1.1 Introduction To Topic

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Employee engagement called worker engagement. It is a business management

concept. An ‘engaged employee’ is one who is fully involved in, and enthusiastic
about their work, and thus will act in a way that furthers their organization's interests.
According to Scarlett Surveys, "Employee Engagement is a measurable degree of an
employee's positive or negative emotional attachment to their job, colleagues and
organization which profoundly influences their willingness to learn and perform at
work". Thus engagement is distinctively different from employee satisfaction,
motivation and organizational culture Engagement at work was conceptualized by
Kahn, (1990) as the harnessing of organizational members to their work roles. In
engagement, people employ and express themselves physically, cognitively, and
emotionally during role performances.

The assignment these days isn't simply maintaining proficient people, however
absolutely engaging them, shooting their minds and hearts at every stage of their work
lives. Employee engagement has emerged as a important motive force of enterprise
success in these day's competitive marketplace. Further, employee engagement may
be a finding out factor in organizational success. Not most effective does engagement
have the ability to seriously have an effect on worker retention, productivity and
loyalty, it's also a key link to consumer delight, corporation popularity and usual
stakeholder fee. Thus, to gain a competitive aspect, businesses are turning to HR to
set the time table for employee engagement and dedication. Employee engagement is
defined as “the quantity to which employees commit to something or a person of their
enterprise, how hard they work and the way long they live because of that
commitment.” Research shows that the relationship between a workers job and
organizational strategy, which includes understanding how vital the activity is to the
firms fulfillment, is the most critical motive force of worker engagement. In truth,
personnel with the highest tiers of commitment carry out 20% higher and are 87% less
in all likelihood to go away the business enterprise, which indicates that engagement
is connected to organizational overall performance. In comparison, activity pleasure a
term now and again used interchangeably with worker engagement is defined as how
an employee feels approximately his or her activity, work environment, pay,

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blessings, etc. The happier human beings are with-of their job, the extra satisfied they
may be said to be. Job pride isn't similar to Motivation or Aptitude although it is
clearly connected. Job Design targets to beautify job delight and overall performance,
techniques consist of Job Rotation, Job Enlargement and Job Enrichment and Job
Reengineering .Other affects on satisfaction encompass the control fashion and
tradition, worker containment, empowerment and autonomous paintings position. Job
delight is a very vital characteristic that is frequently measured by means of groups.
The most commonplace manner of measurement is the use of rating scales in which
personnel report their reactions to their jobs. Questions relate to rate of pay,
obligations, type of responsibilities, promotional possibilities, and co-workers. Some
questioners ask sure or no questions whilst others ask to rate satisfaction on 1-5 scale
(where 1 represents ‘under no circumstances satisfied’ and five represents
‘extraordinarily glad’).
Employee engagement is a complex idea, with many issues influencing engagement
stages. Consequently, there are numerous pathways to foster engagement, with
nobody that fits all organizations. While every business enterprise might also define
employee engagement otherwise, remaining, the key to effective engagement can be
rooted inside the flexibility of technique most suitable for each individual firm.

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1.1.1 Aspects of Employee Engagement

Three simple aspects of worker engagement according to the global research are:

The employees and their own precise mental make-up and experience .The employers
and their capability to create the conditions that promote worker engagement
Interaction between employees in any respect tiers. Thus it is basically the agency‘s
duty to create an environment and lifestyle conducive to this partnership, and a win-
win equation.

Categories of Employee Engagement According to the Gallup the Consulting

business enterprise there are there are one-of-a-kind forms of humans-


"Engaged" personnel are builders. They need to understand the favored expectancies
for his or her role which will meet and exceed them. They're obviously curious about
their company and their region in it. They perform at continuously high stages. They
want to apply their skills and strengths at work each day. They work with passion and
they force innovation and flow their corporation ahead.

Not Engaged--

Not-engaged personnel tend to pay attention on obligations in place of the desires and
outcomes they are anticipated to accomplish. They need to be advised what to do
simply so they could do it and say they have got finished. They consciousness on
conducting tasks and attaining its final results Employees who aren't-engaged tend to
experience their contributions are being omitted, and their capability isn't always
being tapped. They frequently feel this manner due to the fact they don't have
productive relationships with their managers or with their coworkers.

Actively Disengaged--The "actively disengaged" employees are the ‘cave dwellers.’

They're ‘Consistently towards Virtually Everything.’ They're not simply sad at work;
they're busy appearing out their disappointment

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1.1.2 Factors Leading to Employee Engagement

There are numerous amount of driving factors which influence employee engagement.
Typically, there are eight factors which are usually mentioned: -

Trust and integrity: this driver concerns with the attention and care from the
employer, regarding the employees’ well-being and communicating ability.

