A. Materials and Equipment: Iii. Methodology

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A. Materials and Equipment
The main equipment used in this experiment was the Thermal Conductivity Apparatus (see
set-up in figure 1). Two copper samples with the same diameter of 25.15 mm with varying lengths
of 64.1 mm and 38.1 mm were used in the experiment. Other materials used were Vernier caliper,
graduated cylinder, and stopwatch which are for the necessary measurements. The experiment was
done with adequate supply of water.
B. Methods
Materials that were mentioned above were prepared before the start of the experiment. The
diameter and height, as well as the distance of thermocouple holes of the copper samples were
measured using a Vernier caliper. The diameter of the insulator is the same as the diameter of the
samples. Thickness of insulator was also measured by Vernier Caliper. The ends of the sample
were cleaned and made sure that it is free from dirt. The sample was then placed between the heater
and the calorimeter block of the apparatus by pressing the clamping lever downward. The insulant
was clamped between the two copper samples. After the positioning of sample, the clamping lever
was released for the sample to be locked in place. The thermocouple wires were attached in in
sequence according to the order oh holes on the sample. The potentiometer-measuring instrument
was connected in front of the panel. The Dewar vessel was put into place to cover up the sample
and the insulant between the samples. The thermometers were placed in the holes on the top of
calorimeter base. Connections were thoroughly checked before turning on the apparatus. The water
supply was turned on was adjusted. The volumetric flow rate was measured using a graduated
cylinder. The water in the outlet was measured and being timed at the same time using a stopwatch.
Temperature in the thermometers were checked to ensure that there is temperature gradient
between the inlet and outlet water temperature. After checking, the unit was turned on. The current
supply was adjusted until T4 reaches 240 °C. Temperature in T1, T2, and T3 were recorded. The
temperature in T4 was maintained for 10 minutes. Temperature readings in T1, T2, T3, T4, W2,
and W1 were recorder every 2 minutes.
After the experiment, the apparatus was turned off and unplugged. The area around the
apparatus was cleaned. And, the materials used were properly returned.
C. Sketch/Diagram

Figure 1. Thermal Conductivity Apparatus, Experimental Set-up

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