Analysis of 6 Sigma in Aviation
Analysis of 6 Sigma in Aviation
Analysis of 6 Sigma in Aviation
Currently, the aircrafts are kept for longer time than the
Abstract—This paper subsidizes to the discussion of Six Sigma earlier times. As there will be requirement of more
in the Aerospace Industry. The main aim of this report is to study the refurbishment as well as maintenance work should be
literature review of Six Sigma emphasizing on the aerospace conducted on the aircrafts as they are getting old there is an
industry. The implementation of Six Sigma stages are studied and
importance for the aerospace industry manufacturers to design
how the improvement cycle ‘Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and
Control cycle’ (DMAIC) and the design process is ‘Define, Measure, aircrafts as well as provide manuals in such a way that it is
Analyze, Design and Verify cycle’ (DMADV) is used. The focus is easier to overhaul the components and conduct the repairing
also done by studying how the implementation of Six Sigma on an that is needed to be done without causing any damage to the
aerospace company has brought a positive effect to the company. other connected components of the aircraft. This has led to a
competition in the aerospace industry in order to satisfy the
Open Science Index, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Vol:7, No:12, 2013
Keywords—Six Sigma, DMAIC, DMADV, aerospace. aerospace airline companies for better repairs of aircrafts as
well as providing safety to the passengers on board and this is
I. INTRODUCTION also one of the keen aspects of business activity conducted by
International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 7(12) 2013 3072 ISNI:0000000091950263
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Vol:7, No:12, 2013
descriptions of business is that the product or service quality ‘Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control cycle’
denotes to the degree of opinion which meets the consumer’s (DMAIC) and the design process is ‘Define, Measure,
anticipations of the product or service. Analyze, Design and Verify cycle’ (DMADV).
Reference [8] defines quality is that the agreement to the
necessities or the qualifications as well as to also be
recommended that the management of quality is done
effectively and need to be quantified. Reference [9] gives an
explanation that once the essential features are fulfilled by the
necessities than the degree of quality has reached. In addition
to, [10] suggests quality with numerous personalities having
their own individual view.
From the above explanations, the quality can be considered
in the consideration of features of the product or amenity
capability for the satisfaction of a particular need that avoids
any sorts of error. It is also said in the previous lines that there
are valid requirements which are defined as conditions so that
Open Science Index, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering Vol:7, No:12, 2013
there is a confirmation that they meet the needs of the Fig. 1 Differences between DMAIC and DMADV [17]
customers, the products are measurable as well as achievable
to a high quality. Reference [11] considers quality as a ‘magic 2. Roles of Staff
bullet’ which actually provides the cost to be lower, customer For the Six Sigma to be an effective action there is a need
service to be higher, manufacture of enhanced products as of precise important roles that is needed to be applied by the
well as attaining higher margins; the ‘quality is in the eyes of organizations staff members. By the help of maintenance,
the beholder’ this expression by him meant that to follow what resources and also tough leadership the high-ranking
the customer needs. By reference [12] quality is explained on management is eventually accountable for the project to be
the basis of the employee’s enablement. He also adds that the successful. The development of vision, tactic and also the
key purpose of a firm is to enable itself to the workforces as alterations that are needed in an organization is the key role
well as customers as attractive while the profits are made for played by the chief executive officer (CEO) and the other staff
the investors. members of the organization have specific roles. Reference
[18] provides details on specific roles in an organization which
B. Six Sigma
are discussed below.
