Building Computer Models of Mechanisms Using Working Model Software

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Upon completion of this chapter, the student will be
Along with Working Model®, other dynamic analysis
able to:
programs are available. These include ADAMS® (Automatic
1. Understand the use of commercially available software Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems), Dynamic
for mechanism analysis.
Designer®, LMS Virtual.Lab, and Analytix®. All these com-
2. Use Working Model® to build kinematic models of puter programs allow creation of a mechanism from menus,
mechanisms. or icons, of general components. The general components
3. Use Working Model® to animate the motion of include those presented in Chapter 1, such as simple links,
mechanisms. complex links, pin joints, sliding joints, and gear joints. The
4. Use Working Model® to determine the kinematic values mechanism is operated by selecting actuator components,
of a mechanism. such as motors or cylinders, from menus.
In machine design, one of the reasons for the widespread
adoption of solid modeling is that it sets the stage for many
ancillary uses: Working drawings can be nearly automatically
created, renderings that closely resemble the real machine are
2.1 INTRODUCTION generated, and prototypes can be readily fabricated. Many
products that work with the solid modeling software are
The rapid development of computers and software has available to analyze the structural integrity of machine com-
altered the manner in which many engineering tasks are ponents. Similarly, studying the motion and forces of moving
completed. In the study of mechanisms, software packages mechanisms and assemblies is becoming almost an automatic
have been developed that allow a designer to construct side effect of solid modeling. Figure 2.1 illustrates a solid
virtual models of a mechanism. These virtual models allow model design being analyzed with Dynamic Designer within
the designer to fully simulate a machine. Simulation enables the Autodesk Inventor® Environment.
engineers to create and test product prototypes on their own Regardless of software, the general strategy for performing
desktop computers. Design flaws can be quickly isolated and the dynamic analysis can be summarized as follows:
eliminated, reducing prototyping expenses and speeding the
cycle of product development. 1. Define a set of rigid bodies (sizes, weights, and inertial
Software packages can solve kinematic and dynamic properties). These could be constructed in the solid
equations, determine the motion, and force values of the modeling design package.
mechanism during operation. In addition to numerical 2. Place constraints on the rigid bodies (connecting the
analysis, the software can animate the computer model of rigid bodies with joints).
the mechanism, allowing visualization of the design in 3. Specify the input motion (define the properties of the
action. driving motor, cylinder, etc.) or input forces.
This chapter primarily serves as a tutorial for simulating 4. Run the analysis.
machines and mechanisms using Working Model® simu-
5. Review the motion of the links and forces through the
lation software. Although the kinematic values generated
during the analysis may not be fully understood, the visual-
ization of the mechanism can be extremely insightful. The Of course, the specific commands will vary among the
material presented in the next several chapters will allow the different packages. The following sections of this chapter will
student to understand the numerical solutions of the focus on the details of mechanism analysis using Working
dynamic software. Proficiency in this type of mechanism- Model 2D®. As with any software, knowledge is gained by
analysis software, coupled with a solid understanding of experimenting and performing other analyses beyond the
kinematic and dynamic analysis, will provide a strong basis tutorials. Thus, the student is encouraged to explore the soft-
for machine design. ware by “inventing” assorted virtual machines.

FIGURE 2.1 Dynamic analysis of a solid model.

2.3 OBTAINING WORKING MODEL Step 1: Open Working Model

SOFTWARE 1. Click on the Working Model program icon to start the
Working Model 2D is created and distributed by Design program.
Simulation Technologies. Copies of the software can be 2. Create a new Working Model document by selecting
purchased, at substantial educational discounts, online at “New” from the “File” menu. or Working Model displays the user interface. Toolbars used to A free demonstration version of Working create links, joints, and mechanism actuators appear along
Model 2D is also available for download. This demo ver- the sides of the screen. Tape controls, which are used to run
sion enables students to create fully functioning “virtual and view simulations, appear at the bottom of the screen.
prototypes” of complex mechanical designs. However, 3. Specify the units to be used in the simulation. Select
some features are disabled, most notably the Save and “Numbers and Units” in the “View” menu. Change the
Print functions. Regardless, this version can provide an “Unit System” to English (pounds).
excellent introduction to building computer models of The units for linear measurements will be inches, angles
mechanisms. Design Simulation Technologies, Inc. can be will be measured in degrees, and forces will be specified in
contacted at 43311 Joy Road, #237, Canton, MI 48187, pounds.
(714) 446–6935.
As Working Model 2D is updated, the menus and icons
may appear slightly different from the tutorials in this text. Step 2: Create the Links
However, using some intuition, the student will be able to
This step creates the three moving links in a four-bar
adapt and successfully complete mechanism simulations.
mechanism. The background serves as the fixed, fourth link.
1. Construct the linkage by creating the three nonfixed
2.4 USING WORKING MODEL links. Double-click on the rectangle tool on the toolbar.
TO MODEL A FOUR-BAR MECHANISM The tool is highlighted, indicating that it can be used
As mentioned, Working Model is a popular, commercially multiple times.
available motion simulation package. It rapidly creates a 2. Using the rectangle tool, sketch out three bodies as
model on a desktop computer that represents a mechanical shown in Figure 2.2.
system and performs dynamic analysis. This section uses Rectangles are drawn by positioning the mouse at the first
Working Model to build a model of a four-bar linkage and corner, clicking once, then moving the mouse to the
run a simulation [Ref. 16]. It is intended to be a tutorial; that location of the opposite corner and clicking again.
is, it should be followed while actually using Working Model. Rectangles are parametrically defined and their precise
The student is then encouraged to experiment with the soft- sizes will be specified later.
ware to perform other analyses. 3. Open the “Properties” box and “Geometry” box in the
“Window” menu.

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