- Nature of the job: this refers to the opportunities to take part in the jobs’ routine
and decision-making on a certain level.

- Line-of-Sight between individual performance and company performance: this

shows the relationship between the employees’ understanding on the company’s goals
and the awareness of how their contribution impacts on the company’s performance.

- Career growth opportunities: this refers to the path in the employees’ career
development. - Pride about the company: this driver is about the self-esteem in
correlation with the company, which is the desire to be a part of the organization and
the willingness to develop with the organization.

- Coworkers/team members: this implies on the level of engagement influenced by

the relationship with the employees’ colleagues.

- Employee development: this driver is related to the employees’ skills and their
desire to develop in their work tasks.

- Personal relationship with one’s manager: this driver concerns with the
relationship between the employees and their direct or first line managers.

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(Markwich & Robertson-Smith, 2009, p. 29) Considering the degree on how

important these driving factors influence the employee engagement, Institution for
Employment Studies (IES) conducted a survey in 2003. The order of the factors can
be seen from Figure

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Human being is the most vital and valuable resource for each business enterprise or
organization has inside the shape of its employees. If the personnel are glad then
mechanically it influences their overall performance.

A project report is the collection of information outside of a laboratory, library or

workplace setting. The approaches and methods used in field research vary across
disciplines. Project work is about getting out into the real world and interacting with
people - watching and talking to people where they work, live and play it is a key
method for design research and should be considered first above all others. The
understanding that you gain from being out in the real world is profoundly different
from traditional surveys and focus groups.

Project work focuses on observation and interviews. Because interviews are

conducted closer to or where the activity happens, it's easier to ask the right questions
and participants feel comfortable in the setting and can answer more accurately.

The object behind this Project work is to link theoretical knowledge to practical as
well as to study the concept of human resource management & its importance with the
study of various processes or human resource management like recruitment, training,
and wage and salary administration relation of organization, Employee Engagement
& its activities.

Objectives are:-

 The maximum crucial objective of employee engagement is to create a

experience of belongingness in the direction of the enterprise which might
result in employee retention.
 To study the HR functions which triggers up employee engagement
 To study the employer tradition of Teplo Energy Pvt Ltd.
 To study the factors affecting the Employee engagement.

 To study the concept of Employee Engagement and it’s utility.

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 To study about the various Employee Engagement activities at Teplo Energy

Pvt Ltd, Pune
 To study about the opinion of employees towards the effect of Employee
Engagement activities of various department.
 To study the Employee Engagement activities

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As selection of organization was our choice, therefore I decide to work with Teplo
Energy Solutions India Pvt. Ltd, Pune.

The major reason for choosing this project is that this project gives the ample scope to
know about various aspects of HR especially regarding the Employee Engagement.

Basically Employee engagement refers to the intellectual and emotional contribution

of an employee towards the organization.

Also by the help of this project the researcher will be able to know that how an
employee can be kept engaged with the Organization and also will be able to know
that if the employees who are engaged are the real ones behind the success of the

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This venture gives the sufficient scope to recognize about diverse aspects of HR in
particular regarding Employee Engagement.

The scope of the undertaking is applicable to all of the Employees Working inside the
Organization on the Middle Management level and additionally applicable to those
who are on the lower stage of Hierarchy in the Organization however the people
running on temporary basis will now not be considered.

The task lets in the researchers to analyze the numerous aspects, gear and guidelines
which may be implemented for making the Employee greater engaged with the

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The intent in the back of the training of project is to create recognition within the
student about HR & the records of commercial enterprise surroundings. To gain the
powerful usage of human resource in achievement of the overall targets of the
corporation .The take a look at provided me prior and important information
approximately my future role in commercial enterprise surroundings. It can be helpful
for college students to gain the practical information of working process in employer,
unique factors like, recruitment, selection, training and improvement, disciplinary
movement etc.

Rational of study refers to well worth and software of have a look at from destiny
factor of view.

 It offers studies of numerous factors a good way to be useful in near future.

 It gives possibility to know approximately the one-of-a-kind sports executed in
Employee Engagement Survey.

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 A research is a never ending process and therefore all studies have their
own limitations.
 This project has been completed in a short time period and hence all the
factors may not be explained in detail.
 Despite the time constraint, all efforts have been made to bring about a
comprehensive view of the subject.
 Information and responses given by the respondents may be a biased due
to several reasons.
 Some of the respondents could not give their proper response due to lack of
time which may affect the reliability and relevance of the study
 It might also be so that some respondents were not motivated enough to
respond properly although full attempt was made to keep it as unbiased as
 The duration of the project was short, so the scope of more in-depth evaluation
was not possible
 Some of the respondents didn’t give exact answers related to some questions.
 Some respondents hesitated to give responses with the fear that management
may react differently resulting in unwanted /unexpected actions

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