-born sediment
to form an asymmetric sediment distribution in
gullied W flank 600 m the delta developed at the river mouth. We there-
fore interpret this fan as being fed by sediment
burrows turbidite mud
redistributed by a littoral cell that is intercepted
mud clasts
by the canyon. The Orlando fan shows that even
sandstone blocks in mass transport deposit a coast-connected system can develop a mixed
chaotic mass transport deposit facies (Figs. 4 and 10A). In this case, the substan-
hemipelagic mud
m s vf f m c vc tial mass-transport component of the fan facies is
the result of the abundant landslides generated in
laminated turbidite sand
its slope portion, where extensive failure of the
cross-laminated turbidite sand channel levee wedge occurs (Figs. 4 and 10A).
massive turbidite sand The thickness of the Holocene sediment
is much higher in the coastal and shelf areas
Figure 8. The Naso fan. Locations of images and cores are in Fig- surrounding the Orlando canyon than in those
ure 3. (A) MAK ( side- surrounding the Calavà canyon (Figs. 11A,
scan sonar image and subbottom profile showing the widespread 11B). This setting can be the evidence that in
seafloor instability and mass-transport deposit in the areas sur- the case of the river-connected canyon much of
rounding the Naso channel. (B) Gravity core (located by red dot the river-born sediment is bypassed to the deep
in A), showing that both turbidite and mass-transport deposits are sea directly from hyperpycnal flows, and only a
present in the Naso channel floor (m—mud, s—sand, vf—very fine, little amount is stored in the shelf surrounding
f—fine, m—medium, c—coarse, vc—very coarse). (C) MAK side- the canyon head. On the contrary, in the case of
scan sonar image of the floor and western flank of the Naso chan- the littoral cell–connected canyon, a large part
nel. A blocky texture indicative of mass-transport deposits is wide- of river-born sediment is stored in the shelf, and
spread within the Naso channel floor. However, sediment waves and only that involved in the littoral cell escapes the
furrows indicate that turbidity currents are also active within the shelf and is fed to the canyon head. The differ-
channel floor. ent capability of sediment storage in the shelf is
in turn reflected in the size of the two fans, the
river-connected one being much larger than
occurrence of hyperpycnal flows was observed away from the very narrow shallow-water area the littoral cell–connected one.
at fiumara mouths (Casalbore et al., 2011). between the river mouth and the canyon head
The Calavà canyon head is located in front of and form two separated sediment bulges (Fig. Disconnected Canyons and Mass-Transport
the mouth of a relatively large river (Fig. 4). In 11A). This setting is here interpreted as the evi- Deposit Fan Facies
the coastal area between the canyon head and the dence that the area that connects the river, and
river mouth, Holocene deposits have a thickness the canyon head is characterized mostly by sedi- The Zappulla and Naso disconnected can-
of <10 ms twt (two-way traveltime; Fig. 11A), ment bypass. We therefore conclude that much yons feed a mass-transport deposit and a mixed
equivalent to about 10 m. The deposits thicken of the river-born sediments bypass the coastal fan, respectively.

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Gamberi et al.

X ray

0.2 m
B mud clasts

! sandstone blocks in mass transport deposit

chaotic mass transport deposit

hemipelagic mud

mass transport

600 m 25 m

Zappulla canyon
landslide scarp infilled incised valleys

300 ms

600 ms
mass transport
3 km

D mass-transport deposit 1
75 m

50 m
mass-transport deposit 2
25 m mass-transport deposit 3
mass-transport deposit 4

500 m
Figure 9. The Zappulla fan. Locations of images and core in Figure 3. (A) MAK ( sidescan sonar
image and subbottom profile. One of the mass-transport lobes of the Zappulla fan has a blocky texture and corresponds with a laterally
restricted thick transparent layer. (B) Gravity core (located in A) showing the mass-transport deposits that make up the western part of
the Zappulla fan lobes. (C) Sparker profile showing the landslide occurring on the head of the Zappulla canyon. To the east, infilled incised
valleys are present in the continental shelf. (D) Subbottom profile of the Zappulla fan showing that it is due to the stacking of thick trans-
parent layers corresponding to mass-transport deposits. (E) Gravity core GC34 showing the mass-transport deposits in the eastern part of
the Zappulla fan.

In the study area, active block faulting cre- within a canyon 10 km east of the study area for submarine fan growth in the area where the
ates surfaces tilted as much as 0.8° (Sulli et al., was revealed by the rupture of a submarine cable canyons are not connected.
2013) that can represent a precondition for sedi- in coincidence with two regional seismic events In these fans, the facies of the failed sediment
ment failure. The Capo d’Orlando Basin is char- (Ryan and Heezen, 1965). It can therefore be is variable, consisting of both muddy slope
acterized by local widespread seismicity (Fig. concluded that earthquake-related landslides deposits of the Zappulla canyon areas and thin-
1A). Earthquake-triggered sediment transport favored by seafloor steepening are responsible bedded sandy turbidites formed on the levees

