Network Security Audit
Network Security Audit
Network Security Audit
A1Target Metasploitable2
Submitted By
Uddeshya Sinha
IN 618 Security
Feb-June 2018
Vulnerabilities were found on 5 ports (out of which 3 runs the same service).
1) Vulnerability on port 6667, 6697 and 8067 (irc)
The most crucial exploit of the target server as it resulted in accessing the target remotely
as a normal user named “boba-fett”. Under the folder of “boba-fett”, there is a text file
named “darth_vaders_password.txt” containing the password for the super-user
“darth_vader” as plaintext.
Vulnerability Summary:
• Protocol: Internet Relay Services (IRC)
• Port Number: 6667, 6697, 8067
• Software Name: UnrealIRCd
• Software Version:
4) Information Extraction
All the information needed by the Rebel Alliance in order to destroy “death-star” is provided
below. The table below contains information about each person involved in the “death-star”
along with their passwords.
Tool: Hashcat 4.1.0
• File: /etc/shadow
• Hashing Algorithm: Message Digest 5 (MD5)
• Salting Method: md5(salt + hash)
• Hashcat Algorithm Mode: Mode 500 (md5crypt)
Logged in as one of the super user. Access the shadow file which has the salts and hashes for
each user and also information about the hashing algorithm. “$1” which means the hashing
algorithm is MD5. A new text file called “assignment.txt” was created in the hashcat folder and
the contents of the shadow file was added to it. Make sure that the file “rockyou.txt” is present
in the hashcat folder. 15 passwords for 15 users was extracted using hashcat in Windows
Powershell. The password for the user “vagrant” was not extracted.
Hashcat command for password retrieval: hashcat64.exe -m 500 assignment.txt rockyou.txt
USERNAME SALT HASH Plaintext-Password
storm_trooper_1 mhzU7fKc 3kI1bYA7VcD28TvsZB/rY/ theDARKside
7) References
Host Discovery | Nmap Network Scanning. (N.A.). Retrieved 10 April 2018, from
Duc, H. (2015). Nmap - Gathering Additional Host Information - Pentestmag. Pentestmag.
Retrieved 10 April 2018, from
CVE-1999-0502 SSH Login Check Scanner | Rapid7. Retrieved 10 April 2018, from
Scanner SSH Auxiliary Modules. Retrieved 10 April 2018, from
CVE-2015-3306 ProFTPD 1.3.5 Mod_Copy Command Execution | Rapid7. Retrieved
10 April 2018, from
CVE-2010-2075 UnrealIRCD Backdoor Command Execution | Rapid7.
Retrieved 10 April 2018, from