In the mid-1980s, the methodology of Six Sigma was a) Champions: The term ‘champions’ is given to the senior
adopted first by Motorola [13]. As Motorola confronted strong managers, they are actually the project supporters and
competition from Japanese electronics industry, this led they are also accountable for the success efforts of Six
Motorola to create a strong development in the quality levels. Sigma. These senior managers encourage and lead the
A Six Sigma is focused in the manufacturing process, quality organization of Six Sigma projects as they are completely
of the product and also forms a cultural change in the qualified leaders of business.
organization by the conduction of certain enhancement [14]. b) Master Black Belts (MBBs): This term is used for the
Motorola dedicated the program of Six Sigma in all the trainers as well as consultants as they are the ones
actions within a procedure which led them to have huge accountable in the organization for the Six Sigma strategy
benefits. to be applied, training to be conducted, mentoring and
Reference [15] discusses that Six Sigma methodology was also obtaining the results.
later followed by Samsung, IBM, American Express, Sony, c) Black Belts (BBs): This term is used to the ones that have
Ford, Allied Signal, Honda and General Electric in the year the main effective part in the organization as full time Six
1995 which led to the enhancement of net revenues and also Sigma players. The ‘BBs’ are specialists in Six Sigma as
the margin of operation. Moreover, the Six Sigma has actually they are completely trained and also lead the teams of the
become the supreme noticeable trend in the management of organization for enhancement.
quality. d) Green Belts (GBs): The ‘GBs’ are controlled by ‘BBs’ in
Six Sigma can be implemented and is clearly discussed in an organization to work on the projects of Six Sigma.
the sections below:
3. Training Investment
1. Steps to Improve
Reference [15] discusses that training is the main element in
There is presence of many models of enhancement for the order to attain victory in Six Sigma. Reference [19] provides
improvement in process; moreover, these steps are based on with the complete training program of General Electric which
the ‘Plan, Do, Study and Act cycle’ [16]. Reference [15] they have designed for the roles of the staff. This training
discusses that there is an enhancement cycle for process and program developed by General Electric stretches towards all
design process of five-phase that is widely held in the the staff members of the organization as the program includes
organizations of Six Sigma. The improvement cycle is skills of leadership, measurement, enhancement and
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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering
Vol:7, No:12, 2013
systematic tools, planning and implementation skills. The achievement of this aim, Six Sigma was espoused as an
details are shown below for the training programs that are organizational philosophy.
applied by General Electric. Reference [23] discusses in his paper, the program of
a) Champions: The staff members involved here has a week Boeing 777 had a fault as the re-circulating air fans were
training associated to Six Sigma improvement, leadership precluded during its testing on the assembly line. The data
and also the plan for implementation. gathered from this program concluded that there is in need of
b) Master Black Belts (MBBs): The staff members here are replacement, therefore this increases the overall cost and also
accountable for the training of all ‘BBs’ and ‘GBs’. needs further testing. The professionals from the various
c) Black Belts (BBs): The staff members here spend around departments of the company were integrated to a team for
four to five weeks in order to obtain highly quantitative investigation and the core cause was found to be foreign
and intensive training corresponding to the DMAIC or object debris. The parts that were designed and intended to
DMADV cycles. avert debris became debris themselves such as the caps of the
d) Green Belts (GBs): The staff members here are given ductwork and the plastic sheeting. The process was altered by
training for about six to ten days focusing on software’s the professionals by the help of Six Sigma and the problem
relating to statistics, new and enhancement tools and also was deciphered.
on the project management skills.
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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
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Vol:7, No:12, 2013
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Furthermore, the implementation and expansion Six Sigma
techniques are being conducted widely in the aerospace
Masimuddin Mohd Khaled (b. 1989) is currently pursuing
industry from the last couple of years. As it allows the Master of Science in Engineering Management degree from
industries to know the shortcomings and also work on the University of Greenwich, London, United Kingdom. He has
shortcomings for a better development. As seen from the case his undergraduate degree in Bachelor of Science in
Aeronautical Engineering (2012) and also published two
study provided, the firm has benefitted by the implementation
papers titled ‘CFD Analysis of Wingtip Sails using NACA
of Six Sigma by the reduction on unnecessary costs and time. 0015’ in Paris, France (August 2012) and ‘Integration of
Also, the process of how the aerospace industry implemented Inter-organizational Learning with Supply Chain Management: A Literature
the Six Sigma was also clearly outlined. Review’ in Osaka, Japan (October 2013). He is focusing currently to move
into business; therefore he decided to move into engineering management so
that he enhances his business skills and publish papers involving the
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