316 Geosphere, April 2015

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Deep-sea fan facies on an active margin

length shelf shelf mass-transport A coastline far from the shelf egde:
condensed section
high B
Coastal area Initiating × width (km) edge 1 TIME stand
Canyon type w idth / depth turbidite coastline progrades to the shelf
vertical movement m echanism
(km ) gradient (°) (m) mixed edge: fine grained turbidites late
coastline still close to the shelf transgression
condensed section edge: turbidites
Prevailing hyper- 3 shelf edge instability: mass early
2 transport deposits transgression
pycnal flows,
1. connected H igh uplift rate 70×12 0.5/3.5° 50 low
littoral-cell 4
capture shoreline located near the shelf stand
edge: turbidites dominate
2. disconnected Low uplift rate Landslides 25×9 3.5/2.5° 70
–50 m coastline progrades closer to the
4° shelf edge: turbidites sea level fall
Littoral-cell Slope
–120 m shelf edge deltas instability:
3. connected H igh uplift rate capture, 40×10 1.0/4.0° 70
1° mass transport deposits
landslides Shelf early
interval of upper slope sea level fall
Land instability:
4. disconnected Subsidence Landslides 25×15 6.5/1.0° 120 mass transports dominate
relative sea level (–) (+)

Figure 10. Factors controlling deep-sea fan facies development. (A) Highstand, active margin fans as a function of shelf setting and canyon
distance from the coastline: 1—Calavà fan, 2—Naso fan, 3—Orlando fan, 4—Zappulla fan. (B) Passive margin fans as a function of the
time along a cycle of sea-level variation (modified from Posamentier and Kolla, 2003; Catuneanu et al., 2011). The colors along the sea-level
curve refer to main fan facies and correspond with those in Figure 4.

of the Naso submarine channels, as shown where the deeper incised valleys formed during divergence between deep-sea fan facies develop-
by cores. Sandy mass-transport deposits are river incision of the emerged continental shelf. ment in tectonically active margins and in passive
transformed into turbidity currents more easily Active tectonics in the studied margin are margin models. (Fig. 10B). Our work shows that
than muddy ones (Tripsanas et al., 2008). The responsible for fault-block tilting and differ- it is the landward migration of the canyon heads
capacity of mass-transport deposits to transform ential rates of uplift (Fig. 10A). The Orlando that drives the possibility of sediment delivery to
into turbidity flows is also enhanced by higher and Calavà Capes are part of a structural high the deep sea during the present highstand. Where
seafloor gradients (Piper et al., 1999b; Piper with high uplift rates (1 mm/yr; Di Stefano a more efficient connection with river discharge
and Normark, 2009). The gradient of the Naso et al., 2012) (Fig. 10A). To the west of the Cape exists, most of the river-born sediment is directly
channel is 2.5°, whereas that of the Zappulla is Orlando, a northeast-southwest–trending exten- fed to the canyon heads, allowing the building of
only 1.0°. Thus, in the Naso channel, the seafloor sional fault parallels the coastline and causes sandy turbidite fans (Fig. 10A). In addition, our
gradient and the facies of the collapsed mate- the lowering of the coastal area and of the shelf study suggests that the largest facies variability
rial cause landslides to readily transform into (Figs. 4 and 10A). It is apparent that in the study in deep-sea fans is to be expected during high-
turbidity currents in a way similar to the Grand area, the connected canyons are located in the stands. During highstands the disconnected can-
Banks (Piper et al., 1999a). As a result, the Naso areas with the highest uplift rate. We therefore yons are cut off from coastal sediment supply,
fan develops a mixed nature that contrasts with conclude that it is the rate of vertical movement and, depending exclusively on sediment supply
that of the Zappulla fan, where mass-transport of blocks that determines the character of can- from seafloor instability, build mass-transport
deposits are prevalent (Figs. 4 and 10A). yons, by controlling shelf gradient and width fans. Our work shows that landslides and slope
and thus the degree of incision of rivers during channel gradient can initiate or modify sediment
Tectonics as Ultimate Control sea-level lowstand. Connected canyons feeding delivery to the deep sea, thus controlling the
on Fan Facies turbidite fans are developed only in connection final facies of deep-sea fans and the formation
with blocks characterized by the highest rate of of mixed fan deposition. Attributes intrinsic to
All the canyons of the study area were linked relative uplift. the deep-water slope portions of the systems are
with river mouths during the last sea-level mini- therefore vital in modifying deep-sea fan deposi-
mum, when incised valleys formed through river Deep-Sea Fan Facies: Active versus tion in active margins. The essential role of the
excavation of the exposed shelf, as shown in the Passive Margins slope is thus a further aspect that sets apart deep-
nearby northeastern Sicilian continental shelf sea fan facies in active and passive margins, the
(see Gamberi et al., 2014). During sea-level Sequence stratigraphy models, developed latter being controlled merely by the position of
fall and lowstand, rivers incise deeper where on passive margins with long-term subsidence, the coastline and the resultant variation of sedi-
the shelf is narrower and steeper and where the show that the facies of deep-sea fans are mainly ment delivery processes to the deep sea.
shelf edge is at shallower depth (Tornqvist et al., dependent on shifts of the coastline position
2006; Mattheus and Rodriguez, 2011). In the (Catuneanu et al., 2009, 2011) (Fig. 10B). CONCLUSIONS
study area, a narrower, steeper shelf and a lower Models relate deep-sea fan facies to specific
depth of the shelf edge characterizes the areas points in time along a cycle of sea-level variation, The integrated interpretation of geophysical
where the two connected canyons are located each with its own character of sediment delivery data and seafloor samples provides the oppor-
(Figs. 4 and 10). On the contrary, a relatively to the deep sea (Catuneanu et al., 2009, 2011). tunity to study the sedimentary processes and
wide, gently sloping shelf is present in the areas A long-term 1 mm/yr regional uplift affects the the facies of present-day deep-sea fans along an
where the Zappulla and the Naso disconnected northeast Sicilian margin (Westaway, 1993) and active margin as a function of canyon connec-
canyons are located (Figs. 4 and 10). The geo- block faulting results in local uplift rates as high tivity to sediment sources, the initiation mecha-
morphology of the shelf therefore substantiates as 5 mm/yr (Di Stefano et al., 2012). Our work nisms of sediment transfer to canyons, and flow
that the connected canyons are now present therefore offers the possibility to highlight the response to gradient changes. Most of the deep-

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4. Coast-connected canyons have the ability

A to build large turbidite fans; eventually sedi-
ment failure in the slope part of the systems can
cause landslides that result in the building of
mixed fans.
5. Both coast-connected and disconnected
canyons can form mixed fans, in the first case
20 as a result of sediment failure in the slope part
of the system, and in the latter as a result of flow
transformation of mass-transport processes into
turbidity currents.
6. Coast-connected canyons form in areas

sediment with high uplift rates, with a narrow and steep

waves shelf; disconnected canyons develop where
lower uplift rates or subsidence is occurring and
the shelf is large and relatively gentle.
Overall, we show that, in active margins,
sediment transfer to the deep sea is not merely
B 40
a function of sediment supply to the margin

and shelf accommodation space driven by sub-


Alluvial, coastal plain sidence, as in passive progradational margins.


70 Coastal progradation is in fact not a prerequi-

and beach deposit
(Holocene) site for sediment delivery to the deep sea, as

90 demonstrated by the Sicilian margin source to

10 sink sediment transport system. Regardless of

0 90 their absolute volume, sediments can bypass

11 the shelf where river-connected canyons are
6 0 50

80 pre-Holocene
substrate fed by hyperpycnal flows from rivers that, not
having space for the construction of prograd-
70 ing deltas in the shelf, directly feed their load
to the canyon heads. In this case, the lack of
Holocene deposit accommodation for river-born sediment in the
isochronopach shelf is brought about by canyon landward
migration rather than by coastal progradation
(ms TWT two-way time)
as in passive progradational margins. Further-
more, even when rivers, being not directly
connected with canyon heads, have enough
accommodation space to build deltas in the
canyon margin coastal areas, littoral cell–connected canyons
can be active where there is a favorable inter-
play among canyon head, river delta location,
Figure 11. Maps of the thickness (measured seismically: twt—two-way traveltime) of Holo- and the direction of sediment transport by
cene deposits in the areas of the coast-connected canyons (modified from Istituto per la Pro- littoral cells.
tezione e la Ricerca Ambientale, 2014). (A) Calavà canyon area. (B) Orlando canyon area.

We thank the technical crews and colleagues who

made possible the acquisition of the data set during
sea fans of the study area continue to receive fans; however, depending on the lithology of the oceanographic cruises over a long time span. Ales-
sandra Mercorella and Elisa Leidi reprocessed the
sediment during the current highstand, as shown failed masses and on the slope gradient, land- compilation of swath bathymetry data; Andrea Galle-
by other examples worldwide. Thus our findings slides can transform into turbidity currents and rani assisted with sample collection. We thank the
consolidate the idea that, particularly in active as a final result a mixed fan is formed. participants and the Chief Scientists Michael Ivanov
margins, present-day sediment delivery to the 2. Coast-connected canyons, with heads close and Neil Kenyon of the TTR-15 cruise of R/V Profes-
deep sea is relatively common. to the coastline, can be river connected and are sor Logachev. We also thank Brian Romans and Lorna
Strachan for their reviews on an early version of this
The processes that feed sediment within the fed by hyperpycnal flows, or littoral cell–con- manuscript, and David Piper for insightful comments
canyons, in turn controlled by the type of con- nected canyons fed by longshore currents that and suggestions through the various stages of devel-
nectivity of the canyons to sediment sources, rework coastal and shelf sediment. opment of this paper. This work was supported by
are a major control on the facies of the deep-sea 3. Single coast-connected canyons can also the “MAGIC project” (Marine Geohazards along the
Italian Coasts) of the Dipartimento della Protezione
fans along the studied active margin. be characterized by multiple sediment supply Civile and by the “Ritmare project” of the Programme
1. Coast-disconnected canyons are fed by mechanisms when hyperpycnal flows and Nazionale della Ricerca funded by the Ministero
landslides and form mass-transport deposit littoral cells combine as sediment sources. dell’Università e della Ricerca.

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Deep-sea fan facies on an active margin

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